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Bret still upset with the WWE

David Walsh sent the following: In a recent interview aired on Wednesday 21st of February on my local radio station Beat Fm Bret Hart stated his anger and upset at WWE’s failure to induct his late brother Owen into this years HOF. He said that their over looking of Owen was disrespectful to the Hart family to Owens fans and Owens wife.

Feb 8, 2007
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east lyme ct.
just because owen died, doesn;t mean he deserves to get inducted. it was a sad thing that happened. but there are plenty of better wrestlers that deserve to get in the hof before owen. for example, bret shoudl be in it before owen


Bret is in it and plenty better wrestlers i highly doubt that. I bet you can't name ten wrestlers that are better then Owen and deserve to be inducted.


Well Mr. Perfect and Dusty Rhodes are a good start. Add Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Ultimate Warrior, Ted Dibiase, Honkey Tonk Man, Bob Backlund, and, since they now own and operate ECW, they may want to consider Tazz and Mike Awesome.

There's ten that would make more sense than Owen Hart. There are plenty more years for Owen to go in, and ever class has their "omgmtfo he's in teh hof~!" and Owen could be next year's. Bret Hart needs to realize that just because somebody has the name "Hart" doesn't mean they're God.


How can you claim the Warrior is better then Owen you really need to watch a match with Owen hart before you judge him. Ultimate Warrior, Ted Dibiase, Honkey Tonk Man these three guys you listed can't even compare with Owen's wrestling ability.


I'm not claiming that any of them are better wrestlers than Owen Hart, seeing as how I have seen plenty of matches from all of the competitors that I listed. However, WWE is not, nor has it ever been fully a wrestling company. If it was then Hulk Hogan would still be Terry somethin' n' other back on his sofa. The Hall of Fame was created to lift up those who have done something remarkable for the company, something that has left an impression that lasts to this day. Was Owen Hart good? No freaking doubt. But was he great? I'm not so sure. He was great IN the ring, but overall, his lasting impression isn't much. No disrespect to him at all, if he were still around and healthy then I have no doubt that he's be a shoe in, if not still racking up championships. But, the fact is, that's not what happened. His life was cut short, and in return his career was as well.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I agree with Nation and Bret,Owen should be in the Hall of Fame this year.He had the in ring ability to become a World champion and imo should of been one,I would much rather see him in instead of Ultimate Warrior.


Your arguement for being in the Hall of Fame is valid, but why are you so set on it being THIS year? It's possible that the family wants Natalie to induct him, and they want her to have some credibility to her name before she does so. There are so many possibilities that we don't know enough about to be able to complain about somebody not being inducted this year.


New Member
Feb 20, 2007
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Isn't it true that Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are being inducted in the Hall of Fame this year and IMO Owen Hart should of been chosen before either one of them.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Owen Hart doesn't belong in the hall of fame.

There, I said it.

He will make it in at some point, but lets really be honest with ourselves here.

Owen Hart was an above average worker. He was good, no doubt about that. He had some great matches in his time, no doubting that either. He held the IC title, the Euro Title, and the Tag Titles on numerous occasions. But does this grant him admission into the hall of fame? No. He never won the big one, and was rarely in the title picture during his career.

Now, I liked Owen personally, but I never saw him as a "main event" guy. He was just lacking that certain something. But he was definetly a solid midcard worker.

His death cut short his career, yes. It was tragic, true. But lets face it people. He was never going to be a world champion. Not in the WWE, and if he had've went into WCW, he would've went right into the mid card where everybody else who wasn't named Hogan, Nash, or Goldberg went.

Its unfortunate that he died, and like I said he will get in in, I am certain of it. But if he had've lived on, I have serious doubts as to whether Owen would've been a contender for the Hall of Fame.

Perhaps as part of a group inductee of the entire Hart family, but probably not on his own.

I just don't believe that death grants you instant status. You still need to fairly assess the person's career.
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
Is this the last time WWE are doing the induction to the HOF? No.

Strange, Bret seems to be going on like it's the last time it's happening. From what Ive seen of Owen (which is little) I think he deserves to be in the HOF sometime, even if he didnt win the big one, as Im sure there are others who didnt win the heavyweight title. Why is Bret complaining now? Because he is in, and Owen isnt? Sounds kind of dumb.

This Guy

Isn't it true that Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are being inducted in the Hall of Fame this year and IMO Owen Hart should of been chosen before either one of them.

