What would you do to help TNA and its ratings?

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Mar 13, 2007
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London UK
As has been said, don't bring anyone in, maybe its time for another era of styles like we had a few years back when he was simply phenomenal.....even maybe more drastic, they should drop everything apart from the x-division and run with that......


Okay the ratings are very low, so now I would have Samoa Joe go back to being what he used to be, A badass who has then fans chanting "Joes gonna kill you" because that was when e was at his best. Don't have Joe saying all that shit about him being wrestling...Also get Samoa Joe some good fueds and have him in good matches instead of interupted matches or anything.

I would have AJ Styles continue to fued with Kurt Angle and make AJ what he was once before, the biggest face ever! imo, AJ Styles and Kurt Angle = ratings so keep that up.

I would get rid of all the funny characters like Eric young and Curryman (or atleast change their gimmicks like curryman back to Daniels). If you get rid of the waste of money guys then it frees up quite a bit of money to put towards something good.

I would keep up the good knockouts action as that seems to be doing really well...

The tag team division is getting quite good o with LAX, team 3D, Williams and Steiner and now maybe even Kaz and Abyss. I like where that is going and LAX are really over, also get the MCMG more time on TV because I don't know one person who hates them.

Now that Abyss is back he could really do something for the ratings of TNA with fueds with all the other big superstars of TNA such as, Kurt Angle, Tomko, Joe, Booker T and others, I see him getting ratings easily.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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TNA is probably in for some of its worst ratings in a while, in the coming weeks. The NBA Finals are pretty hyped at this point, the whole Lakers/Celtics history, and the build surrounding it, is epic. iMPACT will be going head to head with it, and with the replay show Saturday, it would be much easier to watch the game, and catch the replay on a later date.

I think I was right :y:

Once the finals are over, the ratings should be back to normal.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
Okay the ratings are very low, so now I would have Samoa Joe go back to being what he used to be, A badass who has then fans chanting "Joes gonna kill you" because that was when e was at his best. Don't have Joe saying all that shit about him being wrestling...Also get Samoa Joe some good fueds and have him in good matches instead of interupted matches or anything.
Agreed. Remember in that hour long match last year, where Joe was kicked out of the match for being too aggressive? Think about that. He was kicked out of a wrestling match for excess violence. THAT is the Joe we need to see again.


^ yeah thats right, not a Joe who complains about not enough money and cires about a title shot, and then he finally gets the title and now he thinks he is wrestling. Either get the old Samoa Joe back quick or get rid of the new one (well get him away from the title atleast.)

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

LOL, Sharky you practically copied exactly what I said in CMS' thread.

Get the Title off Joe for now, and give it to Booker. Joe doesn't jump up and down and cry though, he becomes the badass Joe as a man on a mission. Have him tear through some feuds, then put the Title back on him. He looks strong again, and fans will love it.


^ I did :shock:

I wouldnt say give it to Booker T because he hasnt really done anything in TNA to get him right up there. But I do agree with making Samoa Joe lose the title and then kick some guys asses to make him look badass again :p

I think that if Booker T won the title this quickly that alot of people would stop watching so I would make someone like Christian Cage or AJ Styles win it that way the fans would still like it. Also to get more ratings I think they should have a triple threat womens match and have Awesome Kong lose the match and the title without being pinned because Kong is unbeatable and I hate it hoe she is so big. If she lost the belt their would be alot more knockout matches and they would be competitive without having huge Kong in the match...


^^Well TNA seems to just have turned Aj Styles back face...So i don't think that would work...Cage vs. Samoa Joe might work but then they'll have to do something to get him over as a heel again...I personaly think they should go with Rhoode or Storm...With a little bit of work either of them would be able to pull a stunning victory over Samoa Joe...
Oct 6, 2007
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Well when I at friends or family members houses I talk about Tna sometimes. Also when I am out shopping or on the street I sometimes ware official Tna shirts to spread the word!

lord batair

Mar 6, 2007
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We all agree more or less that the wrestling is not the real problem. I'm still convinced that the promotion of TNA is the thing that hold them back to a lower level, and even if all the wrestling federation have issues tne rating are really low and more worring (sorry 'bout the world worring if it's not the right world, english is not my birth langage) it's constantly low.

You all given obvious good advices but we also know that a company running by fan's directives will not working cause everybody wants differents things (another obvious statement ^^)

So what ? Wait and see ? Well it's look like we don't have much choices, we can juste hope that the storylines get back to the roots of simple drama (bad guy, good guy, alliance, friendship, washed up has been oops already done ^^, plize don't exhumed the ultimate warrior and let sting go to retirement, i'm tired of sting's come back plus this time it's, like the AJ's paylay, COME OUT OF NOWHERE !)

I'm on with the fact that tna need to use the originally members of the rooster like daniels (is he really curry man ?! can't believe it Oo ), kaz divine and of course the MCMG who really need to shine during the x cup that is, by the way the greatest event i've seen during my 2 years watching of TNA.
Jul 7, 2008
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Reppin' NY
Me, i would give the title to booker t. Re-group some more talent, make beter feuds. I wouldnt bite off of WWE i would make new matches, make it brutial and for grown ups and make it more real looking. TBH, idont know what to do, i would just let it flow.

