Why’d you vote Barry? Surely you could have gotten on in the near future. I understand your mad but it’s like, “I’m going to vote for him but no one else do it, seriously, don’t do what i just did”
for real?

Why’d you vote Barry? Surely you could have gotten on in the near future. I understand your mad but it’s like, “I’m going to vote for him but no one else do it, seriously, don’t do what i just did”for real?
Vote Magic
I think that’s lynch if it not already
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Calm down Grim, I just happened to miss your post, for some reason I thought Magic was at 3 votes, I should have just double checked but like I said I’m at work and I made a bad call because I was in a rush. I admit I’ve botched my game all game.
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Then why did you say you voted thinking it was hammer before? (ノ_<。)I’m not fucking scum, it was fucking mistake
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Then why did you say you voted thinking it was hammer before? (ノ_QUOTE]
I thought there were 3 votes, I didn’t see Grims, I saw Lethals. I admit I fucked up
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