WCW Lives: Phase One

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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May 9 2001
Hard Rock Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada

The inaugural episode of WCW Thunder in the WCW relaunch begins with a brief pyrotechnical display at the stop of the stage. The Joint, apart of the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s a raucous crowd in attendance. We get a quick glimpse of particular fans with signs for their favorite wrestler or just being animated before the image dissolves to the announce position where Tony Schiavone and Mark Madden are located.

Tony Schiavone: It’s the return of WCW Thunder on TNT. Hello, everyone! I’m Tony Schiavone, alongside my broadcast partner Mark Madden, we welcome you to the program. What a week it has been for World Championship Wrestling. We returned with the Big Bang, where Goldberg recaptured the WCW World Heavyweight title for the third time, defeating Booker T, who was a double champion, holding both the World title and United States title. We saw the return of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, The Outsiders, to WCW. The debut of amazing Cruiserweights such as Super Crazy. It’s been a wild week and there’s no signs of slowing down.

Mark Madden: The craziness you’ve come to know from WCW that’s for sure. Shane Douglas, The Franchise, took out DDMe. Who knows when, if ever, he’ll be back. I know The Franchise has requested time tonight to explain his actions. I can’t wait to hear from him. The Steiner Brothers will also have words for Goldberg. And WHO KNOWS what those two psychos are going to do.

Tony Schiavone: Also, tonight in action The WCW World Tag Team champions, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo, will be in action against The Jung Dragons. Bam Bam Bigelow will team up with 3 Count to take on The Filthy Animals in Six Man Tag action. First up, former Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guerrero Jr goes one on one with the debuting Yoshihiro Tajiri.

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Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

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The former Cruiserweight champion and member of the esteemed Guerrero family, Chavo Guerrero, looks to get back on track with a win in the opening contest of Thunder, facing off against new comer Yoshihiro Tajiri, who is coming off of a tremendous run in Extreme Championship Wrestling. The commentary team, joined by “The Professor” Mike Tenay, allude to this by saying he cut his teeth on the American scene in “barbwire city”. As the two engage in a collar and elbow tie up, Chavo Guerrero makes the first move, trapping Tajiri in an arm wringer, but the Tokyo native counters with an arm wringer of his own before snap marring Chavo Guerrero Jr to the mat for a flash pin, but doesn’t even get a one count. Any time Guerrero manages to get the upper hand, Yoshihiro Tajiri quickly counters, frustrating the former Lt. Loco. Instead of chain wrestling, Chavo switches tactics, kneeing Tajiri in the stomach before Irish whipping him into the ropes. Tajiri bounces off the ropes. Chavo Guerrero swings his arm out for a clothesline, but Tajiri ducks underneath Chavo’s arm, stops on a dime and—


Chavo Guerrero Jr’s head rocks back, seemingly in a daze as he gazes up towards the ceiling from a pin point side kick to the chin. Tajiri takes off towards the ropes, performing a handspring into them, using the momentum of the ropes Tajiri back handsprings towards Guerrero with a Flying Elbow. The Japanese Buzzsaw waste no time going for the cover, but only gets a count of one. Chavo Jr crab walks to the ropes, using them to aid himself getting up. As he turns around, Tajiri’s right leg is coming at his head with a round kick, but Chavo narrowly avoids it and shoves Tajiri into the ropes. Yoshihiro Tajiri’s chest hits the ropes and he ricochets off as Chavo Guerrero drives an elbow into Tajiri’s back. Chavo Guerrero spins him around and sets up for a Powerbomb, but Tajiri reverses it into a Flip Over DDT!! Chavo Guerrero Jr’s head is spiked into the mat. Another cover from Tajiri yields a count of two this time.

Tajiri further displays his martial arts expertise mixed with some dazzling Lucha Libre. After every highlight reel maneuver Tajiri performs, it seems he’s getting closer and closer to victory. However, Chavo Guerrero Jr, keeping up with the Guerrero family tradition of lying, cheating, and stealing (I know this phrased was coined in WWE, but WCW did allude to this same thing when Eddie was there), drops to his knees pleading with Tajiri for mercy before he grabs a handful of The Japanese Buzzsaw’s tights and flings him through the middle rope out to the floor. A loud thud echoes through the arena as Tajiri collides with the mat on the floor. Chavo Guerrero Jr is admonished by referee Charles Robinson before Chavo Jr rolls to the outside and throws Tajiri face first into the corner post, following up with an Irish Whip into the guard rail. For the next several minutes of the match up, Chavo Guerrero Jr is in the driver seat, showing everyone why he was recently the champion of the Cruiserweight division. Chavo Jr body slams Tajiri into the mat with authority before climbing out on to the apron and leaps over the top rope for a somersault senton, a trademark maneuver of his uncle Eddy Guerrero. Chavo only gets a count of two for his efforts. The grappler formerly known as Lt. Loco proceeds to use his size against Tajiri, firing off a series of European Uppercuts that rock the Japanese Buzzsaw. However, Yoshihiro valiantly fights back with a punch combination followed by two roundhouse kicks to the chest. A round kick to the head drops Chavo Guerrero to his knees. Tajiri proceeds to size him up before swinging a Side kick to the face, but Chavo Guerrero evades it and goes for a roll up pin. He only gets a count of two.

Chavo goes to work on the leg of Tajiri, performing a Aregentine Leg Lock. Tajiri refuses to submit to the hold. Chavo even breaks out the Loco Lock which is his rendition of a Cross-legged inverted STF. Still, Tajiri shakes his head “no”, letting Charles Robinson know he still refuses to submit. Eventually, Tajiri manages to escape the hold and attempts a front dropkick to a kneeling Chavo Jr, but the former Cruiserweight champion catches Tajiri’s legs and rolls into a single legged Boston Crab, pulling back as much as possible to place a lot of torque on Tajiri’s knee. A few more minutes of punishment from Chavo Jr before he sets up for the Gory Bomb, but Tajiri rallies back hits the Buzzsaw Kick, stunning Chavo Jr for the Buzzsaw Brainbuster for the pin fall victory.


Tony Schiavone: Unbelievable!

Mark Madden: Tajiri beat Chavo?! Tajiri beat Chavo!!

Mike Tenay: In his debut bout in World Championship Wrestling, Yoshihiro Tajiri just beat the former Cruiserweight champion!!

Tony Schiavone: If you aren’t impressed by the performance of Tajiri, with his marital arts kicks and high flying maneuvers, I don’t know what to tell you. He was incredible. He’s certainly going to be someone “Sugar” Shane Helms, or Super Crazy should he emerge victorious at The Great American Bash June 17th, could be hot on their heels.

Mike Tenay: WCW has been known for being home to the best Cruiserweights in the world. Rey Mysterio Jr, Kidman, Helms. We’ve also got upstarts like AJ Styles, Elix Skipper, Super Crazy, and Tajiri in the ranks. Surely the Cruiserweight division will be more competitive than ever before, and that’s a tall order given the lineage of the championship!!

Yoshihiro Tajiri’s hand is raised in victory. However, the celebration is short lived as Chavo Guerrero Jr jumps him from behind, knocking him down with a forearm to the back of the head!! Chavo Jr stomps on Tajiri repeatedly before picking him up by the hair. Chavo Jr jaw jacks with Tajiri for a moment as he has a handful of Tajiri’s hair.


Tony Schiavone:
My god! The mist!

Mike Tenay: A trademark of The Great Muta!

Mark Madden: Someone get the championship committee on the phone. Call the president. Chavo Guerrero’s career could be cut short due to this. The green mist severely blinds a person. He may never be able to wrestler again! He can’t Stevie Wonder a wrestling career!

Tony Schiavone: He got what he deserved by attacking Yoshihiro Tajiri after the bell!

Chavo Guerrero Jr stumbles around blinded by the mist. His arms flailing about for anything that will support him while he suffers from blindness. Tajiri rifles off another Buzzsaw Kick, rendering Chavo Guerrero Jr unconscious on his back against the canvas. Tajiri poses to the delight of the fans, who seem to have taken to the Japanese Buzzsaw.

Tony Schiavone: What a way to kick off the program, folks! It’s WCW. This is Thunder. And we’ve got more insane action to come!


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Thunder on TBS returns with audible jeers as “Perfect Strangers” by Deep Purple begins to play.

Tony Schiavone: Welcome back to WCW Thunder. As you can hear, we are about to see “The Franchise” Shane Douglas come out. I’ll be interested to know what exactly Douglas will have to say. Especially pertaining to his actions on Nitro. Folks, in case you missed it, Diamond Dallas Page was scheduled to team up with Goldberg to face The Steiner Brothers in the Main Event. However, Shane Douglas attacked DDP as he was entering the arena.

Mark Madden: Shane Douglas said he was going to make a statement in this “new and improved” WCW, and what a statement indeed. The King of Bada Bing suffered a big ding to the noggin. Suffered a stinger cause he took a Pittsburgh Plunge on a road crate. Who knows how long he’ll be out.

By this time, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas emerges from behind the curtain with a dastardly smile. The Franchise is decked out in black slacks with a gold shirt and chain on. Douglas soaks in all the disapproval from the Vegas audience.

Tony Schiavone: Look at him. Shane Douglas is so proud of himself.

Mark Madden: As he should be! He’s the talk of the town. I’ve heard he’s had to stay here under an alias cause all of the women trying to get to his hotel room. And if anyone knows how to slay the ladies, it’s The Franchise. He had Torrie Wilson for god sake! Might as tear down Space Mountain.

Tony Schiavone: You better hope Flair doesn’t hear you say that. None the less, Shane Douglas is riding high on his “accomplishment”.

Shane Douglas saunters down to the ring, climbs inside the squared circle and yanks the microphone from David Penzer. Without any hesitation, Douglas begins to speak.

Shane Douglas: Cut the music!

The music dies down, but the boos remain just as loud. There is a sea of Diamond Cutter hand gestures in the crowd. A murmur of DDP chants start before growing louder, drawing the ire of The Franchise.

Shane Douglas: Cheer all you want, but he isn’t here! And what won’t be a very long time.

The crowd boos.

Shane Douglas: If there’s one thing for certain about The Franchise, it’s that I am a man of my word. When I say I’m going to do something, it gets done. I promised you all at Big Bang that you were going to truly see what The Franchise was all about. I promised to give you the man who put an entire local promotion out of Philadelphia on his back and lead it to national recognition. I promised you I was going to live up to the name of The Franchise. While I didn’t wrestle on Nitro, I think made quite the impression if I do say so myself.

Shane Douglas snickers, lowering the microphone for a moment.

Mark Madden: Tell ‘em, Franchise!

Douglas brings the microphone back up to his face to resume speaking.

Shane Douglas: Because I took out your favorite. Your hero. Your… “People’s champion”.

Shane Douglas scoffs at the words, but his demeanor turns to disdain before he says the following words.

Shane Douglas: A Franchise…

The crowd comes alive with cheers.

Shane Douglas: Page, I’ll give you credit where credit is due. You, an unlikely success. An underdog in every sense of the word, started wrestling well into your thirties and turned yourself into a World Heavyweight champion with all the odds against you. Whenever anyone speaks of World Championship Wrestling, you’re one of the names that’s springs to people’s minds first. Whether I like it or not, you are a franchise in WCW. To director in the production truck, I want you to show everyone at home these people in the crowd. Show them all the fans who support Diamond Dallas Page.

The camera cuts around the crowd who have the Diamond Cutter hand sign high into the air.

Shane Douglas: Take a look, Page. Marvel at the fruits of your labor. They love you. This isn’t hyperbole. This isn’t just promotional tactics, you’re the franchise of WCW… which is why I took you out.

The crowd erupt with jeers once more. A chant of “Douglas Sucks” begins, drawing an annoyed expression from former leader of The Revolution.

Shane Douglas: You’ve had a great run, Page, but it’s over. I am THEE Franchise in the sport of professional wrestling. WCW is mine now. I don’t give a damn about Goldberg holding the Big Gold belt, the most prestigious prize in our sport because it’s only a matter of time it will find itself around my waist. My ascension to the upper echelons of World Championship Wrestling, to hold the World’s Heavyweight championship, starts with you. The foundation will be built on top of your legacy, DDP. These people think I’m just some middle of the card wrestler. I am not a bottom tier guy. I AM THE PINNACLE OF THIS SPORT!

More boos fill The Joint.

Shane Douglas: Boo all you want. I could give a rat’s ass what it is you people want. You fans may not like it, but you’ll learn to love it. Because WCW will belong to “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. DDP, mark my words, your ass will be franchised!

With those closing remarks, Shane Douglas slams the mic down as Deep Purple’s song “Perfect Strangers” starts playing. Douglas climbs up onto the second turnbuckle posing to the dismay of the crowd.

Tony Schiavone: The message has been received. Shane Douglas promised he was going to live up to the moniker of The Franchise. And in his mind, the only way he can do that, at least is how it sounds to me, is if he end’s the career of Diamond Dallas Page.

