What would you like to see done differently in the WWE?

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Jan 27, 2012
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Crayo said:
They do wrestle? Granted not often enough with decent story-lines, but the wrestling part hasn't changed. We've been treated to some excellent matches in recent times.

It's not what I like to be honest it's not the same as it used to be.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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(Long post alert, even longer than usual post alert... Lets have some fun.)

-Have actual feuds. WWE has 3 ways of having feuds right now... Either "Hey, you have a belt! I want that belt!", "Hey, you're in a random, irrelevant match, so I'm going to attack you!", or "Hey, you need an opponent! I'll face you, and leave a reason to have this match again!" This isn't cutting it at all. Smackdown's had more feuds going on, but Hunico not receiving an invite to the Dibiase Posse isn't much better.
-Replace FCW. They've given us Sheamus, Wade Barrett, and a whole bunch of guys who aren't ready for the spotlight.
-Either use a superstar, make him an actual jobber (see Otunga/Slater) or send him back to developmental. If someone's on NXT or Superstars regularly it kills their career and there's no reason to keep them on the roster.
-Book both sides of the fence properly. Except for Orton, Sheamus, and Jericho, all the faces are on Raw, and the heels on Smackdown. (Big Slow isn't a main-event caliber superstar)
-End the Daniel Bryan/Big Show feud and figure out what you want to do with Daniel Bryan (or better yet, do it before you give him the world title)
-Force your top draw (Cena) to stop being lazy in the ring or to take his spot away.
-Have some IWC-friendly heels challenge Cena for the belt. That way both the casual and hardcore fans have a side to root for and against.
-Give the superstars more freedom. Randy Orton has to have more moves than just a backbreaker, neckbreaker, dropkick, headlock, DDT, powerslam, punch, kick, clothesline, RKO. We've seen him do more, but usually everyone uses the same basic moveset.
-Push some damn high flyers! PLEASE!
-No more Attitude Era guys except Christian. This company needs new young stars in the worst way.
-Retire the mid-card belts. They don't have any meaning in kayfabe, and are just a crutch to put two random guys in a PPV match instead of using a storyline to do so.
-More of a sense of direction with the superstars: On Raw right now, you have Cena & Kane, the two title contenders (Punk & Jericho) and everyone else just wrestling random irrelevant matches that don't help anybody.
-Give the Divas a chance. I've seen some flashes from Alicia Fox, Eve, and some of the other divas, but when a match is 90 seconds with an overbooked roll-up finish, can anyone get over or prove anything?
-Find the hat backstage where they pull out the name of the next Diva's champion and use it for something else.
-Tag matches have 2 endings. Either: Face A hits signature on Heel A, Heel B breaks up the pin, Face B throws Heel B out and Face A hits his finisher on Heel A, 1-2-3; or after the throw-out, Heel C interferes and costs the face team the match. More endings, please.
-Come up with creative ways to have dirty finishes than just interference or something that the superstar's character is about.
-Spotlight tag teams with guys who don't have anything else to do. Give these guys a chance!
-More unique characters with unique names.
-Don't push big guys who can't move.
-Stop burying people over stupid shit (Drew Mcintyre and Alex Riley :angry:)
-6 PPV's, at the most. Give stories time to develop, title reigns more length, and less drain on the fans' wallets
-Actual PPV build, and announce all your matches. (If you don't want to announce a random Divas' tag or Brodus vs. Drew, then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place)
-Stop having the same damn match on every PPV. Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler, again?
-Stop ignoring your history and insulting the fans intelligence.
-No more over-playing of the same damn video packages. See Rock and Cena which they have literally used 90 minutes of TV time on over 2 weeks.
-Find ways to actually get heat on heels.
-Vary up the show. We're tired of "15-minute promo segment, random match, random match, promo segment, 1-hour main event probably with Punk, random match, divas crap, Cena match."
-HAVE HEELS WIN PPV MATCHES CLEAN. Constant dirty finishes make your champion, and your belt, look like a complete joke. And then if they put a face over, then the face isn't really triumphant. He just beat a paper champion, woo hoo.

I could go on and on, but I guess that's enough.
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Future Endeavoured
Feb 1, 2012
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Crayo said:
Got any examples? Quite interested. :smile:

PG isn't stopping the show being entertaining, that was my initial point.

Wait what? Pg isnt stopping the show being entertaining?:huh:

Kids these days :angry:

Pg means :-

1)No more hardcore title.
2)No more bloody battles.
3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used.
4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights.
5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like.
6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred"
7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit."
8)The limited usage of words interfares with the wrestlers cutting a good promo.


