What Happened To Clean Finishes On PPV Title Matches?

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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Seriously? Last on SummerSlam, the opening match should have set the tone for the ppv. 2 rising young stars who are pretty good in the ring for a title. What happens? Nexus of all people come out and take out both guys. What was the point of this? Who looked good out of this? Was Nexus suppose to? They beat 2 mid carders. You want to make Nexus look good, have them beat up someone big. Jericho, Edge, Cena, Orton, Sheamus.

During the WWE title match, Sheamus gets DQ'd. Which btw, I knew was going to happen. How do you solidly Sheamus when he can't beat any top names. Especially when the title is on the line.

But I thought ppv's were suppose to be straight up wrestling. I'm paying to see a winner. Not having 4 title matches, one for a title and division no one cares about, one which should have set the bar for the rest of the ppv (which in actuality it did, the ppv was shit), another title match when you knew something was going to happen with Taker ( I didn't think he was going to be there, instead he was just going to start the mind games), and then a world title match with a screw job finish. And this is suppose to be the 2 or 3rd biggest ppv of the year.
Jul 11, 2010
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New Jersey
My only real complaint is with the WWE Championship match not involving Miz with the DQ finish somehow. Kinda odd how Miz is a in program with Orton and Sheamus one week and now is bumped down abit.


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Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
It's 2010, you should know by now it's a 60/40 chance of a clean finish in any PPV match. Especially if the champion is heel.


Aug 6, 2010
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the wwe title match was very dissapointing yes with sheamus getting dq'ed.. i dont know what drugs the creative team are taking since they've had him become a 2 time wwe champion and he sucks....


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Jan 23, 2010
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Blackpool, England
I was going to make this thread myself :p, this is really pissing me off, it ruins the whole match for me when it isn't a clean finish. I think especially now that Nexus have hit the scene matches are not getting clean finishes. I was mega pissed when Nexus got involved with that IC match, they have had nothing to do with Dolph and Kofi throughout their whole tenure but then they randomly attack them. Why? To make an impact? Why not get involved with the WHC match if you wanna make an impact? Or why not attack Sheamus in the WWE Title match to make an impact? Don't attack two mid card superstars who are on a different brand, have never had anything to do with you and are no step up from the people you've been attacking on Raw.

I also got annoyed when Sheamus got himself disqualified, he needs a clean win over a big main eventer or he will never be considered a true main eventer. Another thing about that is why are they booking Sheamus as scared of Orton when he is meant to be this unstoppable Celtic Warrior? He is getting booked so badly, it is a good job he has the talent to redeem himself frrom WWE's mistakes.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Kane beat Rey Mysterio pretty cleanly. The Undertaker schenanigans only really happened after the match was done and over with.


Mar 29, 2010
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People are always going to bitch. Had Ziggler pinned Kingston cleanly, people would be complaining of how Kingston has jobbed to Dolph for a month straight, and in the other way around, how the are burying Ziggler by having him lose the title so early.

The WWE Championship match....you get 18 minutes of solid wrestling yet you complain over the ending. I find it pretty funny that you decide to act all smark on certain aspects, yet with the Sheamus character you suddenly decide to ignore the fact that heels are booked to look cowardly and have been booked that way for practically the entire history of the business. Oh, and BTW, the story of the feud isn't Sheamus being afraid of Orton, is Sheamus not being able to put Orton away.

Women's division suddenly doesn't care, altough I am sure had Laycool interfered during the match and caused a DQ, I'm sure they would be just as important as any other match in this argument.

Team WWE vs Team Nexus, you know, the match the entire PPV was built around, ended cleanly. Same for the World Heavyweight Championship Match. And the matches that ended in DQ or some "lame finish", they were actually pretty good.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I honestly can't remember the last time that a heel went over a babyface totally and completely clean in a title match anyway that didn't have some sort of gimmick attached to it.

