I've often prided myself on having the minority opinion a lot of times in wrestling, so I imagine that this will take quite some time to post all the unpopular wrestling opinions I have though I certainly won't be posting all of them. If something I post is a popular opinion then it's just something my previous experience has lead me to believe that it's unpopular. Finally, I only really watch WWE, so just know if I say something like best in the world I really mean that best in the WWE. Otherwise I'll probably have to do quite of bit of explaining to do in several of these opinions. Now light your torches and get your pitchforks ready because we're jumping in right now . . .
I. Since Lockard mentioned this in passing, I do in fact consider Dolph Ziggler one of the best talkers today. Not counting non-wrestlers like Vince & Heyman, I'd probably rank Dolph within the top five (probably number five exactly but still). He was awesome on WWE Download and his promo with Mick Foley when Foley was going to enter the Rumble was also awesome. Love his fast-talking schtick, complements his show-off character perfectly and I hope he never abandons it.
II. Speaking of Lockard's post, I am also a fan of Randy Orton though not nearly to the same extent. I think he's great in the ring but I haven't really cared about him as a character for the most part since the days of the Legend Killer/Rated RKO. The latter probably isn't unpopular but I rank him pretty highly in-ring wise which I don't believe is very popular. At least not from what I can tell, his recent in-ring work with Bryan may have changed that.
III. I don't care for either the WrestleMania X-Seven match of Austin vs. Rock or the video package preceding it. The match is something that for the most part just really loses me in the middle (and I don't really care for the finish but not watching at the time I'm wary of being critical of it). As for the video package, I explain that
here. In fact, my favorite Rock/Austin Mania match is the XIX one.
IV. Speaking of not caring about Mania matches, I consider Shawn vs. Taker at XXV to be one of the most overrated matches in all of wrestling. It's a good bout mind you but I wouldn't put it anywhere near a five star rating. I even prefer their rematch the following year to their first bout for quite a few reasons but the main one is that the story of the rematch is about Shawn's career not The Streak. Watching the match you just know it's focus is much more on Shawn than the streak, it incorporates the build perfectly into the match and that story is something I can invest in much more than the streak which is something that happens every year and without even the slight possibility of Taker losing.
V. Speaking of overrated matches, Taker/Mankind Hell In A Cell is the most overrated match in all of wrestling in my opinion. Yes I love those two spots (as another minor unpopular opinion, I much prefer the chokeslam through the cell than the through the table spot WWE insists showing every chance they get) but two great spots do not make a great match. The rest of the match is just so boring in my opinion (saying in my opinion in a thread about opinions is redundant as hell isn't it? I'm going stop doing that). I'm not talking about the enormous rest time given by the way but the point where they actually start wrestling. There is zero reason for me to ever watch this match [again or in the first place] the only thing people tend to take out of it are those two spots. I can get all I'll ever get out of that match in two five second clips, which is not true for my favorite Hell In A Cells like Shawn/Taker, Cactus/Trips, and Brock/Taker. Same with some of the just okay one. My point is when watching ten second clip on youtube is preferable to watching the full match, it's not that great of a match.
VI. As I recently mentioned, I no longer consider WWE to be in the PG Era. My reasoning can be found
VII. On average, Punk's heel work is my least favorite of all his work. I've explained this numerous times as well as my thoughts on Punk in general, I highly doubt that anybody really wants to hear me even utter any words implicating I'm about to go on a CM tangent and if you're new[er] here than considered yourself spared.
VIII. I will however, link my reasons for why I think Punk is better than Bryan in the ring. It's reason three
IX. I don't care for Mark Henry. In fact, if it wasn't for his recent retirement performance my opinion on him wouldn't have changed a bit since before WWE started figuring out their was an actually way to book this guy and it wasn't as a smiling jobbing tag team partner to MVP. This kind of extends to WWE's booking not having much of an effect on my opinions. Henry didn't suddenly get any better in the ring when WWE started booking him like a monster, nor did his mic skills show any improvement (though it has now, two years later). This isn't meant to criticize the man either, he does he job well and I never really thought he was bad in the ring but he rarely does anything for me. His matches with Punk on Raw & his some of his matches with Big Show are the only matches he's had that I've actively liked.
X. I do care for Rob Van Dam. His stint in TNA has seemed to cause irreparable damage to his name (or maybe people always thought he was bad but I rarely noticed RVD hate prior to his TNA run) but I rarely saw anything from his TNA run so however bad that was doesn't change my opinion on the man who is one-half of my second favorite match ever (vs. Jerry Lynn at Living Dangerously '99). I also enjoyed quite a bit of his run in WWE so I'm somewhat excited for his return.
XI. Torrie Wilson is only attractive when attached to the lips of Dawn Marie.
That's enough for now, got a few more swirling around in my head but if I do all of them I'll probably end up at around twenty and I don't want to write that much fuel for mockery. Could've stopped at ten but I like to go one step beyond.