
Anderson... yeah his promo last night blew hard. I think they could have held off on him until the mid-card title was better situated and have him shoot for that. Perhaps a feud with Pope, or even a triple with him and OJ.
The Nasty Boys are alright. They're not holding anyone down. They're feuding with 3D, and let's face it... although the technical wrestling side may not be too great, we may get some pretty awesome hardcore encounters out of the deal.
And for the millionth time, why is Pope or anyone else losing such a big deal? They're making a nice back and forth between people. Just because someone is being pushed doesn't mean they have to win every single match they're in. And what's wrong with OJ? I thought he looked pretty good in there last night and the two of them put on a decent match. This doesn't have to be WWE where there's always one person who walks away from a feud looking terrible. Two people can get a rub off each other.
Anderson... yeah his promo last night blew hard. I think they could have held off on him until the mid-card title was better situated and have him shoot for that. Perhaps a feud with Pope, or even a triple with him and OJ.
The Nasty Boys are alright. They're not holding anyone down. They're feuding with 3D, and let's face it... although the technical wrestling side may not be too great, we may get some pretty awesome hardcore encounters out of the deal.
And for the millionth time, why is Pope or anyone else losing such a big deal? They're making a nice back and forth between people. Just because someone is being pushed doesn't mean they have to win every single match they're in. And what's wrong with OJ? I thought he looked pretty good in there last night and the two of them put on a decent match. This doesn't have to be WWE where there's always one person who walks away from a feud looking terrible. Two people can get a rub off each other.