Saturday May 19, 2001| Macon, Georgia
Commentary brings in show as a video clip airs showcasing the huge win for "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett. Commentary builds up how last week was a huge jumpstart to the new WCW and how so much controversy has already been laid to waste in the professional wrestling world. Commentary moves on to build up the huge US Title Tournament and the return of Bam Bam Bigelow, as well as the grudge tag team match between The Gangstas and The Harris Brothers tonight. However, the segment is cut short quickly when "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett's music is blasted over the PA.
The new WCW World Heavyweight Champion "Double J" Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to the ring as Schiavone and Tenay build up how Jarrett should not even be champion due to the timely circumstances last Saturday Night, and Heenan sells how he knew all along that "The Chosen One" was going to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Jarrett begins to cut a promo hyping himself up as the new champion and how a new day has risen for WCW. Jarrett builds up how he beat 3 men all in one night to secure his spot as the champion and how he is without a shout of a doubt the best in this business today. Jarrett continues his promo on by saying that he is requiring every single member in the locker room to address him from now on as Mr. World Champion. Booker T must've heard enough because he quickly comes out and gets face to face with the new world champion, Jeff Jarrett. Booker T starts to cut a promo of his own that last week he should've never been stripped of the title to begin with, but the past is the past. Booker continues on by saying that he is not waiting for his rematch clause, he is demanding his rematch clause here tonight. Jarrett quickly shakes his head no and backs up, building up how tonight is a night of celebration and tonight is a night to honor the new World Champion. Booker tells Jarrett that he is not leaving this ring until he gets his rematch tonight. As Jarrett and Booker T remain face to face, new WCW Commissioner Larry Zbyszko comes out with a microphone in his hand. After Zbyszko's short spleel introducing himself as the new WCW Commissioner, he immediately gets to the business at hand. He starts off by saying that in additional news, he has placed an order on Dallas Page that if he gets within 100 feet of Kimberly or Shane Douglas tonight that he will be arrested on the spot and served a fine from WCW. Zbyszko then switches gears to announce that tonight it will be Jeff Jarrett defending his new world title belt against Booker T in a No Disqualification Match! Jarrett immediately throws down his title and starts screaming at Zbyszko that he is not going to tolerate this and he can't make this match. Zbyszko smiles and tells Jarrett to get ready for his match, as Booker smiles back at Jarrett and mouths "I'm the world champion".
Commercial Break
Mike Awesome w/Sean O'Haire and Jim Cornette defeated Billy Kidman w/Rey Meysterio Jr. and Torrie Wilson
The match was pretty evenly matched through the entire segment with both men getting their fair share of offense in. The action did not just go down in the inside of the ring, the segment also features a back and forth banter between Jim Cornette and Torrie Wilson outside the ring with O'Haire stepping in front of Cornette once Meysterio jumped in. Several near falls ensue, but Kidman is unsuccessful in keeping Awesome down. The match is finally decided when Cornette jumps up on the apron to distract Kidman, and is quickly rolled up into a small package by Mike Awesome who gets the pin, only after holding Kidman's tights. After the match, Meysterio quickly rushes in, but Awesome and O'Haire high tail it out of the ring with Jim Cornette and taunt at the crowd with their WCW World Tag Team Championship belts.
Shane Helms is backstage telling Larry Zbyszko that he should've never been stripped of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship to begin with, and now in a fluke, Chavo Guerrero is the man who is the face of all the WCW cruiserweights. Zbyszko obviously aggravated, tells Helms that if he wants to prove his stock in WCW, he can do so by taking on up and coming AJ Styles in the WCW United States Championship tournament.
A vignette airs showing Chavo Guerrero in Mexico walking down the streets withkids running behind him, while he holds his new Cruiserweight Championship belt. As Chavo walks down the streets in fan fare, he talks about how he rose up from the ashes and became the premier act in all of professional wrestling. The segment continues on building up Chavo as a Mexican hero.
Commercial Break
WCW United States Championship Tournament
"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles defeated. "Sugar" Shane Helms
This match definitely was back and forth through out the entire segment. Each man would go for a quick pinfall, but it would quickly be disrupted barely into a two count. With both men having something to prove in this match, it was finally decided when Shane Helms executed a beautifully done rolling DDT off the middle rope, but instead of going for the cover, decided to jump up on the turnbuckle and attempt to hit a shooting star press. The opportunistic Styles quickly rolled up on his feet and performed a beautifully done lionsault off the middle rope landing it viciously on the abdomen of Helms. Styles not wasting any time, quickly made the cover and got the pin. During the end of the match "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning walked out onto the stage and stood there evaluating the match and shaking his head with a smile each time AJ Styles would hit a big move on Helms. Commentary through out the match built Styles up as the "future of WCW" and sold how not only Shane Helms needed to win this match for creditability, but this is a huge win for the up and coming AJ Styles.
