WAW - The Next Generation Experience

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Evil Austin

Ok just clear a few things up I promised that WAW was dead and finished but well I just can't get to hold a BTB past the first PPV and the only BTB i would ever be able to do that with was WAW we are wrestling it isn't a breakthrough BTB it dind't bring me to the top but without it I would still be a "thread bumping no good trouble making noob" and with it I am just that but minus the noob ... lol im joking but yea I was thinking about this alot over the past week or two and I have compiled myself a couple of WAW shows which never got released and I was thinking to myself should I do it or shouldn't I do it ?

I came to the conclusion that If I was ever going to be a "main eventer" or stand out in the BTB section for a good reason (lol at that being underlined) if I was going to stand out it would be under WAW. So I tried a couple of shows out made my self the "WAW Next Generation roster" and this one has started off better than the last one already because when the last one started originally in January 2008 my writting was 9 lines for a main event if you were lucky that was on a good day. And now it isn't the best here I can't say that but it is much better than what it used to be.

So here is (not going to say last shot because when I do that jsut never happens) but who knows, what the heck... here is WAW the next generation. My one and only hope to stand out here for something good not bad :) and even if this is the fourth "WAW" thread in the IWF section......

Wish me luck - here goes nothing -


Just like WAW was a slapped together roster no backstory slapped together champions and I just continue on from the begining of 09 .... This is basically the same deal, random roster random champions.. I just take over from it.


Commentators – JR & King

AJ Styles
Alex Shelly
Brian Kendrick
Brock Lesnar
Bryan Danielson
Chris Sabin
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
D.H Smith
Evan Bourne
Jeff Hardy
John Bradshaw Lafeild
John Cena
John Morrison
Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy
Muhammad Hassan
Paul London
Petey Williams
Rob Van Dam
Samoa Joe
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Triple H

Pay Per View Line Up –

Royal Rumble
Destiny Awaits
Wrestle mania
Judgment Day
Scars & Stripes
No Mercy
October Octagon
Survival of the fittest
Areal Assault.


WHC Champion – John Cena
World Tag Team Champions – Team Priceless
Intercontinental Champion – AJ Styles
Hardcore Champion - CM Punk

Evil Austin


Ok let me just say that I opened this about two days ago give or take a couple of hours, and I have only gotten one card which was by a member over MSN. I said that in my above post that I will give another 24 hours for another card and if not I will be using that persons card, it has been close to 20 hours and not one BTBer is online and I started to think that no one would do it so I just decided that, that person would have their card used - So here it is... (please if you feel free one time post predictions) - im dying in here lol.

Main Event - WAW World Title Match
Kurt Angle (c) vs John Cena - Single's match up
Rematch from: Survivor Series 2005

HHH vs HBK Shawn Michaels
3 Stages of Hell - Rematch from: Armageddon 2002
1st Fall - Street Fight
2nd Fall - Steel Cage
(if it goes to a third fall) it will be a Ladder Match

John Bradshaw Layfeild vs The Undertaker
Last Ride Match - Rematch from: No Mercy 2004

Intercontinental Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs Samoa Joe
Rematch from: Sacrifice PPV TNA 2005

Triangle Ladder Match
Edge & Christian vs Matt & Jeff Hardy vs Bubba & Devon Dudley
Tables Ladders and Chairs Match : Rematch from WM 2000

Oppening Contest - Fit FInlay vs Sir William Regal
Single's match: Rematch from Raw 2008
(edit - a bit of history facts for you guys the triangle ladder match was also on the last dejavu ppv event) Edt - This is the first try at a match preview in my whole entire life so lol if they are bad I understand but this was the first time in my life I ever did a Match preview card so hopefully next time they will be much btter) :p

Evil Austin




"Finlays music hits" and Finlay makes his way down to the ring, he gets a good crowd reaction as he kicks off the Dejavu Pay Per view.

"William Regals music hits" and he makes his way down to the ring, he gets lots of crowd heat as he holds his pinkie finger up in glory.

Match – 1 Fit Finlay vs. William Regal
Rematch from: Raw 2008

Finlay and William Regal lock up; Regal goes for a left hook to the jaw of Finlay but Finlay strikes beforehand. William Regal than gets about three knocks to the face and jaw area by Finlay and Finlay than grabs Regal left arm and throws him at the ropes. As Regal runs back at Finlay on the rebound Finlay holds his right arm up and clotheslines him down. Finlay goes on William Regal for a quick pin fall cover but Regal kicks out at the count of one. Finlay runs at the ropes, he goes to hit a leg drop on William Regal but Regal rolls out of the way and Finlay hits his ass on the canvas mat. William stands up on his feet quickly and runs at the ropes, on the rebound William Regal boots / kicks Finlay in the face as he is sitting down in the middle of the ring. Finlay falls back as his head whiplashes back. William Regal hooks the inside leg for the pin fall, but Finlay kicks out between the count of one and one and a half. William Regal stands up to a vertical base and lifts Finlay up by the arm with him, he than pulls Finlay towards himself and clotheslines him back down really hard whiplashing him once more making his head bounce of the canvas mat. William Regal begins to kick Finlay as he is on his back in the middle of the ring, he starts to kick him and then lifts his pinkie finger up to the crowd as they give him in return lots of boo's. William Regal turns around and goes to start to stomp on him once again but at this time while he was taunting the crowd Finlay got himself to his feet so as William Regal turned around to attack him Finlay kicks Regal in the gut and then hits a snap suplex sending him to the side of the ring. Regal holds his lower back as he hit the canvas mat he may have hurt it. Finlay though goes straight on Regal doesn't let him rest and Finlay goes for a pin fall though he doesn't hook the leg and Regal gets his leg on the bottom rope of the ring, he breaks up the pin fall…

William Regal rolls out of the ring and tries to catch his breath as he rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the outside near the crowd barrier. Finlay leaves the ring and goes out after him though William Regal punches Finlay in the face as Finlay tries to turn him around and get him with a strike. Finlay falls down it was a thunderous left hand, William Regal picks up Finlay and rolls him into the ring and then Regal goes back inside the ring himself, he goes for a pin fall cover on Finlay but Finlay gets his foot on the bottom rope. William Regal than lifts Fit Finlay up to his feet, he pulls him to the middle of the ring taking him to there and then kicks him in the gut and goes for a northern lights suplex he hits it and the referee goes for the pin fall as William Regal holds the bridge position. Finlay kicks out just before the count of three just in the nick of time. William Regal starts to get angry at this and then begins to kick Finlay as he is down he begins to stomp away at him and in the ribs he kicks him really hard, the referee forces him to step back a bit and he "pinkies" the crowd as they boo him tremendously. Suddenly out of nowhere from underneath the ring up out of the ring apron steps little bastard Hornswaggle….

King: What is he doing here? I thought he was in my front garden as that gnome.

JR: He has every right to be here to cheer on his dad.

Finlay slowly gets to his feet behind William Regal as Regal is distracted, Regal starts talking trash to Hornswaggle telling him to piss off, and the referee tells hornswaggle and helps him back under the ring… As Hornswaggle and the referee are distracted William Regal sticks his hands in his tights and pulls out a pair of brass knucks… he puts them on his right hand and then waits for Finlay to turn around and get to his feet, Regal turns around and bang he nails him in the head with it and knocks him out….. William Regal hooks the leg for the pin fall, as the referee gets back into the ring.


JR: That cheating, lying…. Son of a gun, He stole the match that’s not fair.

King: It isn't cheating if you don’t get caught JR.

"AJ Styles music hits" and he gets a great pop by the crowd so far the best of the night… he walks down to the ring with a smile on his face and the belt around his waist.

"Samoa Joe's music hits" and Joe gets an average crowd reaction some like him some don't, he walks down to the ring with a smirk on his face and thinks due to his size advantage he has this match in the bag and the title.

Match – 2 Intercontinental Title Match
AJ Styles © vs. Samoa Joe

AJ Styles the current Intercontinental Champion of the world, against the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe… This match over three years ago and the rematch again tonight as both men are even better than they were three years ago sais King. As the bell rings and the match begins AJ runs at Samoa Joe and then goes to hit a flying cross arm to the face the "Styles Clash" as Joe stands in the corner with his power stance. But Joe kicks him knee's him in the upper body and stops him right in his tracks as he was about to Jump up. Samoa Joe than grabs AJ by the head and drags him a couple of steps to the middle of the ring, Samoa Joe throws him at the ropes and leans forward expecting to do a back body drop but AJ puts on the breaks stopping at the ropes. The Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles runs at Joe as he leans forward summersaults over him but in mid air grabs the legs of Joe and gets him in a sunset flip the referee makes the pin fall….1…..2…, Joe rolls backwards and kicks out of it as AJ is sitting down Joe uses speed to roll backwards and then get to his feet and kick him straight in the chest knocking AJ back on the mat. Joe goes on AJ for the pin fall but in the count of one the count stops not when AJ kicks out but Samoa Joe turns him on his side and wraps his legs around AJ. Joe has his legs wrapped around the chest of AJ squishing the chest and decreasing the breathing. Though Joe than has his arms around the head and neck of AJ Styles and has a grape vine with his legs around the chest and also has a head lock like move around the top half of AJ Styles…. AJ is struggling to get out he tries to get to the ropes but being in the middle of the ring he can't reach though he tries to hold his arm out.

JR: What can he do, Samoa Joe has him locked in tight upper and lower body…. That’s why he is the Submission machine.

King: Yea he is alright but Kurt Angle is better.

A couple of minutes have passed and AJ is still in this hold, Samoa Joe is relentless and wants the match to end this way. The Referee in this match up goes up to AJ and see's that his face is turning red and his eyes are rolling into the back of his head… he see's he is losing and by it I mean consciousness. The referee asks AJ if he wants to throw in the towel and give up. Though AJ is half knocked out and he can barely open his mouth to answer him. The referee goes to the next thing to check how AJ is doing… He grabs hold of AJ's left arm and lifts it up; he drops it back down and no answer from AJ Styles. He lifts his arm up again but this time once again no answer as he drops it…

JR: One more time and he has lost his title and Joe wins the match.

King: Good, he was too small to be a champion anyway.

JR: Hey if he heard you say that he would (being interrupted)

King: But he can't hear me he is knocked out so who cares.

The referee goes for the third and final time in this match to check how his consciousness is. AJ's arm gets lifted up, AJ dropped it but still at his own will not because he was knocked out so it didn't count what happened was AJ put his arm on the mat to push himself up not because he is knocked out. Samoa Joe let go of the hold and went up to the crowd and raised his arm. He believed he had won the match… but he didn't… AJ was lying there and this match was still going on.

King: This match is over…..

JR: No its not, his arm wasn't dropped he got it half way and then put his hand on the mat to lift himself up to one knee….

King: It touched to mat it touched the mat, the referee even saw it.

Samoa Joe was given the news by the referee that this match was still going and Joe was not pleased, he was upset to say the least. He went up to AJ on one knee to give him a club to the head to hit him back down but AJ hit him in the gut first. AJ hits him again and again and again makes him wobble a couple of steps backwards and turn around holding his gut. AJ than stands up and runs at the ropes behind him, on the rebound as Joe turns around AJ jumps in the air and hits the "Styles Clash" he punches him in the air and knocks Joe over taking him from surprise. AJ though was near the ropes and when he went for a pin fall Joe got his leg on the second rope to break it up. AJ then gets a decent crowd pop reaction as he stands up and does his signature pose with his arms out. AJ than runs at the ropes that he ran at earlier and goes to base ball slide over at Samoa Joe who is lying down near the rope from that pin fall a moment ago, but in the last second before AJ hit the base ball slide Joe rolled out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the outside… AJ kept "sliding" and slid outside of the ring under the bottom rope and when he got to his feet Joe started to pummel him with hard rights and lefts haymakers to the jaw and upper body area close to where he was squeezing with his arms and legs. He makes AJ groggy and then he goes to throw him hard at the steel ring steps, but AJ the quick athletic Intercontinental Champion as he is thrown at the steel steps he jumps in the air and lands on the other end of the steel steps making no contact with the steps he is perfectly fine. Joe though runs at AJ around the steps and as AJ turns around to Joe he gets knocked over with a hard vicious clothesline... Banging his head on the concrete floor the referee continues to count both men out. He is at five and Joe rolls into the ring and then back out to stop the count. Joe once he gets to the outside once more he goes up to AJ and than picks him up to his feet to a vertical base by his head but AJ was kind of playing possum and AJ hits out of nowhere a kick to the gut and than a swinging DDT on the outside of the ring nailing his head on the concrete mat on the outside. AJ rolls into the ring and catches his breath he recuperates as Joe is being counted out and also as AJ gets possibly the biggest pop of the night so far.

At the count of about Seven Joe who is holding his head from the "Swinging DDT" gets up to his feet, he has an angry look on his face as he stands on the outside of the ring and looks over at AJ in the middle of the ring looking back at him with the expression on his face like a "What are you going to do now". Joe at the count of eight runs into the ring and then as he runs in the ring, AJ runs at him. Joe tries to stop him in his tracks with a clothesline but AJ Styles ducks underneath the arm by Joe and then keeps running at the opposite ropes he then hits a dropkick on the rebound of that time and doesn't knock Joe over but makes him wobble back for a few seconds. AJ quickly in a blink of an eye before Joe can realize what in earth is happening he goes up on the apron, jumps / springboards onto the top rope and than leaps in the air at Joe with the aim to nail Joe with his finisher move the "Styles Clash" a flying fore arm to the face. Sure enough he hit it and knocked Joe over in the middle of the ring. 1……….2……3!


JR: AJ Styles he did it he retained his gold against a man twice his weight. I tip my hat off to him.

Team 3D music hits and they make their own way down to the ring together, they get a bit of heat as they are faces but not the favorite in the match as they like the next team of faces better…

Hardy Boys music hits and they get a bigger pop than Team 3D as they are the favorites in this match the crowd really want to see them pull off the victory as they step into the ring with Team 3D

Edge and Christian's old music hit and they meet together for one more time the first time in quite a few years... the crowd hate this "reunion" and they really give them what they feel with heat.

Match – 3 Tables Ladders and Chairs match. Rematch from Wrestle mania 2000 – E&C vs. Dudley's vs. Hardy's

The first part of this match is match is a bit hard to follow as there are 6 men in the ring all going at it for an advantage three teams, one gold to win. Because the winner sure enough will possibly get a World Tag Team shot in the near future. Edge and Christian in this match the winners of the last encounter when this happened are cocky enough to stay back and lay low in the corner lean against the corners and watch as the Hardy Boys and The Dudley boys go at it and possibly just pick up the scraps as they are finished hurting each other…. Jeff in the middle of the ring along with Mat by his side starts to throw rights and lefts with Devon and Bubba Ray Dudley. Jeff and Bubba go at it as Mat and Devon go at it in the middle of the ring. After a couple of right hands you see the cocky team of Edge and Christian standing in the corner one in the top right corner and one in the bottom right corner. You see them playing coaches and are like: "Yea get him yea, smash him in" and try to just get everyone hurt before actually doing anything. The Dudley Boys and the Hardy Boys stop suddenly and look at each other and then look over at Edge and Christian… a good crowd reaction is heard around the arena audience as The Hardy's / Dudley's realize that, Edge and Christian are just standing there doing nothing. The Dudley boys go up to Edge and the Hardy Boys go up to Christian in their respective corners and start to pummel both of them with hard rights and lefts from punches and both kicks. Soon enough Edge and Christian where sitting down in their own corners. Hardy Boys think they have done enough to Christian moments later and then go up to the Dudley Boys and they continue to do what they were doing before as they turn Bubba and Devon around they throw them at the ropes and Bubba who is bigger than Jeff shoulder blocks him down and Jeff rolls out of the ring and to the outside while as Devon gets dropkicked by Mat as he was thrown at the ropes on the rebound. And then Mat picks up Devon but Bubba starts to "Stick and Move" on Mat going to do that move and then out of nowhere Edge and Christian come up from behind and Edge spears Bubba as Edge runs at the ropes and on the rebound spears Bubba Ray Dudley down while as Devon starts to throw rights and lefts with Christian and Christian kicks Bubba in the gut and then goes for the "Un-prettier" but Mat kicks Christian in the gut and then goes for the Twist of Fate but and hits it. Than Edge goes to Spear Mat and runs at the Hardy Brother Mat but Mat moves out of the way and Edge speared Devon Dudley down but Edge didn't care… to bring you up to speed Edge Speared Bubba and Devon down, while Jeff was on the outside of the ring and Mat and Edge are fine in the ring whereas Christian is on the mat from a Twist of Fate.

On the outside of the ring, Jeff had gotten a steel chair for himself and a literal effect his team and he ran in the ring. He goes to nail Edge in the head with the Chair as he raises it above his head but Edge nails Jeff back down with a Spear.

King: Edge he is on fire, he is the best in this match….


