Nice job on this. Im impressed, you spent a lot of time and effort on this. One thing that jumped out at me was the 600,000 people you plan on having pay 3$ per week to watch this. From the looks of it, you didnt add in any other revenue. My problem with this is you didnt compare it to ANY of top indys at the moment. ROH's FREE weekly show only has 2,000-20,000 views (mostly around 9,000) PWG is at about 1,200 and Chikara is probably at 600. Just about per week these videos come out, and again they are FREE. If we are speaking #'s your company would have to be about 60x more popular than ROH. (600k / 20k *2 for the three dollars) Realistically speaking. Not going to happen. Plus it will be very hard getting people to pay 3$ over the internet each and every week.
I do think your cost are close, assuming you are doing a top notch promotion. I think some cost could be add/sub. Paying jobbers 750 for a 2 minute match? You wouldn't have to pay those guys anything. Use a wrestler in training. I wouldn't have womens wrestling right off the bat. You dont need 3 refs, you dont need 3 webmasters, def. dont need 8 email guys and 10 executives. Im assuming as owner, you would be as hands on as possible.
I didnt see on here which building you are renting out or buying. Do you plan on renting a gym 52x a year, or purchasing a warehouse?
I also see the wrestling talent as a HUGE variable. As as indy your talent will fluctate. I wouldn't over pay the wrong guys, starting off in the business. The best thing is to make your own stars, but on the other hand, If you can sign RVD to a match, you better blow the bank on getting him in your company.
I'd estimate your Revenue as.....
500 views per week (assuming you have Grade A talent)
300 fans per show (assuming you are in a good location)
Merchandise/DVD/Pop stand = 1,000$ per show.
In my head thats about 5,500 per week revenue. I think i was quite generous too for a BRAND new organization. I do think location is a HUGE factor. I based this for NY/Philly. To start #s would be very low, but assuming you get a good buzz, hopefully after maybe 6 months, #s would look more like this. Problem is, to get that revenue, your goign to be spending that much on the indy wrestlers, assuming you want a top notch company. So thats where the tricky part lies. Having a budget. Trying to keep cost under 5-6000 per show.
Which indy wrestlers are you looking to sign??? Im looking for more a specefic roster, if you dont mind. Also book your first show. Thanks
Thats my thoughts on this. Again nice job.