What will happen to Swaggie now?

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Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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So a 6ft6 amateur wrestling prodigy isn't threatening to you? Well don't we have balls of steel over there. I will agree that Swagger doesn't have the freakish strength of the borkasaurus but that does not take away from the fact that Swagger is a big guy who could probably rip most guys a new one in a fight. And I disagree on the mic skills. I prefer Swagger on the mic over Brock every day, mainly because Brock's voice sounds so fucking misplaced it makes me want to laugh. Swagger isn't horrible on the mic, people are using a minor speech impediment as the main reason to clank on his mic skills. He can cut good promos we have seen that before. And whats this about Swagger looking like a star? That I never stated, I stated that Swagger has a size advantage that makes him look threatening when facing a smaller guy, like Brock. Brock has a star look but that is mainly from him being a genetic freak.

And yeah it is quite obvious he is being repackaged. Maybe it will be he that faces Cesaro at NOC since Santino won't get a match then.


Jan 23, 2012
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Yes a 6ft 6 wrestling prodigy is a threat to me, but to other wrestlers the way Swagger is packaged? NO!

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
He'll stay out for a while and be repackaged. Allow me to steal a quote from the place that shall not be named.

sick of the Jack Swagger disrespect. He needs to be booked properly. The WWE needs to turn him into an obsessed competitor while still keeping just a tad of his humorous heel abilities. The WWE has tons of stuff to pull from.

Bring back the eagle, give Swagger press conferences where only one guy shows up and as the wins pile up so do the people attending press conferences. How hilarious was Eli Manning's press conference after that eagles game? Or how funny is it when teams prints up "World Champion" shirts and lose? You know what happens to those shirts? They get donated to third world countries. How cocky would Swagger look having a world champion shirt printed up before the title match?

Have Swagger throw a custom shirt into the audience only to have it thrown back ala Cubs fans. Let Swagger win a title and take his own "off-season". Have him obsess over his power ranking. Get him a coach.

Have him not take "warm up" matches seriously and show up in sweats, sneakers, a gym bag, headphones, sunglasses, and an iced coffee and no music. If he were the world champ and took "tune up" matches and didn't take them that seriously he could give a credible "rub" to undercard guys.

Play up his dedication to the craft, give him film sessions. He should be the most credible competitor given his amateur background.

There is no reason he can't be the top heel in the WWE. He has TONS of potential. People hated Lebron James' and "The Decision". Could you imagine a "Free Agent" Jack Swagger?

Give him some fake endorsements. Run a subway commercial with him in it. Turn him into a "brandname".
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