Mat than starts to throw rights and lefts with Edge in the middle of the ring, He throws Edge at the ropes and then Edge gets "Side Effected" back down as Mat hit his patented move the Side Effect on Edge. Mat leaves the ring and then to the crowd's liking he lifts up the ring apron and takes out a 15 ft ladder a giant ladder bigger than the average ladder. Mat lifted it up and then pushed it into the ring. Slowly due to its sheer size and weight of the metal giant ladder but Mat got it into the ring under the bottom rope. Not long after Mat went into the ring himself. Though while he was getting the ladder both members of the Dudley Boys team were up to their respective feet, Bubba was stomping a "mud" hole in Jeff Hardy and then Mat left the ladder on the floor and went up to Bubba in the corner and jumped on him and started to pummel him with rights and lefts in the corner of the ring to help his little brother Jeff Hardy. Devon Dudley went into the "triple threat in the corner of the ring" and made it a so called four way brawl in the corner of the ring. At this time Christian the partner of the "Ultimate Opportunist" Edge. Christian goes up to the Ladder and he waits for Edge to get up to his feet and they help each other lift up the Ladder. With Edge carrying the Ladder with one end and Christian holding it on the other end they charge it at waist height over at the four men brawling in the ring The Dudley Boys duck underneath the Ladder and the Hardy Boys get hit in the chest and get knocked over from the ladder. Edge and Christian think they have the other four men off their feet and put the ladder in the middle of the ring and go to climb it. But the Dudley Boys as they set up the ladder run at each of the team of Edge and Christian and knock them over with hard right hand. Bubba and Devon go to climb the ladder and try to end this match right here and right now. They try to climb up the ladder Bubba on one end and Devon on another going really fast as fast as they can sprinting up the ladder… Edge and Christian get to their feet and then holds Bubba half way up the ladder as he grabs his feet and then goes one or two steps up the ladder and starts to club him in the back. While Christian picks up that Chair that Jeff had earlier and then nails Devon in the back with it knocking Devon over and makes him fall back to the mat. Edge than lets go of Bubba as Christian nails Bubba in the back afterwards also. Edge leaves the ring to go and get his own Chair and he comes back with a chair in his hands. Edge goes up to Devon and puts his chair underneath the head of Devon as Christian goes to hit the "Con-Chair-to" he hits it and knocks Devon out. Than Edge gets his chair out from under a knocked out Devon and puts it underneath Bubba Ray Dudley. Christian uses his Chair to hit another concharto on Bubba this time and he knocks bubba in the back of the head with it.

At this time Jeff was up to his feet and then ran at Edge and clotheslines him down. Than Christian turns around and then nails Christian knocks Jeff over with a chair shot to the head. Mat though comes and kicks Christian in the gut he goes for a suplex and than hits that move it makes Christian hit the mat not only that he drops the chair on the mat as well. Mat with his brother his opponents Edge, Christian down and Bubba and Devon down from Con-Chair-to shots. In the middle of the ring, Devon looks to be blinking and twitching slowly regaining consciousness but Mat sees this opportunity to possibly get the gold and win it for his team. Mat gets on the ladder that he originally brought into this match and steps on it, he begins step by step inch by inch to climb it to the top where the gold is. At about 3/4 way up Mat is inches away from actually touching the gold. Though Devon sees where Mat is he looks up at the ceiling and spots Mat up there. Out of desperation Devon on the mat kicks the Ladder and sends Mat flying to the outside of the ring and Mat goes crashing on the outside of the ring and he is knocked out. Devon uses the ropes to pull himself up and then moments later he puts the ladder carefully in the middle of the ring.

Devon starts to climb but Jeff Hardy at this time was getting to his feet by the help of the ring ropes and so was Edge. Jeff Hardy starts to climb on the other end of the Ladder to Devon and then he catches up to Devon and he actually starts throwing rights and lefts with Devon on the top of the ladder… The Crowd is speechless because one bad move any man can go flying from 15 ft in the air. Jeff grabs Devon's head and bangs it on the steel top of the ladder he then pushes a groggy Devon back and he falls to the back of the ring. Jeff than does his signal sign and then looks at the crowd and the crowd gives him a pop of a lifetime. Jeff dives off of the ladder and over at Devon and nails him with a fifteen foot high Swanton Bomb. The crowd is chanting holy shit! Edge that was watching all of this happen he then quickly sprinted up the ladder and grabbed himself the gold…..

JR: Not this way, I can't believe it the Ultimate opportunist did it!


JR: EDGE! EDGE! EDGE! BAW GAWD King he did it he won it for his team just like he did years ago.

King: Didn't I tell you he would…

"The Hearse in this match which is used to end the match pulls up. The rules are explained by the announcer"

Tony Chimmel: The only way to end this match is to put your opponent inside the hearse and drive out of the arena with him inside of it.

(Crowd pop as they waited all night to see this match up)

JBL's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring without his limo but still holding his arms up high and symbolizes the "long horns" he gets possibly the biggest heat of the night so far.

A couple of seconds later "Death Valley" hits and the undertaker makes his ominous entrance to the ramp JBL doesn't look scared as the crowd give him the total opposite pop to what they gave JBL.

Match – 4 JBL vs. the Undertaker
Last Ride Match – from No Mercy 2004

JBL as the bell rings and the match begins gets an exceeding amount of boo's but As the Undertaker takes his hat off rolling his eyes in the back of his head and the crowd goes crazy JBL thought he could sneak up and get an advantage by going to punch down Taker as he takes his hat off and rolls his eyes in the back of his head. But the dead man, than sees it coming and holds his hand out to catch JBL in the throat JBL starts to be choked out and Than the undertaker using his power game as well throws him into the corner and then starts to punch and pummel him in the corner. The Best pure striker in the business possibly ever is going to work on him. He then pummels him about for a minute and usually he would have the referee on him telling him to stop but in this sort of match it is all legal even a steel chair is as legal as a wrist lock. JBL pokes Undertaker in the eyes and then kicks him in the gut JBL starts to throw rights of his own and then JBL goes to throw the undertaker at the ropes. On the rebound JBL is standing here waiting for him going to knock him back down but before he could even more in a blink of an eye like a flash The Undertaker shot up into the air and then takes JBL down with a "flying lariat" Just like the Undertaker can. The Undertaker gets up to his feet and then runs at the ropes once more. Undertaker on the rebound hits a leg drop on JBL in the throat. Undertaker than leaves the ring to a good crowd reaction, Undertaker walks up to the Hearse and then symbolically gets on one knee and holds his arm up and does the Undertaker sign to it. JBL at this time had rolled out of the ring towards the announcers and had picked himself up a steel chair. Undertaker starts to walk back to JBL and moments later once he got down to JBL, JBL turned around and nailed Undertaker in the head with the chair knocking him over. JBL grabs the arm of Undertaker and goes to drag him up to the Hearse and tries to end this match up but JBL stops on the outside of the ring near the ring crowd barrier and then starts to stomp on The Undertaker.

JBL goes to drag him again but Undertaker gets up and kicks him in the gut, Undertaker throws him into the ring rolls him into the ring and places his head just on the outside of the ring. Undertaker gets up on the apron and hits his patented maneuver the leg drop from the ring apron. He makes JBL fall back down to the outside of the ring on the floor. Undertaker picks the heavy JBL up to his feet and then carries him over to the Hearse. At about half way up the entrance ramp he drops JBL because he was very heavy a 300 pounder to say the least and JBL was squirming and trying to get back down him. JBL lands on his feet behind Undertaker and then kicks him in the gut and punches him hard right haymaker in the jaw knocking Undertaker over. JBL than starts to Kick JBL while he is down and then raises one arm doing the taunt to the crowd as he gets lots of boo's and heat. JBL grabs Undertakers arm and drags him a couple more steps up the entrance ramp where he is near the Hearse, He picks Undertaker up and goes to place him in the Hearse but Undertaker as he is picked up starts to throw right hands of his own and then kicks JBL in the gut and goes to nail him with a Tomb Stone Pile Driver he picks JBL up in the position for it. Undertaker has his back to the hearse with the two back doors closed he holds JBL up in position for it. JBL much to the crowds liking has been hit with the Tomb Stone Pile Driver by the Undertaker centimeters away from the Hearse. Undertaker opens the doors. Of the Hearse and goes to put him into it, JBL gets lifted up in a fire mans carry position and Undertaker drops him into it. Undertaker goes up to the door of the Hearse and goes to drive him out of the arena with it. Undertaker rips the front door open but then the lights go out and when they are back on Undertaker is on the floor drowning in a pool of his own blood. Undertaker has been blindsided as Gangrel and Kevin Thorn help JBL out of the Hearse Gangrel and JBL both being a former partner of the Undertaker in the "ministry a decade ago" no one on earth knows what is happening. Gangrel gives the "Urn" that he was holding over to Thorn to hold as He and JBL help put the Undertaker in the Hearse. They manage slowly though due to his near seven footer size.

But they manage to get him into the Hearse. Undertaker is knocked out in the Hearse and JBL closes the doors he raises his arms as Gangrel and Thorn watch JBL drive away in the Hearse. JBL drives away with the Undertaker and he is declared the winner when he leaves the arena floor, the building. While on the entrance ramp Gangrel and Thorn hold the Urn up symbolizing something but have smiles on their faces as to what they have done. Meanwhile as the camera men walk back to catch up with the car it is shown on the tron what is happening back there. JBL drives through the locker room with no sign of stopping. JBL has the car moving at high speed and Undertaker is seemingly inside the vehicle. The doors are open of the vehicle and you can see Undertaker in there… JBL keeps on going not caring about what is around him like rubbish tips and etc. JBL once he reached the parking lot was announced the winner by the announcer and referee because he made it past the finish line.


JR: That Damn Bradshaw he beat the Undertaker in his own game I can't believe it.

King: That's JBL to you….

Moments later the camera men walk up to the vehicle and no Undertaker inside… Just smoke coming out of the vehicle where the Undertaker was meant to be. JBL rases his arms in the parking lot in victory he doesn't care where the Undertaker is he just loves the fact that he beat him.

Match – 5 HBK vs. HHH
3 Stages of Hell
First Fall – Street Fight
Second Fall – Steel Cage
(And if It goes to a third fall) - A Ladder Match

JR: I have been waiting for this second encounter all PPV, I can't wait….for this one to get under way.

King: Same here it will be great.

First fall - Street Fight

HBK and HHH circle the ring these to best friends these two legends in the wrestling industry these two were closer than brothers but also at times the worst of enemies. As the bell rings and the match begins HHH and HBK walk up to each other… HHH talks trash to HBK and tells him that he is nothing and HHH is the King of Kings the Game and HHH is really getting in HBK's ear. HBK pushes HHH back a few steps, HHH has a smirk on his face and then pushes HBK back harder than he was pushed, HBK moves back against the ropes and then goes back up to HHH as these two bulls lock up head to head. They really let their lips do the battling for the first few moments in this match up trying to get a mental upper hand and make the other person think twice about doing something. HHH does the first strike he punches him in the jaw and then again HBK starts to brawl with HHH and punches him back, HHH than punches HBK and HBK punches a few rights and lefts of his own. HBK punches harder and gets a slight advantage. HBK throws HHH at the ropes and on the rebound HBK leans forward hoping to nail HHH with a back body drop but HHH puts the breaks on and then HHH kicks HBK as hard as he can in the shoulder and HBK goes flying back to the other side of the ring. HHH walks up to the corner of the ring and is with his back to HBK and starts to take the padding off of the steel top turnbuckle in the corner. Which the referee can't do anything about it's totally legal in a Street Fight. But HHH of all people should know that you seriously in a match with so much riding on it you can't turn your back on Shawn Michaels… because whoever wins the first fall gets a clear advantage. Shawn at this time as HHH was untying the top turnbuckle padding he gets up to his feet and turns HHH around and then starts to punch him in the face HBK than throws him at the corner that he was in which padding is still intact but HHH the more powerful of the two reverses the Irish whip into the corner and throws HBK into the corner as hard as he can whipping his lower back into the corner and HBK falls down with his hand on his lower back. HBK has had a four year injury on his lower back and HHH knows that he will be aiming to target that. HHH stands up with a big smirk a smile on his face after he see's Shawn on the mat in the corner of the ring holding his lower back in pain. HHH goes up to Shawn Michaels, starts to stomp on him while he is down he starts to kick him in the back…

HHH leaves the ring through the second rope and then goes to the outside of the ring, he plans on bringing inside the ring with him something to hurt HBK some more… he lifts up the ring apron and has a look sticking his head underneath the ring to check for himself what there is there to use. HHH sticks his head back out of under the ring and he gets himself the demonic and psychotic weapon that controls HHH that is HHH's claimed to be best friend the sledgehammer… He then rolls into the ring wielding the sledgehammer, He goes up to Shawn Michaels who at this time was sitting against the bottom turnbuckle in the corner of the ring, HHH goes up to Shawn, lifts his weapon the Sledgehammer up above his head going to bring down the hammer on Shawn Michaels and possibly end the first match early but HBK in the last second out of desperation low blows HHH, HHH moves back holding his groin area and HHH at this time drops the hammer to the ground and HBK uses the ropes but pulls himself up to his feet and then goes up to HHH, he punches him twice in the head. HBK lifts HHH up and hits an atomic drop a drop, knee to the groin… HBK gets a good crowd reaction afterwards and HBK punches HHH once more and knocks him over on his back on the mat in the middle of the ring. HBK goes up to the corner of the ring leaves the ring onto the ring apron and then goes up the turnbuckle and on the third rope in the corner he leaps into the air going for his elbow drop to the heart his patented move that always puts away opponents… In mid air HHH who was playing possum rolls slightly away and HBK hits his elbow on the mat. HHH climbs up to his feet, as HBK gets up to his feet holding his elbow in the middle of the ring and HHH goes up to HBK and kicks him in the gut. He goes for his finisher the pedigree pretty early in the first contest but HBK counters it with a back body drop and sends HHH to the other end of the ring on his back. HBK as HHH gets up to his feet feels if HHH wants to use his finisher moves already then so can I, HBK lifts up his leg to go for the super kick. But HHH rolls out of the ring and to the outside being back body dropped out of the ring moments earlier… HHH thinks he has outsmarted HBK and HBK leaves the ring and goes out after him. He runs out and then kicks him in the gut. HBK throws him at the steel ring steps but HHH reverses it and throws HBK at the steel ring steps and HBK breaks his shoulders on them… on the unforgiving steel. HHH takes the padding off of the announcer tables and then the announcers JR and King must move otherwise they would get hurt. HHH picks HBK up and then goes to put him on the announcer tables but HBK starts to throw hard haymaker rights and lefts at HHH to try and stop him and make him groggy. HHH then gets raked in the eye by HBK, HBK rolls into the ring runs at the ropes and out of nowhere he dives leaping through the second rope and over at HHH, HHH and HBK go flying over the announce tables right to the chairs of the announcers JR and King…
HBK is the first one to move, he slowly gets to a vertical base and the crowd loves it. HBK than lifts up the apron and has a look at to what he can get from under the ring. As HBK looks to find himself a weapon HHH starts to walk up behind HBK but then out of nowhere turns around and smashes HHH's knocking him over with a steel trash can lid. HHH falls back down to the ground and his fore head is cut open spit open and blood is flowing out of his head. HBK goes on his body for the pin fall cover, the referee makes the count. 1………2…, no HHH kicks out at a count of two. Shawn Michaels than picks HHH up and rolls him into the ring. Shawn Michaels stays on the outside of the ring and then grabs himself a table from underneath the ring. He pulls it out and then rolls it into the ring he goes to roll it under the bottom rope but at this time HHH was getting up to his feet and saw this happening. HHH ran at the ropes and then base ball slid at HBK at the table which knocked HBK over in the face. HHH leaves the ring, and then goes up to Michaels on the outside of the ring. He picks Michaels up and then smashes his head on the announce tables on the steel ring pole. He then throws HBK to the floor letting him go….HBK is now split open bloody gash from his eye brow just above his eye brow making it hard for him to see just like HHH is bleeding but not as much. HHH rolls into the ring and picks up that table that was thrown into the ring earlier by HBK Shawn Michaels; HHH sets the table up in the middle of the ring and then leaves the ring back to the outside. Shawn at this time is on one knee, HHH goes up to Shawn Michaels well almost he is one leg out of the ring on the apron and then begins to think to himself…
HHH gets back into the ring and then picks up the very first weapon used in this match the Sledgehammer… that was just lying there for the past couple of minutes in this match up…. He leaves the ring with it and walks up to Shawn Michaels on the outside that can barely see with all the blood flowing down from his face. HHH takes one look at the groggy and shaky HBK who is only standing up on his feet by the help of the ring apron pulling him up to a vertical base. HHH runs at HBK and nails him in the head knocking him over with the Hammer in hand. HBK falls down and is just knocked out….HHH is happy with his work, he drops the hammer and then hooks the leg for the pin fall on the outside of the ring the first pin fall in the match up by HHH. The referee begins to count – 1…..2…….! NO, HBK kicks out amazingly HHH, can't believe it he wants to pull the hair out of his head. HHH stands up and goes up to Jerry the King Lawler near the announcer tables….

HHH begins to scream and get pissed and throw chairs around at the fact that he can't put Shawn Michaels away as much as he tries… Though HHH suddenly stops he has an idea. HHH lifts up the ring apron one more time he gets himself a barbed wire base ball bat…

JR: My God King, How evil and sadistic can the Game get…

King: It’s a street fight anything is legal… if Shawn didn't want this he should have just laid down for the game.

JR: You know that HBK won't lay down for anyone.

King; Well he is stupid if you ask me.

HHH goes up to HBK and he holds the barbed wire base ball bat, HBK kicks him in the gut. HBK stands up and then kicks him in the gut once more and throws him at JR and the King literally they all go crashing on the other end of the announce tables. HBK picks up the weapon and then goes up to HHH lying there and puts the barbed wire base ball bat under his throat as HHH screams in pain Shawn pulls back and has HHH in the cross – face position but instead of using his hands to pull back on the neck, he is pulling back with the Barbed wire base ball bat. More blood starts to poor out from the gash that was opened up earlier from the trash can lid. HHH is almost knocked out he can barely move his arms to even tap out that is if he was going to give up. Shawn Michaels let's go of the hold and then stands up to a great crowd reaction as they want to see him triumph. Shawn Michaels drags HHH out of the area behind the announce tables and takes him into the ring….Shawn Michaels goes for a pin fall cover on HHH not hooking the leg and being near the ropes as HBK rolled him into the ring HHH as a result got his foot on the bottom rope. Shawn Michaels grabs HHH's leg and takes him to the middle of the ring. Shawn Michaels starts to open the gash in HHH's head open some more as he pummels him with more and more hard hits to the face and hair line of HHH, The referee can't do anything about this. Shawn Michaels after about ten or so stands up and wants to end this match right here and right now. He goes into the corner of the ring holds onto the top rope and begins to tune up the band. The crowd start to *bang* along with him and HBK bangs the floor with his foot as he awaits eagerly for HHH to get to his feet… once he does groggily, shaky and wobbling to a vertical base HBK runs at him with his foot high in the air going to kick his teeth down his throat going to hit some Sweet Chin Music.