Mark Madden: Well, to be the man you’ve got to beat the man, right? I guess if you want to be the franchise, you’ve got to beat the franchise. At this moment it time, perhaps it just sounds like a cute nickname for Shane Douglas instead of an indisputable fact. If I were Dallas Page, maybe I would consider retirement. After all, I’m from Pittsburgh. It’s not that far off from Philadelphia. I’m well aware of the reputation Shane Douglas built down there. I know all of the horrible things he’s done to other wrestlers. He broke a man’s neck for Christ sake! Tony, DDP has went to war with the likes of Randy Savage, Goldberg, and Bret Hart. However, I don’t think he’s ready, nor understands the depths Shane Douglas is willing to go in order to come out on top.

Tony Schiavone: If there is one word DDP doesn’t know the meaning of, Mark Madden, it’s quit. I’ve never seen Diamond Dallas Page run away from a fight before. I don’t think he’s going to start now. None the less, Shane Douglas has his sights set on the three time World Heavyweight Champion from the Jersey Shore. Fans, still to come on tonight’s program The Tag Team Champions Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire take on the Jung Dragons. We’ve got The Steiner Brothers going to come out and address the fans. Up next, we’ve got Mark Jindrak to face Jerry Lynn one on one. Don’t go anywhere.

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Mark Jindrak is performing biceps curls with a resistance band, warming up for his match. Stacy Keibler enters the scene with a smile on her face. Jindrak takes notice of Stacey and stops his warm up, smiling back at the former Miss Hancock.

Stacy Keibler: I just wanted to wish you luck in your match tonight.

Mark Jindrak: Thank you.

Stacey Keibler slowly moves towards Jindrak, running her fingers down his chest. A gesture that takes Mark Jindrak by surprise.

Stacy Keibler: I’ll be watching very, very closely.

Jindrak grins as Stacy walks backwards, biting her lip as she winks as him. The former Natural Born Thriller looks as if he’s lost in fantasy for a moment before shaking the notion and getting back to bicep curls.

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Jerry Lynn vs Mark Jindrak

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The thirteen year veteran Jerry Lynn certainly isn’t going to win a test of strength against the younger 6’6 253lbs Mark Jindrak, so Lynn implements a more grappling base approach while trying to keep out of Mark Jindrak’s grasp. The former Mr. JL certainly frustrates the two year pro, who argues with the referee that Jerry Lynn could be using illegal tactics to gain an advantage over him. Stacey Keibler walks out at the top of the ramp to watch this bout with great interest. Eventually, Mark Jindrak takes notice of Stacey’s presence, briefly flashing a smirk before focusing back in on Jerry Lynn. For a man his size, Mark Jindrak is very agile, hitting a Springboard Asai Moonsault after being whipped into the ropes by Jerry Lynn. In a bit of innovation, Jindrak hoist Lynn into the air in a Powerbomb position before launching Jerry Lynn over his head and dropping him chest first into the top rope, knocking the wind out of Lynn. Jerry Lynn doesn’t have time to catch his breath as he gets turned inside out by a devastating Lariat by Jindrak. This sequence only gets a count of two, but Stacey Keibler likes what she sees, applauding Jindrak.

Stacey makes her way down towards ringside, flashing a smile at Jindrak, who appears a bit smitten. He poses to Keibler’s delight. This distraction allows the grappler formerly known as Mr. JL to regroup and mount some offense on the young Jindrak. Jerry Lynn begins using his quickness against Mark Jindrak to maintain an offensive advantage and keeping the inexperienced Jindrak off balance and frustrated. Keibler slams her fist against the canvas to rally behind Jindrak. At this point Shawn Stasiak has marched down to the ring, arguing with his valet/love interest. The two begin to argue with Stacey pleading her innocence in this situation. Mark Jindrak wipes out Jerry Lynn with a superkick. Instead of going for the cover, Jindrak rolls to the outside putting himself in between Stacey and Shawn Stasiak with the two arguing and getting into a shoving match. Jerry Lynn planchas over the top rope, wiping out Stasiak and Jindrak. An unintended collateral damage in this maneuver is Stacey. Nick Patrick, the referee for this bout, goes to check on Keibler, throwing up an “x” symbol for the ringside doctor. Jerry Lynn pays no attention as he rolls Jindrak back into the ring.

An angry Shawn Stasiak gets up and slides into the ring, clubbing Lynn in the back of the head. Jerry Lynn doubles over with Stasiak hoisting him up in the air for his iteration of the Death Valley Driver he refers to as “The Perfect Plan”. Lynn is on the ground unconscious with Shawn Stasiak giving him a few choice words. Mark Jindrak launches Stasiak over the top rope and hurries up to cover Jerry Lynn. At this point, the ringside doctor is by Stacey’s side and Nick Patrick slides into the ring to count the pin.


Shawn Stasiak is sitting up on his knees, displeased about the results of the bout.

Tony Schiavone: Shawn Stasiak wanted revenge for what happened to himself and Stacey, but he didn’t mean to help Mark Jindrak win the bout!

Mark Madden: Smart by Jindrak to seize the opportunity presented to him. Good on Jindrak, Tony!

Tony Schiavone: You’re right, Madden. I’m not even going to argue with that. If you can take the way, take the win.

Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak share a brief glance at one another. Jindrak shrugs and smirks before exiting the ring. He walks over to Stacey Keibler checking in on her. Shawn Stasiak marches over and gives Jindrak a hard shove. The two exchange words and before they have the chance to come to blows security members come in between them to separate the two with Mark Jindrak back tracking up the ramp, raising his arms in victory.

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In the locker room, Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore are preparing for the Six Man Tag Team Main Event. Bam Bam Bigelow marches in, barring a disgruntled look on his face. Karagias and Moore stop stretching to acknowledge Bam Bam, who stands before them with his hands on his feet.

Bam Bam Bigelow: You two ready?

Evan Karagias: Of course, man!

Shannon Moore: Don’t worry about it.

Bam Bam Bigelow: First off, watch your mouths. Don’t tell me how to feel. I had two clowns as partners at Big Bang, who cost me a win and the winner’s purse. I’m not going to be embarrassed again by The Filthy Animals of all people. You understand that?

Evan Karagias: Look, we’ve faced them before. Shannon and I are a team. Not like Jindrak and Stasiak. Our head’s will be in the game.

Bam Bam Bigelow: Leave the boy band dances moves in the back. You two mess this up and I promise you’ll be in a world of hurt. You got me.

Shannon Moore: Don’t sweat it, Bammer. Trust us.

The Beast From The East stares a hole through 3 Count. Silence fills the room. Bam Bam nods his head, grinning as he leaves.

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Chuck Palumbo & Sean O’Haire vs Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
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It’s the first since WCW’s return the Jung Dragons are in action. They look ready to go, but unfortunately for Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang, they are competing against the very angry WCW Tag Team Champions of the World, who have had their championship titles stolen by The Outsiders. It’s noted on commentary due to the brawl The Outsiders and The Champions had on Nitro in the Casino that WCW officials have ruled the two teams will not be allowed to touch one another until Palumbo’s punches noticeably seem stiffer, but Sean O’Haire throws punches and kicks that could be near knock out blows. O’Haire even risks losing the bout by not breaking before the count of five. Despite being angry as well, Chuck Palumbo has to step into the ring to join the referee in reasoning with a very disgruntled O’Haire, displaying a near psychotic gaze. Sean O’Haire pushes through the Charles Robinson and Chuck Palumbo and biel throws Kaz Hayashi twice. Jimmy Yang attempts to save his partner, but he gets a superkick to the face, stunning Yang before he’s launched over the top rope, crashing into Kaz Hayashi!!

At this point, Palumbo convinces O’Haire to tag out. While Palumbo goes to work on Hayashi, a thumb to the eye changes the momentum. The Jung Dragons proceed to make quick tags with high octane offense in hopes of putting Palumbo away, but to no avail. The offensive onslaught of Jung Dragon is short lived as Palumbo manages to hit a leaping European Uppercut to Yang, driving both men to canvas before Palumbo tags in O’Haire. Sean O’Haire leaps into the ring hitting a series of kneeling Clotheslines to Yang and Hayashi followed by a pair of spin wheel kicks, finishing off with a two back suplex side slams. O’Haire goes for the cover on Hayashi, but Jimmy Yang breaks it up. Chuck Palumbo is back in and Jungle Kicks Yang, sending him flying through the second rope out on to the floor. During this sequence, Kaz Hayashi rolled out on to the apron. He springboards off the ropes, looking to catch Palumbo by surprise but he eats a Jungle Kick to the face. Sean O’Haire waste no time coming off the top rope with a Seanton Bomb for the victory.


Charles Robinson raises the Tag Team Champions in the air to signify their victory. Sean O’Haire yanks his arm away as he paces around the ring, still seething about what has transpired over the past couple of weeks. Chuck Palumbo gotten the microphone from ring announcer David Penzar.

Chuck Palumbo: This is a message to The Outsiders. You’ve got something that doesn’t belong to you. That fight in the casino is child’s play compared to what’s coming for the two of you. I think you’re lucky the WCW brass has enforced a “no contact” policy. If not for that, we’d be in your face right now AND take our belts back!

Chuck Palumbo passes the microphone to Sean O’Haire, who’s walking back and forth across the ring like a caged lion. Before he speaks, O’Haire stops at the center of the ring. The camera pulls in on the intense expression on Sean O’Haire’s face.

Sean O’Haire: Hall. Nash. Count your blessings. Thank Bischoff, the Championship Committee, and whatever deity it is you worship. More importantly.. pray.. pray that by the time Chuck and I get finally get the two of you in this ring, we show a shred of mercy to you. What you saw tonight was just a taste of what I’ve got in store for the two of you. You may have dominated WCW for years, you have ran rough shod over the tag team division, but those days are over. The sands in the hour glass is slowly starting to dwindle. Take those titles you have in your possession, and give them a long look over, boys. Because it’s the last time you’re going to see them. June 3rd. Great American Bash. Your asses belong to us!

O’Haire slams the microphone down on to the mat before storming out of the ring. Palumbo gives a few parting words to the ringside camera before exiting and joining his partner up the ramp.

Tony Schiavone: Well, there you have it, folks. The Tag champions, Palumbo and O’Haire, have issued the challenge to The Outsiders for The Great American Bash, our next Pay-Per-View event. Mark Madden, what must The Outsiders be thinking right now?

Mark Madden: Tony, you and I both know Scott Hall and Kevin Nash are big fan of mind games. They don’t fear a lot of guys in this sport. They once held an entire show hostage with baseball bats and the police nearly drew guns on them! So I know they’re probably laughing and having a good time at Palumbo and O’Haire’s expense, but I think they might need to take these guy’s a little more serious. Especially Sean O’Haire! The look in that man’s eyes. It’s as if there isn’t a soul behind those eyes. He’s ready for a fight.

Tony Schiavone: Folks, we were promised an interview with The United States Champion, former World Heavyweight champion, Booker T, for Nitro. However, Booker T opted out, for his was too upset to comment on what happened at Big Bang. Earlier today, Scott Hudson had a sit down interview with Booker T to discuss what’s happened with him recently. Let’s rolls the tape.

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It’s a studio setting with leather chairs across from one another. In one chair is Scott Hudson and the other is Booker T, who seems despondent as the United State championship sits in his lap.

Scott Hudson: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Scott Hudson, and joining me at this time is the WCW United States Heavyweight champion Booker T. Booker, you and I were supposed to conduct this interview live in the ring on Nitro. However, you had felt you weren’t prepared to in front of a crowd. Emotions were running high. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Booker T: Well, let’s wind the clock back a little. I’m out for two months because of an injury. I come back, I beat Rick Steiner for this here United State championship.

Booker T briefly holds up the US title before it rest back in his lap. Booker stares down at it for a moment before looking back up at Scott Hudson.

Scott Hudson: And one week removed from Greed, you beat Scott Steiner on the Night of Champions to gain the World Heavyweight championship for the fourth time in your career.

Booker T: ….Yeah….

Scott Hudson: It’s now around the waist Goldberg, who returned at your mystery opponent. However, we have to talk about your left leg. What exactly happened and have you spoken to doctors?

Booker T: I strained my patella as I hit the rope trying to catch DDP with the Harlem Side Kick. It made walking a little bit of a challenge, I was ready to compete. And like I always say, “don’t hate the player, hate the game.” Well, I don’t hate Goldberg capitalizing on my injury. Honestly, I can’t even be mad at Eric Bischoff for making the match. I’ve never backed down from a fight. I always want to prove myself against the best of the best, and Goldberg is amongst the very best in World Championship Wrestling.

A deep, painful sigh escapes from Booker T. He lowers his head into his right hand for a moment.

Booker T: I was The Double Champion. I held two titles simultaneously. I looked forward to the challenge. I overcame DDP, a guy who gives one hell of a fight, too, I might add… I escaped the Spear- the first time. Couldn’t find my way out from in front of that freight train a second time cause I was so focused on the injury..

