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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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It is a cool fall day as we see a wrestler who has been the talk of LDW for her actions at Blackout, Nova Taylor, is rolling a suitcase and is holding a carrier in her other hand. Her rainbow hair is in a ponytail and she has a plain black sweater and blue jeans on. She is approaching a house that very much resembles a colonial mansion. The outside made of white bricks and the roofing is a steel grey. It is made of multiple floors, the top floor having a balcony adorned with roses and vines. As she gets to the door, she takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. The door slowly opens and an enthused Eden greets Nova in the doorway.

“Hello there, Nova.” Eden smiles at Nova Taylor who simply nods. “I am thrilled that you decided to come to Slate and I’s home.”

“I understand it is where I am destined to be...” There isn’t any enthusiasm in Taylor’s voice. “I feel welcomed.”

“As you should,” Eden responds with glee. “This is where you have always belonged, right beside your true family.”

“And like any family, I will be loyal to it…” Nova says, voice trailing.

“Well, what are we waiting for. Come inside, let’s get you accustomed to your new forever home.” And with that, Eden puts her arm around Nova, guiding her inside as Nova drags her suitcase behind her.

The inside of the house is just as lavish as one would expect. The windows are draped with fine, purple satin curtains. The walls contain paintings and pictures of various locations from around the world, as well as both the accomplishments of Slate and Eden throughout the years. The living room boasts a luxurious fireplace, the mantle of which hold a family photo of the Bassignani’s, a few solo pictures of their daughter Keres, a wedding picture, and a peculiar empty space in between them all.

Putting her carrier down, she opens it and runs out of it is an all grey cat. The cat curiously looks around as Eden comments.

“I see you brought company…”

Leaning over to scratch the cat’s ear, Nova responds. “She’s Hayley, my cat. She’s welcome too, right?” and she looks over at Eden.

As Hayley looks at Eden, she hisses, getting bad vibes from the Seamstress of Reality. Eden hisses back and the cat jolts up before becoming very timid. Eden lightly pets the cat and she happily purrs.

“The cat can stay, so long as she behaves. Which I believe she shall.” She smiles. “Welcome, Hayley, now feel free to explore your new home, just don’t break anything.”

The feline scurries off, carefully exploring the house.

Through a hanging curtain that separates the front of the house from the rest, Slate Bass enters the room holding his daughter lovingly in his arms, feeding her a bottle.

“Ah, Nova. What a lovely sight it is to see you in our residence. Not many people have stepped foot in here unless we employed them to take care of the place. Even my old friend Jeffry Mason never quite knew where we lived. But are special.”

Hearing that from Slate gives a small grin to Nova.

Slate continues, “Now, Eden my dear, shall I give her the grand tour?”

“Yes, you shall. But where to start?”

Slate and Eden both look at each other, wondering which part of their home to show to Nova first. This being akin to a colonial mansion, the options are plentiful. Then something makes up their mind for them, the sound of their daughter Keres cooing.

“Keres’ room.” The couple say in unison.

Eden is the first to head through the curtain, with Slate motioning for Nova to follow suit while he takes up the rear.

“This is beautiful…” Nova says to herself.

Slate chimes in to comment on Nova’s wandering eyes.

“There will be plenty of time for you to admire the art and other trinkets around the home. Your marvel at it all is truly a compliment, thank you.”

Eden, Nova and Slate reach the door to Keres’ room. Out of sorts with the rest of the house, it being of a more plain color palette of traditional blacks, grays, whites, browns and blues, the baby’s door is bright pink. The door is covered in decorations, mainly stars and flowers. The middle of the door has Keres’ name embedded into an intricately designed moon with a night sky background.

“Lovely place for Keres to grow…” Nova says, starting to sound more and more like Eden and Slate the longer she is there.

“Thank you.” Eden replies with a smile, “Only the absolute best for those we love. Now, are you excited to see inside?”

Nova nods and Eden opens the door to Keres’ room and the room is a soft pink, with Eden’s crib against the wall, having a soft veil over it and a spinning mobile with stars and tiny crows. The floor has several toys on it and the wall is decorated in stars and moons with a framed picture of Keres with her family on the wall.

“I never saw you two as caring before…” Nova comments. “But clearly I was wrong.”

“We are often misjudged by what we do. Perhaps rightly so.” Eden looks down, then back up at Nova with a smile, “We may appear to be monsters to some...but no matter how black, even monsters have hearts.”

