GTI said:
I would so mark out for a psycho type, but not like the one mentioned before in this thread, but a really freaking psycho.
Weird colourful costume, strange ass moves, would also be nice if he were a contorsionist.
you mean like Eugene?
Crayo said:
Wait, did you just compare Obama supporting gay marriage to you supporting paedophilia?
Yes i did. Didnt think my beliefs would be prehistoric like yours, did you?

ThreeXBetterThanU said:
.... Scary. I never thought I'd see someone supporting pedos. Or comparing them to gay marriage. Unless its gay pedophiles getting married to children.
But i believe that's still illegal... Unsure about that though...
~Three Said That~
You obviously dont talk much with logical intellectual people then.
Marriage is illegal, however in some countries 14 is the age of consent for marriage instead of 18. I dont support underaged marriage, i dont even like people getting married before their 30s, as thats meant to be the exploring period.
However, note that pedophilia itself isnt illegal even in corrupt democratic countries like USA and UK.
Theres not much difference between gay straight pedophile bisexual etc, its all a matter of preferance.