Picture Base: Matt Hughes
Name: James Carpenter
Nickname: "K-9"
Weight: 255lbs
Height: 6'2"
Age: 25
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Gimmick: All American
Personality: Generous, laid back, adventurerous, laughs at all his own jokes. Trains hard and is inspirational when need be.
Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as James "K-9" Carpenter makes his way down to the ring in a red white and blue shimmering hoodie. Tagging fans hands all along the way, Carpenter still maintains a look of focus and preparation going into this contest. Pumping his fists against his chest, James Carpenter climbs up the steel steps, moving into the ring and cracks his neck. He then proceeds to perform several warm up excercises preparing for the match at hand.
Finishing Move 1: The Shock Drop (Rolling German Suplex Into A Sleeper Bomb)
Finishing Move 2: Euthanasia (Avalanche Backdrop Driver)
Trademark Move: The Patriot Act (Running High Knee)
Submission Move: Razor Leaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
Highflying Move: Freedom Fist (Flying European Uppercut)
Five - eight common moves:
Gutwrench Suplex
Belly To Belly Suplex
T-Bone Suplex
European Uppercut
Knee Breaker
Flying Shoulder Block
Knee To The Gut (Usually Helps Set Up Gutwrench Suplex)
Forearm Strikes
Beating Chest After Successfully Turning The Tide Of A Match
Hands Cupped Over Mouth Shouting Out "Shock Drop" Before His Finisher
Saying "Woof" Multiple Times To Bring Up The Crowd
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
Weapon of Choice: Steel Chain
Specialty Match: Four Corners Match
Picture Base: Plaxico Burress
Name: Andrei Evans
Nickname: "Crossfire"
Weight: 221lbs
Height: 5'11"
Age: 22
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Gimmick: All American
Personality: Ambitious, competitive, serious, persistant. Has a good work ethic and fights for his family.
Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as "Crossfire" Andrei Evans makes his way to the ring in a red white and blue shimmering hoodie. He jumps up and down on the stage psyching himself up for the upcoming contest, and allows some of the fans to slap his hands on the way down to the ring. He keeps total focus on the ring however, knowing that although his prematch tactics are not so flashy, the fans will be on their feet before the night is over. He hops onto the apron directly before jumping into the ring, allowing the referee to check his equipment before the match begins.
Finishing Move 1: The Silver Bullet (Busaiku Knee Kick)
Finishing Move 2: Head Shot (Sliding D)
Trademark Move: Snap Dragon (Dragon Whip)
Submission Move: Lock Down (Dragon Sleeper)
Highflying Move: Gracelands Finest (Top Rope Moonsault)
Five - eight common moves:
Enziguri Kick
Spinning Backfist
Swinging Neckbreaker
Jaw Breaker
Flying Cross Body
Corner Splash
Hand Gun Shooting After Landing The Silver Bullet or The Head Shot
Raising His Hands Up Trying To Rally The Crowd
Kip Up After Taking A Hard Shot And Screaming To Signal Firing Up
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
*High flyer
*Puroresu Strong Style
Weapon of Choice: Singapore Cane
Specialty Match: Ladder Match
Picture Base: Jac Vanek
Manager Name: "Razzle Dazzle" Katie King
Manager's Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Sex: Female
Gimmick: Amusingly almost a polar opposite of the Triple A. Katie King is a hardcore punk raver chick who enjoys changing the color of her hair into different neon colors such as pink, lime green, orange & silver. Part time backstage interviewer, part time professional wrestler, currently however allowing herself to manage Triple A for reasons explained in Additional Information.
Tag Team Name: Triple A (The All American Athletes)
Tag Team Partner: James Carpenter & Andrei Evans
Tag Team Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Tag Team Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as The All American Athletes make their entrance dressed in red white and blue shimmering hoodies and wrestling attire. They psyche themselves up on the ramp before giving one another a high five as they make their way to the ring. Right behind them is the provocative Katie King, who enjoys the critical acclaim of the fans as well. They high five as many fans as they can down to the ring, before finally entering while they pump their fists getting the crowd ready for an exciting tag team contest.
Double Team Finishing Move: Crash N' Burn (Powerbomb & Jumping Reverse Bulldog)
Faction Name: Triple A
Faction Members: James Carpenter, Andrei Evans & Katie King
Faction Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Additional Information:
Katie King is already an acclaimed backstage interviewer turned wrestler. She's excited fans from all over with her eccentric and unpredictable style of fighting. However, upon seeing two hot young prospects purely by chance upon her down time in places like Chicago and Memphis, she saw MMA performances by James Carpenter and incredible football games with Andrei Evans being an MVP of his collegiate team. Originally approaching both of them separately as an independent scout trying to offer them lucrative professional wrestling contract, their team came about by complete accident. Katie King watched over them under the tutelage of "The Quintastic One" James McCain's wrestling academy, and saw that they meshed extremely well as opponents. So she presented the idea of them possibly teaming up together, and they hit it off without a hitch. By knowing each others movesets so well through numerous times facing off against each other, they were able to develop unique and exciting offensive tag moves against their opponents, and "Razzy D" knew she had hot prospects on her hands. So upon negotiating a deal with the big time revival of Impact Wrestling Federation, she has submitted her two home grown boys into the big leagues. Although currently serving as a manager roll, Katie King CAN accept bookings as a professional wrestler for IWF. But a contract has yet to be inked out between the two parties at this time.
NOTE: I don't know the specific rules on playing multiple characters. So I am submitting this tag team application. If it turns out Katie King is also desired as a professional wrestler then you are free to PM me and I will expand upon this contract with the necessary entrance, moves and other information.
Physical Descriptions:
Since I've been playing for almost a month with IWF now, I figure nows a good time to elaborate on what everyone in my "stable" looks like on average. That way it'll help your visual presentations of my characters beyodn just a picture base.
James Carpenter:
Caucasian Male. Short, light brown hair. Blue eyes, high definition build. As in, very well cut muscle structure from his days as an MMA fighter. Stiff legs, friendly face, usually wears wrestling trunks that are black and gold, red white and blue, white and red or blue & silver. Out of ring attire usually consists of casual blue jeans, white, black or brown t-shirts/sweaters, and sometimes black shades. But not as often as Andrei.
Andrei Evans:
African American Male, but on the lighter side of the shade. Brown eyes. Kind of lanky. Looks more on the thin side of being fit. Although muscle definition is there, he's more likely viewed as skinny. Hence why his speedy/high flying type of style. He's got sharp elbows that make his Sliding D all the more dangerous. Otherwise he wears long pants to the ring that are either purple, blue, red or black to the ring. He also has either matching or contrasting elbow pads, gloves or wrist bands that are one of the aforementioned colors. Outside of the ring he's all about the designer threads, logos, chains, jeans or baggy pants. Street clothes & sneakers.
"Razzle Dazzle" Katie King:
Caucasian Female. Wears contacts in her eyes so her eye color is often subjective to what she's wearing. Same with her hair color. But it's most commonly presented in lime green. Otherwise she wears the normal "raver girl" type of attire. Either wrist bands or several multi colored bracelets with black cut off gloves. T-Shirts either in black, orange, purple, blue, red, green or pink. "Trip" pants with the metallic loops and chains attached to pockets and pant legs. Sometimes wears neon rainbow tassles on the belt loop, and black combat boots with similar metal chains and loops. She's well built, although not particularly muscular. Think more of a Lita sized body pre-horrible boob job.
Since I know Katie King is a complicated girl to imagine, here's a few pictures of various "scene girls" who would fit the bill for picture bases but arn't just quite "right" for me to describe her 100%. Mostly due to facial piercings. She has none.