The Harris Brothers in the back building up their fight against the Gangstas, wrapping their wrists up with tape while chugging a couple Budweisers. The Harris Brothers build each other up talking about how it's time they show a little respect to the "boys", with the segment really focusing on how grunge-ey the group is and how they love to fight.
The scene switches to show a grave yard with Raven walking up and down the aisles looking at the graves, and his new minion "Luthor" on his knees looking up at Raven in a worshipping manner. Raven begins to cut an eerie promo about many legends have came through this sport and when it was all said and done became nothing but lost souls in the abyss of revisionist history. Raven slowly leans down indian style and picks up pieces of dirt and starts dropping them on the head of Luthor, naming legends who have became nothing but images of their former selves. Raven ends the promo by grabbing Luthor by the hair and screaming into his face DO YOU CONTROL YOUR SOUL?! Luthor maniacally starts shaking his head yes and laughing as Raven continues to demoralize him and slap him in the face.
Commercial Break
Eric Bischoff arrives at the arena with a concerned look on his face having no idea what to do about the Scott Hall situation, as commentary builds up how pivotal this is for Eric Bischoff to exterminate the Scott Hall problem.
AJ Styles is backstage recuperating from his big tournament match, when "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning comes in and introduces himself with his usual smug smile. Styles looks up at Henning and introduces himself as well, but doesn't take much notice of why Henning was out there watching his match. Henning tells Styles that he was very impressed with his match against Helms and that he knows he has a lot of potential to be great in this business, if he has the proper direction. Henning offers his managerial services to Styles, telling him that he has the ability to take him to the moon. Styles slowly stands up and shakes Henning's hand and tells him that he has gotten to where he is today as a solo act and he will have to respectfully decline Henning's offer. Styles walks out of the room as Curt stands there in shock that Styles didn't accept his services.
The scene switches to show "The Franchise" Shane Douglas walking out with the former Kimberly Page. Douglas looks up at the fans with a smug smile on his face beginning his promo by saying that not only will he advance into the finals of the WCW United States Championship Tournament next week, but it's very important that we direct our attention to Diamond Dallas Page. Douglas starts off his vicious smug like promo on Dallas Page by saying that Dallas Page is a mad man, and he would take out Dallas Page any day of the week, but he fears for his beautiful lady Kimberly's safety. Douglas continues on by saying that Dallas Page is a man who cannot be controlled and how it's not Kimberly's fault that she met a better class of man in Shane Douglas. He hands the microphone sympathetically in a sarcastic manner to Kimberly, who goes on to cut a promo of her own that Dallas Page is a monster and how she is scared for her life. KImberly starts "fake" crying as Douglas walks over to her and "comforts her" telling her that Page is just jealous of all the tools that "The Franchise" has. Douglas smiles up at the crowd and starts showing clips of the night that Kimberly first cheated on Dallas Page. The irate Page bursts through the curtain and starts darting towards the ring as Kimberly runs over into the corner and Douglas looks wide eyed at Dallas throwing his arms up. Once Page gets in the ring, Douglas reiterates the previous statement by WCW Commissioner that if Page comes within 100 feet of them he will be arrested. Douglas starts screaming for the police to come down and arrest Page. Page grabs the microphone from Douglas in fury and tells him that he will gladly go to jail just to kick his ass all over this arena tonight, and show him what a real man is. Right then Page goes to clothesline Douglas, but Douglas quickly jumps underneath the clothesline, forcing Dallas to slam his forearm into the head of Kimberly. Douglas slides out of the ring with wide eyes as WCW Commissioner Larry Zbyszko comes storming out through the curtain screaming for the police to arrest Dallas Page. Zbyszko screams at Page that he warned him that if he came out here tonight he would be severely punished. It's not long before the police come running out through the curtain to arrest Dallas Page, while Douglas stands there with a smile on his face laughing at the damage. Kimberly slowly makes it back up to her feet but all Douglas can do is taunt at DDP.
Commercial Break
Lethal Fusion is backstage boosting themselves up as Cornette tells them that they are the greatest tag team in the business today, all three laughing about what they did to The Filthy Animals earlier tonight. The segment ends when the champions put their title belts together and smile as Cornette claps.