I don't think Bonez main argument is about those kind of clean finishes anyway, I think it's more about having a definitive pinfall or submission finish, dirty or not. It can be underwhelming seeing an exciting 18 minute main event and have it just end on a DQ, I'd much rather Sheamus would of gotten away with blasting Orton with a chair and winning cheap like that, rather than just getting himself DQ'd for chucking the referee.


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Jan 23, 2010
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Blackpool, England
People are always going to bitch. Had Ziggler pinned Kingston cleanly, people would be complaining of how Kingston has jobbed to Dolph for a month straight, and in the other way around, how the are burying Ziggler by having him lose the title so early.

The WWE Championship match....you get 18 minutes of solid wrestling yet you complain over the ending. I find it pretty funny that you decide to act all smark on certain aspects, yet with the Sheamus character you suddenly decide to ignore the fact that heels are booked to look cowardly and have been booked that way for practically the entire history of the business. Oh, and BTW, the story of the feud isn't Sheamus being afraid of Orton, is Sheamus not being able to put Orton away.

Women's division suddenly doesn't care, altough I am sure had Laycool interfered during the match and caused a DQ, I'm sure they would be just as important as any other match in this argument.

Team WWE vs Team Nexus, you know, the match the entire PPV was built around, ended cleanly. Same for the World Heavyweight Championship Match. And the matches that ended in DQ or some "lame finish", they were actually pretty good.

I assume that paragraph is aimed at me so I'll fight back :p. Of course I'm gonna complain over the ending, when was the last time Sheamus got a clean win in a title match? Oh right that is never. I don't care if most of the time heels don't get clean wins, Sheamus should be getting clean wins regardless, he is supposed to be getting over as a main eventer but how are the fans gonna consider him that if he has never had a clean win in a title match? In kayfabe he is still getting over as the guy who got lucky. I am not ignoring the fact that heels are booked to be cowardly but I don't believe Sheamus should be booked that way but that is how he has been booked, the storyline isn't that Sheamus can't put Orton away it is that he is scared of him, that is why he wouldn't get in the ring with him that night he got no. 1 contendership, that's why he wouldn't hit Orton the Raw before Summerslam, that's why he was shitting himself when Orton was gonna punt him. That is not the way a big guy like Sheamus should be booked, he should be booked like he was with Triple H, that was perfect, badass heel should be his character, not cowardly heel, it just isn't right.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I'd agree with you Maty. Being the Sheamus mark that I am. Sheamus is a 6'6" 270lbs MONSTER sized man. He should be bulldozing over the competition in ways that would make Brock Lesnar jealous. Lesnar was a similar monster heel that was to dangerous and dominant he got clean victories over the likes of The Rock, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle.

They haven't done that with Sheamus, as for some reason they are afraid to make guys like Cena & Orton "look bad" by losing to a qualified opponent. Triple H did the right thing and put over Sheamus like he should be. But then again, Triple H is good buddies with Sheamus backstage, so of course he would be willing to give Sheamus the dupe.

Batista as a monster heel got clean wins. Kane as a monster heel gets clean wins. Big Show as a monster heel got clean wins. I don't see things should be any different for the Celtic Warrior.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
People are always going to bitch. Had Ziggler pinned Kingston cleanly, people would be complaining of how Kingston has jobbed to Dolph for a month straight, and in the other way around, how the are burying Ziggler by having him lose the title so early.

Kingston job to Ziggler a month straight? Maybe I'm wrong but Ziggler has beaten Kofi twice in the last month. When he got the # 1 contender slot and when he won the title.

The WWE Championship match....you get 18 minutes of solid wrestling yet you complain over the ending. I find it pretty funny that you decide to act all smark on certain aspects, yet with the Sheamus character you suddenly decide to ignore the fact that heels are booked to look cowardly and have been booked that way for practically the entire history of the business. Oh, and BTW, the story of the feud isn't Sheamus being afraid of Orton, is Sheamus not being able to put Orton away.

