Since this was posted in the WrestleMania 29 section, I'm assuming you mean if he doesn't cash in at Mania specifically, in that case he'll simply cash in at a later date. If you're talking about the possibilities of them not having him cash-in period. Perhaps they'd do some angle where Dolph was going to cash-in but something interrupts him (as they already had with him), but it keeps happening as the date he has to (some day in either June or July) keeps coming nearing and nearing. Eventually, he doesn't cash-in because of those people interrupting him, and then is giving a title match anyway so he'll be able to win the belt that way. If WWE doesn't have him cash-in, I guarantee it will serve some integral role in an angle that will eventually lead to Dolph winning the belt anyway. I can't imagine WWE doing something so Blue as having Ziggler not cash-in without any narrative reason behind it.