Movie: Wizard of Oz
TV Series: Legends of Tomorrow
Food: Popcorn Chicken
Drink: Bubblegum pop
Color: Orange
Animal: Panda
Song: Google Translate sings
Book: The Unbelievable Gwenpool
Sport: Movie Trivia Schmoedown. Mental sport.
Wrestler: Chris Jericho
Tech Brand: Samsung
Video Game: Portal
Season: Winter
Holiday: April's Fools
TV Series: Legends of Tomorrow
Food: Popcorn Chicken
Drink: Bubblegum pop
Color: Orange
Animal: Panda
Song: Google Translate sings
Book: The Unbelievable Gwenpool
Sport: Movie Trivia Schmoedown. Mental sport.
Wrestler: Chris Jericho
Tech Brand: Samsung
Video Game: Portal
Season: Winter
Holiday: April's Fools