Pretty simple thread, what would you like to see tna do in 2012. (other than shutting down)
- Build one super face, and stick with them. Joe, AJ, RVD, Crimson. No more half ass pushes.
- Reunite the Hardy Boys. Call me crazy, but if tna is going to employ Jeff, they might as well hire Matt and just keep them on the lower card. Help put over some of the younger teams.
- Continue roster improvements.
- Do something better than the WWE and stick with it.
- end some of the legends careers, and use them in other ways to help get other the younger talent.
- Build one super face, and stick with them. Joe, AJ, RVD, Crimson. No more half ass pushes.
- Reunite the Hardy Boys. Call me crazy, but if tna is going to employ Jeff, they might as well hire Matt and just keep them on the lower card. Help put over some of the younger teams.
- Continue roster improvements.
- Do something better than the WWE and stick with it.
- end some of the legends careers, and use them in other ways to help get other the younger talent.