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Oct 1, 2022
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Oct 1, 2022
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It’s 1980 something and things are changing quickly in Texas. The great patriarch of Texas wrestling Fritz Von Erich has passed away. As sad as that is for the Von Erich family, it’s also allowed the sons of Fritz to go their own paths. David is the recently crowned NWA World Heavyweight Champion, beating Harley Race in a sold out Reunion Arena. David now takes to the road as every other champion has in defending the title all over the world. Kerry Von Erich is training for the decathlon, but has said that he’d love to follow in the family business after the Olympics. Mike has chosen to learn the business behind the scenes, becoming the jack of all trades in producing the show for the family. Which has left the oldest Von Erich son Kevin, to be the only active competitor in World Class, as the reigning World Class Heavyweight Champion, defending against all the challengers of the federation.

His main rivals include:

The Spoiler
– current Texas Heavyweight Champion and #1 contender to the World Class title, but he has his hands full defending his belt against plenty of competition himself.

“Gorgeous” Jimmy Garvin – often the main contender for both singles belts

Michael Hayes – a fan favorite just formed his crew known as the Fabulous Freebirds to compete against the other factions in the federation. He, along with muscle Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy and workhorse Buddy Roberts, plan to be in the discussion for every belt, including the tag titles

The Irwin Brothers – are the World Class Tag Team Champions. They are managed by the President of their motor cycle gang, “Killer” Tim Brooks.

Gary Hart is “the brain” in the federation, managing the Rising Sons (The Great Kabuki and Black Ninja), they are joined by his main man, Gino Hernandez. Gino is here to win titles for the Gary Hart Corporation. Also, Gary’s newest find, the masked wrestling machine known as Checkmate. Checkmate has been brought in to be part of the World Class TV Title tournament.

The other devious mind in Texas is Kevin Sullivan. He’s formed a fraternity known as the Varsity Club. Members include Rick Steiner from Michigan and the just entered into the TV Title Tournament, Mike Rotunda from Syracuse. An as of yet unknown 3rd member will be coming in to challenge for the World Class Title, the night of the tournament.

The other two stars competing in the tournament is local favorite and Von Erich family friend, Brian Adias.

Terry Taylor – is the 4th member of the tournament. He’s the newest star in the state.

The Fantastics – are the main tag team that will be challenging the Irwins for the Tag Titles

Other great stars that will compete in World Class will be:

“Iceman” King Parsons

Al Madril

Texas Red (protégé of The Spoiler)

Shawn Michaels


Oct 1, 2022
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WCCW Weekly

Marc: Hello, everyone out there, I’m Marc Lowrence and I’m joined by my co-host, “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert! Eddie, welcome to Texas!

Eddie: Thanks Marc, I’m glad to be here, but I’d rather be in the ring.

Marc: Please tell the folks at home what happened and when we could possibly see you in the ring?

Eddie: Well, I was finishing up my dates in Memphis and got in a car accident. So, while I’m recovering from my injuries, I’ve been asked to do some TV work and it’s my pleasure to be here with you. When I get back in the ring is an unknown right now, but I go to the gym twice a day for rehab and strength training. I’ll get to know everyone here inside and out by watching every week.

Marc: Well, I’m glad that I have another member of a wrestling family working with me. I think we have an exciting show, leading up to Title Turmoil next week at Reunion Arena. Would you like to run down the show for us?

Eddie: Nothing would make me happier. Starting off our show is the debut of a youngster I’ve seen at the gym, his name is Shawn Michaels. He brings a lot of excitement, high flying and the good looks that make the girls swoon. He’s facing longtime vet, “Iceman” King Parsons, who wasn’t happy not being included in the Television Title mini-Tournament.

Marc: The other prelim match is the protégé of our Texas Champion; the Spoiler…his name is Texas Red, also a masked man. He’ll be taking on Texas favorite Al Madril. We’ll also have some pre-recorded interviews with participants for the upcoming Super Show.

Eddie: Yes indeed Marc, those were fun. We also have the first two matches of the TV Tourny, match one is Von Erich family friend Brian Adias taking on Varsity Club member, Mike Rotunda and then closing our show, is Terry Taylor facing off against the wrestling machine from Gary Hart’s stable, Checkmate. Sorry folks…Marc, what’s going on?

Marc: We’ve just been joined by head official David Manning…David, he floor is yours.

David: As I was going to the locker rooms for the first match, we found Brian Adias bleeding from his head after being beaten up by an unknown attacker or attackers. We have nothing to go on at this moment. Brian won’t be able to compete tonight and we’re looking for someone to take his spot in the tournament.

Marc: Thank you David, that’s horrible news, but we need to start our show. Shawn Michaels is already in the ring waiting for the Iceman.

