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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Shawn Micheals vs Matt Morgan

HBK is approached by the UWF Camera Crew while he is hunting in home town of San Antonio, Texas. HBK stops and puts his gear down and gets ready for his promo about Anarchy on Wednesday night versus, Matt Morgan

HBK: First off, you guys go everywhere and anywhere to just get something out of me. I'm on my own personal time right now and not the UWF and certainly not on Anarchy's time. We're not at some live event, so what I have going on in my home life is my own business and I don't need you camera guys following me around all the time so you can just try to get something out of me. Now I was in the middle of doing some research out here for my Hunting Show, which by the way airs on Tuesday nights, so make sure you to go check it out. And since you spooked me, you spooked my deer away that I had. So I could do one of two things right now. Number one, do the promo shoot. Or number two, kick some sense into you guys with sweet chin music. I'm leaning toward number two, but I'm a nice guy, so let's just go with number one for today.

HBK looks threw binoculars to see if there was a deer closing in

HBK: Nope, nothing there. Alright, now anyways to this promo shoot. This Wednesday night on Anarchy, yours truly, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels will be back in the ring in front of all you, HBK fans out there, brother! Now my opponent is fellow Establishment member, Matt Morgan. And well, Matt, well, Matt, is not in such a good mood right now I would assume. His week ended last week the way he didn't want it to on Anarchy. I kinda stole the spotlight from him by grabbing the win for the team and delivering sweet chin music to him on top of it. But what, Matt needs to know is that it wasn't personal. It was me letting him and the rest of the Establishment as well as the entire UWF that I run the show still. I am still the show stoppa and it was me who was hand picked by, Vince Russo to be the "face" of the most dominant group in the history of professional wrestling. So no hard feelings, Matt, but I did what I to do in order show you and everyone else what the deal is and that's keeping you guys in check with knowing who the man is.

HBK looks again into his binoculars

HBK: Still nothing. Anyways back to, Matt. Now you tasted sweet chin music last week and this week it is going to be some of the same thing. You see, Vince has been putting his guys in matches against each other. All he's doing is trying to get the feel out of everyone to make sure he brought in the right bunch of guys to takeover UWF. Now, Matt, you may be bigger and stronger than I am, but I am the baddest dude around. Those muscles may be intimidating for the average wrestler, but I am not the average wrestler. I am the best you will have ever been in the ring with and because of that, your name is going to elevate that much more. I will make you look famous. Hell, I made, John Cena, look like Ric Flair out there. And with you, it will be more of the same. So I will tell you what, let me get back to what I was doing since this is my day off and I will see you this week on Anarchy! Oh and Matt, once again what happens on Anarchy will not be out of disrespect!

HBK goes back to work on the outdoors with his hunting gear


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13: Shawn Micheals vs Matt Morgan


"Sleeping Giant" plays over the PA and the fans begin to boo as they know Matt Morgan's arrival is upon them. Morgan, being a man of the people doesn't disappoint them and soon makes his way out onto the stage which causes the negative response to double. Morgan doesn't react to the people instead he simply cocks back and yells at the top of his lungs, causing the pyro to go off behind him.


The pyro stops and Morgan begins walking down the ramp towards the ring. He never takes his eyes off the ring as he reaches the bottom of the ramp and hops onto the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope and into the ring before heading to the far side and grabbing a microphone.


"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: I find it ironic that week in and week out Shawn Michaels appears on that titantron flauting his newest expedition. Who would have thought that the great Shawn Michaels would also be a legendary hunter at the same time. I find it ironic because while Shawn might be the hunter in the jungle; I am Ultimate Wrestling Federation's top hunter. And every week I come out here in search of new prey and like the lion in the jungle, I put them down and move onto the next hunt. And my next hunt has led me to you "Icon."

Morgan paces around the ring as he thinks of his next words.

Morgan: You touched on it earlier Icon; last week you took me out with Sweet Chin Music. And at first, I was upset. I was upset because you only had one job Shawn Michaels and that one job was to stay out from my way from bell to bell. Anything that happens once the match is over is fair game, but while we're on the same team; you stay out of my way if you know what's good for you. But that's not Shawn Michaels' style. You've always got to be star attraction, the center of controversy. Your ego is so big that you just can't help it son. Like I said earlier though, I'm not mad. And I'm not mad because I came to a realization. And that realization is that with that one Superkick, you mad the biggest mistake of your life. Because now, not only do I get to destroy you in the center of this very ring, but I get to show Mister Russo that he's making the right decision by trying to recruit me to The Establishment.

Morgan: Understand something son, you may be under the resumption that you still run things around here, but I'm going to give you a rude awakening on Anarchy. There's a new Icon on Anarchy and he is the "athletically jacked, genetically stacked" seven foot tall monster known as Matt Morgan. He is the next International Heavyweight Champion of the world and he is the NEW face of The Establishment.

Morgan basks in the massive amounts of boos that rain down from the live audience. The Blueprint can only smirk before speaking again.

Morgan: Last week, I tasted your boot son. This week I return the favor. And let me make something crystal clear to you Icon, when I take you down with the Carbon Footprint; it WILLbe out of disrespect.

Morgan lowers his mic as he stares at the tron.​


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UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Edition!

Before Anarchy goes on the air Seth Rollins is seen backstage as he is wearing the UWF International Championship around his shoulder. The fans pop loudly as Rollins is about to speak.


Seth Rollins: While I may be a RAW Superstar, I am still your International Champion. Despite being a part of a different surrounding filled with morons I still have a task at hand, and that is to defend my International Title at Bad Blood. 5 differerent men have been named to face off against me in a 6 man Ladder match, but only one of us will be reaching my title at the end of the night? Why is it when I think about these 6 guys I wonder to myself why am I doing this? I mean I have beated Homicide in a one on one match at Summerslam to claim this title as my own. Granted that I cashed in my Money in The Bank contract to obtain the title but it's not like that Homicide wouldn've done the same to me. You all make me sick to my stomach in believing that I am a nobody. I have risen to the ranks from the guy that loses, to the Money in The Bank briefcase holder, and now finally World Champion. At Bad Blood I will show once again to the nitwits who run this company why I am the champion, and why I will go on to becoming the greatest World Champion of all time. Yes Stone Cold I'm looking at your impressive record! 160 days from now we will see the ranks where Stone Cold will become the [/I]second[/I] longest reigning World Champion of all time. Who will be number one you may ask? Why it is none other then your current International Champion Seth Rollins! And everyone watching from the back better believe it because I'm coming at you will full -

Matt Morgan is seen shoving down Seth Rollins then starts to hit some mad stomps onto the body of Rollins. Morgan is roaring in a fit of rage as he deadlifts Rollins to his feet and tosses him like a ragdoll to a wall nearby. Morgan then grabs a chair and walks up to Rollins, lifts it up and start smacking the torso of Rollins. Security has to come back and remove Morgan from the downed Rollins and Morgan is now pissed beyond belief, telling Rollins that he will be the next International Champion, whether Rollins will make it to Bad Blood or not.

Matt Morgan: Consider that a warning... Chump.

And Now UWF Presents....



Pyro hits the arena as the fans cheer like crazy in the arena here tonight. Anarchy fans are all over the place as we see fans with signs everywhere. The camera pans to Taz, Joey Styles, and William Regal at ringside


Joey Styles: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to now Thursday night Anarchy

[B]Taz:[/B] Wait Joe did you say Thursday? I got to get the football game on my TV set.

William Regal: Anyways tonight seems to be jammed pack with interesting match ups.

Joey Styles:Yes we do Regal we have Shawn Michaels vs Matt Morgan, Hardy vs Hawkins, Big Show vs Christopher Daniels, and Our opening tag team contest.


Fans boo like crazy as Homicide comes out, with Sin Cara. Sin Cara goes, and he begins raising his hands in the air as Homicide tells him to knock that off. Homicide goes, as he walks down the ring, with his weird tag team partner as the fans boo them like crazy. All of a sudden


"Anvil of Crom by Basil Poledouris" begins playing throughout the PA System and it's the first time we see Roman Reigns and Santino Marella coming out from behind the curtain together, Santino power-walks his way around the ring whilst Roman Reigns ignores the entire crowd. It's a mixed-reaction given Roman's hatred for people whereas Santino is acting fan-friendly, Santino enters the ring, and so does Reign. They each take the respective corners

Ding Ding Ding

The match starts out with Roman Reigns and Sin Cara in the ring with Homicide and Santino on the apron for their respective teams. Roman Reigns is jawing a bit to the much smaller Sin Cara. Sin Cara pushes Roman who doesn't budge much at all. Reigns doesn't take Sin Cara too seriously as he hits his shoulder, implying that he wants Sin Cara to shoulder block him. Sin Cara runs the ropes and hits Roman with a shoulder block. Roman doesn't move an inch. Reigns chuckles as he invites Sin Cara to do it again. Sin Cara hits the ropes and hits Roman again, same result however as Reigns is like a brick wall in the center of the ring. Sin Cara puts his hands on his hips as he's putting all his effort into these shoulder blocks but they aren't too effective. He tries one more time and from behind, Homicide enters the ring and goes low while Sin Cara goes high. This takes the big man down, the crowd boo's as Homicide and Sin Cara do a little beat down before the referee forces Homicide out of the ring. Homicide doesn't leave that easily as he starts to jaw with the referee. Sin Cara is hitting Reigns with some legs kicks while Reigns gets to his feet. With Roman on his knees, trying to get to his feet, Sin Cara is still kicking him, in the chest. Reigns pushes Sin Cara off and tags Santino in. Santino rushes in the ring, he goes for a clothesline on Sin Cara, however Sin Cara ducks it. Sin Cara runs for the ropes, spring boards back to Santino and hits a hurricanrana, making Santino roll out of the ring. As Santino gets to his feet, Sin Cara is looking to dive, he gets to momentum as he runs the ropes but as soon as he gets near the ropes near Santino, he fakes him and the crowd out. As Santino is realizing what's going on, Homicide runs across the apron and hits a dropkick from the apron to the floor on Santino. Homicide gets to his feet first and rolls Santino in the ring, to Sin Cara who is waiting in the ring. As Santino gets to his feet, he's met with a flurry of elbows and kicks to the leg from Sin Cara. Sin Cara lowers his shoulder and pushes Santino into the corner.

Homicide tags into the match for the first time and the two start to punch Santino who is in the corner. Sin Cara exits the ring and Homicide brings the offense to Santino. The former International Champion, Homicide is relentless tonight as he is pummeling Santino in the corner. He gets Santino down in the corner, he flashes the L.A hand sign and runs the ropes, and back at Santino hitting him with a big knee to the face that can be heard throughout the arena. The camera looks up at Homicide who is screaming into the camera. Homicide isn't done as he runs again, off the ropes, and boots Santino in the head once again. Homicide pulls Santino back to his feet, he hooks him and hits a huge scoop slam that sits out with. He hooks Santino's leg.



