Vince McMahon Unhappy with The UFC

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Top 10 SD Matches

THis list was compiled by someone else, someplace else, But ill take the credit for it. The list is a little too beniot/eddie heavy but oh well.

10) John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero (9/11/03)
This was the popular Parking Lot Brawl between these two men and they put on one hell of a memorable performance. This was an entertaining, brutal match that saw both men whipped forcefully into car doors and thrown onto and through glass windows. The match ended when Eddie delivered a frog splash from one car to another on top of Cena and this helped to cement Eddie as one of the most popular faces on Smackdown which would propel him into becoming WWE Champion.

9) Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio (9/26/02)
This was a match in Rey's hometown of San Diego so the fans were absolutely rabid for him. These three men went out and did what they do best which is put on kickass matches. Rey's various high flying moves was a perfect combination with Angle and Benoit's technical prowess. Everytime it seemed that Rey Rey was out of the match, he would fly in to break up a pin only to be thrown on his ass again by Benoit or Angle. The end saw Rey hit a West Coast Pop on Benoit after Angle got dumped on the floor. Needless to say, the hometown crowd went ballistic as their boy Rey had beat two of the best pure wrestlers EVER.

8) Edge vs. Kurt Angle (5/30/02)
This was a cage match that was during the great series of matches that Angle and Edge had after Wrestlemania 18 that included Kurt getting his head shaved bald. This match saw an Angle Slam from the top rope that covered ¾ of the ring, Kurt taking a cock shot on the cage door, a Hulk Hogan run in(or a run out since it happened outside the cage), and a spear from the top rope. Edge bled buckets and while I could of done without the Hogan interference, it was still a super hot match that had the crowd going insane.

7) Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros (10/17/02)
This was a semi-final match in the WWE tag team title tournament and it was a hell of a match that helped set the stage for future classic matches between these teams as well as Edge & Rey Mysterio. This match actually started off with Edge & Rey attacking both teams which left both teams stunned for a while. By the time the match was able to resume, Los Guerreros was in firm control but Angle was able to counter both with a pair of hiptosses and then tagged in Benoit who proceeded to wail on the Guerreros with some stiff elbows and suplexes. The match was even for the majority of it with both teams trading some high impact offense and displaying some great counter moves. The ending came when Eddie blocked a superplex with a frogsplash, but Benoit locked in the Crossface while Eddie covered Angle and all four men ended up on the outside where Eddie was able to lock in the El Paso Lasso on Angle which Angle reversed into an Anklelock. Chavo got a steel chair to try to hit Angle with, but Benoit fooled Chavo into thinking he was going to turn on Angle and instead smashed Chavo over the head with the chair which allowed Angle to hit the Angleslam for the 3 count. This was an action paced, exciting match that displayed the greatness that was The Smackdown Six.

6) Chris Benoit vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (5/31/01)
This was a match for Stone Cold's WWE Championship and it was fought in Benoit's hometown of Edmonton so the crowd was rabid for the Wolverine (see what I did there) from the start. Benoit was all over Austin from the very beginning and had the Rattlesnake on the ropes constantly and at one point locked in the crossface three times in a row and each time Austin had to use a tremendous amount of energy to make the ropes. Benoit dominated the majority of the match until Austin focused on Benoit's injured ribs (which he suffered from an earlier attack) to try to regain control of the match. Austin was able to punish Benoit and introduce the title belt into the match, but Benoit was able to DDT Austin onto it and go up for the diving headbutt, but Austin put the title belt in the way and Benoit's head came crashing down onto the title belt. Somehow Benoit was able to kick out after that and deliver some hellacious suplexes to Austin and even apply the Sharpshooter (which the crowd, of course, went nuts for). Austin was able to get out of that and apply the Boston Crab, which Benoit fought out of, and once Austin went for the Stunner, Benoit countered by delivering TEN German Suplexes in a row. Nope, that wasn't a typo, it was TEN Germans in a row. Mr. McMahon, who was sitting at ringside, tried to attack Benoit with a steel chair, but instead Benoit took the chair from him and proceeded to beat the piss out of McMahon with it, but that allowed Austin to roll Benoit up from out of nowhere for the three count. This was an awesome match that is hard to find, but definitely worth the effort to see.