When you have a match, your suppose to tell a story. Stories have endings. There was no ending to that particular chapter because of the screw job finish. Oh, and BTW, Sheamus isn't built up to be cowardly. He's built as a monster. He's suppose to look strong. Does he look strong? Yeah. Against lower card guys. He needs to look good against main eventers. I don't have as much a problem with using the ropes for the pin, using a weapon and then hiding it, using outside interference, just have him pin someone 1, 2, 3. I'd say submission but as we all know, he doesn't use them. Stop protecting your top guys so fucking much were they can't take a 1, 2, 3. If I'm suppose to believe Sheamus is on the same level as these guys, why isn't he pinning them?

Women's division suddenly doesn't care, altough I am sure had Laycool interfered during the match and caused a DQ, I'm sure they would be just as important as any other match in this argument.

Suddenly doesn't care? WWE's woman's division hasn't been relevant for a long time. I didn't say much about the woman's title match. I just mentioned it. Why? Because it's shit and not the point.

Team WWE vs Team Nexus, you know, the match the entire PPV was built around, ended cleanly. Same for the World Heavyweight Championship Match. And the matches that ended in DQ or some "lame finish", they were actually pretty good

PPV TITLE MATCHES!!! Was the match the entire ppv built around a title match? No. Hence the reason why I didn't mention it. The World Heavyweight title watch ended clean, HENCE, the reason why I didn't put that on the list.

Watching matches on ppv's, I expect some type of finish. The paying customers deserve to have a finish. But when you have a ppv with only 6 matches, 4 of them being title matches, and 2 out of 6 of those matches don't have finishes, it's ridiculous imo. When those 2 matches are title matches, it's just sad.

I honestly can't remember the last time that a heel went over a babyface totally and completely clean in a title match anyway that didn't have some sort of gimmick attached to it.

I don't think Bonez main argument is about those kind of clean finishes anyway, I think it's more about having a definitive pinfall or submission finish, dirty or not. It can be underwhelming seeing an exciting 18 minute main event and have it just end on a DQ, I'd much rather Sheamus would of gotten away with blasting Orton with a chair and winning cheap like that, rather than just getting himself DQ'd for chucking the referee.

I'd agree with you Maty. Being the Sheamus mark that I am. Sheamus is a 6'6" 270lbs MONSTER sized man. He should be bulldozing over the competition in ways that would make Brock Lesnar jealous. Lesnar was a similar monster heel that was to dangerous and dominant he got clean victories over the likes of The Rock, The Undertaker & Kurt Angle.

They haven't done that with Sheamus, as for some reason they are afraid to make guys like Cena & Orton "look bad" by losing to a qualified opponent. Triple H did the right thing and put over Sheamus like he should be. But then again, Triple H is good buddies with Sheamus backstage, so of course he would be willing to give Sheamus the dupe.

Batista as a monster heel got clean wins. Kane as a monster heel gets clean wins. Big Show as a monster heel got clean wins. I don't see things should be any different for the Celtic Warrior.

That's exactly what I mean. He's a heel, so I expect heel tactics, But not campy DQ's.


Mar 29, 2010
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I assume that paragraph is aimed at me so I'll fight back :p. Of course I'm gonna complain over the ending, when was the last time Sheamus got a clean win in a title match? Oh right that is never. I don't care if most of the time heels don't get clean wins, Sheamus should be getting clean wins regardless, he is supposed to be getting over as a main eventer but how are the fans gonna consider him that if he has never had a clean win in a title match? In kayfabe he is still getting over as the guy who got lucky. I am not ignoring the fact that heels are booked to be cowardly but I don't believe Sheamus should be booked that way but that is how he has been booked, the storyline isn't that Sheamus can't put Orton away it is that he is scared of him, that is why he wouldn't get in the ring with him that night he got no. 1 contendership, that's why he wouldn't hit Orton the Raw before Summerslam, that's why he was shitting himself when Orton was gonna punt him. That is not the way a big guy like Sheamus should be booked, he should be booked like he was with Triple H, that was perfect, badass heel should be his character, not cowardly heel, it just isn't right.