HHH kicks Shawn Michaels in the gut and stops him right in his tracks. HHH with a groggy Shawn Michaels in play he throws him at the ropes on the rebound HHH hits a double AA spine buster but this was not just any spine buster this Spine Buster may just have won the match for HHH because this Spine Buster sent Shawn Michaels flying through the wooden table that HHH set up in the ring earlier in the match up. HHH than picks up Shawn Michaels kicks away the broken pieces of wood out of the ring and then goes for his finisher to put the finishing touches on him. To put him away for good, HHH kicks him in the lower abdomen and then goes for the pedigree on Shawn Michaels. HBK twists the arm around and reverses it, and out of nowhere takes a step back and nails HHH with a super kick.
HBK falls on HHH for the pin fall, 1…….2……3!!!!!


JR: Baw God King, HBK did it he did it…

King: Well don't seem to surprised it was a fluke any man can win a match but HHH is the Game and that’s why he is going to win the next two match ups.

SECOND FALL – Steel Cage Match

*The Cage lowers on HBK and HHH as they are lying there in the middle of the ring*

As the cage lowers and the match up begins, HBK is the first one to get to his feet; he looks around him at all four corners watching the cage being lowered around him. HHH is still weary slightly moving on the floor in the ring from the super kick moments earlier. Shawn Michaels as the cage was finished being lowered to the ring a few moments later Shaw started to stomp on HHH started to stomp on his gut and then picks him up by the hair. He lifts him up to knee height and then runs at the ropes on the rebound HHH lifts HBK up and does a face flapjack planter pretty much making his body go into the steel cage when HHH lifted him up near the ropes. Shawn falls back into the middle of the ring. HHH hooks the leg for a pin fall but he only gets a two count for his troubles…HHH calls the referee to open the cage and he tries to crawl out through the door… he has one arm out but HBK catches his leg and tries all he can to stop him. HHH the stronger one kicks HBK in the face and HBK lets go out of pain HHH gets half a body out and then HBK out of desperation leaps on HHH and elbows him in the lower back stopping him right in his tracks where he is, HBK drags him to the middle of the ring and the referee's close the cage door. HBK than picks HHH up to his feet and throws him at the ropes, on the rebound HBK goes for a clothesline but HHH shoulder blocks him down being the bigger man, HHH runs at the other ropes as HBK lies down and waits for him. HHH on the rebound than as he runs at HBK gets his head rammed into the steel cage by HBK when HBK grabs his head and just takes him to it with the momentum of him running…HBK holds the head that was split open in the last match and then begins to rub it against the unforgiving steel grating his head on the steel cage. HBK lets him go and then goes for a win via escape by the door… HBK goes up to the door but HHH holds onto his leg as he walks to the door trying all he can to stop him.

HBK elbows him again in the back and then runs at the ropes and dropkicks HHH as he is lying down like a base ball slide to the ribs. HBK gets a great crowd reaction as this match is in his favor one nil, HBK starts to climb out of the cage he goes up on the top turnbuckle and then continues to go up the cage he is about half way up when HHH uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet… HHH see's where HBK is at the moment and HHH runs at the ropes and begins to climb himself…Though the ropes are the other end on purpose without HBK in his way HHH starts climbing twice as fast HBK is about 3 quarters up almost at the part where he is on the top of the cage but still a couple of steps pulling himself up to go.
HHH in desperation goes faster than HBK to catch up to him and HHH manages to catch up, HHH goes up to the part where he like sits on the top of the cage whereas HBK is about a step down the cage already, HBK starts to climb down and so does HHH… HHH climbs down about half way and sees that HBK is inches away from victory and then jumps down really hurting himself on the landing but he manages to make it a photo finish…

JR: Did you see what I see?

King: Yea, HHH won… start the Ladder match.

JR: You don't know that for sure what if HBK won by a split second.

King: But if the referee's check over it HBK wins because they hate HHH and they are unfair to the game that’s why he lost the first fall…

*after a couple of seconds the referee's tell the ring announcer tony chimmel what is the outcome of the match*

Tony Chimmel: I was informed by the Senior referee Earl Hebner that this match is declared a DRAW!

*Crowd pop*

Tony Chimmel: And in a result of a TIE, One point in the 3 stages of hell match goes to each competitor which leaves us at Shawn Michaels – 2 and HHH at 1 and that also means that Shawn Michaels is the winner!

*Bigger crowd pop*

King: WHAT!!!!

JR: Its all fair … its one point each. And HBK won the first fall which means that there is no need for a second.

King: WHAT!!!



HHH is Irate, he is kicking the steel ring steps and swearing he goes to attack the ring announcer Tony Chimmel and punches his lights out.
JR: Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels! BAW GAWD he did it King, he beat HHH in two straight falls which many thought was impossible… He did it King.
King: I can't believe my eyes…this is an upset of a life time against the Has Been Kid for HHH… HHH can't believe it either and I am, sure we are going to hear from him sooner than later about this.

Main Event –
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle ©
WAW Title: Rematch from Unforgiven 2006

As the bell rings the Champion Kurt Angle waits on the outside of the ring, he slowly steps on the apron of the ring as this match is a few seconds in to it already and Cena is telling him pleading with him to get in because Cena wants some. Kurt Angle jumps back off the apron back to the outside of the ring and shakes his head with smile thinking to himself not yet when I'm ready. The referee though begins to count Kurt Angle out, and via count out Kurt Angle can retain the title. Kurt Angle than gets lots of boo's from the crowd as the crowd really is not liking the way this match is starting, they want to see Kurt Angle get beat as the heel. John Cena has had enough of Angle hanging around the ring gloating his way around the ring and the referee is already at a count of 4 but John Cena leaves the ring under the bottom rope on the other side of the ring as to where Angle is. John Cena runs around the outside of the ring all the way behind Angle and then punches him in the face knocking him over. Cena picks him up by the arms and upper body and rolls him in to the ring to break up the count because by count out John Cena cannot win the belt. Kurt Angle instantly rolls and crawls his way into a corner lying against the bottom rope but John Cena jumps on the attack the challenger gets on his feet and begins to kick him and stomp him. Cena gets a good crowd reaction, John Cena drags Angle by the feet well tries to drag him by the feet to the middle of the ring but Angle holds onto the second corner ropes with his hands to block it and stay where he is but Cena pulls him really hard as hard as he can and Kurt Angle goes in the air flying forward and lands on his back a couple of steps. Kurt Angle than gets kicked in the middle of the ring as he is down. John Cena has Kurt Angle in position for one of his patented maneuvers called the "Five knuckle shuffle" He goes for it, he shakes his hand and moves his hand taunting Kurt Angle as he is down. Doing the "You can't see me" and then runs at the ropes, but while he is running back Kurt Angle who was faking hurt who was playing possum than jumps up to his feet kicking himself up and then catches grabs John Cena on the rebound, Kurt Angle has him in a bear hug position but Kurt Angle tries something else on Cena and Kurt Angle the champion sends Cena flying to the other end of the ring against the ropes with a Belly to Belly suplex.

Kurt Angle than walks up to Cena who was just thrown from the middle of the ring all the way to the other side of the ring against the ropes with a belly to belly suplex, Angle than picks John Cena up by the head and goes to put him on his feet but as Cena is leaning forward partially up he starts to throw right hands in the gut of Kurt Angle making him groggy and wobble back a couple of steps. Cena gets up to his feet in his spare few moments and then as Angle turns around after holding his gut Cena charges at Angle in mid air shoulder blocking him down. John Cena goes for the five knuckle shuffle once more, he does the you can't see me and then runs at the ropes. He manages to hit the move on Kurt Angle, Angle rolls onto his stomach holding his head in pain, John Cena gets a great crowd reaction a good pop. John Cena than he picks runs at the ropes as Kurt Angle is on one knee slowly getting to a vertical base, Cena runs at the ropes behind Kurt Angle and Angle than gets his head slammed into the mat with a swinging bulldog kind of move when Cena jumps over Angle and drives his head into the mat as Angle leans forward on one knee. Kurt Angle hits his head on the mat, John Cena has Kurt Angle on his stomach in the middle of the ring and this is right where he wants him, John Cena wants to be the new champion and wants to be it now. Cena tries to end this match and tries to lock in the STFU. John Cena almost has it locked in he has Kurt Angle's foot trapped in it and is about to do the cross-face part of the submission hold when Angle with the amateur wrestling background reverses it and turns his body around and makes himself on his back by grabbing Cena's arm that was trying to lock in the cross-face and then Kurt rolls over still holding onto the arm and now is on top of John Cena, Cena is on his stomach on the mat and his arm is in the grasp of Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle than twists the arm and twists it into a hammer lock arm bar like maneuver with John Cena on the mat and his arm twisted behind him.

Kurt Angle doesn't want to let go because he can win this match just like this if John Cena taps out, Though John Cena doesn't know the meaning of the word quit and won't give up. John Cena the far stronger of the two with tremendous upper body strength still in the hammer lock / arm bar position he sits up and Kurt still has John's arm locked behind him holding onto it tightly. John though gets up on his feet and tries to elbow Kurt a few times in the head but Kurt ducks out of it and Cena misses him with the elbows Kurt Angle though one time does manage to get hit in the jaw with one of Cena's flying elbows and then Kurt lets go slightly not fully but less power behind the arm bar hammer lock on Cena, Angle than a few moments later still behind Cena on a vertical base Kurt Angle lets g of the submission hold while standing there in the middle of the ring Angle wraps both arms around Cena's chest and then goes to hit a german suplex on John Cena but John Cena blocks it by putting his leg behind Angle's leg, Angle can't lift him up with the two legs tied up that way and Angle lets go and clubs him a few times with hard right hand fists in the back of the neck. Kurt Angle than goes for a release german suplex once more but John Cena gets thrown this time, John Cena gets hit with the release german suplex and gets send flying back into the corner of the ring against the turnbuckles. John Cena looks up at Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle does the "You can't see me" taunt to John Cena really taunting him and making him lose his temper but John Cena jumps up from sitting in the corner position and then tackles down Kurt Angle and hits him relentlessly in the fore head. John Cena smiles and with Angle down on his back for a split second Cena does the " You can't see me " on Angle, Angle runs to tackle Cena down but Cena trips him over with a drop toe hold. Than John Cena goes for his finisher move one more time, John Cena goes to lock in the STFU, Angle is in perfect position for it, he is a bit out of the middle of the ring but still a decent amount away from the ropes and Cena locks in the submission finisher hold on Kurt Angle. Angle almost instantly starts screaming and thriving in pain.

JR: It's pretty much over now its text book when Cena has that move locked in ….

King: Were talking about Kurt Angle here, JR you don't know he is an Olympic gold medalist he won't tap out so easily.

JR: Yes but John Cena a former champion in his own right.

Kurt Angle the valiant champion at this moment hasn't tapped out to the hold he still fights on strong, Angle tries to push himself up to a vertical base putting his hands in front of his chest and push up but after a few inches up he collapses back down. Kurt Angle tries to push himself up and than just before his shaky hands give way and he falls onto the canvas mat once again he….he leaps his arms forward and goes for the ropes but he doesn't reach them. Cena screams and puts the pressure on harder and the referee asks Kurt Angle if he wants to give up but he says no, Kurt Angle goes for the ropes once more and reaches his arms out and then gets them. He has his arms on the bottom rope and Cena has five seconds to let go before he is disqualified. John Cena than lets go at the count of three making sure that he is hurt and making sure that this match is still going on. John Cena grabs that same leg and drags him to the center of the ring John Cena goes for the same move once more but as John Cena tries to lock his leg in Kurt Angle turns onto his back and kicks him away at the ropes, John falls back onto the ropes and on the rebound he runs at Kurt Angle but Angle still on the mat trips John Cena over by grabbing his left leg and pulling on it as he was running, John is on his stomach and Kurt is holding the left leg, Kurt Angle instantly straight away locks John Cena into his submission hold finisher move which is the Ankle lock. John Cena starts to scream as Kurt Angle is screaming back at him to tap out; Kurt Angle is twisting the left ankle of John Cena and tries to make him tap out. John is biting his bottom lip doing all he can to take the pain away and try not to tap out, he starts to pull on his short hair but John can't take the pain, he lifts his arm up in the air going to tap out but the crowd start to cheer the face on. John Cena plays to the crowd and does not pull that arm towards the mat, John goes for the ring ropes like what Angle did in his submission hold moments earlier and goes for the ropes he is inches away from them literal centimeters. And then Kurt Angle pulls him back to the middle of the ring.

King: (laughs) oh my how the tables have turned not even five minutes ago Kurt Angle was in this predicament.

JR: That’s why these two are in the main event these two are the best there are today in the business…

King: But Kurt is better and JR you know that….

JR: I'm not admitting to anything…

Kurt Angle screams at the top of his lungs, Kurt Angle tells John to tap out to give up… he is frustrated that he has to hold in the hold for this amount of time with no tap out result. Kurt Angle goes out of desperation to make the move even more painful and even more excruciating on John Cena when he lies down and then wraps his leg around the left leg of John Cena is now locked into an ankle lock grape vine with his leg wrapped around and stuck in one place it also stops the blood circulation getting from the brain down to the legs and the leg becomes all numb and weak. Making it easier to tap out due to pain….John Cena is screaming and screaming but the crowd is screaming and cheering back at him and John has the heart of a lion and doesn't want to give up. John Cena in the grapevine can't get to the ropes because he has Kurt Angle wrapped around his leg and it is too much and John Cena is just there in the middle of the ring screaming but he doesn't want to give up the longer he holds it in the closer he is to breaking the leg and passing out. The referee see's John like this almost passed out with his head on the mat barely breathing he goes up to him and lifts his arm up once to check if he is still in there where if he isn't Kurt wins by knockout / submission. John's arm falls back down to the canvas mat below no response from John. But the match isn't over this has to happen three times like a count of three before he is announced the loser of the match. The referee goes to lift up the arm a second time but just seconds before it is dropped John Cena lifts his head up from the mat and has his arm risen in the air. John Cena eyes the ropes and that is his mission he feels he must get to the ropes even if he does can he even stand up? .... John crawls to the ropes inch by inch using his power over Kurt Angle to drag Kurt with him over to the corner he crawls in the army crawl with his fore arms in front of him going bit by bit slowly slowly but the more time in this hold who knows if John will even stand up after this. John gets himself though closer and closer to the ropes inch by inch and Kurt see's this and continues not to let go hopping he will give up half way and not make it but Cena has no quit in his vocabulary it's not a word according to him. With the will of a warrior and the chain gang crowd cheering him on he manages to put his finger tips on the ropes and hold onto them. Kurt Angle has an expression which if you look at it you can picture just the feeling of DAMN IT. Kurt holds it in into the late count of four just before he gets disqualified. Kurt Angle stands up but John doesn't he holds his leg up near the ropes and has the face of pure agony.
Kurt Angle taunts in the ring saying to the crowd that his hero is a loser; he screams that at the crowd and says to the crowd in the middle of the ring that he is an Olympic gold medalist and Cena is a cripple. He gets lots of boo's….

King: Hey they can boo him but he is only telling the truth…

JR: King, you have to give credit where credit is due he had that move
locked in for the past 8 minutes …. No one has done that before that long and has not tapped out.

King: That’s because they were smart they lived to wrestle again but John Cena is stubborn punk that doesn't know when to give up. He will be lucky if he can walk to the back…..after the match up. He is stupid if you ask me.

Kurt Angle is still getting heat from the crowd at this time of the match and John Cena still hasn't even tried to get up to his feet he is just holding his left leg in a lot of pain against the ropes just sitting there…the referee checks on his leg and undo's the laces of his boot he has a look to see if they need to call paramedics down to the ring but he announces that the match can still go on but John's ankle is really swollen and he must continue with the left shoe off half being barefoot. Kurt Angle like a shark that smells blood in the water pushes the referee aside just slightly moves him out of the way and begins to kick Cena in the gut as he sits up against the ropes. Kurt Angle than picks John Cena up by the hair on his head and goes to lift him up to a vertical base but Cena then pulls Kurt Angle by his in ring gear straps his overall straps and pulls him through the second rope that Cena is sitting against and Kurt falls to the outside of the ring near the announce tables… Kurt lands on the side of his body, the referee begins to count Kurt Angle out and at this time this gives John Cena a couple of second to regroup and try to get back into this match up. John hasn't had a clear advantage in this match up since he was locked in that hammer lock arm bar move over ten minutes ago. John Cena manages to get on his knee's from sitting down against the ropes but at this point it is sinking into him that the referee is up to a count of five and Kurt is not in the ring yet, and also that is not good because if Kurt is counted out he wins but he doesn't win the gold. So John sucks in takes a deep breath sucks in the upcoming pain and rolls out of the ring hops on one knee up to Kurt Angle and then goes to roll him back into the ring before the count reaches ten but Kurt Angle the savvy ring veteran grabs Cena's head rakes him in the eye portraying a true heel in this match up that he is, and then still holding Cena's head as Cena is groggy on one leg with one shoe on Kurt bangs John Cena's head on the announce tables and then throws John into the ring and runs in himself at the referee's count of nine. Kurt Angle goes for the first pin fall in this match up and tries to end this match now hooking John's bad leg and thinks he has won this match up and retained his gold John Cena though amazingly kicks out at a count of two, Kurt Angle can't believe his eyes, Though the crowd is loving what they are seeing and the crowd cheers as loud as ever…

Kurt Angle picks John Cena up by the head and makes him stand on one groggy leg a shaky bad leg that really he can't even stand on, Kurt starts to punch him in the face and goes to throw right hands with Cena and brawl with him which isn't good to do, Cena is the brawler Angle is the mat submission wrestler….one of Angle's right hands misses when Cena ducks underneath it and then to the crowds liking Cena quickly on one leg moves his hand across his face doing you can't see me and then goes to lift Kurt Angle up on his shoulders for the FU finisher move but with one shoe on, one bad leg, one swollen left leg John Cena's legs give way and John has to let Kurt Angle go otherwise he will fall over and break his back he drops Kurt over and John with one leg couldn't lift Kurt over his head…. Kurt is on his legs on a vertical base standing behind Cena and Kurt Angle kicks Cena in the back of the bad leg, Cena falls back down to one knee….and Kurt Angle runs at the ropes but then out of nowhere on the rebound as Kurt Angle runs at John Cena on one knee leaning forward John sucks in the pain and wills himself to lift Kurt Angle back up on his shoulders and John Cena with his face just telling a story he is in so much pain right now but Cena with the help of the crowd willing him on lifts Kurt Angle up on his shoulders in the middle of the ring. John Cena drops him with the FU not like he did before he actually amazingly hit the move on Kurt Angle and Kurt Angle is stunned he is out cold in the center of the ring. John falls on Kurt Angle literally doesn't even go for the pin just falls because his legs are broken and they just give out on him just give way but he was lucky he fell on Kurt Angle and the referee takes one look at them and makes the pin fall… 1……2…3!!!!