Scott Hudson: So what’s next for Booker T? You still have the United States Heavyweight title.

Booker T lifts up the United States once again, staring at it.

Booker T: Obviously, I’m going to defend this title against any and everybody… and I’m going to make a promise right now. I had goals to be a Double champion and defend both belts separately, even in the same night.. I’m going to work my way from the bottom up. I will clean my way through every US title challenger until they give me The World Heavyweight champion- be it Goldberg or anybody else. I will be undeniable. The next time I challenge for the World title, I will be holding this belt. I will do what I set out to do in this new WCW.

Scott Hudson: It’s the unwritten rule of World Championship Wrestling, he who holds the US title is the number one contender to the World Heavyweight championship. And you want to climb up the ladder by successfully defending the United States title.

Booker T: Yes.

Scott Hudson: Lofty ambitions from the US champ, the former World Heavyweight champ, Booker T. Booker, thank you for you time. Let’s send it back to the announce booth.

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3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore) & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman, Konnan, & Rey Mysterio Jr)

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Unlike Bam Bam’s last encounter with The Filthy Animals, his partners for tonight are more cohesive. The trio use the quickness of Karagias and Moore to counter act that of Kidman and Mysterio while using the advantage of Bigelow’s size and strength. Bigelow and 3 Count attempt to isolate Konnan, who has a history of injuries as of late. Bam Bam Bigelow performs a Samoan Drop which is followed up by a moonsault from Evan Karagias which is followed up by a 450 Splash from Shannon Moore for a near fall. K-Dawg, using the height and weight disparity between himself and Moore, manages to get on the offensive, tagging in Billy Kidman before Irish Whipping him into the ropes and as he bounces back to the center of the ring, Billy Kidman connects with the jaw of Shannon Moore with a Dropkick. The Filthy Animals begin to find their rhythm, making quick tags and using double teams and triple team maneuvers to cut off the ring and maintain control of the match.

Meanwhile, The Beast of The East paces back and forth on the apron, barking words of “encouragement” to Moore. Evan Karagias stands up for his partner to Bam Bam, but Bigelow is none too happy with Karagias’ retort. Shannon Moore is only able to tag out to 3 Count partner Karagias after Bam Bam performs the Body Avalanche to Kidman after illegally entering the ring. From this point on, 3 Count and Bam Bam Bigelow put the Filthy Animals’ Billy Kidman on the defensive. 3 Count make quick tags in and out with Bigelow quarterbacking the team, calling out moves and strategies. At any point it seems Kidman is managing to turn the tide, Bam Bam Bigelow steps in to shut him down. The Beast From The East occasionally cast a side eye at 3 Count or shouts disparaging words at both of them, refusing to lose a second time to The Filthy Animals in six man tag action. Kidman finds himself trapped in his opponent’s corner with Evan Karagias hip gyrating to the dismay of the audience and Bam Bam before charing into the corner

Kidman gets the boot up.

Evan Karagias stumbles back as “The Kid” delivers shots to both Bam Bam and Shannon Moore, knocking them both off of the apron. Kidman hops up to the second rope, leaping off for a Flying Back Elbow. Both men are down. Bam Bam and Shannon Moore pop back up on the apron, holding out their hands for a tag. Meanwhile, Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr are firing up the crowd, waving their arms high into the air and stomping their feet as they hold out for the tag. Kidman tags in Mysterio. Evan Karagias tags in Shannon Moore. Rey Mysterio Jr comes in like a house of fire, ducking a clothesline attempt by Moore hitting a front drop kick. Bam Bam Bigelow enters the ring and gets hit with a Spinning Heel Kick that sends him stumbling back into the ropes dazed. Mysterio launches himself towards Bigelow, sending him flipping over the top rope with a Crossbody. However, Mysterio manages to hang on to the top rope, landing on the apron. Shannon Moore gets on his feet with Rey Mysterio spring boarding off the top rope with a Hurricanrana into a cover.





The referee raises arms of the Filthy Animals to signify their victory. The trio hug and celebrate their victory to the delight of the fans. On the floor, Bam Bam Bigelow kneels besides the apron in shock. Bam Bam gets to his feet and slams his fists into the apron repeatedly before storming off.

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The trademark sirens sound throughout The Joint as “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner along with his brother Rick Steiner emerge on stage to a chorus of boos. However, The Steiner Brothers don’t care. In fact, they begin to antagonize the crowd.

Tony Schiavone: Well, forty eight hours ago on Nitro, The Steiners lost to Goldberg in a handicap match. Once the match was over, Scott Steiner hit Goldberg from behind with a lead pipe before applying the Steiner Recliner.

Mark Madden: Ya know, Tony, Scotty must have been in a good mood. Because that’s all he did! I think it could have been a lot worse from The Steiner Brothers.

Tony Schiavone: In a way you maybe right, but talk about some sore losers. The Steiner Brothers lost to Palumbo and O’Haire the night before, trying to capture their 8th Tag Title reign together.

Mark Madden: You’ve got to wonder about Goldberg, too. I’ve heard he’s here in the building. I would be looking over my shoulder if I was Scott or Rick Steiner.

The Steiners climb into the ring. Scott Steiner rips the microphone out of Dave Penzer’s hand, shoving him in the process and demanding he exits the ring. Penzer, not wanting any harm to come to him, throws his hands up and quickly exits the ring. Big Papa Pump signals for his music to be cut.

Scott Steiner: Kill the damn music!

The crowd shower Scott Steiner with jeers.

Scott Steiner: Ah, shut the hell up, you Twinkie scarfing fat asses!

The boos grow louder.

Scott Steiner: Ever since Monday night, I’ve heard people whining and crying about what we did to Bill Goldberg. How I needed to use a pipe to take Goldberg down. I don’t need a pipe to wreck that stupid sonovabitch!

Fan erupt in chants of “Goldberg”, sending Scott Steiner in an even more irate state then he already is in. Rick Steiner, although not happy with the chant, tries to calm his brother down.

Scott Steiner: Chant his name all you want. I don’t give a damn! Goldberg sucks! And he’s lucky he got to face Booker T at Big Bang. If it had been me, Goldberg wouldn’t have won the World title, nor even be in WCW right now! He ain’t as big as me, he ain’t enough of a man as me, and he ain’t a genetic freak like me!

Big Poppa Pump does a double bicep pose before kissing them.

Scott Steiner: Goldberg is another piece of white trash outta Atlanta! He doesn’t come from Detroit, Michigan. Do you know how much of a bad ass you gotta be to be from Detroit?! Do you wanna know the things you gotta do to survive in Michigan?

Scott Steiner pauses for a moment, turning his attention to his brother Rick, who’s nodding along in approval. A smile comes across Big Poppa Pump’s face as he places a hand on Rick’s shoulder.

Scott Steiner: Rick, before I go any further… you know I love you to death. You helped me get my start in the business. You elevated me up to your level. You helped make me into the wrestler I am today. We’ve had a tremendous run together. You and me, taking on the world and winning championships.

The crowd, turning off their current hate in turn for nostalgia, applaud. Rick girls, nodding once again.

Scott Steiner: The fact of the matter is… YOU’RE NOT ON MY LEVEL ANYMORE!

Rick Steiner’s smile fades into a look of bewilderment. Somewhat angry, the Dog Face Gremlin begins to berate Big Poppa Pump and wonders what his brother is on about.

Scott Steiner: I tried to do the right thing teaming with you again at Big Bang. I tried to bring you up to MY LEVEL! You see, Big Poppa Pump is bigger than The Steiner Brothers! And you cost us the match against those goofs Palumbo and O’Haire. AND YOU COST US THE MATCH AGAINST GOLDBERG! You’re not sinking me, brother. You dropped the ball.

Rick Steiner: I dropped the ball? What the hell are you talking about? You son of a bitch! It’s a two man effort!

Scott Steiner: You dropped the ball!


Scott Steiner rams the lead pipe into the gut of Rick Steiner, doubling him over in pain.

Tony Schiavone: What in the world?!

Mark Madden: Scott Steiner betrayed his brother… again!!!

Scott Steiner hits Rick Steiner over the back with the pipe!!

The Dog Face Gremlin collapses to the canvas. Big Poppa Pump repeatedly hits his brother with the pipe. Referees come out attempting to intervene, but Scott Steiner takes them out one by one.

Mark Madden: Scott Steiner is certifiably insane!

Tony Schiavone: There’s no doubt about it! There’s going to be fines for this, but I don’t think Scott Steiner has much regard for that.

After dispatching of the officials, Scott Steiner applies The Steiner Recliner on his brother. Rick tries his best to loosen his brother’s grip, but he can’t seem to break it. Eventually, Rick fades in the hold and Scott Steiner throws him down.

Scott Steiner: To survive in Detroit, you gotta do anything you can. In WCW, in order to get the WCW World title… I just beat the crap out of my brother. Goldberg, just imagine what the beating I give you is like!

Big Poppa Pump exits the ring and begins walking up the ramp.

Tony Schiavone: Boy, Scott Steiner must feel real proud of himself. Attacking his brother, his own flesh and blood, in such a nasty way.

Mark Madden: Scott Steiner doesn’t care about his brother, authority, rules, or Bill Goldberg.

Big Poppa Pump stops his stride in the center of the aisle way, slowly turning around to stare back into the ring. Scott puts his hands on his hips for a moment with pondering expression on his face. Suddenly, he marches back down to ringside headed straight for the Time Keeper’s table.

Tony Schiavone: What is he doing?

Mark Madden: I have no earthly idea, Tony. Is he going to beat up the Time Keeper now?

The Time Keeper and Dave Penzer wisely get out of dodge. However, Scott Steiner doesn’t seem interested in them. The Big Bad Booty Daddy picks up a steel chair, slamming it shut, and storms up the steps on to the apron. Meanwhile, Rick Steiner slowly starts to come to consciousness, picking himself up off of the mat.



Tony Schiavone: Good God!! Enough is enough. That’s your brother, Scott!!

Mark Madden: I gotta agree. This is getting hard to watch. This is beyond wrestling now.

Rick Steiner lies on the mat unconscious and busted open. Blood starts to trickle down his forehead onto the mat. Scott Steiner proceeds to ajar the chair open slightly, putting his brother’s head in between it. Big Poppa Pump scoops up the lead pipe before he ascends to the second rope. He stands up and takes a pause, gazing down at his motionless injury prone brother.

He comes off of the ropes smashing the chair with the lead pipe!!!

Rick Steiner is grasping for air, clutching at his throat flailing around. Scott Steiner stomps his brother repeatedly before to allow him the opportunity to put the chair back around Rick Steiner’s head.

Tony Schiavone: No, God, no! He’s going to do it again!

Mark Madden: Can we get the police? Somebody?! Somebody has to stop this now. Rick Steiner could be injured. His career possibly over. Tony, I’m a fan of Scott Steiner, but I don’t like this one bit.

The jeers morph into cheers as GOLDBERG sprints down the aisle, sliding into the ring, and winding up to deck Scott Steiner, who’s already made a bee line out of the ring.

Tony Schiavone: Goldberg has arrived!

Mark Madden: Of all people, too! After what happened Monday night between him and Rick Steiner being apart of the attack, I’m surprised.

Tony Schiavone: Goldberg is a lot things, Madden, but a despicable no good son of— jerk isn’t one of them!

Goldberg glances periodically down at Rick Steiner, hesitant to take his glance away from the belligerent Scott Steiner, who’s slowly advancing up the ramp, but also taking steps back towards the ring yelling obscenities at The World Heavyweight champion. After Big Poppa Pump is half way up the ramp, Goldberg kneels down besides Rick Steiner to check on him. Rick Steiner can’t speak. He sounds as if he’s choking.

EMTs are sprinting down the aisle with a stretcher. They rush into the ring and immediately check on Rick Steiner. Goldberg stomps towards the ropes, leaning over and yelling back at Scott Steiner.

Goldberg: YOU’RE NEXT!

Scott Steiner hurls an obscene gesture towards Goldberg. The two are jaw jacking back and forth as Thunder comes to a close.




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Life got busy and took me longer to finish this episode than I would have liked. I’ll also apologize if it feels a little disjointed towards the end. In all honesty, I may have also rushed so I can get started on the next Nitro and the fun idea I have for that episode.

In working under a bit of the parameters of what the Fusient sale entails, writing both Nitro and Thunder may become a bit of a grind. So I’m considering making Thunder a strictly recap show with certain segments possibly getting a full write up. Just so I don’t get burnt out and keep the writing of shows a little quicker in some aspects. I have a lot of fun idea. It’s just getting there.

There definitely won’t be a huge gap in shows for a looong time.​


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There was so much good that could have happened with WCW continuing on in 2001. I explored the possibility in working on the Attitude Project, though feasibly I elected to stick with the InVasion angle with my own personal spin.

