WCW 1999: No Finger Poking Here Brother

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Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Starrcade 1998 Headlines

The Streak is Over!

Starrcade ended in truly shocking fashion when nWo Wolfpac leader Kevin Nash defeated the defending champion Bill Goldberg to record his first WCW World Championship win. Not only did Big Sexy break the 174-0 streak but he did it with help from his former friend Scott Hall, who tasered Goldberg. The bad guy had turned on Nash and joined rival faction nWo Hollywood earlier in the year but after being kicked out of that group is Hall back in the Wolfpac? Goldberg's rival Bam Bam Bigelow also interfered in the bout as well as Disco Inferno, who seems desperate to earn himself a spot in the nWo Wolfpac.

Not fair to Flair

After months of taunting Eric Bischoff finally stepped in the ring with Nature Boy Ric Flair, who hadn't wrestled a match since April 1998 after being suspended by the WCW and nWo head honcho. Just as Flair looked to have to the match won old rival Curt Hennig returned and helped Bischoff win the match! Flair and The Four Horsemen are going to be out for revenge against nWo Hollywood.

Dallas defeats Goliath
WCW stalwart Diamond Dallas Page defeated his rival The Giant at Starrcade 1998. However the WCW United States Champion Bret Hart was involved in the match's finish. The Hitman came to the ring

armed with a steel chair and attempted to hit DDP but the master of the diamond cutter ducked and The Giant was clocked with the weapon! Needless to say the issues between Page and Hart are far from over.

Cruiserweight Controversy
WCW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman has a busy night at Starrcade 1998, defending his title not once but twice. First he defeated LWO members Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera in a fantastic three way match. LWO leader Eddie Guerrero then immediately challenged Kidman to a match afterwards and the champ managed to overcome this challenge too but the ending was not without controversy (noticing a pattern in WCW 1998 booking yet?). Rey Mysterio Jr., who was forced to join the LWO after losing a match to Eddie, cost his leader the match meaning that Kidman remains the champ. Surely Mysterio is going to run into some serious problems with his leader Eddie Guerrero this Monday on Nitro!

Other Results
Wolfpac member Konnan defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WCW Television Championship at Starrcade 1998. Also on the card Norman Smiley defeated Prince Iaukea, Perry Saturn defeated Ernest Miller and nWo Hollywood duo Brian Adams and Scott Norton defeated Fit Finlay and Jerry Flynn.

Hello everyone here at Wrestlingsmarks this is my first BTB in years, I did a few threads back in the day on WrestlingClique. I'm tackling WCW in 1999 which is the year I feel the company really went down the toilet. The big change we're making here is there will be no finger poke of doom, so lets see how WCW's fortunes pan out following Starrcade 1998.


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Sep 14, 2022
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Alex Wright
The Barbarian
Barry Horowitz
Barry Windham
Bill Goldberg
Billy Kidman
Bobby Duncum Jr
Bobby Eaton
Booker T
Brad Armstrong
Bret Hart
Brian Adams
Buddy Lee Parker
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Adams
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Curt Hennig
Dave Taylor
Dean Malenko
Diamond Dallas Page
Disco Inferno
The Disciple
Eddie Guerrero
El Dandy
Emory Hale
Ernest Miller
Fit Finlay
The Great Muta - primarily wrestles in NJPW
Hector Garza
Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Horace Hogan
Hugh Morrus
Ice Train
Jerry Flynn
Jim Duggan - inactive currently fighting cancer
Johnny Swinger
Juventud Guerrera
Kaz Hayashi
Kenny Kaos - inactive currently injured
Kevin Nash
La Parka
Lash Leroux
Lenny Lane
Lex Luger
Lizmark Jr
Mike Enos
Norman Smiley
Perry Saturn
Prince Iaukea
Randy Savage - inactive currently injured
Rey Mysterio Jr
Ric Flair
Rick Steiner - inactive currently injured
Robbie Rage
Roddy Piper - inactive currently injured
Scott Hall
Scott Norton
Scott Putski
Scott Steiner
Scotty Riggs
Sick Boy
Silver King
Steve Armstrong
Steve McMichael
Stevie Ray
Sting - inactive currently injured
Super Calo
Van Hammer
Villiano V

Tag Teams and Factions

nWo Hollywood - Hollywood Hogan (leader), Eric Bischoff (manager), Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger and The Great Muta
The Dynasty - Curt Hennig and Barry Windham
The Four Horsemen - Ric Flair (leader), Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Steve McMichael and Arn Anderson (manager)
Rick Steiner and Kenny Kaos
Raven and Kanyon
The Faces of Fear - Meng and The Barbarian
Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor
The Armstrong Brothers - Steve and Brian Armstrong

Hall of Champions

WCW Champion - Kevin Nash (since Starrcade 27/12/98)
WCW United States Champion - Diamond Dallas Page (since Souled Out 17/1/99)
Bret Hart - Nitro 30/11/98 - Souled Out 17/1/99
WCW Television Champion - Konnan (since Nitro 30/11/98)
WCW Cruiserweight Champion - Billy Kidman (since World War 3 22/11/98)
WCW Tag Team Champions - The Dynasty (since Souled Out 17/1/99)

PPV Schedule

Souled Out - January 17th 1999 @ Charleston Civic Centre
SuperBrawl IX - February 21st @ Oakland Arena
Uncensored - March 14th @ Louisville Freedom Hall
Spring Stampede - April 11th @ Tacoma Dome
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Monday Nitro - December 28th 1998 live from the Balitmore Arena

The broadcast starts with a recap of all the big matches at Starrcade including Kevin Nash's controversial WCW Championship win over Goldberg, Ric Flair’s shocking loss to Eric Bischoff and Diamond Dallas Page managing to vanquish The Giant. We then cut to the arena and our incomparable broadcast team of Tony Schiavone and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan.

Schiavone: Hot off the heels of Starrcade its WCW Monday Nitro live from a packed out Balitmore Arena! I'm Tony Schiavone I'm joined by Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and fans we have a brand new world champion. The black and red leader Kevin Nash defeated Goldberg last night to make it 174-1!

Heenan: It was a truly shocking ending Tony and that's not just because Scott Hall tasered Goldberg.

Schiavone: We'll have all the fall out here tonight fans because the new champ is in the building! Now lets kick off three hours on TN- wait a minute look who is storming to the ring!

Nature Boy Ric Flair alongside his Horsemen comrades Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Steve McMichael and Arn Anderson charge down to the ring unannounced! It is all business tonight as they're not dressed in the usual flashy suits - they are here for a fight!

Flair: Last night was the last time you get away with it Bischoff! The nature boy and the horsemen we have been fighting for our lives in dubya cee dubya but I ain't taking no crap anymore. There will be no limousine riding, there will be no jet flying until you get your scrawny little ass down to this ring. And bring that punk Curt Hennig with ya!

The fans pop for Flair's tirade as the Nature Boy paces back and forth irate. Arn Anderson attempts to calm Flair down.

Schiavone: Remember fans last night Eric Bischoff pinned Ric Flair thanks to interference from a returning Curt Hennig.

Heenan: I think Flair might be about to have an aneurysm.

Flair: Bischoff you son of a bitch! Get out here now or I swear to god I'm gonna go back there and tear you apart limb from limb!

nWo Hollywood's music hits and here comes Eric Bischoff. But the weasel is not alone - he's flanked by Hollywood members Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Scott Norton, Brian Adams and Vincent. He wisely remains on the ramp away from the horsemen in the ring.

Bischoff: Listen Ric we had one hell of a match last night and while you tried your best I'm afraid grandpa you just don't have it anymore!

Loud boos as not only did Bischoff require a large assist last night the match was also terrible.

Bischoff: Now in both my capacity as WCW president and the man who pinned you last night I'm going to ask you leave my ring before I get the cops to arrest you, because Ric there is no way we are ever wrestling each other ever again!

Flair: I thought you would say that by by god I ain't leaving this ring until I've got what I came for and that's another match with you! Now I admit last night you may have outplayed the dirtiest player in the game but lightning never strikes twice pal!

Bischoff: Listen I've heard enough of this octogenarian ramble on can I get this clown arrested?

Flair: Well I've got an offer for you that you're gonna want to hear!

Bischoff looks intrigued and gestures for Flair to continue.

Flair: Tonight me and you no disqualifications, no count outs no rules. If I win I get control of WCW but if you win I will leave this company, hell I will leave professional wrestling for ever.

Bischoff: That's a nice offer Ric but I'm quite happy being the WCW president and hell I have the power to fire you right now if I want so sorry no deal. Now get this fossil out of my ring.

The nWo lads look to head to the ring but Flair shouts into the mic.

Flair: Wait and if you win Bischoff, you can shave my head!

Now Bischoff looks intersted.

Bischoff: Now that's the kind of personal humiliation that I'm into Ric. For me Eric Bischoff to be the man that not only beats the man, but also shaves off his iconic hair - now we could be onto something. However I have a couple of conditions. Firstly the match will sure as hell not be taking place tonight but next week live in the Georgia Dome on Nitro. And second and most importantly you will have to beat Curt Hennig tonight inside a solid steel cage to get that match against me! And if you don't your career is over and you'll be going home a broke, bald man!

The fans go crazy for this announcement! Flair and Hennig were meant to have a cage match back at Starrcade 1997 but injury prevented that match from taking place. The Horsemen briefly consult with Flair before the nature boy screams...

Flair: Bischoff you're on!

Schiavone: What a huge main event we have set for tonight! Flair and Hennig in a steel cage right here tonight on TNT.

Heenan: Flair has put his career and his dignity on the line. But if he wins we can finally get WCW away from that smug Bischoff!

The Horsemen then charge out of the ring and here we go nWo Hollywood and the Four Horsemen are brawling on the ramp. Flair goes straight for Bischoff but Hennig gets in the Nature Boy's way and they start going at it! We cut to commercial as the chaos unfolds!

***Commercial Break***

The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) vs nWo Hollywood (Scott Norton and Brian Adams)

As we come back the announcers tell us this match was made official during the break and security has cleared out the remaining members of the factions from the ringside area. Benoit is in there with Scott Norton and is chopping relentlessly at the big man in the middle of the ring. Whipping the nWo member into the corner Benoit charges again but is met with a big shoulder tackle followed by some stomps. Norton then scoop slams the Canadian before tagging in his partner and the two hit a double clothesline. Malenko has seen enough and takes the match to Norton and the two illegal men tumble to the outside. Adams then starts laying more strikes into Benoit while both men on the outside have separated and returned to their respective corner. Adams then goes for a vertical suplex but Benoit counters and hits one of his own to a good pop! The announcers speculate on what's going on between new world champ Kevin Nash and Scott Hall as Benoit tries for a German suplex but big Brian gets the elbows in and slams the Canadian. He covers and gets two.

Norton then tags back in for the heels and hits Benoit with a vicious back breaker before throwing the horseman outside. Schiavone notes that Malenko has barely gotten in this match yet. Scott goes for a whip into the guard rail but Benoit counters and the nWo member goes crashing into the barricade! Benoit heads back in and looks to tag Malenko in but Norton is in pursuit and grabs Benoit by the ankle before dragging him back over to his side of the ring. The big man is favouring his back so he tags Adams in who hits a successful running powerslam. He covers... but only gets two. Adams then goes for a powerbomb but Benoit counters with a back body drop. The Canadian then desperately crawls over to his corner... and finally tags in Dean Malenko! The former cruiserweight champ unloads with some clotheslines before hauling Adams up and nailing him with a hugely impressive brain buster! Norton doesn't like what he sees and comes into help but he's met with a German suplex from Benoit which takes him out! Malenko and Benoit then double team and fling Adams into the ropes but he counters with a double clothesline. He then goes to lift Malenko up for a chokeslam but the man of 1,000 holds counters and nails a DDT! Malenko then locks in the Texas cloverleaf while Benoit adds to the pain with a crippler cross face! Adams has no choice but to tap out.

Winners @ 8:36 The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)

Schiavone: What an impressive win for The Horsemen in tag team action! Now fans lets head down to the ramp with Mean Gene Okerlund who I'm told is going to grab a word with Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko as well as reveal an important announcement.

Okerlund: A great win in tag team competition for The Four Horsemen. Now I know fans have been speculating for weeks about the future of the WCW Tag Team Championships with both Rick Steiner and Kenny Kaos out of action and I have received word from WCW higherups that next week on Nitro, live on TNT we will be kicking off an eight team tournament with the new champions being determined at our next pay per view event Souled Out.

Small pop for this announcement.

Okerlund: Now I am making this announcement to you two gentlemen in particular because you Chris Benoit and your partner Dean Malenko are the first team entered into that tournament.

Malenko: Gene its been too long since either of us have had gold here in WCW and next week we have some important Horsemen business to take care of - starting our path to becoming tag team champions of the world!

Malenko and Benoit bump fists as the Horsemen theme plays and we cut to break.

***Commercial Break***

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs La Parka (with Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr.)

As we come back our next bout is getting under way. Cruiserweight champion Billy Kidman is squaring off with the Latino World Order's La Parka. The LWO's leader is ringside along with Rey Mysterio Jr. - a member of the group (although not by choice) who cost his own leader the cruiserweight title. In the opening exchanges of the match Kidman and La Parka are exchanging holds as Guerrero chastises Mysterio warning him to not get involved in the bout or prepare to face the consequences. La Parka, who is on the larger side for a luchador manages to overpower Kidman and hits a scoop slam followed by some posing which Guerrero snaps at him to cut out. La Parka has Kidman in the corner with some more strikes before Irish whipping Billy into the ropes and nailing him on the rebound with a drop kick. Schiavone mentions that Kidman has to be struggling given the fact he wrestled two matches last night. The match springs into life however when La Parka attempts a running clothesine but Kidman ducks and bounces back off the ropes and nails the chairman of WCW with a running hurricanrana! The masked man rolls to the outside but there is no let up because Kidman nails a suicide dive that floors the LWO member.

Guerrero then looks to grab a chair and tells Rey to go and distract the referee but Mysterio refuses and the two get into a shouting match. Kidman sees his opening and nails Eddie with a running elbow to the back! Mysterio just simply walks away from Eddie but La Parka has now risen and he throws Kidman back into the ring as both men were in danger of being counted out. La Parka then heads up top and hits a diving cross body but only gets a two count. The masked man then goes for a powerbomb - but of course the champ hits is signature face buster. Kidman covers himself and only gets a two. Billy then hits a powerbomb which floors La Parka but rather than covering goes up top. Guerrero then looks to push Kidman off but Mysterio hauls Eddie back and the two get into a shoving match! Meanwhile Kidman hits a picture perfect shooting star press off the top rope and covers La Parka for the three count!

Winner @ 7:44 and still WCW Cruiserweight Champion - Billy Kidman

The shoving match between Guerrero and Mysterio continues while Billy holds the belt up in the ring. The rest of the LWO hit the ring however and star beating down Kidman. It is seven on one as La Parka is joined by Hector Garza, Damien, Silver King, El Dandy, Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis in the ring who are kicking the hell out of Kidman. Eddie shoves Mysterio to the side and joins the beat down. Rey Jr. gets in the ring as well but El Dandy and Silver King hold him back as Psychosis nails a top rope leg drop to the held down champ. Eddie grabs the mic.

Guerrero: You see homes what happens when you mess with the Latino World Order!

Eddie then kicks the cruiserweight champ in the gut again.

Guerrero: The LWO is all about latino pride but we have one guy in here who doesn't want to do what it takes to survive here in WCW and that's you Rey-Rey. I know you didn't want to join this band of brothers at first esse but let me tell you I'm gonna ram it into your head until you do what you are told. Now lets beat this gringo's ass some more!

Eddie goes to hit Kidman again but here comes Chavo Guerrero! Eddie and his nephew had been rivals throughout 1998 and Chavo is coming armed with a kendo stick. He hits Damien and Hector Garza with the stick before the rest of the LWO bail. Chavo checks on Kidman as Eddie drags Mysterio back up the ramp.

Schiavone: Well fans I have just received news of a huge match that we will be seeing later tonight to determine a number one contender to Bret Hart's WCW United States Heavyweight Championship. It will be Diamond Dallas Page taking on Perry Saturn with the winner getting a shot at Souled Out.

Heenan: The Hitman is going to have a keen eye on that one.

Schiavone: Brain lets head to the back because I'm getting word that the Wolfpac are in the house!

In the parking lot a black limousine pulls up. The door opens and Big Sexy Kevin Nash gets out with the WCW World Championship over his shoulder. This gets a mostly positive response from the fans. He is followed by Scott Hall and the two make their way into the ring.

Schiavone: The Outsiders look like they're back on the same page!

Heenan: But where are Konnan and Luger, where are the rest of the Wolfpac?

***Commercial Break***

As we come back we are somewhere in the depths of the building where a crestfallen Raven is sitting on the floor looking fed up with the world.

Raven: You know I'll be happy to see the back of 1998. This year has been the worst of my life. I lost my US title, I lost my flock and I've lost my purpose. When I look around the WCW locker room I see a bunch of fakes and frauds and I wonder to myself what am I even doing here. What's the point. Why do I even bother. All I seem to do is lose. There's nothing left for me here.

Kanyon then storms into the room.

Kanyon: Nothing left! What ya talking about man? And no friends I think you might be going blind pal! I've been with you all the way these last few months.

Raven: I'm beginning to think that's part of the problem.

Kanyon: Aw come on man you need to hit the breaks with this attitude. Sure you've lost a few matches lately but don't worry about that because I've got us a chance to get it all back. To get back on top here in WCW! Yep that's right Raven and Kanyon are entering the WCW Tag Team Championship tournament.

Raven: I'm not sure I feel like wrestling anymore man.

Kanyon: Quit being a buzzkill because we've got our first match next week. Then we'll go on and win those titles at Souled Out. You can quote Kanyon on that!

Raven looks disappointed as we cut back to the ring where Wrath is making his entrance.

Wrath vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Our next contest on WCW Nitro is underway as Bam Bam Bigelow takes on Wrath. The two lock up as Schiavone notes Bigelow's beef with Goldberg over the past month as well as his interference in the main event of Starrcade. Bigelow manages to overpower Wrath, who himself had been on a undefeated streak before Kevin Nash put a stop to that, and then nails his foe with a headbutt. Bigelow then throws Wrath to the outside and the two heavyweights start scrapping on the outside. Bigelow again then gets the advantage and sends Wrath into the steel steps. He hauls his opponent back into the ring and goes for a running splash but Wrath gets his knees up. Building up a full head of steam Wrath then nails his foe with a huge lariat but that only gets a one! Wrath then looks for his finisher the meltdown but Bigelow counters that with a big belly to belly suplex and manages to follow that up with his finisher the Asbury Park driver! Bam Bam should cover but he's not done yet becuase he nails Wrath with a huge spear. Schiavone screams that's a direct message to Bill Goldberg. Lifting Wrath up Bigelow hits one hell of a jack hammer and covers for the win.

Winner @ 4:05 Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow's hand is raised by the referee but he quickly shoves the ref aside and grabs a microphone.

Bigelow: Hey Goldberg, I know you're not here tonight but if you've got the stones we're gonna meet in the ring real soon. You blew it last night at Starrcade and on my path of destruction - you're next!

Bam Bam chucks the mic down and chuckles to himself as he leaves the ring.

Heenan: Bam Bam looks to be starting his own win streak here in WCW!

Schiavone: Well fans Bam Bam Bigelow is right - Bill Goldberg the former WCW Champion isn't here tonight but he will be in the building next week as Nitro returns to the Georgia Dome and Goldberg's hometown of Atlanta.

We then cut backstage again to see Konnan and Lex Luger arrive at the building and looking pretty pissed off.

Heenan: I told you the Wolfpac were not on the same page!

Schiavone: Fans don't go anywhere because up next we hea from new WCW Champion Kevin Nash!

***Commercial Break***

As we come back the familiar music of the nWo Wolfpac hits and here comes the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion Kevin Nash to a great pop. There’s plenty of pyro as Nash poses on the stage with the belt.

Schiavone: You have to say the belt looks good around the waist of Big Sexy even if he did win it in suspicious circumstances.

Heenan: I still want to know where’s the rest of the Wolfpac.

Kevin Nash then pauses and throws his arms to the entrance and here comes Scott Hall to a big pop. The pair two sweet each other and head to the ring.

Schiavone: Well The Outsiders are on the same page but Brain you’re right there’s no Konnan or Luger.

Nash and Hall pose in the ring before taking a mic each.

Nash: Baltimore Wolfpac in the house!

Nice cheap pop there.

Nash: Now let’s address the giant elephant in the room right off the bat. Last night I beat Bill Goldberg for this title but it wasn’t without controversy. Scott I love you like a brother and I’m glad we’re back on the same page but that’s wasn’t cool man. This world title means everything to me and that’s why whenever Goldberg returns to Nitro I’ll put the strap on the line and we can go at it one more time. This is my first world championship in over three years and I plan on holding onto it for a long time.

Fans pop for this as Hall takes the mic

Hall: Hey yo. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching these past few weeks man and I’ve lost count the number of times I screwed you over in 1998 big man. So once I got kicked out of the black and white and got my head straight I knew that I had to pay you back. That’s why I did what I did last night. Goldberg it wasn’t personal you were just the wrong man, in the wrong place at the wrong time. And if you wanna tangle in the ring then you name the time and place and I’ll be there.

Fans are also popping for this challenge.

Hall: Now being here with you people and Big Kev I know I’m in the right place wearing the red and black.

At that moment Lex Luger and Konnan come out to the ring looking angry.

Heenan: Oh boy here we go!

The two men get into the ring and square up to The Outsiders.

Luger: Firstly Kev congrats - you deserve that WCW Championship. But I have to be honest I’m a little bit hot right now that you’d bring this turncoat into the Wolfpac

A big ooh from the crowd as Hall and Nash look at each other concerned.

Luger: You see for the last six months this guy has been attacking us at every turn, doing Hogan's bidding and now we just accept him with open arms because he helped you win a match. He may be your best friend big man but he's got a hell of a lot to prove to me before I know he's Wolfpac 4 life!

Konnan then takes a mic and squares up to Hall.

Konnan: It's pretty simple man - you wanna prove that you aint gonna turn your back on Wolfpac? Then to win my trust I want you to call out any member of the black and white right now and kick their ass!

Crowd pop for this.

Nash: Easy guys look I know what Scott did last night came as a shock (Nash smirks) but I've been speaking to him all day and listen he's on our side now he's left Hollywood behind.

Luger is particularly irate with Nash right now but Hall goes to respond.

Hall: K-dawg I like your thinking man. Do all the nWo fans in Baltimore want to see the bad guy kick a member of the black and white's ass?

A resounding yes from the fans.

Hall: Well in that case I don't care who it is then bring your ass down here and lets get it on!

Nash is checking with Hall that he's good to go but already the classic nWo music hits and here comes Stevie Ray!

Schiavone: Looks like it's Scott Hall vs Stevie Ray right after these messages. Stay with us fans on TNT!

***Commercial Break***

Scott Hall vs Stevie Ray

Once again we come back from break and the action is underway immediately as Stevie and Hall are exchanging strikes back and forth. Schiavone notes that during the break Hall sent the other Wolfpac members to the back as he wants to do this one on his own. Stevie grabs a side headlock but Hall pushes him into the ropes and whips him back across the ring before decking his foe with a shoulder tackle. Stevie then rolls to the outside to recover while Hall does his signature pose in the ring. Enraged Ray gets back in the squared circle and lock up again and the former Harlem Heat member backs Scott up into the corner and then unleashes a flurry of strikes against the Wolfpack's newest recruit. Stevie continues to get some more offence in but eventually he gets too cocky and tries to pick Hall up for a press slam but this gets countered as Hall drops behind Stevie and delivers a solid back drop suplex before laying some more stomps in. Hall then goes for his signature fall away slam and at first Ray manages to wriggle out of it but Hall strikes him and delivers the move. He covers but only gets two.

Hall then tries for the Outsider's edge but Stevie back drops him to the outside. Viciously Stevie then whacks Hall's head against the apron before rolling the charismatic competitor back inside. Stevie hits a side slam but this only garners a two count. Stevie then locks in a bear hug that Hall manages to elbow his way out of but before he has time to recover Stevie hits a solid inverted atomic drop and then charges of the ropes with a brutal bicycle kick. Again he covers but is denied by Hall kicking out at two. Stevie is pissed now and he goes for his slapjack finisher but Hall pushes him into the ropes and he rebounds right into a second fall away slam from the bad guy. Hall signals for the outsider's edge and even hoists Stevie up but Ray manages to whack the referee right in the face with his foot before Hall delivers it! Scott hits his finish but there's no ref! Hall goes to shake the ref awake but here comes Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell! The nWo members size up Hall and look to take him out but Kevin Nash and Konnan make the save! The quartet brawl at ringside as Hall turns around and walks into a flying clothesline from Stevie Ray! The referee is stirring and counts one, two... NO! Hall gets a shoulder up. The Hollywood and Wolfpack members brawl up the ramp as Stevie goes for the slapjack but Hall gets out of it and nails Stevie with a kick to the gut. He then hoists him up and hits the Outsider's edge! He covers and gets the win!

Winner @ 9:21 Scott Hall

Scott Hall has his hands raised as Kevin Nash and Konnan return to the ring to celebrate while a furious Scott Steiner grabs a mic at the top of the stage.

Steiner: Listen Hall you bum! You were never good enough for the nWo Hollywood anyway. Now if I could get you Baltimore jackasses to settle down and listen to the big bad booty daddy because I’ve got a challenge to lay out right now! Konnan you got that TV Title and I think it would look real nice on one of my freaks! So how about you and I go one on one right now for the belt!

Konnan beckons Steiner to come to the ring and get it on.

Heenan: Looks like we’ve got another impromptu match!