Kickout! Santino kicks out of the first cover of the match. Homicide brings Santino up once again and pushes him with his shoulder into the corner. Homicide puts Santino on the top rope and Sin Cara tags in. The crowd boo's as Sin Cara enters the match once again. Sin Cara springs off the ropes and attempts to hurricanrana Santino off the top rope but Santino catches Sin Cara. With Sin Cara upside and Santino with him on the top rope, Sin Cara is lifted up into powerbomb position, the crowd rises to their feet but they're soon disappointed as Homicide hits Santino in the back, causing both men to fall off the top rope, however in the air, Sin Cara was able to counter into a sitout facebuster. Sin Cara goes for the cover once again!



Santino kicks out once again and the crowd cheers for Santino. Sin Cara puts his hands over his mask as he can't believe Santino isn't done yet. Both men get back to their feet and Sin Cara runs at Santino for a clothesline, Santino goes down and does the splits, and on the rebound, Santino tosses Sin Cara over, onto the mat. Everyone knows what's next as Santino runs and hits the ropes, as Sin Cara is on the ground, he stops right before he gets to Sin Cara, salutes, and drops the huge headbutt as the crowd goes nuts. It's time for what everyone here paid to see and what everyone at home is watching for. Santino puts his hand down his singlet, looking for the green sock puppet that he calls the Cobra! The fans get to their feet but as soon as the Cobra is about to make his first appearance of the evening, Homicide is in the ring and clubs Santino in the back of the head with a forearm. The crowd boo's as Homicide flips the bird to the crowd and exits the ring again, and screams at the crowd from the apron. Sin Cara drapes his arm over Santino and the referee goes down for the count.



Santino kicks out again! Sin Cara is up to his feet and is kicking the grounded Santino. The crowd boos as Sin Cara is cutting off Santino from his partner, Roman Reigns, who is begging for the tag on the apron. Santino is trying to crawl for his corner but Sin Cara isn't having it as he's preventing the tag by kicking Santino and dragging him back towards the opposite corner. Sin Cara rolls Santino over on his back and twists his legs and locks in an Indian Deathlock, he looks at Roman Reigns and just points before dropping down to the mat, putting all the pressure on Santino's legs with this submission hold. Santino screams in pain, the referee asks if Santino wants to tap out, Santino shakes his head violently, refusing to quit. Santino is able to roll to his back, breaking the hold, Santino crawls again towards Roman, but Sin Cara grabs Santino's legs. Sin Cara, rolls Santino on his back once again but Santino fights back this time, trying to roll away. Finally, Santino pushes Sin Cara off and creates just enough distance to tag in Roman Reigns. Sin Cara falls back into his corner, Homicide tags in and Roman and Homicide run at each other. Homicide ducks Roman's clothesline, Homicides momentum carries him far enough that he is able to knee Santino in the skull, who was on the apron, forcing him to fall to the outside. Once Homicide turns around however, he's met with a huge spear from Roman Reigns! Roman goes for the cover, he hooks the leg!



The pin is broken up by Sin Cara who just saves the match for his team. Reigns grabs the back of his head, as he was just cracked in the back of the head when Sin Cara broke up the pin. Reigns looks pissed as he gets to his feet and stares at Sin Cara. Reigns walks towards Sin Cara as Homicide makes his way back to his feet. He's a bit woozy but after a few stumbles, he gets his balance. Homicide runs up behind Reigns is throws him into the corner with Sin Cara just getting out of the way. The team of Homicide and Sin Cara begins to kick Reigns who's sitting in the corner, getting beat down. Reigns shows some fighting spirit however as he gets back to his feet, pushing his two opponents off of him. Santino gets back into the ring, and the crowd pops as he has the cobra on his arm. The Cobra is ready to strike. Roman holds Homicide up for Santino. Santino and the Cobra charges at Homicide, however Homicide is able to free himself and get out of the way, Roman Reigns falls victim to the Cobra. Sin Cara is back to his feet and throws Santino and the Cobra out of the ring. This looks to be it as Roman Reigns looks to be in trouble. With Santino on the outside, Homicide and Sin Cara in the ring, just waiting for Roman to get back to his feet. When Roman finally gets up, Homicide hooks him for the Gringo Killer. He has him up but before he drops him with tremendous impact, he looks back at Sin Cara, who nods, Sin Cara superkicks Roman right before Homicide hits the Gringo Killer. Homicide goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winners the team of the Establishment Sin Cara and Homicide!!!

Homicide goes and he hugs Sin Cara as he can't believe Sin Cara could do something in the ring. Sin Cara get's his hand lifted by Homicide, as the fans boo as Homicide flips them off. Sin Cara and Homicide exit the ring as they both have there hands raised. Anarchy fades to commercial



Future Wife


The camera shifts to backstage as R-Truth, Rey Mysterio and BG James; aka the 3 Live Kru, are sitting at the table playing a game of cards.


R-Truth: I still can't believe that I'm wrestlin' 5 other bastards at Bad Blood for the Extreme Championship! Let me tell you that this match is going to be awesome, not only because I'm in it but everyone else knows that I'm going to win it as welll. Umaga? Big Show? Carlito? Pfft I mean come on I doubt that I would ever to lose against morons like those? I mean when's the last time that I lost a hard fought battle? Name one I dare you!

BG James: Anyone Truth? Well what about the time when you lost the European Title match against John Cena, or what about the time when you lost the Hardcore title match against Kofi Kingston? Hell what about the time when you and Rey lost the tag team tournament against Manik and Chris Sabin? Yeah I'm pretty sure man that you're not as top shit that you thought you were. If you can really think that you can beat The Big Show, Carlito, Umaga, Curt Hawkins and Christopher Daniels all at once? Yeah good luck there pal.

R-Truth: Hey man I can easily win a match if I wanted to! I mean I`ve lost the first two times but that doesn't mean that I'm going to lose the third time? Third time's the charm right? And for the record I totally beated Cena in that battle rap, the fact that I lost that match was pretty humiliating in the first place!

Rey Mysterio: Look dawg I don't understand why you were the one selected to have that title match. Like B-Drizzle said I'm pretty sure that you're the most Blue guy in our entire group. Last week you smoked some of the good stuff and were paranoid that Vince Russo was watching you, and you're trying to tell me that you're fully able to face off against Anarchy's greatest in a single match? Dawg no offense intended but you're wack!

R-Truth: I'm what?! Look Rey I am tired of your shit and I'm saying right now that I'm fully prepared to be takin' on those asswipes here on Anarchy and wear that Extreme Championship across my waist. I have the skills dawg, I have the looks and I have the smarts as well. I can battle you in a game of wits and I will prove it to you tonight if I have to!

Mysterio: Tonight dawg? Well let's say that me and you have a little challenge right here right now!

A pop can be heard from the crowd as BG James and R-Truth look at each other before looking back at Mysterio.

R-Truth: What sort of challenge man?

Mysterio: It's quite simple actually man, I will prove that you don't even have the wits to be taking on 5 other Superstars in that Extreme 6 Pack Challenge at Bad Blood. How we will do that you may ask amigo? A single round of poker!

R-Truth: .... poker?

Mysterio: That's what I said dawg. You down or not?

R-Truth: Hell yeah I'm down Lil' Rey! I'm going to beat your ass at this game of cards then I'm going to beat some more ass at Bad Blood. BG you deal !

BG deals out 5 cards to Rey Mysterio then deals 5 cards to R-Truth. Truth looks away for second and Rey Mysterio quickly manages to slip away his hand and pulls out a different hand, seeing if R-Truth notices. Truth doesn't notice as he's analzying his cards while Mysterio pretends to think about his hand.

R-Truth: Alright dawg I'll go. I have 2 Kings and 3 5's. Full House dawg!

Rey Mysterio smiles as he flips over his cards and BG James starts to laugh


Mysterio: 5 Aces, dawg!

R-Truth looks amazed that Mysterio managed to pull that off. Mysterio and BG are laughing now as Truth looks like that he is defeated. He gets up and shakes Mysterio's hand, knowing that he lost his opportunity at Bad Blood in the Extreme Championship match. Mysterio leaves the table in a fit of laughter as R-Truth looks saddened as BG James slams his head on the desk, laughing really hard. R-Truth looks to be confused on what everyone is laughing about. He looks at the 5 Aces and appears to be confused for a moment but finally realizes that it's impossible to have 5 aces. R-Truth gets mad and shoots to his feet then chases after Mysterio. The camera fades to Styles, Taz, and William Regal

Joey Styles: You Gotta love the 3LK

William Regal: Well thanks to that Joey, Rey Mysterio will now be in the six man Extreme Championship match. Very unfortunate for Mr. Truth.

All of a sudden...


Dolph Ziggler’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd explodes in cheers! After the drums kicks in, Ziggler makes his way out onto the stage. Ziggler throws his arms in the air, hyping up the fans as he does his signature spin. Ziggler shakes his hips, as he faces the cameras once again, with a confident smile on his face. Ziggler makes his way down the ramp, as he walks over to the side of the ring. Ziggler slides on the apron, as he goes to enter the ring, before stopping and sitting on the middle rope, with a smirk on his face. Ziggler enters the ring as he jumps on the middle turnbuckle, soaking in the cheers once again. Ziggler hops off the turnbuckle, as he grabs a microphone, before speaking.


Dolph Ziggler: By a show of hands, who’s getting just plain out SICK of that dull, self-obsessed, juiced up, and I use that term heavily, joke of a man that loves to claim he’s actually the Ironman Champion? The audience all raise their hands, and cheer on Dolph’s questions, obviously agreeing with him. Dolph has a shocked expression on his face, as he scans the arena, continuing. Wow… there’s so many people, and it’s not like I’m shocked or anything, because I fully expected it. I fully expected all of you to raise your hands because I’ve been studying you all. Ever since I was screwed out of my Ironman Championship, I’ve been studying you people and how you reacted to Chris Masters’ reign. I decided to start on social networking, since that’s the cool thing to do now-a-days. I went on Twitter and all I saw was people against the reign, and how he didn’t deserve it. Y’know, the things I expected. After that Anarchy came along, and when Masters came out? The boos, my god, was thunderous And it’s not the boos I used to get; y’know the ones because you guys just didn’t like me at all. How have the times changed by the way.

Dolph shoots a quick smile at the cameras, and the fans continue to cheer for the show-off. After soaking in cheers for a little bit, he continues.

Dolph Ziggler: I’m talking X-Pac heat, Vickie Guerrero heat, Brad Maddox heat! I’m talking about heat where you simply don’t like the person at all. You don’t think they belong and they should just pack their bags and GO… HOME! Something I wish Chris would do already, but whatevs. That’s the boos I heard, and that’s when I knew change needed to be done, and change needed to be done QUICKLY. I have the opportunity to bring change, and come Bad Blood, you can bet our ass I’m going to beat Chris Masters, keep the championship I should’ve NEVER lost, and crush his self-dreams of ever being a somebody in this business!