King: My God JR, I can't believe it John Cena he did it…

JR: Never count out John Cena … he is a phenomenal athlete…

King: Yes well I still think that there will be retribution on WAW this week…

JR: Well, see thanks for watching Dejavu folks and good night.


The Rated R CMStar

Regal vs Finlay: You could have billed this as a rematch from GAB 2005. Nonetheless, it was a good opening match with nice brawling and technical moments. Good old heel ending for Regal.

Joe vs Styles: It was a good match, but for some reason I was expecting a little more. One bad thing in this match is that you didn't decide what style to use, the high flying or the mat wrestle, and mixing them didn't fully result.

TLC: Bad to have Edge as tag team competitor. Anyways, it was a good match and the best ending so far, putting over the madness of Jeff Hardy and the Ultimate Opportunist Gimmick. Great match.

Taker vs JBL: Are you kidding me? I know this PPV Is supposed to have rematches, but normally you just don't throw something like this without storyline. I know it's a rematch, but having a Last Ride match without any real feud behind, and having the match be ridiculously short was just bad.

3 Stages from Hell: The same. You are still way too gimicky. You could have chosen any other match to give a rematch and it would made more sense(except HIAC :shifty:) At least you made this match good, really good. Not too fond with the ending.

Main Event: You erased with this the bad you did with the last two matches. Great match and it showed that you can go the way. Nice couple of exchanges and nice couple of brawl spots. Worthy main event and shocked about the title change.

AC: If you are not ready to post a show, don't do it. PPV? No intro, no poster, NO PROMOS! Matches were good altough others had unnecesary gimmicks.

Evil Austin

Regal vs Finlay: You could have billed this as a rematch from GAB 2005. Nonetheless, it was a good opening match with nice brawling and technical moments. Good old heel ending for Regal.

Joe vs Styles: It was a good match, but for some reason I was expecting a little more. One bad thing in this match is that you didn't decide what style to use, the high flying or the mat wrestle, and mixing them didn't fully result.

TLC: Bad to have Edge as tag team competitor. Anyways, it was a good match and the best ending so far, putting over the madness of Jeff Hardy and the Ultimate Opportunist Gimmick. Great match.

Taker vs JBL: Are you kidding me? I know this PPV Is supposed to have rematches, but normally you just don't throw something like this without storyline. I know it's a rematch, but having a Last Ride match without any real feud behind, and having the match be ridiculously short was just bad.

3 Stages from Hell: The same. You are still way too gimicky. You could have chosen any other match to give a rematch and it would made more sense(except HIAC :shifty:) At least you made this match good, really good. Not too fond with the ending.

Main Event: You erased with this the bad you did with the last two matches. Great match and it showed that you can go the way. Nice couple of exchanges and nice couple of brawl spots. Worthy main event and shocked about the title change.

AC: If you are not ready to post a show, don't do it. PPV? No intro, no poster, NO PROMOS! Matches were good altough others had unnecesary gimmicks.

thanks for the review and I will do your second half when I can as promised.
I don't want to be rude or anything but I just want to point a few things out -
one being that this Pay per view even in the original one back in January 08 was promoless always has been and always will be. Every other show and ppv will have promo's but this one was always a special one.

In your comments on the HHH / HBK match you said numerous times that "I picked the match, i shouldnn't of it was too gimmicky" and other comments along the line of that one. Well I just want to point out that point of "Dejavu" was that I didn't pick anything at all it was up to all of you guys if you didn't want so much gimmick matches than you should have voted for something else but "gardsjr" picked this card for me and since no one else did any sort of nominations for other matches his full card was used these are all of gards matches not mine I had no hand in it and all I did was just type up the result.

The no intro part, how can I have an intro / a backstory when this is the first show there is nothing any further back than this one show.. this was the first how can you go "back" on the first event ?

I am not trying to be rude i thank you for reviewing and reading but I just wanted to say that....

Ill read your second half ppv ending soon , its almost bed time here ....

The Rated R CMStar

I don't want to be rude or anything but I just want to point a few things out -
one being that this Pay per view even in the original one back in January 08 was promoless always has been and always will be. Every other show and ppv will have promo's but this one was always a special one.

Not trying to be rude but...a promoless show? That makes it special? Meh, I'll leave it there, I'll let the rest of the reviewers decide if it made the show more special and better.

In your comments on the HHH / HBK match you said numerous times that "I picked the match, i shouldnn't of it was too gimmicky" and other comments along the line of that one. Well I just want to point out that point of "Dejavu" was that I didn't pick anything at all it was up to all of you guys if you didn't want so much gimmick matches than you should have voted for something else but "gardsjr" picked this card

You do know it's your BTB right? I see where you were going with the people chose the card but, you're the one that will have to follow up storylines from this PPV, and you just sent Taker for a Last Ride and sent HHH and HBK through hell for...no real reason.

The no intro part, how can I have an intro / a backstory when this is the first show there is nothing any further back than this one show.. this was the first how can you go "back" on the first event ?

See you every BTB debuts with a PPV and somehow manages to create an intro for a PPV. Hell, isn't this like the 5th time you bring back WAW? You could have revisited some of the company history at least.

his full card was used these are all of gards matches not mine I had no hand in it and all I did was just type up the result.

You know it's your BTB right?

Seriously, you're the one that will have to continue the HHH vs HBK feud coming up from a 3 Stages from Hell match and no more previous history. You're the one that will have to follow up a no momentum feud between Taker and JBL coming from a normally blow off match.

Evil Austin

Don't worry I have been thinking about my endings for a while now well I only got them about two days ago but still I don't just type whats on the top of my head. I have plans and it will all turn out for the best. Here me out, the next weekly show will have answers. On how the fallout will happen.

Also CMS, when your right your right. I think I should have some results and history of the WAW BTB Ill edit the first post with some "HISTORY"

And lastly the "good" comment you gave me on some of the matches were really appreciated.. thanks

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
*Ignores the fighting to make up later above*

William Regal versus Fit Finlay: Well this is a good opening contest. Two very technical wrestlers wrestling a very technical match. Like CMS said this was a very classic, dirty win for Regal. I was pulling for Finlay. The match was a tad short for an opener to your show, and BTB. It wasn't a complete loss, as you make up for it later.

IC TITLE;Samoa Joe versus AJ Styles: I didn't read WAW much (The original) but I guess I will find it later to see if AJ had the belt, or if these two feuded. This was some good TNA action here. A few good brawling moments. I'm very positive that the "Styles Clash" is his mountain driver/pile driver maneuver, and not his flying forearm move. You reffered to the forearm at the end as the "Styles Clash". Sorry if this is something off THE ORIGINAL WAW. Anyways, this was some good action. AJ was in major control through out the end which I honestly didn't like to much, but its ok.

TLC; E&C versus 3D versus Hardy's: Well this is a good match on paper, and all. I doubt you can argue the fact that the ending was pure garbage. I mean yes it got the Oppurtunist gimmick over, but what the hell. I mean if his "brother" sacrificed himself, and Edge didn't care, and just got the gold. That wouldv'e been much better. But as CMS stressed earlier... Its your BTB. So what can I really say? The action was great throughout. You really got each, and every star over with their styles, and gimmicks.

Last Ride Match; The Undertaker versus John Bradshaw Layfield: Ok this was WAY to short, for such a match. I am with CMS here. Backstory, or not! This was like "The Finger Poke of Death" match, just more of a brush off! No, seriously though, I mean I know I'm not one to talk because I haven't proven my self, but wow. Sorry bro, this couldv'e been ALOT better.

3SH; Triple H versus Shawn Michaels: Ok I'm not even touching the tremendous ridiculousness here without the backstory, but I guess "the rematch" is enough. I remember reading one of your Wrestlemania's, or something, and these two feuded. The fact that you didn't have the ladder match, I wont say is stupid, I mean it wouldv'e been stupid to have two ladder matches one night. I hate the ending to the match. It honestly beat's the purpose of Three Stages of Hell. The action was great really- it was, but I mean wow.

WAW TITLE; John Cena versus Kurt Angle: I might write this for my next BTB so thats an automatic plus. This was match of the night for me. The ending was good, the action was great, and the spots were nice. A lot of classic brawling here. Like CMS said, this was definatley main event worthy, and showed your skill if you really push it.

Additional Comments: Ok, I'm with CMS. No poster? Thats cosmetic, nothing big lost there. No intro? Ok, doesn't ruin the pay per view, but I mean come on! All you have to do is:

The fans immeadiatley start to chant "WAW", as the climatic pyro opens up the spectacle. The return of WAW is amongst us all, as Jim Ross, and Jerry Lawler introduce us to the first match of the evening.

Is that hard? Bro, that was less than a minute I swear! No promo's. You said in your first post that in the original WAW nine lines was superb. Well if back then no promo's were ok, think about now. Dude its not a great thing. It doesn't make the pay per view special, it doesn't add anything but negativity. I hope you make up for it in the future. It wasn't a bad PPV. It just wasn't great either. It was actually a hair below average. So please I don't want to offend you. This is strictly constructive critisism..

Evil Austin

I jus tthought that the original ppv for Dejavu over 8 months ago though it had no promo's I thought I would keep tradition everything else will be better and everything else will be with promo's don't worry about that.
Poster - I just got photoshop about a week ago still learning how to taggle with stuff and how to use it properly i am working on getting better on it.
Matches - Being too "Gimmicky" Once again, I had no hand in picking it it was meant to be you guys doing that. And since only Gards did one over MSN I had to use his card he even (quote) said to me I want it to be gimmicky for you to be pushed and test your skill.. I infact didn't like the matches but what can i do this was meant to be you guys picking.

So once again besides the match length its not all entriely my fault. With the other stuff and shows I know in advance its my planning and it will be much better - a preview for the weekly show can be coming soon.

Edit -
- Preview for my first Weekly show -

*At Dejavu we saw the match between AJ Styles and the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe, AJ retained his gold in the end and managed to defeat the Samoa Joe. Joe claims he will forget about that Dejavu event call it a bad night and claims that his eyes are set on bigger prizes.... him and AJ are going to be involved in a "Championship Chase" Tournament for John Cena's new Championship. (more info on that later)

*Speaking of John Cena, he pulled out all the stops he overcame leg pains and a possible fractured ankle but he managed to suck it in and lift Kurt Angle the former Champion up and FU him. This week we are in Kurt Angle's hometown of Pitsburg Pensilvania and how will Kurt even show his face and his ego as he comes down to the ring with nothing ?

*Speaking of Champions The Tag Team Champions of the world the team of Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase JR. With a possible Tag title contention in the line for Edge and Christian after winning the TLC ladder match. What will the new up and coming second generation superstars have to say to the former world champions as Edge holds his "Cutting Edge" and he invites both members of Team Priceless...

*On WAW.COM we were given the news that General Manager Vincent Kennedy McMahon had a special announcement at the top of the broadcast concerning the Royal Rumble upcomng PPV. He also says it has something to do with the Champion Cena and we suspect it may be a tournament like event where the winner gets to face Cena at the Royal Rumble one on one. So far AJ and Samoa Joe, JBL were confirmed for the tournement and so was Rob Van Dam.

All that and more this week on WAW - (also that poster for the show I did about two days ago.... I thought it was "alright" for someone who is a noob to photoshop).



Looks pretty good. I'll review your show, but in the mean time go drop a review at RPW. :D

Evil Austin


January Second 2008 – Pittsburg Pennsylvania

*WAW Pyro goes off and the show starts*

JR: Welcome ladies and Gentleman to Philadelphia Pennsylvania where we bring to you WAW We Are Wrestling after its hiatus it is brought back and we are happy to be back how about you partner.

King: Same here….JR, what matches are on tonight?

JR: (before he can say something)

*Vince's music hits and he makes his way strutting down to the ring*
JR: Looks like Vince is going to answer your question.

Vince: With Dejavu behind us, with the Royal Rumble ahead of us we have a lot to cover….And we will have a lot of fun doing it. Tonight we will find out some of the tournament for the world championship chase I am about to start.

(Good crowd reaction)

Vince: And two, We will hopefully find out some of the results for the Championship Chase tournament help currently by John Cena what that means is over the next three weeks we will have a tournament where the winner faces John Cena in a match of their choosing for his world title. This 8 man tournament is as follows.

(This is shown on the screen of the titon tron)




William Regal
Samoa Joe


MR Kennedy
Jeff Hardy


JR: Wow King I can't believe it this I really can't wait for….this is going to be a huge three weeks leading up to the Royal Rumble.

King: I can't wait either I hope that cocky no good wanna be AJ STYLES gets eliminated by my man JBL in the first match I mean he is lucky he already is holding the intercontinental title otherwise he should be out of the tournament.

Vince: And the entire first round matches are going to happen tonight and all of this show will be the first round matches so by the end of this show we will see who moves onto round 2.

(Great Crowd Reaction)

Match – 1
First Round Tournament Match
AJ STYLES vs. John Bradshaw Layfeild

AJ and JBL circle the ring for a few seconds as the bell rings and this match gets underway, Styles does the first strike as he runs at JBL with a flying mid air for – arm which makes JBL groggy, JBL wobbles back a few steps into the corner of the wrestling ring against the turnbuckle. AJ goes up to JBL and stands on the second corner turnbuckle ring rope and then starts to pummel him with hard right hands to the top of the head. The crowd begins to count along with him in this match up, (crowd counting) 1….2….3….4…5…6 (and then) JBL pushes AJ off of the second ring rope turnbuckle in the corner and then AJ lands on his feet AJ runs back on the attack jumping on him but JBL moves out of the way and AJ hits his chest in the corner of the ring. JBL than begins to pummel him with hard rights and lefts in the corner of the ring. JBL grabs AJ's arm and throws him hard against the ropes and then big boots him on the rebound. JBL lifts AJ up to his feet by the same hand he threw him with at the ropes, this time JBL goes to pull AJ towards himself and then nail him with a clothesline from hell his patented finisher maneuver. But AJ ducks underneath the left arm clothesline by JBL and than JBL misses the move on AJ, AJ is now behind JBL and than hits him with hard fists clubbing him in the back a couple of times. AJ than jumps on JBL's back and has him near the ropes in a sleeper hold. AJ Styles holds it on for a couple of seconds and JBL is walking around the ring slower and slower trying to shake AJ off of him but he holds on tight like a leech. JBL goes down to one knee and AJ still holds it on him but is standing with his feet on the ground at this time for leverage. JBL is on his knees with his head weary and groggy he (AJ) lets go and runs at the ropes and dropkicks him in the face. AJ hooks the inside leg for the pin fall…1…2…, JBL kicks out. AJ picks JBL up to his feet and then starts to chop away at him until he reaches the corner of the ring. AJ goes to throw JBL at the opposite side of the ring but JBL just stands there, he than throws AJ at the ropes and then goes for a clothesline from hell but AJ kicks JBL in the gut just seconds before he could hit it. AJ then quickly runs at the ropes and does for a backwards flying mid air elbow to the face and knocks JBL over. AJ then goes onto the ring apron just behind the ropes, he awaits JBL to get up to his feet and goes for his finisher move on JBL the "styles clash" he is in mid air but then JBL catches his body and is holding him in a cross body position he has a smirk on his face a grin and out of nowhere JBL hits a fall away slam on AJ Styles, sending AJ straight away from the middle of the ring all the way up to the other end of the ring near the ropes. And he rolls up his legs for the pin fall…1…..2…, AJ gets his foot on the bottom rope. JBL can't believe it, JBL see's that AJ is slowly twitching and moving and holding onto that very rope to pull himself up to a vertical base but JBL than runs at the ropes and goes to hit a clothesline from hell which would surely put him away but AJ just falls down and the intercontinental champion misses the move and ducks underneath the clothesline from hell…

JBL is getting pissed, JBL starts to stomp on AJ he kicks him in the ribs a couple of times and then makes him huddle in the corner against the bottom ropes. JBL runs at AJ going to boot him in the face while he is down in that position but AJ rolls underneath the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. AJ than as JBL hits his foot on the turnbuckle and makes himself groggy for a moment gets up on the apron and tries that finisher move once more he springboards off the top rope and then in mid air JBL holds his arm up and clotheslines him from hell down…. He falls on AJ out of desperation and than the referee has no choice but to make the count. He picks up the win and moves onto the next round.


