What color is your passion? Quiz

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See my list of greatest wrestlers of the 1960's which only one person has been knowledgeable enough to have the balls to reply to. That's the sign of a wrestling knowledge. A Lot of wrestling experts share my opinion and express themselves eloquently , not like you and Bret. Sorry goobie lets have a street fight and match wrestling expertise. What's this great technique that bret's got. Why did he quit from one kick from Goldberg? I'd say he's got no "heart". But he does have "stroke".Now know your role and shut your mouth . Verbally challenged blueberry!! Oh, sorry , you're probably only six!!

How orginal i think im gonna cry *Sarcasm*


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Oh man.

You so totally did not just say that.

Bret Hart was by far one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step into a ring. I can't say he's the best because there is no one best. But to not acknowledge the fact that the guy had some of the best matches in history is nothing short of foolishness.

I dislike certain wrestlers (HBK, Randy Orton etc.), but even then I can give them credit when credit is due. Especially in HBK's case.

The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be? Perhaps Bret truly does think that was, but I doubt it.

I rather think that this was a catch phrase that was created out of his own recognition that the was one of the better workers at the time. Which was accurate given that he started in the WWE during the era of guys like Hogan, and Warrior who were top stars but wouldn't know a wrist lock from a wrist watch.

Now however, before this is even brought up later on. Which it will be. Bret was wrong on Montreal. Very wrong.

Now please, I implore you not to inform Canadian authorities as to my last statement. Slagging Bret on Montreal is treason in this country.

well, you just repeated several times that you like him, without saying why or answering why I don't. You comrade in arms, and my former foe, CenaMark, agrees with me. Bret is just a sales job and a sacred cow. He had some great matches, bhut they were only interesting because of the opponent. Bret wrestled by numbers. He was a bore and roboticd. He was sold as pink and black, brown haired handsome man. No one bought his DVd. They had to liquidate it. Audiences dropped and revenues fell during his reign. he was a sympathy case. It's not politically correct to criticize the quitter with no heart , Bret. Canada's greatest wrestler ever was Gene Kiniski. Too bad you missed HIM. Oh and remind Axis what happened to CenaMark54.

Anyway, this one got the forum stirred up. I should get that point back

This Guy

Bret was always one of my favourites. Yeah as I look back now, watching 24/7 I agree he wasn't great on the mic, but still by comparison to many of the people in the WWE from the time he started even up to the time he finished he was definatly up there as one of the best workers. Bret Hart may not have been a top drawing champion, but neither was anyone else until Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Austin will tell you Bret was one of the best people to work with in the ring. To say Bret can't sell? What matches were you watching? Bret made everyone, and I mean everyone he stepped into the ring with, look like a million bucks and that includes Kevin Nash. If it wasn't for some of there big PPV matches, Kevin Nash would have never been the hot draw in WCW that he was, and Kevin Nash was the lowest drawing WWE Champion in the history of the company. I'm not denying that Ric Flair is better on the mic, but a lot of things Flair accuses Bret of, Flair is guilty of too. But when it comes right down to it, I do agree that Bret because a bitter man in the final year to two years of his WWE career. And he didn't do the right thing for business (ie the Monteal incident). Bret knew he was leaving, it was his last PPV with the company, the right thing to do would have been to drop the title. Bret just was so pig headed he couldn't see what the right thing to do was. Vince screwed Bret. HBK screwed Bret, but Bret also screwed Bret. By refusing to lose, he set himself up for it. Deep down he had to know that Vince was not going to let him leave Montreal with the title. So I will agree that Bret Hart had some negative qualities, and that he certainly was not the best of all time. But he was no where near the low skill status that you placed apon him. As someone else said, he had some of the greatest matches in the history of the WWE. No one, not even your precious Ric Flair denys that. Ric Flair once said one of his favourite Wrestlemania matches of all time was Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels in the Iron Man Match. Name one Wrestling match at a Wrestlemania that was better? You probably can't.

This Guy

^^didn't say he wasn't, just saying comapred to the majority throughout his entire career, he was one of the better overall.

the dark knight

oh well , then ur right . bret was cool in his days but if he came back now hes gonna become like benoit ......


why would you go OUT of your way to make a thread about not liking someone?Are you that desperate for attention?Bret is one of the best ever and is one of my top 3 favorites and to say he sucks is just totally wrong.Any wrestling fan,if they like bret or not should be able to admit he was a great wrestler....
also i noticed you have like 5 bret hart threads
cant you shut up about him?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
well, you just repeated several times that you like him, without saying why or answering why I don't. You comrade in arms, and my former foe, CenaMark, agrees with me. Bret is just a sales job and a sacred cow. He had some great matches, bhut they were only interesting because of the opponent. Bret wrestled by numbers. He was a bore and roboticd. He was sold as pink and black, brown haired handsome man. No one bought his DVd. They had to liquidate it. Audiences dropped and revenues fell during his reign. he was a sympathy case. It's not politically correct to criticize the quitter with no heart , Bret. Canada's greatest wrestler ever was Gene Kiniski. Too bad you missed HIM. Oh and remind Axis what happened to CenaMark54.

Anyway, this one got the forum stirred up. I should get that point back

You see the one thing that I acknowledged is that my post was my opinion and not fact.

I feel no need to answer why you don't like Bret Hart because you are entitled to your opinion.

However no matter your opinions on whatever wrestler, one shouldn't be so biased as to neglect indisputable facts such as the fact that Bret Hart has put on some 5 star classics in his time.

You say he's formulaic, but the fact is every wrestler has a formula. However I suppose if one is challenged by blind markism, one might not be able to see that.

Finally, Gene Kinisky was a great wrestler, no doubt about it. But is he better than Bret Hart, or is he Canada's greatest wrestler? There can be no real answer to that because any answer given will be strictly opinion, and we all know that opinion isn't fact.
Feb 27, 2006
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I would never say that Bret was average. I will say that somewhere in the last 10 years his legacy has been built up to the heavens. He was great but not the greatest. Maybe it was the era but I see someone like Jericho or Angle being far superior to anything Bret Hart could do.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2010
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I got yellow

Your Passion is Yellow

You're a total sexual shape shifter.
You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.
Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.
While you the most passionate, you are also very open minded.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
Your Passion is Blue

You are a total dream in the bedroom.
Sex is a fine art for you - and you're a total Picasso in your pleasure making.
You like to build things up slowly, savoring each moment.
And you'd never think of skipping foreplay or after-play... they're part of the package.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Louisville, KY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
I got orange

Your sex life is driven by your wild fantasies.
For you, sex is a dramatic performance where you are the star.
And you love putting on a wild act for your lover, trying to top last night's show.
Whether you enjoy the actual sex is irrelevant... it's all about putting on a good act!

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
Your Passion is Blue

You are a total dream in the bedroom.
Sex is a fine art for you - and you're a total Picasso in your pleasure making.
You like to build things up slowly, savoring each moment.
And you'd never think of skipping foreplay or after-play... they're part of the package.

Niiice. :)