The audience explodes in cheers, and Dolph’s intensity is showing, as he calms down for a bit, continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: That will all happen at Bad Blood, but let’s focus on tonight because if you haven’t heard, I’m officially issuing out a challenge to my opponent, Chris Masters. Now, it took me a while to figure out what exactly I’m going to issue out. There’s just so many challenges! I was thinking something on the exercise wheel, maybe a push-up challenge? Then again I thought of those knockers on Chris and how easily he can cheat. Abs-crunch popped up, but that’s way too easy for me. I mean, c’mon, look at my beautiful abs? Dolph showed off his abs, and rubbed them, as the females in the audience exploded in cheers in excitement. Let me stop before I get sued by Cody Rhodes. The dashing one, not the crazy one, he-he. Anyways, back to what I was saying, all of these challenges popped in my head and there’s no challenge more fitting than his own specialty. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’m issuing a Masters Lock challenge!

The audience is mixed, half of the fans are shocked at Dolph’s choice of challenge, and the other half are cheering because they approve of Dolph’s determination.

Dolph Ziggler: I know you’re all looking at me like I’m crazy. I mean, I can see it in your faces right now. The Masters Lock challenge is HIS challenge. It’s rare when someone beats it. But look at MY face, when I beat him at Bad Blood and win back my Ironman Championship, that’s going to break him. But nothing will break him more than if I win the Masters Lock challenge. Now, get your ass out here or else I’m going back there to get you!

The audience explodes in cheers, and Dolph lowers the microphone, awaiting for Chris to come out and answer his challenge.


The fans begin to boo loudly as Layla steps out on the stage with a mic in hand.

Ladies and Gentlemen, give a round of applause for the greatest Ironman Champion this world has ever seen! The Masterpiece, Chriiiiis Masters!!!


The moment Chris Masters steps on that stage, boos fill the atmosphere. He stands beside Layla and then grabs her hand as the Power Couple of UWF make there way down the ramp. When they get on the apron, Chris holds the second rope down for Layla to enter, as he follows. He then begins to speak to his opponent at Bad Blood.


You know, you talk a whole lot of shit for a man who got his ass beat at Bound For Glory. It doesn't surprise me that you are out here saying that I don't deserve this. That I don't deserve the fame and glory that I have obtained by defeating you for this title? Hell, you are lying to yourself. You want to believe that you got screwed, but you know damn well that you lost simply because you don't have what it takes. You actually have a history of lousy title reigns. In WWE, everybody was so happy to see you become the world champion. Then you lost the title in your first defense and let the fans down. I guess history was bound to repeat itself in your case huh?

And now here we are in the ring together once again Dolph. You were given a chance to challenge me to any kind of challenge in the world. You could of challenged me to a dance off. Or maybe even an arm wrestling match. But no, you chose the hardest challenge that you will ever encounter. The Masterlock Challenge. Something that I've used to simply humiliate my opponents with. Causing pain and fear come across there face as I lift them out of the chair in the most painful submission in the history of sports entertainment. Tonight Dolph, you get to be in the shoes of every worthless fan out here when I totally manhandle you and show you that you are not who you say you are. Just like everybody here says that they matter. They don't matter. Their opinions mean nothing. Earlier you spoke about the reaction I get from the fans. Does it really matter? I mean, is it going to change anything? They don't like me being the champion.....big whoop. I don't like Seth Rollins as the champion, but you don't see me following him everywhere and booing him.

Now you talk about how you are going to win this title back at Bad Blood. That's all it is Dolph. It's just talk. Talk coming from the mouth of a guy that couldn't get the job done a month ago. You had a lot to say in the weeks before Bound For Glory. You talked about how you were to retain. You promised everyone that you would defeat me and retain the title but you failed. You lied to the world. And that's all everybody will see you as. A liar who is waaaaay in over his head. You claim a lot to be honest. The most recent claim you have made is that you will win the Master Lock Challenge. Well let's find out right here if you are lying to the fans ONCE AGAIN!

Dolph claps his hands, and has a sarcastic smile on his face as he applauds Chris before responding.


Dolph Ziggler: Bravo, Chris. Bravo, you just managed to make yourself look stupid in front of everyone watching. You bring up the past in another company when that’s irrelevant to this conversation, and you managed to yet again say you won fair and square when you damn well know you screwed me. You screwed me, Shawn Michaels screwed me, and Vince Russo screwed me. I was well on my way to retaining my Ironman Championship until you screwed me. I’m not even going to go further into that, because at Bad Blood? When I take back what should’ve never left my possession? You’ll recognize who’s the pathetic liar. And spoiler alert, that’s you. Now let’s get this show started shall we?

The referee brings the chair inside of the ring as the fans start to chant for Ziggler. Ziggler goes as the chair is being set up, as Ziggler is stretching. Chris is holding onto Layla, who kisses him on the cheek, before exiting the ring. Ziggler goes as he sits down onto the chair all cocky. Ziggler goes as he raises his arms out as Masters goes and he attempts the hold. All of a sudden Ziggler gets up quick. Ziggler goes and he stretches his body a bit saying: "I am still warming up" Ziggler begins taunting as the fans cheer like crazy. All of a during Zigglers taunting, Masters goes and sneaks behind to put in the Master Lock. The fans boo like crazy as Masters is attempting to lock in the hold, but Ziggler ducks under as Masters is now grabbing air. Ziggler rolls under Masters. Masters turns around as Ziggler now has the chair in his hand. Masters is asking for him not to hit him, but Ziggler instead throws it at him as Masters catches it. Ziggler goes, and hits a nice superkick right into the face of Chris Masters sending Masters out of the ring. The fans cheer as Ziggler goes up and he starts to taunt on the top turnbuckle. Layla is seen checking on Masters, as Zigglers music blares in the background. Ziggler goes as he mocks Masters who is down on the ground. Masters points at his championship as Ziggler signals for the belt. This is the final scene as Anarchy goes to commercial.


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UWF Smackdown: Can the Kliq survive the battle against Ryder's bros? Who will make it to the finals of the Hardcore Tournament? How will D-Von respond to the Undertaker? Will Sting get the last words against Damien Sandow? Find out this Saturday on Smackdown


Fed up with the camera people following after him he finally abruptly stops as the cameraman and reporter stop. Before he can say anything Umaga snatches the mic from him and shoves him away.

UWF Extreme Champion Umaga:

All week and the week prior I’ve been hounded by everyone about my thoughts on the hardcore match. The Extreme title match with five other guys. Big Show, Hawkins, and others. What are your thoughts Umaga. Do you think you will survive Umaga. Do you think you stand a chance Umaga. Do you think that you can beat Big Show a second time Umaga. And frankly… I’m sick and tired of all of the questions and all of the pestering and obviously ignoring everyone about it isn’t going to keep any of you from bothering me so here is your damned interview.

What are my thoughts about the match? All I see are petrified bodies that are at my disposal to destroy. That is all they are. Just wastes of life that can be trampled on like the weaklings that they are. Looking to be dismantled and made to look like nothing but the waste of time that they are all designed to be. Nothing more than my next victims. Because right now… I have nothing more than a lot of pinned up frustration and I’m ready to unleash it and this time instead of just one overgrown overrated goof like Big Show I have plenty more including him to take apart and hurt. Because just like last time in the last man standing match… everyone of you… every single one of you were discrediting me and saying I didn’t stand a chance. NONE OF YOU believed that despite my historically violent reign as Extreme Champion that I could stop Big Show and every single one of you figured that oh Umaga is going to Raw so he is going to wind up losing the match and shit because he is focusing on Raw.

All that shows is that none of you understand what Umaga is all about. Despite the months that I’ve been on Anarchy. The months that I’ve spent in UWF none of you still understand Umaga and look to underestimate him just like in this match all the talk is the exact same just like last time. Umaga won’t be able to survive this. Umaga is going to wind up dropping his Extreme title to one of those ungrateful Anarchists. So to all of you doubters… you all can go straight to hell. But I’ll be sure that you all aren’t alone because I’ll gladly be sure to send each and every single one of those challengers there with you. So there goes your interview and there goes my thoughts on the match now get out of my face before you all meet the same fate.

Umaga throws the mic at the cameraman and storms off. The camera pans to Christopher Daniels now.

The camera seems to be rushing towards someone when it suddenly stops and Christopher Daniels smiling face appears.


“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:
Hi there, where do you think you’re going? You were planning on going to that Establishment thing weren’t you? I knew they had something going on, but I didn’t know how to really interrupt it. Now I have a way, you’re going to be my personal camera man. You’re going to help me spread the message that The Establishment is nothing more than a distant memory. It’s time they got what they deserve. They don’t deserve the spotlight; they don’t deserve the money they are making. They certainly don’t deserve these title shots they’ve been getting. It’s a disgrace to this business that these morons think they can walk over everybody because they have the Big Show; they have the power in numbers thing going. I won’t stand by anymore and witness one of the greater tragedies to happen to UWF.

The Establishment stands for everything I absolutely hate in this business. I tried living that kind of life; I tried being a spineless coward. I tried being something I’m not and it was weird for a long time, I got used to it after a while when I suddenly understood what was wrong. The fans loved me for all the wrong reasons, much like they hate The Establishment for all the right reasons. That pissed me off though; I couldn’t stand the fans for cheering me on. For the longest time I wanted to know what I could do to get them back. I think I did just that, but now I fight a battle that I know I can’t win alone and need help. I can’t take on The Establishment alone, and I know there are some other guys who would love nothing more than to be rid of The Establishment. I don’t know about this Have a Nice Day business, but I gotta say I’m really enjoying it. The Establishment is in a panic, well here is another reason to panic, and I’ll keep this short and sweet because I don’t want to be out in the open for very long.

If you’ve ever hidden in the shadows when The Establishment was near out of fear, join me. Join me in my war against them. They can’t defeat us all! Follow the Angel...

With last motion he smacks the camera to the ground as he grapples with the camera man. Screaming and grunting can be heard following the feet moving in front of the camera and then a body falls in front of it. The camera is in motion again as it is lifted up high where Daniels is looking up at it.


The camera is finally turned off and the screen turns to static.​

As the song kicks off, the crowd surprisingly cheer. Daniels looks around confused for a mere second before simply shrugging it off. He walks down the ramp in a cocky way with that cocky smile of his. The camera pans to the ring


The fans begin to boo like crazy when the Big Show from the Establishment is making his way to the ring. The Big man is not happy at all with last week, and is looking to make an huge impact here tonight


Christy Hemme: From The City of Angels. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-four pounds. He is the "Fallen Angel", Christopher Daniels!

