
What you need to understand is that you guys most try to cope with us and try abide by our reasoning and rules.
Yes, at times, you won't like what we do, I understand that, but its for the better. Like getting rid of HIAT, yes, I understand its YOUR place to flame, spam, etc... but we got rid of it for the better of the forum, (i.e. Impact WRESTLING Forum... now Impact SPAM Forum)
Look, I know you guys are the staff, and you're gonna do what you feel you need to do to fix shit around here. I get that. But you guys REALLY need to start acting like you care what the members think. And I mean immediately.
No more closing threads with controversial staff decisions without allowing the members to discuss it first. You DO have quality wrestling posters on this site who are not on the staff or hell, even Legends Status yet, and you NEED to allow us to weigh in our opinions on what's good and bad for the forums.
If you keep on pretending like what the members say doesn't matter and that you know best for everyone, you're being no better than the predecessors before you that you removed were, despite how much you claim how bad they are. You're doing worse by lording over the forums.
Any good community, any good public structure PERIOD needs to welcome civil discussion and debate. If a troll comes in and tries to disrupt the discussion, just delete their post and infract them. But God damnit you NEED to allow your current memberbase who cares about what goes on to discuss whether we agree or disagree with your God damned decisions!
I don't give a crap if it doesn't change your mind, but you need to stop locking threads, pushing your weight around and otherwise bullying your members into submission. That is NOT going to work if you hope to keep your current existing memberbase. And if you keep on insisting it's going to work, then you TRULY are unfit to run these forums.
Let us have a voice, let us speak up when we disagree with your decisions, let us feel like our opinions matter. Because I've only returned for a few days now and already I am regretting it. Because you're silencing all of your critics, you're not allowing anybody to have civil discussion, and you act hostile towards anyone who disagrees with you. AND THAT NEEDS TO STOP!
1) Staff and Administration do care about what the members think. We respect your opinions greatly. However due to the situation lately the members' opinions are heavily influenced due to recent conflicts. I do not think it would be fair to the forum to really analyze some members' opinions at this time considering that they might still be venting over the MS incident.
2) I will admit some of the stripping of Legend Statuses I might not agree with, but I do agree with the idea that in order to keep a Legend Status you must carry yourself around the forum as if you are a Legend. That means follow the rules, don't totally spaz out, and just set a good example for everyone else here.
3) We only lock threads that need to be locked. It is not cool to see about 20 threads that are literally about the same thing in HIAT for example. We are not closing threads just to close them.
4) Again, we do care about what the members think, but some of the members lately are hard to take seriously in a serious discussion. That is where the conflict comes into play. Some members on here are so gung ho about hating on the new staff and hating the new rules you are hard to take seriously. If some members on here just chilled out and prepared themselves for a serious conversation without having to mention "dick riding,""dick sucking," or any other forum of name calling or criticizing we would be more open to hear what the members have to say. Like I said alot of members are still very sore about the recent happenings here and that might falsely weight their judgment of right and wrong.