What do you think of the changes?

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Anderson... yeah his promo last night blew hard. I think they could have held off on him until the mid-card title was better situated and have him shoot for that. Perhaps a feud with Pope, or even a triple with him and OJ.
The Nasty Boys are alright. They're not holding anyone down. They're feuding with 3D, and let's face it... although the technical wrestling side may not be too great, we may get some pretty awesome hardcore encounters out of the deal.

And for the millionth time, why is Pope or anyone else losing such a big deal? They're making a nice back and forth between people. Just because someone is being pushed doesn't mean they have to win every single match they're in. And what's wrong with OJ? I thought he looked pretty good in there last night and the two of them put on a decent match. This doesn't have to be WWE where there's always one person who walks away from a feud looking terrible. Two people can get a rub off each other.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
That's one of the things I love right now. Why shouldn't it be open ended? Why does someone have the be the good guy and someone be the bad guy? Not everything is completely black and white. I love when shit like this happens when the fans can get completely torn down the middle. Awesome booking IMO. I wish WWE did more shit like that instead of everything being so clear cut and fuckin boring.

Also the older talent is being used perfectly at the moment. They didn't make a mad dash for the belts and they sure as hell aren't squashing young talent. Daniels losing to Morely isn't that bad. As I said before, TNA aren't booking any super men here. Everyone seems to be on a level playing field and on any given night anyone could beat anyone. It adds some shock value and surprise to the product IMO. TNA are doing a lot of things correctly right now, simple shit that WWE ignores. Sure, Kong is a huge blow to the Knockout division, but let's say WWE picks her up. Is that really going to make WWE's Diva's division any better?

Oh, and one little nit pick... I preferred the new logo, didn't think bringing back the old one was necessary.

I'm going to have to disagree with you fundamentally. Everyone switching from heel to face on a regular basis is NOT a good thing. It confuses your fan base, as wrestling since the very beginning has always had the established good guy vs. bad guy.

If you're looking for TNA to be more Shoot Style like an MMA program, then it makes sense for nobody to be clear cut. But that doesn't mean direct alignment changes. That means everyone starting out at the tweener level and having natural basic human development where some weeks they lean heel and some weeks they lean face, depending on the circumstance. That makes the wrestlers seem more human and likable at a basic emotional level. But I don't see that being TNA's goal right now.

But I will agree that the "anybody can beat anyone" strategy is working great. That's one of the things I loved about ECW before Christians dominant reign as champion. Anyone could of been the champion, and anyone could of beaten anyone. It was fresh, exciting and unpredictable. TNA is doing good for that right now. But I'm not sure how long that's going to last before they start developing a real pecking order.


I'm going to have to disagree with you fundamentally. Everyone switching from heel to face on a regular basis is NOT a good thing. It confuses your fan base, as wrestling since the very beginning has always had the established good guy vs. bad guy.

If you're looking for TNA to be more Shoot Style like an MMA program, then it makes sense for nobody to be clear cut. But that doesn't mean direct alignment changes. That means everyone starting out at the tweener level and having natural basic human development where some weeks they lean heel and some weeks they lean face, depending on the circumstance. That makes the wrestlers seem more human and likable at a basic emotional level. But I don't see that being TNA's goal right now.

I get what you mean. But I think for now, where the company is supposed to be in a transitional period and the chips are all still falling into place it makes sense that so many people's personalities are up in the air. It is almost as if they've started from scratch with a lot of guys since the debut of Hogan. They've scrapped old story lines and roads they were going down. (Most evident in the Tomko thing) I think that just needed to be wrapped up and gotten out of the way.
But anyway, I get what you're saying and eventually the fans will pick the faces and heels out of the bunch. But I enjoy everyone not having such clear cut personalities and it's working great for the transitional period in the company.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Well you're definitely not wrong about the transitional period. That's basically the only reason everyone's switching around so much. TNA is undergoing sweeping changes right now and people are gonna be lost in the shuffle while others flip flop as creative doesn't know what direction they want to take with them right now.

But with respectable programs being put forth between Desmond Wolf Vs. D'Angelo Dinero Vs. Orlando Jordan, Ken Anderson Vs. Abyss, Sean Morley Vs. Daniels (if they're still doing that), and at least Team 3D Vs. Nasty Boys in a non-title feud, they are using all of Hogan's buddies in non title feuds with other guys who would normally not be used very often on TV without a title feud. So that's a good thing, and I'm willing to give it a chance.

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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OK I'm confused, I must of missed something because I don't understand why people keep saying Eric Young will either be gone from TNA or turned face due to this past Impact.
Apr 10, 2007
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Edge Of Sanity
I actually agree.. Since the January 4 show, TNA made me want to watching wrestling again.. It's interesting to see how the changes were pulled off and gaining new fans in the process.. One concern was the band like noumenon said, Who seemed like they were gonna squash the hell out of everyone like they did in "dubya-c-dubya".. Also like JurassicBonez said the endings make you want to see the next show.. I missed those types of enedings, I'm tired of week in and week out we see the same crotch chop celebration of DX.. I mean I like them and all but them ending the show each week is getting old..

The wrestling is awesome IMO.. I just hope a few more minutes get added.. Nigel or should I say Wolfe is really one of those guys who can put on a great match.. The Young Bucks also did a great job with their debut and them winning against MCMG was a nice way to put them over right away.. I got to agree with how it's and even playing field and no one is being overly pushed.. The matches are much more interesting to watch that way in the process as well..

