What was the MOTN? (Night of Champions Edition)

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What was the MOTN at NOC?

  • Chris Jericho & Big Show vs Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase (Unified Tag Titles Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tommy Dreamer vs Christian (ECW Title Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6-Pack Challenge (US Title Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michelle McCool vs Melina (Women's Championship Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Cena vs HHH vs Randy Orton (WWE Title Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maryse vs Mickie James (WWE Divas Title Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler (IC Title Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy (WHC Match)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I know the show isn't over yet, but I don't want to forget about it later >_>

Previous winners:

The Bash-Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho (Title vs Mask)

Tully Blanchard

New Member
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
The 6-Pack challenge wins by default, simply because all of the other matches were subpar. Especially the ending to that Hardy/Punk match. Way to put the title on someone who's about as dependable as a blow up doll owned by a 400 pound constant masturbator. The stupidity of the WWE amazes me sometimes.


Jericho/Show vs. Legacy - **1/4
Punk Promo - ****1/2
Dreamer vs. Christian - **1/4
Kofi vs. MVP vs. Miz vs. Carlito vs. Primo vs. Swagger - ***1/4
McTaker vs. Melina - ** 1/2
Orton vs. Cena vs. HHH - ***
Maryse vs. Mickie -3/4*
Mysterio vs. Ziggler - **1/2
Punk vs. Hardy - ***1/2



Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
6pack then Ic then Punk/Hardy. None of the matches were great TBH. IC and Punk/Hardy both could have been a lot better IMO. To me Rey didn't seem on his game just something was missing with him. Dolph proved he could hang with the big boys and would be OK holding IC title. so that match did what it was supposed to do and test Dolph. Punk/Hardy again could have been better Punk looked good and dominated for most of the match. But the kick out of the GTS was a piss take and the ending was an even bigger one. But all in all wasn't a bad PPV.


I'm going with Punk vs Hardy. Hated the finish, but I though Punk was great throughout his match with his heel mannerisms and just being a dick as he flat-out outwrestled Hardy.


Cena/Orton/Triple H was a great match. A match of the year candidate in my opinion. I suggest the people who referred to it as subpar go back and watch it again.

It was by far the best match HHH and Orton have been involved in together. Even better than their 1st last man standing match. The ending was pretty sick and extremely well booked.


^ I actually agree, before the match started I was getting ready for 20mins or so of shit but it was actually up their for MOTN. Punk/Hardy was crap imo, for a Main Event it bombed even though Punk was great he couldn't make the match any better then ***, fuck Jeff Hardy. 6-Pack was pretty good, wasn't actually too clustered but the ending sucked, Carlito shouldn't have lost! IC Match was alright, you could see they didn't show us too much of what Rey/Dolph could have done which makes me think we may see the next PPV, hopefully we do and hopefully they go all out next time round. PPV was a letdown but there were some decent matches. I think ill do with Triple Threat as MOTN even though the Priceless interference has been seen before but it wasn't against the rules so yeah, Triple Threat just ahead of the 6-Pack Match.

the dark knight

well damn, i thought i was gonna end up the only voting for it. never fail to help cenamark :D


do you people not care about the match's ending? punk vs hardy's ending was totally bullshit. for that reason alone i would never vote it MOTN.


^^^Absolutely! ...Seeing how Punk totally out-wrestled Jeff throughout the match, a 'lucky' roll-up victory for Jeff would have been prefectly fitting whilst preserving Punk's credibility and given Punk ammo to further the fued. I'm REALLY hoping they give us a triple-threat for Summerslam and put this fucked-up shit to rest.


Triple threat was the best by a long shot (Granted it couldn't have been predicted how good it was going to turn out, but why the fuck relegate it to so far down the card???).... Along with Edge/HHH/Hardy, defo the best 3-way I've seen in years.

Honorable mention for the IC match... Nothing special, but did it's job very well. Ziggler looked good and had most of the offence, but Rey still got loads of his movez in. A title change would have been sweet, but I can appreciate why the 'E resisted. It also suffered from it's spot on the card.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Loving how people are pissed at the Punk/Hardy match just cause CM Chumpion didn't win. Lol. Also, Peepshow CM Punk's promo was nothing close to 4 1/2 stars. It was shit, the crowd barely got into it and it dragged on and fucking on.

Match of the night for me probably would've been the six pack challenge, followed closely by the triple threat. I think both were booked fairly well, and the finishes were pretty cool. I especially liked the RKO to a near-Attidue Adjustment.


Loving how people are pissed at the Punk/Hardy match just cause CM Chumpion didn't win.

WDF are you talking about?

...Most people have stated WHY they didn't like the match: The finish, the story that was told... Oh, yeah and cos Jeff hasn't got what it takes to carry either of the 2 main belts.

the dark knight

Loving how people are pissed at the Punk/Hardy match just cause CM Chumpion didn't win. Lol. Also, Peepshow CM Punk's promo was nothing close to 4 1/2 stars. It was shit, the crowd barely got into it and it dragged on and fucking on.
are you high?


Loving how people are pissed at the Punk/Hardy match just cause CM Chumpion didn't win. Lol. Also, Peepshow CM Punk's promo was nothing close to 4 1/2 stars. It was shit, the crowd barely got into it and it dragged on and fucking on.



Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Punk vs. Hardy besides the finish it was a great match.


Loving how people are pissed at the Punk/Hardy match just cause CM Chumpion didn't win.


You must be a huge Hardy fan to say that, Punk losing the title this early in the feud is just total crap, he only just pretty much fully turned heel and was getting probably the best heat in the WWE or near it, giving the title to Jeff for a nice half a month reign was just stupid. The match itself I also felt wasn't that great, the two could have done much better although it wasnt bad.

Lol. Also, Peepshow CM Punk's promo was nothing close to 4 1/2 stars. It was shit, the crowd barely got into it and it dragged on and fucking on.


Yeah, I guess when people boo the shit out of you and pop for mentionings of their favourite wrestlers means the crowd aren't paying attention and aren't into it. I don't even think Peepshow is much of a fan of Punk yet he rated the promo ****1/2 and I would rate it around that mark somewhere too and Im not a huge fan of his. Are you sure you were watching the same promo as the rest of us because I don't know where your opinion came from.