We once again prepare to induct 5 acts into the hallowed halls of this forum...
> To view the Wrestling Smarks Hall of Fame, click here <
> To read the 2020 Induction Ceremony, click here <
> To read the 2021 Induction Ceremony, click here <
> To read the 2022 Induction Ceremony, click here <
The Wrestling Smarks Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame is back! It's the time of the year where we shall, as a community, enshrine and immortalize the greatest to ever step foot in this business we all have such a passionate love/hate relationship with!
The nomination process will be handled in two phases.
- Phase one: Each and every member of this forum may send a list in to me of 10 acts they want to nominate for the Hall of fame. You will order your lists 1-10, with whoever your first pick is getting 10 points, the second choice getting 9 points, and so on down the list. The top 10 nominees in terms of points will be finalists for the induction.
- Phase two: The 10 finalists will be announced. You will then be asked to choose 5 of the finalists, and just like the first phase, you will list them 1-5 in order of who you want to give the most points to. The 5 top point getters will be the inductees of that year's Hall of Fame.
- You may nominate anyone who has ever been a part of the business. Wrestlers, tag teams, stables, managers, announcers, promoters, referees... they're all up for nomination. Wrestlers must be at least 42 years old or semi-retired to be eligible.
- Tag teams and stables do count as one pick, so if you wish to nominate The Road Warriors, The Four Horsemen, The Steiner Brothers or whatever, they will only take up one spot on your list. You do not have to list them individually, although of course you can also list members of groups individually if you deem them worthy of induction. So, for example, you may nominate both Evolution and Triple H
- You can absolutely campaign publicly for people you want to see inducted, but please do not reveal your full lists in the thread.
- Send in your nominations to me via private message. Nominations for the first phase will be open until February 26th. I'll post the finalists after that and we can begin the second phase. My tentative date for when to start revealing the inductees is the start of April but we'll see how things play out. Anyways...
Send in your nominations now!
Current inductees
Macho Man, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Ric Flair, Bruno Sammartino, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Sting, Roddy Piper, Scott Hall, Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero and Bret Hart
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