Honestly now that there is only one World Title, I think the MITB match needs to be dropped. It almost guarantees a cheap and easy win of the one major title in the company. It becomes somewhat predictable and I think it's an awkward wild card that almost feels like it HAS to be played. And it's run its course.
I have no problem with Sheamus and I have no problem with him as champion, but having him cash at the end of the tournament and win just completely shit on the entire concept of the tournament. As long as there is a money in the bank contract outstanding, whenever there is a title tournament, it provides an ample opportunity for the contract holder to cash in, thus negating the point and effort of the entire tournament. Plus it leaves us with a feud that we likely don't even want to see because although it was mildly exciting when it happened, now I don't think I really care to see the match.