Um, no I disagree. 1) JR has not been announced and even if he is, he is a legend in Wrestling Broadcast calling some of the biggest matches, in WWE, WCW & NWA history. Considered to be the best play by play man since Gordon Solie (who in my opinion should also be inducted. 2) Lawler is a former AWA & USWA World Champion. Hist Memphis Wrestling company created and highlighted many who became big stars in pro wrestling. Lawler in his prime was as big as Ric Flair in Memphis. If it wasn't for Lawler and the Memphis territory that he headlined and carried, the scene of all pro wrestling WWE & TNA would be very different today.

Owen Hart doesn't belong in the hall of fame.

There, I said it.

He will make it in at some point, but lets really be honest with ourselves here.

Owen Hart was an above average worker. He was good, no doubt about that. He had some great matches in his time, no doubting that either. He held the IC title, the Euro Title, and the Tag Titles on numerous occasions. But does this grant him admission into the hall of fame? No. He never won the big one, and was rarely in the title picture during his career.

Now, I liked Owen personally, but I never saw him as a "main event" guy. He was just lacking that certain something. But he was definetly a solid midcard worker.

His death cut short his career, yes. It was tragic, true. But lets face it people. He was never going to be a world champion. Not in the WWE, and if he had've went into WCW, he would've went right into the mid card where everybody else who wasn't named Hogan, Nash, or Goldberg went.

Its unfortunate that he died, and like I said he will get in in, I am certain of it. But if he had've lived on, I have serious doubts as to whether Owen would've been a contender for the Hall of Fame.

Perhaps as part of a group inductee of the entire Hart family, but probably not on his own.

I just don't believe that death grants you instant status. You still need to fairly assess the person's career.

I agree with everything except never being world champion. I beleive Owen would have been a world champion one day. It was no secret that his plan was to stay with the WWE till the end of his contract then retire as he had been saving his money for that day. I beleive Vince would have given him a title run prior to his retirement.

Is this the last time WWE are doing the induction to the HOF? No.

Strange, Bret seems to be going on like it's the last time it's happening. From what Ive seen of Owen (which is little) I think he deserves to be in the HOF sometime, even if he didnt win the big one, as Im sure there are others who didnt win the heavyweight title. Why is Bret complaining now? Because he is in, and Owen isnt? Sounds kind of dumb.

If Bret beleives that Owen should be inducted, then yes Bret would already know if thats going to happen or not. The HOF inducties are notified and asked if they would like to be in the hall of fame and if they will come to the show etc. The WWE would have this all worked out with the Hart Family if they were going to announce Owen this year. Since Bret is making a deal out of it, I would assume that this means no Owen this year.

But to whoever it was that said name other people more deserving, I would agree with many of the names said. Mike Awesome would not be one of them. Nor would Ultimate Warrior though I understand peoples reasons for wanting to do so. People who should....besides the announced names so far, Rick Rude, Taz, Shane Douglas (yes I said Shane Douglas), Gordon Solie, Jim Cornette, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith, Rick Martel, The Rock, Mick Foley, Ron Simmons...I could go on I'm sure if I thought about it more.

Wrestling Station

^^I agree with you, Owen to be inducted is just a matter of time. I think the older guys are above him in the pick list. Maybe in 2 years time he be inducted?
So Bret Hart is over reacting about it, Bret Hart should have been inducted in 2005 not 2006, but as we all know, Vince hates Harts! so Owen induction will be postponded for 2 years or so i guess.
Talking about legends, yes some guys were inducted and cant even wrestle, but as WWE is a combination between show promotions and wrestling, then the guy with more respect and fan favourite will be inducted too.

This Guy

Vince McMahon doesn't hate the Hart Family. There is more to it then just a simple yup here you go. Its all about everyone getting what they want out of the deal. Bret Hart said in his induction speech that even with all the crap that he promised himself if the WWE ever called him to be in the HOF he'd be there. Well they did...back at WM18...they came close to making it happen but in the end Bret said no. So obviously there was something Bret wasn't getting that he wanted in the deal to appear for the hof. We don't know why Owen isn't being inducted this year. It could be again that Martha Hart couldn't get as an agreement for the induction from McMahon...we will probably never know.


Feb 8, 2007
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I know getting in the HOF means making somekind of deal with Vince, but if Owen goes in before Randy Savage then the whole thing is a complete f'n joke.