He's like the WWE's biggest drawing heel, so it wouldn't really make any sense for him to become face. But who knows? Maybe the fans will cheer him when he comes back? Maybe he'll try to do the whole "Austin Anti-Hero" thing that didnt work and made SCSA a bigger face. But still, and I don't know what any of you guys think of this, Edge is the next generation HHH.
Face it, he's like young, world-title holder, only got the spotlight when E&C broke up (in a way, similar to that of when HBK got injured leaving HHH in the light) and HHH has been like THE heel of this generation and thats what i see in Edge.
Face it, he's like young, world-title holder, only got the spotlight when E&C broke up (in a way, similar to that of when HBK got injured leaving HHH in the light) and HHH has been like THE heel of this generation and thats what i see in Edge.