I don't get why some people are saying he sold out lol. By now everyone should know that Punk does whatever he wants to do. You're not gonna be able to force this guy to do anything. He apparently even met with Tony Khan and turned down "a lot of money", so that'll give you insight on where his head is at. Generally it seems like he just enjoys being involved with the product again, which is neat. I'm just happy to see that he's happy and that they "buried the hatchet". Even though he's technically hired by FOX and not WWE, it's a show about WWE so he's still going to be heavily involved with the product.
I actually have fond memories of Punk. I remember when he basically turned Raw into a one-man-show back in 2011 and really pulled a lot of people back into watching the product at the time. WWE took a few hits from 2009-10 when it came to popular figures on the roster, like Jeff Hardy leaving or HBK retiring, so Punk really filled that void and rejuvenated a lot of people's interest. I've said this a lot, but him and Bryan are probably the 2 biggest influences on how WWE looks at outside talent nowadays