
You really must put your life into prespective, what is actually a minor setback some may (and I have at times, i am not going to lie) be a life threatening ordeal.
Edit again-I'm fine with where I am right now. I don't feel the need to divulge that far into my life. There are positives and negatives.T he fact that although I'm generally beloved by my peers is great, but I find it hard to get close to people (emotionally, not physically, lol). Family life is fucked royally and always has been, but then again there's always somebody who's worse off than me.
Anyway, so was this thread for sympathy or just attention?
Man, you've got problems.
Everyone fucks up, which is fine, but the fact that you realise you have all these issues (lazy, not motivated, etc)yet you still don't wanna do anything, is an issue.
You just finished saying how yoiur life style sucks, and is getting yo unowhere, and you sound like your pissed about that, yet, later on, you say your content living lazy and having other people do your shit... That's your problem.
My suggestion: No matter how much you hate doing stuff such as getting a job, yo ubetter fucking do it now. You're gonna have to do it anyways if you wanna avoid rotting to death, so it's better to do it now than when you're 40. If you don'tget off your ass, it'll only get worse.
Oh, before I go, one more thing... You keep saying you want to live a simple life and all that... Well, part of living a "simple life" is getting a job so you can you know... Afford to actually live.
Get a job, and you can be able to have a "simple life".
I'm really fucked up, I even thought of suicide before. I'll go into detail later
I'm 23... I'm an electrician and heavy machine operator by trade. I just got engaged last fall. We moved in together in my apartment (aka parent's Lived there for a few months, this past July I just bought a house, moved in there with my fiance. I just bought a BMW that's what I drive. I'm pretty damn financially stable for my age, I make around 85,000 a year...and I'm nowhere near the top of my career track.
I suppose I'm pretty damn happy. But I understand where your coming from. Until I was about 20 I had no money...couldn't afford my bills, new clothes...anything. You just have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and bust your ass and do whatever it takes.
I didn't go to college (asides from the classes I attend for electrical) but I busted my ass to have what I have now. And ya know what....I still bust my fuckin ass every day. You want nice things and to be happy sitting on your ass bitching about it isn't going to do anything. Get out and do it. And I know it sounds cliche...but it's true.
I'm 15 years old and currently in the 10th grade. I think that my life is decent but could use a bit more excitement if my parents would let me have more freedom and a later curfew IMO. After high school is over I want to go straight to college and play college baseball for a division 1 or 2 school. I currently do not have a job and I absolutely want one, I'm in that stage of my life where I feel embarassed whenever I asked my parents for money when I see my peers out on their jobs. And to top it off I currently do not have a girlfriend, I just have been looking for the right girl to have a lil relationship but now all girls want to do right now is smoke, party, drink, fight, and be ignorant which completely turns me off.
:laugh:, Trav are you trying to play Varsity baseball this year?wow....that's exactly what I was going to say :laugh:
I'm in 10th grade, play baseball, I want to play college baseball, I don't want a job though, and I'm also looking for a new girl.
How old was her brother?Colin said:Her brother when she was 7 took her virginity.
You'll be mah jobber biatch.Jimmeh said:I need a job to make money. I still want to be a wrestler, but I really need to start saving. I know that there's the posibility that I may fail as a wrestler. Hell, it's likely I will. But it's what I want to do. What I do up to that point isn't something I overly care about.
You'll be mah jobber biatch.
Since there's a lot of talk about depression and such in this thread, did anybody else actually not notice their surroundings until later in life? My familys pretty poor and my suburb is extremely ratty/unsafe, but I really didn't know this until I was about 12/13. I always thought we were well off when I was young tbh.