I have no idea i was hoping for information... trying to be more active...What were you hoping for when you targeted her?
Not gonna lie yeh im sick of this guys... i give info and you all refuse to believe and just shit on my posts... like its not fair i try to play game to just get shit on... is it because im a fairly new player or what... im sorry i havent been active as much but i have been really busy with college which has effected my gameplay... im not being a dick to you guys but honestly it does feel like some of you are taken more seriously than others and its not fair guys come on... Im actually enjoying this game but shit like this is annoying... i get it im a new player and none of you really know me but come on guys shitting on my posts just makes this experience really shitty... and its not just me throughout my first few games in each one someone goes off the handle insulting people n shit just straight up taking the fun out of it by being stupidly serious... again not meaning to be a dick guys im just saying like this game can get very toxic on times when it doesnt need to...