Schiavone: Fans don’t go anywhere we’ve got Steiner vs Konnan for the TV Title next plus DDP vs Saturn and Hennig vs Flair in a steel cage all still to come on Nitro!

***Commercial Break***

WCW Television Championship: Konnan (c) vs Scott Steiner

The match is underway as we come back from break with Steiner going on offence right away with some clubbing blows to Konnan that send him to the mat before he shows off his sizeable muscles. Buff Bagwell is in his corner while Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are in the Wolfpac corner - still no sign of Lex Luger. Steiner continues to have the upper hand and locks in a chin lock however with some encouragement from the crowd Konnan manages to get out of it and counter with a jaw breaker. He then goes for a front drop kick but Steiner gets out the way and catches the reeling Konnan with a back suplex. Methodically Scott begins to work over the back of his opponent in anticipation of the Steiner Recliner. This includes some more strikes as well as a hard Irish whip into the corner. Steiner charges with a clothesline but Konnan ducks and grabs Steiner from behind and hits a back suplex of his own. He then looks for an early Tequila Sunrise submission hold but Steiner kicks him away into the rope and on the rebound catches the Wolfpac member with a belly to belly! Steiner covers but only gets two.

Schiavone notes that Scott was super close to becoming the champion there as Steiner continues to work over the back with more strikes before following up a nasty looking back breaker. He again covers but only gets two. Grabbing Konnan in a waist lock Steiner throws him back for a bridging German suplex but yet again the champ kicks out! Steiner is getting really frustrated now and plants Konnan with a slam followed by some aggressive strikes. He then goes for the recliner but as he goes to apply it the champ catches him with a clip to the knee. Steiner hobbles to the side and now Konnan hits a big DDT! Konnan then grabs the leg and locks in a Tequila sunrise - he could win this one out of nowhere. He's got the hold locked in tight but here comes Buff Bagwell up on the apron to distract the referee! The distraction is quickly foiled however as Nash yanks Bagwell off the ropes and The Outsiders then start beating the crap out of Buff. Back in the ring Scott has made it to the ropes. The beaten down Konnan staggers into the corner as The Giant makes his way to ringside. Back in the ring Steiner has recovered and he grabs Konnan, delivers a belly to belly and locks in the recliner. As Hall and Bagwell brawl The Giant is sizing up the world champ! Back in the ring somehow Konnan has valiantly made it into the ropes! He rolls to the outside where Steiner goes in pursuit. All six men brawl on the outside and the ref is losing his grip on this one. The match ends when Kevin Nash grabs a chair goes to hit The Giant but the big man sidesteps and Nash accidentally hits Konnan in the back as he was tussling with Steiner! The ref has no choice but to call for the bell.

Winner @ 10:04 via disqualification and still WCW TV Champion Konnan

Nash cannot believe it and in his shock he turns around and is choke slammed on the outside by The Giant! More members of nWo Hollywood make their way out including the likes of Scott Norton, Brian Adams, Horace Hogan, Vincent, Barry Windham and Curt Hennig.

Schiavone: The Wolfpac is completely outmatched here!

Heenan: Where is Lex Luger!

And just as Brain asked here comes Luger - but he's not alone he's brought The Four Horsemen with him to even the odds to a monster pop from the Baltimore crowd. Flair goes straight for Hennig as its absolute carnage in the arena!

Schiavone: Fans stick with us on Nitro as we try to restore order to this mayhem!

***Commercial Break***

Schiavone: Fans welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro on TNT. Still so much more to come tonight including Flair vs Hennig in a cage and DDP vs Saturn for a shot at Bret Hart's WCW US Championship. During the break Doug Dillinger our head of security managed to clean the arena out but I understand now Mean Gene is backstage in the nWo black and white locker room.

Gene is standing by with Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Giant in the foreground.

Gene: Gentlemen you've requested this time so may I ask-

Steiner: Shut up you fat, bald hog! We are nWo Hollywood and we are the only ones who ask the questions round here.

Steiner then steals the mic from Okerlund and continues.

Steiner: Firstly Konnan you know I had you beat out there so you had to resort to cheap tricks to beat Big Poppa Pump. Now unluckily for you I'm gonna kick your ass again real soon because myself and Buff the stuff are in the tag team tournament and I know you and your Wolfpac buddies are too.

The Giant then takes the mic.

Giant: Hey Big Sexy - bet it felt real good when you got choke slammed into the floor just now! Well I just got told by Easy E that next week inside The Georgia Dome we're gonna find out who the best big man in the business is because I'm challenging you for that WCW Championship.

Steiner: And hey Gene one more thing before you scram out of here. Next week the nWo is welcoming the future president of the United States to the Georgia Dome - because Hollywood Hogan will be in the house! Now beat it.

Overland scurries off as we cut back to the announcers.

Heenan: Looks like Hogan's campaign is coming to the Georgia Dome next week.

Schiavone: And a huge match in every sense signed - Nash and The Giant. Now lets head back to Dave Penzer in the ring!

Penzer introduces Super Calo in the ring as Psychosis of the LWO makes his way down the ramp for some cruiserweight action.

Psychosis vs Super Calo

This match gets underway quickly as Psychosis charges at Calo with a running drop kick and this forces him to quickly bail to the outside. Psychosis then heads up top and delivers an impressive diving cross body to the outside. The luchadore is going at a break neck speed as he gets Calo back in the ring and hits a snap suplex. Psychosis covers but only gets a two. He then goes to the apron and goes for a springboard clothesline but Calo ducks and then school boys his opponent but only gets a two count. Calo then hits a series of arm drags as he takes the fight to Psychosis before attempting a hurricanrana but that gets countered by Psychosis into a brutal sit out power bomb. The LWO lieutenant covers but only manages to get a two count. Psychosis then strikes a grounded Calo a few more times before he heads up top and goes for a diving splash but Calo gets his knees up! Calo then places Psychosis on the top turnbuckle and goes for a superplex but Psychosis counters and bushes his foe off. Quickly he follows up with a missile drop kick off the top rope but rather than cover Psychosis goes back up top again and hits his signature leg drop! He covers for the win.

Winner @ 4:41 Psychosis

Schiavone: An impressive win for the LWO’s Psychosis.

Heenan: If I was Kidman I’d be watching my back because Psychosis looks motivated to capture that Cruiserweight Championship.

Schiavone: Fans our main event tonight is Curt Hennig vs Ric Flair in a solid steel cage. Now if Flair wins he gets Eric Bischoff next week in a street fight for the WCW Presidency. But if the leader of the Horsemen loses either of those matches he will not only have to shave his head but he will be retired from pro wrestling.

Heenan: I think we could be seeing Flair’s last match here tonight Tony he may not make it to the Georgia Dome.

Schiavone: Let’s now take a look back at the history between Curt Hennig and Ric Flair.

We cut to a video that details this storied rivalry mentioning that at one time Hennig actually managed Flair. Then we cut to the summer of 97 when Hennig briefly joined the Horsemen before turning on them in War Games and smashing the cage door into Flair’s head. Their various matches over the last 16 months are highlighted before the package concluded with stills of Starrcade last night as Hennig returned and cost Flair his match with Eric Bischoff.

Back in the arena DDP makes his entrance to a huge ovation.

Schiavone: Up next to kick off hour number three it’s Diamond Dallas Page vs Perry Saturn and the winner gets a shot at Bret Hart’s US Championship at Souled Out.

***Commercial Break***

WCW US Championship #1 Contenders Match: Diamond Dallas Page vs Perry Saturn

Saturn is getting into the ring as we come back from commercial and the bell rings to start the match. The two fan favourites fist bump as Tony notes that both men are being given an opportunity at Hart due to their wins last night. The pair lock up and DDP uses his height advantage to get a side headlock and then transitions behind for a waist lock. Dallas goes for a German suplex but Saturn grabs his opponent's wrist and hits an arm drag. Saturn then hauls Page up and hits a big exploder suplex that sends Page halfway across the ring and gets a decent pop from the fans. Saturn then goes for an early Death Valley driver but Page wriggles out and goes for the diamond cutter but Saturn counters and pushes Page into the corner. The two stare each other down as the fans show their appreciation for the opening exchanges. DDP then goes on offence with a series of strikes without reply and punctuates his attack with a flying clothesline. Dallas then goes for a swinging neck breaker but Saturn shoves him into the ropes and meets Page with a big drop kick and follows up with a knee drop. He covers but only gets a two count.

Quickly following up this cover Saturn hits a power slam and goes to the apron for a slingshot leg drop but Page rolls out of the way as Perry lands on his tail bone. Page then boots the seated Saturn in the face and goes to work on Perry again with some more strikes before hitting his swinging neck breaker. Page then goes to the apron and hits a slingshot manoeuvre of his own - a crossbody that results in a cover... but only gets two. Page remains on the offensive however and hits an inverted atomic drop and goes for a power bomb but Saturn counters with a back drop and then picks up Page for an impressive tiger suplex. Saturn then continues this match's games of one-upmanship and hits DDP with a spinning power bomb and covers for two! Perry then goes to lock in his signature submission - the rings of Saturn but Page quickly gets his foot on the ropes. Saturn does not relent however and hits Page with a brain buster and this time locks in the rings of Saturn in the middle of the ring! Dallas is in big trouble here but as the crowd wills him on somehow, someway he manages to crawl to the ropes and slump to the outside!

Following his opponent Saturn goes for a suplex on the outside but Page counters and hits one of his own! Dallas then lifts Saturn back into the ring and hits a scoop slam before signalling for the diamond cutter! Page goes for it but again Saturn pushes him into the corner and follows up with a back drop suplex. Perry then goes up top and hits a huge moonsault - he covers but only gets two! Saturn then picks Page up and goes for a drop kick but Dallas dodges and grabs Perry this time nailing his spinning power bomb. The Baltimore crowd have come alive for Page but the master of the diamond cutter can still only manage a two count. Dallas then hits a brutal looking gut wrench gutbuster and attempts the diamond cutter again but Perry twists out of it and hits a neck breaker of his own. He covers... but only manages two! Saturn then picks Page up for the Death Valley driver but as he comes down of Saturn's shoulder he grabs Perry's neck and hits a Diamond Cutter to a huge pop! Page covers... and gets the win!

Winner @ 12:21 Diamond Dallas Page

A huge win for DDP as he goes to celebrate in the crowd.

Schiavone: A huge win for Page in a fantastic match - up next we have exclusive words from the Wolfpac in their locker room!

***Commercial Break***

We return backstage to the Wolfpac locker room as Kevin Nash paces about, Konnan is icing the back of his neck and Hall and Luger are staring each other down.

Nash: Giant you’re on next week for the richest prize in the game inside the Georgia Dome! And pal you’re due a hell of a receipt for that choke slam.

The fans pop for this announcement.

Nash: Now Konnan I’m sorry for the chair shot man you know I’ve always got your back.

Konnan: No worries big man it’s an honest mistake.

Luger is smirking in the corner.

Nash: You got something you wanna say Lex? You’ve been missing all night man what’s going on with you?

Luger: Missing? More like getting you back up from The Horsemen while Hollywood was kicking your ass! And Hall one win over Stevie Ray still doesn’t prove your Wolfpac for life. All I’m focused on is me and K-dawg winning that tag team tournament.

Hall then squares up to Lex.

Hall: Well man I think we need to settle this beef between us one way or another.

At this moment Disco Inferno enters the room.

Disco: Hey guys sorry I couldn’t help earlier was a bit busy practicing my too sweeting. So then now you’ve made Scott here a member I presume I’m up next?

The other Wolfpac members look at him blankly.

Disco: I mean come on Kev I basically handed you the WCW Championship last night.

Nash: Handed me the title you didn’t do jack! Get the hell out of here.

Disco: But guys I’m Wolfpac for life….

A disheartened Disco goes to leave.

Hall: Wait I have an idea - if you wanna join the pac how about next week on Nitro you call out Goldberg and give him the fight of his life?

Disco: Goldberg I’m not sure about that one Scott…

Nash: Come on Disco you don’t have to beat him just give the big man a good fight.

Disco pauses to think about it.

Disco: Ok guys because you believe in me I’ll do it - next week Bill Goldberg I’m kicking your ass!

Inferno storms out of the locker room fired up while the Wolfpac members chuckle to themselves. We then head back to the top of the ramp where Mean Gene is standing by.

Gene: Ladies and gentlemen this next man says he has a huge announcement to make - so please welcome Chris Jericho!

Chris Jericho comes out to a chorus of boos and looks deadly serious. Hard to take him too seriously however given he is accompanied by his head of personal security Ralphus.

Gene: Well Chris you have asked for this time - what is this big announcement?

Jericho: First of all Jim you should address me as Mr Jericho or at the very least the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!

Lots of boos for Jericho.

Jericho: But onto my announcement tonight that I know will shake the foundations of professional wrestling. You see over the last few months I haven't been getting the respect I deserve from these fans or the management at WCW. So whether it's Eric Bischoff, Ted Turner, Ric Flair or the Warner Brothers I have got a message for ya. The king of Monday nights' contract expires in six months time so unless I start getting treated like the star you know I am I'll be heading to New York where fans actually appreciate pro wrestling unlike these idiots in Baltimore!

Jericho looks deadly serious.

Jericho: However I have a few demands that if met means I will be more than happy to stay with WCW.

Ralphus hands Chris a long list.

Jericho: Number one: my own Lear Jet to fly me to every Nitro and Thunder. Number two: I want my own catering room which should have enough hummus to feed a family of four for a week. Number three...

Before he continues Booker T's music hits and the former tag and TV champ doesn't look impressed.

Booker: You've got to be kidding me man. Listen I speak for everyone here in Baltimore that if you don't wanna be in WCW, with the best fans in the world - then just leave!

The fans pop as an angry Jericho slaps Booker T! Booker goes for a Harlem side kick in return but Jericho scrambles and pushes Ralph's in the way before fleeing backstage. Ralphus takes the move as Booker celebrates with the fans as we cut to commercial.

***Commercial Break***

Schiavone: Well fans following that exchange between Booker T and Chris Jericho I can confirm that next week inside the Georgia Dome its been signed Chris Jericho goes one on one with Booker T!

Heenan: I hope Jericho gets his hummus Schiavone.

Schiavone: Speaking of the Georgia Dome what a card we have lined up for you fans live on TNT next week. Kevin Nash makes the first defence of his WCW Championship against The Giant and we have the return of Goldberg who faces a challenge from the Disco Inferno.

Heenan: Don't forget Hollywood Hogan is in the building!

Schiavone: As well as Hogan lets have a look at the bracket for the WCW World Tag Team Championship tournament as all the quarter final matches will take place next week on Nitro!

A Block

Lex Luger and Konnan vs Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell

Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vs Raven and Kanyon

B Block

Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis vs Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor

Schiavone: We will then have the semi finals on the following Nitro followed by crowning the new champions at our next pay per view Souled Out. That telecast will also see Diamond Dallas Page continue his rivalry with Bret Hart and challenge for the Hitman's WCW US Championship.

Heenan: Tonight though Tony we could see Ric Flair's last ever match and the nature boy shaved bald! Because if he loses in a steel cage to Curt Hennig its over.

Schiavone: But Brain if he wins he gets Bischoff next week in a street fight for the WCW presidency and that cage match main event is right now!

Michael Buffer is in the ring for his over the top introductions. He explains the rules to a cage match - pinball, submission or escaping the cage grant you the victory. Curt Hennig is out first accompanied by Barry Windham and Eric Bischoff. Windham remains off to the side of the ramp while Bischoff heads to the announce desk and grabs a headset.

Bischoff: Don't worry guys you've got an actual professional on the call for this one.

Schiavone: Great.

Ric Flair is out next but its all business as her charges to the ring and lunges at Hennig! This one is underway.

Steel Cage Match: Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig

Flair just starts wailing on Hennig as the bell rings with punches and his signature knife edge chops. This backs Curt into the corner and Flair unloads with more knife edge chops as the crowd 'woo' uproariously. Flair then whips Hennig into the opposite corner and starts striking him there before tossing him from the corner into the middle of the ring. Ric goes for a knee drop but Hennig rolls out of the way and Curt already is climbing the wall of the cage! He doesn't get very far however as Flair yanks him down by his gear and continues to unloads on Hennig before kicking the former Mr Perfect a few times in the knee - setting up for the figure four. Flair then goes for a vertical suplex but the tide finally turns when Hennig counters and hits a suplex of his own. Curt then whips Flair hard right into the steel cage before grabbing the nature boy and rubbing his face into the metal of the cage as Bischoff cheers him on from the commentary booth. Hennig then balances Flair against the ropes and goes for a running knee but the nature boy ducks and Hennig runs knee first into the cage wall! Flair then goes for a figure four but Hennig pushes him away into the ropes and on the rebound locks in a sleeper as Schiavone says to stick with us as we head to commercial!

***Commercial Break***

As we return Flair has fought out of the sleeper and he hits Hennig with a nasty looking shin breaker as he continues to set up for the figure four. Flair then gives Curt a taste of his own medicine as he Irish whips him hard into the cage and then pokes his foe in the eye and rubs his head right against the steel bars as Hennig screams in agony. Flair then hits a back suplex and then covers... but only gets two. Flair again goes for the figure four but Curt pushes him into the corner. Hennig strikes Flair a few more times in the corner before propping his foe on the top rope. He goes to deliver a superplex but Flair headbutts his opponent and Hennig is sent reeling back into the middle of the ring. Flair then hits a successful top rope manoeuvre - a double axe handle that absolutely clocks Curt! Flair then continues dishing out the punishment on Hennig and again goes to lock in the figure four but Hennig counters into a rollup but gets a two count! Hennig follows this up with a bridging belly to back suplex and again has Flair in a pinning predicament - but the nature boy gets the shoulder up.

Hennig has seen enough now and lays the boots into Flair before he begins to climb up the side of the cage. The fans are willing the nature boy on and he rises to his feet and goes up the cage wall with Hennig. Both men are hanging on by a thread as they exchange swimming strikes hanging off the side of the wall! Eventually something had to give and both men tumble from the wall back into the ring as Bischoff screams for Hennig to get out of there. Flair actually recovers first and hits a running knee drop before signalling for and locking in the infamous figure four leg lock! He's got it synched in as Bischoff pleads with Hennig to get out of it. Curt grabs the bottom rope but the ref reminds him - there are no rope breaks in a steel cage match! Hennig eventually sits up and elbows Flair in the face before flipping over and reversing the pressure. Now Flair is screaming in agony as his career hangs in the balance! He manages to untangle his legs from Hennig's but as he gets up he walks straight into a Hennigplex! Curt bridges one... two...three?

NO! Flair gets the shoulder up from Curt's finishing move. Bischoff has seen enough now - he calls for Barry Windham and the pair charge down to ringside! As Hennig continues to stomp on Flair in the ring Windham reaches under the apron and reveals a pair of bolt cutters! He then cuts open the chain locking the door and it swings wide open - Hennig can walk out and end Flair's career at anytime!. Curt hits one more power slam and goes to walk out but here comes the Horsemen! Benoit, Malenko and McMichael chase off Windham and Bischoff to the back but the cage door is still open! Hennig goes to walk out but he is met by The Enforcer Arn Anderson - the man who he originally replaced in the Horsemen. Double A then gives Hennig the receipt he's long deserved - he smashes the cage door into his face just as he's about to walk out! Hennig then turns round and is floored by a huge punch to the face from Ric Flair! The nature boy locks in the figure four and Hennig has nowhere to go! He looks around desperate for a way out - but he's forced to tap out!

Winner @ 18:54 (including commercials) Ric Flair
Schiavone: Flair has done it - he gets Bischoff in a street fight next week for control of WCW!

The enforcer gets in the ring and the two legends celebrate as Nitro fades to black.

Quick Results:

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko defeated Brian Adams and Scott Norton
WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) defeats La Parka
Bam Bam Bigelow defeats Wrath
Scott Hall defeats Stevie Ray
WCW TV Championship: Konnan (c) defeats Scott Steiner by DQ
Psychosis defeats Super Calo
US Championship #1 Contenders Match: DDP defeats Perry Saturn
Steel Cage: Ric Flair defeats Curt Hennig

Card for WCW Nitro @ Georgia Dome 4/1/1999

Street Fight for WCW Presidency and Ric Flair’s career and hair:
Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair

WCW Championship: Kevin Nash vs The Giant

Goldberg vs Disco Inferno

Chris Jericho vs Booker T

WCW World Tag Team Championship Quarter Finals:

Lex Luger and Konnan vs Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell

Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vs Raven and Kanyon

Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis vs Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor

Plus Hollywood Hogan returns!


WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament

No Thunder this week so next up is Nitro at the Georgia Dome!
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Sep 14, 2022
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WCW Monday Nitro - January 4th 1999 @ Georgia Dome
We are in the Georgia Dome and a suitably ludicrous amount of pyro goes off as the Nitro girls dance in the ring.

Schiavone: In front of nearly 40,000 fans World Championship Wrestling is kicking 1999 off with a bang. We are here for three hours live - its WCW Nitro on TNT! I'm Tony Schiavone joined by Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan and Brain what a show we have lined up for you!

Heenan: Tonight Eric Bischoff's reign of terror as WCW President or Ric Flair's illustrious career will be over. You will see one of those things end in our main event street fight!

Schiavone: Fans not only that but Hollywood Hogan will be in the building, Bill Goldberg will be returning home to Atlanta and WCW Champion Kevin Nash defends his title against The Giant! But right now we're kicking things off with cruiserweight action in the first round of the WCW World Tag Team Championship tournament!

The music of the cruiserweight champ Billy Kidman hits and he's out alongside his makeshift partner Chavo Guerrero. Both these men have one thing in common - their hatred of the LWO. Speaking of which here comes the Latino World Order duo of Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis accompanied by the man who was forced to join the LWO, Rey Mysterio Jr., however Eddie then orders Rey to head to the back!

Heenan: Smart call by Eddie, Mysterio has been costing his team matches recently - he got involved in Kidman vs La Parka last week!

WCW World Tag Title Tournament Quarter Final: Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero vs LWO (Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis)

Eddie and Chavo start in the ring for their respective teams and Chavo goes to lock up but Eddie shoves him away before promptly tagging in Psychosis to a chorus of boos. Psychosis and Chavo then lock up and exchange holds before Chavo gets the upper hand in a front face lock and hits a vertical suplex. He tags in Kidman who slingshots over the ropes and hits a leg drop but only gets one. Kidman whips his foe into the ropes but Psychosis counters with a running knee and follows up with a sunset flip but only gets a one count also. Kidman and Psychosis then also exchange holds until Kidman gets the upper hand and hits a side head lock taker over. Psychosis then kips up out of this move goes for a round house kick but Billy ducks and then nails the turning Psychosis with a picture perfect drop kick! Kidman then goes up to the top turn buckle but Eddie pushes him off! This then prompts Chavo to come in and now all four men are brawling in the ring! Psychosis and Eddie retreat to the outside but Chavo and Kidman look at each other and hit stereo planchas to the outside to a big pop!

Kidman and Psychosis are still legal and the champ grabs his foe and gets him back in the ring and hits a flurry of strikes. Kidman then tags Chavo back in and the two hit a double vertical suplex and Chavo covers for two! Guerrero then goes up top for a splash but Psychosis gets the knees up which results in a rough landing for Chavo. The LWO duo now seize control as Psychosis nails his foe with a brutal tornado DDT. Psychosis tags in Eddie who hits a second rope stomp to Chavo while Psychosis holds the younger Guerrero down. Eddie then unloads on his nephew with strikes and slaps as he chastises his relative for not being good enough to deserve the Guerrero name. Eddie then hits a back breaker to his opens and follows with a cover that gets two. Guerrero then whips Chavo into the corner and whacks him with some more stomps before monkey flipping his nephew out of the corner. Eddie then goes for a running hurricanrana but Chavo counters with a big power bomb! Chavo crawls over to his corner and tries to tag Kidman but Eddie grabs him by the ankle and drags Chavo back to the centre of the ring. Eddie then tags in Psychosis as Schiavone tells us to stick with Nitro as we head to the break.

*** Commercial Break ***

As we come back from break Psychosis has Chavo trapped in a body scissors. The crowd are willing the younger Guerrero to get out of the hold and Chavo eventually does as he hits Psychosis with a series of elbow strikes. Guerrero then executes a spring board cross body which leaves both men laying. They crawl across to their respective corners and make the hot tag! Kidman comes in like a house on fire, downing Eddie with a series of punches which is punctuated with a drop kick. Billy then heads up top and goes for a moonsault but the crafty Guerrero moves out of the way! He hits Kidman with a sick looking brain buster and covers... but only gets two! Eddie then locks in the Gory special - a staple of the Guerrero family and Kidman looks to be in trouble here. Chavo then comes in to break it up and once again we are back to all four men brawling! The LWO duo get the upper hand and go for stereo power bombs but both Kidman and Chavo counter with a face buster! Kidman then grabs Eddie and goes for a power bomb but Eddie counters with a hurricanrana and rolls through for a cover... but only gets two! Eddie then tags in Psychosis and the two hit a double back breaker on the champ before Chavo comes in and decks his uncle and the two tumble to the outside in a crazed brawl. Back in the ring Psychosis goes for flying clothesline, Kidman ducks and hits his signature BK bomb! Billy covers but Eddie, who's taken out Chavo on the outside put's Psychosis' foot on the bottom rope. This temporary distraction costs Billy as he goes to attack Eddie but Psychosis grabs him from behind and hits a sick German suplex and Kidman lands right on his head. Psychosis then goes up top and hits a diving guillotine leg drop! Eddie holds Chavo back on the outside as the champ is covered. one...two...three!

Winners @ 16:01 (including commercials) LWO (Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis)

The LWO advance and celebrate on the outside as Kidman comes to inside the ring.