5) Edge vs. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit (12/5/02)
This was a match to determine the #1 contender for The Big Show's WWE Title and this match was fought under elimination rules. Edge started the match with a disadvantage after being attacked in the back and having his knee pretty badly hurt. The first portion of the match featured the other three competitors in the match focusing on Edge's leg to try to weaken it even more, but after Edge hit a desperation spear on Eddie, Benoit was able to lock in the crossface on Guerrero to get him to tap out. That of course angered Eddie and he came back in the ring to clock Benoit with a belt which allowed Edge to spear Benoit and eliminate him from the match. That left Angle and Edge and the awesomeness picked up from there. Angle immediately started to torture Edge by putting him in the Anklelock, but once Edge was able to escape that, Angle got frustrated and busted Edge open on the ring steps. Edge tried furiously to fight back, but kept on getting suplexed for his troubles. Angle tried to finish Edge off by applying a sleeper, but Edge was able to get a suplex of his own to regain control of the match. Angle proved resilient, though, by kicking out of a rollup and a spear. The final few moments were fast and furious as Edge hit a missile dropkick which only got a two count, Angle countered a spear with a kick to the face and an Angleslam which only got two, Angle applied the Anklelock which Edge countered with an enziguri and an Angleslam (which only got two), and finally Angle hit an Angle Slam from the top rope to finally pick up the three. This was an excellent match filled with a ton of near falls that kept fans on the edge of their seat during the entire duration.

4) Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (9/18/03)
This was an Ironman match for the WWE Championship that saw Brock Lesnar absolutely desperate to try to regain the WWE Title. Brock decided to use some good old fashioned heel tactics to win the match rather than actual wrestling skill. Brock killed Kurt with a steel chair about 10 minutes in which gave Kurt a 1-0 advantage, but Kurt was so loopy at that point, Lesnar was able to hit him with an F-5 to even the score and then applied the Anklelock, which Angle tapped out to and allowed Lesnar to go up 2-1. Angle tried to fight back, but Lesnar delivered an F-5 to the floor and Angle was unable to make it back into the ring before the ten count which gave Brock a 3-1 advantage. All hope seemed to be lost for Angle until he hit an Angleslam out of nowhere to make the score 3-2. The ref was soon knocked down and Lesnar took advantage of that by knocking out Angle with the title belt and covering him for the pin and went up 4-2. Lesnar soon hit a superplex to go up 5-2 with about 20 minutes left and it seemed as if Angle had no chance in hell (cue Vince's music). Lesnar began to get cocky, which enabled Kurt to F-5 Lesnar's knee into the ringpost and left Brock in some serious pain. Brock tried to attempt a SSP from the top rope, but Kurt ran up the ropes to deliver a superplex and get the pin to make the score 5-3 with 10 minutes to go. Lesnar realized Angle was getting close to tying him up, so he delivered some German suplexes to try to slow Angle down, but Angle reversed that into some Germans of his own and then applied the Anklelock which forced Lesnar to tap out with 4 minutes left and made the score 5-4. Lesnar tried desperately to get away from Angle in the final few minutes, but Angle was able to catch up to him and hook in the Anklelock, but Lesnar was able to hold on until time expired and thus picked up the WWE Title. This match had great action throughout and I believe it is like a fine wine because people weren't too enamored with it at the time, but everytime I watch it, it gradually gets more enjoyable for me to watch.

3) The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit (5/24/01)
This was the third ever TLC match and it was made by Mr. McMahon as a way of insuring that Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho would lose their newly won tag team titles after defeating the Two Man Power Trip of Stone Cold and HHH. This match featured some absolutely insane spots including Jeff Hardy delivering a leg drop from the top of a ladder through Bubba Ray Dudley on an announce table and Chris Benoit landing sternum first through a table after attempting a diving headbutt. After that bump, Benoit's ribs were injured and he had to be taken to the back, leaving Jericho alone to fight for their tag team gold. Jericho put on a valiant effort, but it seemed as if the numbers were going to be too much for him. Suddenly, Benoit came back out to the ring with his ribs taped up and showed some tremendous courage by fighting off members of the opposing teams, but once E&C gave him a conchairto to the ribs, it seemed as if Benoit's night was over. Jericho was able to stave off the teams long enough for Benoit to recover and climb the ladder to retain their tag team gold. This was a great match that lived up to the insanity of the previous TLC matches and what made it even better is that we got to see it for free.

2) Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio (11/7/02)

This was a 2/3 falls match for the WWE tag team titles that was a rematch of their No Mercy encounter, which was perhaps the best pure tag team match of the 21st century. These men had a lot to live up to following that classic performance and they delivered with this instantly memorable exhibition. The action in this match was way too fast to try to recap, but the first fall came after an alley-oop hurricarana by Edge & Rey onto Benoit which was followed up by a double-team powerbomb which put Benoit down for three and gave Edge & Rey a one fall advantage. A few minutes later, Edge got clocked with a title belt after attempting a spear and got caught in the Anklelock and had no choice but to tap which evened the match at one fall a piece. The next few minutes featured both teams desperately not trying to lose the deciding fall until Rey was able to roll up Angle for the three count, but Angle had his feet in the ropes which created a controversy. After a few minutes of deliberation, it was decided that the match must continue and that there would a fourth fall which would determine the winner. The match ended when Edge countered an Anklelock by rolling through and Rey hit Angle with a 619 from the floor which enabled Edge to hit him with a spear for the three count. This was a fantastic match that I could watch over and over again and never be bored of it.

1) Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero (9/22/02)
This match was the culmination of the Edge/Eddie feud that included a fantastic match at Summerslam 2002. This match was No DQ and saw these two men beat the absolute crap out of each other. Some of the highlights of this match included Eddie delivering a hilo while Edge was sandwiched in between two ladders, Eddie delivering a sunset flip powerbomb from the top of a ladder, Eddie getting backdropped upside down into a ladder, and Edge hitting Eddie with an implant DDT from the top of a ladder which was enough to end the match. This was an absolutely insane match and one of the best matches I've seen on free TV EVER!​


Honorable Mention: Kurt Angle vs. Booker T (7/26/01)
This was a match for Booker T's WCW Championship and was an important match in the war between the WWE and the Alliance as the Alliance owned both World Championships (with Stone Cold holding the WWE title) and this was a chance for WWE to even the score. The match started with Angle immediately trying to hook in the Anklelock, but Booker was able to fight it off and soon both men were fighting outside the ring. They soon worked themselves back into the ring and Angle seemed to have the match won after delivering a top rope superplex, but the Alliance came down to distract the ref. That brought out the WWE superstars who fought off the Alliance and made sure that ringside was clear to ensure a fair match for Angle. But Chris "Who Betta Than Me" Kanyon was able to hit Angle with a steel chair behind the ref's back before being cleared out and that seemed to give Booker the victory, but Angle was able to kick out at 2. Booker then tried to take Angle's head off with a crescent kick, but Angle ducked and instead Booker hit the ref. That allowed Stone Cold to come down to the ring and hit Angle with a Stunner which made it seem like the match was truly over. Austin sauntered up the ramp, thinking he had just handed Booker T a victory, but Angle was able to pick Booker's ankle and apply the Anklelock just as the ref got up and Booker tapped out to give Angle the WCW Championship and even the score. This was a great match that was one of the few shining moments of the Invasion angle.

Honorable Mention: Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy (4/27/00)
This match is a guilty pleasure of mine as (I believe) it was the first time that Matt and Jeff squared off in a WWE ring and it was over the Hardcore title that Matt had won that same week on Smackdown. If you thought that the two brothers would take it easy on each other, you were sorely mistaken as Matt started the match by cracking a trashcan lid over his brother's head. Jeff soon retaliated by whipping Matt head first through a bedpan sheet that was propped in between the turnbuckles. Jeff then followed that up by delivering a broom-assisted leg drop off the top rope onto his brother's throat. Matt was able to regain control of the match and then deliver a sickening move where he placed his brother's head in a trashcan and then crushed it with a top rope moonsault. It seriously looked like Jeff Hardy's head might have been crushed because that can was absolutely FLATTENED. The two brothers then went to the outside and both got ladders which they brought into the ring. Jeff proceeded to dropkick one of the ladders into Matt's face and then climbed the ladder and delivered a sick legdrop from the top of it. Matt was able to kick out of that and once Jeff tried to ascend the ladder again, Matt threw a trashcan in his face which made Jeff land on Perry Saturn and Tazz who were watching at ringside. Matt soon gained control of the match again, but when he went for a cover, Crash Holly ran in and cracked him over the head with a trashcan to pin Matt and steal the title under 24/7 rules. This wasn't one of the most technically sound matches you'll ever see, but it certainly was one of the most entertaining matches I've ever seen and that's probably why I remember it so fondly to this day.