He pays no attention to the fans before he enters the ring and poses, garnering a mixed reaction from the fans this time.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Daniels goes and he tries to lock up with the 7ft 500 pound massive of the man the Big Show. Daniels has his arms wrapped around his body. Big Show goes and he pushes Daniels off, and Daniels gets up, and he begins punching the Big Show. Big Show is not feeling the effects of any of the blows as he just stands there. Daniels backs up the ropes, and he runs into a big boot by the Big man. Show goes and he picks up Daniels as he throws him right into the turnbuckle post. Big Show goes and he does his “shhhhhhhâ€. Big Show then slaps the chest of Daniels, and Daniels holds it in pain. Big Show puts him against the turnbuckle again as he does it again. The fans are going “ohhhh†after every slap that Daniels takes. Big Show goes and he throws Daniels to the ground. Big Show goes as he raises his big hand and he screams.

Joey Styles: Big Show is looking good. Can Daniels turn the tide.

Tazz: Well I will tell you who isn’t lookin’ good Joe its Carson Palmer 0 fantasy points come on man!

Big Show picks up Daniels as he headbutts him. This sends Daniels to stutter back a bit. Daniels is near the ropes as he is tangled up there and Big Show goes as he sees this as Big Show keeps on going for clobbering body shots. Daniels is just taking the brute punishment of these blows. Big Show goes as he clotheslines Daniels right over the top rope. Big Show goes and he screams as he does his pose. Daniels is shown on the outside struggling down. The referee is making the ten count as Big Show just seems as he is warming up. Daniels goes as he gets up and he. Daniels is up holding his ribs, and he looks at the Big Show as he taunts Daniels to come into the ring. Daniels goes and he rolls into the ring. Daniels is goes and he is punching the Big Show as the fans cheer him on. Big Show is feeling no pain from it. Big Show goes as he grabs the throat of Daniels. Daniels goes and he kicks the knees of the Big Show, and Big Show seems to topple over. Daniels sees this as he backs up and knees the face of the Big Show. Daniels is hype seeing this as he stands by the fallen Show and he hits a standing moonsault. Daniels hooks the leg for the cover.



Big Show kicks out as the fans groan, as Daniels grabs his head in disbelief. Show is getting up. As Daniels backs up a bit, Daniels goes and he begins to kick the chest of Big Show. Big Show is being kicked rapidly. Daniels goes for a kick but Big Show catches it. Daniels is hopping on one leg as Big Show smiles. Daniels goes and he quickly hits an enziguri as Big Show is wobbily. Big Show is down against the ropes. Daniels goes as he backs up and clothesline the Big Show. Big Show won’t move from the ropes as Daniels goes and he tries again. This time Big Show is seen teedering a bit. Daniels decides to go all the way back, and he dropkicks the Big Show causing Big Show to fall over the ropes as the fans cheer like crazy seeing this.

Joey Styles: Timber, Big Show is going down.

William Regal: Christopher Daniels is not letting up.

Daniels goes as the fans cheer as the Big Show is on the outside. The fans cheer like crazy. Daniels goes and he holds his hand on the ropes. Daniels awaits, and awaits as Big Show is getting up on the outside. Daniels goes and crossbodies over the top rope, as Big Show though catches him. Daniels is shaking around a bit, and Big Show goes as he brings Daniels body to the steel steps. Big Show goes as he throws Daniels body onto the steel steps. The fans go “ohhhhâ€. As Big Show lets go.

Taz: Touchdown Seahawks!

Joey Styles: Taz, just curious wouldn’t what the Big Show did consider being a DQ?

Taz: What? No Joe, why would they Seahawks get DQ’ed for scoring that makes no sense.

William Regal: To answer your question Joey. No Big Show didn’t use the steps physically he just threw Daniels on there.

Daniels is laid out on the steel steps as Big Show goes and he picks up Daniels and he throws him in the ring. The fans boo as Big Show awaits and he awaits. Daniels is slowly getting up as Big Show hits the knockout punch. The fans boo as Big Show hooks the leg.





Joey Styles: What the hell?

Big Show lets go of the hold seeing that the Extreme Champion’s Umaga’a music is playing in the background. Umaga goes and he stands on the top of the ramp, and the fans cheer like crazy seeing Umaga. Umaga looks at Big Show. The two giants are in an intense stare down as they won’t seem to let go of the look of there eyes. Umaga walks down the ramp with intense aggression, and he looks at the Big Show as the both men stare each other down. All of a sudden from behind a dazed Christopher Daniels comes, and dropkicks the Big Show’s legs underneath him. The fans cheer like crazy as Big Show is down on his knees. Daniels goes and he hits an enziguri behind the head of the Big Man, and Big Show is down on the ground. The fans cheer like crazy as Daniels climbs the top turnbuckle. Daniels does his trademark double bounce, and he hits the best moonsault ever. The fans cheer like crazy as Daniels hooks the leg.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Christopher Daniels!

Joey Styles: He did it!

William Regal: What a huge win by the fall angel Christopher Daniels.

Taz: No Palmer just threw an interception, that’s not good for Fantasy.

Christopher Daniels is having his hand raised as the Samoan Bulldozer looks on in the ring. Daniels goes, and he lets go of the referees hand, and he charges, goes through the second rope, and he takes out Umaga with a suicide dive.

Joey Styles: Woah!

Daniels goes as he grabs the Extreme title from Umaga. Daniels begins flaunting it into the face of the down Umaga. Daniels raises the title up high as the fans cheer like crazy seeing Daniels hold the belt. Daniels lays the title on Umaga as he walks up the ramp, and Daniels poses on the top of the ramp as the fans cheer.

Joey Styles: Huge statement here tonight from Christopher Daniels.

William Regal: I must say Joey he really showed a lot of heart here tonight.

The camera fades to commercial as the fans cheer like crazy


AJ Styles defends the World Heavyweight Championship against the 2013 King of the Ring winner Kurt Angle. The leader of team Raw will be decided when an old rivalry in Stone Cold vs The Rock is renewed, as these two behemoths collide once again. The new Global Champion Kane defends his International title against Austin Aries, all this and more on UWF Halloween Havok. Call your local PPV provider. Tickets can still be purchased at UWF.com


The tron flickers and then shows nothing but static as a voice is heard speaking through it.


Lies. The lies that you listen to that keep you going throughout the day. The stories that you are told of good and evil that allow you to sleep at night thinking that there is even such a thing that exists. None of those things exist. None of those things are real. It is all a lie put on by those that believe that there is even a such thing as being normal. Everything out there is predetermined and premeditated. Everything out there is cookie cutter and if it doesn’t fit in one mold then it has to fit in the other but that isn’t true. That isn’t the real world. That isn’t real. What is real is who I am. What I am… is real. What I am is a perception of truth that will soon be understood by all. Because what is this that we are going through but mere thoughts and ideals that are embedded in our minds to believe but we need to not believe those lies but believe what we know is to be true. And I guarantee you that when all is said and done… that truth will finally set you free.

All of your heroes here on Anarchy are nothing compared to me. All of these people are nothing more than a plague. More deadly than the plague actually because they will lead you on that road to death faster than The Plague wiped out almost all of Europe. Because whether you want to believe it or not… I’ve always been amongst you. I’ve always been one of you. But I despised that life and looked to change that. And that I did when I dismissed that life full of lies and masks and face paint. I ditched the show of blondes and camera rolling and went my own route. I paved my own way and revolutionized this sport as we know it. But you have your heroes now like CM Punk that say this and that and then he becomes a folk hero. He becomes legendary. You have your Stone Colds, your Rocks, your Batistas, your Edges, your Bryans, you have all of these guys and I guarantee you… none of them can light a candle to me. What they did… I did before the thought ever entered their mind.

So understand what it is that I am telling you is that the time is quickly arriving when I will be here to dismantle the establishment that this company has been built on. The entire foundation that this thing stands on will begin to crumble and when everything is over… the ticking and the tocking will finally cease and the truth shall be revealed to set you all free. But until that time comes… keep a look at your watch… tick tock… tick tock.

The tron flickers once more before shutting off.

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"


"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music.

Christy Hemme: From Cameron, North Carolina. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. The "Charismatic Enigma", Jeff Hardy!

Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience. Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He gets to the center of the ring, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep his spirits high.

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"

The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a positive response. The fans are eating up the act of 3MB. The camera zooms in on the crowd on people who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.

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Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving mics from ring side.

Ding, Ding, Ding

Jeff Hardy and Curt Hawkins lock up as the fans cheer both men on. Jeff goes and he hits a quick arm drag, and Hawkins gets up quick as he looks on at Hardy with an exciting smile. Jeff goes and they lock up again. This time though Hawkins gets the upperhand, and he takes down Jeff Hardy with a head and arm takedown. Hardy is down on the ground, as Hawkins is holding the little head choke. Hardy being crafty grabs his legs and puts them in front of Hawkins head reversing the head choke to the leg sciccors. Hawkins manages to scoot out of it as both men get up, and look on at each other smiling again .

Joey Styles: I think both men are really excited to face each other here tonight.

William Regal: I would agree with you there Joey.

Hardy, and Hawkins tie up again, but this time Hawkins goes for a double leg takedown, which leads Hardy in the corner. Hawkins goes , and he lets go of the takedown attempt, and he punches the face of Hardy. Hawkins goes and grabs the hand of Hardy, and brings him toward for a lariat, Hardy ducks underthough. Hardy grabs the head of Hawkins as he hits a necbreaker right onto him. Jeff goes and he makes a quick cover.


No Hawkins kicks out. Hardy gets up as Hawkins is up quick. Hawkins goes and he kicks the off guard Hardy in the gut. Hawkins grabs the arm of Hardy. Hawkins goes and he falls down with his knees in the air, hitting the forearm of Hardy. Hardy goes as he holds, and that, and Hawkins wastes no time kicking the gut of Hardy, and hitting a suplex onto him. Hawkins this time goes for the quick pin.


No Hardy kicks out. Hawkins gets up, and so does Hardy. Hardy with his good hand goes, and he hits a nice jabbing right to the face of Hawkins. Seems kinda of stunned by the move, as Hardy backs up against the ropes, and he goes charging at Hawkins. Hardy charges at Hawkins, but Hawkins goes and he catches him with an atomic drop. Hardy is holding his crotch area after the move, and Hawkins bounces off the ropes hitting a big boot to the face of Hawkins. Hawkins goes as he, rocks out a bit which causes the fans some delight as he goes for a high elbow drop onto the down Hardy. Hawkins goes for the cover.



No kick out by Hardy.

Taz: Wow man this man is killing me right now?

Joey Styles: Who Hardy or Hawkins?

Taz: What? No Joe, Carson Palmer he threw two interceptions tonight! I am going to lose in Fantasy!

Hardy gets out of the move as he gets up. Hawkins goes and he wastes no time but grabs Jeff Hardy. Hawkins puts Jeff onto the shoulders of his, and he brings Jeff to the corner. Hawkins looks to hit snake eyes onto Jeff, but Jeff manages to wiggle out of it, and pushes Hawkins into the corner. Hardy goes and he kicks the gut of Hawkins. Hardy grabs the leg as he hits hit patenet front face suplex onto Hawkins. Hardy instead of going for the cover, favors the forearm that got hit earlier on in the match as he holds onto it.