Beer Money Army

well Hmm That's a hard question for a answer to happen...

I would start off with the sacking's......

B.G James, Black reign, Kip James....

I'm going pretend V.Road happened and all champs retain..

What I would Do???????

I would continue Booker T Vs Samoa Joe Feud it is getting interest and i don't see a end to it and Booker T is the heel that can help Joe....(i don't see this Feud losing Ratings either)....

Tag Titles...
LAX Personally i think there doing alright as the tag champs. .. I would get Rock N rave in line for a shot. (Keep MMG's for a bigger Event like BFG as i think the MMG's/LAX will be TNA main Tag team attraction for the year) While you doing this i would Have team 3D, MMG's, Young/Kaz, Curry/Shark Boy in series of matches on Impact in which at H/Justice it could be a 4 tag way match winner Get's BFG Tag title Shot.

I would also continue Lethal/Dutt shenigans, I'm not a fan of it but you just can't chop it off, I would add a something in this for H/Justice something like a Ladder Match. Hanging up is a briefcase with contact to marry socal Val.

I would Continue this Aj Styles/Angle feud, But with less more angle getting the upper hand at the moment it's 80/20 in which it should be 60/40, but this match has to end on a huge note and with Aj Styles on Top in My View...

I would Keep Roode/Storm together, but not wrestling as a tag unit all the time, a sort of Rated RKO style role.

Im unsure what to do with petey Williams he is good, But I would get Kaz to be the man to take that title away from him.. So i wouldn't put Petey williams in a very high Profile feud, but in a feud that makes the other guy are believer to the fans.

ok so far this leaves Christian cage, Rhino, Matt morgan, abyss, johnny devine, kevin nash, robert roode, tomko, James Storm

I wouldnt Book Kevin Nash on PPV anymore, him wrestle on tv is pretty bad for us..

I Think Its about time we get a Christian Cage vs robert Roode, Roode needs to get this extra level heat and endurance push and I think Cage could get it.. This could generate ratings and maybe new viewer as i think robert Roode is the future heel for tna..

I will leave out Devine, Tomko, Rhino out of the PPV but would use them on TV...

The Last feud i'll have is Abyss Vs James Storm, I'm unsure how you would start this, Maybe a backstage confrontation or abyss could bump into Storm and storm drops his Beer. But these 2 need to be on the PPV...

So Far

Hard justice

TNA W/H: Samoa Joe vs Booker T (2) (Maybe Street Fight Match Involved)
AJ Styles Vs kurt Angle (I quit or 30 Min Iron man) or Maybe a Title shot at BFG
TNA World Tag titles: LAX Vs Rock N Rave infection
Christian Cage Vs Robert Roode
Ladder Match: Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt (winner Wed's Val)
MCMG's Vs Young/Kaz Vs Team 3D Vs Curry Man/Shark boy (winner face champs at bfg)
Abyss Vs James Storm
X Title: petey Williams vs Creed

MY Pick for who to go over
Joe> Booker
Styles> Angle
Lax > rock n rave
Roode > Cage (cheap Victory, Give Cage the win in the future)
Unsure with that ladder Match eithe rone could win and you could further this storyline
MCMG's >
Abyss > Storm
Williams > Creed..

I would say that PPv i setup is pretty decent, with only 3 gimmick matches in which i think is the MAximum amount for a PPV... nothing too huge because you wanna save that for BFG..


Some president had a 14 point plan for the United States, well, I have a 14 point plan for TNA's ratings...

1. Don't tape a show two weeks in advance, spoilers come too easily, if the show sucks, everyone knows it two weeks prior.

2. Shorten most rivalries. TNA rivalries have a tendancy to drag and bore people. Still have them, but don't drag them out.

3. Less match interfering. It isn't as bad as SmackDown! main events, but getting there.

4. Distinct who is heel and who is face. The Cross the Line "think whatever you want" never worked and will never work.

5. Push worthy superstars. Team 3D gets monster pushes while MCMG gets nothing. Who do the fans want to see more of? MCMG. If they aren't on, the fans won't watch.

6. Have matches that are worth something. Watching the Rock N' Rave Infection isn't the way I like to spend Thursday Nights.

7. Devote more than 10 minutes for the main event.

8. More frequent Six Sides of Steel, we don't get that much anymore.

9. More title matches wouldn't be a bad thing. We have been getting more title matches on iMPACT! Keep that up.

10. Less Jim Cornette. He is a good 40% of the program flapping his gums, that kills ratings right there.

11. More Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. They are entertaining, hot, and bring ratings up.

12. Less crap creative ideas. Jay and Dutt feuding over Val? Wasn't this the Angle and AJ case about a month ago? Weren't these rivalries going on at the same time? Who is the genius who cooked that up?

13. More X-Division. The World X-Cup raised the bar for weekly iMPACT! matches, they need to keep that pace.

14. Have main eventers actually wrestle on TV. We hardly ever get Angle, Joe, Styles, Booker, or even Cage in weekly matches on iMPACT!

Hope you enjoyed reading.


I would change the set for Impact and move them away from Orlando. Also Xtremebadass has some good ideas.