In the ring as the commericial break hits the ring is being set up by the referee's and officials getting ready for the Cutting Edge talk show hosted by none other than Edge himself.

After the commercial break – Edge's music hits and the crowd goes wild –

King: This man dominated along with Christian last night at the Dejavu ppv…

JR: That’s why he is a former champion and so is his partner they are
brothers and they are one of the best tag teams in the world today.

Edge: Tonight my guests are none other than the world tag team champions themselves… sure they might be spoilt, brats that got everything they wanted growing up from their parents but nonetheless they are champions and well welcome the world tag team champions Team Priceless….Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Junior.

*The World tag team champions make their way out to the ring. They get lots of boo's but they don't care.*

Edge: Now I am sure that you guys have been aware of what took place last night. Where I. The ultimate opportunist Edge took the briefcase high above the ring winning the match for my team. Earning a right to face you guys the champions any time we please.

Cody: Hold on a minute here….. Edge. If that is your real name, I kind of doubt that your parents named you at birth "Edge" but whatever, according to us … (looks at his partner) the Second generation superstars you guys are not in line for a title shot until either you or your partner you're so called brother Christian get a pin fall victory of either of us, and seeing as our parents were champions just like we were. That doesn't seem likely to happen any time in the future.

Dibiase: Yea and if you are man enough to even try wait….scratch that if you are stupid enough to even try to get in the ring with one of us than you will be beaten on the mat one … two … three just like that and well that would be … just Priceless… because you can't put a price on genetic greatness…

*crowd boo*

Edge: So what your saying on my talk show the Cutting Edge is that this briefcase (holds up) means nothing to you guys at all? So what your saying is we have to have a pin fall victory over you guys to face you two at the Rumble for the gold.

Dibiase: That’s exactly what we are saying unless your parents couldn't afford to send you to Harvard I understand why you’re a bit slow but you don't get a shot at this (holds up the gold) until you beat us!

Edge: Well if that’s how it's going to be if you are going to talk
about "heritage" and your parents being such big champions let's look back at history hum…Ted Dibiase Senior…. World Title runs um…. Let me see here oh right that’s Zero. And how many times a world heavyweight champion am I ….. Um let me see here Four that’s right Four. I am sure you guys can count to that number?

*Crowd pop and Dibiase is angry*

Edge: Let me look back even further in history, I think I did my studies as a kid when Cody Rhodes … your father who you claim to have had such an influence in your carrier. Cody, if you grow up to be half as good as your father was then you still would become a zero time champion! Let's look why, Mr. Dusty Rhodes, a……….zero time world heavyweight champion. And my partner my younger brother Christian a…..two time world heavyweight champion… Looks to me like Christian and I are already better than your parents were in their whole carriers and it looks to me that we are better than you!

Team priceless drop their titles and mikes on the floor… they then both run at Edge and attack him as he is off guard for a split second. Edge gets punched in the corner and hard and kicked by Ted and Cody Rhodes In the corner and Edge gets pummeled down to a bottom corner and it doesn't look good for Edge.

Suddenly moments later to the crowds liking Edge's tag team partner Christian's music hits and he makes his way running down to the ringside and punching Cody and Ted down. Edge gets up from the corner and spears Cody as Christian kicks Ted in the gut and hits the "Un-prettier"

Vince McMahon is seen in the tron and he has something to say about what just took place.

Vince: Gentleman, that was a great showing by both of you guys last night and I haven't even had time to congratulate you guys yet. Edge Christian….much to your dismay I also agree with what Cody and Ted have said even though you beat two other teams last night you may now be higher up on the contention ladder than they are but you haven't beaten them yet….. So hwo about this next week at the top of the hour you two take on Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Junior and if you guys do win that match you get your title match at the Royal Rumble.

- Commercial Break -

Match – 2 Round 1 Tournament –
William Regal vs. Samoa Joe

As the bell rings and the match begins, Joe has a smile on his face he wants to take out his rage that he lost last night to AJ Styles and the fact that Regal won his particular match out on Regal he wants to unleash his anger out on Regal. Regal starts taunting and goes to lock up with Samoa Joe but Joe slaps Regal and Regal from England does not appreciate this William Regal starts to throw rights and lefts at Samoa Joe...Samoa Joe kicks Regal in the gut and then throws Regal at the ring ropes. Regal goes on the rebound to punch Samoa Joe in the jaw but Joe ducks underneath the right hand and then ends up behind Regal. Samoa Joe behind regal clubs him hard once and than twice in the lower back and then hits a release German suplex on William Regal sending him flying to the other side of the ring in the corner. Samoa Joe walks up to William Regal lying there in the corner of the ring against the bottom turnbuckle and then goes to lift him up to his feet he grabs him by the head and pulls him towards the middle of the ring. He kicks him in the gut and goes for a power type move where he places Regals head in between the legs of Joe, Regal gets out of it sliding himself back out and then quickly straight away after slides around Joe and then shoulder blocks him in the back of the leg the side of the leg making Joe fall down. Regal holds his hand up the crowd saluting the pinkie finger... The crowd give him boo's back.

{Commericial Break}
(This is where we are at after the break)

William Regal puts his hands in his tights and you can see he is about to pull something out... but the referee can't as Regal is facing the corner of the ring the turnbuckles.

JR: Not like what happened at Dejavu to Finlay not this way.... Not this way! Referee damn it do something.

King: It doesn't matter how you play the game its weather you win or loose that counts.

Then Regal turns around with something on his hands which is clearly showing in the camera angle that it is a pair of "Brass knucks", Regal is ready to punch Joe's lights out but then as Joe is at one knee slowly getting to his feet after being chop blocked by Regal, the referee see's the "knucks" and goes up to him and makes sure that it isn't used... Regal than has to give them to the referee and as the referee drops it on the outside of the ring and has his back turned Regal goes up to Joe and goes to hit him in the face but Joe on one knee low blows Regal and then hooks the leg for the pin fall...1.....2...3!.


{Commericial Break}

*Kurt Angle's music hits and the crowd goes wild for the hometown superstar*

Kurt Angle walks down to the ring without his gold that he lost last night in a grueling match with John Cena. Kurt Angle holds his head down looking at the ground in disappointment.

Kurt grabs the mike and begins to speak –

Kurt Angle: What's wrong with me….I didn't at Dejavu, I freaking lost to a no good punk ass kid who has his own fan club known as the "Chain Gang" I mean he is absolutely nothing in the ring compared to an Olympic Gold medalist. I won a freaking Olympic Gold medal in Wrestling representing America in the 1996 Atlantic games. (holds them up)

*Home town pop*

Kurt: And your telling me this medal that means I am the best pure wrestler in the world …. I just still can't get my head around it, I have a gold medal around my neck and John has a steel chain around his neck which just means he is an immature no good kid. John, (a bit of a few second pause) Wait … I think I have got it. I have got it…I have figured it all out… come down here right now.

*Takes a couple of seconds but the new WAW World Champion John Cena's music hits and he gets boo'd as he walks down to the ring as the Champion with the belt around his waist.*

John: Kurt…Kurt…Kurt, you still don't get it do you. I beat you last night, I beat you at Unforgiven 2005 I beat you Survivor Series 2005 and no matter what excuse you can think off I am still better than you ….


John: Oh and one more thing... (Holds up the belt) THE CHAMP IS HERE…

Kurt Angle: Cena, you and your chain gang buddies and believe all you want but you are in my home town and you are standing in the ring with an all American an Olympic gold medalist and someone that will always no matter what will be out of your league… now, onto why I called you out, I believe that everyone has their own chance in the spotlight everyone has a fluke win and that’s what last night was just an ordinary fluke. John Cena you know deep down in your heart that you will never be able to beat me and you know it's true oh its damn true… WOOOOO!

Cena: You can woo all you like but this right here says that I am the champion.

Kurt: Well that means that I am going to cash in my rematch clause at the Rumble… Me, You… one more time... Unless your scared Cena ? ? Huh?

Cena: You want…… (looks around)….you got it. Me and you… one more time.

Vince: (tron) Cena I don't think you were paying attention to the point of the last two match ups… The winner of the tournament faces you at the Royal Rumble for that gold. Whoever that maybe faces John not Kurt Angle. Now get out of my ring before I get really mad and call security on you….

*A video package plays on the Royal Rumble the last time it went to Sanantonio Texas, Shawn Michaels Home town*

{Commericial Break}

As the program returns Mr. Kennedy makes his way down to the ring and begins his "self introduction"

Tony Chimmel (as Kennedy storms to the ring): On his way down to the ring…. MR (getting interrupted, Mr. Kennedy snatches the mike off of Tony Chimmel and than Tony leaves the ring.)

MR. Kennedy: Now, as a real man steps into the ring he is the future of this business he is the main event of the Royal Rumble I don't care Kurt Angle or John Cena I don't care if its Vince McMahon himself but whoever I vs. at the rumble better watch out because put quite simply the fastest rising star in wrestling history has officially won the tournament I mean why even put me up against guys like Jeff… they don't stand a chance against…. MRRRRR KENNNNEEEEDDDYYYYY!!!!!!

*pause and goes to the top rope with lots of boo's*

MR. Kennedy: KENNEDY!

*Jeff's music this and he makes his way down to the ring with a standing ovation.*

Match – 3 First Round Match –
MR. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy

MR. Kennedy chews his gum and circles the ring with a smile on his face really confident about this match up thinks it will be a walk in the park, MR. Kennedy than kicks Jeff in the gut and grabs his head and then goes to slam it into the corner of the ring walking with him over to the corner of the ring but Jeff elbows Kennedy in the gut and Jeff starts to throw rights and lefts at Kennedy… Kennedy than rakes the eyes of Hardy and makes him temporarily blinded… he swings his arms around but Kennedy pushes him in the corner and shoulder blocks him a couple of times in the corner tackling him and squishing his gut against the turnbuckle post. Kennedy than grabs Jeff's left arm and takes him forward a few steps and throws him at the ropes he holds his knee up so on the rebound Jeff would hurt his gut and abdomen area even more when he would trip over the knee lift by Kennedy but Jeff Hardy scouted it coming and managed to as he was running on the rebound at Kennedy he managed to roll like forward roll over the leg and then grab hold of the leg in a school boy pin in the mid roll. MR Kennedy kicks out at a count of one and a half he looks astonished at this and didn't see that happening….. Jeff though is the first one to get to his feet a bit before Kennedy does and than kicks him in the gut as he does get to his feet… Jeff Hardy goes to suplex Mr Kennedy in the middle of the ring but Kennedy reverses it by clamping his leg behind Jeff's leg… Kennedy manages to Suplex Jeff Hardy in the ring as a result of this. Mr Kennedy goes for a quick pin fall cover but he doesn't get a full three count.

MR Kennedy runs at the ropes and than as Jeff is down he falls and knee drops him in the jaw hitting Jeff's jaw with his knee, MR Kennedy has Jeff down and grounded which is good on his part so he doesn't do areal moves and MR Kennedy is happy… has a smirk on his face as he gets Jeff in a head lock as he sits up… Jeff tries to wobble to the left and then move to the right out of it but Kennedy holds on tight… Jeff though manages to get up to his feet with the Headlock still intact holding on tight by MR Kennedy... Jeff slowly tries to get back into the game as he elbows him a couple of times in the gut but MR Kennedy right before Jeff could get out of the hold. Kennedy lets go of the hold and being behind Jeff he grabs the rainbow warrior's hair and yanks him back down whiplashing his head banging it on the mat below. MR Kennedy than picks Jeff up by his hair and pulls him forcing him back to his feet – MR Kennedy kicks him in the gut and then goes for his finisher move the "Mike Check" He is about to hit it, he is in position for it when Jeff holds onto the top rope and MR Kennedy falls flat on his back. Jeff sees this as an opportunity to try and end this match right here and right now. Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope and goes for his signature move the Swanton Bomb but MR Kennedy starts to move up to his feet he is slowly moving but it was too late Jeff was already in the air and he crashed and burned on the canvas mat below when MR Kennedy moved out of the way, MR Kennedy quickly jumps on Jeff for the pin fall trying to win the match. 1…….2……,NO Jeff gets his shoulder up at a count of two MR Kennedy can't believe it- he stands up and begins to stomp at him in the lower back and ribs where he hit the mat when he missed the Swanton Bomb. MR Kennedy kicks him for about ten seconds until he gets stopped by the referee the referee gives Jeff some room to huddle up in the corner… MR Kennedy as the referee is talking to Jeff sitting there in the corner.

MR Kennedy than runs from the ropes at Jeff Hardy with a big foot to the face to knock him out cold he holds his leg up and goes to boot him right in the face from coast to coast. But Jeff couldn't get out of the way in time he couldn't even see MR Kennedy coming and out of nowhere suddenly he is booted in the face while sitting against the bottom turnbuckle. MR Kennedy gets boo's from the crowd but there is nothing they can do Jeff is knocked out cold. MR Kennedy grabs Jeff's legs and pulls him a couple of inches forward and goes for a pin fall - 1……2…, NO! Jeff gets his foot on the bottom rope due to the fact that MR Kennedy didn't pull him out of the corner far enough. MR Kennedy is really getting pissed right now, MR Kennedy picks Jeff Hardy up to his feet he picks him up and puts him on his shoulders he goes for the standing Ken – Ton – Bomb his other, used often finisher move he has him in position for it he has Jeff in the middle of the ring and has him lying on his shoulders He goes for the move but Just before he hit it Jeff Hardy wiggles and squirms his way back down to the mat below behind MR Kennedy, Kennedy turns around and than a groggy Jeff instinctually kicks MR Kennedy in the gut and then hits out of nowhere a Twist of Fate – he goes for the pin fall with a great crowd reaction he hooks the inside leg the referee makes the count – 1………2…….3!!!


{Commercial Break}

In the ring –

Kane's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring – He gets a good crowd reaction but a bit of a confused reaction as Kane is dragging out a masked man with him he looks to be a "Mexican Wrestler" Probably the build of Rey Mysterio but isn't him. He is knocked out and Kane is dragging his body down to the ringside by his arm.

JR: What on earth is the monster Kane doing.. and who is he holding? Poor man.

King: You’re an idiot if you get in a fight with Kane.

JR: Well no one wants to fight Kane, what if Kane went up to this guy and beat him up.

Kane throws him into the ring and then leaves him lying there motionless…. He grabs the mike –

Kane: (evil laugh) Ha ha ha ha, IIIIII destroyed this man…. This is just the first (screaming) CASUALTY out of the twenty nine that stand in my way…
JR: He isn't even moving…

Kane: IIIIII will win two years in a row (note he won last year at WAW RR07) no one will be able to stop me! IIII Killed this man and he will be just the first of many that will stand in my way and will have the same fate at the Rumble.
JR: Just let the poor man go he isn't even on the roster….

Kane: This is a message to all of the twenty nine that stand in my way…. (He drops the mike and picks up the man lying there)

Kane tomb stone pile drives him and then laughs evilly as he then proceeds to throw him over the top rope without losing a sweat with full ease!

Match – 4 MNM "Morrison and the MIz" vs. Bubba and Devon Dudley the "Dudley Boys"

Miz and Devon start this match off, Both being former tag team champions – Miz goes up to Devon Dudley – Miz gets right up in his face and starts poking him in the chest and starts to give him a real ear full. Miz is telling him that he is nothing he is old and washed up he had his moment in the sun being tag team champions and now Miz and Morrison are better, Devon had heard enough and had than slapped him right in the face, Miz than returned and raked him in the eye making Devon wobble back and temporarily blinded but when he wobbled back Bubba Ray Dudley tagged himself into the match blind tagging himself into the match, Miz though is taunting the crowd and has his back to Bubba and didn't realize that he was tagged into the match up, Bubba turns Miz around and punches him with lefts and rights in the face in the middle of the ring. He hits it three times and makes Miz groggy and then to knock him over he hits the "stick and move" where he rubs his crotch and then elbows him in the top of the head to knock him down. Bubba Dudley goes up to John Morrison and then punches him in the jaw knocking him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring – Bubba runs at the ropes and shoulder blocks Miz down. Bubba goes for a quick pin fall cover but The Miz kicks out at a count of barely one. In the middle of the ring Bubba calls for Devon – Bubba holds The Miz's legs up and points them at his corner going for the "Wazzupp move where Devon head buts the crotch" Devon moves up on the top rope and then John Morrison runs around the outside of the ring and as Devon is saying the infamous WAZZUPP. Devon gets pushed over the top rope and to the inside of the ring – Bubba see's this and then lets go of the Miz and runs at John Morrison as he gets slowly into the ring, The referee stops John from getting into the ring and then as the referee turns around The Miz rolls up Bubba Dudley pulling the tights of Bubba Dudley – he pulls the tights and tries to steal one but Devon Dudley regains consciousness and kicks Miz in the back to break it up.