Honorable Mention: Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio (2/10/05)
This was a #1 contender's match for the WWE Title which took place in Japan and the Japanese crowd certainly got a treat with this great match. These two always had great chemistry with each other and this match was no different as Angle dominated the majority of it, but Rey was able to fight back with some great moves including a headscissor from the top rope to Angle on the outside of the ring. After a bunch of near falls by Rey, the match ended when Kurt caught Rey with the Angle Slam out of nowhere and then slapped on the Anklelock for the submission. This is a forgotten classic and is definitely worth checking out if you can ever find it.

Honorable Mention: Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (1/6/05)
This is the match that started the dissention between Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero that would lead to them feuding for the majority of 2005. The match featured some fast-paced action that saw both men counter each other on virtually every move. The ref was eventually knocked down and Eddie tried to use the opportunity to do a little lying, cheating and stealing by grabbing a title belt and throwing it to Rey to try to frame him. Rey was onto Eddie's game, though, and threw the title back into the hands of Eddie and told the ref that Eddie hit him with it. Eddie tried to hide the title belt in his hand, but the ref caught him with it and that distracted Eddie long enough for Rey to try to set up a 619. Eddie was able to counter that into a rollup, but Rey countered that with his own rollup and got the three count. This was a fantastic and fun match and it helped set up the eventual heel turn by Eddie later that year.


411Mania to be exact... And to be honest I agree with the list. Of course there's a lot of Eddie,Edge,Angle and Benoit they were all part of the Smackdown Six which made SD the best wrestling show a couple of years back.

And by the way... That TLC match that Benoit/Jericho won was the one that was casually forgotten last year when Edge claimed that he had never lost a TLC match.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Great list, it goes to show how good Smackdown was in 2002. I wish i could watch the 2/3 falls tag match and the four way for #1 contender. Both were great matches.


Theres gotta be something over the past 2-3 years they forgot.

Kurt Angle winning the world title?

HHH vs Rock on the first show?

Kane vs MVP street fight

I've never been too into SD, but i know theres been at least 1-2 worthy.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks man rep added, i didnt see the BR where kurt won. I dont think the HHH/Rock match was one of their best, it was cool seeing HBK turn heel. IMO, it isnt as good as the other ten listed.


Yea, i give more credit to memorable matches, rather than good wrestling matches. The Battle Royal actually had some good parts.

Nice Kurt/JBL exchange at the beginning

Mark Henry vs Rey towards the end, and then Angle vs Henry. Lashley and Matt Hardy were also in there.


May 10, 2007
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Vancouver, Canada
Good post Montana, rep added. I think the best match was Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle in an Ironman Match. The match was amazing and the ending was good too.

The Anigma

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Mar 26, 2007
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what about the Undertaker/Angle match on Smackdown...I thought that was a pretty good match...


Great list Montana, but I gotta be honest, I can't remember alot of SD main events, but I do remember the parking lot brawl, Edge vs. someone in a cage, the IronMan, and couple others, so those get my vote.


New Member
Jun 4, 2007
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1. angle vs lesnar iron man
rest not in order
cena vs angle-cenas debut
taker vs angle-2006 nwo rematch
rey vs angle-angles farwell match
chris benoit vs brock lesnar-december 2003
edge vs eddie-2002?
matt hardy vs rey mysterio-2003


New Member
Jun 18, 2007
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I am really Shocked that the Taker vs Angle match from the Taker DVD isnt somewhere in there.

No More Sorrow

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Jun 28, 2011
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WWE reportedly announced the new WWE Network early in-part because they were concerned that UFC would announce plans to start their own network first. Ever since UFC signed with FOX, they’ve lost all interest in doing their own channel. While WWE usually acts like UFC isn’t competition publicly, word is that Vince McMahon isn’t happy with several recent UFC moves including their plan to run a 100,000 seat stadium in Brazil next year.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Brazil is a target market for UFC since a lot of their fighters have originated from there. This shouldn't concern WWE at all since they don't have much of a following down there.

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
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Central Minnesota
Brazil is a target market for UFC since a lot of their fighters have originated from there. This shouldn't concern WWE at all since they don't have much of a following down there.

That's what I was thinking. UFC can market Brazil because half or more of their fighters are from there, or trained jiu-jitsu there for multiple years. Most, basically all, barring a few, WWE stars are American.