Shawn Michaels vs. Iceman King Parsons

Michaels moved quickly during the early portion of the match, staying a step ahead of Parsons. He showed all the promise mentioned by Eddie in the opening, but all it took was one mistake for the Iceman to take advantage of Shawn when he missed timed a crossbody. A body slam then led to the Butt Butt (hip attack). Followed by the three count for the win.

Winner: Iceman King Parsons

Michaels held out his hand, but Iceman wanted none of it. He had just heard about the open spot in the tournament and was mad nobody told him about it. He grabbed a microphone…

Iceman: Wait a second…I was snubbed for a spot in the tournament in the first place and now there’s an injury and I don’t get it, because I had to wrestle this rookie?

Michaels looks dejected outside the ring

Eddie: You know Marc, if I didn’t know better; I’d have thought this was a plan by the Iceman all along to get in the tournament.

Marc: Eddie, I’ve known Iceman for some time and that’s not like him, but he’s never held a title here in WCCW. Let’s go to one of the interviews we recorded earlier with Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin

Marc: I’m here with Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin who will take on WCCW Texas Champion, the Spoiler at Title Tumoil. Jimmy, what do you think about this unique rulebreaker versus rulebreaker match?

Jimmy: We both may bend the rules from time to time, but we also both want to hold that title at the end of the match. That’s the most important thing to me…winning that belt, because it’s one more step to the World Class Title. I’ll beat the masked man first and go after that next. Everybody knows, I’m gorgeous enough for both of us…yeah baby!

Marc: We just found out who will be taking the place of injured Brian Adias in the tournament. Eddie would you do the honors please?

Eddie: Buddy Roberts from the Fabulous Freebirds has taken his place. I know Buddy and the Freebirds pretty well and if Mr. Rotunda isn’t careful, Buddy could hit the DDT and make it a quick night. I think it’s going to be a great match, Marc.

Marc: I’m excited to see it Eddie. How about the next match? The participants are already in the ring.

Al Madril vs Texas Red w/The Spoiler

The first thing you notice about the masked Texas Red is his stunning size. The Spoiler is a large man, standing over six feet tall and weight close to 280 pounds, but his student is nearly seven feet tall and over 300 pounds. Al Madril tried everything in his arsenal to floor the massive man, but nothing could stop him. He did the rope walk like his mentor, but added a devastating clothesline to quickly end Madril’s night.

Winner: Texas Red

Marc: Now we go to another interview I did earlier with Gary Hart and Gino Hernandez.

Marc: I’m here with Mr. Gary Hart and Gino Hernandez. Gary, Gino was not entered into the Television Title Tournament, why is that?

Gary: Well Gino…how about you take this one?

Gino: Marc, it’s simple. Gino Hernandez doesn’t enter tournaments. I don’t get in line…I go right to the front. Whoever wins the tournament, you’re looking at your next opponent and the rightful owner of that title.

Marc: So, you’re challenging the unknown winner of tournament? Don’t you have a teammate in the tournament?

Gino: That’s right. If Checkmate wins, he knows he’s just holding onto the belt until I secure it. Then we’d have two champions in the Gary Hart Corporation. There’s nothing wrong with that. HAHAHA

Marc: He’s got a lot of confidence Eddie.

Eddie: One could even say he’s a little cocky, not that I would say that. How about we start this tournament, Marc?

Match #1 Television Title Tournament

Buddy Roberts vs Mike Rotunda

Both men entered the ring without any of their stablemates in tow. They both know how important this is and adhere to the rule of no outside interference. Both men are feeling each other out early on in the match, with Roberts hanging right with Rotunda in technical wrestling, which surprises Rotunda. Every move he tries is either reversed or Roberts has an equal response. Rotunda goes for a single leg, but decides to bury his knee in Buddy’s midsection, but Roberts fires right back with lefts and rights, as brawling is Buddy’s bread and butter. Mike takes a powder to the outside to gather his thoughts. As the flow of the match gets going, both men are up to the task, but Rotunda hits a belly to back suplex, followed by his patented airplane spin and slam for the three count.

Winner: Mike Rotunda

Marc: Before we get to the final match, let’s go to the interview that Eddie did with devious Kevin Sullivan and Rick Steiner of the Varsity Club.

Eddie: I’m here with the mastermind of the Varsity Club, Kevin Sullivan and the muscle of the group, Rick Steiner.

Rick: Hi Eddie!

Eddie: Hi Rick, it’s been awhile

Kevin: Well, Eddie we have two things to discuss which one would you like to talk about first?

Eddie: How about Mike in the TV tournament?

Rick: He’s gonna lose…(laughing)

Kevin: Rick, the adults are talking. Mike has a clear road to this belt. He’s the supreme athlete and technician. The title will be the first of many for the Varsity Club.

Eddie: Well how about the mystery member of the club?