Heenan: I think we can say there's a cruiserweight title shot in Psychosis' future - he just pinned the champ!

Schiavone: For sure Brain - and no Rey Mysterio Jr. tonight to cost the LWO. And fans we're just getting word that Hollywood Hogan is in the building!

We then cut backstage as two nWo limousines arrive. The first pulls up and out comes Brian Adams, Scott Norton, Vincent, Horace Hogan and Stevie Ray. The second pulls up and out comes The Giant, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan who receives a chorus of boos. Hollywood then leans into the camera and says.

Hogan: Tonight we’re shaking the nWo up and we’re ending the Wolfpac brother!

Bischoff then leans in and adds.

Bischoff: Flair enjoy your moment in front of the fans because it’s the last chance you’ll have! Say goodbye to your career and your hair!

The two men then laugh and head into the arena as we cut to Gene Okerlund on the ramp.

Gene: Georgia Dome please welcome The Four Horsemen!

Ric Flair leads his faction out alongside Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Steve McMichael and their manager Arn Anderson. They receive a great reception from the WCW faithful.

Gene: Ric we know it's a huge night for you tonight you could end up president of this company or you could end up bald and retired. Are you feeling the pressure at all going into tonight's main event?

Flair: Mean - by god - Gene! When you've been in the game as long as the Nature Boy ya don't feel pressure. I've been waiting to kick that rat Bischoff's ass for years and tonight, one way or another I'm gonna kick it! Woo!

The fans cheer as Flair continues.

Flair: My career spans over 20 years and I've beaten the best! Harley Race, Dust Rhodes, The Stinger you name them the Nature Boy has pinned em. I've been styling and profiling since I came out of the womb pal so let me tell these fans in Atlanta something! I will not be losing to Eric Bischoff tonight and I am gonna become president of the WCW or my name isn't Ric by god Flair. Now I've got an offer for ya Bischoff I'll keep the Horsemen out of the building for our match tonight if you keep your Hollywood has beens out of the Georgia Dome too! I just want it to be the rat and the Nature Boy one on one in a good old fashioned street fight. I'm the man around here Bischoff so have you got the stones to beat me one on one?

Flair then gives a big woo before Gene continues.

Gene: Well Ric Flair is fired up for tonight and we'll see what Bischoff has to say to that offer. Now Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko up next you have your tag title quarter final match against the British duo of Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor. If you win this match you face Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis next week. What are your thoughts heading into this one?

Malenko: Our thoughts Gene are on one thing - bringing gold back to the Horsemen. Simple as that.

Benoit: And Ric - you know if you need us we've got your back tonight.

Ric Flair and The Horsemen then pose on the ramp as we cut to commercial.

*** Commercial Break ***

WCW World Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final: The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) vs Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor

As we come back from break both teams are in the ring and this match is underway. The match starts with Finlay and Benoit in the ring and as you can imagine the pair are roughing each other up with big strikes. Benoit prefers the knife edge chop while Finlay is going to town with fore arms and eventually the two hit each other so much that they stagger back into their respective corners and tag in their partners. Malenko and Taylor go straight into some chain wrestling rather than big strikes and the Brit gets the advantage by synching in a front face lock on Malenko. Taylor has the hold in deep but Malenko counters in impressive fashion straight into a Northern Lights duplex with a bridge but this manoeuvre only gets a one count. Dean goes for an early double under hook power bomb but Taylor shoves Malenko into the ropes and as the former Cruiserweight champ hits the ropes he gets hit with a belly to belly suplex. Taylor then tags in Finlay and the two hit a double clothesline followed by a drop toe hold/elbow drop combo. Benoit then comes in and goes after Taylor and the two brawl to the outside. Back in the ring Finlay gets Malenko in a fireman's carry but Malenko drops down and nails Fit with an elbow to the back of the head. Malenko then tries for a brain buster but Finlay counters with a strike to Dean and follows it up with a stiff European upper cut. Finlay then executes a picture perfect pile driver before covering Malenko. One...two...NO! Benoit is here to break things up.

Taylor gets in immediately after Chris and nails the Canadian with a European upper cut followed by his signature butterfly suplex. He then tosses Benoit to the outside and returns to the corner. Back in the ring Fit goes to town on Malenko with some stiff strikes before punctuating his offence with a running high knee. Finlay then tags in Taylor and the two again combine with great effect as they hit a double back suplex on Malenko. Taylor continues punishing his opponent and goes for a vertical suplex but Malenko counters with a beautiful brain buster! He goes to crawl over to his corner but Benoit is still taken out on the outside. Taylor has managed to tag in Finlay and he then goes for a German suplex on Malenko but Dean counters and hits one of his own! Benoit is stirring now and makes his way to the corner. Malenko is reaching out for the tag... and he gets it! Benoit comes in like a house of fire, he decks Finlay and Taylor comes in to get involved and he gets decked too. Benoit then chops the hell out of Finlay and floors him with a dragon screw leg whip! He goes to lock in the cross face but Finlay counters into a rollup that gets two! Finlay scarpers out of the ring and tags in Taylor with the Englishman swiftly met with a running lariat followed by an enziguri to the downed competitor. Benoit then tags in Malenko and the two hit a clothesline-chop block combo. Finlay comes in but he is met by the same combination! Malenko then hooks in the Texas Cloverleaf while Benoit locks in the cross face and Dave Taylor has no choice but to tap out!

Winners @ 10:22 The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)

Schiavone: What a win for The Horsemen! They go onto face Psychosis and Eddie Guerrero next week on Nitro for a place in the finals at Souled Out, January 17th on pay per view.

Heenan: After a performance like that Tony I'd have to make Benoit and Malenko one of the favourites for the whole thing.

As Benoit and Malenko celebrate their victory we then cut backstage where the Wolfpac are arriving in the parking lot. The group at least seem united on the surface as WCW Champ Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Konnan and Lex Luger are all walking together.

Schiavone: Don't forget fans Kevin Nash defends his WCW Championship for the first time at the top of the hour against The Giant.

And just as Tony finishes here comes The Giant with a steel chair and he absolutely thwacks Nash with the weapon on the back. The rest of the nWo Hollywood jackals appear and the groups start brawling while Giant really unloads with that steel chair to Kevin Nash.

Heenan: Nash might not even make it to his title defence.

Schiavone: Fans stick with us on TNT as we try and get this chaos resolved.

*** Commercial Break ***

As we come back from commercial Chris Jericho is making his way out to the ring without Ralphus, who took a Harlem side kick from Booker T.

Schiavone: Well fans we're being told that some kind of order has been restored backstage as the Wolfpac and Hollwyood have been separated. The Giant challenges Kevin Nash for the WCW Championship at the top of the hour.

Heenan: But the man coming out to the ring right now might not even be in WCW in a few months because he's a free agent Tony!

Schiavone: He's made a series of demands to WCW management Brain but Booker T didn't take too kindly to them.

Booker then comes out and makes his way to the ring as this contest gets underway.

Booker T vs Chris Jericho

Jericho goes for an hand shake to start the match but Booker sees right through this ploy and slaps Chris' hand away and goes for a Harlem side kick but Jericho counters by grabbing the leg and takes Booker down. He goes for a lion tamer right away but Booker kicks him into the ropes and nails Jericho with a forearm smash. The Canadian competitor then rolls to the outside to take a break but Booker gives chase. They square up again on the outside but Jericho pokes his foe in the eye and then whips him into the ring post. Referee Charles Robinson has been counting all this time so Jericho sneaks back in the ring looking to take a count out victory but Booker just makes it in before the ten count. Jericho then hits Booker with his signature one handed bulldog before whipping his foe into the corner and going to work on him with some chops and kicks to the gut. Chris then drags Booker away from the corner and goes to work on his opponents back with more strikes as he sets up for the eventual lion tamer submission finish. Jericho then punctuates the offence with a brutal double under hook back breaker and covers Booker - but this only gets a two count!

Quickly climbing up to the top rope Jericho goes for a missile drop kick but the former tag champ ducks out of the way and scoops up the stunned Jericho with a side walk slam! Booker covers but only gets a two count. Booker goes on an impressive offensive flurry here with his offence capped off with a sick looking spine buster which gets a great reaction from the fans. Booker again goes for the Harlem side kick but Jericho ducks and nails Booker with a spinning heel kick which sends him into the corner. Jericho charges at Booker and this gets countered into a sunset flip and Booker gets a two count. This momentum is cut off quickly however when Booker rises to his feet and is met with an enziguri that makes one hell of a sound. Jericho then continues to work over the back with more strikes before hitting an impressive power bomb on his large opponent. He covers again... but only gets a two count. Chris is getting frustrated now and hits Booker with a drop toe hold and then goes for a lionsault to Booker's back - but he manages to roll out of the way. Booker then nails a dazed Jericho with a Harlem side kick! Booker covers... but only gets a two count!

Impressive resilience from Jericho there as now its Booker's turn to fly as he hits the heatseaker missile drop kick from the top rope and gets another two count! Booker then kicks Jericho in the gut and goes for the axe kick but Jericho grabs him by the legs and manages to lock in the lion tamer! He is really digging his knee into Booker's back before he flips his opponent over completely and really synches the hold in! Booker is screaming in agony but with the near 40,000 strong in the Georgia Dome Booker T makes it to the ropes! Jericho is apoplectic and gets right in Charles Robinson's face screaming that Booker had given up. This time wasting proves costly however as Jericho turns around and is nailed with a spinning crescent kick! Booker then heads up top and he hits the impressive Harlem Hangover! He covers one...two...three!

Winner @ 10:30 Booker T

Heenan: Jericho's foot was under the bottom rope Tony - Charles Robinson screwed him over!

Schiavone: Well looking at the replay now Brain its look like you're right - the referee missed that one.

Booker T celebrates on the ramp oblivious to the refereeing error that inadvertently helped him here tonight. As Jericho comes to in the ring he is screaming in Robinson's face about being screwed before Charles gets out of there.

Schiavone: Well fans stick with Nitro because up next Nash and The Giant clash for the WCW World Championship!

*** Commercial Break ***

As we come back here comes The Giant! He's out here with nWo heavies Scott Norton, Vincent and Brian Adams and is looking pretty confident.

Schiavone: Well fans earlier tonight at the Wolfpac arrived in the building The Giant led a sneak attack on WCW Champion Kevin Nash and I don't know what kind of shape Big Sexy is going to be in for this one.

Heenan: If you're the champ you are a marked man Tony. You've got to be prepared for anything!

The familiar howl of the Wolfpac echoes and here comes Kevin Nash accompanied by Scott Hall, Konnan and eventually Lex Luger who is lingering behind them. Nash is favoring his back as he makes his way to the ring.

Heenan: Nash is still suffering from that chair shot Tony.

With both men in the ring this match is underway!

WCW Championship: Kevin Nash (c) vs The Giant

Right away the Wolfpac and Hollywood members start brawling at ringside and head up the ramp to the back so we're getting a straight one on one match here for the richest prize in the game. Giant offers Nash a test of strength and the pair lock up but Nash's back gives in under Giant's massive weight and this allows Giant to hit some clubbing blows to the spine that floor Big Sexy. Giant continues to punish the injured Nash by stepping his back and even hits a massive standing elbow drop to the Wolfpac leader who writhes around in pain. Giant then props Nash up in the corner and charges at him but Kev manages to duck out of the way and then unleashes his signature back elbows into the corner on Giant. He then hits a big boot and then goes for a scoop slam but he completely crumples under Giant's weight and it results in a pinning predicament that only gets a two count. Giant then locks in a bear hug as he continues to attack the compromised back of Nash and he really squeezes it on the big man. Eventually Nash manages to elbow his way out of it and haul Giant up for a side walk slam! This takes everything out of Nash however and his eventual cover only results in a one count!

Giant is now back on the attack and he whips Nash hard into the turn buckles and this time hits his running splash. He then scoop slams big Kev in impressive fashion and follows up with a leg drop right across Nash's back. He covers but only gets two. Giant then signals for the choke slam and he grabs Nash by the throat but Nash breaks it up with a kick to the gut and tries a jack-knife power bomb but this gets countered with a big back body drop. Giant then grabs Nash by the throat hauls him up and hits a devastating choke slam! The title could be changing hands right here! One...Two...NO! Kevin Nash gets the shoulder up! A herculean effort by the injured WCW Champion as The Giant is beside himself. The Hollywood member heads to the second rope and looks to be trying for a Vader Bomb but Nash cuts him off with a blow to the back of the head. This allow Nash to get Giant in position for a jack knife from the second rope and he hurls the big man down onto the canvas. He hooks both legs and covers! One...Two...Three!

Winner @ 7:58 and still WCW Champion Kevin Nash

Schiavone: Nash has done it - he's retained the WCW Championship despite his injured back!

Brain: I'll give it to Nash that's one hell of a win to mark your first title defence.

As Nash celebrates in the ring with the belt here come the Hollywood stooges! Stevie Ray, Vincent, Horace Hogan, Brian Adams and Scott Norton hit the ring and start beating down the WCW Champion. The Wolfpac aren't far behind however and its yet another huge brawl in the ring!

Schiavone: Nitro has descended into chaos again!

At that moment nWo Hollywood co-leader and WCW President Eric Bischoff comes out with a hoard of security guards as well as Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell. The guards charge to the ring and haul the Wolfpac members backstage as the outnumber the men in red and black. nWo Hollwyood then celebrate in the ring as Eric Bischoff has a mic.

Bischoff: Fans don't go anywhere because after this break Hollywood Hulk Hogan returns to WCW!

*** Commercial Break ***

The familiar sound of 'Voodoo Child' plays and here comes the leader of the nWo Hollywood - he's however in a much more serious mood than normal. No air guitaring here brother although he still has time go get some quick posing in as pyro goes off. In the ring is the entire assortment of Hollywood's crew: Eric Bischoff, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, The Giant, Stevie Ray, Horace Hogan, Scott Norton, Brian Adams and Vincent. Interestingly no Curt Hennig or Barry Windham with the group. Eric Bischoff hugs Hogan and hands him a mic.

Hogan: You know something its a huge night for the nWo and Hollywood Hogan brother. It just a shame the huge occasion has to take place in a dump like Atlanta!

Hogan and Bischoff laugh maniacally as the fans boo.

Hogan: Now first of all its a huge night because that washed up grandpa Ric Flair is gonna lose his hair and his career tonight thanks to Easy E. And I know you made an offer earlier brother about nobody at ringside but I've discussed it my man Eric and its no deal jack! I wanna be there in person as the Bisch locks in the figure four and makes you tap out.

Bischoff nods along nervously with Hogan.

Hogan: Now my first announcement is that over the last couple of months I've learned that politics is for losers brother so I'm telling you all tonight Hollywood Hogan is back in wrestling! You'll never see me politic again!

A lot of smirks from the nWo members at this line.

Hogan: Now that brings me on to the future of the new world order itself brother. When I started this movement two and half years ago I wanted to take over WCW and we have dominated this company ever since. But when I look around the ring now I see a lot of people riding on my coattails!

The Hollywood members look around nervously at each other.

Hogan: I'm now more vicious than ever and after what happened last week in the steel cage I told Hennig and his buddy Barry Windham that their asses were fired from nWo Hollywood brother! I will not be tolerating losers anymore.

Bischoff looks shocked by this as Hogan had clearly not told him about these developments.

Hogan: Now as I look around this ring the only two men I know are elite athletes are Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner! They're the young hungry competitors I'm looking for in the new millennium brother. And I know they're gonna kick the asses of Lex Luger and Konnan later tonight.

Steiner and Bagwell pose triumphantly as Hogan's tirade continues.

Hogan: Now as for Big Scott Norton, Brian Adams, Vincent, Stevie Ray and even my little nephew Horace I'm looking for something else from you guys. You need to be real killers to be in Hollywood Hogan's nWo in 1999! So that's why next week you guys are all gonna have a battle royal and the winner gets to be in the group - and all the losers - you're history when it comes to the nWo brother. Make sure you book it Easy E!

Bischoff nods as the nWo members all look around at each other.

Hogan: And then we come to the biggest failure of them all - The Giant!

Lots of oohs as Giant squares up to Hogan.

Hogan: You had Kevin Nash in the palm of your hands but you just could not get the job done! So next week Giant I'm gonna kick your ass! You beat me you can stay in the group but if I beat you then brother you are fired!

Giant looks fuming as he retorts:

Giant: Hogan you've just made the biggest mistake of your life!

He goes to get right up in Hogan's grill but Steiner and Buff Bagwell hold him back.

Hogan: I'm putting the Wolfpac and the whole of WCW on notice the nWo is back in a big way in 1999 and there's nothing you can do about it!

Hogan's music hits as he poses with Steiner and Bagwell. The rest of the nWo slink off while Bischoff is still looking terrified about his match with Ric Flair later tonight.

Schiavone: Fans don't go anywhere because up next in the tag team tournament Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell take on the Wolfpac's Lex Luger and Konnan.

*** Commercial Break ***

We return to see Wolfpac members Konnan and Lex Luger make their way to the ring. Steiner and Bagwell are already in there and ready to go to war. All the other members of the warring factions have cleared out of the ringside area and we are ready for some tag team action!

WCW World Tag Team Title Quarter Final: nWo Hollywood (Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell) vs nWo Wolfpac (Lex Luger and Konnan)

Steiner and Luger start this one in the ring and they have a brief pose down as they show off their respectively ridiculous physiques. Luger gestures for a test of strength but Steiner says screw that and charges at Lex with a Steinerline. Luger goes down but pops back and goes for a running fore arm but Scott gets the hell out of dodge and goes to ringside to talk strategy with Buff. Luger and Konnan give chase and already we have a wild brawl on the outside as fists are flying. The brawl culminates as the Wolfpac whip their Hollywood foes into the guard rails and the pair two sweet one another. Luger drags Scott back in the ring and tags in Konnan. The pair then deliver a double clothesline before Konnan follows up with an impressive front drop kick that gets a two count. Konnan then goes to lock in a Tequila sunrise but Steiner pushes his foe into the ropes and hits a belly to belly suplex that he then follows up with by flexing and dropping the elbow on his opponent for a two count. Steiner then tags in Bagwell and the pair hit a doubles clothesline of their own to stick it to the Wolfpac.

Bagwell then goes on offence against Konnan, whipping him into the corner and hitting a series of strikes on his opponent. He then hits an arm drag on his foe but Konnan springs up and instantly met with a running shoulder block from Buff the Stuff. Bagwell then executes an impressive double under hook DDT and covers... but Konnan just about manages to get the shoulder up. After some more offense from Bagwell he tags in his partner in and Steiner hits some clubbing blows to Konnan before punctuating his offence with a release German suplex. Scott covers... but only gets two! Steiner then hoists Konnan up to the top rope and it looks like Scott might be attempting a FrankenSteiner but Konnan hits a diving clothesline that floors both men! Both competitors are down and the two crawl over to their respective corners and make the tag! Luger comes in like a house on fire to Bagwell decking him multiple times with forearms and clotheslines. He then signals for the Torture Rack to the fans that gets a big pop! He hoists Bagwell up but as Buff is squirming to get out he kicks referee Billy Silverman in the face and the official goes down! As you can imagine all hell breaks loose next because Scott Steiner comes in with a steel chair and whacks Luger in the back! Bagwell and Steiner then start putting the boots to Luger but here comes Konnan armed with a chair of his own! He decks Bagwell with the chair and Konnan and Steiner face off both with steel chairs in hand. They got to hit each other but they deflect each other's shot. Billy Silverman has awoken by this point and seeing the two men clashing with chairs has no choice but to call for the bell.

No contest @ 9:41

Konnan swings again with chair and knocks Steiner's out of his hand. This forces Scott to drag Bagwell out of the ring with him while Konnan pleads with the referee to continue the match but the official is having none of it.

Heenan: Looks like the Wolfpac and Hollywood's rivalry has gone so far they've knocked each other out of the tournament.

Luger is also stirring and can't believe what's happened. Konnan goes to help him up but Luger refuses and hauls himself up while shaking his head.

Schiavone: Well fans we've had it confirmed that this no contest means that neither team advances so the winner of our next match - Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vs Raven and Kanyon goes straight through to the final.

Heenan: Lex looks pretty frustrated with Konnan bringing that chair into the ring.

Schiavone: He only did that to even the odds with Scott Steiner Brain! We still have so much more to come on WCW Nitro including the return of Goldberg, US Champ Bret Hart and #1 contender DDP will be here plus the WCW Presidency and Ric Flair's hair and career will be on the line in our street fight main event!

*** Commercial Break ***

The broadcast returns to show an irate Chris Jericho tipping over tables and generally having a meltdown backstage. Intrepid reporter Mean Gene Okerlund is on the scene.

Gene: Mr Jericho if I could get a word in with you - obviously you're very upset with your loss to Booker T...

Jericho: Upset! Jim I am the victim of an international scandal! My foot was clearly under the bottom rope so by the rules of WCW that match should've continued. But I can see what's going on here. As I'm sure you know John I am a free agent in a few months and WCW knows that not even Billionaire Ted Turner can afford a star of my magnitude! So they've decided to punish me because they know I've got interest in New York so the crooked higher ups in the company told Charles Robinson to screw me over tonight! They want to hurt the reputation of the Ayatollah of rock and rolla.

Jericho is almost on the verge of tears now.

Gene: Well if I may ask what's next for Chris Jericho in WCW?

Jericho: I'll tell you what's next Glen! Booker T I challenge you to a match next week on Nitro but this time with a fair, impartial referee! One that I have personally selected and I know is above any kind of bias. You know I had you tonight Booker and I'm going to beat you fair and square next week on Nitro.

Jericho then storms off as a confused looking Gene Okerlund throws back to the arena. Out first is the reluctant tag team of Raven and Kanyon. The former Flock leader is dragging his heels behind an enthusiastic Kanyon who is trying to hype his partner up.

Schiavone: We saw last week Brain that Raven after his bad end to 1998 didn't feel too great about returning to wrestling.

Heenan: Well he needs to get over himself! He's got a great partner in Kanyon and if they win this match they're straight into the finals to wrestle for the tag team championship of the world!

Following them is the veteran team of Curt Hennig and Barry Windham. The pair are booed and looked pissed off following their recent firing from nWo Hollywood.

Heenan: Now here's a duo with a point to prove - I think Hogan might regret booting them from the New World Order Tony.

World Tag Team Title Tournament Quarter Final: Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vs Raven and Kanyon

Raven heads straight to the corner so it looks like the two big men of the group will be starting this match and Kanyon and Windham lock up. The veteran Barry takes control with a side headlock and then takes Kanyon down to the mat. He then squeezes in the head lock some more before tagging in Curt Hennig. The cocky competitor whips Kanyon into the corner and stomps away at him before taking him down again with a snapmare and locking in a tight chin lock. Raven looks pretty disinterested in his partner's plight as he sits on the apron in his corner. Kanyon then breaks out of the submission and strikes Hennig a few times before going to tag in Raven but Curt catches his leg and drags him back into the middle of the squared circle. Hennig then tags in Windham and the two perform a drop toe hold/knee drop combo and Windham covers Kanyon for a two count. Windham then hits his foe with some more big strikes before nailing a running bulldog and covering for another two count. He then tags Hennig back in and he goes for a Hennigplex to finish the match off but Kanyon counters and hits a cradle suplex! Kanyo then crawls over to his corner and tags in Raven - who has his back turned to match!

A reluctant Raven steps into the ring and immediately tags Kanyon back in. The big man isn't having it though at tags Raven back in again! The former ECW champ steps through the ropes and is straight away nailed with a running knee from Hennig! Hennig then hauls Raven back up and starts pie-facing him but this doesn't rile Raven up and he's already looking to tag back out to Kanyon. Hennig then hits a huge slag across Raven's face and that gets to him and he replies by nailing Hennig right in the jaw! Raven then follows it up by nailing Hennig with a discus clothesline and a side Russian leg sweep and that slap seems to have really fired Raven up. He goes on offence some more before throwing Hennig to the outside. Curt tries to whip him into the steps but Raven counters and sends his foe into the guard rail! Windham then joins the fray but Raven reaches under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick to the crowd's delight. He goes to whack Windham but Kanyon grabs it and tells Raven to stop or they will get disqualifed. This is ultimately the pair's undoing as it allows Windham to nail Raven with a signature lariat while Hennig takes out Kanyon with a chop block. Hennig then rolls Raven back into the ring and hits his signature Hennigplex for the win!

Winners @ 8:02 Curt Hennig and Barry Windham

Heenan: Hennig and Windham are in the finals! I knew they'd do it.

Schiavone: It looks like that slap from Hennig really reignited Raven but then Kanyon stopped him from using that kendo stick.

Heenan: Well he didn't want to be disqualified but if I were him I would've been distracting the referee.

Schiavone: Of course you would Brain! Fans don't go anywhere because Bill Goldberg returns to Nitro next!

*** Commercial Break ***

Disco fever has infected the Georgia Dome because here comes Disco Inferno. There's no dancing tonight though as Inferno marches to the ring wearing his Wolfpac shirt and attempting to appear confident.

Schiavone: Well apparently Disco gets into the Wolfpac tonight if he can take the fight to Goldberg.

Heenan: He's already got the merch, he's been practicing his too sweet signs just the small matter of angry Bill Goldberg to get through.

Disco in the ring has a mic.

Disco: Uh Bill Goldberg I'm calling your ass out! Just like my fearless leader Kevin Nash I'm gonna defeat you and uh you're gonna be sorry you ever met the Disco Inferno.

Goldberg chants have filled the arena at this point. Then the iconic music of the Atlanta native hits as we cut backstage as Goldberg emerges from his locker room flanked by security as he makes his way to the stage.

Heenan: I think the roof might've just come off the Georgia Dome Schiavone!