John Morrison runs at the ropes as he steps back into the ring and dropkick Devon Dudley back down, Devon rolls out of the ring and to the outside of the ring near the audience crowd barricade. Meanwhile the referee forces John Morrison to get back into his corner of the ring, he gets back on his apron and then the Miz goes for a tag to his partner. The Miz than goes for a tag over to John Morrison but Bubba is up to his feet and starts throwing rights and lefts with him he pushes / punches the Miz all the way back to his corner and then just before he count hit another "Stick and Move" The Miz gets a blind tag on the back by John Morrison, The Miz ducks down under the "stick and move" and then John Morrison standing on the apron elbows Bubba in the head. Bubba falls down and John Morrison gets into the ring. John Morrison goes for a pin fall then Bubba kicks out just before the count of one…John Morrison grabs the leg of Bubba Dudley and in the middle of the ring stops him from getting to the corner to possibly tag in his partner – John Morrison holds his arm back and Miz holds his arm out and they tag each other. Miz runs in the ring and then elbow drops Brother Ray in the back. John Morrison before he gets DQ'd he lets go and goes back to the apron- Miz grabs the leg of Morrison and goes to do the same thing that Morrison had done moments earlier but .. Bubba turns on his back and kicks Miz back to his corner – Bubba crawls to his corner and tags in his partner Brother Devon'. He then runs into the ring as Morrison self tags himself into the match by hitting Miz in the back as he sits in the corner – Brother Devon runs in the ring and punches Morrison down, Then Miz gets up and goes to clothesline Devon down but Bubba runs at Miz just inches before and he hits a clothesline on Miz and knocks him over, He than kicks him in the ribs and kicks him out of the ring under the bottom rope. Brother Ray and Brother Devon link hands and go to clothesline Morrison down on the other end of the ring standing against the ropes as they run at Morrison the crafty Morrison ducks underneath the "linked arms" and pulls the top rope down with him sending both Team 3D members over the top rope and to the outside of the ring… the referee begins to count them out.

John Morrison at the count of five, seconds later as Bubba and Devon get to a vertical base John Morrison runs at the ropes and then dives over the top rope and leaps over at Devon and Bubba and takes them down with a diving attack like a forearm out clothesline… The referee begins to count them out again – At the count of 7 There is still no signs of life with John Morrison and the Dudley Boys at the outside of the ring near the entrance ramp but at this time the "Illegal man" The Miz runs from where he was left around to John Morrison the legal man for his team and rolls him into the ring at the count of nine – he starts to stomp at the Dudley Boys as they are lying there and The referee counts to ten and the match ends via count out – with John Morrison the legal man for his team in the ring they win the match up.


Backstage –

HHH is tying up tape around his hands and fingers getting ready for the bout with Rob Van Dam in the main event of this evening. Though Jonathon Coachman walks into the room with the mike –

HHH: What the hell do you want?

Coach: Just a few thoughts with the former champ… (Getting interrupted)
HHH: Well piss of, out of my locker room its men only… can't you see I am busy.

Coach: But you're up against Rob Van Dam later tonight a former champion himself and to be honest I want you to win. Also what are your thoughts on the Kurt Angle situation wanting Cena again?

HHH: What the hell did I just say, get the *bleep* out of my room… (He scares Coach away walking up to him)

HHH looks at the camera

HHH: Rob, last time we went in the ring one on one what happened was I left you a bloody mess it was a long time ago but you had a shot at my title and you blew it back on Monday night raw… tonight you have a shot in the tournament and you will blow it again because no matter who you are no matter if you’re a champion a ten time champion a twenty time champion blue in the face or Rob Van Dam no one and I repeat no one can beat the game.. And tonight RVD you are going to find out who exactly how the game is played!

*HHH storms out with a game face on for his match a little bit later on*

{Commercial Break}

JBL is seen in the parking lot walking back up to his limo and his driver is waiting for him. He has his luggage bag and JBL than turns around as two men approach him... it is seen by the camera men that the two men are the very same two men that helped JBL win last week in the Last Ride match at Dejavu. They are the team of "Brood" Gangrel and Kevin Thorn.

JBL: What are you guys doing here? I am getting ready to go home after my match I need a good bath in my money... I need to get ready for the Royal Rumble match with John Cena.

Thorn: What about our end of the bargain.

JBL looks scared as if like "what the hell are you talking about, just don’t hurt me"

Gangrel: John, we agreed to help you win the match but you did promise us something now where is it.

JBL: Oh yes, that little thing......

Thorn: Hand it over.....

JBL drops his Luggage bag, grabs a wallet out of his pocket...

JBL: How much was it? 100, 2001 150? I swear that all I got with me (being sarcastic and clearly not telling the truth)

Gangrel: No that's not it... (Looks at his body guard thorn) Thorn get the blood bucket.

JBL: Noo Noo, (holds his hands forward like ok I give up) what do you guys want in return?

Gangrel: You know what we want and you better give us or the next time that you need help in a match up you will be the blood in the bucket...

JBL: Just tell me what it is and I'll do it, anything.... you know I have a good credit card in my wallet worth over 500,000$ it can get you a good doctor for those teeth (talking about thorn and Gangrel's vampire teeth)

(they look angry and offended like fists are going to be lifted up)

JBL: Alright just what do you guys want? Ok, (after a few second no answer) how about you go and get in my limmo with me and then we will talk on the way to the hotel ok.

They walk in..... and the camera goes to the ring for the main event -

Main Event – Last Round 1 Match

HHH and RVD circle the ring, HHH makes the first contact when he kicks RVD in the gut catching him off guard as he plays to the crowd and does the "R….V…D" (pointing at himself) HHH after kicking him in the gut he grabs his left hand and throws him at the ropes, he goes to hit him down with a high Harley race high knee but RVD puts the breaks on and HHH just hits the air with his knee. He puts the knee back down and RVD runs at HHH, HHH than catches RVD and turns him around in mid air and slams him to the mat in the middle of the ring – RVD gets hit with an innovative double edge Spine Buster. HHH has his game face on as he hooks the leg for the pin fall in the middle of the ring, 1….2…,! RVD kicked out… HHH than picks up RVD and than by the hair goes for another powerhouse maneuver but before he could even try anything RVD on one knee punches HHH in the gut and makes him wobble back HHH holds his chest and gut area and turns around and then when he turns back around to face RVD, RVD jumps up in the air leaps into mid air and knocks HHH back over with a roundhouse kick to the jaw otherwise known as the Vandaminator. RVD than instead of going for the pin fall he runs at the ropes and goes for the "Rolling Thunder" On HHH but as HHH was moments away from being hit by it he lifts his knees up and cracks RVD in the back with his knees. RVD rolls around the ring holding his lower back as HHH gets to his feet….

HHH goes up to RVD on the mat and, he picks him up by his hair on his head he gets him to a vertical base and RVD is holding one hand on his lower back, from the knees of HHH moments ago. HHH tries to end this match right here and right now- he kicks RVD in the gut and puts RVD between his legs and then tries to get him with a "Pedigree" HHH puts RVD's arms back in position but then out of nowhere RVD back body drops HHH over to the ropes which really would have been painful on the lower back of RVD. RVD after a couple of seconds looks around to the crowd and then grabs hold of the top turnbuckle and jumps onto the top turnbuckle with HHH down on the mat near the ropes RVD goes for his finisher the "Five Star Frog Splash" But just before he could get in the air RVD sees HHH roll under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring- HHH thinks he is out of harm's way and smiles but as he turns around on the outside of the ring RVD leaps in the air still on the turnbuckle over at HHH with a flying kick to the jaw like a flying dropkick that he does not sure what the move is called. HHH and RVD are both down and out- The referee begins to count.

At about the count of four you see RVD the one that is still hurt but not as badly as HHH start to get to one knee, but then only at the count of six you see him get into the ring- RVD stands in the ring and gets a great crowd reaction he stands up and points at his shoulders doing the "RVD taunt saying his name with the crowd" Than at the count of 8 to the referees count RVD doesn't want to end it this way and RVD leaves the ring and goes up to HHH and attempts to roll him into the ring but RVD didn't realize that HHH was playing "Possum" HHH kicked RVD in the gut on the outside and then grabbed hold of his head and rammed it into the Steel ring pole… RVD falls back hard on the mat and then HHH rolls him into the ring going into the ring himself seconds later- HHH hooks the leg for the pin fall, 1…..2…., NO RVD kicked out at the count of two and a half. HHH than is really angry he has a look of fear on his face like "What else can I do to him to put him away?"

HHH does the only thing that could possibly put RVD away- he lifts RVD up to his feet takes him over to the middle of the ring, HHH kicks RVD In the gut and goes for a Pedigree square in the middle of the ring. HHH than has his arms (RVD's arms) locked in place for the pedigree and with RVD still shaky and dizzy from getting his head rammed into the steel pole, HHH hits RVD in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree… HHH smiles as he thinks he has it won and possibly moves onto the second round of this tournament. HHH goes for a pin fall forgetting to hook the outside leg or any leg for that matter he is really confident he just puts his arm over RVD's body, The referee makes the count with HHH counting in his head along with him – (HHH "1") The referee…1 (HHH "2") The referee 2 HHH holds the third finger up in his mind thinking to himself that he has won but RVD had kicked out- HHH stands up and goes marching up the the referee and backs him into the corner, HHH gives him an ear full and tells him that he won the match and this is bullshit. The referee argues back and threatens to DQ HHH for any form of contact- HHH backs off a couple of steps with his arms up to his chest like "What did I do?" RVD than grabs the leg of HHH from behind and school boy pins him, rolling him up and holding the tights. 1….2….3!!!!


After the match up Kurt Angle runs down to the ring, he clotheslines down RVD and than in rage pulls the straps down and locks him into the Ankle lock... RVD taps out nonstop until the referee's and officials have to break it up...

Vince McMahon is down on the entrance ramp: Kurt Angle, I am very disappointed in you... but if you want John that bad that you have to attack the winner of the HHH / RVD first round tournament match up well this is what I am going to do... At the Royal Rumble it will be John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Whoever the winner of the tournament is for the WAW Championship... how do you like that?

{Show goes off the air}

(Subject may change if announced)

*Confirmed Royal Rumble participants – (no particular order)
Shawn Michaels, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, Chris Jericho, John Morrison,The Miz, MVP AND WHATEVER IT IS COMING BACK!!! (more to be announced)

*WAW World Title Match – John Cena © vs. Kurt Angle vs.?
? = Winner of the Tournament

Evil Austin

Preview for WAW We Are Wrestling - January ninth 2008 Episode

The Tournament
Just last week we saw John Cena the NEW WAW Heavyweight Champion of the world come down to the ring to make a statement, Kurt Angle the Former champion only eight days ago lost the title - in his home town issued a challenge he issued a challenge to John Cena at the Royal Rumble for a rematch clause.

But The General Manager and Chairman of the Board Vincent Kennedy McMahon had better ideas for Kurt angle's proposal, He stated that there would be an eight man tournament which would NOT include Kurt Angle. The winner of this tournament did get to verse John Cena at the Royal Rumble - Throughout the night we saw the first round matches all four of them which included JBL beating Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles, Samoa Joe beating William Regal and not only that we also saw Jeff Hardy beating MR Kennedy and In th emain event RVD beating HHH.

We all thought that Kurt Angle had lost his chance at a rematch clause and was out of the title hunt until he came down to the ring at the end of the broadcast at the end of the RVD HHH match up and had got RVD the winner of the match up in an ankle lock- RVD - At the very end of the show RVD was tapping out to the Ankle lock and not only that he wouldn't stop So Vince said that he had enough of Kurt Angle disrupting his show - He said fine you have your match it will be Angle vs Cena vs Whoever wins the tournament in the coming weeks -Where will Kurt Angle and Cena be whle the two secnod round matches happen ? Will they be watching, At ringside ..... Who knows - Stay tunned to find out.

Tag Team Title Scene
The World Tag Team Chamions Team Priceless were special guests on the Cutting Edge hosted by none other then Edge himself - Edge claimed that he was with his partner Christian they wer ein line for a tag title shot- Which they rightfully were, beating Hardy Boys and the Dudly boys in an hellacious TLC match. Edge and Christian though never got their title shot but they get a non title shotthis week and if they do manage to pull over a victory they get their long awaited title shot at the Rumble but that is if.. they beat the second generation superstars Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Junior- Can they do it ? Stay tunned to find out more.

Other Notes
Kane this past week had draged out a helpless mexican wrestler by a neuce and dragged him all the way do ringside from the parking lot - Kane claimed this would be the first cassulty of many more to come until he wins the Royal Rumble! Kane though won last year the Rumble match at the entrant number 14# - On the first waw ever Rumble and Kane had never got his chance to hold the gold afterthat - Could this possibly make Kane even more angry even a more fire light up underneath Kane? If that is possible will we see a more determained a more FOCUSED Kane then ever to win this Rumble match for the possible second time in a row joining the likes of other great men who have done a double Rumble win? Who knows, who knows who Kane's next victom will be next?

Also the Royal Rumble match this week was confirmed to be held at the arena in Sanantonio Texas - This is the home town of HBK Shawn Michaels, Shawn seems to be in an advantage no? But with the likes of Kane and others confirmed for the Rumble event who knows what will happen... anything can happen at WAW this week - But the thing that is stirring up the most contriversy out of all is the "THING" on the poster- It claims that Something or Someone is returning to Texas and is going to be at the Rumble? Who is it What is it ? Will we get some more info this week? Who knwos but The Royal Rumble is shapping up to be a memorable event-[/]

Confirmed Matches
- Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Hardy - Second Round Tournement Match up
- John Bradshaw Layfeild w/ Kevin Thorn & Gangrel at ringside vs Samoa Joe
Also a Second Round Tournament Match Up
- Shawn Michaels vs Colt Cabana
- Edge and Christian vs Team Priceless - non title tag team match - Stipulations, If Edge and Christian win they get themselves a tag team title shot at the Rumble-
- And Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles is in action
- We also might get a clue on what it is THAT IS COMING!!!!

And much much more so stay tunned -


Best Match: The Main Even t was indeed your Best Match but having RVD go over Triple H in my eyes was a bad choice. Even though RVD was a former WWE Champ and was a great Extremist I think that you have over done it here. RD is a big star, HHH is a Mega Star. Good match in whole though.

Worst Match: Regal vs. Joe. The whole match just seemed rushed like you wanted to get it over and done with. Take your time and try to give a sense of amazement in your matches.

Best Promo: For best promo I am not going to put anything as I have a major problem with your Promos. Everything is so cardboard and out of sort. Everyone was in character but not really sounding as though they should, I am not sure f it is your writing but It just seems not write. I suggest going at your promos at a diff angle.

Worst Promo: See above.

Final Comment: I was a mediocre show. Not the best I have seen yet not the worst but I know you can do a lot better. Don't forget to review my show.

Evil Austin




*WAW Pyro goes off and the show starts*

JR: Welcome ladies and Gentleman, Two Weeks till the Royal Rumble partner and who is your pick?

King: I don't know, I just hope that Shawn Michaels doesn't win – (JR buts in)

JR: Why? He won it twice before he is the veteran at the Rumble and he is in his home town…

King: Yea but he is old and washed up MVP and MR Kennedy and Team Priceless are the waves of the future – I say HBK moves out of the way and passes the torch on.

*JBL's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring*

JBL parks his car in the entrance ramp and JBL walks out of the car and steps out of it with his arms held up high in glory, JBL is accompanied to the ring by The Brood Kevin Thorn and Gangrel.

King: Now there, there is a real champion…

JR: He has never ever been a WAW champion…

JBL then happens to be stepping into the ring at this point of time; he grabs the mike and begins to speak.

JBL: Ladies and Gentleman, bow down to the Wrestling…(slight pause) GOD!

*Crowd Boo*

JBL: Two Weeks ago at the last Pay Per View event I won a Last Ride match in the main event – I beat The Undertaker. The Undertaker he is dead, he is vanished for good and I am not officially the man who did it.

JR: No he isn't he got a lot of help from Gangrel and Kevin Thorn.

JBL: Undertaker's cinderalla story has come to an end he was vanished from the WAW Federation and he is gone for good my sources have told me that on the WAW website (the first post on the thread) He is off of the roster because he is gone and never coming back!

*Lot's of heat*

JBL: You can boo all you want and chant Takers name all you want until you're blue in the face, just face facts I destroyed the carrier of the Undertaker….

*Gong* (as JBL celebrates in the ring)

(Great Crowd Pop)

JR: Can it be…….?

A few seconds later the lights go out- and when they are back on there is nothing.

JBL: You see, you see that’s exactly what I was telling you about The Undertaker is gone he isn't coming back and you know why….. (Being interrupted)

*MVP's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring*

MVP: JBL, we all saw what you did its all well and good but you know what no one cares for all I care both of you could have been shoved in that hearse last month- The thing these people want to hear about is how MVP is going to win the Royal Rumble this year.

JBL: Yea Yea, Boo Hoo Wha Wha you better stop whining and complaining because JBL is here and you better just throw yourself over the top rope because I am the best brawler in the business today I have these two by myside to be helping me in the rumble and if you were even had half the brains I do you would know that there is no point in getting in that Rumble with me, you should just join me and become my second main man in the cabinet because if you do I will promise you just like I promised these two when your rolling with JBL you are rolling with a WRESTLING … GOD!

MVP: Crying? Lying Down? Joining your side? MVP doesn't do any of that for anyone no matter who it is it's you Dracula over there or King Kong Bundy or even the Godzilla known as The Big Show I don't lay down for anyone and you want to know why ….? Because I am half man half amazing(being interrupted)

*Samoa Joe's music hits*

(During a commericial Break as Joe stands on the apron and looks down at them two in the ring, Joe gets in the ring and is ready to take on JBL in the second round tournament match up… As we return from a Commericial Break JBL is in the ring with Joe and the bell is about to ring JBL has the brood at ringside and MVP has decided to take front row seating in this match and sit with the announcers)

Second Round Tournament Match –
JBL vs Samoa Joe

King: Looks like we have guests JR, (MVP puts on the headset)

MVP: Now, you guys better thank me later for being on this announce team because ratings go up when im on the screen….

JBL at this time was getting lots of boo's JBL is really confident as he has The Brood Gangrel and Kevin Thorn at ringside, JBL goes up to Samoa Joe who is just standing there but Joe kicks JBL in the gut and Joe runs at the ropes as JBL is leaning forward. Joe as he runs at the ropes behind JBL he then jumps over JBL leap forging over him and then keeps running at the ropes and on this rebound he dropkicks JBL down in the jaw. Joe gets a pretty good crowd reaction.