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
JeebaK said:
Wait what? Pg isnt stopping the show being entertaining?:huh:

Kids these days :angry:

Pg means :-

1)No more hardcore title.
2)No more bloody battles.
3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used.
4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights.
5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like.
6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred"
7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit."
8)The limited usage of words interfares with the wrestlers cutting a good promo.

Smackdown has always been PG since it's inception as the WWE has itself barring the late 90's/ early 2000s. PG doesn't make wrestling dull, bad booking does.

Gonna pick what I see as issues with your list. This is all my opinion of course.

1)No more hardcore title. - Was a piss poor title which was worth nothing.
2)No more bloody battles. - Blood is needed on vary rare occasions. Such as Austin vs Hart. It was over used in the past and worth nothing. See TNA where everyone bladed at some point.
3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used. - Why do we want guys running round hitting each other with weapons? It devalues the product like in CZW.
4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights. - Nothing to do with it being PG. HHH attacked Orton in his house under the PG banner.
5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like. - Hell in a cell is a saturated gimmick now. It happens twice every year.
6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred" - They mean more if they're kept to a rarity.
7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit." - Are you kidding me? This makes a promo does it? You must have hated the legends such as Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They didn't need to curse to be great on the mic. Neither does Punk.
8)The limited usage of words interfares with the wrestlers cutting a good promo. - See the above point


Future Endeavoured
Feb 1, 2012
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Crayo said:
How can you not understand push the talent? Big Show has been in 8 WHC matches in a row but you don't think WWE should push talents like Rhodes more? Also, Hardy is more entertaining than Miz? Maybe to see him try and walk into a ring in a straight line would be more entertaining. None of us want to see old washed up superstars hog the spotlight, that's not how the AE succeeded, and yes the AE did push younger superstars.

Big Show being in 8 WHC matches is actually a good thing. WWE needs more than just "3 match feud and then change opponent" policy. Thats how it used to be before the pg era, and even around the start of the pg era, the title feuds used to be long, and entertaining, not just some random cocky superstar comes in and demands to be the champion because according to him hes the next big thing like the ziggler vs punk mathces.

Hardy is definitely more entertaining than the Miz. I would find it hard to name even ONE thing that miz is good at. Mic skills? We have all heard "im awsome" about 1000 times and even Cena's "truth honesty integrity" crap is better than it. In ring skills? He is boring to watch, and im sure everybody remembers how the wwe ratings went down when he was the champion. He dooesnt even know when to up the tempo of the match, hes always going on with his slow boring pace. The only wrestler who is as bad as him in ring is prob Alberto Del Rio. Selling? He a mediocore seller, he has never sold any moves to perfection. Even against the rock, while r truth sold the rocks moves perfectly miz totally failed.
Where as Jeff Hardy, is a rightfully legend, much better than the current high fliers wwe has like "kofi kingston" or "alex riley". The Hardy Brother Tag team was one of the most entertaining tag teams of all times, and most of the credit goes to Jeff instead of Matt. If u really believe Miz is even close to being half as good as Hardy then u r just fooling urself.

"None of us wants to see washed up superstars hog the spotlight". Speak for urself please. Road Dog's return at RR was more entertaining than some of the boring matches by the so called "talents" in the wwe. The "talents" have taken the tag division to hell. Sin Cara isnt half as talented as Mysterio or Jeff. Del Rio is a JBL wanna be, but once again hes probably the worst inring wrestler i have even seen. Miz is just plain old boring.

WWE needs old superstars back, not recruit talents. Talents will come by themselves. Like Sheamus, Like Wade Barrett. These r talents. Not guys like Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Miz, or Alex Riley. These guys, except Miz, r suited for the cruserweight division and thats the best they can acieve.
Miz, isnt suited for any divison, and should just go to TNA or something, he isnt needed.

Bring back Booker T as a wrestler. Bring back Tripple H as a wrestler. Bring back Goldust, bring back Jeff, bring back the Dudley boys. Then WWE might have some hopes of salvation.

seabs said:
Smackdown has always been PG since it's inception as the WWE has itself barring the late 90's/ early 2000s. PG doesn't make wrestling dull, bad booking does.

Gonna pick what I see as issues with your list. This is all my opinion of course.