Rick: Eddie…Eddie…I know who it is. I know…it’s

Kevin cuts him off: Gremlin…go stand over there. The world will find out when Kevin Von Erich finds out, next week at Title Turmoil

Match #2 Terry Taylor vs Checkmate

Both wrestlers walk to the ring. Checkmate gets last minute instructions from Gary Hart, who then goes to the back. The match starts and Checkmate is countering everything Taylor can throw at him. Checkmate then goes on offense and is trying to ground the agile Taylor with leg submissions, but Terry keeps escaping by grabbing the ropes or reversal. As the referee separates them, Taylor sneaks in an eye poke to the masked wrestler. Terry then hits a neckbreaker and then comes off the ropes with his Five-Arm for the pin.

Winner: Terry Taylor

Marc: There you have it folks. The finals for the Television Title Tournament are set, Mike Rotunda vs. Terry Taylor. I’d like to thank Eddie Gilbert and we’ll see you at Reunion Arena for Title Turmoil. Goodnight.


Oct 1, 2022
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Hi everyone, Marc Lowrence and Eddie Gilbert here. We're going to do a special rundown of the card at Title Turmoil. Eddie is going to supply some analysis and we're going to hear from some of the wrestlers we have yet to speak with...including champions The Spoiler, The Irwins and your World Class Champion, Kevin Von Erich himself.

Eddie: I'll talk match by match and then we'll recap the card at the end of the show, without further ado...the opening match is a rematch of sorts...Iceman Parsons vs Shawn Michaels. The youngster, Michaels asked for this match, because he felt disrespected by the vet, Parsons. I like what I've seen in Michaels, but I feel like he's asking for too much too soon.

Marc: Next up we have the #1 contenders match for the Tag Team Titles.

Eddie: What a match this is...Gary Hart's team of the Rising Sons from Japan. Kabuki and the mysterious Black Ninja vs The Fabulous Freebirds, Terry Gordy and Michael Hayes. I know the Freebirds well and they are a team to be reckoned with, but the Great Kabuki with the green mist and the unknown Black Ninja look to stop their momentum.

Marc: Now we have the finals of the TV Title Tournament...Mike Rotunda representing the Varsity Club and Terry Taylor

Eddie: Mr. Taylor has more than enough to get the job done, but Kevin Sullivan has a way to sway things to his advantage. This should be an even matchup, but you never know what Sullivan has up his sleeve.

Marc: The tag team title match is up next and I have some words from our champions, The Irwin Brothers. "Wild" Bill and Scott enter in their leather vests...Bill spitting tobacco and Scott all riled up, drooling all over the belts...

Bill: Listen here you pipsqueaks Fantastics...You're half our size and don't stand a chance against some real rasslers in the ring...Let's hope you don't end up in the hospital!!

Eddie: Those guys mean business, but you can't underestimate the speed and teamwork the Fantastics bring to the match. They're used to being the smaller men and still find a way to win more than lose.

Marc: The Texas Championship match is up and The Spoiler had some words. The Spoiler enters the frame with the title over his shoulder.

Spoiler: Okay Jimmy Garvin...I have a lot of respect for you, but all that respect ends as soon as we step between those ropes. This is my title and your not getting anywhere near it. I'll do whatever it takes to keep it...expect nothing but pain at the end of the night.

Eddie: Tough match for Garvin here. He's slick and has a great wrestling mind, but I don't know what he can do to stop a machine like The Spoiler.

Marc: The main event is the World Class Title match...everyone's favorite, Kevin Von Erich defending against the unknown wrestler from Kevin Sullivan's Varsity Club...Here's the champion with some words.

Kevin Von Erich enters in his workout gear...Now listen here Sullivan...I don't care who I'm facing, I'm more than enough to defend this title and beat your man. I think he needs to be worried about me, more than I need to worry about him...just then...Kevin Sullivan walks in with Rick Steiner...Steiner's bopping around the set...

Sullivan: I've got a man like you've never seen before...I'll simply call him my, "Blue Chipper."

Steiner: He's gonna twist your little head off Von Erich...pop it right off...hahaha

Sullivan: He just may do that, but the title is coming to the Varsity Club

Eddie: Nobody knows who this "Blue Chipper" is, but if I were Kevin Von Erich, I'd bring someone to back me up. Let's post the card...

Title Turmoil

World Class Title
Kevin Von Erich (c) vs The Blue Chipper

Texas Title
The Spoiler (c) vs Jimmy Garvin

Tag Team Title
The Irwin Brothers (c) vs The Fantastics

TV Title Tournament Finals
Mike Rotunda vs Terry Taylor

#1 Contender Tag Team Match
The Rising Sons vs The Fabulous Freebirds

Grudge Match
Iceman Parsons vs Shawn Michaels
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