The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris / Don Harris) defeated The Gangstas (New Jack / Stevie Ray)
This match turned out to be nothing but just a huge bar room-esque brawl in the middle of the ring. The referee through out the match was barely able to keep any stability or order in the ring, as all 4 men brawled in the ring, outside of the ring, and everywhere else. The match didn't really turn much of a tide until the monster and newcomer Mustafa Saed came running out with a steel chain around his fists, pummeling both members of the Harris Brothers. The referee called for the bell disqualifying The Gangstas, but all three men were relentlessly in beating The Harris Brothers down. The segment finally concluded when Stevie Ray and New Jack threw Don Harris off the stage, crashing down on the concrete, which was quickly followed by the huge Mustafa Saed powerbombing Don's partner Ron off the stage as well. All three men locked arms and taunted at the crowd as commentary built up how tough these guys are and how they need to be stopped.
Bam Bam is shown walking to the ring, as commentary builds up how huge this is for Bam Bam and WCW. Schiavone states that he believes Bam Bam will be the next WCW United States Champion.
Commercial Break
WCW United States Championship Tournament
Bam Bam Bigelow defeated. Big Vito
This match turned out to be nothing short of a simple squash match. The little offense that Big Vito did get in was immediately squashed by the huge big man power moves of the returning Bam Bam Bigelow. The match was decided when Bigelow executed a devastating sit out pile driver on the defenseless Big Vito. Commentary through out the match built up Bam Bam as the biggest threat in the championship tournament.
WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett is shown backstage complaining to Buff Bagwell about how he is being forced to defend his title just 7 days after becoming the new champion, and how Zbyszko doesn't know who he is dealing with. Bagwell regrettably tells Jarrett that Booker T really didn't lose his belt one on one, so this is Jeff's one chance to prove he should be the world champion. Jarrett quickly grows mad and screams at Bagwell to get out of "his" locker room, obviously distraught that he still has to defend his title belt tonight.
Cameras switch over to show Booker T standing backstage with his old tag team partner and friend Stevie Ray. Booker and Stevie Ray start to talk about all the old times they had and how it's crazy how far they have both came. Stevie tells Booker T that he will be pulling for him to bring the belt back home to "the brothas". Fellow Gangstas member New Jack walks in the room briskly with his old friend Mustafa Saed. As Jack notices Booker T in the room as well, he quickly stops in his tracks and looks upset that Stevie Ray and Booker T are talking. Jack looks over at Stevie Ray and asks who Booker T is, without taking his wide eyes off Booker. Stevie explains to Jack "he's a good dude", when Jack gets in Booker's face and says he doesn't like or tolerate "uncle toms" like Booker T hanging out, trying to hold "the real black man" down. The equally intense Booker T refuses to step down and a verbal confrontation ensues. Jack's old tag team partner Mustafa quickly steps in front of New Jack and gets face to face with Booker T, telling him that he needs to back up. Booker leaves the room as New Jack looks disgusted at Stevie Ray, before Jack tells Mustafa that it's time that the Gangstas get serious.
Commercial Break
Cameras back on to show Jeremy Borash backstage with "The Beast From The East" Bam Bam Bigelow. Borash asks Bigelow how he feels going into his return match as a contestant in the United States Championship tournament, against another big man Big Vito. Bigelow cuts a promo that it took him a long time to get back in WCW and how nothing is going to stop him, because he will run every single guy in this locker room over.
Scott Hall comes out through crowd and gets in ring as security comes running down to the ring. Hall grabs a microphone and begins to cut a promo on the state of WCW and how he told Eric last week that he wasn't going to come alone. Kevin Nash is then shown coming through the crowd, hopping the guard rail and getting in the ring. Security makes their way into the ring and goes to arrest Nash and Hall, when Eric Bischoff comes storming out through the curtain. Kevin Nash tells Eric that all they want are their jobs back in WCW. Bischoff gets in the ring and tells security to step back as he cuts a promo on Nash and Hall about how they are finished in WCW, and how as long as he is running WCW, they will never step foot back in a WCW ring again. Nash and Hall both plead with Bischoff to give them their jobs back, telling him that if he gives them their jobs back, nothing else has to happen. Bischoff finally looks at the both of them with a smile on his face and screams "YOU'RE FIRED!!" and instructs security to escort the both of them out of the arena once again. Security escorts both Hall and Nash out of the ring as Hall and Nash turn around and do the Wolfpac sign with smiles on their faces.