The pyro is going off and for all the fans to see its Bill Goldberg as a petrified Disco Inferno waits in the ring. Goldberg steps into the squared circle and this one is underway!

Goldberg vs Disco Inferno

Disco offers Goldberg a too sweet and the former WCW champ approaches Inferno and replies with a stiff head butt! He then bounces off the ropes and hits a huge spear to the delight of the fans. He signals for it and here it comes Jackhammer! Goldberg covers One...Two...Three!

Winner @0:41 Goldberg

Schiavone: Well that was quick! Not sure Disco will be getting that Wolfpac membership anytime soon.
Goldberg's music plays but the big man grabs a mic as the crowd continue to chant his name.

Goldberg: I've got one word for 1999: REVENGE!

The fans pop for this.

Goldberg: Disco Inferno interfered at Starrcade - tonight he paid the price. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash you'll get your receipts for taking my title away but now I've got a message for Bam Bam Bigelow. I saw you do my moves last week and you got involved at Starrcade. So guess what at Souled Out Bigelow - you're next!

Goldberg puts the mic down but here comes Bam Bam Bigelow down the ramp looking for a fight.

Heenan: I don't think we're gonna have to wait until Souled Out Schiavone!

Goldberg then goes to meet Bigelow and the two start throwing punches as Goldberg chants echo throughout the Georgia Dome. The two keep brawling to the top of the ramp where Bam Bam seems to have the upper hand and gets Goldberg up on his shoulders for an Asbury Park Driver but Goldberg gets out of it and then hits a HUGE SPEAR OFF THE SIDE OF THE STAGE THROUGH A TABLE!

Schiavone: OH MY GOD!

The crowd explode as over 600lbs of weight just went off the stage. Both men are completely taken out on the floor next to the ramp but Goldberg is the first to stand as medics attend to Bigelow. The former champ's music hits as Goldberg heads to the back being celebrated by the fans. Bigelow however manages to leave on his own as he pushes some medics to the side and stumbles to the side.

Heenan: We may have just witnessed the biggest spear in history Tony.

Schiavone: Fans lets have a look at this again - I can't believe that both men left here without an ambulance!
We see another replay of the hellacious spear as we then cut backstage to Raven and Kanyon.

Raven: What the hell were you doing out there man I had the match won?

Kanyon: Won are you kidding me man? You hit that kendo stick shot and then we get disqualified!

Raven: I thought you wanted me to rediscover my passion for pain I was finally out there enjoying myself and then you got involved!

Kanyon: Talk about selfish I'm trying to win us the tag team titles!

Raven: So all that stuff last week about friends and getting back in the ring - all you cared about was winning gold.

Kanyon: We're pro wrestlers bro we're paid to win gold - and tonight you blew it. I knew I should've gone with a different partner.

Raven: Well maybe next time I've got a kendo stick to hand you'll be the one getting their ass beat.

Kanyon then storms off as Schiavone plugs the rest of the show including appearances from DDP, Bret Hart and the main event street fight.

*** Commercial Break ***

As we come back from break everyone's favourite German wrestler Alex Wright is in the ring dancing away. Das Wunderkind is in singles action up next and his opponent is Rey Mysterio Jr. The luchador is accompanied to the ring by LWO leader Eddie Guerrero who is once again berating Rey giving him strict instructions for this next contest. Mysterio gets in the ring and this one is underway.

Alex Wright vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Wright starts his obnoxious dancing in Rey's face to some boos so Mysterio counters with a hurricanrana that sends the German flying across the ring. Wright rolls to the outside but Rey is still on the offensive as he dives over the ropes with a plancha that takes out Wright. Mysterio acknowledges the fans which of course Eddie immediately gives him grief for. The two long time rivals then square up to each other but this allows Wright to get the upper hand as he whacks Rey in the back of the head with a fore arm. Wright then rolls Mysterio back into the ring and goes to work on his foe with some European upper cuts and then a bridging back suplex that manages to get a two count. Menawhile Eddie has seen enough at ringside and strolls back up the stage and joins Schiavone and Heenan on commentary for the match while Wright continues to lay some offence in. Wright has a front face lock synched in that Mysterio has real difficulty getting out of but eventually he manages to wriggle free but is right away met with a drop kick! Alex covers but again only receives a two count on the following cover.

On commentary Eddie continues to berate Mysterio saying he's been very disappointed in his performance so far. The tide in the match finally turns when Wright goes for a release German suplex but Mysterio manages to land on his feet and then he spring boards off the rope with a cross body that manages a two count. Rey is really motoring now as he hits a tilt a whirl head scissors take down followed by grabbing Wright and planting him with a Tornado DDT! Mysterio covers his foe but only gets two. He then nails Wright with an enziguri and heads to the apron. He goes for the West Coast Pop but Wright catches him and delivers a sit out power bomb that generates a very close two and a half count. Wright then hits his signature bridging German Suplex and he transitions straight away into the cover but Mysterio manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. Wright then hits an atomic drop on his opponent and then places him to the top rope as Eddie on commentary continues to bash his own stablemate. Wright then executes a superplex but in mid air Rey gets on top of Alex and they land straight into a cover that Wright barely kicks out of. Mysterio then hits the West Coast Pop straight into a pin. One...Two...Three!

Winner @8:11 Rey Mysterio Jr.

Eddie Guerrero slinks to the back as Rey Mysterio celebrates his win in the ring. The crowd are with Rey as we cut back to the commentators.

Schiavone: A great win for Rey Mysterio but fans right now I want to let you know that comping up still on this telecast.
WCW US Champion Bret Hart and the #1 contender DDP will be in the ring and Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair for the WCW Presidency in a street fight!

Heenan: And remember Tony if Flair loses his career and his hair are gone!

Schiavone: But also want to let you know that this Thursday on Thunder we have a stacked show - I'm told that Diamond Dallas Page will be in action, the Wolfpac will be in attendance and whoever is WCW President by the end of tonight will be there to address the fans.

Heenan: Next week on Nitro we're gonna see Hollywood Hogan return to the ring against The Giant!

Schiavone: Yes and remember if The Giant loses he's out of the nWo! We also have the tag tournament semi-final between The Horsemen and the LWO, Chris Jericho's challenge to face Booker T with his own handpicked referee and the nWo battle royal to stay in the Hollywood group.

Heenan: Another can't miss show then.

Schiavone: And I've had it confirmed that Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow is official for Souled Out!

With the schilling out of the way DDP's music hits.

Schiavone: Fans stay with us DDP will speak next on Nitro.

*** Commercial Break ***

Back in the arena Diamond Dallas Page is standing in the middle of the ring.

DDP: It's great to be here in Atlanta but right now I got one thing on my mind - and that's winning the WCW US Championship from Bret Hart. We've been at war for months Hitman and Souled Out its over between us. I'm gonna line you up at Souled Out and hit you with diamond cutter and BANG new US Champ.

Hart: I think everyone has already heard enough of this crap.

Boos ring around the Georgia Dome as here comes Bret Hart with the US Championship over his shoulder. He marches straight down to the ring with no music to confront Page.

Hart: Ever since we first faced off back in July I've been trying to put my finger on why I don't respect you Dallas and I think I've finally figured it out. You see you only started wrestling in your late 30s and all credit to you you've had a nice little career but you don't live and breathe this business like I do. I bleed pro wrestling my father the legendary Stu Hart is one of the greatest trainers of all time! This is something you do for money Page but I do this because its in my blood!

The fans are taken aback by this impassioned speech from Bret.

DDP: You're right Hitman I did come to this business late but that don't mean I bleed pro wrestling too! WCW means everything to me, I'm on the road away from my family six nights a week because I love this sport, I love performing for these fans and because I want to win that US Championship that you hold! And at Souled Out that's exactly what is going to happen.

Hart: I don't give a damn about these fans or your family! I've grown up in pro wrestling and at Souled Out I'm gonna take you back to school and teach you what pro wrestling is really about. You don't realise you're getting in there with a Hart Dungeon graduate and the excellence of execution.

DDP: I ain't intimidated by where you went to school or who your dad was - but I'm warning you right now mention my family again and I'll diamond cutter you right here, right now.

Bret then proceeds to back up.

Hart: Lets take it easy now Page. But if you're not scared by the Hart Dungeon's fearsome reputation then I've got an offer for you - how about this Thursday on Thunder you face a dungeon graduate of my choice and see how long you last in the ring with them.

DDP: You line up whoever you want I'll make sure they feel the BANG of the diamond cutter.

Bret smirks and then leaves the ring as Page's music plays.

Heenan: That got awful personal.

Schiavone: And fans we'll see DDP in action on Thunder but up next its the match the world has been waiting for its Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair for the WCW Presidency in a street fight! Flair has agreed to put his career and his hair on the line in this one. Lets take a look back about how this all came together.

We then cut to a video package that details the whole feud between Bischoff and Flair including their match at Starrcade 98. It also recaps last weeks steel cage match and the importance of tonight's bout the package finishes saying the main event takes place after the break.

*** Commercial Break ****** Commercial Break ***

Michael Buffer is standing in the ring as we return from break and makes the official in ring introductions. Out first is Ric Flair all alone.

Heenan: Well this might be it Tony – Ric Flair’s last ever match.

Out next is Eric Bischoff and he is accompanied by almost the entire nWo. Hollywood Hogan, Steiner, Bagwell, Stevie Ray, Scott Norton, Brian Adams, Horace and Vincent are all there and notably not The Giant. Bischoff is wearing a black robe to mock Flair and has ‘Flair’s last match’ written on his back. Hogan is also brandishing some shears – presumably for Flair’s hair. Bischoff gets into the ring and this one is underway!

Street Fight for the WCW Presidency: Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair*

* If Flair loses he must retire and have his head shaved.

Flair and Bischoff circle each other in the ring but Easy E is pretty quick to call for his nWo Hollywood stablemates to get into the ring. They surround the squared circle by getting up on the apron but then Flair sticks up his four fingers and here comes the Four Horsemen! Benoit, Malenko, Mongo and Double A all make their way onto the stage. It is still however five on nine however a familiar howl fills the arena and here comes the Wolfpac! Nash, Hall, Konnan and Luger line up next to the Horsemen as effectively the WCW/nWo avengers have come together to stop Bischoff’s reign of terror. They then charge the ringside area and the brawl is on! Bodies are flying around everywhere however Bischoff looks to do a runner through the crowd however Flair gives chase. A particularly large fan in the audience grabs Bischoff and holds him back for Flair who rips off Easy E’s shirt ad starts chopping the hell out of him as the Georgia Dome explodes! Flair drags Bischoff back down through the crowd and tosses him over the guard rail which makes an almighty thudding sound. Meanwhile at ringside its complete carnage with the various members of the factions dotted all over the place. Flair however rams Bischoff’s head into the apron a few times before tossing him back into the ring.

Bischoff is completely at Flair’s mercy now as the nature boy starts getting the stomps in on his longtime rival as Eric is pleading for the punishment to end. Flair hoists Bischoff up for an inverted atomic drop and hits the move before kicking Bischoff square in the balls! It is no DQ of course so Flair gives the crowd a big woo and does it again. Vincent has managed to get into the ring and tries to help his boss out but he is met with a picture perfect spine buster from Arn Anderson! A lot of the brawling has now spilled backstage and Anderson hands Flair a crowbar before he heads back to ringside to deal with the remaining nWo members. Flair goes to hit Bischoff but Easy E hits Flair with a low blow! Ric drops the crowbar and Eric absolutely clatters him over the head with it! Bischoff goes for a cover but FLAIR KICKS OUT AT ONE! Bischoff cannot believe what he is seeing from the Nature Boy who fires up and delivers a series of brutal knife edge chops. He then grabs the crowbar and absolutely leathers Bischoff with it! Easy E must be knocked out cold. Flair then struts across the ring grabs the leg and locks in the figure four. All the Hollywood members are being held back by the Wolfpac and Horsemen and with Bischoff completely knocked out referee Randy Anderson calls for the bell!

Winner @8:55 and new WCW President Ric Flair


Flair is of course moved to tears in the ring as the fans go wild at what they’ve just witnessed. Eric Bischoff has been vanquished and Ric Flair is the new WCW President.

Heenan: Well in my decades in the industry I’ve never seen something like that!

The Horsemen pour into the ring to celebrate with The Nature Boy as Mongo and Benoit hoist their mentor up on their shoulders. The Wolfpac admire their handiwork on the ramp as we are shown shots backstage of the WCW locker room celebrating. Hollywood Hogan retreats round the back of the stage looking disgusted. Arn Anderson then comes back into the ring with the pair of shears!

Schiavone: Hogan must’ve dropped them! They’re gonna shave Bischoff’s head!

Flair grabs the shears and takes a chunk out of Bischoff’s hair as the crowd goes wild. Confetti pours from the ceiling of the Georgia Dome as Schiavone signs off and reminds us to tune into Thunder to hear from the new president.

Quick Results:

Tag Tournament: LWO defeat Chavo and Kidman
Tag Tournament: Horsemen defeat Finlay and Taylor
Booker T defeat Chris Jericho
WCW Championship: Kevin Nash (c) defeats The Giant
Tag Tournament: Wolfpac vs Hollywood goes to a no contest
Tag Tournament: Hennig and Windham defeat Raven and Kanyon
Goldberg defeats Disco Inferno
Rey Mysterio Jr. defeats Alex Wright
Street Fight for WCW Presidency: Ric Flair defeats Eric Bischoff

Card for Thunder 7/1/99 @ Richmond Coliseum

Ric Flair’s presidential address

Diamond Dallas Page vs a Hart Dungeon Graduate

nWo Wolfpac will appear live

Card for Nitro 11/1/99 @ Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville Tennessee

If Giant loses he leaves nWo Hollywood:
Hollywood Hogan vs The Giant

Battle Royal where winner stays in nWo Hollywood: Stevie Ray vs Scott Norton vs Brian Adams vs Vincent vs Horace Hogan

WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) vs The LWO (Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis)

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WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre

WCW US Championship:
Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vs The Horsemen or The LWO

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Another three hour Nitro in the books and on to my first ever Thunder next. After Souled Out executives at TNT will hopefully decide to bring Nitro back down to two hours.


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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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I'm trying to read your shows and I'm not sure if it's just cause I use the dark background for the sight, but some of it is hard to read cause its black but then in other spots its white. Maybe something you wanna look at in having a uniformed color to make it easier to read.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2022
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I'm trying to read your shows and I'm not sure if it's just cause I use the dark background for the sight, but some of it is hard to read cause its black but then in other spots its white. Maybe something you wanna look at in having a uniformed color to make it easier to read.

Thanks for letting me know - I do use the light setting but just had a switch to dark mode and agree it’s very tricky to read so will try and address this in future shows.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2024
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Alrighty, so I don't know this era too well, so this should be an education (on how not to book this company into the ground!)

Nitro #1

- You've got the cadence of most of the wrestlers down pretty well, but your Heenan and Shiavone is excellent, it really is. It reads so naturally I can hear their back and forth as I read through it. Big props for that.
- Flair putting it ALL on the line. Risking the golden locks? The thought of a bald Ric Flair in 1999 makes me sad. Surely he's going to succeed!
- YOU CANT POWERBOMB KIDMAN! When will the people learn!? Love the finish and I really like the Kidman matches I've seen from WCW so happy to see him in a program with LWO, and the Rey inclusion makes for fun internal conflict shenanigans.
- I appreciate that Chavo with a kendo stick may be a terrifying sight to behold, but seven men running from one unless the one is Terry Funk with a chainsaw makes them all look like geeks. Yes, I hear you, that's the WCW way, and it establishes Chavo's importance and reignites his feud with Eddy, but it did not do them any favours all bailing like that.
- Okay, that was a lovely touch with Kanyon try to motivate a downtrodden Raven. More of this would be great, seems we've only scratched the surface on how this can play out.
- Bam Bam v Goldberg will be interesting given that both men need to be fed wins to sustain their aura. Bam Bam smashing up Goldberg would be fun.
- Nash and Hall being UBER clean babyfaces offering rematches etc is so bizarre but its a nice twist on things. Hall proves himself, and I guess he's now wolfpac 4 life
- So many matches being booked, I guess thats the difficulty of having such a massive stable you have to try to accommodate. It comes across well for the most part, even if Steroid Steiner is my least favourite Steiner era, and Max Moon Konnan isn't particularly interesting. He screams 'background extra' to me, despite having the US title.
- DDP vs Saturn is really fun, and I am always after seeing a DDP push in any and all situations. He's a fantastic character.
- I am SHOCKED that Lex/K-Dawg didn't take issue with Hall issuing challenges to Disco, but this was a fun segment and a good way to feed Goldberg on his return next week.
- Ooooo Jericho pipe bomb. Whilst I hope he stays, at this point Jericho/Benoit/all those midcard guys were hating their positions in the company and lack of storytelling so I guess that's still a real risk whilst the nWo and the wolfpac take complete and centre stage. Hopefully we just get a furious Jericho unleashing barbs every week and being awesome. Oh, and hummus rocks, Jericho has great taste.
- Oh praise the lord, Ric Flair keeps his hair! And he's one win away from saving WCW from Bischoff's tyranny.

Overall: A strong start to be fair. Things can't change over night and anything in this era of WCW will usually be a sprawling mess at best. You showcased a crazy amount of the roster, I guess the three hour show helps a lot there. Eight matches feels like a lot, but maybe its not, maybe I'm just not used to three hour wrestling programs. Still, the way things were presented and the overall structure (and therefore pacing) of the show was very good. You lead into each hour with advancements of a storyline or with a more up-tempo match, whether that's intentional or not, it feels better when a show isn't too top (or bottom) heavy. Really liked the Eddy/Rey/Kidman/Chavo situation even if the LWO needs to be more than just a collection of Latinos. Kanyon and Raven are two people I wish got a proper run on a global stage so hope this leads to a redemption arc for Raven. As I said, solid start, with lots of groundwork being laid for the future.

Nitro #2
- This card is absolutely stacked to be fair, so I expect an outrageous amount of shenanigans.
- Smart by Eddie to send Rey to the back. Ahh poor Kidman, you may not be able to powerbomb him, but you can cheat and beat him. Strong booking with Kidman having the win were it not for Eddie putting Psychosis' foot on the rope, and then holding Chavo back. Keeps everyone strong whilst this one simmers.
- This tag division looks like it could blossom. Taylor/Finlay would be a great team to be a foil for some of the more high-flying tag teams on the roster. Benoit and Malenko come out of this looking likely winners, probably against Konnan/Luger I'd presume? Just how the nWo would want it.
- Lil Naitch screws Jericho!?!? Conspiracy gimmick incoming?
- I wondered if a SHOCK was coming with Nash weakened before facing the Giant. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Very wise finish with the second rope jacknife, saves Nash breaking his back trying to hit the OG jacknife.
- Hogan's ruthless downsizing is great to see. Got to cut all that holiday weight that's piled on. Hogan making decisions without consulting Eric is hopefully the start or MORE internal conflict between the only two necessary for the group to sustain power. That'll be interesting to keep an eye on.
- NO CONTEST!? So is that a bye for the other team? Kind of a weak finish, would've said the chair-on-chair clash causing the No Contest could have been better than just two guys chasing one another with a chair (which sounds hilarious, by the way), and hopefully Luger/Konnan disagreement is minor since, you know, Steiner started it. I'm sure he'll understand when he's calmed down.
- Jericho is gold, you're great with him and have got a real handle on what makes his segments so entertaining. It was brief, but I'm all in for a Jericho conspiracy gimmick.
- Uh oh, did Hogan keep the wrong tag team!? Also, Kanyon and Raven had to lose for the therapy sessions to continue between them. Oh no, they're arguing!
- Goldberg acting like the heel in all of this is absolutely fine by me, because then Bam Bam can crush him at Souled Out! This should be a fun mini-program.
- DDP and Hart segment was excellent, super intense and personal, and I actually care about where this goes. Who is the dungeon graduate? Lance Storm?
- YES! Flair wins!! Very good. Happy to see where a babyface authority figure takes WCW now; even sweeter to have Bischoff get sheared at the end. Great segment. Feels like now we're going to start getting some real change.

Overall: A much better show than the first having made several plans that you've now developed further and a few programs are taking shape. In particular the LWO storyline, Kanyon/Raven (although I pray you dont break them up and just feud them, feels like an opportunity missed), and DDP/Hart are what I've enjoyed most. As I said before, you have a really good handle on the voice of characters, your match write-ups are excellent and never overstay their welcome, and as much as three hours gives you ample opportunity to get people their share of TV time, it can be hard to maintain the quality across three hours. You've done that very well here.
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Active Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Trying a new format for this show because writing a pair of three hour Nitros like that completely burnt me out so lets see how this goes…

WCW Thunder - January 7th 1999

From the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia

The opening address from the new WCW President

No pyro or ballyhoo this week because our commentators Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko welcome us as we see a black limousine pull up to the arena with the registration WCW1. Out of the back of the limo emerges the new WCW President Ric Flair who is all suited and booted with a big smile on his face. Tenay catches viewers up that in a truly triumphant moment for WCW on Nitro Flair defeated Eric Bischoff and became the new president of WCW. Flair makes his way through the back as the corridors of the arena are lined with the babyfaces of the company applauding Flair as the Nature Boy takes it all in. As he approaches the Gorilla Position the Horsemen are all there including Double A Arn Anderson who embraces Flair. With that the iconic music of the legendary competitor hits and here comes Ric Flair. He gets a strong ovation from the audience as Tenay and Larry stand up and applaud their new president. Flair already looks like he’s got a tear in his eye (of course) as he makes his way to the ring.

In the ring he has a mic in hand and eventually the fans cease popping as Flair goes for his opening line “My god its good to be the president right here in Richmond Virginia, woo!” The fans pop for this as Flair goes on to thank the fans for always having his back. Flair says he was willing to lose his career and his hair to save WCW from Bischoff’s tyranny and he appreciates that the people have been with him every step of the way. He then addresses Bischoff. “Eric you may have a contract still with the nWo that employs you to still be Hollywood Hogan’s ass kisser in chief but as far as it goes for dubya cee dubya you can consider your employment terminated!” Big pop for this as Flair officially removes Bischoff from the company.

The new president then goes on to address how WCW is going to change under his regime. “Its real simple for too long WCW has been fighting a war with the nWo when we should be focusing on being the best wrestling company we can be! That’s why under my regime WCW is going to style and profile into the new millennium with the best wrestlers facing each other to determine who is the better man! This is a wrestling company goddamit and not Bischoff’s personal playground anymore!” The fans pop for this because no one is going to be disappointed with less BS in WCW.

Now the Nature Boy moves on to Souled Out. He says that at the pay per view he’s going to half WCW’s nWo problem. “Ya see after the Wolfpac helped me out on Nitro I did a deal Nash and the boys. At Souled Out I’m bringing back THE THUNDERCAGE!” A little pop for this as Tenay explains the Thundercage was used prior to Eric Bischoff’s reign in WCW and is a curve-roofed cage that encompasses the ringside area. Flair continues: “And the match inside the cage will be the four members of the Wolfpac against any four members of nWo Hollywood!” A huge announcement for Souled Out as we now have the main event locked in. Flair also confirms that due to Psychosis pinning Kidman on Nitro he will get a shot at Billy’s Cruiserweight championship.

Finally as Flair’s last piece of business he turns to Monday Nitro. “I’ve heard what the fans have been saying and from Monday January 18th Nitro is going back to two hours of the greatest pro wrestling you will ever see!” The three hour experiment is mercifully over as Flair rounds off his promo by thanking the fans and saying that we’re going to have a great show tonight. We then throw to Tenay and Zbyszko who run down the card for us tonight including the main event of DDP vs a mystery Hart Dungeon graduate and we will hear from the nWo Wolfpac. The action gets underway however after this commercial.


The Flair era is kicking off with two of WCW’s hungry young midcarders battling it out here on Thunder. Saturn gets a decent pop as Tenay notes he went toe to toe with DDP 10 days ago on Nitro. Vampiro is still a bit of an unknown quantity at WCW at the moment but he has the chance to prove himself here against Saturn. The two start with a lockup but Perry quickly gets the advantage and tries for a German suplex but Vampiro elbows his way out and goes for his finishing move the Nail in the Coffin right away but Saturn escapes from the modified Michinoku Driver. Perry goes for a clothesline but Vampiro ducks and on the rebound wipes out Saturn with a leg lariat. Vampiro then slows the break-neck pace down by synching in a side headlock. Saturn manages to power to his feet and push Vampiro into the corner where he then charges at his opponent and hits a successful clothesline. Perry then tries for a brain buster but Vampiro again has an answer for it and wriggles free. He then charges up to the second rope and decks Saturn with a flying clothesline. Vampiro covers: one…two…NO!

Perry kicks out but Vampiro isn’t letting up as he chucks the former Television champion to the outside. On the outside Vampiro whips Saturn into the guardrail and unleashes a number of body shots to Saturn before going to whip back into the apron but this time Perry reverses it and whips Vampiro into the apron. Thinking fast Saturn then hops onto the apron and flies off with a rolling senton that flattens both men! The referee’s count is getting higher and higher by this point so Saturn grabs his foe and manages to haul him back into the ring. Perry then goes for the brainbuster he was signaling for earlier and absolutely plants Vampiro! He covers: one…two…NO! Vampiro manages to kick out. Saturn then stomps on the downed Vampiro and heads up to the top rope. He goes for an impressive moonsault but Vampiro gets the knees up! The face painted competitor takes advantage of Perry’s error and goes for more shots to the gut including a running knee into the corner. Vampiro then gets Saturn in position and he hits a slingshot elbow drop from the apron right into Saturn’s injured ribs! He covers: one…two…thr-NO!