I've seen the Hard Rock Cafe used as a main venue quite a few times. It certainly isn't outside of the realm of possibility to see this venue used like Universal Studios was for TNA. Sharp debut for Yoshihiro Tajiri, who no doubt would have been a very good hire for the company in 2001. Beating Chavo Guerrero Jr was big as well, given how protected Chavo was in the cruiserweight division. The commentary was effective in listing what your aims for the division are, boasting talent from the other big two companies. I would have perhaps saved the green mist for a more crucial time than his debut, but it is a crucial part of the characters.

It's hard to picture Shane Douglas in the upper card in the 21st century, but at least promos with Diamond Dallas Page would benefit this program greatly.

Jerry Lynn coming in is another good hire. Hopefully we get to see pull the old Mr. JL rib on him...if only Chris Jericho was still employed here. I don't know if I'd have put him against Mark Jindrak, as the size difference would have been hysterical. The right man won, though. I suspect we have a love triangle on our hands between the Natural Born Thrillers and Stacy Keibler.

Bam Bam Bigelow and Three Count is certainly...a dynamic. I'm not against it, but hopefully it's a one-night thing and not a Tank Abbot ordeal.

Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire would have benefitted from opponents who could carry them like the Jung Dragons. Not bad - I do feel like Palumbo and O'Haire were promising WCW World Tag Team Champions until WCW folded, and WWF took their legs from under them. I'm in two minds about the Outsiders returning, to put it lightly. Kevin Nash already had his feud with the youngsters, whereas Scott Hall carried baggage already in 2001. I'm not too sure Eric Bischoff would have taken his chances at this stage.

The Filthy Animals going over Three Count made sense, but I have to wonder what the long-term is beyond a good win for Rey Misterio Jr, Billy Kidman and Konnan.

Scott Steiner and Goldberg is a no-brainer big angle. Good set up here with Scott again turning on Rick Steiner. You'd think he'd have learned last time this happened. It's a remarkable way to build an angle, and I did like Goldberg running him off. Sweet cliffhanger.
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K-KWIK has been released from the World Wrestling Federation. K-Kwik, on the independents known as K-Krush, was teaming with "Road Dogg" Jesse James from November of last year until January when Road Dogg was released. K-Kwik could make his way back to NWA Wildside, a promotion he wrestled for before signing with the WWF, or could be in WCW should they decide to add more bodies to the roster.

Norman Smiley could find himself back in the squared circle for WCW sooner rather than later. Smiley, along Finlay, split duties of being agents and trainers for WCW developmental talent. Eric Bischoff seem keen on using Smiley's amateur background as well as his participation in the UWF in Japan, hoping to bring a different style to World Championship Wrestling- much like the high flying style of the Cruiserweight division. Finlay was approached as well, but he seems keen on performing his duties as an agent and trainer for the time being.

Psicosis, Alan Funk (Kee Wee), Johnny The Bull, Glacier, and Hugh Morris have been approached about Per Appearance Deals. Fusient Media have allotted a small number of slots for long term deals. With the per appearance deals, this will allow WCW to rotate some of their main roster talents out to avoid 50/50 style booking.

Eric Bischoff has managed to restore WCW's relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling. Due to Vince Russo's booking decision to put the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title on Juventud Guerrera on an episode of Nitro soured the Japanese promotion on working with WCW. While in preliminary stages, both organizations with send talents over throughout the year to come. Great Muta is one name immediately thought to make an appearance in the coming months. Young Lion's Hiroshi Tanahashi and Katsuyori Shibata will also be joining him for their American excursions.

Ultimo Dragon, who has not competed since late 98 due to an arm injury and botched surgery and runs Ultimo Dragon Gym, could possibly send his students down to WCW. CIMA, Dragon Kid, and Tokyo Magnum have made appearances on WCW television in the past. The deal would work much like the New Japan young lion's excursion as Ultimo Dragon's student compete in Toryumon Japan. This could also aid in bringing more Luchadors into he fold as Ultimo Dragon has a school in Mexico along with Jorge "Skyade" Rivera,

Eric Bischoff is looking to broker a deal with AAA or CMLL in hope of bringing another wave of Luchadors into WCW. Juventud Guerrera attempted to get in contact with Bischoff. However, due to incident during a tour of Australia, where he was under the influence of PCP and arrested, Bischoff isn't too keen on doing business with The Youth Warrior any time soon.

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MAY 14th 2001


WCW rolls onwards to THE GREAT AMERICAN BASH June 3rd 2001


will respond to Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo








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May 14 2001


Nitro opens on a freeze frame of Goldberg arriving to The Hard Rock Hotel’s Juke Joint arena.

Joey Styles: Welcome to WCW Nitro live on FX! I’m Joey Styles alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. Earlier today, the WCW Heavyweight champion of the World, Goldberg, arrived to The Hard Rock, greeted the fans waiting out on the street when this happened-

The recording begins to play, showing Goldberg high fiving the fans, smile on his face, signing autographs for kids standing against the guard rail. Suddenly, “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner attacks the WCW Champion from behind!

Scott Steiner rams Goldberg’s head into the guard rail, proceeding to club Goldberg in the back of his head. Big Poppa Pump goes to whip Goldberg into the guard rail across from them, but The Heavyweight Champion reverses it, sending Steiner into the guard rail. The champ begins to unload a series of punches into the forehead of Scott Steiner. The Big Bad Booty Daddy fires back with shots of his own.

Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner took out his brother on Thunder. Now, he’s making a statement to the World Champion!!

Joey Styles: The Champ wasn’t going down without a fight. But watch this.

Scott Steiner gets the advantage in the melee after driving his knee directly into the stomach of Goldberg. Big Poppa Pump wraps his arms around Goldberg’s waist, charging forward and sends Goldberg back first into the limousine he arrived in. Finally, security along with such wrestlers as Bam Bam Bigelow, Elix Skipper, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire, and AJ Styles.

Joey Styles:
What a wild scene right of the Vegas strip.

Jerry Lawler: Right, Joey Styles. It took over a dozen men to get these two guys separated!! I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like this. Two big bulls going at it and the men with enough courage to get in between.

Joey Styles: We’re told they are in the building still. Separated with security practically barricading them in their locker rooms. I’m told we will be speaking with World champion Goldberg right after our opening contest. AJ Styles goes one on one with the sensational Blitzkrieg!

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AJ Styles vs Blitzkrieg

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Blitzkrieg, who has been retired from the sport for a bit of time, returns to World Championship Wrestling looking to gain some momentum by defeating the young hopeful AJ Styles, who is gaining some momentum since being in the Cruiserweight Ladder Match. Despite being out of competition for a bit of time, Blitzkrieg seems as if he hasn’t missed a bit in the ring, frustrating the young Styles, who can’t seem to find his rhythm offensively as Blitzkrieg seems to be slightly faster than AJ Styles. The former Air Styles is becoming seemingly frustrated by the events transpiring. The momentum swings into Styles’ favor after he ducks a clothesline and delivers a sick Pele Kick. AJ Styles, being the heavier of the two wrestlers, shows his deceptive strength, grounding the unsung phenomenon of Blitzkrieg. One impressive feat of strength in particular is AJ Styles is a Torture Rack turned into a Sitout Powerbomb for a near fall. Ultimately, a Spiral Tap picks up the victory for the up and coming AJ Styles.


Joey Styles: He got 'em! Another win for AJ Styles!

Jerry Lawler: He maybe a little country bumpkin to me, but he’s talented as can be! I’ll give him that.

Joey Styles: AJ Styles is certainly coming into his own as a singles competitor here in World Championship Wrestling. No doubt he’ll meet “Sugar” Shane Helms, or whoever, for the Cruiserweight championship at some point in the future.

Jerry Lawler: But will it be as much of a dog fight as Goldberg and Scott Steiner?

Joey Styles: Excellent segue, King. If you’re just joining us, at the start the of the show we saw what transpired earlier today between WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg and “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner. The former World champion attacked Goldberg as he arrived to the building early in the afternoon. Security, wrestlers, and maybe even some of Vegas’ finest had to separate these two individuals. Standing by is Scott Hudson who is going to talk to our World Champion. Scott, take it away.

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Scott Hudson with microphone in hand stands in the forefront as WCW Heavyweight champion of The World GOLDBERG is pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

Scott Hudson: Thank you, Joey. King. As you all can see, I’m in the dressing room of our Heavyweight champion Goldberg.

Scott Hudson timidly turns towards Goldberg.

Scott Hudson: Goldberg, if I may. As we saw at the top of the show, “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner attacked you as you arrived to the building. Days after injuring his own brother! Doctors have said Rick Steiner’s in ring career essentially could be over. He’s got his eyes set on you and your World title. What must be going through your mind right now.

Goldberg: First off, there’s no love loss between Rick and I. All feelings aside, it’s disgusting what Scott did to him. His own flesh and blood. I guess he’s trying to prove something, huh? Making a statement to me. If he’ll do that to his brother, what will he do to me? Well, Big Poppa Pump-



Joey Styles:
Oh my GOD! Scott Steiner is back! And he’s attacking Goldberg.

Jerry Lawler: They’re not done yet, Joey!

Scott Hudson gets out of harm’s way. Big Poppa Pump is clubbing Goldberg across the back of his head. The World champion is delivering body shots. Security rushes in, pulling Steiner and Goldberg apart. The two of them are shouting obscenities and harsh words back and forth.

Joey Styles: Chaos is afoot here in Vegas. Steiner and Goldberg are going at each other. How long can they keep these two apart?!

Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner is a mad man, Joey. I don’t even think the entire Nevada Police force can keep him away from trying to tear up Bill Goldberg. Maybe it’s good for Goldberg. We wouldn’t him getting hurt.

Joey Styles: I don’t know about that, but- GOLDBERG HAS BROKEN FREE!!

Goldberg throws security guards off of him. Scott Steiner manages to break free and punch his way out of the grasp of the other security guards. Goldberg sends a haymaker right at the jaw of Big Poppa Pump, who launches a hook right of his own. A knee from Scott Steiner connects directly in the stomach of The World Champion. Scott Steiner hurls Goldberg out of the locker room. Da Man rolls across the hall, getting back to his feet, charging at Steiner as if he’s going for a football tackle, but Scott Steiner moves out of the way.


Scott Steiner waste no times scooping up Goldberg and throws him into the wall. Goldberg’s leg buckles, attempting to shake off the cobwebs. The Champ burst of the wall with a Clothesline, knocking Steiner to the ground.

Joey Styles: It’s two raging bulls going at each other.

Jerry Lawler: It’s King Kong meeting Godzilla! We may need the National Guard.

Security and the locker room swarm in, tearing Goldberg and Scott Steiner apart from one another once more. They waste no time advancing Goldberg back, creating distance between him and Steiner.

Scott Steiner: Goldberg, we’re not done! You hear me?! Your ass is mine!!

Goldberg: I’m right here! C’mon!

Scott Steiner: I’m takin’ my title back you sonovabitch!!

The wrestlers and security manages to usher Scott Steiner away as Goldberg swats hands away from him as he paces back and forth.

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Nitro comes back on the air with a close up shot on the WCW United States Championship. The camera pulls back to reveal the US title is around the waist of the one and only Booker T. The fans cheer at the sight of the decorated WCW veteran. The former World Heavyweight champion is standing alongside a nervous Scott Hudson. Hudson can be seen staring off in both directions periodically.

Scott Hudson: It’s Monday night and Nitro live on FX! It’s been a wild ride and we’re not in out of the first hour yet. Goldberg and Scott Steiner have been brawling with each other all afternoon. While the man beside me has been known to get into some scraps out in the streets in the past, tonight he’s returning from an injury he suffered at Big Bang. He may no longer but the WCW Champion, he is still the United States champion. This is Booker T.

Scott Hudson turns towards an energetic and focused Booker T.

Scott Hudson: Booker, for starters how is your leg?

Booker T: Scott Hudson, don’t worry about the leg! Get it outcha mind! The doctors say it’s good. I feel good. And I’m going to feel real good when I go out there and defend the United States championship!

Scott Hudson: We had a sit-down interview last week on Thunder. You made a bold declaration that you will essentially clean out the Untied States championship “division” so to speak. Beat every challenger until the Championship Committee puts you in a match against the WCW World Heavyweight champion. Tonight, is your first step to that goal as you’re set to go one on one in the main event of Nitro against Curt Hennig, a decorated veteran of the sport and a former United States champion.

Booker T: You’re damn right I’ll clean out the competition. Momma didn’t raise no punk. I’ve never been scared of ambition. I've never backed down. The day I do then I might as well join my momma in Heaven cause that ain’t how I get down. Curt Hennig, is a wrestler’s wrestler. You’d be hard press to find anyone better in that squared circle. BUT he’s stepping into the ring with me tonight! I respect Hennig, but I gots to hurt him. Now can you dig that, Scott Hudson?

He may dig it, but I certainly don’t!!

