if i had my way ricky steamboat would be awesome to see on a regular basis.
Steamer could still outwork over half the roster today. A big reason he is in such awesome shape is because he stepped away from the ring before he had to step away from the ring. Steamer is a hoss.
I'd like a clean, sober Jake Roberts, but that's like asking for money to fall out of the sky. There have maybe been only six or less heels as awesome as Jake was in 91 since then; Hogan, Austin, Trips, HBK,well that's about it. Angle, Kane, and Cena get honorable mentions, but are not on that level.
I'd also dig a return from Piper in an authority figure. His guest hosting of Raw was second best, only behind Ventura and he doesn't seem so friggin wigged out on whatever he was on back in 03.
Everyone else I'd like to see from the 80's is either dead, way past their primes or too chemically imbalanced that they should be dead.