Everything in wresting. Everything. Is about context.
In 2012 and 2013, WWE had really raucous crowds at the Raw after Wrestlemania, but the main reason for that was that these two shows were legitimate protests to the product.
Just to focus on the 2013 version, WWE had five mega superfaces they all wanted to push at the same time, and during the new three-hour Raw you can expect all five of these guys to "look strong" on each individual episode of Raw. There was John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Del Rio, and Ryback, and outside of whatever Cena was drawing at the time, none of them had any potential to be top stars. None of them. (Sorry Ryback fans, but a prolonged run with that character likely wouldn't have worked). Remember being here on this forum and this made Dolph Ziggler the biggest damn star in wrestling. The super-entertaining MITB holder was our escape from this.
People remember the commentator chants? It was an organic rebellion to the two most stale characters EVER getting 20 minutes to have an insanely boring ass match on Raw. This was our way of holding up the biggest middle finger towards this crap and it worked. Oh did it work, and it was fantastic. (then there's Fandangoing which... whatever)
People remember these moments as "the Raw after Mania is always crazy and smark city" and now it's the show you go to to BE rowdy and crazy and make up stupid chants and protest the show, but it's for the sake of doing it nowadays. Now we're all like "Look, it's Roman! Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and then talk to our friends and act cool for booing the guy. We aren't cool, we're dorks. Stop it.
Look at every Takeover special. Those two are known for their crowd reactions too, but they're known for being loud, excited, and into everything they're given. Because NXT has proven that Takeover shows are always really good to freaking phenomenal and people going in knowing to expect this rollercoaster of emotion coupled with great wrestling.
They made us passionate. They made us loud and crazy and a massive part of the best shows of the year. They made us protest. They made us make commentator chants and mark out for beach balls and ignore the actual stuff going on. They made us think to ourselves that this is the show every year where we can look forward to "crowds" and some big stuff happening. Maybe they need to worry more about the former than the latter.
And us, as fans, really need to get our shit together.