Saturn just about gets the shoulder up. Vampiro can’t believe it as looks to quickly follow up on this maneuver and goes for a power bomb but Perry counters with a back drop. Saturn then picks up Vamp and delivers an impressive exploder suplex before he locks in the Rings of Saturn! Initially it seems like Vampiro has absolutely nowhere to go but he manages to his knee to strike Perry in the rib area that he has been working over all match. These strikes become too much for Perry so he has to break the hold. Now recovered Vampiro grabs Saturn and delivers a brutal looking power bomb! He covers: one…two…three?.... NO! He’s too close to the ropes and Perry has managed to get his foot on there. Vampiro cannot believe this error as he goes to hook Saturn for the Nail in the Coffin but Perry counters and drops behind his foe and nails a German suplex! But wait Vampiro lands on his feet! Vamp laughs and charges at Saturn with another leg lariat but Perry ducks and as Vampiro runs at his foe again he gets caught and planted with a Death Valley Driver! One…two…three!


A hard fought win for Perry Saturn as Larry tips him for big things in 1999.

Booker T responds to Chris Jericho

We then cut to a recap package of Nitro showing the Booker T vs Chris Jericho match’s controversial finish as referee Charles Robinson missed Jericho’s foot being under the bottom rope as he counts to three. We then also see a brief recap of Jericho’s promo where he challenges Booker to a rematch with Chris handpicking a referee. Backstage at Monday’s Nitro Booker T then responds to Jericho. “Hey Chris if you want me to whip your ass again then I don’t matter to me which sucka the referee is because I’ll still pin you dawg one, two, three.” That’s another match official for Nitro as we cut to break with Cruiserweight action on the way next.


As Nitro returns we have some classic cruiserweight action as Kaz Hayashi takes on the Latino World Order’s Juventud Guerrera. Mike Tenay mentions at the start of this match that the winner will take on Billy Kidman in a title eliminator match this Monday on Nitro. The pair circle each other to start but Juvy gets the match underway properly as he arm drags Hayashi and locks him in an arm bar. Kaz counters out of this and flips Juvy over for a front face lock but this gets countered when Juventud drives his foe into the corner. Guerrera then unloads on Hayashi with some stiff chops and charges at the corner with a knee but the Japanese competitor dodges out of the way and Juvy gets caught up in the tree of woe. Hayashi then kicks Guerrera a few times before grabbing him and delivering a back breaker. Kaz then follows up up looking for a hurricanrana, but Guerrera counters and goes for a power bomb but Hayashi elbows his opponent in the head and hits the move he intended! Guerrera then rolls to the outside to recover but he doesn’t get long because here comes Hayashi with a plancha that leaves both men laying!

It looks like Kaz got the worst of that dive as Guerrera manages to get back into the ring first and immediately takes control when Hayashi does get back in the ring. Juvy stomps away at his opponent and then again locks in armbar on his foe as he looks to neutralize Hayashi. Kaz manages to power through eventually and hoists Guerrera up for a picture perfect Dragon suplex. Hayashi continues his impressive performance with a drop kick before spring boarding off the ropes with a cross body but Guerrera absolutely nails him with a drop kick of his own! Juvy follows this up a sit out powerbomb that transitions straight into a pin! One…two…NO! Hayashi manages to power out as the crowd show their appreciation. Guerrera then goes for the Juvy driver but Hayashi gets out of it and then nails his opponent with an enziguri right to the face! Hayashi then follows this up with an attempted spinning heel kick but Guerrera ducks and on the rebound hits Hayashi with a boot followed by a crucifix power bomb. Guerrera covers again: one…two…NO!

Great resilience by Hayashi here who gets the shoulder up. Juvy then climbs up to the top rope and looks for the 450 splash but takes too much time taunting the crowd allowing Kaz to spring back up and hit a top rope Frankensteiner to his opponent! Now its Kaz’s turn to go upstairs and he hits a huge senton bomb! He covers: One…Two…Thr-NO! Juventud gets the shoulder up! Hayashi then gets Guerrera up over his shoulder for some kind of slam but Juvy elbows him in the face enough and from behind nails a brutal looking posionrana! That looks to have completely knocked out the Japanese competitor as Guerrera again heads up top and delivers a beautiful 450 splash. He covers: one…two…three!


Juvy does it for the LWO as Mike Tenay confirms that he will face Kidman in an eliminator match coming up on Nitro which if he wins means he would get the winner of the Kidman vs Psicosis match at Souled Out coming up in 10 days time.

Wellll it’s The Giant

We then have another Nitro recap of Hollywood Hogan’s return and his shakeup of nWo Hollywood. One of the big changes was that he challenged The Giant to match which he has to win otherwise he is kicked out of the group. At Nitro Gene Okerlund caught up with Giant leaving the building and he asks the big man if he’s worried about being fired from the nWo. Giant responds: “The only person who should be worried right now is Hollywood Hogan. For too long I’ve been undervalued by this group so this Monday on Nitro he’s going to feel the power of the chokeslam and he’ll be wishing he continued his BS bid to be president!” The Giant then leaves as we go to commercial.

Wolfpac in the House

The familiar how of the Wolfpac hits and here comes the ever-popular group. WCW Champion Kevin Nash, Television Champion Konnan, Scott Hall and a still grumpy Lex Luger make their way to the ring as Tenay mentions the tension in the group in recent weeks - particularly between Hall and Luger. Larry backs Lex up and says he wouldn’t trust Hall either! Regardless the group is still very popular as they pose in the ring. Nash has a mic and gives out his signature “Wolfpac in da House” call that has been popular for the past few months in WCW. Konnan looks like he’s about to launch into his usual schtick but before he gets a chance Scott Hall cuts him off with a “Hey Yo.” The bad guy looks like he’s about to conduct a survey but he’s interrupted by Lex Luger.

“You see that’s exactly what I’m talking about!” Luger shouts. “We had a great thing going Big Sexy and you and all these people know that I’m Wolfpac for life but since we let Scott here into the group something hasn’t been right.” Hall then squares up to Lex and says: “Listen meng I know me and you have never seen eye to eye but we both want the same thing. We both want to kick Hollywood out of WCW. So I’m asking you chico to leave your ego at the door!” Luger doesn’t like this remark as the pair get closer together but Konnan interjects. “Guys, guys lets take it easy now. Scott I know the fans love your surveys man but there’s no reason we can’t survey the people here tonight and also hear them say ORALE!”

The crowd then do their call and response with Konnan before the TV Champ hands the mic off to Hall who then goes through his catchphrases as he ask the audience who came here to see the Wolfpac. Konnan and Hall then fist bump as Nash smiles while Luger still looks pretty annoyed. Nash then has the mic. “Ya know I’m glad we’re all getting along here but now its time to talk business. You see in 10 days time at Souled Out we’re stepping inside the thundercage with nWo Hollywood. Its gonna be a brutal war but I wanna up the ante. So Hogan if you’ve got the guts how’s this for an offer: If you guys win the match I’ll disband the Wolfpac but if we win then nWo Hollywood is dead!”

The fans pop for this as Tenay puts over the huge gravity of this stipulation. Luger is looking pretty concerned about this and he goes to have a word off mic with Nash but before they get to chat too much the music of DISCO INFERNO hits as everyone’s favourite disco dancing wrestler makes his way to the ring. For weeks Disco has been trying to gain entry into the Wolfpac and he was set the impossible task of trying to be competitive with Goldberg on Nitro to earn his place in the group. He lost in less than a minute.

“Hey yo guys I’m sure you were just about to get to it but I’m here for my official Wolfpac induction!” Disco puts up the too sweet sign but just get blank looks from the members in the ring. “I guess maybe you guys missed my match on Nitro with Goldberg but I took him to the limit like you guys said so has anyone got a Wolfpac t-shirt in a medium lying around?” The fans are booing the deluded Disco. Nash responds that he lost in under a minute and that he isn’t joining the Wolfpac under any circumstance.

“Oh come on guys just give me one more shot and I will prove it to ya that I’m the man to wear the red and black!” Hall then looks at Disco and says. “Hey meng I’ll tell ya what I’m dressed to compete and I haven’t got an opponent here tonight so if its all right with Naitch in the back I’ll wrestle you right here right now and if you beat me you can have my spot in the Wolfpac.” Inferno looks concerned but Nash says its his last shot so Disco accepts. Luger looks annoyed once again to be left out of the decision making process. Tenay confirms that Ric Flair has made this match official and it starts right after the break!


The bell rings as we return to Thunder and Disco offers Hall a too sweet sign but he gets a toothpick in the face for his troubles before Scott poses for the audience to a big pop. Disco attacks from behind with a few forearms that don’t seem to trouble Hall at all causing Inferno to scarper to the outside. The rest of the Wolfpac are still at ringside for this one as Disco encourages them to cheer for him while Konnan simply laughs at his future co-host. Hall then heads outside and grabs Disco and whips him into the ring post hard but Inferno manages to stop the momentum and scarper back into the ring. In the ring alone Disco tries dancing but Hall comes back in and decks him with a clothesline. Inferno then scrambles into the corner but gets a mudhole stomped into him by Scott who seems to be having a great time out there. Hall then grabs Inferno and hits him with his signature fall away slam. He covers: one…two…NO!

Fairplay to Disco he manages to get his shoulder up after one of his opponent’s signature moves. Inferno again heads to the outside to regroup while Hall enjoys playing up the fans in the ring. Eventually Scott goes to the outside in pursuit of his foe but Inferno is really begging off now. Disco eventually realises he is surrounded - with Hall on one side and the other Wolfpac members behind him. He pleads with Hall who takes no notice but Inferno ducks Scott’s punch and HALL NAILS LUGER BY ACCIDENT! As you can imagine this sends Lex into an incredible rage as Scott profusely apologises while Konnan and Nash have to separate the two stablemates. This gives Disco a much needed opening and he nails Hall with a diving axe handle off the apron! Inferno then throws Hall back in and hits his larger opponent with a swinging neck breaker! Disco covers: one…two..NO! Hall kicks out. Inferno then goes for the chartbuster but Hall pushes him into the ropes and levels him with a big boot on the rebound. Scott then hoists Disco ups and nails the Outsider’s Edge! He covers: one…two…three!


Hall has his hand raised but a disgusted Luger storms to the back while Konnan gives chase. Nash just stands on the ramp looking pissed off as we then cut to our next segement.

The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order

We’re on the classic nWo set as Hollywood Hogan is joined by Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell. Hogan starts off the promo: “Well Big Sexy if you wanna put it all on the line then that works for me brother because after Souled Out you can kiss goodbye to the Wolfpac jack because there’s always only ever been one nWo and we wear black and white!” Hogan then turns to his opponent for Nitro The Giant. “Ya know I took you into the nWo because I always had respect for your ‘dad’ Andre but boy if he could see you now brother he’d be ashamed! Giant you have one last chance to show me something on Nitro or your ass is fired!”

Hogan laughs maniacally as Steiner then takes over the talking: “Wolfpac the last thing you wanna do is be locked in a cage with Big Poppa Pump because then there’s no escaping from the punishment I’m gonna inflict on you! I’ll tap each and every one of you sons of bitches out because that’s how dominant I am!” Hogan then takes back over and says that the final member of their team for the Thundercage will be the battle royale winner on Nitro so its time for the rest of the group to step up or get stepped on.

Buff then takes his turn to talk: “Our match on Nitro Wolfpac didn’t end how we wanted so oldman Flair if you’re listening how about this. Me and Big Poppa Pump vs any two Wolfpac jackasses in a Texas Tornado tag team match so we can whip your asses all over the arena!” Bagwell looks pleased with himself as he flexes his muscles along with Steiner. Hogan then has the final word: “Now I know all the nwoites out there gonna be worried about Easy E but let me be tell you something: he’s gonna take some time off and come back bigger and badder than ever before. And if you think the nWo are gonna take order from Ric Flair then you got another thing coming!” We then fade to black and commercial.

The Wolfpac Explodes?

We come back and the Wolfpac are arguing in the back. Luger and Hall are in a shouting match while Konnan and Nash try and separate them. Who should step into frame however but WCW President Ric Flair. “Woah, woah I can hear you boys shouting and hollering from my office! How the hell is the president meant to style and profile with this going on!” Luger then retorts “You’ve been watching the show Naitch you saw what Hall did to me!” Flair then tells Lex to calm down and that he has a solution to all this. “I meant what I said tonight when we settle things in the ring to see who is the better man in the new WCW. So on Nitro I’m booking it Luger vs Hall to squash this beef once and for all!”

The fans pop at this announcement as Nash remarks that he doesn’t like fighting in his own group but he’s hopeful that Hall might beat some sense into Lex. Nash then tells Flair that he heard Buff Bagwell’s challenge for a tornado tag team match on Nitro and that he and K-dawg are more than happy to accept. Flair says it sounds all good to him and its official for Monday night. We then head back to the ring.


Move over Dean Malenko the real ‘iceman’ of WCW Glacier is here for some singles action. His opponent is the fearsome Meng who makes his way down to the ring as intimidating as ever. Meng just unleashes a brutal chop to start this match that sends Glacier stumbling back into the corner where Meng unleashes another series of brutal strikes. Eventually however Glacier manages to block a chop and he whips Meng into the corner himself and unleashes a few impressive kicks. Glacier then hits a running corner clothesline but Meng decides to completely no sell it and follows up with a stiff headbutt. Meng then grabs Glacier and delivers a back suplex and follows this up with a roundhouse kick that looks like it completely knocks Glacier out! Meng then locks in the Tongan death grip but Glacier is completely out of it so the referee has no choice but to call for the bell.


A very quick dominant win for Meng but the Tongan isn’t done yet. He throws Glacier out of the ring before grabbing the mic. “GOLDBERG - on Nitro you are next!” Short and sweet from the big man as he throws the mic down as Tenay informs us that Ric Flair has just made that match official for Nitro. Larry notes that it's a hell of a challenge for Goldberg to take on just six days before facing Bam Bam Bigelow at Souled Out.

Details on The Dynasty

We then cut to a video package on Curt Hennig and Barry Windham, who will vie for the WCW Tag Team Championships next Sunday at Souled Out. As clips are shown of their tag team victory over Raven and Kanyon Hennig notes that he’s never needed the nWo anyway and that Hogan firing him from the group was a blessing. Hennig continues: “For too long the history of professional wrestling has been disrespected - well we are here to change that. The boys in the back and the idiots in the crowd may have lost sight of the traditions of this sport but we sure as hell haven’t.”

The pair are now standing in the ring in an empty arena as this video package plays with clips of the two warming up shown. Barry Windham says: “Our fathers Larry ‘The Axe’ Hennig and Blackjack Mulligan are ashamed of what this business has become so its time for us to continue their legacy and show the next generation they’ve a long way to go. From now on we’ll be known as The Dynasty because that’s what we’re going to establish here in WCW.”

Hennig then goes to address their opponents for Souled Out: “So whether its Benoit and Malenko or Guerrero and Psicosis we’ll be watching Nitro to see if you show us any of the passions and traditions you need to succeed in this business. But just know that whoever wins they’ll be watching us raise those WCW Tag Team Championships above our heads at Souled Out.” We then cut to commercial as the video ends.

Latino World Over?

As we come back Rey Mysterio Jr. is making his way out to the ring. Rey is currently a reluctant member of the LWO and has been tortured by Eddie Guerrero over the past couple of months. Rey rarely gets promo time in WCW but the masked man clearly has something on his mind. Rey has the mic and first thanks the fans for their support but he says it's been a difficult few months for him. The way the LWO does business is just not his style and he hasn’t exactly been helping the group out either. “So Eddie Guerrero I’m calling you out right now! I’ve got an offer to settle our business in the ring.”

This invitation brings Guerrero out and he’s wearing his LWO shirt and jeans. He doesn’t look impressed with Rey. Eddie is booed as he makes his way to the ring and he immediately berates Mysterio and reminds him that he’s still a member of the LWO and works for him. “Listen little man I’ve been trying and trying to build the LWO into something but your constant interference is really starting to tick me off homes. So what’s this offer you’ve got for me so you can get this out of your system and go back to working for me.”

Rey then passionately says: “Luchadores have a proud history of being the most passionate individuals in pro wrestling. Me, you, Psicosis, Juvy we’re all unique man! Now that there’s a new man in charge of WCW we don’t need this gang mentality! Eddie I respect you so much you’re like a big brother to me but the LWO doesn’t need to be like this. And if you ain’t gonna stop this then it’s up to me to end it.” The fans pop for this speech as Eddie squares up to Rey.

“You’re so naive Rey,” Guerrero says. “You think Flair being president means anything? Us Luchadores have had to fight and scrap for everything we have so screw you homes the LWO ain’t going anywhere! Now spit your offer out amigo or am I gonna have to beat it out of you!”

This situation looks like it’s going to boil over as Mysterio retorts: “I thought you’d say that Eddie so how about this - me and you at Souled Out. You win I will fall in line and support the LWO but you win and then the group is over.” Big stakes laid out by Mysterio there but Eddie doesn’t look satisfied yet. Guerrero says that he wants something more from Rey to accept this match. “I want what I couldn’t take from you at Halloween Havoc 1997. I want your mask Rey! You win the LWO disbands but I win and everyone is gonna see who you really are!”

Mysterio looks to contemplate it but then accepts the challenge! Eddie feigns to punch Mysterio but then he backs off to boos before heading to the back. Rey then slaps hands with the fans before he too goes to the back as we have another huge match set for a really stacked Souled Out card.

Tenay then runs down the card for Nitro as here comes Diamond Dallas Page. The #1 contender to the US Championship has a match against a Hart Dungeon graduate handpicked by Bret Hart right after this break.


Back from commercial DDP is waiting in the ring for his opponent and out comes the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger!
The fans pop for Liger as Tenay mentions that Liger trained with Stu Hart when he competed in Stampede Wrestling during the early years of his career. Liger gets in the ring with the Jersey native and this match is underway. Jushin starts like a house on fire as he launches into a Lou Thesz press on his opponent and rains down some strikes he then goes to springboard off the ropes with a clothesline but Dallas ducks and grabs Liger for a Diamond Cutter but the New Japan talent pushes him away and the two pause and begin to circle each other after this fast start. The pair lock up but Page easily has the power advantage and hits an impressive gutwrench gutbuster to his foe before locking in the dreaded chin lock. Liger soon gets out of this however and really begins to turn the tide of the match with some hard shots to Page’s ribs. Liger then hauls Page up for an impressive brainbuster and executes the move perfectly. He covers: one…two…NO!

Page manages to kick out but it's the Jushin Liger show now in this match as the Japanese competitor is on offence here with some more strikes before rounding a flurry off with a spinning heel kick. Liger then heads up top where he is most comfortable and goes for a frog splash but page gets his feet up to catch Liger in the face! Page then goes on the offensive with an inverted atomic drop to the masked man before following this up with a running clothesline and a swinging neck breaker! Page covers: one…two…NO! Liger this time kicks out as Page continues to go on the attack here as he plants Jushin with a reverse STO! Dallas then goes for the Diamond Cutter but Liger grabs Page by the throat and locks in the deadly dragon sleeper. Page crumples to his knees as Liger wrenches back on the hold as he could be about to score a huge upset. Dallas has been in the hold a good while now so the referee checks his arm and it flops to the ground! He checks it again and gets a similar results before on the third drop he shows signs of life! Page somehow someway powers out of it and kicks Liger in the gut before performing a beautiful jumping DDT! Page covers: one…two…thr-NO!

Liger gets the shoulder up! Dallas then signals for the Diamond Cutter which gets a huge pop from the fans! Page then grabs Liger by the neck but but he counters and delivers a brutal looking Liger-suplex to his opponent. Jushin then looks to go for his signature Ligerbomb but Page counters with a back body drop. Dallas then hits a big boot to his opponent before delivering a sitout powerbomb! Transitions straight into a cover: one…two…three? NO! Somehow, someway Liger gets the shoulder up. Page is getting desperate here and he heads up top but this turns out to be a huge error because Liger springs back to life and meets Dallas on the top rope. He strikes Page a few time then delivers a brutal top rope brainbuster! He covers: one…two…three! Wait -NO! Page gets the shoulder up at 2.9! Liger can’t believe and he again hooks Page for the Ligerbomb. He hauls Dallas up but as he is up on Liger’s shoulders Page drops behind, flips Jushin around and hits the Diamond Cutter! Cover: one…two…three!


Page has done it! The referee raises Page’s hand as Tenay and Larry sign off telling us to tune into TNT this Monday for Nitro!

Card for Nitro 11/1/99 @ Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville Tennessee

If Giant loses he leaves nWo Hollywood:
Hollywood Hogan vs The Giant

Battle Royal where winner stays in nWo Hollywood: Stevie Ray vs Scott Norton vs Brian Adams vs Vincent vs Horace Hogan

WCW Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final: The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) vs The LWO (Eddie Guerrero and Psychosis)

Texas Tornado Rules: nWo Hollywood (Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell) vs nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash and Konnan)

Jericho picks the guest referee: Chris Jericho vs Booker T

Cruiserweight Championship Eliminator: Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera

Scott Hall vs Lex Luger

Goldberg vs Meng

WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre

Thundercage match, losing faction must disband: nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and TBD)

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen or The LWO

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow
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Nov 14, 2020
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Really felt as if Thunder could only truly start with the Flair address. Being all emotional and then wanting to get things in WCW back on track is pretty much as expected. Bischoff being fired from WCW is a nice touch, even if it won’t really change anything. Flair’s mission statement of sorts here was solid, and the Thundercage and Cruiserweight title matches announced for Souled Out should be fun. Nitro going back to two hours gets a thumbs up from me as well. Solid start.

Not much to say about the Saturn/Vampiro match other than I’m happy Saturn won. I’m hoping you utilise him somehow because he’s a solid hand for sure.

Booker T accepts Jericho’s challenge meaning we’re in for another Booker/Jericho match on Nitro. I’m okay with that. Looking forward to seeing how this angle with Jericho progresses as well, as the arch he’s on is very interesting.

Typical Cruiserweight match and a nice win for Juventud Guerrera. Guerrero/Kidman sounds fun but I’m not sure it being an ‘eliminator’ matches makes sense to me.

The Giant’s promo on Hogan was brief and well written. I have the feeling The Giant has swerved enough to last a lifetime at this point, so I’ll instead say I think he’s becoming a babyface.

Wolfpac promo was the most enjoyable of the night so far. The tension, specifically between Luger and Hall was emphasized well here. Really well done. The idea of one of the NWO’s disbanding if they lose Thundercage makes me things there is no way Hollywood is winning, although I wish they would. Disco still being desperate to get in to WCW is a funny angle to look at as well. Also, with Hall’s dictation, instead of “meng”, can we say “mang” moving forward? I know it’s a small thing but Meng is obviously an actual wrestler and just feel like it could get confusing.

Hall was obviously always beating the pathetic Inferno lol. Thumbs up for Luger being accidentally nailed which reads into her feud.

Hogan’s NWO accepting Nash’s challenge for the higher stakes keeps things for the PPV very intriguing. Whenever that Texas Tornado tag happens should be a world of fun as well.

I maybe feel as if the Hall/Luger stuff has escalated into a match between them far to quick. With that being said, I’m looking forward to the outcome, where we see reactions from the winners and losers of this one.

Meng squashes Glacier before calling out Goldberg for Nitro. Oh my. Let the two of them have a twenty minute hoss battle.

Hennig and Windham having a little vignette as a nice way of putting over that they are doing something together again in this tag division. The Dynasty playing off their famous dads works too.

I don’t have any issues with the promo itself to set up the match, but I don’t like the stipulation attached to the Eddie/Rey match. We don’t need a B grade version of team will disband if they lose at Souled Out, when the Thundercage match already has that stipulation. This didn’t hit for me at all.

Liger is an inspired choice by Bret, but DDP was always winning this match. He’s the number one contender to the US Title and needs to keep the momentum going.

Solid effort. Thunder was enjoyable enough as whilst it didn’t feel like a Nitro, you still managed to make it feel somewhat important and not complete filler.
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Sep 13, 2022
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WCW Monday Nitro - January 4, 1999:

We all know the story of revisionist history and the Fingerpoke of Doom night, don't we? I'm sure it would be incredibly hard to put out a worse show than what we got in actuality. You made mention of it later, but three-hour Nitros were absolutely killer. I say that as someone working my way through September 1998 right now. Very rarely do the hours fly by. I'm expecting a pretty big show with 40,000 fans into the Georgia Dome.

The decision to open with the WCW World Tag Team Championship tournament was a wise one, and even better was the choice to have it be focused around the cruiserweights. I don't know how to feel about Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero Jr. as a team, but I do know Kidman was on the rise here, and Chavo was being featured consistently. We never did see the Latino World Order take off, thanks to Eddie Guerrero's real life card accident on New Year's Eve 1998. They got a lot of time, perhaps too long, but I'm glad to see the LWO get the win. Kidman should be in the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship mix anyway, and it's always fun to reprise the Eddie and Chavo dynamic.

This is the part where I express my resentment for what World Championship Wrestling did to the WCW World Tag Team Championships in 1998.

Backstage segments with nWo Hollywood and the Four Horsemen camps worked well. Very good idea to have Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff's blow-off take place here on such a grand stage. I anticipate we'll be seeing Flair get one over on Eric after all these months.

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko were and should be the rightful favorites to win this tournament. I'm not too keen on tournament matches back-to-back, but it's understandable when you have three hours to kill. David Taylor and Fit Finley make a great team, actually. I would not mind seeing Finley get a push.

Decent match between Booker T and Chris Jericho. I am curious what Jericho's future looks like, with him being gone in the next couple of months. Further, Booker should be in for a big year.

Very bizarre to see a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match end clean in the main event spot of the first hour. I guess with The Giant with one foot out the door, it was to be expected. The thing with the nWo Wolfpac and nWo Hollywood dispute is the lack of structure, and I feel like that's what killed the angle dead in the end. We never got Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hogan one-on-one - and no, we're not talking about the Fingerpoke as a possible out, either. It's an interesting approach to take as we progress into a new year.