Joey Styles: It seems like Jeff may be favoring that forearm.

William Regal: Precisely Joey. Most of Jeff’s main attacks come from using his dominant arm, and Hawkins seems to realize this.

Taz: I am turning off this game. Screw Carson Palmer. Anyways what’s going on guys?

Hardy wasn’t able to capitalize on the down Hawkins as he is getting up. Hardy charges, and he tries to go for a wild clothesline, but Hawkins ducks that. Hardy turns around, and get kicked in the gut. Hawkins goes grabs the head and hits a twisting neckbreaker right onto Hardy. Hardy is down as Hawkins smiles and he does a rocking pose, where Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater cheer him on. Hawkins goes as he is measuring Hardy up. Hardy is getting up, and as soon as Jeff Hardy gets up Hawkins grabs the leg of Jeff Hardy. Hawkins goes for the test of pain onto Hardy, Hawkins lifts Hardy up, but Hardy flips over and he lands on his feet Hawkins turns around, and he gets kicked in the gut. Hardy goes and he hits the twist of fate onto Hawkins. Hardy is favoring the forearm once again, as he takes a while before going for the cover. Hardy hooks the leg.




No Hawkins kicks out. Hardy looks absolutely shocked as do the fans.

Taz: Wow when did this match start?

Joey Styles: Like ten minutes ago, who said you can watch the football game during this?

William Regal: Either way gentlemen, what we’re seeing tonight is Curt Hawkins trying
to show people he can hang with the big boys.

Hawkins is down on the ground, as the fans cheer like crazy for Hardy. Jeff goes as he gets up, and he is still holding that forearm. Hardy goes with one hand picks up Hawkins by the hair. Hardy as Hawkins by the hair, when all of a sudden from out of nowhere Hawkins grabs the leg of Hardy. Hawkins goes and he hits the Test of Pain on Hardy which causes huge cheers as the underdog Curt Hawkins can win this match. Hawkins goes as catches a breather hitting a big move. The fans are going crazy as Hawkins goes for the cover.




No Hardy kicks out last second. Hawkins is in disbelief that Hardy kicked out of his finishing moves. Some fans in the building are even chanting for “Hawkins†name even louder as Hawkins gets up and awaiting for Jeff to get up. Hardy gets up, and Hawkins hooks underneath Jeff Hardy again, Hawkins quickly goes for the move, but Hardy manages to once again land on his feet. Hardy heads to the turnbuckle as Hawkins turns around. Hardy goes for the whisper in the wind, but instead of connecting Hawkins counters with a sit out powerbomb. All the fans are shocked about this, as Hawkins hit a sit out power bomb countering one of Hardy’s best moves. Hawkins goes for the cover.




No Jeff kicks out. The fans are once again in shock as Hawkins goes and he lays there wondering what he needs to do to pin Jeff Hardy.

Joey Styles: Hawkins is throwing everything in there except for the kitchen sink.

Taz: Joey why would he throw a kitchen sink?

William Regal: I don’t know Taz, it is like that Carson Palmer fellow, why would he throw an intervention or whatever you called it.

Taz: Shut up Regal no one asked you.

Hawkins gets up as the fans are cheering him on. Hawkins backs up as he gets in a spear position. Hawkins looks like he is going to aim, and try to hit the spear onto Jeff Hardy. Hardy is getting up as Hawkins goes and he charges at Hardy. Hardy moves out of the way. Hawkins goes shoulder first right into the turnbuckle. Hawkins turns as he holds his shoulder, and quickly Hardy hits a twist of fate. The fans cheer like crazy, as Hardy gets up favoring that forearm still. Hardy goes and he heads to the top turnbuckle. Knowing Hawkins is one tough opponent that the twist of fate was not enough to finish him off. Hardy goes and he dives hitting the Swanton Bomb right onto Hawkins. Hardy goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner Jeff Hardy!!!!!

Joey Styles: What a match here tonight on Thursday night Anarchy.

William Regal: Indeed splendid.

Hardy gets up as the three man band enters the ring to check on their friend Hawkins. Hawkins is getting up thanks to the help of his friends. Hardy’s music blurs away as he goes and he offers his hand to Hawkins. Hawkins goes and he accepts it as the fans cheer like crazy. Hardy goes and he raises the arm of Hawkins, and the three man band go on each side and all men raise there hands in unity.

Joey Styles: What respect being shown by these men.

William Regal: These men right here have nothing to be ashamed of, putting on a great show for these fans.

Taz: This was better than that silly game anyways.

Joey Styles: I am surprised you’re not fired Taz.

Taz: What was that Joe?

The three men are still celebrating in the ring, as the screen fades to black as we go to commercial break



One Day Floyd.... One Day


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin to boo as the know that the arrival of one of Anarchy's biggest draft picks is about to arrive. Matt Morgan makes his way out onto the stage and for the first time since arriving in UWF, there is nobody with him. Alex Riley and Paul Heyman are not in the arena tonight and Matt Morgan will be going at this alone. Morgan stands on the stage and checks his imaginary watch before posing and having the pyrotechnics go off behind him.


Christy Hemme: From Fairfield, Connecticut. Weighing in at three hundred and ten pounds. Representing G.E.N.E., the "Blueprint", Matt...MORRRRRGANNNNNN!!!

Once the pyro ceases, Morgan makes his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and leaps from the floor to the apron before stepping over the top and into the ring.

"Sexy Boy" begins to play over the PA system as the crowd erupts into boos. Shawn comes dancing onto the stage arrogantly and makes his way down the ramp in the same fashion before dropping to his knees and posing as his stage pyro goes off.


Christy Hemme: From San Antonio, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds. Representing the Establishment. The "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

Shawn gets off of his knees and continues down the ramp as he enters the ring and prepares for the match ahead.

Ding, Ding, Ding

Shawn Michaels goes and he stares at Morgan. Morgan stares at Shawn. Shawn wastes no time as he begins landing some big strikes on the big man. Michaels backs up a bit, and he kicks the gut of Morgan. Shawn goes, and he tries to hit a vertical suplex onto Matt Morgan. Shawn goes and he tries, but Morgan is too big. Shawn screams, as Morgan holds his ground, and he elevates Shawn Michaels high in the air. The fans are taking pictures seeing this as Morgan drops him for a huge brainbuster. Morgan goes for a cover.


No Shawn kicks out of the move. The fans cheer as Michaels is getting up, and Morgan gets up too. Michaels, turns around only to be met by a clothesline from Morgan. Morgan goes, and he clotheslines Michaels again. Michaels gets up as he gets hit again. Michaels is up again, and Morgan kicks him in the gut. Morgan grabs Michaels into a powerbomb position. Morgan goes as he lifts Shawn up high. Shawn though begins to retaliate, as he begins hitting a bunch of punches in the face of Morgan. This causes Morgan to tumble a bit, and Morgan falls over. Shawn gets up and he grabs the down Morgans leg. Morgan goes as he begins to pull on it. Shawn goes as he throws the leg down, and Morgan goes, and he holds it.

Joey Styles: Ouch that looked like it hurt.

Morgan is holding the knee as Shawn begins stomping on it. Seems like he is working on it. Shawn goes and he grabs the leg, and he begins to get it in a certain position the fans begin to “wooo†as Shawn goes, and he lays it down hitting a figure four leg lock. The fans cheer like crazy, as Shawn has the hold locked in. Shawn is holding it as Morgan is in obvious pain, and he begins slapping the mat, not tapping though. Shawn has the move, as Morgan lays down for a moment, and the referee begins counting.


Just hearing that one pound on the mat, Morgan lifts his arms up high in the sky. Shawn is holding onto the hold, as Morgan goes and he drags his body. Shawn not having the strength Morgan has is getting dragged along with him. Morgan goes and he grabs the bottom rope. Morgan holds onto the rope as Michaels is forced to let go of the hold. Michaels reluctantly lets go of the hold. Morgan rolls out of the ring. Michaels sees this as he goes to the top turnbuckle. The fans cheer, but Michaels hears these cheers. Michaels goes as he jumps down from the turnbuckle as Morgan is regaining himself on the outside.

Joey Styles: What was that all about.

Taz: Shawn knows that these people just want to see him fail Joe. So why would he jump off the turnbuckle.

Michaels awaits for Morgan to get in the ring. Morgan is done regaining himself and slowly rolls into the ring. The referee says he good making it before the ten count. Shawn is daring Morgan to get up, as Morgan is up, and Shawn quickly goes and he attacks the leg of Morgan. Morgan is being dissected the whole time during this as Shawn keeps stomping on that leg. Shawn goes and he separates himself from Morgan. Shawn goes and he bounces off the ropes hitting a diving knee drop onto Morgan as Morgan holds that knee. Morgan is down as Shawn smiles and he grabs both the legs of Morgan. Shawn goes and he hits a sharpshooter onto Morgan.

William Regal: That Sharpshooter is going to be a tough hold to break out of.

Morgan goes and he tries to drag his body to the middle of the ring, and get to the bottom ropes. The fans start to clap for Morgan a bit as they want to see him get to the ropes. Morgan is crawling, but that leg is really banged up here right now. Morgan is barely moving towards the rope. Shawn has the hold locked in very tight. Michaels is not letting go of this hold, as he seems to put more pressure on it. Morgan goes as he is trying to get up, and try to push him off. Shawn is holding on the move very technically. The move is locked on very tight, and the fans cheer like crazy as we can see Michaels grip though slippy. Morgans face is almost purple with all the pain. Morgan screams as he throws Michaels off of him, and Morgans goes as he begins stretching the right leg out. Shawn is down as he looks at Morgan looking like he is readjusting his leg. Shawn gets up, and he tries to go after Morgan, but Morgan gets up quickly, and catches Shawn. Morgan catches him with a huge spinebuster, sending Shawn crashing on the mat. Morgan goes down as he keeps readjusting his leg.

Taz: Man that Matt Morgan has some power.

Joey Styles: that looked like it knocked the wind out of Shawn.

Shawn is down on the mat as Morgan seems like he is going to get up. Morgans leg dosen’t seem as bad as it was before as he was able to stretch out the kink. Morgan gets up, and he awaits for Shawn to get up. Shawn is about to get up when a mix reaction is heard through out the building. Morgan turns around as the international champion Seth Rollins goes to the apron. Morgan turns around, and he goes after Rollins, but the fleet footed Rollins runs away as Morgan looks on at him mad. Morgan goes as he turns around, and bam he is met with a sweet chin music from Shawn Michaels. The fans give a mix reaction as Shawn goes for the cover.