Curt Hennig
saunters in to the picture, chewing gum as he is always known to do as he holds a towel in his left hand. Booker T takes a step back and readies himself for a fight. Meanwhile, Scott Hudson, sweating bullets, tries to keep the peace amongst the two individuals, hoping we don’t get a repeat of Goldberg and Scott Steiner. Hennig, raises his arms, disarming both Booker and Hudson.

Curt Hennig:
Hey, relax. I didn’t come here to fight. Why do it here when I can do it out there? In the main event, in front of millions around the world and become a two time United States champion. Booker, I want you to pay attention, alright? I know how good you are. I’ve seen it first hand. If there was anybody who in the squared circle who is absolutely perfect.. next to me, of course, it’s you. Make no mistake about it, Booker T. You’re at the top of the food chain in WCW. You’re the man to the beat. I just came here to say that to you. To say that I respect you, and I look forward to seeing you out there tonight in the squared circle. May the best man win.

Curt Hennig extends his hand out to the United States champion, who stares down at it for a moment, nodding his head in approval. Booker T goes to shake his hand


Before Booker T can retaliate, Curt Hennig makes a swift exist and can be heard laughing as he leaves. The man from 110th Street in Harlem rubs the side of his face upset.

Booker T: Big mistake, big mistake! You hear me, Hennig? I gotcha ass later tonight! You’re going to regret that. You hear me, sucka?! I’ma put a hurtin’ on you so bad Larry The Axe is gon’ beg me to stop! I ain’t here to play no games.

Booker T storms off. Scott Hudson appears relieved he’s alone.

Scott Hudson: Tensions are flaring here tonight. Curt Hennig is playing mind games with the US Champ. Let’s see if he can withstand the punishment Booker T is no doubt ready to dish out. Let’s send it back to ringside. Joey Styles, back to you.

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Standing in the center of the ring is Joey Styles with a microphone in hand.

Joey Styles: We’ve seen wild fights since the top of the show tonight, and I have no doubt the man I’m about to introduce is also looking for a fight. Please welcome my guest at this time- DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!!

The opening riff to a song that sounds very closely to Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” but slightly different and legally distinct from the early 90s Grunge classic begins to play followed by the iconic line


An annoyed Diamond Dallas Page walks out on to the stage, flashing a brief smile to the crowd before throwing up the trademarked Diamond Cutter hand gesture. The jam packed Hard Rock Cafe venue follow suit. After DDP drops The Bang, he marches into the ring, twirling around the center pointing out at the crowd to perform his signature pose once more. The music dies down as DDP greets Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: Page, one week ago, you were scheduled to join Goldberg in a tag team match against the legendary Steiner Brothers. However, earlier in the evening, you were jumped from behind by “The Franchise” Shane Douglas.

The fans jeer. Ever the sarcastic guy, DDP feigns shock at the crowd’s disapproval of The Franchise.

Joey Styles: The doctors said you suffered a stinger, therefore unable to compete that night. Firstly, what’s your health status?

The King of Bada Bing starts to wave his arms around.

DDP: Does it look like I’m hurtin’, Joey Styles?

Joey Styles: That doesn’t seem to be the case- no. So are you allowed to compete again?

DDP: Oh, okay, Einstein. Since you need me to spell it out for ya, Wednesday on Thunder… The Master of the Diamond Cutter, The King of Bada Bing will make somebody, anybody FEEL. THE. BAAANG!!!

A psyched up Diamond Dallas Page leaps up to the second rope, urging the crowd to cheer. A jacked up DDP walks back over to Joey Styles, flashing a brief grin.

Joey Styles: Will that man be Shane Douglas?

DDP: Sadly, no. The WCW brass told me Shane Douglas isn’t gonna be down here in Vegas that night.

Joey Styles: So it’s safe to assume you’ve got plans to confront “The Franchise” Shane Douglas?

You’re a quick one there, Joey. Top of the class.

Joey Styles: What do you have to to say about Douglas’ remarks last week on Thunder. He said you are arguably a franchise here in World Championship Wrestling, and he’s going to end that, proving he is THEE Franchise of WCW.

Dallas shakes his head, laughing.

DDP: Yo, Douglas.. you didn’t get the job done!

The crowd comes alive with cheers.


The vibrant Diamond Dallas Page spins around in the circle, urging the crowd to cheer. They respond in kind. DDP settles back down and stands beside Joey Styles, who raises the microphone up so Dallas Page can speak.

DDP: Do you not know of the wars I’ve been in? The fights I had with “Macho Man” Randy Savage? I took Goldberg to his limit at Halloween Havoc a couple of years ago, almost ending the streak. I’m the guy that so many people, including my buddy Eric Bischoff, counted out. I wasn’t supposed to make it to the top of World Championship Wrestling. I wasn’t supposed to be the THREE TIME, THREE TIME, THREE TIME Heavyweight champion of the world!

Repeated chants of DDP fill The Joint.

DDP: Yet I did it. I beat the ones who couldn’t be beaten. Every time I was down, I dusted myself off and got right back up to fight again. I always have, I always will. You think you’re gonna take my spot? I don’t think so, Jack!

The camera tightens on his face as he pulls the microphone in.

DDP: So how about this, “Franchise”. You, me, June 3rd. The Great American Bash. One and one. And I promise you this.. you-will-feel-the BAAANNG!!

Diamond Dallas Page throws his hands in the air forming the Diamond Cutter hand sign, followed by the sea of humanity behind him doing the same. When he breaks his hands away, DDP gets hops around looking electric. “Self High Five” begins to play as DDP exits the ring, hops over the railing, and walks through the crowd, all patting him on the back as he passes by them.

Jerry Lawler: As decorated of a competitor as DDP is, I don’t know if he’s truly thought this one through, Joey Styles. He’s going off of emotions. The Franchise puts emotions aside. He’s cold, he’s calculated. He will do unspeakable things in order to ensure his victory. DDP is a fighter, but is this a fight he’s ready for? But stay tuned, everybody. Nitro will return in just a moment!

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Nitro returns from commercial Mark Jindrak headed towards the go position, performing a couple shoulder stretches seemingly focused. A few feet behind him is a limping Stacey Keibler, appearing to still be suffering from being caught by a plancha from Jerry Lynn on Thunder. She has a bit of a smile on her face. Jindrak goes around the corner. Stacey is about to call out to him when the left hand side Shawn Stasiak grabs her arm stopping her.

Shawn Stasiak: What are you doing?

Stacey Keibler: I was just going to—

Shawn Stasiak: What? Go out to the ring? For him?! I don’t think so. You’re with me, right? You’re my valet. You support me. I can’t afford you getting hurt anymore cause of the nimrod. You’re staying back here.

Stacey Keibler: Shawn-

Shawn Stasiak: Mind your place, woman. I made my decision.

Shawn Stasiak grabs her by the arm and walks out of the frame.

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Chris Kanyon vs Mark Jindrak
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It’s a man with unmatched creativity in offense pitted against a man with raw athleticism. Jindrak has the height advantage, but Kanyon has the weight advantage by 17 pounds. Kanyon looks to ground Mark Jindrak in the early going, performing a modified Surfboard stretch where the arm is trapped behind Kanyon’s knee as he traps Jindrak’s legs between each other for added pressure. After Jindrak escapes and fights back, he’s cut off and finds himself locked into a reverse Boston Crab. Joey Styles and Jerry “The King” Lawler put over the unique offense Kanyon employs. They note the pure athleticism of Mark Jindark as well. While it does serve him well, he’s a former Tag Team champion with former fellow Natural Born Thriller member Sean O’Haire, however he’s still very young in his wrestling career. A fact Chris Kanyon takes full advantage of in order to be on the offensive a majority of the opening of this contest. However, Jindrak’s fortune changes once he, and the rapid fans, catch sight of Stacey Keibler, saunters down the aisle towards ringside. Stacey pounds her fist into the apron, rallying behind Mark Jindrak. The fans, mostly the men who admire Stacey, join in as well- much to Chris Kanyon’s chagrin.

It’s at this moment Mark Jindrak hits a clothesline, sending Kanyon flipping inside out before smashing into the canvas with authority. The grappler formerly known as Champagne Kanyon crawls to the corner, trying to catch his breath. However, he doesn’t get a chance to catch his breath as Mark Jindrak drives his shoulder several times into Kanyon’s stomach. Jindrak takes a moment to pose for the audience, Stacey more importantly, who reacts with a sheepish smile. To show off a bit more, Mark Jindrak performs a delayed vertical suplex to show off his great strength. An impressive feat considering Kanyon is 6’4 270lbs. Once he completes the maneuver, Mark Jindrak kips up, posing for Stacey, who applauds. Stacey’s attention is taken off of the match when a disgruntled Shawn Stasiak storms down to ringside, arguing with Stacey after telling her stay in the back. Mark Jindrak hits Kanyon with an impressive Dropkick before, sliding outside of the ring to confront Shawn Stasiak. The two men exchange words with Stacey attempting to get in between them to diffuse the situation. Perfecshawn moves her out of the way. Mark Jindrak gives Stasiak a shove before rolling back into the ring. Meanwhile, Chris Kanyon has the referee’s attention, complaining about a possibly broken jaw as a result of the drop kick.

Mark Jindrak slides back into the ring. Shawn Stasiak is right behind him, grabbing ahold of Jindrak and performs his iteration of the Death Valley Driver he calls “The Perfect Plant”. Stasiak rolls out of the ring. Stacey Keibler immediately berates him for his actions, but PerfecShawn blows her off and moves up the ramp. Chris Kanyon capitalizes on this moment and does a lateral press for the victory.


The grappler formerly known as Mortis celebrates his victory over the up and comer Jindrak. Meanwhile, Stacy Keibler is questioning Shawn Stasiak as he marches up the aisle to the locker room. Mark Jindrak is sitting on the apron, holding his head still reeling from the Perfect Plant. Jindrak begins to make his way up the ramp in pursuit of Stasiak.

Joey Styles: Shawn Stasiak better get out of dodge or get ready for a fight with Mark Jindrak giving chase.

Jerry Lawler:
He just better keep his hands off of Stacy! I don’t know what business he thinks he has with her.

Joey Styles: C’mon, King. You’ve seen her make advancements at him just like I have. Whether she’s looking for a new client or boyfriend is up in the air.

Jerry Lawler: Well, she can forget about both of them and come with me!

Joey Styles: Oh, please.

Scott Hudson has entered the ring with a microphone in hand. Chris Kanyon notices him.

Chris Kanyon: Did you see that, Scott?! WHO BETTA THAN KANYON!!

Scott Hudson: I’m not here to question that at all. You had a fantastic match, but you did have a little help from Shawn Stasiak.

Chris Kanyon: What are ya talkin’ bout?! I did it all myself! Me! Chris Kanyon, Innovator of Offense. And I want it to be known right now. I’m calling out the United States Heavyweight champion BOOKER T!!

Scott Hudson: Are you saying June 3rd you want a shot at the US title?

Chris Kanyon: That’s what I said. Can we get Mean Gene back? At least he’s got some sense. Booker T, you’re all bummed out and crying about losing the World Heavyweight title to Goldberg. Well, I’m going to make ya cry just a little more when I take the United States championship from you. I’ve never held singles gold. I’ve been a Tag Team champion, but I want something for myself.

Scott Hudson: Do you think the performance tonight will show you deserve a title shot?

Chris Kanyon: I won didn’t I?! And I’ll win each and every match in the weeks to come to get the Powers That Be, the Championship Committee, Bill Clinton, or whoever to give me the shot I deserve. Cause WHO BETTA THAN KANYON?!

The fans respond with “everyone”, getting Kanyon to throw a tantrum and angry with the response he’s been given. Chris Kanyon proceeds to throw his hands up in disgust and leave.

Jerry Lawler: If Booker T thinks losing the World title to Goldberg was bad, I can't wait to see how he responds to losing the US title to Kanyon. Who knows Booker T probably won’t even accept the match just so he doesn’t have to lose the title. He’ll do everything in his power to keep it in his grasp and duck everybody!

Joey Styles:
What nonsense! Booker T has never backed down from a fight in his life. I don’t think he’s going to start now. On Thunder, he said he was going to battle his way back to the World title while still holding the United States title. He wants to be a defending double champion. Chris Kanyon is a hell of an athlete. There’s no denying that. I just don’t think he won’t take any advantage he can in order to beat Booker T.

Jerry Lawler: Well, what’s the point in being in the sport if you’re not going to win at any cost?! Though Chris Kanyon is a stand up guy. He doesn’t need to stoop to lows, like you, in order to capture the United State championship.

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Nitro returns with a wide shot of the ring. The fans come alive with mixed reactions as we hear the howl of a wolf. Instead of the Wolfpäc theme song, we hear the opening melody of “Ready or Not” by The Fugees. A few moments pass before The Outsiders emerge from behind the curtain, dancing and bantering back and forth. Scott Hall has his half of the Tag Team title around his waist while Kevin Nash has the other one slung over his shoulder.