MVP: You see, Jeremiah and Jimbo that’s why I am half man half amazing I would have blocked that move so easily and I would have knocked Joe down and out- That’s why I don't need to be in this tournament I am already established at the number one contender.

Samoa Joe runs at the ropes once more and goes for another high flying move on JBL while he is on his back in the middle of the ring but Kevin Thorn on the outside of the ring grabs hold of Samoa Joe's left leg and stops him from getting out of the ropes area- Thorn lets go after a few seconds and left him enough of a distraction that let JBL get to one knee, Joe kicks the ropes to scare Thorn back a step and when Joe turns around JBL had ran at Joe and blindsided him against the ropes clothes lining him against the ropes- Joe falls down on the mat sitting down.

JR: You see that damn JBL he has back up all around the ring it isn't fair…

King: When your JBL everything is fair…

MVP: No, both of you are wrong JBL is following the rules- But Joe is pathetic ha can't defend himself if he can't beat JBL then what chance does he have against me when I am the champion…

JR: But you're not the champion..

I am half man half amazing.

JBL picks Joe up to his feet by the hair on his head, JBL grabs Joe's left arm and tries to get him with a clothesline from hell he pulls him forward a couple of steps to the middle of the ring- JBL pulls Joe towards himself and JBL holds his arm out for the move- Joe scouted it coming, Samoa Joe ducked underneath the right arm and Samoa Joe ends up behind JBL. Samoa Joe goes straight for the back and clubs him hard in the back he hits him twice with hard right hands closed fists- He makes JBL groggy and then out of nowhere Samoa Joe sends JBL flying to the other end of the ring with a German Suplex. Samoa Joe rolls JBL onto his back and then goes right on him and starts to punch him high and low sitting on him- After about four punches to the upper body and face area JBL being much bigger then Joe manages to wiggle his way back into the corner and the referee breaks it up makes Joe get off of JBL otherwise he is Disqualified which isn't good for a second round tournament Match up. Samoa Joe goes up to JBL in the corner and lifts him up by his head to his feet- Joe then gets raked in the eyes by JBL and is temporarily blinded unable to see, JBL has Joe holding his eyes and turned his back on JBL for moments. JBL awaits him to turn back around to face Joe and when Joe turns around still blurred sight, JBL holds his arm up and goes to hit him with a clothesline from hell, Then out of nowhere Joe kicks JBL in the gut inches before contact was made with the clothesline from hell. Samoa Joe then hits a swinging neck breaker on JBL and then goes for a pin fall. The referee makes the count. 1……2…., NO JBL kicks out at the count of two- Samoa Joe though goes straight for the offense and goes for the cross face chicken wing submission hold where he has his legs wrapped around JBL's gut and has his arms chocking the life out of JBL in the throat area. He is in the middle of the ring and even when JBL reaches his arm out to the ropes he cannot reach- The Brood are banging the mat and cheering JBL on.

Samoa Joe has held this move on JBL now for close to a minute and JBL has his eyes slowly rolling into the back of his head- JBL is fading and fading fast, Samoa Joe refuses to let go of the hold and Joe keeps the pressure on strong. The referee goes to check on JBL he asks JBL if he wants to give up but JBL has his throat clamped by Samoa Joe and there is no reply just a slight mumble. The referee takes action and checks to see if JBL is knocked out- He lifts up one of JBL's arms and lets it drop, JBL's arm drops he then goes up to the corner of the ring and goes to ring the bell to end the match he leans out of the ring on the apron to tell the ring announcer and bell ringer that this match is over via submission but the Brood member Kevin Thorn near the ring announcer grabs the ring bell off of the time keeper and makes sure he doesn't ring it – he makes sure that this match is still going but Joe is unaware of what is happening in the ring- Gangrel though seizes this opportunity to do some rule breaking himself, Gangrel goes up to the referee with his head leaning foraward out of the ring and then punches him as hard as he can with a right hand the referee falls back in the ring with a bloody nose and isn't moving-

Joe slowly lets go but still holding onto JBL's head in the sleeper hold in sitting up position. As Joe has him in the sleeper hold and the referee is knocked out, JBL looks like he is also about to be knocked out- JBL is fading fast but with no referee JBL is still in the match up…

MVP: Sorry guys I know I made this announcing team better with me here with it but I have my duties to do something!

MVP runs in the ring and then Big Boots Joe in the face as he sits down with JBL in the sleeper hold chicken wing position- MVP puts JBL on the Joe and a knocked out JBL gets the three count as the referee comes to moments later!


After the match up JBL is helped up to his feet by the Brood in the middle of the ring and then he stares a hole into MVP's eyes, JBL stands up on a vertical base and MVP then shakes hands with JBL… MVP leaves the ring and JBL leaves moments afterwards as his music hits after MVP's… JBL leaves with a smile on his face.

Backstage – Johnathan Coachman walks into Shawn Michaels room-

Coach: Shawn with two weeks left to the rumble in your home state of Texas ….. what are your thoughts I mean surely you're not going to win? I mean lets face it and I mean I have seen it all I saw when you won all the other times but Shawn you just have to face facts that your old and washed up… what are your thoughts on losing this year's royal rumble?

JR: Aren't Interviewers meant to be un-byist?

Shawn: Coach? You don't think I can do it can you? You don't think the heartbreak kid can win the match for the third time in his home town in front of his friends and family?

Coach: Well honestly no, because I happen to know what is coming back that day at the Rumble and Vince has told me who he signed back and well…Shawn you're going to be in for a rude awakening when I watch him eliminate you from the rumble.

Shawn: No matter who it is the Heart Break kid will triumph and overcome the odds I don't care who it is bring them all on, with my home town crowd behind me I can take on anyone there is- I beat them all and eliminated them all once from number 1 to number 30.. and I'll do it again.. do you want to know why? BECAUSE I CAN!

Coach: Shawn can I ask you one more thing- Tonight you are going up against Colt Cabana a new up and comer in this business and it is his debut match … (Shawn grabs the mike)

Shawn: Your going to say to me what are my thoughts? Did I scout my opponent and do my homework on him? That’s what you were going to ask Coach wasn't it? Well MR Cabana you better be listening and listening good because when you get in that ring with me your not just getting in the ring with Shawn Michaels you are getting in the ring with each and every one of these people in the audience (pop) With these people behind me the Show stoppa will show up and Colt Cabana you are going to find out what they call me the Main Event (Coach at this time leaves)

Match – 2 AJ Styles vs. Booker T.

AJ Styles and Booker T circle the ring for a few moments as AJ the Intercontinental Champion gets lots of crowd chants- AJ Styles goes up to Booker T and goes to give him a right hand to the jaw but Booker T hits him moments before he could do so, Booker T kicks him in the gut and then has him leaning forward momentarily Booker T runs at the ropes and tries to end this match up right here and right now with a scissors kick –

JR: If he hits this he might very well get himself an Intercontinental championship match in the future.

King: Good! And Good riddens I think there should be a height restriction for championships.

Booker T lifts his foot up for the kick to the back of the head on AJ to ultimately hit the move on him but then out of nowhere AJ moves his head around and out of the way he then quickly runs at the ropes as Booker T is just putting his leg back down on the mat and then AJ on the rebound goes to clothesline Booker T down but Booker T hits a hard right forearm to the jaw of AJ Styles the intercontinental champion and then knocks his lights out making him fall right back to the mat in the middle of the ring in a blink of an eye. Booker T runs at the ropes and on the rebound the former WCW Champion jumps in the air and drops his knee on AJ's face. AJ is holding his face as Booker T grabs his arm and pulls AJ up to a vertical base- Booker T starts to throw rights and lefts at AJ in the middle of the ring but then AJ ducks underneath one of the right hands and ends up behind Booker T, Booker T the veteran always knows where he is in the ring at all times and turns around to AJ but AJ then with his back to Booker T out of nowhere knocks Booker T's lights out and nails him right in the top of the head with a "Pele"… AJ gets a great crowd reaction from this as they are loving it.
AJ Styles goes for a pin fall – the referee makes the count in the middle of the ring, 1…….2….., NO Booker T kicks out and gets his shoulder up at the same time both at the count of two and a half. AJ Styles can't believe it usually that puts people away. AJ Styles runs at the ropes and while Booker T is still groggy and on the mat AJ hits a leg drop on Booker T,

AJ Styles goes for another pin fall but this time not hooking the legs of Booker T though Booker T kicks out at around the count of one. AJ picks Booker T up and then goes for a suplex on him in the middle of the ring AJ Styles kicks him in the gut and has him in position for the move but Booker wraps his legs around the legs of AJ and AJ can't do it- Booker T then gets out of the Suplex position and blubs AJ in the back a couple of times AJ holds his back and moves slowly to the corner turning his back on Booker T and Booker T then awaits him to come back and Booker out of nowhere holds his left leg up and knocks him over with a super kick like move. Booker T hooks the right leg of AJ for the pin fall he is nodding his head as he believes he has this match in the bag – 1…..2……NO Booker T didn't win this match up with AJ kicked out. Booker T then goes up to the referee and gets right in his face he can't believe it Booker T is giving him an ear full and that he should have this match won already. Booker T has turned his back on AJ Styles the Intercontinental Champion which wasn't a smart move when AJ grabs Booker's tights and rolls him up in a school boy like pin fall but Booker T kicked out of it in a hurry before the count of two.

AJ Styles had gotten to his feet near the ropes at the same time as Booker T both men look at each other before Booker starts to throw right hands at AJ in the ropes he then kicks him against the ropes and starts to do a classic Booker T with a one two one two one two constant kicks and punches against the ropes AJ has no idea what is hitting him- Booker T then throws AJ Styles at the opposite ropes and then on the rebound AJ Styles holds onto the ropes and just stands there, Booker T runs at him and then gets thrown over the top rope and to the outside when AJ pulled the top rope down. As the referee begins to count Booker T out AJ Styles looks at Booker T on one knee on the outside near the ring and crowd barricade and then looks at the crowd he grabs hold of the top ropes and throws himself over the top rope and to the outside of the ring AJ Styles crashes and burns on the outside of the ring on top of Booker T both men are down on the outside and the referee starts the ten count over. At the count of five Booker T is on one knee once again and then shakes it off and gets himself to a vertical base, Booker T then see's that AJ is slowly getting to his feet and then grabs AJ's arm and goes to throw him hard at the unforgiving steel steps. AJ Styles reverses the move and puts the breaks on he then throws Booker T at the steel steps and Booker T smashes his shoulders at the Steel Steps at this time the referee's count is at 8 and AJ runs into the ring- AJ Styles then runs out of the ring to break up the count and he picks Booker T up to his feet and rolls him into the ring with him at the count of two. AJ Styles goes for a pin fall on Booker T but Booker T gets his foot up on the bottom rope to break up the pin fall.

AJ Styles then moves Booker T by the legs more towards the middle of the ring and then goes outside of the ring- he stands up on the ring apron he gets a few AJ chants from the crowd as he stands there and waits for Booker T to get to a vertical base AJ then jumps onto the top rope and leaps into mid air the intercontinental champion goes for a flying forearm to Booker T's face but Booker T in mid air catches him and slams the back of AJ's head to the mat below in a spine buster like fashion. Booker T rolls the leg up of AJ and gets a pin fall – He gets a three count and the win.


As Booker celebrates in the ring and AJ is on the floor in the ring Muhammad Hassan's music hits and he storms to the ring on a mission.

JR: Its … Its … Muhammad Hassan! What is he doing here!

King: I say he is doing a great job by eliminating AJ from the rumble match, there should have a height restriction for the broadcast and the Royal Rumble because it would be a dark day for wrestling if he won it.

Hassan locks AJ in the Camel Clutch after throwing Booker T over the top rope and to the outside – AJ is being knocked out and Then after a couple of minutes Hassan stands up and spits on AJ to the crowds dismay he then leaves the ring.

Match – 3
Edge and Christian vs. Team Priceless (Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase)

Stip: If Edge and Christian win they get a tag title shot at the Royal Rumble

Edge and Ted Dibiase start this match up- Ted goes right up to the former world heavyweight champion Edge and then tells him that he is nothing that he is not a second generation superstar like he is and tells Edge that he will beat him- he pokes him in the chest and then out of nowhere Edge with a smirk on his face Slaps Ted Dibiase that was heard around the arena, Ted goes down to one knee and then Edge grabs Ted and picks him up to a vertical base holding his head but Ted Dibiase then starts to throw right and left hands at Edge making him back into his corner where his partner Cody Rhodes is in. Ted then kicks Edge in the gut in the corner of the ring and then starts to pummel him in the corner, Edge goes down to the bottom turnbuckle in a sitting down position and Ted tags in his partner Cody Rhodes- Cody kicks Edge in the gut and then goes down on one knee on Edge's level and then begins to choke him which is illegal.

Christian goes to help his partner and steps into the ring but he was not tagged into the match up- the referee goes up to Christian and tells him to go back into the corner but this takes a couple of seconds, and with the referee with his back to Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Junior. Cody is still choking Edge for about ten seconds now and when Christian finally gets back to his corner apron and The referee goes up to Cody Rhodes- the referee starts to count to five 1…..2…..3….4…, Cody lets go but even though the referee didn't see it Edge was being choked in the corner for at least 15 seconds. Christian has seen enough and is holding his arm out really eager for a tag into the match up but Edge is down in the opposite corner and after being choked like that doesn't look good for him at the moment. Edge gets picked up to his feet by Cody Rhodes and Cody runs at the ropes while Edge is standing there wobbly and groggy- Cody Rhodes on the rebound goes to clothesline Edge back down near his team's corner the tag team champions. Edge following his instincts out of nowhere runs at Cody Rhodes- He then spears him down he nails a spear on Cody Rhodes and Edge falls down out of exhaustion. The referee begins to count both men out.

Edge being near the middle of the ring and being pretty far away from his partner begins to crawl over to Christian who has his arm out and the crowd are wanting him to get the tag while Cody is near his side of the ring and then Dibiase the now legal man runs into the ring and stops edge from getting a tag to Christian- Ted Dibiase elbows Edge in the back on the mat and then again and then again. He then taunts over at Christian and makes Christian really angry, Christian is about to run into the ring at Ted Dibiase but the referee stops him and while this was happening Ted Dibiase grabs Edge's legs and drags him to his corner Cody then tags himself into the match and then kicks Edge while he is down in his corner and then picks him up and suplexes him in the middle of the ring, Cody goes for the pin fall just a plain cover not hooking any leg being really confident but Edge kicks out at the count of one and a half. Cody Rhodes gets to his feet with Edge slowly twitching and moving but Cody stops that by kicking him in the ribs a couple of times while he is down, Edge chants being to build through the arena and the crowd really want to see him get a tag in this match up.

Cody grabs Edge's legs and goes to drag him to the other end of the ring but Edge using his legs kicked him back and kicked from the middle of the ring back to the corner of the ring where Ted is- Edge then jumps up to his corner of the ring and tags in his partner Christian, The crowd goes wild, Christian runs in the ring with lots of energy he clotheslines Cody down and Ted runs into the ring for the save and he gets dropkicked down for his troubles, He then picks up Cody Rhodes takes him to the middle of the ring and kicks him in the gut he goes for the "Un – prettier" Finisher on him he turns him around and has him in position for it but Cody turns around and then pushes Christian at the ropes on the rebound Cody gets shoulder blocked down and Christian runs at the ropes and then Ted clotheslines Christian down in the middle of the ring that was on one knee near the ropes. Edge runs into the ring and goes to spear Ted for that but Ted jumps over Edge and then starts to throw right hands at Edge in the corner after Edge missed the spear in the corner of the ring Cody comes up to Ted and helps his partner punch Edge in the corner, Christian then comes up behind and turns Ted around and then throws him at the other corner opposite and then runs at that corner and clotheslines him in it. Meanwhile in the original corner Edge starts to fight back and then kicks Cody Rhodes the legal man in the gut and then stands on the second rope with his back to the turnbuckle and Cody leaning forward he hits a swinging DDT on Cody Rhodes, on the other end of the ring Christian clotheslines Ted over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Edge then goes for the pin fall on Cody Rhodes but he gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Ted on the outside of the ring grabs himself a steel chair from the announcer tables and then runs into the ring- he nails Edge and Christian both in the head. Edge and Christian win by DQ After the match Cody gets himself a chair as well and they both hit simultaneous "Con Chair Toes" on Edge and Christian leaving them a bloody mess in the middle of the ring.


After the match up and once all four men leave the ring with help that is, JR and the King send the mike backstage to Kane.

Kane is seen on the tron with his face up to the screen as he cuts his promo:

Kane: You all saw last week I destroyed El Generico last week- and in two weeks I shall physically destroy each and every one of you guys on the roster I will win the royal rumble for the second time…. (a few second laugh) Didn't your mommy and daddy ever tell you that there is no such thing as a monster………………….. WELL THEY LIED!

JR: That man is on a mission and he already won last years Royal Rumble… who is going to stop him this time.

Kurt Angle is walking around backstage and he walks into Mr. McMahon-

Kurt: Vince, just the man I am looking for- why did you put a third man in my rematch with John Cena at the Rumble I mean if you wanted to make it interesting it already is a great match not because John is in it but any match with me is classic…

Vince: You're not scared of Triangle competition are you? Kurt?

Kurt Angle: Me? Scared of competition…. Absolutely not competition should be scared of me! I am Kurt freaking Angle and I beat people in ways that aren't even invented yet I am the wrestling machine… WOOO I am the best in the world and I can beat anyone at any time at any place Vince.

Vince: Good…. Then you will be in the main event tonight call it a little warm up match…. I was saving this encounter for later but I thought if your so cocky now why not….

Kurt: Who am I up against? Some random guy off the street?

Vince: No…. you vs……. The Big Show in the main event.


Kurt is pissed and with a scared look on his face like "what have I got myself into" and storms out…..