No Morgan kicks out as a mix reaction is heard around the building. Seth Rollins looks shocked as he goes inside of the ring. The referee is trying to get Rollins out of the ring as Rollins has the international title in his hands. Rollins sees that Morgan is getting up, and he pushes the referee off of him and charges at him. Instead though Rollins hits Shawn Michaels in the head with the international title. The Referee calls for the bell as it dings three times. Morgan looks on shocked, as Shawn is down on the mat.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner by Disqualification The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

Joey Styles: Seth Rollins was trying to get his revenge from earlier tonight.

Taz: Yeah and it seemed like he messed up. What a doofus.

Morgan looks on pissed off, and Rollins turns around to get hit by a carbon footprint. Rollins is down as Morgan goes and he begins beating on Seth Rollins. Morgan goes and he picks up Rollins, and he hits the Hellevator on him sending Rollins crashing on the mat. The fans give a mix reaction as Morgan grabs the belt and poises with it for a bit. Morgan just throws it back on Rollins as he leaves the ring. Morgan is leaving the ring when all of a sudden.


Joey Styles: Oh my god that is the theme of Ted Dibiase!

Ted Dibiase Sr. Comes out as he is on the top of the ramp smiling. Morgan looks on confused as Ted is just standing on the ramp looking on. Shawn is shown in the ring looking at Ted in a sitting position. Ted seems to point at Shawn as Morgan looks on at Shawn confused. Shawn is just as confused as Ted Dibiase Sr. smiles and Anarchy fades to commercial.


John Cena really loves his Capri Sun



The fans erupt into fierce booing as "Bleeding Is A Luxury" by Atreyu begins to play, signaling the impending arrival of the villainous stable led by Vince Russo. Vince Russo comes out followed by Chris Masters and Layla, who are followed by Homicide and Hernandez, who are followed by Konnan and Sin Cara, who are followed by Shawn Michaels and Carlito, and Big Show is in the back. Coming out with them, as a further sign of Russo's wish to sign them, is G.E.N.E., the team of Alex Riley and Matt Morgan with Paul Heyman. Both groups make their way into the ring and all stand along the ropes, surrounding Vince Russo as he stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.


Vince Russo: September fourth was the night that the Establishment officially came to be. It was the night that Al Snow, Perry Saturn, that ridiculous mannequin head and mop they carry around, Terri Runnels, Matt Hardy, The Hurricane, The Brian Kendrick, Trish Stratus, Umaga, and The Rock were all brutally devastated by Carlito, The Big Show, and Chris Masters. But what good is talking about it when I can show it to you?

Russo turns and motions towards the titantron where the camera pans as footage of that night begins to roll with a graphic that says, "Six Weeks Ago" in the bottom left corner.

Lauren looks to ask another question, but Morgan walks off leaving her standing there. The scene soon begins to fade as a crashing sound is heard and the camera pans elsewhere frantically, Mayhem running to where she heard the sound to see what's going on. She sees Matt Striker.

Mayhem: Matt, what is going on?

Matt Striker: It's happening around the corner here. Come on!

Matt takes off running as Lauren follows. The camera pans around the corner and Matt sees Al Snow, Perry Saturn, and Terri Runnels.

Matt Striker: Oh it's just you guys. We heard a crash and...

Before Striker can finish, both members of MopHead are blindsided as a large male runs up behind them and pushes them both to the ground. It can be seen that this man is the Big Show as he reaches down and grips both of their heads like basketballs, pulling them to their feet and beating their heads together as Al falls to his knees and Show releases him, turning and grabbing Saturn by the throat, lifting him and chokeslamming him onto the sideview mirror of the vehicle that MopHead was trying to leave in. Show turns and drills Al in the face with a WMD as he falls to the ground. Show then grabs Head and punts it offscreen, then grabs Moppy and snaps it over his knee, throwing the pieces to the ground. Terri Runnels then tries to run but Show grabs her and turns her around, drilling her with a WMD as well!

Taz: Someone's gotta get back there and stop this! Big Show's goin' nuts!

Joey Styles: What's he even doing here?

Big Show then takes off into a light sprint as the camera follows him. We see Matt Hardy and The Hurricane with their backs turned to Show as they're pushing open a door, both dragging a suitcase behind them as they look to be leaving to go home as well but Show grabs both suitcases and rolls them towards himself, causing both Hardy and Hurricane to fall to the ground. Big Show grabs Hurricane by the cape and pulls him to a vertical base, grabbing him by the throat. Hardy gets up and throws a punch at Show but he swats Matt's arm away and grabs him by the throat as well. Show lifts both men up and chokeslams them at the same time onto their suitcases. He kicks the door the two men were trying to go through open and sees Brian Kendrick walking around in the same fashion he was earlier, appearing to talk to himself. Show takes off running after him and nearly cuts him in half with a brutal spear.

Striker goes running up to him as he gets up.

Matt Striker: Big Show! What are you doing?

Big Show looks at him and shoves past him, walking to a part of the parking garage where Chris Masters, Tyson Kidd, and Anarchy's newest signing Carlito walk onscreen to meet him, Carlito holding Trish Stratus' arms behind her back with one arm and holding his hand over her mouth. Meanwhile Masters has a bloodied Umaga in the Masterlock and Tyson Kidd is holding The Rock's arms behind his back in the same way that Carlito is holding Trish. Big Show and Carlito make eye contact and nod at one another as Carlito turns Trish loose by pushing her forward as Show drills her with a WMD, knocking her to the ground. Show looks at Kidd next who does the same thing with Rock as Show drills him with a WMD as well, knocking him to the ground. Show instructs Masters to release Umaga as Carlito grabs his right wrist and Kidd grabs his left wrist as Masters steps away. Show grabs Umaga by the locks with his left hand and pulls upward. "Deal's off!" he shouts before grabbing him by the throat as Carlito and Kidd let go and lifting him up, chokeslamming Umaga onto Rock and Trish! Show turns and walks offscreen, followed closely by Masters and Carlito and Kidd. Russo comes walking onscreen and looks down at what's happened with a smile, something balled up in his fist at his side.

Vince looks up until he's looking dead straight into the camera and raises his arm, revealing the item to be Foley's trademark flannel shirt. Russo smiles an evil smile and throws the shirt at the camera as things fade to black.

Vince Russo: I could watch that again and again, it makes me smile every time. But something that doesn't make me smile is what happened last week to the Establishment and our associates and hopeful soon members G.E.N.E. at the hands of who was supposed to be my former co-General Manager, Mick Foley, who was not fired despite what other authority figures would have you believe, and that's only because Sting made it so I can't fire him. Mick, if you're in this arena, I demand answers, and not only that, I demand that you come out here like a man and face the Establishment and take the comeuppance you deserve!


The crowd erupts into cheers as, "I'm Alive" by Shinedown, the theme music of the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, begins to play. Daniels walks out and poses for a moment before rushing the ring and entering it quickly, getting to a vertical base and looking around at the members of the Establishment filling the ring.


Vince Russo: Well you're not Mick Foley, but..

Daniels cuts him off immediately by taking the microphone out of his hand.

“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:

Shut up, Vince, no one wants to hear what you have to say anymore. Ever since you formed this group, there has been a need for someone to stand up against them, and thus far no one has, until tonight. It began with my match against the Big Show earlier this evening, and it will continue, even when I get handed defeat, until each and every single one of you are in the unemployment line!

Russo shakes his head as the entire group laughs in unison for a moment before their expressions turn completely serious and the laughter stops, also in unison.

Vince Russo: You're going to stop all of us single-handedly? There are thirteen of us and only one you, Chris, think about how stupid this is and how helpless you truly are to stop us. Better yet, think about your match at Bad Blood, it'd be a shame for you to get shelved and be unable to compete in it.

The Establishment and members of G.E.N.E. begin to close in on Daniels, when suddenly...


"Shatter Me With Hope" by HIM, the theme song of Thursday Night Anarchy, begins to play as the locker room empties. Goldberg, Ultimate Warrior, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Road Dogg, Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater, Curt Hawkins, Santino Marella, Dolph Ziggler, and Jeff Hardy come running down to the ring and get involved in the fray.

Taz: Yowza, things are about ta' pick up, Joe!

An absolute slugfest breaks out as follows: Goldberg and Hernandez, Ziggler and Masters, Warrior and Carlito, Truth and Konnan, Mysterio and Mistico, Road Dogg and Homicide, Jeff Hardy and Matt Morgan, Hawkins and Riley, Slater and Mahal teaming up against Show, and Santino and Heyman. Daniels and Michaels eye each other and go to lock-up but Otunga, Maddox, and McIntyre hit the ring to stack the numbers in the bad guy's favor again as all three of them take Daniels down.

Joey Styles: Darn it! Anarchy's numbers weren't enough!

William Regal: This is bad, gents.

Layla, Michaels, and Russo get ready to get involved in the fray when suddenly, the crowd comes unglued as Trish, Umaga, and Rollins hit the ring, Trish going after Layla as Rollins goes after Otunga and Umaga goes after McIntyre, leaving Daniels to duke it out with Maddox. The numbers are still in favor of the Establishment and their associates as Michaels helps Maddox with Daniels and Russo stands there with a smile as he watches it all unfold.

Taz: I don't like this guys.

At that moment, Santino's partner Roman Reigns hits the ring and spears Maddox, leaving Daniels and Michaels to fight it out. Russo now sees the need to get involved, but before he can the lights go out as an eerie and familiar voice begins to speak out in the darkness over the sound of an equally eerie and familiar instrumental.


Friends, Establishment members, lend me your ears, for I only have one to give. I know you are proud of the things you have done, and proud of the united front that helped you form. But as you stand out there, miring in your self-satisfaction, the Anarchy roster at your mercy, you have allowed yourselves to forget that for all things there will be a judgment day upon which you will have to answer for those things. The events that occurred on the night of September the fourth were heinous and painful to so many, but while it was a night of unrelenting devastation, it was also a night, for some, of clarity. I realized that in order to combat the wicked, I had to once again become the wicked, and embrace the part of myself that I can't erase regardless of how far I push it into the broom closet of my subconscious state. Vince Russo, members of the Establishment, members of G.E.N.E., BroTunga, and the "Chosen One" Drew McIntyre...judgment day is here on Anarchy tonight. I have returned to this courtroom of debauchery to be judge, jury, and executioner. And with the swinging of this gavel, I find you all...GUILTY!

At this moment, the lights come back on and in the middle of the chaos stands Vince Russo and none other than Mankind, the crowd erupting as Mankind lunges at Russo and applies the mandible claw.


Taz: Oh whoa, baby! Talk about getting what you deserve!

William Regal: This is great!

Mankind throws Russo backward, releasing the claw, as he charges at him and clotheslines him, taking both of them over the top rope to the outside. The brawl continues as Goldberg spears Hernandez and Masters puts Ziggler in the Masterlock and Carlito hits Warrior with the Backstabber. Goldberg goes to spear Masters but Carlito takes a bite of his apple and spits it in his face as Goldberg clutches his eyes and turns his back to Carlito, who hits him with a Backstabber as well! Hernandez rolls out of the ring after being speared as Masters throws Ziggler out of the ring, not releasing his hold until he was at the height of the throw.