Tony Schiavone: Welcome back to Nitro, folks. We’re now in the second hour of our program, and The Outsiders have something on their minds.

Don Callis: The WCW World Tag Team champion Outsiders, Schiavone.

Tony Schiavone: Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are NOT the World Tag Team champions. They stole those belts from Palumbo and O’Haire.

Don Callis: Possession is nine tenths of the law. O’Haire and Palumbo might as well just save face, relinquish the titles, and The Championship Committee should award them to the Outsiders.

Tony Schiavone:
The Tag champs had strong words for Hall and Nash on Thunder. Sean O’Haire is chomping at the bit to get his hands on them and reclaim their gold.

The Outsiders are in the ring, doing their trademark poses before Scott Hall is handed a microphone. There is a swell of anticipation from the crowd, eager to hear The Bad Guy use is famous opening line. Scott Hall goes to do it, but refrain and clears his throat. Kevin Nash gives him a pat on the back, encouraging him to do it.

Scott Hall: Hey yo!!

The fans cheer. Scott Hall lowers his head grinning with an expression that comes off as saying “aw, shucks” in appreciation of the cheers.

Scott Hall: The more things change, the more things stay the same. Me and Big Kev run the show. We’ve got the belts.

Scott Hall points down to his waist. Kevin Nash steps behind him doing the crotch chop over the belts. Again, Nash and Hall banter to each other laughing.

Tony Schiavone: They may be having a great time right now. But at Great American Bash they won’t be doing much of that.

Scott Hall, leaning over the top rope, raises the microphone back to his mouth to resume talking.

Scott Hall: Chuck Palumbo, Sean O’Haire. You two punks think you can stand toe to toe with us? I don’t think so. Us two (pointing to himself and Nash) are on the top of the food chain around here. We’re the head of the pack. Us taking these belts was a favor to you. Cause Big Kev and I don’t sweat you. Not one bit. If we meet you in the ring, we’d just carve you up. Send you packing back down to the Power Plant.

An inquisitive look appears on Hall’s face as he turns to Big Sexy.

Scott Hall: Is that even a thing anymore?

Nash shrugs, unsure of the answer and probably doesn’t even care.

Scott Hall: Just save us, and you the trouble. Don’t show up to The Great American Bash.

Hall passes the microphone to Kevin Nash.

Kevin Nash: What was it that O’Haire kid said last week? Like sand in the hour glass, so is the days of our lives?

Nash rolls his eyes. Scott Hall jokingly needles his partner if he watches the soap opera.

Kevin Nash: I think Brandon Lee did it a little better than you in 94.

Big Sexy gives a nonchalant shrug with a chuckle.

Kevin Nash: Ya know, I’ve had run ins with you guys in the past. Hell, I tried to take you boys under my wing- show you the ropes. Really tried to make you understand what this business is all bout: power and money. You didn’t get it. And you still don’t get it. Ask anybody who thought they could take us down what happened to them. Ask everyone else who was around them what they thought was going to happen before it ever got started. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, are the zenith, boys. The pinnacle of the mountain belongs to us. It’ll be that way until we decide we wanna do something else.

Chants of Palumbo and O’Haire break out.

Kevin Nash: These people can’t save you. All that moxie you got is adorable, but you’re still going to get knocked down a peg or two. Cause we’re just tooo

The crowd breaks out into a cry of, “SWEEEEEETTTT!!!” as The Fugees single begins to play.

The Outsiders throw up the “too sweet” hand gesture. Scott Hall even takes the moment to say “Kliq rules. The IC strap looks good on ya.” A reference to their real life best friend, and fellow Kliq member, Triple H, who’s currently Intercontinental champion and tag team champion along with Stone Cold. Kevin Nash does a quick curtsy.

Don Callis: Well, Tony, I can without a shadow of a doubt, The Outsiders spoke truth to power. Palumbo and O’Haire are certainly going to have their work cut out for them at The Great American Bash.

Tony Schiavone: No argument there, but the champions will undoubtedly take on the challenge.

Don Callis: And it may very well be their undoing.

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The scene transitions to an area backstage where Konnan stands in front of Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr, who are stretching and preparing for their tag team about against the Jung Dragons.

Konnan: Yo, I know last Thursday Bischoff put the kibosh on the Cruiserweight Tag Team division.

Billy Kidman: I guess that makes sense why my pay out for last week was lighter than I was used to.

Mysterio chuckles as Kidman nudges him.

Konnan: Bro, focus. We gotta get back in the hunt. You two got those cranberries Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi tonight. A win tonight is one step closer to getting number one contendership for the Tag straps, alright?

Rey Mysterio Jr: No sweat, homie. We gonna treat ‘em like the dogs we are. We got this.

AJ Styles passes through between the three. His presences gets Mysterio’s attention.

Rey Mysterio Jr: Yo, Styles!

AJ turns around, smiles.

AJ Styles: What’s up, Rey?

Rey Mysterio Jr: I just wanna give you props, man. You’ve been killin’ it so far in WCW in singles competition. Respect.

Mysterio puts his hand out for dabs. AJ Styles accepts.

AJ Styles: Coming from you, Rey. That means a lot. I respect what you’ve done in the Cruiserweight division, you’re killing in tag teams. I’m on a roll right now and I hope I can have half the success you’ve had. I hope to meet you in the ring some time.

Rey Mysterio Jr: I appreciate it, bro.

The Kid steps up to AJ Styles

Billy Kidman: Wait a second. What did you just say?

Styles stares at Kidman confused.

AJ Styles: What?

Billy Kidman: You say you’re on a winning streak.. and you hope to see Rey Rey in the ring… are you saying you’re better than him?

Gainesville, Georgia native is perplexed.

AJ Styles: Hold on a second, I didn’t say that! I wasn’t trying to say that.

Rey Mysterio:
Billy, chill. (To AJ) Don’t worry about him, man. He’s just kidding around.

Billy Kidman: You think you can beat Rey Mysterio? Huh? You think you can beat me?!

Billy Kidman gets face to face with AJ Styles, who isn’t backing down. He puts a hand out to create space between the two of them.

AJ Styles: I don’t know where you’re getting all of this, but I know I can beat you or him (points to Mysterio) if we do find ourselves across the ring from one another.

A shouting match ensues between Styles and Kidman. Mysterio and K-Dawg step in between the two individuals in hopes of easing the tension.

Konnan: Yo, yo, yo! Ease up on the rookie, man. We’ve got a tag team match against the Jung Dragons. C’mon let’s go.

Billy Kidman: You better hope you don’t find yourself in the ring against me, kid.

AJ Styles: Kid?! I got your kid when I knock you teeth down your throat. You just name the time and the place and I’ll be ready. Alright?!

Billy Kidman tries to push through his Filthy Animals stablemates, but they keep him back. Rey Mysterio Jr looks back to AJ Styles with an expression that says, “I’m sorry’. AJ Styles watches as The Filthy Animals leave with his hands on his hips, shaking his head in disbelief.

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Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio Jr) vs Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
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The last Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions are off to a hot start against the Jung Dragons, getting the better of the duo in the early going, but Yang and Hayashi manage to bounce back and keep pace with the Animals. Billy Kidman displays a bit of mean streak as he’s in the ring with Kaz Hayashi, a side of him we haven’t from him before. It’s almost as if he’s a brawler of sorts, hitting Hayashi with a series of European Uppercuts. The Jung Dragons eventually use this intensity to their advantage to gain the upper hand, frustrating Kidman even more. Eventually, The Kid rolls to the outside, kicking the guard rail in frustration. As Kidman paces around ringside, Konnan attempts to calm his friend down and discuss strategy, but Kidman doesn’t seem to keen on listening, waving off K-Dawg as he rolls back into the ring. Rey Mysterio even insists on getting a tag, but Kidman opts to continue battling on Jimmy Yang, who entered the bout after a series of tandem maneuvers with Kaz Hayashi.

The Jung Dragons are in the driver seat. In order to throw the Filthy Animals off of their game even more, they attempt to goad Mysterio into the ring several times. The Giant Killer bites when Yang slaps him across the face. As Mysterio is blocked by the official from entering the ring, Yang and Hayashi begin to strangle Billy Kidman and double team him. They eventually work Kennan’s nerves enough that he climbs on to the apron in protest, arguing with official about some of the missed calls he’s made which have allowed the Jung Dragons an illegal upper hand. While the referee’s back is turned, The Jung Dragons attempt another illegal double team, but Kidman manages to mount a bit of comeback, fending off Jimmy Yang and knocking him to the outside with a desperation dropkick. At this point, Hayashi kicks Kidman in the groin, goes for the cover




The Jung Dragons are stunned. Hayashi goes to whip Billy Kidman into the ropes, but is reversed by Kidman. Kaz Hayashi bounces off the ropes and ducks a clothesline attempt by Billy Kidman. As he ducks, he manages to grapple with ahold of Kidman’s wrist, spins around, and Irish Whips Billy Kidman into the ropes. Kidman bounces back, ducks a clothesline attempt of his own, comes off of the ropes and leaps into the air for a crossbody, but Kaz Hayashi has the same idea.



Both men are lying on the mat in agony. Kidman is the first to start, clutching his ribs as he crawls to the Filthy Animals’ corner with his left arm stretched out. Jimmy Yang urges his Jung Dragon partner to hurry up and make a tag himself. Somehow, Billy Kidman manages to leap through the air to make a desperate tag to Rey Mysterio Jr, fans cheering with excitement. At the same time, Kaz Hayashi makes the tag to Jimmy Yang, who leaps over the to rope hits the ground burst into a spring in hopes of cutting off Rey Mysterio Jr.

Mysterio practically decapitates Yang with a Spinning Heel Kick!

Kaz Hayashi sprints towards Mysterio and gets the same treatment for his troubles.

Yang is back up and Mysterio charges at him, but finds himself being twist around in the air in a Tilt-A-Whirl motion. Jimmy Yang looks like he’s setting up for a side slam, but Mysterio manages to perform a Head Scissors Takeover.

Double Dropkick from Mysterio to the Jung Dragons.

Rey is feeling. Konnan is slapping the mat as the fans begin to stomp with excitement. Rey Mysterio motions for the Bronco Buster. Both Jung Dragons are in the opposites corners in a daze. Mysterio charges at Kaz Hayashi and connects with the Bronco Buster. The crowd cheer. Mysterio points over to Jimmy Yang, asking the crowd if he should get the Bronco Buster. The crowd respond in the affirmative. Rey Mysterio obliges them. Mysterio makes his way towards the apron, appearing to set up for the Springboard Hurricanrana, a trademark maneuver of his thats won him many matches over the years. However, Billy Kidman tags himself back in, puzzling Konnan on the outside, who begins to yell at Kidman.

Rey Mysterio Jr, too, is caught off guard. He begins to have words with The Kid, who assures Mysterio that everything is under control. Kidman proceeds to go to work on Jimmy Yang, throwing a series of forearms before he goes to whip him into the ropes, but Jimmy Yang reverses


Kidman stumbles for a moment before leaning over the rope to check on Mysterio. Jimmy Yang drops Billy Kidman with a superkick. Yang mounts Billy Kidman up on the top rope. The Jung Dragons perform the Iconoclasm/Release Powerbomb finisher for the pin fall victory.


Tony Schiavone: Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi have won the match! What must be going through the mind of Konnan right now?

Don Callis: I’ll tell you what he’s thinking right now. He’s thinking Billy Kidman was a hotshot and cost the Filthy Animals the match! Last week, they were Cruiserweight Tag champions of the world and now they’re losers!

Tony Schiavone: They may have lost the bout, but they are not losers. And let’s not take anything away from The Jung Dragons either. They’re a tremendous tag team and tonight they showed great cohesion and strategy. They even played mind games with The Filthy Animals in order to keep them off balance and frustrated.

Don Callis: It was a sound strategy. Great strategy. I may have been responsible for it. I spoke to them earlier in the day, but I don’t want to brag. I’m a humble guy, you see.

Tony Schiavone: You’re full of it is what you are, Don Callis. Another guy who seems full of it is World Championship Wrestling’s newest signee. He’s considered one of the hottest free agents in all of professional wrestling. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Rob Van Dam.

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The scene fades away from the ring where Konnan and Rey Mysterio are questioning a defensive Billy Kidman to a vignette featuring “Mr. Monday Night” Rob Van Dam.

RVD is showing performing a series of martial arts kicks, lifting weights, and a series of unique stretches. One impressive feat is Rob Van Dam performing a split with his legs resting against the seat of a chair and he picks up a large dumbbell positioned underneath him. While this is going on, Rob Van Dam is sitting in a director’s chair.

Rob Van Dam: You want me to explain to you who Rob Van Dam is?

Smash cut to Van Dam performing a jumping spin sidekick.

Rob Van Dam: That’s impossible for me to do.