Commercial Break
Cameras come back on to show "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner in the middle of the ring. Steiner goes on to cut a scathing promo about how last week Terry Funk got involved in his business, which is why he had to get involved with Terry Funk. Steiner goes on about how he should've been the new World Heavyweight Champion, but it was Terry Funk who robbed him of that. Steiner starts shooting on Terry Funk about his career and how he is nothing but a washed up old man who couldn't keep up, which is why Steiner had to give Mrs. Funk a visit last week and comfort her during her trying time of seeing her husband beaten to an inch of his life. Steiner calls out Terry Funk, screaming into the microphone that if Terry Funk has any guts and if he is "the hardcore legend" he would come out here and prove to everyone just how tough he is. Steiner continues his promo, mimicking how Terry Funk looked last Saturday Night when he was getting choked out. The promo continues until Disco Inferno comes out and furiously gets in the face of Scott Steiner. Inferno tells Steiner about how Funk is a living legend and one of the only men in this sport he has ever looked up to. Inferno leans in and tells Steiner that he is not going to let anybody, especially "Big Poppa Chump" rob THAT from "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk. Steiner smiles at Inferno and tells him with a gleam in his eye that he is going to do what needs to be done, before he punches Inferno in the face, knocking Inferno down to the mat. Steiner continues his vicious assault on Inferno, rubbing Inferno's face in the mat and screaming "THIS IS FOR YOU FUNK!". The segment ends when Scott Steiner ends his assault on Inferno, jumps back up onto his feet and screams into the the camera, "This one is for you Funker! You mess with my business, I mess with yours! You try to come back in this company and interfere in my business, rest assured, I will cripple your ass!" As Steiner jumps out of the ring and taunts at the crowd, commentary continues to sell how low Steiner has stooped to and how Steiner is a piece of garbage with no respect. Commentary ends it by selling the damage that Steiner has done both to Inferno tonight and Funk last week.
The scene switches to show challenger Booker T standing alongside Gorgeous George. George asks Booker T how he feels about his chances going into tonight's title rematch when he was actually the first one eliminated last week on WCW Saturday Night. Booker T cuts an intense promo that what happened last week, last month, last year does not matter and that all that matters is that tonight Jeff Jarrett will have his shortest title reign of his career. Booker T vows to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and that no matter what Jarrett does, he will always be one step ahead of him.
Commercial Break
WCW World Heavyweight Championship
No Disqualification Match
Jeff Jarrett © defeated Booker T
This match started out as a typical wrestling match, but quickly turned into an all out brawl as both men tried to gain the upper hand on the other. With the NO DQ stipulation, Jarrett was the first one to utilize a steel chair in the mix, hitting Booker several times over the back with the steel chair. However, it didn't take long for Booker to bring in his fair share of weapon use, at one point using the steel steps to suplex Jarrett back first on the unforgiving steel steps. Each time that Jarrett would go for a pin, Booker would seemlessly kick out at the count of two, as commentary built up how Booker T will just not stay down. At one point during the match the referee was bumped into the corner, allowing Booker not to get a cover on Jarrett.
Booker T hit a devastating Book End, but when he went for the cover, he was unable to revive the referee.
Booker jumps back up to his feet and tries shaking the referee, when all of a sudden, New Jack and Mustafa Saed are shown walking down the ramp towards the ring. Mustafa and New Jack both armed with steel chains around their hands, jump into the ring and immediately jump for Booker T knocking him senseless onto the mat. Mustafa and New Jack obviously still upset from the earlier engagement, spits on Booker T as Jarrett stretches himself over to Booker T and makes the cover.
The referee revived at this point goes to make the count and allows Jarrett to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.
After the match is over both Mustafa and New Jack stand above Booker's body in anger, with New Jack screaming in Booker's ear that he needs to learn his place, and Jarrett quickly high tailing it out of the ring with his title belt. Former tag team partner and Gangstas member Stevie Ray quickly runs down the ramp and jumps in the ring, trying to stop Jack and Mustafa from the vicious assault on Booker. Jack gets face to face with Stevie Ray and tells him to back up and let nature run it's course. Stevie Ray eventually backs up with his head down looking on as Jack and Mustafa continue to destroy the beaten down Booker T. As the brawl ends, Jack and Mustafa lock arms and Stevie Ray stands there distraught shaking his head in shame of the vicious attack.
-End of Show-
::Quick Match Results::
Jeff Jarrett def. Booker T via pinfall at 14:03 to remain the WCW World Heavyweight Champion
The Harris Brothers (Ron Harris / Don Harris) def. The Gangstas (New Jack / Stevie Ray) via DQ at 7:12
Bam Bam Bigelow def. Big Vito via pinfall at 6:40 to advance in the WCW United States Championship Tournament
AJ Styles def. Shane Helms via pinfall at 11:07 to advance in the WCW United States Championship Tournament
Mike Awesome def. Billy Kidman via pinfall at 9:56
Dark Matches
Rob Van Dam def. Jamie Noble via pinfall at 15:25
Shannon Moore def. Chris Parks via pinfall at 8:15