I would have probably had more time between Giant's loss and Hollywood Hogan's promo. It is funny envisioning this considering how up-and-down Giant's relationship with Hulk is when looking back over the years for WCW.

I see you are spicing up the nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolfpac feud tremendously, so it's not a bad idea to see them eliminated from the mix of the WCW World Tag Team Championship tournament. We don't need to see them bog down the titles like last year, anyway. I just wonder what the end game of this might be. Some sort of tag team match, perhaps?

Chris Jericho's promo was really nice, and I liked his reasoning for the dispute with Booker T.

I can't truly remember how we got to Curt Hennig and Barry Windham teaming up, but I always did like that team. Strange blend of talent, having them in there with Raven and Kanyon. I was surprised to see them lose to the veterans, but clearly there is a story building for Raven - no doubt some sort of a redemption arc.

I feel like Bill Goldberg deserved a far bigger match in his hometown, when he would have been the guy to draw 40,000 into the Georgia Dome. The win over Disco Inferno was expected, but I would have had him fight Bam Bam Bigelow here, honestly. The post-match was good.

Raven is such a sensitive character after The Flock's disbanding. Kanyon is his only friend, and Raven becomes a spoiled, selfish brat. Where does this character go next? Time will tell.

Rey Misterio Jr. and Alex Wright no doubt would have a fun match. Alex never got a fair shake, but he's still young and we don't have to see Berlyn happen, necessarily. I like to see the story with Eddie Guerrero continue, and the right man won.

Diamond Dallas Page and Bret Hart had some really fun matches in 1998. I guess another at WCW Souled Out isn't a bad idea. I would suspect DDP will be reclaiming the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship there, and rightly so as Bret should be top-tier talent. Maybe politics will prevent it, but surely Hart vs Hollywood Hogan could be in the cards down the line. I maybe would have done something more than have them exchange words here, but Bret's persona was truly at a crossroads after teasing a defection from the New World Order, only to brutalize and sideline Sting.

Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff made for a compelling main event, though I do hope we don't see the Four Horsemen slip into their stronghold dictatorship over WCW with this. Fun closing to the show, and I did like the interaction of the Horsemen to fend off the nWo Hollywood members.

I still feel like Goldberg should have been more featured on this show.

WCW Thunder - January 7, 1999
Really fun way to kick off Thunder with Ric Flair's state of address. It read better than what transpired on Monday Nitro the Monday prior, where like five-hundred things were announced in twenty-five minutes. I like the idea of Flair restoring tradition to WCW. The Thundercage returning to house the nWo faction war is a very bold choice. It's a shame they fucked the WarGames match so much. Strange to hear Flair pay attention to the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship angle, too. I laughed at you cutting the third hour of Nitro. Guess the company's gotta lose money somehow in 1999. It wouldn't happen, but for the sake of your sanity I really can't blame you for doing it.

Perry Saturn going over El Vampiro was a good idea, considering Vamp isn't an established name yet. That can of course change, but for now it read quite well. It may have gone too long, though. Saturn had a world of potential coming off the Flock angle, and it's a shame they foiled him with the whole Marilyn Manson gothic dress-wearing gimmick.

I know Thunder was the secondary show, and Monday Nitro should absolutely be the number one show but I do feel like more should be put in to get viewers watching on Thursday nights.

You know, Kaz Hayashi was absolutely killing it in the fall of 1998 with regular television appearances. How they never gave him a run as WCW World Cruiserweight Champion is beyond me. Juventud Guerrera getting the win worked, though, and I can absolutely see him getting big opportunities in 1999. Maybe it would be good to have him climb the ranks this year.

Well, if there wasn't any doubt, I guess this is the swansong for The Giant.

I do hope the New World Order doesn't come to an end entirely with Souled Out's Thundercage showdown. The nWo Wolfpac promo was really well done, and I got a kick out of Disco Inferno getting shown up again. Again, though, I have to question how you'll go about directions for the losing nWo faction members. I do feel like Goldberg would be all over Kevin Nash and Scott Hall's asses after Starrcade. Hall beating Inferno was fine, but after Goldberg squashing him in under a minute I do feel like it should've taken Hall less than seven.

nWo Hollywood's retort made sense. A lot of gimmick matches being lined up. The nWo Wolfpac argument casts doubt on their future, even if it did feel a little out of nowhere. It makes sense, though. With nWo dealings like this, I would have probably kept Ric Flair out of the mix.

Hopefully this spells the end of Glacier, or nearly, anyway. Meng setting himself up a match with Goldberg sounds fine, they had a decent one in August as I recall.

I suspect the Curt Hennig and Barry Windham vignette was to flesh out their new tag team persona. I kind of bought it, but I do feel like there is more to them than being next-generation stars. I think it's a given that Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko will be seeing them at Souled Out.

Good angle to set up Eddie Guerrero and Rey Misterio's Jr.'s upcoming match, but I probably would have avoided yet another disbanding stipulation on the same night as the nWo one. I do like the sound of Rey being forced to follow the Latino World Order around, and it's a purpose, plus the group is still new. But it does pigeonhole all of the luchadores into one faction. C'est la vie.

Fun cameo from Jushin Liger to fight Diamond Dallas Page, but it didn't feel like too much of a main event, even for Thunder. DDP getting the win was fine, and I am glad you got Liger over with the match length. Not much else to it as we get set for the WCW US Heavyweight Championship match at Souled Out.

Not a bad week of television. A lot of big changes are coming as we see you clean house with the old.
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Sep 14, 2022
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Thanks everyone for your feedback thus far feel like the new format for Thunder really worked better for my writing so with that being said here’s Nitro.

WCW Nitro - January 11th 1999
From the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee

Pyro, dancing girls and the best three hours of wrestling you will see on TV it can only be WCW Monday Nitro live on TNT! Our trusty broadcast duo of Tony Schiavone and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan are here as the Ric Flair era continues in World Championship Wrestling. Schiavone and Brain run down the card here tonight and recap the blockbuster announcement on Thunder - that the Wolfpac and Hollywood will lock horns inside the thundercage this Saturday at Souled Out which only one faction will emerge from. At this moment we cut to the back where WCW President Ric Flair is walking into the building and shaking hands with the crew. He gestures to the camera that “We’re gonna have a great show tonight.”


We are kicking off Nitro as we always should with some hot cruiserweight action. The cruiserweight champ Kidman is taking on the LWO’s Juventud Guerrera in a match that if Guerrera wins he will get a shot at the title next week on Nitro. The match starts with a lockup and a quick exchange of holds as both men jockey for position. Kidman drives his opponent into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Juvy ducks and goes for a drop kick on the rebound but this time Billy ducks! The two stare each other down as Tony notes these two men know each other very well. Guerrera goes for a spinning heel kick but Kidman catches his leg and takes him down! He goes for a running leg drop but Juvy rolls to the outside. Kidman then goes to dive through the ropes but Guerrera catches him with a big boot to the face that leaves Kidman draped over the middle rope. Juvy then charges along the apron and nails Kidman with a knee to the face that sends Billy staggering back to the inside. Juvy then goes for a springboard hurricanrana but Billy catches him and hits an early powerbomb! Billy covers: one…two…NO!

Its advantage cruiserweight champ here as Kidman whips Guerrera into the corner and unloads with a series of chops. Juvy then goes to the outside to recover but Kidman is feeling it tonight and he heads to the top rope and absolutely wipes out his LWO opponent with a cross body. The move leaves both men laying on the outside and they take a little while to recover but both men manage to beat the count and make it back into the ring before 10. Kidman then goes for his signature face buster but Guerrera counters and hits a double leg take down before flipping on top for a cover that gets two as Kidman powers up and has Juvy hooked for a pile driver but Guerrera pushes Billy into the ropes and hits his foe with a spinning heel kick. Juventud then takes his time to stomp out the champ and he slows the break-neck pace down to taunt the fans and starts slapping the downed Billy in the face to a lot of heat. Juvy then plants Kidman with a back breaker, then heads up top to follow through the maneuver with a splash but Billy dodges! Juvy sees the doge coming however and rolls through and Billy walks straight into a springboard crossbody straight into a cover! One…two…NO!

Billy manages to get the shoulder up! Guerrera then goes for a power bomb but you never powerbomb Kidman because he counters with his signature face buster! Billy then goes for his BK bomber spine buster but Juvy counters and plants the champion with a DDT. Guerrera then heads up top and goes for a 450 splash - but Billy gets his knees up! Both men are down on the ground and Kidman struggles to his feet first and goes for a running clothesline but Juvy ducks under again and on the rebound kicks Billy in the gut and nails the Juvy driver! That’s his finisher! Guerrera covers! One…two…three? NO! Kidman has his foot under the rope. Referee Nick Patrick catches this as after the debacle with Jericho last week the officials have been told to be extra vigilant. Juvy cannot believe it as he then scales the ropes again but his arguing with the referee has cost him as Kidman manages to knock Guerrera off the ropes to the canvas. Kidman then goes up top and hits a beautiful shooting star press! He covers: one…two…three!


Billy Kidman defeats Juventud Guerrera in an incredibly competitive bout. Psicosis, the #1 contender to the title appears on the ramp to stare down Billy as Schiavone says after the break we will see Chris Jericho vs Booker T.

And the referee is…

As we come back from break the ever-popular Booker T is making his way to the ring. We see highlights of the controversial finish to last week’s match with Chris Jericho where the Canadian competitor had his foot under the rope but Charles Robinson missed it and counted to three. Booker is warming up in the ring as Chris Jericho’s music hits. Jericho looks particularly smug as he makes his way down the aisle as we still have no idea who he’s choosing to be the referee. Jericho grabs the mic and begins to speak: “You know as soon to be the hottest free agent in professional wrestling I’d appreciate it if the Jerichoholics in Tennessee could be a little louder because I’m hearing a lot of negativity right now.” As you can imagine this only provokes the crowd to boo louder.

Jericho continues: “Now Booker I know you paid off that crocked referee Charles Robinson last week and now with someone as washed up as Ric Flair in charge I’ve had to look outside the usual group of incompetents here in WCW. Now I gave my good friend and Canadian hero Earl Hebner a call but unfortunately he was busy tonight - but if you people don’t shut up he’ll be refereeing my matches in six months when my contract is up!” More boos for Jericho as Booker T now grabs a mic.

“Chris stop clowning about dawg and tell me who the hell the ref is so you can come in here and I can kick your ass two weeks in a row!” Booker’s retort gets a big pop. A pissed off Jericho responds: “Well Booker the referee for this match is a man with honour, dignity and respect. He’s a little inexperienced at the job but he has always kept himself in phenomenal shape and is a pro wrestling expert. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome: RALPHUS! The fans of course boo as Jericho’s overweight security guard, who Booker kicked in the face two weeks ago, ambles down to the ring in an ill-fitting referee shirt. He gets in the ring and Chris reminds him to signal to ring the bell as this one is underway.


Booker is obviously not pleased with the choice of referee but he backs himself enough to still put Jericho away. Chris starts the match on offence with some knife edge chops but Booker then counters with some stiff shots to the face that back Chris into the corner as Jericho then screams at Ralphus that he’s in the ropes so the bumbling referee pulls Booker off his foe. The former Harlem Heat member doesn’t take to kindly to this and goes to confront Ralphus but this allows Jericho time to recover a nail his opponent with a chop block to the back of the knee. Chris then begins to work on the leg and stomps away at it before he rams Booker’s knee into the mat a few more times. Jericho goes to lock in some kind of leg submission but T pushes him away and on the rebound decks Chris with a lariat. Booker then poses for the fans before following delivering a sidewalk slam to his opponent. He covers: One………NO!

Chris kicks out at one although Ralphus’ count was pretty slow and he took a while to get down to the mat. Booker has learned his lesson from earlier in the match however as he continues to pummel Jericho with shots to the body before the Canadian decides he’s had enough and rolls to the outside. Booker gives chase and Ralphus remains in the ring and doesn’t seem to bothered about counting. Booker charges at Chris but it is countered and Jericho whips Booker knee first right into the steel steps! Jericho then scurries back into the ring and gets Ralphus to start counting and unsurprisingly it's a rapid one! Booker however perseveres and manages to get back into the ring just before Ralphus gets to ten. Jericho then berates his handpicked ref for not counting fast enough but this backfires and allows Booker to recover and Jericho turns around and is nailed with a Harlem side kick! Booker covers: One…two…NO!

The count again is hardly quick but Jericho manages to get the shoulder up! Booker is in full flow now and he heads up to the top rope and goes for a missile drop kick. Jericho however has no interest in taking that and he pulls Ralphus in the way! The guest ref takes the full brunt of the move and Jericho takes advantage by immediately clocking Booker T with a low blow! Jericho then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and absolutely unloads on Booker as the fans boo - the announcers call this a disgrace. Chris then shakes Ralphus back to life and locks in the liontamer but Booker is out for the count. Ralphus in a daze calls for the bell!


Loud ‘bullshit’ chants as Jericho celebrates like he’s just won the WCW Championship. Ralphus, still in a complete daze, tries to raise Chris’ hand but Jericho doesn’t care as he practically skips up the aisle overcome with joy. Schiavone says we haven’t heard the last of this rivalry as we cut to commercial.

Backstage heat

We come back an irate Booker T has made his way to the backstage area. There he is met by WCW President. Booker tells Flair that they both know what happened out there was BS and he knew he was running a risk letting Jericho pick the referee but he didn’t expect to be screwed over like that. Flair responds: “Listen Book I have a plan to make this right. I’m gonna be addressing the people later and I’ll make sure that you get another shot at Jericho with a referee who will actually enforce the rules.” Booker nods in approval as Flair heads back to his office.

Straight from the Bowery

We head to the depths of the building next where Raven is sitting cross legged on the floor looking pissed off with the world as ever. Raven recaps his and Kanyon’s tag team failure last week before saying: “Last week when I grabbed that kendo stick for the first time in months I felt free of my worries and that the world wasn’t out to get me! But then you Kanyon took it all away from me and once again I am in a world of despair.” At that moment Kanyon bursts in and the Jersey native is not happy. He points out that if Raven had actually used the kendo stick last week then the pair would’ve been disqualified.

“You would’ve cost us the match bro I was doing you a favour,” Kanyon says. Raven points out that they lost the match anyway but Kanyon ignores this and continues: “But listen its great that you were feeling more like your old self last week and get this you’ve got another chance to feel like it on Thunder. Because I’ve talked to president Flair and we both got singles matches booked!” Raven says he’s not bothered about wrestling again but Kanyon continues: “You see I’m gonna take out that face-painted weirdo Vampiro.”

Raven responds that Kanyon is probably more of a factor of for his current mood given how much he is chatting. Chris laughs it off and continues: “And guess what pal I’ve got you a match on Thunder against Wrath!” Raven does not look particularly pleased to be taking on the big man so he simply shrugs and leaves as we have the first two matches for Thunder set. We then cut to the ringside area where the LWO duo of Eddie Guerrero and Psicosis are making their way down the aisle.


The Horsemen then make their way down the aisle and this tag team tournament match is all set to go with four fantastic wrestlers in the ring. Curt Hennig and Barry Windham (The Dynasty) then surprisingly down to ringside before Hennig takes a seat at the desk and grabs a headset as he will be doing commentary for this one while Windham stands menacingly behind his partner. Back in the ring Malenko and Guerrero have started locking up as Tony notes The Dynasty are wise to be out here scouting these four incredible wrestlers. Dean goes for a brainbuster early on but Eddie drops behind and counters before nailing his foe in the back of the head. Guerrero then tags in Psicosis and the two hit a beautiful drop toe hold/slingshot leg drop combo. The masked man then locks in a front face lock but Malenko manages to power out and throw his opponent over the top rope. Guerrero joins his stablemate on the outside but before you know it Malenko has tagged in Benoit and the two both hit dives to the outside perfectly in sync! This gets a big pop from the crowd and Benoit grabs Psicosis to roll him back in the ring as the action continues after the break.

As we come back from commercial Benoit is working over Psicosis with some chops in the corner. Benoit then goes to whip the masked man into the next corner but Psicosis counters and hits an arm drag to Benoit. He then manages to tag in Eddie Guerrero and the pair hit a double vertical suplex on the Horseman before Malenko gets in the ring and chases Psicosis off. Eddie then begins working over Benoit in the corner with chops followed by stomps. He taunts his foe before Benoit charges at him but Eddie counters with a European uppercut followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eddie covers: one…two…NO! Benoit kicks out. Guerrero then whips Benoit back into the corner and goes for his signature monkey flip but Chris lands on his feet and goes to tag Dean in but Eddie grabs his foe by the leg and drags him back into the corner. Eddie then tags in Psicosis and the pair hit a brutal looking double DDT to Benoit! One…two…NO! Malenko is in to break the pin up. Guerrero then tackles Malenko through the ropes which allows Psicosis to level Benoit with a running hurricanrana. Psicosis then scales the ropes and goes for a diving leg drop - but Benoit rolls out of the way. This time allows Benoit to crawl over to his corner - where Malenko is standing after having whipped Eddie into the guardrail on the outside - and makes the TAG!

Malenko comes in like a house on fire and starts wailing on Psicosis before grabbing the luchador and hitting a bridging German suplex. One…two…NO! Guerrero is back in to make the save. Benoit then joins the fray and all four are in the ring brawling as the referee has completely lost track of this one. Eventually Guerrero and Benoit go brawling to the outside which leaves Malenko and Psicosis in the ring where Dean grabs the LWO member and plants him with a brainbuster! One…two…NO! Psicosis kicks out. Malenko then heads up top as Eddie and Benoit continue to beat the hell out of each other on the outside but before he gets a chance to dive Psicosis springs up and is on the top rope with him. The masked man then goes for a top rope frankensteiner but Malenko counters and hits a top rope powerbomb! Holy S***! Malenko covers: one…two…three? NO! Eddie is back in and breaks the cover up. Psicosis was done there. Guerrero then drags his own partner over to the corner and makes the tag. Eddie then grabs Malenko and nails him with a Tornado DDT! He doesn’t cover however and heads up top for his signature frog splash. He goes for the move but Malenko gets the knees up! Eddie is in a world of hurt as Dean crawls over to his corner and tags Benoit in. Psicosis is still out of it as Eddie stumbles into a belly to belly suplex from Benoit! Chris then goes up top and hits the diving head butt! He covers: one…two…THREE!


The Horsemen are heading to the finals! Their opponents for Souled Out Curt Hennig and Barry Windham then spring up from their commentary position and attack the victorious Horsemen! The Dynasty are laying a beating on their opponents when fellow Horsemen Steve McMichael then charges down the ramp and takes the fight to Hennig and Windham. The numbers game however catches up to Mongo when Eddie Guerrero nails him from behind! The LWO members from the back then flood the ring and the very strange alliance of The Dynasty and LWO start laying into the Horsemen. It doesn’t last long however because here comes Rey Mysterio Jr., Chavo Guerrero and Billy Kidman down the aisle to even the odds! The heels decide to tactically retreat as the strange mix of faces celebrate in the ring.

nWo in the house

We then throw to footage labelled as taking place earlier tonight. The first sees a limo pull up containing Hollywood Hogan, Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner. Hogan mouths off about the shakeup the nWo is going to go through tonight and how he’s going to kick The Giant’s ass while Scotty Steiner trash talks the Wolfpac and hypes the Texas Tornado match still to come. We then see footage of Wolfpac leader Kevin Nash walking into the building with Scott Hall and Konnan but no Lex Luger. Schiavone notes that he’s heard Luger arrived by himself tonight as he and Hall will be competing against each other later in an attempt by WCW President Ric Flair to squash the beef between the pair. Schiavone notes that up next we will see the battle royal to determine who stays in the nWo.

A great twist

As we come back we see the various members of nWo Hollywood in the ring competing to stay in the faction in an upcoming battle royal. The assortment of competitors includes Stevie Ray, Horace Hogan, Vincent, Brian Adams and Scott Norton. The referee looks like he’s about to ring the bell before ‘Vodoo Child’ hits and out comes Hollywood Hogan alongside Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell. Eric Bischoff is still conspicuous by his absence as he presumably waits for his hair to grow back. Hogan has a mic and says: “Now before this match starts I’ve just come out here to wish all you guys the best of luck and I’m sure the best man will win! However the lineup for this battle royal isn’t complete brother. You see there’s a dude who is a a hell of a mega star for nWo Japan who wants to prove he’s good enough to don the black and white here in the US of A. So please welcome THE GREAT MUTA!”

The lads in the ring cannot believe it as The Great Muta emerges from the back and too sweets Hogan, Steiner and Bagwell! Schiavone mentions that Muta is currently the leader of nWo Japan in New Japan Pro Wrestling and he is the current IWGP Heavyweight Champion! Muta gets in the ring and this battle royal is underway!


The match starts as the other five competitors surround Muta as Brain says he has to give it to Hogan putting Muta in this match was a masterstroke. The other five competitors all charge at Muta but the Japanese champion bats them away with big kicks until he gets absolutely decked with a lariat by Scott Norton. Schiavone notes that Muta beat Norton a few weeks ago to reclaim the IWGP Championship. Norton then goes to throw Muta over the top rope but he manages to hang on to the top rope and steady himself on the apron! Vincent then charges at Muta but he pulls the top rope down and the man who has been with the nWo since 1996 is eliminated and gone from the group.

Vincent has been eliminated by The Great Muta

Back in the ring the competitors have paired off with each other as Norton and Stevie go blow for blow with each other while Adams has Horace Hogan in the corner and is choking him with his boot. Muta gets back in the ring and poses for the fans before he hits a signature handspring back elbow into the corner where Brian Adams and Horace are going at it. Brian has moved out of the way but Horace manages to take the full brunt of the move. Adams then proposes an alliance with Muta and he goes to extend his hand but the Japanese competitor slaps it away and waffles Adams with a rolling savate kick. Stevie and Norton are now in a different corner of the ring and jostling for position. Horace tries his luck again with a clothesline but Muta grabs his opponent and nails him with a dragon suplex. Muta then grabs Horace and flings him over the top rope.

Horace Hogan has been eliminated by The Great Muta

Muta has been dominating the field here but Adams manages to slow him down with a big boot. Meanwhile against the ropes Norton has been desperately trying to eliminate Stevie Ray but the former Harlem Heat member just isn’t budging. Norton then beckons Adams over and the two try and lift up Stevie but he counters and manages to kick both away! Ray then rolls under the bottom rope as Norton and Adams then team up on Muta and hit him with a double back drop. Stevie comes back in having retrieved his slapjack from the outside! Stevie then comes in and nails all three men with the weapon to a lot of heat. Stevie then grabs Brian Adams and throws him over the top rope.

Brian Adams has been eliminated by Stevie Ray

Stevie then grabs Norton and goes to throw him over the top rope but the big man manages to hold onto the top rope and steady himself on the apron. Ray then grabs the slapjack and goes to hit Norton but at that exact moment Stevie is nailed in the back of the head with a nasty kick from The Great Muta! This allows Scott to drag Stevie over the top rope and then when on the apron punch him in the face to knock him down to the floor!

Stevie Ray has been eliminated by Scott Norton

Norton and Muta are the two left as Scott gets back into the ring and goes face to face with his New Japan rival. The two exchange some hard shots before Norton gets the upper hand and whips Muta into the corner. Muta crumples to the floor and as Norton goes down to to grab him he gets some BLACK MIST in the face! Norton is completely blinded and Muta grabs him and throws the big man over the top rope!


The Great Muta is in nWo Hollywood and everyone else in the match is out! At that moment Hogan, Steiner and Bagwell come back out and pose with Muta in the ring. Schiavone says we will be hearing from the group right after this break!

Hearing from Hollywood

As we come back from break the unlikely quartet of Hogan, Steiner, Bagwell and Muta are in the ring. Hogan has the mic and congratulates Muta on his win before saying: “What you see before you is the most dangerous group in pro wrestling dude. Ya’ve got the best wrestler in Japan Great Muta, the most charismatic man in the world Buff Bagwell, the most insane individual in this business Big Poppa Pump and to top it all off the biggest star in the universe Hollywood Hogan brother!” Hogan flexes his muscles as the crowd boo vociferously. “Now this Sunday in the Thundercage you’re gonna see the four of us kick the crap out of those Wolfpac jabronis brother and become the one true nWo!”

Hogan laughs manically as Steiner grabs the mic: “D’you know what its gonna be like to be in a cage with Big Poppa Pump Wolfpac! It’s gonna be a tornado, hurricane and Tsunami all rolled into one! And tonight Nash, K-dawg I’m gonna whop ya like the punks you are!” Steiner flexes as Hogan retakes the mic. “Ya see Nash from day one since you started this Wolfpac you’ve thought that you’re bigger than me - but at Souled Out you’re gonna learn the hardway that nobody is bigger than Hollywood brother. And tonight in the main event Giant is gonna learn that it doesn’t matter how big or tall you are nobody gets in my way!”

With that the howl of the Wolfpac music hits and out comes the trio of Nash, Hall and Konnan. Luger is still not playing ball with the group Heenan notes as the other members make their way into the ring. The two groups face off as Nash says: “Ya see that’s the problem with you Hulk its always been me, me, me. Since day one the nWo was always about you and I knew and Hall knew when we joined you we’d be playing second fiddle to start with but we’d be changing the face of pro wrestling.” Hall nods as Nash continues: “But at some point along the way when you’d lost this title to Sting and it was time to pass the torch you just couldn’t let it go man. That’s why the Wolfpac formed because I’m sick of waiting for the torch. Now I’m the WCW World Champion and on Sunday the only thing left for me is to rip that torch out of your hand and take it from you!”