R-Truth hits Konnan with a jumping reverse STO as Mysterio hits Mistico with a frankensteiner as Mistico is thrown from the ring and Konnan rolls out of it. Meanwhile, Homicide hits Road Dogg with the Gringo Killa and Matt Morgan flattens Hardy with a Carbon Footprint as both men roll out of the ring, Homicide and Morgan blindsiding Truth and Mysterio as Truth gets a Gringo Killa and Mysterio gets a Carbon Footprint, both men rolling out of the ring after getting leveled by the moves.

Joey Styles: This is madness!

Hawkins hits Riley with the Taste of Pain hangman's facebuster as Santino hits Heyman with the Cobra and Trish hits Layla with the Chick Kick. Big Show goes on a rampage and he hoists Mahal and Slater up and drops them with a double chokeslam and then hits Hawkins with a WMD and then Santino with one as well. Trish low blows Show while all this is going on and then hits him with a Chick Kick as the big man goes down.

Morgan goes for the Carbon Footprint but Trish does the MaTrish to dodge and Morgan hits Homicide with it instead. Carlito sees this and thinks it was intentional as he hits Morgan with the Backstabber as Masters puts Trish in the Masterlock. Reigns spears Maddox as Michaels hits Daniels with Sweet Chin Music, Rollins hits Otunga with the Avada Kedavra, and Umaga hits McIntyre with the Samoan Spike.

Taz: Bodies flyin' everywhere, Joe!

Umaga hits Masters with the Samoan Spike to break up the submission hold on Trish as Reigns nearly cuts Carlito in half with a brutal spear. Michaels spins Rollins around but Seth is a step ahead as he goes for the Avada Kedavra but Shawn takes a back bump to avoid it and Reigns gets drilled with the kick instead.

Michaels kips up as Umaga goes for the Samoan Spike but Shawn uses the same avoiding method and Seth gets drilled with the attack instead. As Umaga looks down at what he's done, Michaels kips up and nearly takes his head off with Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is booing as Michaels looks down at the International Championship and picks it up, breathing on it and wiping it with the side of his wrist, polishing it before throwing it over his shoulder and smiling.

Joey Styles: Is this what we're going to see at Bad Blood?

Taz: Well rega'dless of what happens, the co-GM is back baby and now we know fa' shore where the memba's of the rosta' stand in this war.

William Regal: What will be the aftermath of all this carnage?

The final shot seen is Michaels standing there with the championship amongst all the fallen superstars as Anarchy fades to black.

Ending Segment- Chris Dresden
Opening Segment- Natlav
Homicide/Mistico vs Reigns/Santino- CliqueClacks
Ziggler/Masters Segment- Blizzard, and Scmidty
Everything Else- Chase

ooc: Any tips on putting a show together would be awesome. Also sorry for the sort of lateness my bad on that one, As well Rey Mysterio will be replacing R-Truth in the Extreme Title match. Also when I get a chance I will post the preview up. Thank you Anarchy TTers. Proud of all the work you showed in the PPV threads, and weekly show threads.

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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Edition!

Nice lookin show there Chase. Anarchy delivered very nicely this week and Daniels should know... you don't attack Umaga and get away with it ;)

But Team Green is doin very well.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Edition!

Dat Ending! Chaos with only one man standing tall! It was nice to see Ziggler on up Masters in the Master Lock challenge without even winning the challenge. Then the appearance of Ted Dibiase? I wonder what that's all about.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Edition!

Ted DiBiase huh? Well I guess that guys comments make sense now. I'm assuming he's a manager so it'll be interesting to see what wrestler(s) he brings in. Either way, welcome to my show bro.

That ending was the madness that we've known to come from Anarchy. Michaels standing tall with the title and he's obviously a huge player in all of this. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Good show Chase. Very fine debut


Aug 5, 2012
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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/17/13 Edition!

hey hey alright good show Anarchy!

Lots of mayhem tonight, but it was really cool, good build for the ppv, made stuff like Master/Ziggler more emotional which was nice. Mankind comes back! Great promo from Dres, great Segment from Dres actually. I wasnt too invested in the tag match tbh, but I skimmed it and Reigns/Santino take a hard loss to the Establishment, or at least one member of it haha. Still unsure about the team, it feels like if Cena and Eugene were a tag team.

was Dibiase Sr part of Dibiase Jr? Like, Ak? No idea, we'll find out. Im sure we'll see him next week. Daniels gets a big win, heh too. And sorry to Tapout man. That thread could have been more fun but I was really busy and only had time to balance for that one. Really loved the end though, with the respect and arms raised, thanks for listening Chase! Morgans got my number with that Carbon Footprint tho, gotta fix that soon haha.

Good work Green Team, Im stoked for our side of the PPV. Rollllll on Anarchy


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UWF Anarchy 10/24/13 Preview


Last Week we saw a crazy ending to Anarchy in which Shawn Michaels was holding the UWF International title up high, this week Russo has decided to give some fresh faces a chance, and decided to open a door for Smackdown to showcase some of its stars here on Anarchy.

Special Match!

Smackdown Hardcore Tournament Final
Sheamus vs Brodus Clay

The Winner of this Saturday's Smackdown will be making a trip down to Thursday Night to battle out to see who will meet Mr. Kennedy this Sunday at Bad Blood. Vince Russo had no problem when Ryder asked for this request, because he has felt Anarchy needed some hardcore action as of late. Who will be showing up Thursday night? Find out this Saturday.

Match Number 1


The big man Roman Reigns dosen't have a match for the PPV. Russo loves his enthusiasm so he will put him in a match with people who aren't on the PPV either. Even though his homie Homicide is on the big card, Hernandez wants to remind Anarchy of what damage, and destruction he can cause. Hernandez is looking to spread his violence this Thursday Night. Heath Slater was so inspired by Hawkins performnce that he is looking to get his first win ever on the green brand. All these three men have something to prove so lets see what they will deliver.

Match Number 2


Alex Riley is looking to pick up some momentum, and hope he can make partner Matt Morgan proud, but will be able to stop Anarchy's newest superstar? The Hurricane is here, and he is looking to make a big impact here in the UWF. Will the Varsity Villain school the Hurricane? Or will the Hurricane be too much to handle?

Match Number 3

Former UWF World, and Tag team Champ Ted Dibiase is back, and he is going to make sure he impresses in his debut, but he will have to deal with an angry R-Truth. R-truth is not happy that Little Rey Mysterio stole his title opportunity at Bad Blood, so he will be looking show Ted Dibiase what is up this Thursday on Anarchy.


The Ultimate Warrior
Warrior maybe hurt, but he will be live from the Hospital to speak towards the fans, and why he will be at Bad Blood

Ted Dibiase Sr.
Many were shocked to see the Million Dollar man come here on Anarchy. With talks on UWF.com. Dibiase has said: "I have a deal Russo can't deny" this is worth the wait

Chris Master's Workout Tape
That's right folks the Ironman Champion Chris Masters will be doing a workout tape this week on Anarchy. Will he be able to get through this in piece, or will Dolph Ziggler try to ruin this moment too? Tune in too find out

Make the Claim: Extreme Championship
We expect to hear from everyone in the Extreme Championship match, and why they will win the Extreme title this Sunday at Bad Blood

Ladder Match Debate
The main event segment of the night will be a ladder match debate, All six man will be in the middle of the ring, and they will argue with one another to explain why they will win this Sunday at Bad Blood. Russo has even decided to put Ladders all over the ring, this could be either good or a total disaster.

The co-General Manager of Anarchy made his official return last week when the Establishment and their associates duked it out with the Anarchy roster. Word has it that Mankind has an announcement about Survivor Series that he says Vince Russo has to hear.

OOC: Promo week guys. On Sunday I will pm the Ladder match guys, and The Chris Master's workout tape to the people involve. The Make the Claim is all backstage no in ring segments. As well Dresden you can add in w.e you want to do with Russo this week in the preview Hope you guys enjoy.​
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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/24/13 Preview

Oh man. Could have 2 matches this Anarchy. Wait, what am I talking about "could" I AM going to have two matches. You know Sheamus is going to be making his way over for the Finals of the hardcore tourney. Then I have the huge triple threat. And my Bad Blood match(s) looks like I got enough to keep me busy.

Love all the write ups, Chase. Great work with Anarchy so far. Hopefully all the promos deliver.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/24/13 Preview

Work out tape? Just a few sit-up here and there xD


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/24/13 Preview

Workout tape... heh I'm interested to see how that is gonna go. Sounds like some entertainment.

But Umaga is gonna plan on showing up. And Warrior is still channeling the power from Planet Warrior to fill him while he lies in the hospital bed... with a broken freakin neck... and will do what he can.


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UWF Anarchy: Hardcore Championship Final - Brodus Clay vs. Sheamus

Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans. On the other hand, Bischoff has made his way to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from a ringside official. One is provided to him, which he snatches and confidently strolls to the centre of the ring and stands in front of his clients. Bischoff wastes no time and immediately raises the microphone to his mouth.


Eric Bischoff: This is getting too easy. I mean really, how many more times do I have to reinforce my point? And what point is that you ask? Oh just the one that states that you just don't mess with Brodus Clay or Ezekiel Jackson! You don't, and contrary to what week one suggests, the past two have been nothing short of brutal. The simple fact, ladies and gentlemen, is that Brodus Clay has cruised to the final of the Hardcore Championship tournament. Bateman was a joke and Enzo Amore offered little challenge and was incapable of capitalising on the early assistance from Bateman and Fandango. If I were Zack Ryder, I'd start planning for a Handicap match, because at this rate Enzo's only going to let him down. Now I don't say that out of spite, I'm just stating a fact. I'm also looking out for the man who awarded Brodus and Zeke with a title shot, so consider it a friendly gesture on my part. I don't make those every often, Zack, so I'd be taking it if I were you.

Bischoff looks down the barrel of the camera before shrugging his shoulders. He then looks out at the crowd.

Eric Bischoff: But making mention to my clients and I's exploits on Smackdown reminds me that we're not on home soil tonight. This week the final of the Hardcore Championship tournament will be taking place on Anarchy, which is just marketing genius on behalf of Smackdown... and of course I'm kidding when I say that. Anarchy is going to benefit tenfold with another routine Brodus Clay domination, this time at the expense of true opposition. While Bateman spent his time perfecting his comedy routine in the lead up, Enzo didn't even bother to show his face, but I have a feeling Sheamus won't disappoint me this week. I'm banking on The Celtic Warrior proving to me, proving to Brodus and proving to Zeke that this match is actually worthwhile to us. Well, putting the victory that's already signed, sealed and delivered aside, Brodus is craving a TRUE challenge heading into Bad Blood this Sunday night and surely Sheamus should deliver on that. After all, he's got to be in the final for a reason... right?