1)No more hardcore title. - Was a piss poor title which was worth nothing.
2)No more bloody battles. - Blood is needed on vary rare occasions. Such as Austin vs Hart. It was over used in the past and worth nothing. See TNA where everyone bladed at some point.
3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used. - Why do we want guys running round hitting each other with weapons? It devalues the product like in CZW.
4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights. - Nothing to do with it being PG. HHH attacked Orton in his house under the PG banner.
5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like. - Hell in a cell is a saturated gimmick now. It happens twice every year.
6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred" - They mean more if they're kept to a rarity.
7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit." - Are you kidding me? This makes a promo does it? You must have hated the legends such as Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They didn't need to curse to be great on the mic. Neither does Punk
8)The limited usage of words interfares with the wrestlers cutting a good promo. - See the above point

1)No more hardcore title. - Was a piss poor title which was worth nothing :- Thats ur opinion. The Hardcore title is worth more than the crappy US title they have now. And the fact they have a wrestler with limited talent holding it, downgrades the title more.

2)No more bloody battles. - Blood is needed on vary rare occasions. Such as Austin vs Hart. It was over used in the past and worth nothing. See TNA where everyone bladed at some point. - Can u give me proof or show sources that mention it was over used in the past? We are certainly not talking about blood in every match like TNA. But when wrestlers come out of a no holds barred or Cage match without a single scratch, its a major dissapointment.

3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used. - Why do we want guys running round hitting each other with weapons? It devalues the product like in CZW. - Thats because using weapons increases the crowd's excitement rating. Matches that require weapons always get more PR rating than normal matches. I dont see how using a weapon would devalue ur product. This is wrestling, not a soap opera.

4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights. - Nothing to do with it being PG. HHH attacked Orton in his house under the PG banner. - Everything to do with PG to be honest. Backstage battles require weapons and violence, which is against PG rules. Tripple H Orton segment was a rare one and was very entertaining.

5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like. - Hell in a cell is a saturated gimmick now. It happens twice every year - Having it twice a year doesnt make it saturated. And like i said, they r nowhere near what they used to be because of the lack of violence blood and weapons.

6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred" - They mean more if they're kept to a rarity. - True, but rarity has a limit too.

7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit." - Are you kidding me? This makes a promo does it? You must have hated the legends such as Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They didn't need to curse to be great on the mic. Neither does Punk. - Punk is very good on the mic agreed, But hes apparently the only in wwe currently whos good on the mic. No i didnt hate wrestlers like Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They were good because their gimmick wasnt over used like it is now. We need both type of promo gimmick. Both the stuck up type gimmick and also the attitude cursing type of gimmick. But now we only have the stuck up gimmick. Look at Cody Rhodes, Miz, Ziggler, Swagger, John Morrison etc. There is basically no difference in their gimmick, it all comes down to being a show off. Shame really, coz imo Ziggler and Rhodes' gimmick would have been way way way more popular and interesting if it wasnt so overly used.

8) See above.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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JeebaK said:
WWE needs old superstars back, not recruit talents. Talents will come by themselves. Like Sheamus, Like Wade Barrett. These r talents. Not guys like Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Miz, or Alex Riley. These guys, except Miz, r suited for the cruserweight division and thats the best they can acieve.
Miz, isnt suited for any divison, and should just go to TNA or something, he isnt needed.

Bring back Booker T as a wrestler. Bring back Tripple H as a wrestler. Bring back Goldust, bring back Jeff, bring back the Dudley boys. Then WWE might have some hopes of salvation.

You don't watch TNA very much, do you? Go watch any of Sting's matches from last year, and tell us what you think. If you come back with any impression other than "it's a shame that such a big star and great wrestler has come to this, he should have retired and saved his legacy", then please share whatever wisdom you have with us.

Of course Road Dogg got a big pop! It was a huge surprise and a great nostalgia moment! Hogan got a massive pop last week in TNA! Should they sign him? You didn't see Kofi Kingston's feud with Randy Orton, did you? You haven't seen Alex Riley at all. Booker T can still work every now and then, but should only be there to give a rub to a talented young performer. WWE desperately needs to build NEW stars, at one time Shawn Michaels didn't seem to have any potential either. Give these guys a chance.

JeebaK said:
1)No more hardcore title.
2)No more bloody battles.
3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used.
4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights.
5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches.
6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred"
7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". YES!
8) See above.

I don't know how the attitude is in the rest of the world, but here in the US the PG product is a great idea to an extent. Dave Duerson committed suicide recently due to issues with concussions, according to his doctor. Plus there was the whole Chris Benoit issue. There is new research coming out all the time about the issues caused by concussions that isn't known then, and us who watch ESPN do not want to see another chair shot for the sake of the wrestler's health. It's a different time. You throw in what else the hardcore product has done to the bodies of so many wrestlers, and it's not just about entertainment any more. It's about protecting the lives of the people who work for you. 75% of people who wrestled at Wrestlemania 3 are dead!

