*After the pyrotechnics go off to begin the show, Will Neilson's music hits and he comes out in a pair of jeans, adidas trainers and a referee shirt. The crowd cheer, as Will begins to walk down the ramp, hands in his pockets. Before entering the ring he starts to pipe the crowd up a bit, and they do, cheering even louder but not extremely loud enough for it to be heard everywhere. Neilson climbs in the ring and grabs a nearby microphone, he tests it by hitting it on his head a few times and then begins to speak.*
Will: Your all probably wondering why I'm wearing a referee shirt.... I ain't quit my job as a wrestler just to become a zebra... no, no, no... I got chosen to be the... "Special Guest" referee for a match tonight. I'll take it, I technically get the night off. The match I will be "Special Guest" refereeing will be between.... wait a minute. *Will reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper, he opens it up.* Match 1... Tony Stark vs. Chris Parks - Special Guest Referee yours truly. Daaaaayum. That's pretty sweet wouldn't you say guys?
*The crowd cheer for the match being announced both competitors Will knows all too well, he walks around the ring a bit, before scrumping the paper up and chucking it into the crowd.*
Will: Merry Christmas, enjoy your gift... onto the "privileges" I have been given. They can't attack me or they get DQ'd, simple enough... a fucking donut could understand that. And... that's it, just act normal and shit and don't fast count. Now we get to the competitors.... from the nearby hair salon and tattoo parlour, ANTONIOOOOOOOOOOOOO Stark! And let's not forget... from the nearby mental asylum, weighing in at about 400 pounds... HARAM... I mean Chris Parks! Both I know too well, both I have fought... both I have beat. As said before, I will try and be as fair as I can, but if someone gets in my way... you'll be on the receiving end of a 'Neilson Clash'.
*The timekeeper calls Will over and explains the match is about to start, the ring announcer gets in position... for about 10 seconds before Will pushes him out the way and says to him 'I'm the ring announcer now... not permenantly of course..' Will brings out another piece of paper and begins to read.'
Will: The following contest is scheduled for one fall an...
*Will is interrupted by a theme music from Tony Stark/Chris Parks, he tilts his head sideways and just stares at the ramp awaiting the competitor.*
@The Anarchist @ChrisPBacon69
I tried to get into the spirit a bit... not really feeling up to do trying to do a really thought out promo.. so I kinda rushed this one.