Rob Van Dam is covered in sweat as he has pushed himself to exhaustion performing pull ups.

Rob Van Dam: What I can tell you is that I’m the whole f’n show.

Van Dam is throwing combinations of punches and kicks at a heavy bag.

Rob Van Dam: And I haven’t even stepped into a WCW ring yet! How crazy is that?!

Mr. Monday Night is laying out on the beach, enjoying a bit of sun with his arms resting behind his head, smirking.

Rob Van Dam: There isn’t a single guy in WCW who can do what I do. If I weren’t me, I’d be jealous, too.

Rob Van Dam does a bit of mitt work with a Kickboxing instructor.

Rob Van Dam: I’m a rare beed. I won’t be kept in someone’s box, bound to limitations someone else puts on me. Why? Cause I’m Rob-Van-Dam.

RVD points to himself as he says his name, flashing one of the smuggest yet laid back grins.

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Al Green & PG-13 (J.C. Ice & Wolfie D) vs Scott Steiner

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Before the bell sounds, Big Poppa Pump takes down PG-13 with a Double Clothesline. Scott Steiner begins to batter Al Green with a series of right hands before taking him to the mat with a spinning Belly to Belly Suplex. The Big Bad Booty Daddy focuses in on Wolfie D, hitting him with clubs to the back before launching him across the ring with an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex. This isn’t a match so much as a massacre for poor Al Green and PG 13. Scott Steiner, having fought with Goldberg all throughout the day, is taking his frustrations out on the three wrestlers who have the unfortunate task of being his opponents. Steiner Pump Handle drops J.C. Ice before hitting Wolfie D with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner locks in a double Steiner Recliner on PG-13 for the submission victory.


“Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner is standing besides an apprehensive Scott Hudson. Despite emerging victorious in a 3 on 1 Handicap Match, Scott Steiner doesn’t seem to happy, bearing a look of disdain.

Scott Hudson: Scott Steiner, we just witnessed you dismantle Al Green and PG-13. That doesn’t seem to be enough for you. As we’ve seen all throughout the night, you want WCW Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg!

Scott Steiner: You’re damn right I want Goldberg! That bald bastard is walking ‘round here with MY CHAMPIONSHIP. Booker T’s a loser. He showed he can’t handle being a champion. Goldberg is parading ‘round here like the namby-pamby sissy boy he is. My freaks have missed gold bein’ round my waist, and I’m gonna set it right. In fact I-


Goldberg unloads a series of right hands on Big Poppa Pump. Steiner tries to reciprocate with punches of his own. They switch positions on the mount several times. Once more the WCW World champion is on the offensive, standing above Scott Steiner daring him to get up.


A chair hits Goldberg across the middle of his back! Goldberg staggers forward.


Another chair shot to the back by another individual. Goldberg hunches over, desperately trying to shake off the cobwebs.

Tony Schiavone: Goldberg has been hit with chairs. By.. Who in the hell is that?

Don Callis: That’s SIMON AND SWINGER!

Tony Schiavone: Simon and Swinger?!

Don Callis: They’re a tremendous tag team from the North East, Schiavone. Now, they’re here in WCW and working alongside “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner.

Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger taunt Goldberg, who is hunched over in pain. Big Poppa Pump gets back to his feet, scanning the surrounding area for something. Steiner grins as he lays eyes on his trusty lead pipe.

Scott Steiner: Ain’t so bad now are you? Huh?! You’re not in my league!

Scott Steiner has the pipe in hand approaching Goldberg. Simon and Swinger grab a hold of Goldberg’s arms and turn him around with his back facing Big Poppa Pump.

Don Callis: Uh oh, this doesn’t look good at all for Goldberg.

Tony Schiavone: No, it doesn’t. Not one bit. What’s Steiner going to do here?

Don Callis: It looks like target practice to me, Tony.

Scott Steiner holds up the pipe like a baseball bat, assuming a batter’s stance with a sinister grin.

Steiner advances forward


Tony Schiavone: Oh, goodness! Oh my God!! Scott Steiner just knocked Goldberg unconscious with the lead pipe!

Don Callis: No need for melatonin or ambient. Goldberg will have a peaceful sleep tonight!

Tony Schiavone: Stop it, Don. That’s not funny. Not in the slightest. Goldberg is out cold. These two new guys, Simon and Swinger, just helped Scott Steiner take out the World Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg.

Security attempts to usher in the EMTs and lead Scott Steiner away, but he keeps all the personnel at bay by wildly swinging the pipe.

Scott Steiner: Give ‘em some help! C’mon! What’s the matter? Huh?! Goldberg needs some help.

Steiner with another swing of the pipe. Members of the Las Vegas Police Department enter the fray, demanding Scott Steiner and his two henchman back away. The three men throw their hands up in the air in surrender as they take a few steps back, allowing paramedics to aid Goldberg.

Scott Steiner: The title is mine, Goldberg. You hear me?! The title is mine!!

Steiner, Simon, and Swinger high five each other, admiring their handy work before leaving. Goldberg, in a daze, starts to shove the EMTS off of him, who are pleading with him to allow them to aid him.

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Curt Hennig vs Booker T (c)
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Booker T is rearing to go, but the veteran Curt Hennig attempts to keep the pace of the match to a slow crawl, hoping this will throw off Booker T’s game plan. Schiavone and Callis note the slap that happened earlier in the broadcast during Booker T’s interview with Scott Hudson, recognizing the mind games Curt Hennig is playing. Tony Schiavone theorizes between the slap and deliberate slow pace Hennig is trying to employ is because he hasn’t been in action in over a year and may not be able to keep pace with the active and energetic Booker T. Don Callis counters this argument by acknowledging Hennig’s experience and advantages being a second generation wrestler as he is the son of Larry “The Axe” Hennig. Despite attempting to keep the match at a slow pace, Booker T is the on the offensive. Every time it seems momentum is starting to swing firmly into Booker’s favor, the former Mr. Perfect rolls out of the ring, frustrating both the fans and the champion.

Hennig climbs up onto the apron and as Booker T goes to meet him at the ropes, The Robbinsdale native drops back down to the floor, demanding the official gets Booker T back from the ropes. Curt Hennig re-enters the ring, demanding Booker T to not be a “coward” and lock up with him. The United States champion obliges. As they collar and elbow tie up, Curt Hennig spins out and applies a Hammerlock onto Booker T, who reverses into a fireman’s carry, dropping Hennig to the mat and applies a headlock, trapping Hennig in the center of the ring. Eventually, Hennig manages to slip out and applies an hammerlock before transitioning into a side headlock. Booker T manages to work his way back up to his feet, still trapped inside Hennig’s headlock, but manages to shove him off into the ropes and drives into Hennig with a shoulder tackle.

The United States champion is in control and Curt Hennig attempts to cut corners, but Booker T thwarts any attempts the second generation wrestler tries. The crowd is rallying behind Booker T, raising the roof as they done for years dating back to his time in Harlem Heat. The man from Harlem, New York is on a mission and there’s no slowing him down. That is until Curt Hennig zones in on the left leg, hoping to reaggravate Booker T’s injury The crowd share their disapproval with this tactic and Curt Hennig responds with a crude gesture, letting everyone know he doesn’t exactly care how they feel.

A figure four leg lock applied by Curt Hennig seems as if it could spell the end of another championship reign for Booker T. We could be witnessing a Dual Champion turn into “no champion” should he submit. Booker is stuck in the the middle of the ring. He can’t scoot himself closer to the ropes. Curt Hennig sinks the hold in as deep as he possibly can. He gets two near falls for his efforts. However, Booker T manages to raise his shoulders off the canvas and responds in the negative when asked to submit. (Formerly) Mr. Perfect begins to taunt the U.S Champ, paint brushing him with slaps across the the face repeatedly, demanding the Harlem Heat member surrender to the hold.

The slap does nothing more than irritate Booker T, who gives Hennig one good hard smack back right across the cheek bone. The slap was so strong that Hennig’s face starts to swell instantly. Booker T rocks back and forth before he manages to reverse the hold on Hennig, who quickly tries to escape, favoring his knees as he lifts himself up with the aid of the ropes. Booker T mounts a comeback and caps it off with the windmill breakdown move that has become known as the “Spinaroonie”.


Booker T raises the roof as he yells out to the fans. Hennig staggers back to his feet hunched over. Booker T hits the Axe Kick and immediately goes for the cover, hooking the far leg of Hennig.




Booker T pops up to his feet, showing no sign of pain in his left leg, as Charles Robinson awards Booker T his United States championship. Booker ascends to the second rope and displays the US title high above his head as the fans begin to raise the roof.

Tony Schiavone: One loss isn’t going to keep him down! Booker T has retained the United States championship in a hard fought battle against Curt Hennig!

Don Callis: C’mon, Schiavone! He slapped the man across the face! Last I checked, that isn’t a wrestling hold! That’s illegal!

Tony Schiavone: Opened hand strikes are perfect legal, Don! Curt Hennig just got a taste of his own medicine.

Don Callis: Well, maybe I’ll have to have a talk with the Championship Committee and the other dignitaries in the offices of WCW, representing Mr. Hennig in this act of injustice! Booker T was counted out! His shoulders were down on the mat. Your United States champion should be Curt Hennig!

Tony Schiavone: What fictional world are you living in, Don Callis?! Booker T’s shoulders weren’t pinned the mat. Booker T won. He is your United States champion.

As Booker T celebrates inside the ring, Chris Kanyon is standing at the edge of the ramp with his arms folded, staring at Booker with disdain in his eyes.

Don Callis: Yeah? Well, maybe not for long, Schiavone. Chris Kanyon is gunning for that United States title. He’s The Innovator of Offense and I don’t think Booker T will have answer for that should they meet inside the squared circle!!

Booker T is about to exit the ring when he catches sight of Chris Kanyon. Booker questions if Kanyon is challenging him to a fight. Kanyon motions to his waist as if he is wearing a championship belt. Booker T nods, seemingly accepting Chris Kanyon’s challenge. Chris Kanyon takes a few steps back, keeping his eyes on the champion before turning around and leaving. The show comes to a close with Booker T raising the roof in front of a sea of humanity doing the same.



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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Well we aren’t messing around with Steiner attacking Goldberg earlier in the day. Fun, unpredictable start to the show, creating chaos surrounding two of your biggest stars. I like it.

Opening with Cruiserweights in WCW? Who would have thought? Anyway, Blitzkrieg is a nice somewhat surprise opponent for AJ here, and Styles continuing to win as you slowly (hopefully) build him up makes sense.

LOVE that the Goldberg/Steiner stuff isn’t over and they’ll probably be at each other’s throats all night. I actually have something similar planned for the third show in a new BTB I’m working on so kudos to beating me to the punch. But yeah, this is really fun stuff when it’s two monsters like Goldberg and Steiner trying to tear each other apart.

Booker looking to defend his US Title to earn a shot at the World Title is a nice angle to take. Hennig is a good challenger here, fits a role to put on a solid match. Enjoyed this segment with the slap to add some heat to their match. If I wanted to be really picky, maybe Booker was gullible and fell for the handshake way to quickly. I would’ve thought he’d be more suspicious given Hennig’s history, but again, I like the idea of heat being built for their match.

Booker T returned from injury and now so is DDP? That’s fine, hopefully no more injury angles for a little while so they don’t feel to much like a trope in here. DDP’s promo was solid enough and in character, setting up the challenge for Shane Douglas, which is fine. Makes sense for DDP to want revenge. One bit of dialogue that I didn’t necessarily like was DDP using ALMOST breaking the streak as an accomplishment. Considering the streak actually has been broken since, and not by DDP, feels like a really strange accomplishment to hang your hat on.

Damn, Stasiak with some serious mistreatment of Stacy, which will no doubt cause issues with Jindrak at some point. Simple yet effective segment.

Kanyon/Jindrak was booked exactly as it should have been. Kanyon gets a nice win for himself, and Stacy/Shawn shenanigans cost Jindrak and continue their angle. Nice work.

Kanyon declaring himself as wanting a title shot afterwards was solid enough. Looking forward to seeing if he actually gets one.

Hall and Nash promo here was good. Very in character and I really like the idea of a feud with O’Haire and Palumbo. Don’t mind if it’s a long term thing either, but I’d love to eventually see the younger team get put over. But yeah, a good promo here, and even really enjoyed that you’re trying to recreate some of that old dynamic, with Nash and Hall sending messages through to Triple H even though he’s in the WWF. Good stuff.

Well, Kidman is surely a douche isn’t he? This was a bit of a strange segment, to be honest. The initial sell for the match coming up, and the respect bit between AJ/Rey was good. Kidman’s outburst was kind of out of nowhere but I don’t mind it as a way forward for these two. What was weird though is that Billy accused AJ of saying he thinks he’s better then Rey, and then as they are arguing, AJ said he could beat Rey, and there was no real acknowledgement of that from Rey. That bit felt a bit awkward from me, but otherwise this was okay.