The fans pop for this but Hogan scoffs: “Big man no one can ever hold a candle to me dude because Hollywood will live for ever. Already I’m one step ahead of you brother. I’ve brought in Muta and whose to say I haven’t got more surprised up my sleeve. Maybe Luger is finally sick of your crap or maybe Konnan or Hall over there realise they’d look a lot better wearing the black and white of nWo Hollywood!” Hogan laughs as he sows the seed of division in the Wolfpac. Hall grabs the mic: “Listen mang I spent over two years of my career working to keep you at the top of the mountain Hogan and I’ll be damned if I ever spend a second longer on helping you.” This proclamation makes the fans pop but Hogan grins knowing he’s already got the Wolfpac members defending themselves.

“Let me speak on this Hogan,” Konnan interjects. “Lets cut the BS, lets stop the mind games. This Sunday its Wolfpac and Hollywood inside a cage. Now way in, now way out and one of us ain’t gonna be here next week on Nitro. So how about we stop talking and start fighting right now!”

With that Kevin Nash boots Hogan in the face and the fight is on! The groups are scrapping with each other but the numbers are a bit too much for the Wolfpac as its four on three. With that Lex Luger comes down to ringside - not wearing his Wolfpac shirt! Briefly the fans gasp and think he may be turning - but its a double bluff as The Total Package turns and nails Scott Steiner! The fans pop as the brawl continues before security pours out from the back to try and restore order here. Schiavone tells us not to go anywhere because the chaos continues after the break as Nash and Konnan take on Steiner and Bagwell in a Texas Tornado rules match!


We come back from break as the bell ring and already it's a wild brawl as Schiavone says the rest of the faction members have been sent to the back. The competitors have paired off already as World Champion Kevin Nash battles Scott Steiner on the outside while TV Champion Konnan goes back and forth with Buff Bagwell in the ring. Schiavone mentions that the rules mean there are no tags, no disqualifications and no count outs. In the ring Konnan and Bagwell continue to exchange blows while outside Steiner seems to have the upperhand on Nash as he whips him into the guard rail. Scott charges at Nash but Big Sexy counters and back drops his opponent over the railing and into the crowd. Nash then goes after Steiner in the crowd and the pair brawl amongst the fans while in the ring a vertical suplex by Bagwell is countered as Konnan shoves Buff away and then decks his foe with a running clothesline. Konnan then goes under the ring and grabs a trash can! Meanwhile back in the crowd Steiner and Nash are now brawling back towards the ring and the world champ then sends Steiner back over the guard rail with a big boot!

Konnan then goes to whack Bagwell over the head with the can but Buff counters with a body shot and then grabs the can himself and absolutely waffles Konnan with the foreign object. Nash makes it back into the ring however and big boots the can right into Bagwell’s face. Nash then signals to the crowd and picks Buff up for a side walk slam and plants him on top of the trash can, completely squashing it! He covers: one…two…NO! Steiner is back in to break the cover up! Scott then grabs Big Sexy and tries for a belly to belly suplex but Konnan grabs him from behind and delivers a German suplex! Bagwell rolls out of the ring at this point as the Wolfpac double team Steiner. They hit a double boot on Steiner before Nash goes to lift him up for a choke slam. Bagwell however is back in at this point however and he is armed with a steel chair! He nails Nash in the back with the weapon and then goes clock Konnan in the head but K-dawg sees it coming and kicks him in the gut. Buff drops the chair and Konnan hits a butal facebuster to Bagwell right onto the steel chair! He covers: One…two…Three?

NO! Steiner is in to break the cover up! Scott then grabs Konnan and belly to belly suplexes him right onto the steel chair. Now its Hollywood’s turn to double team their enemy, but first they manage to lug Nash out of the ring. The two hit clubbing blows to Konnan in the corner before then hitting a double shoulder block off the ropes to Konnan off the ropes. Bagwell then picks up Konnan for a scoop slam before Steiner drops an elbow on the TV Champion. Scott then signals for it and locks in the Steiner recliner! Konnan is in real trouble now as Heenan points out there are no rope breaks in this kind of match cup. Bagwell is too busy posing as Scott wrenches back on Konnan to notice that Kevin Nash has come back into the equation! Nash gets back into the ring and grabs the steel chair used earlier and whacks Bagwell across the back! Steiner sees this and breaks the hold - he goes to attack Nash but is met with a big boot followed by being chucked over the top rope! Konnan then grabs the chair and nails Buff again! Konnan then lays the chair down on the mat before going outside to contain Steiner as Bagwell is grabbed by Nash! Big Sexy then hooks Buff and delivers a brutal jackknife powerbomb onto the steel chair. Nash covers: One…Two…THREE!


Steiner, who was being held back by Konnan grabs his fallen comrade Bagwell and heads to the back as the two red and black members celebrate and hold their respective titles in the air. Scott Hall then comes down to the ring and celebrates with the two before Lex Luger also makes his way down the ramp. Luger grabs a mic and says: “That was a great win guys but Scott this deal between me and you can’t wait any longer. We’re getting in the ring right now and you’re proving to me you are Wolfpac for life.” Schiavone urges the fans to stay with us as Hall and Luger get it on next.


We come back from commercial and this highly anticipated match is underway. The pair circle each other and Scott offers the too sweet to Luger. Lex hesitates but eventually responds to it and it looks like these two have a mutual respect for each other at least at the outset of this match. The pair lock up as fellow Wolfpac members Kevin Nash and Konnan have remained at ringside for this one to ensure there’s no funny business from either man. Lex gets the upper hand of the lock up using his superior strength and sends Hall to the canvas with a hip toss! This gets a mixed reaction from the fans as the two are both popular competitors. Hall however recovers and then nails Luger in the face with a punch, followed by another and then followed by a discus punch! Lex then rolls to the outside to recover while Hall gives chase! It looks like the two are going to scrap on the outside but Wolfpac leader Nash tells them to take it back into the ring and the pair seem to reluctantly agree before returning inside the ropes. Hall then goes for a running lariat but Lex catches him and locks in a bear hug!

Lex is really squeezing Hall but eventually the bad guy manages to elbow his way out of it and then he locks Lex in an abdominal stretch. Luger at first looks under pressure in the hold but he manages to power his way out and again throw Hall to the canvas. The match has been a fairly slow paced affair thus far but Lex ups the ante as he hoists Hall up for a military press slam. Hall however manages to wriggle out of it and drops behind Lex before he catches him and delivers a bulldog! Scott covers: One…NO! Luger kicks out emphatically at one. Hall then charges as Luger but now the former world champ catches Hall with a bulldog. He covers: One…NO! Now Scott powers out with defiance. Lex then grabs Scott and and whacks him with a few stiff shots before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a brutal running knee to the gut. Luger then grabs Hall and delivers a back breaker as Schiavone notes already he’s building up to the Torture rack. Luger then follows up with a snap suplex and he covers again: one…two…NO! A closer near fall that time for Lex. Luger then goes for a running elbow drop but Hall smartly rolls out of the way. The outsider then goes on a flurry of offence as he hits a pair of shoulder blocks followed by his signature fallaway slam! Hall isn’t done yet though as he places Lex on the top turnbuckle and climbs up with him and delivers a belly to back superplex! Hall covers: One…two…three?

NO! Luger manages to get the shoulder up! Hall then signals for the outsiders edge to a big pop from the crowd! Hall then gets Lex in position but his stablemate counters with a back body drop! Luger then grabs Hall and hits him with an atomic drop quickly followed up by a power slam! Luger then signals for his signature torture rack! Luger then hooks Hall up on his shoulder but as the bad guy struggles to get out of the hold he boots the referee in the face! Billy Silverman crumples to the mat as Nash and Konnan go to check on the official. Hall manages to wriggle free but before the action can continue here comes nWo HOLLYWOOD! Hogan, Steiner, Bagwell and The Great Muta are all armed with baseball bats and the start laying waste to all four Wolfpac members! However the odds are soon going to be evened up because HERE COMES THE GIANT! The seven footer charges down to the ring and grabs Hogan by the throat! He goes for a choke slam but Steiner attacks him with the baseball bat to break the hold up! Silverman has woken up by this point and has no choice but to call for the bell! Schiavone says we will restore order here as the brawling continues into the break.


A thunderous challenge

As we return to the broadcast Rey Mysterio Jr. and Chavo Guerrero are backstage with ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund. Gene asks the pair about the blindside attack by both the LWO and The Dynasty on the Horsemen earlier. Chavo notes that they couldn’t allow his uncle to keep treating the other boys in the back like this and he and Rey had to go out there and do something about it. Mysterio mentions that he is going to break up the LWO permanently at Souled Out before making a challenge: “If Hennig and Windham think they got what it takes to be tag champs why don’t they prove it on Thunder and face us!” The pair leave as Gene notes that Ric Flair has made that match official.

Sitting down with DDP and Bret Hart

We then cut to a pre-recorded face to face interview with WCW US Champion Bret Hart and his challenger for Souled Out, Diamond Dallas Page. Tony Schiavone is the third man in this round table set up to mediate the interview between the two. Tony goes over the pair’s history over the last few months with their various clashes over the title which culminate this Sunday at Souled Out. Schiavone also mentions that DDP defeated Hart dungeon graduate Jushin Liger on Thunder last week. Before Tony even has a chance to ask his first question Bret Hart cuts him off and says: “Page if you think I was impressed with one fluke win then you’ve got another thing coming. You’re still not in my league and you just don’t have the pro wrestling pedigree to beat me.”

Page chuckles and then retorts: “You see Bret you seem to be obsessed with pedigree and status and history but all I hear is jealousy. You’re jealous that I made it in WCW without a famous wrestling family backing me up. And yeah sure I came into late to this game but I’ve shown over the past few months in WCW I can hang with the best! Ask Savage, ask Goldberg - hell even ask yourself what its like to be in the ring with me!” Schiavone then tries to actually get his point in and says on Thunder they both will have the chance to pick each other’s opponents ahead of Souled Out. So he first asks Bret who he’s selected.

Hart replies: “Well Tony I’ve picked someone that is from the same part of the world as you Dallas. He’s a guy who’s as big and as bad as they come and I know he’s gonna make you work as hard as possible to try and get that win. So Page on Thunder you’ll be facing Bam Bam Bigelow!” Page looks a little perturbed as Tony remarks that that is a huge match for Thunder. Page then responds: “You know Bret I thought you’d line up someone big and tough for me to beat but that’s ok because I rise to every challenge that is put in front of me. As far as your opponent goes I’m gonna put you in the ring with one of the hot young stars of WCW - you’re gonna face Perry Saturn this Thursday.”

Schiavon then asks if the duo have any final words for each other ahead of Sunday. Page remarks that there’s nothing else he needs to say other than he’s gonna take the title off him at Souled Out. Hart scoffs and says soon Dallas is going to truly find out the meaning of the moniker ‘Excellence of Execution.’ We then cut away as the two stare each other down intensely.

We head to the commentary booth where Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are stationed as Tony plugs the two matches on Thunder while saying it was an incredibly tense atmosphere in the room with Page and Hart. Attention now turns to the Thundercage as the announcers speak over cutaways of the structure. We now have the two nWo teams of four confirmed and the losing faction will disband. The structure itself is a huge cage that surrounds the ringside are (like Hell in a Cell) but its roof is curved so there is no escape. All eight men enter at the same time and the first pinfall or submission wins the match its as simple as that. Heenan puts over the severity of the structure as Schiavone says that Goldberg vs Meng is coming up next!


Meng makes his way out to the ring first as the announcers recap his win on Thunder. They also mention that Goldberg speared Bam Bam Bigelow off the stage through a table last week ahead of his match with Bigelow at Souled Out. We then get the iconic music of ‘Da Man’ and here comes the former WCW Champion to a thunderous ovation. As ever Goldberg looks like the most intense man on the planet as me makes his way into the ring and this one is underway. The two behemoths stare each other down at first before making their way into the centre of the ring. Meng strikes first with a head butt but Goldberg completely no sells it and roars in the Tongan’s face! Goldberg then head butts his foe but Meng too no sells it and screams in his foe’s face! Meng then starts unleashing some chops that sound like death and the cause Goldberg to step back but the big man responds with a huge clothesline that turns Meng inside out! Goldberg then poses for the fans as they roar in approval! It looks like Goldberg is going for the spear but Meng counters with a brutal knee to the face followed by a strike right to Goldberg’s throat! He then floors the Atlanta-native with a savate kick!

Meng then roars again and goes for the Tongan Death Grip but Goldberg counters and throws his foe across the ring! Meng however recovers and soon the pair go back and forth with some heavy strikes as the fans boo Meng while cheering Goldberg. Eventually Bill gets the advantage and nails a stunned Meng with a big boot! Goldberg then goes for some kind of suplex but Meng counters with a thumb to the eye. He then locks in the dreaded Tongan Death Grip and Goldberg goes to one knee and it looks like he’s in trouble but the explosive competitor manage to break out of it and grab Meng for a snap power slam! Goldberg then charges at the Tongan and levels him with a spear! Goldberg then signals for the Jackhammer as the crowd in Tennessee explode. He grabs Meng and delivers the move! Cover: one…two...three!


Goldberg racks up another win as Schiavone notes he’s now 2-0 in 1999. Goldberg is posing in the ring when from behind BAM BAM BIGELOW nails his Souled Out opponent. He’s caught Bill completely off guard and he goes to work on Goldberg with some clubbing blows to the back before lifting the big man up for a power slam. Bigelow plants his foe for Souled Out before heading to the top rope and his rounding moonsault to the downed Goldberg! Bigelow admires his handiwork as he gets a mic and says right into the downed Goldberg’s face: “Hey Bill at Souled Out you ain’t next pal you’re finished!” Bigelow laughs and gets out of the ring as a pissed off Goldberg begins to stagger to his feet.

Giant implications

We then cut backstage where ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund is standing by with the always imposing Giant. Gene outlines the stipulations for tonight’s main event - if he loses to Hollywood Hogan he’s fired from the nWo. Okerlund then asks what Giant’s plan is if he beats the former Hulkster. Giant replies: “Gene I’ve been in WCW for over three years and when I entered this company I knew nothing about pro wrestling. All this time later and the one man I’ve learned the most from is you Hulk - whether its been from teaming with you or fighting you you’ve taught me a lot. And the main thing I’ve picked up Hollywood - is keep your friends close but your enemies closer! I’ve known this day was coming for a long time Hulk to I promise you when we’re in that ring tonight I’m gonna choke slam you straight to hell and take your spot in the nWo!” Giant storms off as we cut to break.

Ric Flair addresses Souled Out

Back in the arena and WCW President ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair is making his way down to the ring. Flair is styling and profiling in a sharp suit as the announcers inform us he’s here to talk all things Souled Out. The ever reliable Mean Gene is in the ring with a microphone as Flair takes in the admiration from the Tennessee crowd. Okerlund asks Ric about this Sunday’s Souled Out card as well as Thunder this Thursday. “Mean by God Gene! As the president of WCW I’ve been styling and profiling harder than I ever have been but by god if anyone can take WCW to the top once again its the man who’s carried it on his back since day one - The Nature Boy Ric Flair!” Big woos as Flair pats himself on the back. “Now as far as Thunder goes we already have five matches official and at the request of my Horseman buddy Steve McMicahel - I’m adding a sixth! Eddie Guerrero you got involved in Horsemen business earlier tonight pal so ahead of your match against Rey Mysterio this Sunday you’re going one on one with Steve McMichael on Thunder!”

Mean Gene now turns his attention to Souled Out and asks Ric what’s the latest with the PPV. Flair runs down the card briefly - The Thundercage match for the future of the nWo, Goldberg vs Bigelow as well as the US, Tag and Cruiserweight Championship matches. Flair then goes to address a further addition to the card: “Now recently Booker T and Chris Jericho have had a couple of controversial clashes. First we had Charles Robinson make an honest mistake and tonight we had that BS with Ralphus which was booked by that scumbag Eric Bischoff by the way. So right now I have an announcement for Souled Out…” Before Flair can finish his sentence Jericho storms out to the ring with the bumbling Ralphus in tow!

Jericho then grabs the mic: “Before you continue any further Richard I have to say I’m very disappointed in your leadership so far. Everyone knows that my contract expires in June and that I’m the hottest free agent in the business. Day One as soon as you got this gig you should’ve been faxing my agent a contract with a lot of zeroes on the end but yet here we are seven days later and I haven’t heard Jack!” Flair chuckles as the irate Jericho is booed by the fans. Ric replies: “Firstly Jericho it's Mr Flair to you pal! And secondly you are right you are a hell of a talent and you can go a long way in this business so trust me when say we’ll look into renewing that contract.”

Chris then scoffs at Ric and retorts: “Look into it you should be begging me to stay in WCW because otherwise I’ll be trying my luck in the North East and will be a hell of a lot more appreciated up there with real fans unlike these Tennessee hillbillies!” The crowd boo this as Flair continues: “Well Chris if you’re quite done right now I’ve got two pieces of business I need to take care of right now and they’re both related to you. Now biassed referees have been tolerated for too long in WCW so Ralphus I’m afraid I’m gonna need to make an example out of you! So hit the bricks pal because your ass is fired!” The crowd pop as a distraught Ralphus slinks out of the ring while Jericho looks like he’s about to explode.

Flair continues: “Now as for you Jericho the way I see it you wanna get that big contract then you better start winning fair and square because that’s what counts in my WCW. So given you and Booker T are 1-1 over the past couple of weeks we’re gonna have ourselves a rubber match at Souled Out. Now as I mentioned to Booker T earlier tonight for this match we’re gonna have a referee that actually enforces the rules. So please welcome the special guest referee for Souled Out: “The Enforcer Arn Anderson!” Double A comes out onto the stage as Jericho looks on, very disappointed with the choice. Just at that moment Booker T emerges from the back and charges down to the ring but Chris gets the hell out of dodge and runs away through the crowd. The segment ends as Booker shakes hands with Double A and Flair while Schiavone says our Nitro main event is coming up next.


Its main event time and Michael Buffer is in the ring to do his introductions while being payed a ludicrous amount of money. He mentions that if The Giant loses this match then he will be kicked out of nWo Hollywood. The world’s largest athlete makes his way down the aisle first but before he is even halfway down the ramp SCOTT STEINER, BUFF BAGWELL and THE GREAT MUTA attack Giant from behind! The unlikely trio after Muta made his way into the faction proper earlier in the night are mercilessly beating down The Giant as Heenan mentions that The Giant has no friends left in WCW. Scott Steiner pulls a pipe from under the ring and absolutely cracks Giant on the head as Muta and Bagwell hold back the stunned big man. The whole match is a fix as now Muta nails a kneeling Giant with a huge round house kick. Buff lays a few more clubbing blows in before Scott again whacks Giant with the pipe just in the ringside area. Security at this point has made an appearance and is separating the competitors as Hollywood Hogan’s music hits.

The former WCW Champion struts his way down to the ring as he comically air guitars while Giant can’t even stand in the ring. Hogan is flexing his muscles and laughing as he gets into the ring with a microphone in hand. “You know something Giant I really had no idea that was gonna happen I honestly wanted a good clean fight with you brother.” Hollywood can’t keep the grin off his face as speaks. “But I respect these fans too much to not give them a main event here tonight and I’m sure President Flair agrees with me so referee if you would please the ring bell and start counting.” Hogan then gets in official Randy Anderson’s face and he shrugs and rings the bell for this match. Giant is on the mat as Hogan yells at the referee to start counting. Anderson reluctantly agrees and he counts: one…two…three…four - Giant is still not moving. Four…five…six - The big man is starting to show signs of life! Seven…eight - he’s got a hand on the ropes. Nine… Giant is hauling himself up and somehow, someway beats the count.

Hogan cannot believe it as Giant roars defiantly charges at Hollywood, nailing him with a big boot! Hogan then rolls to the outside to recover but Giant is running on fumes here and gives chase. Giant grabs Hogan but the nWo leader reverses it and whips Giant right into the ring post and his skull bounces off the post. Giant is staggering and Hogan then floors the big man with a boot of his own. Giant is laid out on the floor and Hollywood rolls back into the ring and again yells at the referee to start counting. Hogan is posing as the referee’s count continues to increase but Giant isn’t moving yet. The referee is at eight but The Giant stirs and somehow manages to power his way back into the ring before the ten count! He is easily knocked over with a right hand from Hollywood who then poses over his fallen opponent. Hollywood then charges into the ropes and goes for a big leg drop but Giant rolls out of the way! He then boots the downed Hogan and hits a leg drop of his own! One…Two…NO!

Hogan kicks out! Giant is cooking on gas now though and he signals for his signature chokeslam! He grabs Hogan by the throat and goes to hoist him up but the crafty veteran counters with multiple knees to the gut that stun Giant. Hulk then goes to powerslam Giant like its 1987 all over again but he can’t do it and the big man collapses on top of him into a cover! One…two…NO! Hogan again barely manages to get the shoulder up as Giant staggers to his feet. He goes for a boot but Hogan counters and chop blocks the big man down to the canvas! He then bounces off the ropes and hits the big leg drop! One…two…NO! GIANT GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! Hollywood cannot believe it but Giant is done for here. He drags the big man right into the middle and hits another running leg drop! Cover: one…two…three!


After the match Steiner, Bagwell and Muta make their way down to the ring and they’re armed with spray paint! Buff spray paints nWo onto the massive back of The Giant as the commentators remind the fans he’s been fired from nWo Hollywood. The quartet kick Giant out of the ring before the nWo Wolfpac appear on the ramp! The two factions stare each other down as Schiavone reminds us that Thunder is the final stop before Souled Out and that both factions will be in the building!

Card for WCW Thunder, January 14th @ Richmond Coliseum

Diamond Dallas Page vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Bret Hart vs Perry Saturn

The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs Rey Mysterio Jr. and Chavo Guerrero

Kanyon vs Vampiro

Raven vs Wrath

Eddie Guerrero vs Steve ‘Mongo’ McMicahel

PLUS nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolfpac will be in the building

WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre

Thundercage match, losing faction must disband:
nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Great Muta)

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson: Chris Jericho vs Booker T
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Active Member
Sep 14, 2022
Reaction score
WCW Thunder - January 14th 1999
From the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia

Welcome to TBS and welcome to the biggest pro wrestling show on Thursday nights! Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko welcome us to WCW Thunder from the Richmond Coliseum. We’re just three days out from Souled Out and both halves of the US Championship match are in action as DDP takes on Bam Bam Bigelow in our main event. The camera then pans up to above the ring where the Thundercage is looming as both nWo factions are in the building tonight. Up first however Bret Hart is taking on Perry Saturn.


The US Champion is out first and he’s not being well received by the fans. Tenay mentions this is the first time Bret has wrestled in over a month so he might be a little rusty heading into Souled Out. Saturn is out next and the two square off in the ring and this bout is underway. The competitors lock up and Hart gets the advantage and transitions into a side head lock before taking down Perry and wrenching in the hold on the mat. Saturn manages to roll out of it and bounces off the ropes but is met with a knee from the hitman. Bret then tries an early piledriver but Saturn pushes Bret away and then charges the Canadian down and hits a running drop kick. Perry then continues of offense with a power slam before looking to hit a running knee drop but Bret manages to roll out of he way as Perry hits the canvas knee first. Bret takes the opportunity then stomp on the knee of Perry before he rounds out his attack with a signature Russian leg sweep. He covers Perry: one…two…NO!

Saturn kicks out but Bret is firmly in control of our opening bout here. The US Champ hits Saturn with a diving bulldog from the second rope that flattens Perry before he drags him into the corner. Bret stomps on his foe’s knees a few more times before positioning his legs around the ring post! Bret then goes to lock in the deadly ring post figure four but Saturn kicks him away and Hart goes crashing into the guard rail! Saturn then goes for a spectacular Asai moonsault to the outside and it crushes both himself and Bret on the outside! Perry looks like he’s had a bad landing on his knee however as he is favoring it on the outside. Hart actually manages to recover first and rolls Perry back into the ring as both men beat the ten count. Hart then again stomps the knee a few more times before locking in the deadly figure four! Perry is trapped in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go as Hart yells at him to tap! Somehow Saturn finds the fortitude to drag himself to the bottom rope as Bret can’t believe it!

Hart immediately drags Saturn back into the middle of the ring and goes for the sharp shooter but Perry counters with a small package! One…two…NO! Bret kicks out and just as Perry looks to continue this offense Hart grabs Saturn and plants him with a DDT! He covers: one…two…NO! Perry gets the shoulder up! Bret then wastes no time in heading up to the second rope and goes for a diving fist drop but Perry rolls out of the way. Saturn then runs wild hitting a back suplex, followed by an exploder suplex to Bret before he punctuates this attack with a brain buster! He covers: one…two…three? NO! Bret gets the shoulder up! Saturn can’t believe it but he grabs Hart and goes for a Death Valley Driver - but his injured knee buckles and Saturn crumples to the mat. Hart then grabs Perry and plants him with a brutal piledriver! The crowd boos and Bret laughs before locking in the Sharpshooter! The piledriver has however completely knocked out Perry and the referee quickly calls for the bell.


The official hands Bret his US Championship and Hart celebrates the win by hoisting his championship above his head. His challenger for Sunday Diamond Dallas Page is still to wrestle on Sunday and will in action in tonight’s main event. Thunder then cuts to commercial.

Wolfpack and Hollywood in Da House

We return from break to see Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Konnan and Lex Luger hanging out backstage. Scott Hudson approaches them and asks if Hall and Luger are on the same page now they’ve faced each other in the ring. The two confirm that their beef is settled ahead of this weekend at Souled Out. WCW Champion Kevin Nash then takes the mic and says: “Hey Hogan at the end of tonight’s show we’re gonna head to the ring and call you boys out because we’ve got one more fight left in us before Souled Out. So if you’ve got the stones I’ll see ya in the ring later!” The Wolfpack then leave.

