People complaining about freshness are either ignorant, not watching the product or both. Daniel Bryan,Swagger until recently, Nexxus, Sheamus, Miz, Morrison's micro-push, Cody-McIntyre, Albert Del Rio and an entire fucking show dedicated to young, fresh talent are more than proof positive that the WWE is trying to transition into a new era with fresh talent. So what if Orton, Taker, Cena ,Edge and Kane are still on top, they have experience and have drawn money in the past and that will always be the point of the WWE's existence.
People seem to forget that there was a 7 year transition period from the Hulkamania era to the Attitude Era and the E was really short on talent that could draw legit money from 91-98 and Hart, HBK, Diesel and Taker were at best doing 60-65% of the business that Cena and co are doing now. Almost all buyrates are up, albeit slightly and sans Mania (which had to do with the lack luster card and price hike) and live event attendance is slightly better. What that means is that the E is transitioning itself with it's youth injection successfully.