Bischoff begins to stroke his chin before it finally clicks.

Eric Bischoff: Ah, of course! How could I forget about Maria knocking Ryback out with the 2x4? She has quite the arm on her, which is unfortunate for Ryback but just incredibly fortunate for Sheamus wasn't it? So while he required an interference, regardless of the fact it was accidental or not, Brodus exited his match unscathed after an interference of his own. As I alluded to earlier, Bateman and Fandango felt it was important to interfere in our match, but instead of impacting the outcome they discovered what it was like to go toe-to-toe with Ezekiel Jackson. The three of them fought to the back and here stands Ezekiel... also unscathed. One client was involved in a First Blood match, the other in an unsanctioned fight outnumbered two-to-one and yet they both remain in fighting shape. I know a champion when I see one, and I happen to see two right here! And Sheamus, don't take that claim lightly, otherwise it'll be the last thing you do.

Bischoff points to his men as the UWF Universe boo him.

Eric Bischoff: But of course, let's keep things civil and our feet firmly on the ground for the time being. Let's bring out Sheamus and hear what he has to say in response. Personally I'd like to see him attempt to convince me why he deserves to even be in the final in the first place! That'll be a highlight.

Bischoff's arrogance is on display in full force, as he smiles at his clients and is booed by the UWF Universe as per usual. His arm falls to his side as he casually awaits Sheamus.



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UWF Anarchy - R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase Jr

I come from Money, I come from Class...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the wealthy Ted DiBiase Jr, the UWF Universe already fills the arena with a hostile reception. It doesn't take long for the man of the moment, accompanied by his squeeze, the beautiful Maryse, to emerge from the back into the arena filled with fans that dislike him. The couple look confident as DiBiase offers his arm to Maryse, which she graciously accepts, as they stroll down the ramp. They offer the UWF Universe nothing as they approach the ring, as DiBiase breaks the link and takes off for the ring. He slides in and immediately jumps to his feet and walks towards the ropes. DiBiase pops a note in the announcer's chest pocket and demands he open the ropes for Maryse, which he does so begrudgingly. DiBiase waits in the centre of the ring for Maryse before demanding for the announcer to hand him the microphone that he has in hand, again doing so against his better judgement. DiBiase snatches it from his grasp and tells him to leave the ring as he is ready to say a few words.


Ted DiBiase Jr: Did you miss me?

DiBiase holds his arms out and slowly spins so the crowd can get a good look at him.

Ted DiBiase Jr: Well none of you may have, but I know this company certainly did. See ever since Wade Barrett and I lost the UWF Tag Team Championships, which was all his, UWF has lacked something. That "something" is a little class, and that's exactly what I bring to the table. The DiBiase name is held in high esteem, so much so that both my father and I have been signed to the company on separate contracts. Very lucrative contracts might I add, but that's the price you pay for success. Now although we'll both be calling Anarchy home, my father's business is separate to my own. As much as I care for and respect my old man, and I say this with no ill feeling, but I don't need him to succeed. In fact, I don't need anybody to help me succeed, because my abilities far outweigh the very best the world has to offer and I have shown that on numerous occasions. In case you've all forgotten, I'm a two-time UWF World Heavyweight Champion. You don't become World Champion without showing you've got what it takes.

DiBiase winks and has a chuckle before continuing.

Ted DiBiase Jr: But as far as I'm concerned, the past is just that. I'm looking towards the future, a future where I envision myself as a World Champion once again. Somebody of my pedigree shouldn't be settling for the lower rungs, something I hope Vince Russo understands and does something about. I also hope the six men in the International Championship match understand this as well, because whoever emerges victorious at Bad Blood will soon have me to deal with. Now I'm not being arrogant, nor am I getting too ahead of myself. I'm just telling it how it is, because it's really just a matter of time before I ascend the ladder and fulfil my true potential. And with my gorgeous lady by my side, we'll soon be the couple the whole world will be talking about. We'll be UWF's power couple; we'll be who the boys and girls dream of becoming and who the men and women wish they were. It's unfortunate that we all can't get what we desire, but then again not all of us are born into greatness!

DiBiase grins as he receives a hostile reaction from the UWF Universe, which he brushes off.

Ted DiBiase Jr: And in a nice little segway, this brings me to my opponent for my Anarchy debut - R-Truth. Now R-Truth is a guy who is the very definition of an underdog, somebody who wasn't born into greatness and instead fought to just savour that feeling for even a second. Well unfortunately for R-Truth, he's not reached that point quite yet... and he never will. R-Truth and his crew are degenerates and third rate citizens who do not deserve to step inside the same ring as myself let alone polish my boots. I'm being forced to lower my standards on Thursday night, but it will be worth the satisfaction of teaching a thug a lesson. People like R-Truth need to comprehend why some people are given the opportunities and why others dwell in obscurity for their entire lives, having to claw their way through life for little gain. It's because they're unworthy... but if they're incapable of comprehension? Well...

DiBiase looks down the camera, holds his hand up and rubs his thumb, index and middle fingers together.

Ted DiBiase Jr: They ALWAYS have a price!

DiBiase again chuckles, followed by holding his arms out in triumph. He's resoundingly booed by the crowd in attendance, as Maryse places a hand on her man's shoulder.



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Re: UWF Anarchy: Hardcore Championship Final - Brodus Clay vs. Sheamus

“It’s a Shameful Thing!â€

“Written In My Face†starts to play out and Sheamus walks out from behind the curtain with an unamused look on his face. He wastes no time and heads straight to the ring.


He takes a brief moment to look out at the roaring UWF crowd before beating his chest and letting out his war cry while extending his arms to his side. He makes his way down the ramp to walk up the steps and enter the ring. He heads over to a ring technician and receives a microphone before he heads over to face Eric Bischoff and his giants. Just as his theme music is ending, he starts to speak.



You want to hear what I have to say to convince ya that I deserve to be in the finals, fella? Is that what ya want? Well, I don’t need to say anything to convince ya, all ya gotta do is take one look at me, and you can just tell that I’m the most dominating superstar in the UWF right now! Since the moment I stepped into the door here I have laid a path of destruction behind me. I slayed the “monster†known as Ryback not once, but twice fella. And now I’m here to kick yer little boy toy’s arse as well.

Sheamus points to Clay and chuckles a bit to himself.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more mismatched, trio of misfits in me entire life. Look at ya! Ya have nothing in common beside the fact that all of ya have a face only a mother could love. Is this really my competition for the finals? I think I’d rather whoop Ryback for a third time. You can call what I did to Ryback a fluke, or because interference I won, I don’t give a crap, frankly. All that matters is that every time someone has stepped into the ring with the Great White, they got destroyed. And you three are next.

Sheamus paces a bit staring at them.

The truth is, you guys got lucky. Yer first opponent hardly even showed up, and the second opponent was nothing more than a joke. I worked my way to get here. You just got two buy rounds, fella. I beat Alberto Del Rio so bad that he left. I beat Ryback so bad that by the end of the night Maria wasn’t the only one bleeding, if ya know what I mean. The road ends for ya now, though. We both know only one of us can go on to Bad Blood to face Mr. Kennedy for the title, and I know its going to be The Great White. Deep down inside, I know you know it as well.

Sheamus nods his head.


Yer right that I’m the real challenge now. You may think yer little boys there are tough, and dominate, but the fact is that they have never even gotten a challenge before. Well I’m the challenge now fella, and I’m gonna put ya guys in yer place! Brodus, its me and you Wednesday night. And I’m going to have fun kicking that fat head off those stupid shoulders.

Sheamus stares down Clay waiting for a reaction from the trio.


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UWF Anarchy: Hurricane versus Alex Riley

Another edition of Anarchy is upon us and it's time to meet one of the many competitors to speak his peace.

Say It To My Face!!!


Downstait's "Say It To My Face" begins playing and the fans begin to groan as the arrival of the Alex Riley is imminent. Alex Riley doesn't disappoint the people and comes out onto the stage but he's not alone. Standing to his left is his manager, Paul Heyman. The two stand smugly on the stage and bask in the boos that rain down on them.


The duo make their way down the ramp, their expressions never changing. They reach the bottom of the ramp and Riley slides into the ring as Heyman walks up the steel steps and enters the ring through the ropes. By this time, Riley has gotten two microphones and hands one to Heyman. The portly businessman wastes no time beginning his promo.


Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I am the business manager and personal advocate of your next International Heavyweight Champion and to the man standing to my right; "The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley. As of late, my presence has not been needed because Matt Morgan has been dominating the competition without me which means Alex and myself can focus all of our attention on the task at hand. And tonight's task is something special to Alex Riley. Tonight is his first one on one match as a member of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation roster. Tonight is the night that Alex Riley proves to the world that he's just as valuable to this company as Matt Morgan is. Tonight, Alex Riley makes his first march towards Championship Gold.

Heyman stops speaking and Alex Riley steps forward and begins speaking.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: For months now; I've sat on the sidelines as my partner and my best friend dominated every single person that was put in front of him. And I know what you're thinking; "Alex, aren't you tired of watching from backstage while Matt Morgan gets all the attention?" Well, allow me to answer that question for you. Matt Morgan and I are fighting for the same cause. We are trying to change the face of professional wrestling. It doesn't matter if it's Matt, myself or both of us; when one of us succeeds, both of us succeed. And we both will succeed. Matt will win the International Championship at Bad Blood and I will begin my ascension to the top tonight in my singles debut.

Riley:And how does my ascension begin? AgainstThe Hurricane? Usually I'm not one for slumming but this week I'll make an exception when I make an example out of The Hurricane this week. You've been known for attempting to save the day, but I promise you Hurricane Helms that come this Thursday, you're the one that's going to need saving. And all the superpowers in the world won't help you when you go up against Anarchy's finest kept secret.

Riley shakes his head confidently as Heyman begins speaking again.

Heyman: Mister Hurricane; I believe what my client is trying to say is that you are simply overmatched this week. Alex Riley is a man on a mission. He is a man who is out to prove that he is far more than just a sidekick and it's going to take a power that far exceeds one of a caped lunatic to deter my client. So my recommendation to you Mister Hurricane is so stay as far away as possible from this ring this coming Thursday evening. But knowing you, you will refuse to heed my warning and instead attempt to rescue Anarchy from the impending takeover by the team of G.E.N.E. There is no saving Anarchy; it will soon belong to us. But even in your failure Mister Hurricane, you will indeed be remembered as a hero. Because you will be the first to try and stop Alex Riley in singles competition and you will be the first to fail. You will become a martyr Mister Hurricane and all martyrs are looked at as heroes. So while Alex Riley makes your demise as long and as painful as it can possibly be; you can at least take solace in that one fact.

Heyman and Riley smile at one another as the entrance music of Anarchy's resident superhero begins playing.​
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