Plus, after ECW and the AE, what else can they do? We've seen the con-chair-to. We've seen spears through flaming tables. We've seen Mankind get thrown off of Hell in a Cell. We've seen people get dropped out of forklifts on to cars. What can you do that's fresh and innovative after that?

And also, people complain non-stop about TNA doing so many of the things you say. WWE need to find a new product that actually works in 2012, even though the fans were so spoiled by the Attitude Era and there's no way to match that.


The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
I didn't read on from when you said "We all know the WWE ratings went down when Miz was champion" because you made it up on the spot. I don't have respect for those who need to lie to "win" a debate. Miz was a draw... he regularly drew 500,000+ for his segments. The main event NEVER declined like it does now. So won't comment on the rest since I haven't read it. Also, you can say Candy ass on PG TV. Rock has done it numerous times. Stop blaming PG for a bad show.
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Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
JeebaK said:
1)No more hardcore title. - Thats ur opinion. The Hardcore title is worth more than the crappy US title they have now. And the fact they have a wrestler with limited talent holding it, downgrades the title more. Limited wrestlers holding the title degrades it but Raven, Steve Richards and Crash having 20+ reigns in a period of 4 years doesn't? There were 230 reigns in that time period it's useless.
2)No more bloody battles. - Blood is needed on vary rare occasions. Such as Austin vs Hart. It was over used in the past and worth nothing. See TNA where everyone bladed at some point. - Can u give me proof or show sources that mention it was over used in the past? We are certainly not talking about blood in every match like TNA. But when wrestlers come out of a no holds barred or Cage match without a single scratch, its a major dissapointment. - If blood is such a draw why isn't CZW the biggest company in the world? The point is I said if used rarely it's good but in the AE every ppv had someone bleed it meant nothing.

3)No more excessive usage of weapons, weapons r very rarely used. - Why do we want guys running round hitting each other with weapons? It devalues the product like in CZW. - Thats because using weapons increases the crowd's excitement rating. Matches that require weapons always get more PR rating than normal matches. I dont see how using a weapon would devalue ur product. This is wrestling, not a soap opera. - Of course it doesn't Shawn Michaels never went over board with weapons yet produced match of the year contenders every year since his return.

4)Very few backstage/lockerroom fights. - Nothing to do with it being PG. HHH attacked Orton in his house under the PG banner. - Everything to do with PG to be honest. Backstage battles require weapons and violence, which is against PG rules. Tripple H Orton segment was a rare one and was very entertaining. - Backstage battles don't require weapons. Cena attacking the Nexus was done with very few weapon shots. Just another example this is wrestling not car crash TV.

5)Very few hell in a cell/cage matches. And even when they do happen, they r nowhere near what they used to be like. - Hell in a cell is a saturated gimmick now. It happens twice every year - Having it twice a year doesnt make it saturated. And like i said, they r nowhere near what they used to be because of the lack of violence blood and weapons. - Do you even know why the stipulation was introduced? It was the end of all feuds to happen rarely not a yearly event.

6)Very rare matches with extreme conditions, like "i quit" or "street fight" or "no holds barred" - They mean more if they're kept to a rarity. - True, but rarity has a limit too. - They're fine as they are we've had 3 I quits in the past three years at least.

7)No usage of insults. Which means no more "Take the mic, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it right up ur candyass". Instead we got "never back down, truth honesty blah blah bullshit." - Are you kidding me? This makes a promo does it? You must have hated the legends such as Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They didn't need to curse to be great on the mic. Neither does Punk. - Punk is very good on the mic agreed, But hes apparently the only in wwe currently whos good on the mic.(Miz, Dolph, Riley, Jericho and Brodus are all on the current roster and good on the mic) No i didnt hate wrestlers like Savage and Ted Dibiase SR. They were good because their gimmick wasnt over used like it is now. We need both type of promo gimmick. Both the stuck up type gimmick and also the attitude cursing type of gimmick. But now we only have the stuck up gimmick. Look at Cody Rhodes, Miz, Ziggler, Swagger, John Morrison etc. There is basically no difference in their gimmick, it all comes down to being a show off. Shame really, coz imo Ziggler and Rhodes' gimmick would have been way way way more popular and interesting if it wasnt so overly used. - That has what to do with their mic work exactly? It's not what you say but how you say it. Understand?

