I watch mainly out of habit. I've been a wrestling fan since 1996, and the only lengthy period of time I didn't watch was from 2006-2010. Even when I started keeping up again, I didn't watch Raw or Smackdown weekly all the time. So, watching regularly again is a conscious effort on my part to try and get more back into wrestling by tuning into the weekly shows since I am still somewhat of a fan, as evidenced by me still watching promos and matches on Youtube or DVD (or the fact that I participate here on this forum.)
And even though a large part of me is already almost sick of watching Raw and SD again (after only two whole weeks...), the thing is, there are actually a couple of things that have my attention on the show. Cena and Vickie's 'feud' with each other, which seems to be causing a Cena/Ziggler rivalry . I'm not a big fan of Ryback, but it's refreshing to see them actually trying to make a new star, so I'm liking that he's in the spotlight. I'm looking forward to the Survivor Series elimination match that's been booked. Plus, I can't wait for The Rock to come back and fight Punk, although I have no interest in the Rock/Cena rematch that will occur afterwards.
I also think a large part of watching the shows is just so I'll have more of a reason to post here, since posting here has become a habit of it's own.