Wade Barrett said:If he leaves after ER I wonder what the chances are he wins at Mania then loses to Punk since ER is somewhere near Chicago this year isn't it?
Thewindyfan said:OMG once WM happens I can't wait for Extreme Rules
Thewindyfan said:Yeah I got tickets like a month ago for the PPV. @[Wade Barrett]
Thewindyfan said:Yeah if only I got my tickets in pre-sale my dad was allowing me to get these 200 dollar tickets(IN TOTAL ALL I WOULD HAVE TO PAY) for FLOOR SEATS I AM TALKING ABOUT RINGSIDE SEATS! But my Mom said it was too early to get them#Depressed
swangirl said:For me
Undertaker vs HHH. Good build up. I am interested to see HBK role in the match
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus. I dont think there has been much build up for this match storyline wise. I hope this match steals the show because I really like Sheamus as a face and Daniel Bryan is a great heel. Plus both these guys have the skills for an epic encounter
C.M Punk vs Jericho. I really want Punk to win this match it could be a good match.
JoeRulz said:Taker/HHH, by far. It's a fucking HIAC... at WrestleMania! With Taker and Trips. And HBK.