TNA president Dixie Carter responded to Vince McMahon's criticism of TNA in an interview published yesterday with a post on Twitter.
"To be called tawdry from the King of Tawdry, that is some compliment!" Carter said.
Regarding TNA, McMahon told Acorn Online: "When they moved to Monday nights, they threw the kitchen sink at us and only did a fraction of our audience. It doesn't speak well for the type of product they're trying to present with the tawdry, blood-soaked action. I don't think that's what the culture wants these days."
Furthermore, Taz also noted the following in regards to McMahon's comments: "Mae Young stuff is all high road, or when JR was sick Dr Hynee bit (classy)! Pot, meet Kettle. Nice to see VKM is a TNA viewer!" Taz is right on the money with that statement.
The Acorn Online ( interviewed Vince McMahon to discuss WresteMania. The piece also included McMahon discussing TNA, here is what he had to say…
"We're in different businesses. We're in the entertainment business and they're in the 'pro wrasslin' business. It's different markets. When they moved to Monday nights they threw the kitchen sink at us and only did a fraction of our audience. It doesn't speak well for the type of product they're trying to present with the tawdry, blood-soaked action. I don't think that's what the culture wants these days."
So they're not in the 'pro wrestling business' anymore, that explains why so many great wrestlers are fired from there.