Match – 4 Second Round Tournament Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy

RVD and Jeff Hardy shake hands like true competitors and then they lock up, RVD elbows Jeff in the side of the head and then pushes him towards the ropes where he throws him at the opposite ropes, Jeff Hardy on the rebound ducks underneath a right arm from RVD and then ends up behind RVD- RVD then quickly turns around and kicks Jeff Hardy in the gut, Jeff though catches the leg of RVD and RVD is standing there on one leg hopping. Jeff then jumps up and kicks RVD into the corner of the ring with a side mule kick that he often uses. Jeff hardy had sent RVD over to the corner of the ring and RVD has a smile on his face he is happy and feels that this match will be a real competition he taps hands with Jeff once more and then they circle the ring again Jeff is clapping his hands to get the crowd into this match up. RVD runs over at Jeff Hardy and tries to clothesline him but Jeff kicks RVD in the gut moments before- Jeff signals the "Twist of Fate" and tries to put Rob Van Dam away early but RVD pushes Jeff at the ropes as he signals the maneuver and then on the rebound Jeff Hardy shoulder blocks RVD down as he leant forward. With RVD momentarily down Jeff ran at the ropes and then RVD had laid down as Jeff kept running at the opposite ropes and on this rebound RVD had jumped up and dropkicked Jeff Hardy down.

JR: What a fast past action…..

King: SHHHHH you're making it worse……

RVD saw that Jeff was down in the middle of the ring from that Dropkick and then looks at the crowd and they know what's coming next- RVD runs at the ropes and goes for the Rolling Thunder on Jeff Hardy he summersaults and then leaps up into the air and just a split second before nailing the move on Jeff Hardy, Jeff gets his knee's up and cracks RVD's back on them… RVD is rolling around the ring in pain as Jeff Hardy gets up to his feet. Jeff Hardy takes Rob Van Dam by the legs and drags him over to the middle of the ring- Jeff Hardy goes up to the top rope and signals he wants to end this match right here and right now with the Swanton Bomb…. He leaps into mid air but then RVD moves out of the way and Jeff Hardy crashed and burned in the middle of the ring. RVD moments later had gone up to his feet he then had saw Jeff lying down like that and had took both hands on the top turnbuckle and jumped up to the top rope just like he can…RVD looks to the left then to the right and then hits a Five Star Frog Splash in the center of the ring on Jeff Hardy… RVD holds his gut as he Rolls Jeff hardy over to make the count. 1…….2……..,NO Jeff Hardy kicked out RVD can't believe it- RVD though stays on the offensive and runs at the ropes and hits a leg drop on Jeff Hardy, RVD then runs at the ropes again and goes for the rolling thunder on Jeff Hardy he summersaults in the air and then Jeff Hardy rolls under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring just in time as RVD hit his back on the canvas mat below. Jeff Hardy ran up on the apron as RVD was groggy in the ring and then ran up on the top rope and nailed RVD with a "whisper in the wind"… RVD has Jeff on him for the pin fall and Jeff Hardy hooks the leg- 1…….2…….,NO RVD kicks out….Jeff can't believe it either.

Jeff Hardy helps Rob Van Dam to his feet and then throws him at the ropes and goes for a back body drop on RVD but RVD puts the breaks on and then runs at Jeff who is still leaning forward and hits a swinging neck breaker on him. RVD goes for a pin fall cover on Jeff Hardy not hooking any of the legs just has his arm over him – the referee makes the count, 1…..2(at the same time as 2) Jeff Hardy kicks out. RVD then takes Jeff Hardy by the legs and drags his body on the mat over to the corner of the ring lying across the corner of the ring under the turnbuckles. Rob Van Dam goes for his patented high flying move known as the "split legged moon sult"

RVD jumps up on the top rope and then hits the move on Jeff Hardy and then RVD goes up to the top rope again and goes this time for a five star frog splash not wasting any time but Jeff Hardy half knocked out in an ounce of desperation with his left foot kicks the second rope and makes it wobble and shake this makes RVD's leg go all spaghetti like and he falls on the top rope with one leg going left and one leg going right. This leaves Jeff a few moments to catch his breath as RVD is in horrible pain as you can tell from his face expressions. RVD though falls forward and falls back into the ring hard on the mat he is sitting against the bottom turnbuckle and at this time Jeff Hardy was using the ropes next to RVD to pull himself up to a vertical base and Jeff saw him like this- Jeff Hardy wasted no time going for the attack on RVD and Jeff had hit a double kick to the gut as RVD was sitting against the bottom rope (not sure what the move is called but you guys can probably picture it). RVD is almost coughing up blood he got double dropkicked right in the chest by Jeff Hardy…. Jeff grabs RVD by the arm and drags him away from the corner of the ring and back into the middle of the ring and hooks the right leg for the pin fall…. 1……2…..,NO RVD kicks out at the count of two and a half.

Jeff Hardy is having a hard time to believe this he doesn't know what to do next, RVD is barely moving but had the wherewithal to kick out in the last second. Jeff Hardy see's that RVD is slowly getting to one knee in the sitting up position and then Jeff Hardy runs at the ropes and then dropkicks him in the jaw back down- Jeff Hardy then runs at the ropes and goes for another areal move but seconds before he could hit it RVD moves out of the way and Jeff Hardy crashes on the mat below trying to do a leg drop like move, RVD then jumps up to his feet and then picks Jeff up kicks him in the gut though Jeff catches his foot RVD is hopping on one leg and then RVD uses his other leg to round house kick Hardy down and Hardy is down in the center of the ring- RVD goes up to the top rope jumping up pulling himself up he points at himself up at the top rope… R….V…..D he then jumps up in the air and nails a five star frog splash on Jeff Hardy the second time in this match up He then goes for the pin fall and he picks up the win.


JR: King I can't believe it Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Hardy….

King: Yea neither can I but what I will predict happening is JBL and his new cabinet taking out Rob Van Dam next week because let's face it JBL is a wrestling God.

*In the ring*

A Promo goes off for what is apparently "returning in the royal rumble match" No one knows who or what it is but this was shown on the Tron-
What was shown was a Helicopter flying over the arena where the Royal Rumble will be held he flies over the streets and then lands on the roof of the Sanantonio Arena for the Rumble- a man steps out of the Helicopter and the video cuts off once his foot reaches the surface no face or anything is given.
After that Video footage -

*King of Kings plays and HHH makes his way down to the ring*

HHH grabs the mike and beings to speak –

HHH: With the Royal Rumble coming up in two short weeks and with the likes of Shawn Michaels Kane and some run down old piece of no good trash is returning I don't care who you are if you are Batista or if you are the Funaki either way at the Royal Rumble you all will bow down to the king.


HHH: Hey Face facts people I am the Game I beat your home town kid Shawn Michaels and not just beat him I smashed him a new one at Wrestle mania last year and he still has marks from that match…. More Facts Kane you claim to be a monster but all I see in you is a no good fraud you were a monster once but when you got in the ring with HHH you lossed the match and your mask and now you are just a seven foot tall blueberry that bowed down to the Game.

HHH shows a video package of his history with the WAW We Are Wrestling company over a year span –

*Coming third in the 2007 Royal Rumble only to be won by Kane
*Winning a fatal four way steel cage match at the no way out PPV
*Beating Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania in a LMS match
*At Backlash winning a fatal four way HIAC match winning his first WAW Championship beating Kane, HBK, Undertaker.
*Beating Undertaker at Judgement Day in a Buried Alive match.
*At Summerslam beating Chris Jericho to become the Undisputed Champion.

HHH drops the mike and leaves as he has made his point.

Match – 5 Colt Cabana vs. Shawn Michaels
Colt's debut match on WAW –

Colt Cabana has his first WAW appearance ever- he doesn't look rusty or nervous he goes straight at Shawn Michaels and kicks him in the gut, Shawn Michaels a former WAW heavyweight champion infact the first ever champion for WAW. Colt Cabana then in the middle of the ring punches HBK in the jaw as he leans forward and then runs at the ropes and hits a swinging neck breaker on Shawn Michaels…. He goes for a pin fall but Shawn Michaels kicks out of it at the count of one barely. Colt Cabana picks Shawn Michaels up and then throws him at the ropes- Colt leans forward hopping to nail Shawn with a back body drop but Colt Cabana gets a hard kick to the shoulder for his troubles Colt stands up after leaning forward holding his left shoulder with one arm, Shawn runs at Colt Cabana after kicking him in the shoulder and Colt Cabana uses his strength advantage over Shawn Michaels to grabs Michaels and send him inside out with a power slam. Colt Cabana starts to kick Shawn in the shoulder and chest and then all around his body while Shawn is down- Then Colt plays to the crowd he gets a mixed reaction some like him some don’t but once he turns around to meet HBK who had kicked himself up to his feet HBK punches Colt down in the head. Colt gets up almost right after without hesitation and then him and Shawn lock up for the first time, Shawn throws Colt Cabana into the corner of the ring against the turnbuckle and then runs at him in the corner, Shawn goes to clothesline him into the corner squashing him in the corner but Shawn Michaels misses Colt when he moves out of the way and Shawn hits his chest on the turnbuckles- Colt Cabana then pulls the tights and rolls Shawn Michaels up, the referee makes the pin fall and then Colt Cabana puts his legs on the turnbuckles for leverage which is illegal hopping the referee wouldn't notice but he did and stopped the pin fall.

The Referee stops the count as he realizes that Colt had his feet on the bottom rope and turnbuckle and that he was cheating- He went up to Colt Cabana and gave him an ear full in the corner referee Earl Hebner won't stand for that and Colt was holding his hands up like "What did I do?". Meanwhile Shawn Michaels was getting up to his feet behind the referee and then Colt Cabana pushed the referee aside and then ran and booted Shawn in the jaw as he was on one knee knocking him over, he goes for another pin fall in the middle of the ring this time and was hooking the inside leg. Without cheating Colt Cabana only got a two count when Shawn Michaels kicked out at the count of two, Colt Cabana stands in the middle of the ring looking down at Shawn Michaels as Michaels is holding the tights of Colt Cabana and slowly pulls himself up to a vertical base Colt Cabana smiles at the crowd who give him a hard reaction as Shawn Michaels slowly pulls himself up to his feet- Colt Cabana then pulls Shawn Michaels in between his legs and then gets ready for one of his patented maneuvers the sit down power bomb. Colt Cabana picks Shawn Michaels up with ease and then has him in position for it up in the air Shawn Michaels out of desperation punches Colt Cabana a couple of times in the head and Colt lets Shawn drop to the mat in front of him Colt Cabana then tries to knock Shawn down with a hard right hand but Shawn Michaels ducks underneath the forearm and then Shawn on the other end of Colt Cabana waits for him to turn around and then BANG nails him with a super kick right out of nowhere- right in the kisser the crowd goes wild and Colt Cabana is laid out in the middle of the ring.

Shawn Michaels has Colt Cabana on the mat not even blinking in the middle of the ring he had his lights kicked out of him, Shawn Michaels goes up to the turnbuckles he goes up to the corner of the ring looks at the crowd and then looks at Colt Cabana- Shawn Michaels leaves the ring steps out onto the ring apron and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle….Shawn Michaels up on the top turnbuckle stands there for a moment as he soaks in the crowd reaction before leaping into the air well that was what he was planning to do until Colt Cabana who was playing possum jumps up to his feet and then jumps up onto the top turnbuckle with Shawn Michaels… Shawn punches him a few times and Cabana retaliates with hard head butts that make Shawn groggy and wobbly- Colt Cabana then puts Shawn's arm over his shoulder and then goes for his finisher move the "cork screw" suplex which is a spinning suplex in mid air he takes Shawn Michaels down to the mat from the top rope with the Cork Screw Suplex and then hooks the leg for the pin fall…. The referee makes the count- 1………2……3!


JR: King my god- Colt Cabana beat former world heavyweight champion Shawn Michaels in his debut match! This guy wastes no time and is shooting straight to the top.

(After the commercial break)

Kurt Angle's music hits and he gets a good pop not Baby face pop but average …

The Big Show's music hits not long after and he gets a bigger pop at this time then Angle.

Main Event – Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show

Kurt Angle looks long and hard at the Big Show the seven foot tall five hundred pounder on the other end of the ring- The Big Show walks up to Kurt Angle and the Big Show standing up at Angle shows how much of a miss match this contest is Angle looks puny next to Big Show and Show smirks and puts his hand up to Kurt Angle's face and really intimidates him showing that his hand is the size of Kurt Angle's face- Angle though isn't buying any of this and then just grabs hold of his hand and twists it he does a 360 with Big Show's arm and Show has a painful look on his face Kurt Angle then elbows the arm while holding it with the other hand and then pushes down on the shoulder making Show go slowly down to one knee Angle twists the arm again doing a full turn with the Big Show's arm and then kicks The Big Show in the ribs as he is on one knee….Kurt Angle tries to arm drag The Big Show as he is on one knee but he is still too large and the Big Show just sits there on one knee The Big Show then on one knee is about the height of Kurt Angle and uses his other arm to clothesline Kurt Angle down and the Big Show goes back up to his feet as Show holds his left arm and shakes it to try and get the blood flowing again.

As Show leans against the ropes trying to get the blood flowing back on his left arm Kurt Angle quickly runs at show runs at him and then grabs his arm and pulls it under the top rope and twists it around the ropes The Big Show screams in pain and then Show head butts Kurt Angle and it makes him wobble back and let go of his arm- Kurt Angle like a shark that smells blood tries to go right back on Show but Show holds his right boot up and big boots Kurt Angle back down. The cocky Big Show doesn't even bother leaning down to try and cover Kurt Angle he just puts his shoe on his chest and stands over Kurt Angle with his arms raised up high above his shoulders in glory- Though Kurt Angle instead of the usual kick out as you would expect the submission expert Kurt Angle had grabbed hold of The Big Show's leg that was being used for the pin fall he twisted it making the Big Show fall over into the middle of the ring on his stomach and then Kurt Angle holds that right leg and keeps twisting it and turning it and has himself early in this match up Kurt Angle has The Big Show locked into the Ankle lock.

Kurt Angle is screaming and applying more and more pressure- The Big Show is biting his bottom lip to try and relieve himself of the pain but it begins to get to much Show holds his arms behind his head and would pull out his hair if he had any he can't stand the Ankle Lock and it looks like he is going to tap out before this match even got into the two minute mark which wouldn't leave Show at a good momentum heading into the Royal Rumble. The Big Show has such large tree trunk legs and such large leg strength he just uses his Leg to kick Kurt Angle back at the ropes and Kurt Angle with all the force he was kicked by gets sent through the second rope and to the outside. It takes a few moments but the Big Show manages to slowly pull himself up to his feet. Meanwhile as Show is hopping on one leg to get to his feet Kurt Angle is on the outside of the ring and is slowly using the announce tables to pull himself up to a vertical base- Once he does he runs into the ring and then goes straight at the Big Show but the Big Show holds his arm out and has him in the Chokeslam position he has his hand right in Kurt Angle's throat and is looking for his finisher as Angle had used his Ankle lock finisher moments ago…..The Big Show takes Kurt Angle to the middle of the ring still has his hand in the throat of Angle, The Big Show lifts Kurt Angle up in the air and goes to use his Chokeslam move on him- Kurt Angle though in mid air wraps his legs around the Big Show's throat and chokes him in a 5 ft high + Triangle choke hold The Big Show had basically lifted Angle up with his hand in the throat but Angle reversed it by wrapping his legs around the throat of Show like a spider and Show is down on one knee and then on his back in the Triangle Choke hold- Kurt Angle then let's go and pulls the straps of his overalls down Kurt Angle is about to lock The Big Show once again into the Ankle Lock but moments before he does he stops and looks up at the Entrance Ramp he sees his opponent at the Royal Rumble John Cena the world champion up on the entrance ramp and Kurt Angle points at him and says "THIS IS FOR YOU CENA!" Though as he was busy being distracted by Cena and Angle was about to turn around to go back at Show but at this time Show was at a vertical base and when Kurt Angle had turned around to attack him he was shocked he thought he was still on the floor…. Kurt Angle had then been chokeslammed in the middle of the ring and Show had pinned him and picked up the win.


*Show goes off the air*


ROYAL RUMBLE CARD SO FAR – (Two weeks left to the show)


*WAW World Title Match – John Cena © vs. Kurt Angle vs.?
? = Winner of the Tournament

Edge and Christian vs. Cody Rhodes © and Ted DiBiase Junior © WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH​


Best Match: RVD vs Jeff Hardy. This was a good, fast paced match up. It was very competitive, I'm glad RVD got the victory. Easily match of the night for me.

Worst Match: Edge and Christian vs Dibiase and Rhodes: The DQ finish felt really random, it didn't make much sense. Oh well, at least you set up the tag title match up at Royal Rumble.

Best angle: The Shawn Michaels interview was good. Nice to see Coach acting all heelish and HBK responding with a good promo.

Worst angle: Triple H's in ring promo was bad. When do you ever hear wrestlers say "blueberry"?

Line of the night:
Me? Scared of competition…. Absolutely not competition should be scared of me!

Additional thoughts: Your match writing is decent, but I feel that you describe the match a little too much and it gets confusing. With that said, you still wrote some pretty good matches on here, and you did a good job of setting up Royal Rumble. I'm wondering who this "mystery" superstar will be. Your pomos definitely need work, some of the guys just aren't in character at all. You need to write your promos based on what the actual wrestler would say in a particular situation. Also, try and improve your grammar just a little bit, that always helps. The booking on the show was a little odd too, I understand that you're trying to put Colt Cabana over, but why would he beat someone like HBK in his debut match? It just doesn't seem realistic to me. This wasn't a bad show by any means, but you have room to improve. This BTB does look promising though, I'll keep an eye on it.

Overall rating: 6.5