* re-reads* uhhh.....something can be taken out of context... :urm:
You can join @Grievous in time out :tough:
* re-reads* uhhh.....something can be taken out of context... :urm:
You can join @Grievous in time out :tough:
......I don't even know how to respond to that.EmptySoupCanForums.net...
We make a lot of noise when you drag us behind a car...
I have no idea what I'm talking about...
We make a lot of noise when you drag us behind a car...
I have no idea what I'm talking about...
Typewriter Ribbon
You’re old and outdated. A fossil from another time. Most people don’t even know what the hell you are. What is wrong with you? Do you even internet? Go read TechCrunch and learn how to freaking copy and paste already. Oh, and you’re a slob, too, aren’t you? Full of messy blue ink that gets all over everything. No wonder no one wants to touch you. Take a shower. And bring your phone with you, take a picture of your junk, and post it on Instagram. Yeah, that’s a good way to show everyone how tech-savvy you are…