Tenay then takes us backstage to nWo Hollywood’s locker room where Hogan, Steiner, Bagwell and Muta are all hanging out watching Nitro. Hogan invites the cameraman into the dressing room and says: “Hey brother if you want to mess with Hollywood then you’ve got another thing coming dude. I’ve seen that Thundercage hanging above the ring and I can’t wait to beat your ass inside it this Sunday at Souled Out. And if you wanna talk about stones brother then nobody's are bigger than Hollywood's brother!” The nWo all laugh before we cut back to the ring.


As Kanyon announced on Nitro he’s facing the mysterious Vampiro tonight on Thunder. Vampiro makes his way to the ring in his usual white face paint while looking focused on the upcoming bout. Kanyon then makes his way out to the ring with a disinterested Raven joining him on the ramp before the former Flock leader slinks backstage again. Kanyon then gets in the ring and this match is underway. Kanyon straight away goes for a super kick but Vampiro grabs his foe’s leg and dragons screws him into the mat. Vamp then unloads with shots to the downed Kanyon before quickly heading up to the top rope. He dives with a crossbody but Kanyon catches him and turns the momentum of his opponent into a powerslam! Kanyon then goes on the offensive by whipping Vampiro into the corner and unleashing a flurry of strikes to his opponent. He then places Vampiro in a fireman’s carry position but Vampito knees his foe in the face before nailing him in the back of the head. He then goes for a spinning heel kick which Kanyon then ducks and goes to the outside to recover. Vampiro then dives through the ropes but again he gets caught by Kanyon this time with a boot! Kanyon then hits a neck breaker to Vampiro on the outside!

Kanyon then grabs Vampiro and brings him back inside before flooring him with a Samoan Drop! Kanyon covers: one…two…NO! Vampiro manages to get the shoulder up! Kanyon then gets Vampiro up in the electric chair position but the Mexican competitor manages to reverse into a head scissors takedown that sends Kanyon to the mat. He then nails Kanyon with a spinning heel kick but Vampiro isn’t done and he plants his opponent with a power bomb. Vampiro hooks the leg: one…two…NO! Kanyon gets the shoulder up in this high impact match. Vampiro then goes for a tombstone piledriver but Kanyon reverse it and looks to go for one of his own but its reversed again and Vampiro nails the move! One…Two…NO! Kanyon manages to kick out again but Vampiro is on a real role now. Larry remarks that Kanyon is being incredibly resilient here. Vampiro then hooks Kanyon for the nail in the coffin but the former Mortis counters and wipes out Vampiro with the Kanyon cutter! Kanyon then grabs Vampiro and executes a fireman’s carry face buster. He covers: One…Two…Three? NO! Vampiro gets his foot on the bottom rope! Kanyon can’t believe it as he mouths off to the referee. This momentary distraction is enough for Vampiro to rollup Kanyon! One…Two…Three? NO! Kanyon kicks out! Vampiro then charges at Kayon but he is met with a superkick followed up directly by a flatliner. Cover by Kanyon! One…Two…Three? YES!


Kanyon’s hand is raised as Tenay notes we will hear from Bam Bam Bigelow after this break! We return from the break as Kanyon is returning through the curtain and is met by Raven who is sitting cross legged against a wall. “Did you see that Bro! I took that schmuck Vampiro to the cleaners and now I know against Wrath you’re gonna do the same!” Raven looks completely disinterested as WCW President Ric Flair walks into frame to a big pop. “Kanyon congrats on the win but one of my main roles as president is to keep the boys motivated and I have to say looking at you Raven I’ve never seen a man less look like a kiss stealin sun of a gun!” Raven looks up at Flair and simply shrugs. “So how about this Raven your match with Wrath tonight I’m making it hardcore rules so you can use all the weapons you like. Woo!” Flair struts off happy with himself while Raven smiles. Kanyon looks confused that he can’t motivate his friend.

Sitting down with Bam Bam Bigelow

We then throw to a pre-recorded interview with Mike Tenay and Bam Bam Bigelow. Tenay asks why since coming to WCW Bigelow has targeted Goldberg. He replies: “Its real simple Mike you wanna make the biggest impact - you take out the king of the jungle. I’ve heard announcers call Goldberg ‘Da Man’ and that pisses me off. Nobody should be looking past me and I wanna make myself the man in WCW. So it's nothing personal Bill but if I want to get to that WCW Championship I gotta take you out.” Tenay appreciates that everyone wants a shot at the championship but did Bigelow have to get involved in the Nash vs Goldberg match at Starrcade. Bam Bam responds: “You know where I was booked on Starrcade - yeah exactly the biggest show of the year and I wasn’t on it. So sometimes you have to take matters into you own hands Mike. I ain’t here to please the fans, or the boys in the back I’m here for me and I’m a main event calibre guy so that was me putting WCW on notice." Finally Tenay asks about his strategy facing Goldberg this weekend. “Listen this ain’t gonna be the longest match on the card that’s for damn sure but I’m gonna go in there and go toe-to-toe with Bill Goldberg because I’m the only other guy in WCW who can do that. I’m gonna hit everything in my arsenal and if you want a preview of that tonight then you can watch me in the ring with DDP in the main event.” Bigelow exits as we cut back to the arena.


These two teams got into a tangle on Nitro and are now looking to settle their differences here on Thunder. The Dynasty are out first and of course have a date with The Horsemen to crown new WCW Tag Team Champions at Souled Out. Rey and Chavo are out after the two veterans - Mysterio has a bout set with Eddie Guerrero at Souled Out where he puts his mask on the line but with the potential reward of disbanding the LWO. Hennig and Mysterio are the competitors starting in the ring for this match as the bell rings! Hennig starts the match by arrogantly slapping his opponent in the face before posing for the crowd but this is a mistake by Curt who then gets drop kicked in the back! Rey then follows up with a running hurricanrana to Hennig and then straight into springing off the ropes with a cross body! Cover: one…two…NO!

Curt almost gets caught early there and he immediately tags in big Barry Windham. The former Horseman comes in and absolutely turns Rey inside out with a clothesline before he begins to stomp the masked man. Barry whips Rey into the corner and charges with a running elbow but Rey counters with a boot to the face. Mysterio then bats Windham away with another kick before tagging in Chavo and the pair nail the veteran with a double drop kick! Hennig then comes in and wants a piece of the action, charging at his opponents for a double clothesline. The cruiserweights duck however and Hennig goes tumbling over the ropes to the outside. Barry joins Curt on the outside but the two are nailed with tandem suicide dives! Mysterio and Chavo high five the fans as this bout continues after the break!

When we come back Hennig is working over Chavo in the ring as the announcers reveal that The Dynasty seized back control during the commercial. Hennig hits a snapmare to Guerrero before locking in a side headlock and really wrenches on the neck of young Chavo. Hennig then drags his foe over to the corner and tags in Windham and the two hit a double back breaker to the cruiserweight as Larry puts over the experience advantage the pair have going into Sunday. Windham then hits some clubbing blows to Guerrero before decking Chavo with a headbutt. Barry then follows up with a back suplex and covers: one…two…NO! Guerrero gets the shoulder up. Windham then hits a bulldog to Chavo before tagging in Hennig. Curt again slaps his opponent around before going for the Hennig-plex but Chavo reverses and hits a vertical suplex of his own! Chavo then uses the opportunity to crawl over to his own corner and make the tag!

Mysterio hits a springboard seated senton on his way into the ring to Hennig before Windham charges in and is drop kicked into the corner. Rey looks to be setting up for a bronco buster but Curt sneaks up from behind Rey and hits a German suplex - but Mysterio lands on his feet! Rey then hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT to Hennig! He covers: one…two…NO! Windham is in to break up the pin! Chavo however is now back on the scene and he tries to take out Barry with a flying crossbody but Windham counters and turns it into a powerslam. Windham then goes to speak with the referee as Mysterio ascends to the top rope and looks to hit some kind of top rope move on Hennig. However as this happens EDDIE GUERRERO emerges from under the ring and tries to yank Rey’s mask off from the turnbuckle! Rey kicks Eddie away while Barry is still chatting to the ref but this distraction allows Curt to scale the ropes and hit a superplex. Windham then goes to hold back Chavo on the outside as Hennig hits the Hennig-plex! One…two…Three!


The Dynasty win this contest and head into Souled Out with the momentum but its Eddie Guerrero who is the real who was the difference maker in that one. Eddie then retreats up the ramp and says directly into the camera “I’m taking your mask on Sunday esse” while Rey readjusts his legendary mask back in the ring. The Dynasty make championship belt hand gestures as we throw to our next segment.

Goldberg speaks

We now have our second sit down interview of the evening and perhaps one of the few times we’ve ever heard candidly from Bill Goldberg. Mike Tenay is once again our host for this pre-recorded segment and he asks the big man about what it felt to lose the world title and his streak at Starrcade. “Mike that streak was the most dominant in pro wrestling history and the fact I lost it in such BS fashion - I’ll be honest I haven’t slept well since. Now the thing that pisses me off most was that I lost that match because of four men - not one. Disco Inferno interfered and at the Georgia Dome he found out what it meant to be next. Now the next interference was from Bam Bam Bigelow and at Souled Out he’s gonna find out why Starrcade was the biggest mistake of his life.”

Tenay then asks Goldberg how he’s gonna beat Bigelow at Souled Out: “Its real simple Mike I’m a dangerous man in a bad move so I’m gonna spear that big son of a bitch and then plant him with the Jackhammer.” An abrupt but effective answer from the Atlanta native. Tenay has one final question - what’s next for Goldberg after Souled Out. “I’ve got a list of people who’ve pissed me off - Disco is taken care of, Bigelow is next and then after that Hall and Nash I don’t care if you’re taking the fight to Hogan after Souled Out I’m coming for you!" Mike Tenay then signs off the interview as we head to commercial break.


As we return the iconic music of the Horsemen hits and here comes Steve ‘Mongo’ McMichael. Mongo gets a decent pop as he slaps hands with the Thunder fans heading into the ring. There is however a chorus of boos for LWO leader Eddie Guerrero who comes out jaw jacking with the audience already. He gets in the ring and this match is underway. Mongo offers a test of strength to start but the crafty Guerrero knows better than to accept that so he slaps Mongo right in the chops! This enrages the horseman who unloads on Eddie with some stiff strikes before hitting a discus punch that sends Guerrero to the canvas! Mongo then goes to lock in a camel clutch but Eddie scarpers to the outside. Mongo gives chase but Eddie turns the tide by Irish whipping his foe into the steel guard rail. Guerrero then gets back into the ring and as Mongo follows the NFL legend gets hit with a number of European upper cuts. Guerrero continues with some more offensive strikes before locking Mongo in a deadly chinlock. He’s really wrenches back but Mongo uses his power to break the hold. McMichael charges at his foe but Eddie meets his opponent with a drop kick! This stuns Steve and Eddie follows up with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Guerrero covers: One…Two…NO!

Mongo manages to get the shoulder up but now Eddie really hones in on his foe’s back, especially after the back breaker. He hits a number of stomps to it before whipping Mongo hard into the corner. He then monkey flips his opponent out of the corner and again Mongo lands hard on his back. Guerrero then attempts the Gory special submission hold but Steve countered with a backdrop. Mongo thinks he's turned the tide here as he nails Eddie with a number of strikes however when he goes to lift up Guerrero for what looks like an attempted tombstone piledriver his back fails him and he crumples to the canvas. Eddie gives a devilish smile as his gameplan is working to perfection here. He then heads up to the top rope and hits a lethal double foot stomp right to Mongo’s back! He should probably cover there but instead he showboats and gets Mongo up for the Gory special! He’s wrenching back on Mongo’s neck and upper back now as he screams for McMichael to tap! Somehow Mongo is fighting through the pain and he manages to get an arm free from the hold and whack Eddie enough times to break it!

Eddie smells blood here and goes back to Mongo and attempts a brainbuster but McMichael counters and hits a vertical suplex of his own. He then grabs Guerrero and lands a swinging neck breaker. Cover: one…two…NO! Eddie shows his guts this time and gets the shoulder up. Mongo then locks in his camel clutch submission and now its Guerrero’s back that’s in trouble. Eddie however manages to break the hold however as his he gets an arm free and whacks Mongo’s injured back a few times. Eddie then grabs Mongo and plants him with a brain buster! Cover: one…two…three? NO! McMichael gets the shoulder up. Guerrero wastes no time and heads up to the top rope and signals for the frog splash. He dives, McMichael moves out of the way but Eddie also rolls through! The LWO leader turns around and is nailed with a big boot. Mongo then goes for another tombstone attempts but Eddie again clubs him in the back and hits the horseman with a tornado DDT! Guerrero again goes up for the frog splash and hits the move! One…Two…THREE!


A big win for Eddie Guerrero and the LWO leader celebrates in the ring as the announcers remind us that he will be facing Rey Mysterio Jr. at Souled Out with the LWO and Rey’s mask on the line. Tenay informs us we will be hearing from Ric Flair right after this break.

Ric Flair on Souled Out
We then return to Thunder with Ric Flair in his office. He says its been a hell of a Thunder so far and there is still more to come tonight including the main event of DDP vs Bam Bam Bigelow. The Nature Boy also says we have a stacked Souled Out lineup to look forward to this Sunday. Flair continues: “But it wouldn’t be a WCW pay per view without The Nature Boy and the president in attendance. Now our next event is SuperBrawl IX and this Sunday at Souled Out I’m going to have an important announcement when it comes to SuperBrawl so make sure you buy the show and continue to support WCW.” The camera then cuts back to the arena where Wrath is making his entrance.


The dangerous big man Wrath gets into the ring before Raven’s music hits. Tenay mentions that Raven look like he was giving up on wrestling until grabbing a kendo stick seemed to inspire him more than his partner Kanyon’s motivations. Larry praises Flair’s decision to change this bout into a hardcore match. Raven charges the ring with a kendo stick and this one is underway! Wrath is on the receiving end a few times of some nasty shots by Raven however he eventually manages to counter with a boot to the gut and follows up with a big back suplex! Wrath is ready to go hardcore as well however as he goes to the outside and grabs himself a trash can! Wrath throws it into the ring and goes back in himself looking to slam Raven onto the can. He goes for a power slam but Raven counters and hits a bulldog, planting Wrath face first right into the can! Raven then goes for his signature DDT but Wrath counters, pushes his opponent into the corner and decks Raven with a corner clothesline. He then hits the power slam on the squashed trash can! Wrath covers: one…two…NO!

Raven manages to kick out but Wrath wastes no time in grabbing the kendo stick from earlier and absolutely leathering Raven with it until it snaps! He then throws the weapon out of the ring and signals for the meltdown finisher but Raven wisely rolls to the outside. Wrath gives chase but Raven uses his momentum to whip him into the ring steps. This seems to inspire the former flock leader who picks up the steel steps and whacks Wrath right in the head with the stairs, to a big pop from the audience. Raven then sets the stairs up flat on the outside and goes to vertical suplex Wrath into them but the big man powers out and scoops Raven up before planting him down on the steel! Wrath then smirks before running over Raven on the outside with a shoulder block. Wrath then rolls Raven back into the ring and nails a sit out power bomb! He covers: one…two…NO!

Raven again gets the shoulder up much to Wrath’s annoyance. The former Adam Bomb hits a few more clubbing blows to his opponent before he goes under the ring and fetches a table - which of course gets a big reaction out of the crowd. Wrath sets it up in the middle of the ring and goes to slam Raven through it but again the ECW alumnus gets out of the predicament and heads to the outside. He grabs a steel chair and Wrath gives chase but is nailed in the head with the foreign object! Wrath stumbles into the ring and Raven then sets him up on the table. Raven goes up top and goes for a splash through the wood - but Raven moves out of the way and goes straight through the table! Wrath seizes his opportunity and covers: one…two…three? NO! Raven barely gets the shoulder up. Wrath then sets up the steel chair and again goes for the meltdown but Raven manages to get out of it by hooking onto the topes. From the apron he nails Wrath with a stiff fore arm and then follows up with a brutal even flow DDT right on top of the steel chair! Raven covers: one…two…THREE!


Raven staggers to his feet still feeling the effects of going through the table as Kanyon runs down to ringside and raises Raven’s hand which Raven himself doesn’t seem to bothered about. Tenay plugs that DDP vs Bam Bam Bigelow is coming up next!


A clash between two New Jersey natives here on Thunder as Bigelow makes his way to the ring to a round of boos from the Richmond audience. Bam Bam has the biggest match of his WCW career so far at Souled Out against Goldberg. The ever-popular DDP is out next as he gears up for his US Championship match against Bret Hart at Souled Out. Page gets in the ring and this contest is underway. The match starts off hot as the two exchange opening shots but Bam Bam gets the early advantage and backs Dallas into the corner. He goes for a running splash and is met with a boot from Page which he follows with a running clothesline - but it fails to take the big man down. Page shrugs and goes for it again but this time he’s met with a stiff headbutt from Bigelow which is followed up with an impressive enziguri that whacks DDP right in the skull. Page is down on the mat as Bam Bam showboats and yells into the camera: “That’ll be you on Sunday Goldberg!” Bigelow then goes for a running senton to the downed Page but his time showboating has cost him as DDP rolls out of the way! Page then hits an elbow drop to Bam Bam on the canvas before Bigelow begins to struggle to his feet. Page wastes no time and hits a jumping DDT to his opponent! Cover: one…two…NO!

Bigelow’s powerful kick out sends Page flying halfway across the ring. Dallas then tries for a swinging neckbreaker but Bam Bam grabs Page and delivers a back suplex. He then whips DDP into the corner and hits a running splash that crushes the former US champ. Bigelow then sets up Page and delivers a brutal looking cannonball as Dallas’ head ricochets against the middle turnbuckle. Bam Bam then throws Page over the top rope and looks to inflict more punishment on the outside. He rams Dallas into the ring apron a number of times before he scoop slams him on top of the apron. He again mouths off Goldberg and goes for a running leg drop on the apron but Page rolls out of the way so Bigelow lands backside first on the hardest part of the ring. DDP takes advantage and hits his swinging neck breaker off the apron to the floor in a brutal looking bump! DDP then manages to haul Bigelow back into the ring and he signals for the Diamond Cutter! Bigelow staggers to his feet and DDP goes for the move but Bam Bam catches him and locks in a cobra clutch! Page looks to counter into a jaw breaker but Bam Bam sees it coming and turns the hold into a German suplex and chucks Page across the ring! He then grabs Dallas and plants him with a power bomb! Cover: one…two…three?

NO! Page just about gets the shoulder up! Bigelow then heads up top and goes for the big splash but DDP gets his knees up and nails Bam Bam right in the gut! As Bigelow struggles to his feet DDP heads to the apron and hits a successful slingshot crossbody straight into a cover! One…two…three?....NO! Bigelow kicks out! Again DDP doesn’t hesitate and signals for the Diamond Cutter! He again goes for the moves but this time Bigelow pushes page into official Charles Robinson and little Naitch is down on the canvas! Page then hits Bigelow with a boot and just as he signals for the Dimaond Cutter a third time BRET HART NAILS PAGE FROM BEHIND WITH THE US BELT! Dallas collapses to the canvas as Hart bails from the ring while a stunned Bigelow squashes Page with a running splash! Then for good measure he picks DDP up and delivers the Greetings from Asbury Park, nailing Page right on his head. The official is slowly coming to as Bigelow covers: one…two…three!


Bam Bam Bigelow celebrates in the ring as Bret Hart hoists his US Championship above his head on the ramp as DDP is knocked out cold on the canvas as Larry notes that you’d have to give the champion the advantage heading into Souled Out. Tenay notes that up next the Wolfpac and Hollywood nWo factions will confront each other in the ring.

The final build to the Thundercage

As we come back from the break the familiar howl of the nWo Wolfpac music’s hits and the fans expect the entire faction but only WCW World Champion Kevin Nash makes his way down the aisle. He’s wearing jeans and a Wolfpac t-shirt and has his world title belt draped over his shoulder. He’s looking deadly serious as he makes his way to the ring. He steps over the ropes and looks up at the Thundercage, which is still looming large over the ring, serving as a warning for what is to come at Souled Out. Big Sexy has a mic in his hand.

“You know I started this whole Wolfpac group because I was sick of doing everything for you Hogan. For years I helped you progress while I was always playing second fiddle. Then I breakaway and look at me now - I’m the WCW World Champion!” The fans pop as Nash holds the belt high above his head. “But the last few weeks its become clear to me that this business aint big enough for the both of us. All this Hollywood vs Wolfpac stuff comes down to me and you Hogan. So I said earlier I was calling out your group but nah screw that Hogan get your ass down to this ring right now!” The fans pop as it looks like Nash is calling out Hogan one on one right here on Thunder. The traditional nWo music plays and here comes the Hollywood contingent. Hogan is of course not alone as Bagwell, Scott Steiner and The Great Muta join him on the stage. Hogan tells the other members to wait on the stage as he struts to the ring. He gets in and stands across from Nash.

“You know something Big Sexy I said to the bum The Giant that he was the biggest disappointment of my career but now I look at you in this ring and I realise that was you brother,” boos for Hogan for this line. “I gave you everything you could want as part of the nWo but it just wasn’t enough. You see they don’t call me immortal for no reason jack - no one can ever live up to Hollywood Hogan. Being my number two was as good as it was ever gonna get for you but ya just couldn’t stop yourself. Now you and your group of black and red jackasses are gonna get what's coming to you at Souled Out and then once I’m done dismantling your group I’m gonna take back what’s mine - the WCW World Championship!” Hogan then squares up to Nash.

“Hulk I’ve gotta be honest, I didn’t think you were stupid enough to come to the ring by yourself.” Nash smirks while Hogan looks concerned. “Because now I get to kick your ass inside a steel cage!” Nash boots Hogan and here we go! The rest of the nWo Hollywood look to storm the ring but here comes Konnan and Lex Luger, armed with baseball bats! The use the weapons to even the odds while THE THUNDERCAGE STARTS LOWERING! We cut backstage and Scott Hall is with the production truck telling them to lower the cage! Muta and Luger fight while Buff and Konnan go back and forth while Steiner desperately tries to scramble into the ring where Nash is laying a beating on Hogan! Konnan however slams Buff on the ramp and cuts Steiner off meaning that Hogan is now trapped in the ring with Nash. Scott Hall then emerges from the back to even the odds as the six men outside the cage start brawling through the crowd!

Back in the ring Nash goes for a power bomb but Hogan responds with a low blow! Hulk tries to escape the cage but the door is chained shut and the curved nature of the roof means there is no escape! The faction members are continually brawling. Hollywood then turns around as Nash recovers and hits him with another boot! Hogan is in the ringside area but still enclosed by the cage so Big Sexy drags him back into the ring. He then boots him in the gut and hits a Jack knife powerbomb! Thunder ends with the rest of the faction members brawling while Kevin Nash stands tall in the ring holding up his WCW Championship.

WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre - PLEASE POST YOUR PREDICTIONS

Thundercage match, losing faction must disband:
nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Great Muta)

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson: Chris Jericho vs Booker T

And Ric Flair has an announcement for SuperBrawl IX

Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre:

Thundercage match, losing faction must disband:
nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Great Muta)

WCW US Championship:
Bret Hart (c) vs DDP

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament:
The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow

Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson: Chris Jericho vs Booker T


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WCW/nWo Souled Out live on PPV January 17th @ Charleston Civic Centre - PLEASE POST YOUR PREDICTIONS

Thundercage match, losing faction must disband:
nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Great Muta)
Could go either way, I suppose. I'm leaning Hollywood for a couple reasons. For one, the go home shows gave a lot of momentum to the Wolfpac, so I can see Hollywood being the one to get the win here. Also, it would set up the Nash/Hogan actual showdown instead of the fingerpoke of doom, perhaps at SuperBrawl. Also with the way Hollywood has been trimming the fat so to speak, it might suggest to me that they are sticking around. Wouldn't be surprised if Luger turns on the Wolfpac here.

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP
Think the title moves back over to DDP here to let Hart do bigger and better things.

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko)
Another one that's a bit of a coinflip for me here... Hennig and Windham being the hot new team, I want to go with them, but I'm going to go with the more established team for now while Dynasty will probably continue to feud with them and win the titles down the line.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis
Going to go with Kidman just because he's kind of the face of the division at this point.

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero
I didn't want to predict the LWO having to disband the same night as one of the nWo's, but I'm going with Mysterio because masked Mysterio > unmasked Mysterio.

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Oh I so want Bigelow to win. That'd be awesome, lol. But Goldberg needs to be fed after his loss at Starrcade and this is a pretty big feed.

Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson: Chris Jericho vs Booker T
Probably big things ahead for Booker while I'm not sure Jericho will be sticking around or not, depending on how things play out. But since Jericho got the win on Nitro with Ralphus, I think Booker T takes the rubber match.

Really fun start Mach. Definitely like the format of the more recent shows, very nice. Also I should say, just LOVE that you actually brought back the Thundercage, hahaha. Looking forward to the show.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
Reaction score
Thundercage match, losing faction must disband:nWo Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Konnan and Scott Hall) vs nWo Hollywood (Hollywood Hogan, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell and The Great Muta) - Hollywood win.

WCW US Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs DDP - going against the grain here… Bret wins.

Finals of the WCW Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Dynasty (Curt Hennig and Barry Windham) vs The Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) - Horsemen win.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman (c) vs Psicosis - Kidman win.

Mysterio's mask vs future of the LWO: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero - Mysterio win.

Goldberg vs Bam Bam Bigelow - Goldberg win.

Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson: Chris Jericho vs Booker T - Booker win.

Cracking start to this project. Looking forward to getting the time to do a proper review.