And the match result of Kidman/Rey and the Jung Dragons continues to fall in with Kidman’s new attitude. The blind tag back in, reluctancy to tag out in the first place, all signs of his new attitude. Enjoyed the way this went down, and we can’t forget that this feels like a big win for the Jung Dragons as well.

RVD vignette is fine. Looking forward to seeing what you do with him. He’s definitely a good addition to the roster.

Steiner squashing PG 13 is fine to have him looking like a beast. I was honestly surprised that Scott Hudson would even try to interview him again at this rate. The brawl breaking out between Goldberg and Steiner again was fun, although the Swinger and Diamond interrupt was unexpected. Curious to see if that’s a permanent alignment because at this point in his career, I always thought Steiner was better and more unpredictable as a lone wolf. And if it’s an alignment, the explanation and dynamic is something I’m curious on. Either way, you’ve done a fantastic job tonight of building towards an eventual Steiner/Goldberg match.

After all the shenanigans throughout the night, it feels good to get a clean finish to the US Title match main event. Perfectly solid defence for Booker here, which is basically what was expected on his return. Good stuff and the stare down with Kanyon afterwards shows us what’s probably coming next for Booker, and I’m fine with that.

Solid show. Most stuff feels like it’s heading in the right direction. A few execution things I called out, but in general, things seem to be going well in here. I know this is a rather slow moving BTB so hoping to see more from you in here.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2024
Reaction score
I have to admit, I'm in a particular group of people when it comes to WCW. I only ever got to see it from around late 1998 until March 2001. Not exactly a great barometer for a company to be judged on (although I have very fond memories of Three Count, Jung Dragons, Filthy Animals, and Booker T being an absolute G). However, it's prime fertile land for a BtB with a great roster of youth ready to come through, wrestlers on the cusp of becoming a draw in their own right, and enough problems to correct to be a fun challenge. All that said, I'm on board, but go easy on me, I don't know the ropes.

Brilliant intro that had me wondering how you'd handle the top stars and their contracts, and I am very glad you kept that in. A free-for-all got WCW into this mess, so I'm hoping this reborn era is a bit more financially stable to give you a level of difficulty to overcome. Great start.

WCW Big Bang
Okay, I love Joey Styles, but I want some Styles/Bischoff DRAMA since there is so much ECW/WCW bad blood so whilst I like the Lawler/Styles combo and cant wait to see where it goes, Bischoff saving Joey from a beatdown comes across as weird. However, the promo from Bischoff with no inmates running the asylum is one I enjoyed. This is almost a redemption arc for Easy E. Booker T vs DDP is a banging opening match, could have been the main event but since it's for the US title I see why you've put it up first. Booker keeping the US title stops from that title meaning nothing immediately. All good choices. As is Booker getting the clean win as the face of this revival.

FILTHY ANIMALS! YES! Although facing Bam Bam in a 3v1 would have been more than enough, but Bam Bam with friends? Dayum. Good promo, immediately got me invested.

Oh fuck yeah this is what we're here for, an X-Division by another name would smell as sweet. Super Crazy getting the win is absolutely the right thing to do, with everyone else able to showcase their talent before some inevitable MOTN's.

Steiner's in 2001 doesn't thrill me, but having them put over Palumbo & O'Haire is excellent because it immediately puts them on the map. They may have had the tag titles but they never felt like a legitimately important team to me so looking forward to what you can do with them on the weekly's. Freakzilla screams solo upper midcard to me, but damn if I don't love the 90's Steiner's matches. OH SNAP the Outsider's steal the belts and beat everyone up to boot, love it. Are they under contract or not?

Maritato/Storm is a fantastic technical match, although following THE OUTSIDERS~! perhaps it is a bit high up on a TV show card where the audience might not be that fussed for a pure match. I do, however, hope for a big Lance Storm push as I love that guy, and this match would have been killer with perhaps a feud or just some more meat on the bones to make the match more interesting.

The six man tag match is spot-on, shenanigans take Bam Bam out of the equation, the Filthy Animals have better chemistry, and they get the win. No doubt this sows the seeds for Bam Bam to BRUTALISE Stasiak and Jindrak in the future.

Booker T the fighting champion is quickly my favourite character, but holy shit Goldberg just absolutely murdered him and killed all his credibility, injury or no injury. I'm torn, because yes Goldberg and his big money Time Warner contract are certainly a draw, but sans Hogan, Savage, and Flair, it feels like the more things change the more they stay the same. Booker having the injury obviously gives him an excuse and there is always a rubber match, but when you're beaten in under a minute, it feels like a big climb back up to the top. Especially when he's going to have the US Title as a burden to his main event status. Goldberg is fun, and he can be a beast, but this felt like an opportunity missed to give Booker the ball and seeing if he can run with it.

First show was good and a fun read, even with my dislike of the booking in the main event.

WCW Nitro
AJ over Noble, happy with it, good opener. Has to be a big time AJ push coming. What's Air Paris up to?

Outsider's not even at the show and at the Casino is great, love that. Wondering if Palumbo and O'Haire will be on the hunt to reclaim their belts!?

The guys who teamed together last week get to air their frustrations over their loss. Stacey causing the loss is a way to keep this going, hopefully with Jindrak coming out of it looking better than he did at the time. Happy to see where this goes.

Love Shane Douglas, a feud with DDP is hella interesting. I smell the debut of a new stable in town..

Sugar Shane Helms is awesome, 'Sensation of Innovation' is a solid nickname, I have to say. Helms/AJ in the distant future seems like a indy fever dream. Love the match report of these more 'exciting' matches where the wrestling is the focus, and the balance between that versus the 'main event style' matches where the story is more important. Really keeps the shows flowing and helps keep it interesting. Kudos. Helms vs Crazy will be a really great PPV calibre match for this period.

RVD coming to WCW? Why the hell not. Does he go straight into the main event? I'd be shocked if he was gunning for the world title because, y'know, Goldberg. But I guess RVD vs Booker is a program that could work? Very interested to see what you do with RVD.

Mike Awesome murders a man. I could watch it or read about it every single day. When he kept going I almost expected Masato Tanaka to run in and make the save.

Outsiders get attacked, but survive and keep hold of the belts, it makes sense, but I'm not entirely sure who it benefits. It's a fun midcard tag angle, but I'm hoping that Nash and Hall raise the stakes if we're going to see them as main event stars here, rather than two guys who steal gold rather than win it.

Damn. Well, I felt like Steiner's jobbing on the first show meant that surely they weren't about to beat Goldberg, but this absolutely kills them off so I see you're going full hog with Goldberg. He looks mega strong, solidifies himself as THE GUY, and I wonder who you'll stack up against him first that will be a legitimate threat to his reign.

A good second show but I think the main event booking has been the weakest aspect so far for me.

WCW Thunder
Another incredible opener, Chavo versus Tajiri in 2001 is a banger, no doubt. Again, love the longer write-ups for the 'better' matches, although I was not ready for that THWACK paragraph break. Tajiri winning is cool with me because he's new and exciting and could easily be a very formidable part of the cruiser/x division. YES! GREEN MIST! Was Mark Madden this insane in real life? He put over The Mist as the most dangerous move in professional wrestling, and I am absolutely here for it. Hope it gets sold that way.

Douglas' promo is really good, I really like how you've introduced him and made him feel significant immediately. Very good booking and writing here.

Stacey wishing Jindrak good luck? WHERE DO YOUR LOYALTIES LIE!? Liking seeing this continue to build. Some chicanery and Stacey gets hurt. Jindrak wins, which is how it should go, and we further the Stasiak/Jindrak feud. Nicely tied together.

The write-up for the Tag Titles (without the tag titles) match was a little disjointed, and I wont lie, I was really hoping they had bought some replica belts to wear whilst The Outsider's have the real ones. Fine with Outsiders/Palumbo&O'Haire not being able to fight, but the belts still havent been returned? Seems unfair on the tag champs. Jung Dragons get beat, of course, and the tag champs build up some momentum ahead of an inevitable clash with Hall and Nash. The Bash feels too early for them to beat The Outsider's but lets see what happens between now and then...

Booker T makes some excuses, half sympathetic babyface, half confident. It feel a teeny bit flat for me but I do like the mentality of Booker working his way back through the entire roster which harks back to the initial 'fighting champion' idea you seemed to be going for. I didn't know that WCW treated the US Champ as the #1 contender for the World Title, that seems counter-productive to the secondary belt to me but if that's how it is. Booker T to beat the streak!?!? Might be a loooooong BtB!

Poor Bam Bam. The guy can't catch a break! Rey Rey comes in, cleans house, wipes out Bam Bam, and then pins Moore. Happy with a Rey push, but damned if I didn't want BamBam to just biel/lawndart Rey Rey over the top rope and then clean house himself. Filthy Animals push is good for me, hopefully they enter the tag team scene soon, as I always felt like the Cruiser Tag Titles were a little bit uneccessary.

Love Scott painting Rick as the guy who cost him everything and not being at his level. Absolutely fine with a mini feud between these two although Scott seems intent on murder tonight, praise be for Goldberg always showing up to save the day for sneak attackers and would-be murderers. Goldberg/Scott is a natural main event program, but I do not view him as a competent threat to the way you've booked Goldberg who looks like he should destroy everything and anyone in his path right now.

WCW Nitro #2
A cheap attack before the show even began!?!! Heinous! Love it.

Blitzkrieg coming out of retirement after struggles with the schedule just to get beat by AJ feels a bit off for me. I appreciate you don't want to feed AJ the big names yet, but Styles doesn't need to be on every show to get over. He's had a good couple of outings, could feature in some scramble esque matches since you've got the six man titles, but yeah this felt like a forced match that probably wouldn't happen. If Blitz came back and won, or has a future in the new WCW then consider all of the above irrelevant, but not so heavy with the superman AJ push.

Hell yeah Steiner is here for more! Good brawl, helps strengthen Steiner and make his loose cannon approach come across strong. Good segment.

Booker T has a fast and loose understanding of being medically clear, but we love him for it. Cant say I love Booker not reacting there and then but obviously now Hennig is gonna get his ass whupped.

DDP promo is solid, felt authentic, and an obvious match is offered for the bash with DDP getting revenge against Douglas. Makes sense you gotta get that card built although as before, I'd like a little bit more meat on the bones of this upper mid feuds, just to make them more than STAR POWER if ya get me. I really like the commentary, it never feels like too much, and whilst usually it's just summarising what we just 'saw', sometimes it really adds a depth to the characters. I like how you've presented both DDP and Douglas, now lets make it interesting to see them duke it out.

Yikes, Stasiak has some issues he needs to iron out. Keibler to switch sides the sooner the better. Also, 'rapid fans' is hilarious as a visual. Solid booking once more as Stasiak now costs Jindrak a match. It's all coming together. Also nice for KANYON~! to get a win, and especially to set up him and Booker getting their US title match.

Wonderful Outsider's promo, really reminded us how awesome they are as a duo. The writing was great, the wwf nods are on brand, and this worked as a build to see them SQUASH Palumbo and O'Haire. Surely that's the only logical outcome?

Ahh, no more cruiserweight tag division, makes sense. Ooooo, AJ getting involved in the Filthy Animals' business I like. Obviously he's only won three matches in 10 days, but we all know how great he's gonna be. Rey/AJ vs Konnan/Kidman? Maybe? Bit more build for AJ before he goes after any titles, it doesn't need to be rushed. Haha, it's a tad overused but I do enjoy the 'tag team miscommunication before a break up', especially for an experienced team that was billed in-storyline a week ago as being totally in sync. Rey can definitely do better than the filthy animals, and with the removal of the six-man titles it makes sense to utilise all three men, but this felt a bit forced overall even if I like where it's going.

Steiner beats up three jabronis, it works, especially to allow Goldberg to ANNIHILATE Steiner with a spear. SIMON AND SWINGER!? I gotta say, they are a bit underwhelming, but it also makes complete sense that Steiner would want a couple guys he can dominate and boss around to do his bidding. Helps make Steiner seem more legit so yeah, this worked.

Booker gets the win and I'm delighted for him, back on the path to greatness. I think Kanyon needs a lot of work to be a viable challenger beyond Booker working through the roster but I guess you're gonna have a few guys like that who just want a shot. It's fine and you'll want mini-bosses along the way. Just need to see them already performing before they throw their name in the ring, just to make them more credible.

Overall this is a really fun diary, I enjoyed catching up with everything you've written and I like quite a lot of the talent. The cruisers are all fun, and certainly need as much as exposure as reality allows. The tag divison is dead but you've got an interesting angle with the Outsiders stealing the belts. The early shows had a weak main event scene but it's getting a little bit better with Booker T now winning, DDP and Douglas, and Steiner/Goldberg even if we still need a bit more meat on those bones. Honestly, this was really enjoyable and I'll be reading from here on. I hope, as I was writing whilst reading, nothing came across as too critical, it was more me getting caught up in things as they progressed.