“Understood,” Nova says and she gives a small grin at Eden.

“Let us continue,” Slate says, as he places Keres into her crib.

The three move out of Keres’ room, and Slate slightly closes the door behind him, leaving it open just a crack.

“Would you like to see our, hmhmhm, famous garden?” Eden asks with a sly smirk.

“That would be great.” The former Rainbow Princess nods.

“Wonderful. Let us proceed then, shall we?” Eden lightly holds Nova’s hand to guide her through the house and into the garden.

“Not a single soul, again, outside of those we employ to care for it, have set eyes upon our garden in person. Let alone be granted permission to do as they please within it.” Slate says nonchalantly.

“I understand, and it is an honour to have that privilege…”

Slate responds with an amused “hmph”.

Now in the backyard garden, the three stand to marvel in its vastness. It extends far beyond any of their eyes can see and a multitude of flowers, trees, food and various other plants are flourishing under the careful hands of gardeners. The system of small pipes, tubes and sprinklers that go throughout the garden are a wonder of modern engineering. It is clear that a lot of money and a significant amount of thought and care have gone into this beautiful garden.

“This…” Eden steps in front of Slate and Nova, spreads her arms out and exclaims, “is the Garden of Eden, as I affectionately call it. Besides my daughter, this is the greatest thing that I have ever breathed life into.”

Only muttering a small “Wow,” Nova is almost entranced by the garden’s beauty.

“It started with me. The first flower to grow here was nurtured by me from the start. Would you like to see it?” Eden asks. “It is my absolute favorite place in this garden.”

“Of course…” Her new family member responds.

Eden begins walking down a dirt path in the middle of the garden as Slate and Nova follow behind her. Along the way she grazes her hands across every plant, flower and tree they walk by. After a minute of walking, they get to the very center of the garden, which is marked by and old white fountain, that has been emptied of its water and turned into a gazebo.

“Here we are. Around the fountain, these roses. Specifically…” Eden kneels down by the right side of the fountain, ”this beauty right here. She has been here as long as this garden has. Never wilting, never hiding with the change of the seasons. She stands tall, proud and powerful...just like her mother, father, and sisters…”

“It’s much like you…” Nova mutters.

Eden smiles at the compliment. “You are correct. Just as this rose is the center of nurture to the garden, I am the center of nurture to my husband, my daughter...and now you.”
Nova smiles and admires the flower until Slate speaks.

“Perhaps it is time to continue the tour?” He puts his hand on Nova’s shoulder and she springs up.

“I am sure Nova will have plenty of opportunities to admire the garden in due time.” Eden lightly grabs Nova’s arm and leads her for the tour.


After the majority of the tour is done, the three are on the top floor of the house and are walking down the hallway.

“This is a beautiful home,” Nova says. “Everything from the washrooms, to the kitchen, library, even the garage was all welcoming.”

“Your compliments flatter us, Nova, truly. Thank you.” Slate responds.

As they passed by a door, they do not go inside and Nova notices. “What room is that?”

“It is our bedroom.” Slate says before adding firmly, “Strictly off-limits.”

Not questioning it at all, Nova nods then finally, they head to one final door. It is a pure white door, perfectly blank.

“And this is the final, but most important, stop on our tour,” Eden says. “This will be where you’ll stay.” and as she says this, Nova’s cat Hayley returns, sitting at Eden’s feet, and she scratches the kitten’s ears. Slate opens the door and there are stairs leading to an attic, and it is already set up.

Having a luxurious look, there are light purple walls with a white ceiling that peaks. The window on the end has pink curtains. There is a wall of hangers for outfits, a make-up stand with a mirror, a dresser with a television on it across from a princess style bed looking as comfortable as can be. The floor has a purple carpet which the cat immediately lies on comfortably. In awe of the room, Nova looks around, placing her suitcase at the end of her bed, and she looks out of the window where the garden is visible.

“This is all yours...Princess Nova.” Eden says and holds out her arms for a hug.

“Princess Nova…” The name sinks in, “I love it…” Nova’s eyes are practically sparkling and Eden, smiling, gives her a hug and Nova hugs back.

“Now, we will leave you to rest.” Eden looks into Nova’s eyes. “Because starting tomorrow, the real work begins.”

Eden and Slate leave the room as Nova and her cat stand in the middle of it, the change in their lives coming. Slowly, a smile appears on Nova’s face and she says as the scene fades.

“Hayley, we’re home…”