Overall.. I hope TNA keeps this up cause they got a step closer to their goal of competing against WWE..

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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...The Young Bucks also did a great job with their debut and them winning against MCMG was a nice way to put them over right away...

I really liked Generation Me, personally I would change the name though. Also think it's funny (I know they did it on purpose) but they dress just like the Hardyz use too, and the blonde one's name is Jeremy and the black haired one's name is Max. I think a little bit more originality would do the team some good.

Great One

Wtf are you talking about? They dress NOTHING like the Hardy's. They have such a generic look, they could do take a page of out of the Hardy's book and do something unique with it though.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
^^They're talking about how the hardys dressed before they made it big, they used to dress every bit as faggy as the faggy Young Bucks dress, which is indeed, very, very faggy.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
And for the millionth time, why is Pope or anyone else losing such a big deal? They're making a nice back and forth between people. Just because someone is being pushed doesn't mean they have to win every single match they're in. And what's wrong with OJ? I thought he looked pretty good in there last night and the two of them put on a decent match. This doesn't have to be WWE where there's always one person who walks away from a feud looking terrible. Two people can get a rub off each other.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't struggling to get some order in the card. But Pope is probably one of four guys whom seems to be getting some sort of direction in this shuffle and is like the only young, fresh talent getting over legit. And there is NO rub to be had from a no name like Jordan, the only thing quieter than Jordan's debut on Monday Impact was when no one was laughing at the Beautiful People comedy skits. Jordan just isn't anyone of any significance and right now, while they transition it is imperative that they don't derail people who are riding high.It would be different if Pope lost to Wolfe, they have a program going, but Jordan is a no one who just showed up. It looks terrible for Pope to be losing to a dude who just popped up and hasn't worked a match for the company, especially if they are trying to run a program with these dudes. It makes no sense and it's bad booking. How does a guy like Daniels go from headlining a PPV to jobbing to a jobber like Venis? That makes him look worse than losing a feud. That's what they did with Pope last night, he looks alot worse than if he lost a feud and instead of coming out of this transition up top, he's getting lost right back in the shuffle. You can't have a successful transition if they keep shuffling things up, they need a direction and give people direction, not this nonsense thats happening now.

That's my major complaint with TNA right now, they have so many broken storylines. They already fucked up the Tomko thing. Lashley quits. Now he's back. No mention of Hardy. The second most important singles strap is nowhere to be seen, just the champ jobbed to the Nasty Boys. They really need to be focused on cementing things and not giving more and more pieces on a weekly basis.

Great One

Oh I see. I like the Generation Me style though and how the tag team is. I do notice there's an overly amount of tag team matches though, I think they could do more singles shit. Changes aren't bad I guess, I would like to see more of Joe, Daniels, Pope, and Wolfe in more significant roles, but whatever. Nasty Boys match wasn't bad AT ALL, they did well and I was surprised at people's positive reaction to them in the arena. Screwjob thing was pretty dumb. They could have done something else, but whatever, next week's Impact looks sick.

I highly agree with the lack of Tomko, the "global title" being mentioned, and no mention of Hardy. All of that is bullshit, but I can sorta understand the Hardy thing, lmao. Lashley is fine how he is, I like what they're doing there, building him up. Tomko shouldn't be getting jewed, if Daniels isn't gonna do it, then Tomko should come out and cut a mega promo on the fact that he knew all along where AJ's true loyalties lied and that was the reason he was attacking him and fucking with him. Just make up some big ass bullshit story of how AJ had an affraid with his wife/girlfriend or some shit. SOMETHING to redeem him and turn the whole thing around (kinda like Y2J hinted at with HBK, however he stayed heel). Daniels is open to take a much needed big time face spot as well, sigh.

The Rated R CMStar

TNA just has to much shit going on, they have great things, and they simply really, really shitty things. Which one is predominant is up to each one of you, but truth is product haven't been completely bad.

They still have the bad booking, but the only thing that really bothers me is how Hogan/Bischoff spend too much time in my TV really doing nothing and how when Hogan isn't in my screen, he's being talked off my Taz and Mike Tenay.


Oct 21, 2009
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Seattle, WA
Two words sum up what I like about TNA right now, and those two words are Brian Kendrick.

Other than Kendrick, TNA is still has a lot of problems. They're guilty of trying to shove way too much into too little time, which was a problem even before Hogan showed up, and there seems to be an overall lack of direction. They seem to be going for shocking surprise after shocking surprise rather than building coherent stories. It's really quite unfortunate that with all the talent they have that their booking is still horrible.


New Member
Jan 24, 2010
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TNA has really stepped up their game, and in order to do that they have to take a few risk bt i jst have the feeling that hving too much stars and no new faces can kill company, and im not jst speaking abt WCW im also talking abt WWE,

i mean they hv been pushing the same guys for the past 5 years, and at every WM has the same type of title matches and it end nearly the same way(particularly, john cena's matches)

now lets look at TNA they have new stars entering like the Hogan Era guys, and a lil Attitude Era guys, and the only ones i see that are new as in like new on TV is The Young Bucks, or Generation Me

so yeah, i just hope that i wont see a typical Lockdown match up every year, and also im hoping that the Dream Match theme at Slammiversarry will still be there in 5 years or so