How you're supposed to believe Sheamus is a main eventer? Smark speaking. How about you listen to the reaction he gets and then you come back.

Secondly, the entire story is that Sheamus can't put Orton away. That was the entire story told in the match, the story sold by the video package and the story sold by the announcers. How Orton kept kicking out of everything Sheamus had to give him.

Kingston job to Ziggler a month straight? Maybe I'm wrong but Ziggler has beaten Kofi twice in the last month. When he got the # 1 contender slot and when he won the title.

Nah, he has lost three times on a row for him. He lost a match when he was selling the beating Nexus gave him during NXT, then Ziggler pinned him to get the title match and pinned him again to get the belt.

When you have a match, your suppose to tell a story. Stories have endings. There was no ending to that particular chapter because of the screw job finish. Oh, and BTW, Sheamus isn't built up to be cowardly. He's built as a monster. He's suppose to look strong. Does he look strong? Yeah. Against lower card guys. He needs to look good against main eventers. I don't have as much a problem with using the ropes for the pin, using a weapon and then hiding it, using outside interference, just have him pin someone 1, 2, 3. I'd say submission but as we all know, he doesn't use them. Stop protecting your top guys so fucking much were they can't take a 1, 2, 3. If I'm suppose to believe Sheamus is on the same level as these guys, why isn't he pinning them

First off, where is this unwritten rule that Sheamus has to look like an unstopabble monster? When did WWE came out and said: OK this is Sheamus, he will only be booked as a monster now, and as a monster he will never be allowed to be booked cowardly by you unforgiven smarks? Not even Randy Orton in his reign of terror when taking out people back and forth with his punt was not booked cowardly at times.

To conclude, if you go by the smark way of analizing Sheamus and his character...you are not supposed to totally buy him as an equal to the Ortons and Cenas. He's that guy who cheats to "beat" those guys and the brags about doing so, even when you know he hasn't done it. That's the entire point. And if you want to look it the other way around, Sheamus gets the loudest HEEL reaction on Raw, so I don't think "buying him as a main eventer is really an issue".

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Sheamus is a bonafide main eventer. There's no doubting that. Even if he hasn't beaten anybody 100% clean thus far, he's still holding the title. He's still successfully defending the title against the biggest faces in the company, albeit cheaply. The only thing I wish they would do with Sheamus is show more of what we saw in his feud with Triple H. That was the ideal Sheamus that I want to see. The ruthless, badass Sheamus that will end your career if you underestimate him.

While what we've been seeing now, is John Cena and Randy Orton smirking their faces off at him, not taking him seriously, "knowing" they are superior to him in every way, and brutalizing him post match during title matches just to prove how much better they are than him. And he follows suit, he runs away, he has fear etched in his eyes constantly, and he can't put either of them away like he could Triple H. It's making him look really bad as a competitor, let alone horrible as a champion.

However, that doesn't change the fact that he is still champion, and he is still retaining that belt one way or another against the big dogs. But he needs to get a clean win over a main eventer as a champion in order to help establish his reign. You don't become a main eventer by a fluke. You don't remain champion by lucky wins. You gotta prove yourself in the arena of combat in order to legitimize yourself.
Mar 30, 2008
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WWE have done this in many PPV matches. A few Orton/Cena matches spring to mind. WWE usually keep the matches at a DQ or countout to further the storyline. I don't see why WWE needed to mention the "If Orton loses, He's never getting another shot" because that automatically means the heels going to win by shenanigans.


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Apr 26, 2010
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I don't see why WWE needed to mention the "If Orton loses, He's never getting another shot" because that automatically means the heels going to win by shenanigans.

No it doesn't.