8) See above.

I guess you're an AE mark who can't get over the fact it's not 1999 anymore this shit doesn't work anymore. People are tired of the car crash TV product. It's one of the reason TNA bombed on Monday nights.
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Future Endeavoured
Feb 1, 2012
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Crayo said:
I didn't read on from when you said "We all know the WWE ratings went down when Miz was champion" because you made it up on the spot. I don't have respect for those who need to lie to "win" a debate. Miz was a draw... he regularly drew 500,000+ for his segments. The main event NEVER declined like it does now. So won't comment on the rest since I haven't read it. Also, you can say Candy ass on PG TV. Rock has done it numerous times. Stop blaming PG for a bad show.

Thats a pretty good excuse to cover up ur inabilities to win an argument. WWE ratings DID go down when Miz was champion, and thats a fact, if u want proof google it urself, dont expect anyone to spoonfeed you.

Crayo said:
Nobody wants to see old bloody men in the ring either, it's horrific.

Once again, dont use nobody as a term, speak for urself. Wrestling isnt for kids and should have never went pg. If u dont like blood switch to soap opera. Simple as. Majority of the wrestling fans hate the pg era.

seabs said:
I guess you're an AE mark who can't get over the fact it's not 1999 anymore this shit doesn't work anymore. People are tired of the car crash TV product. It's one of the reason TNA bombed on Monday nights.

What makes u think this shit doesnt work anymore? Rock came back from retirement to get more crowd support and hype than CM PUnk Cena or Miz together are getting atm.

We used to have the Attitude era in the 1999s. What do we have now? The Show Off Era?


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
JeebaK said:
Thats a pretty good excuse to cover up ur inabilities to win an argument. WWE ratings DID go down when Miz was champion, and thats a fact, if u want proof google it urself, dont expect anyone to spoonfeed you.

Once again, dont use nobody as a term, speak for urself. Wrestling isnt for kids and should have never went pg. If u dont like blood switch to soap opera. Simple as. Majority of the wrestling fans hate the pg era.

You don't know anything sorry but the WWE was PG through the 80's up until 97. Hell Smackdown has always been PG. The rule was PG the AE was the exception. Let me ask you something why did Vince turn back to PG if the AE was so successful? You're a hypocrite there you say he shouldn't say nobody yet you say majority of fans hate this era. You can't generalize either.

To your AE part it doesn't work. Rock is a huge star so he gained interest. He didn't change the product did he?


The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
JeebaK said:
Thats a pretty good excuse to cover up ur inabilities to win an argument. WWE ratings DID go down when Miz was champion, and thats a fact, if u want proof google it urself, dont expect anyone to spoonfeed you.

Randy Orton vs. Michael McGillicutty lost 95,000 viewers but the segment with Alex Riley, The Miz and John Cena coming out gained 67,000 back. There’s been a trend in ratings where The Miz is put on a part of the show that usually draws

The closing segment with The Miz and John Cena coming out gained 966,000 viewers to bring the show to a 3.84 rating.

After 2 seconds of searching I found 2 separate episodes. See how much the last segment drew there by the way, yeah, nearly 1m. Inb4onlybecauseofcena.

My inability to win an argument? You can't even spell "your" so to question my intellect is comical. You've argued with yourself pretty much, you're coming across as one of those angry AE marks who can't stand not seeing a 40 year old come in, say the word ass so you mark & then beat everyone to a pulp. Not to mention seeing an old guy blade when someone punches him.

Who wants to see chair shots to the head? I don't want to see another Benoit. I certainly don't want to see old guys get pushed... Road Dogg returned and got a pop, hey let's give him a title reign? You think Rock, HHH, Stone Cold, HBK, Hart, Taker, Kane, all got big because of being debut at an old age? They went over greats, that's how they got big. They were young and on-form, stayed for many years to build legacies. How does HHH coming back, beating Punk in a random match build Punk's legacy?

The original point was you think being PG ruins WWE. You've posted absolutely nothing so far that proves that but we've provided point after point proving PG isn't the answer to the bad prodcut. JR, Rock, Stone Cold, Bret Hart, HHH, Ultimate Warrior, Goldberg, JBL & Taker have ALL said the exact same. You going to argue with your AE (and post AE) superstars?
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The Showoff
Feb 2, 2012
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If WWE really wanted to go AE, have Kharma give birth IN the ring

If Mark Henry was the father, the kid could probably suit up the next night
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