Picture Base: Matt Hughes
Name: James Carpenter
Nickname: "K-9"
Weight: 255lbs
Height: 6'2"
Age: 25
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Gimmick: All American
Personality: Generous, laid back, adventurerous, laughs at all his own jokes. Trains hard and is inspirational when need be.
Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as James "K-9" Carpenter makes his way down to the ring in a red white and blue shimmering hoodie. Tagging fans hands all along the way, Carpenter still maintains a look of focus and preparation going into this contest. Pumping his fists against his chest, James Carpenter climbs up the steel steps, moving into the ring and cracks his neck. He then proceeds to perform several warm up excercises preparing for the match at hand.
Finishing Move 1: The Shock Drop (Rolling German Suplex Into A Sleeper Bomb)
Finishing Move 2: Euthanasia (Avalanche Backdrop Driver)
Trademark Move: The Patriot Act (Running High Knee)
Submission Move: Razor Leaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
Highflying Move: Freedom Fist (Flying European Uppercut)
Five - eight common moves:
Gutwrench Suplex
Belly To Belly Suplex
T-Bone Suplex
European Uppercut
Knee Breaker
Flying Shoulder Block
Knee To The Gut (Usually Helps Set Up Gutwrench Suplex)
Forearm Strikes
Beating Chest After Successfully Turning The Tide Of A Match
Hands Cupped Over Mouth Shouting Out "Shock Drop" Before His Finisher
Saying "Woof" Multiple Times To Bring Up The Crowd
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
Weapon of Choice: Steel Chain
Specialty Match: Four Corners Match

Picture Base: Plaxico Burress
Name: Andrei Evans
Nickname: "Crossfire"
Weight: 221lbs
Height: 5'11"
Age: 22
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face
Gimmick: All American
Personality: Ambitious, competitive, serious, persistant. Has a good work ethic and fights for his family.
Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as "Crossfire" Andrei Evans makes his way to the ring in a red white and blue shimmering hoodie. He jumps up and down on the stage psyching himself up for the upcoming contest, and allows some of the fans to slap his hands on the way down to the ring. He keeps total focus on the ring however, knowing that although his prematch tactics are not so flashy, the fans will be on their feet before the night is over. He hops onto the apron directly before jumping into the ring, allowing the referee to check his equipment before the match begins.
Finishing Move 1: The Silver Bullet (Busaiku Knee Kick)
Finishing Move 2: Head Shot (Sliding D)
Trademark Move: Snap Dragon (Dragon Whip)
Submission Move: Lock Down (Dragon Sleeper)
Highflying Move: Gracelands Finest (Top Rope Moonsault)
Five - eight common moves:
Enziguri Kick
Spinning Backfist
Swinging Neckbreaker
Jaw Breaker
Flying Cross Body
Corner Splash
Hand Gun Shooting After Landing The Silver Bullet or The Head Shot
Raising His Hands Up Trying To Rally The Crowd
Kip Up After Taking A Hard Shot And Screaming To Signal Firing Up
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
*High flyer
*Puroresu Strong Style
Weapon of Choice: Singapore Cane
Specialty Match: Ladder Match

Picture Base: Jac Vanek
Manager Name: "Razzle Dazzle" Katie King
Manager's Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Sex: Female
Gimmick: Amusingly almost a polar opposite of the Triple A. Katie King is a hardcore punk raver chick who enjoys changing the color of her hair into different neon colors such as pink, lime green, orange & silver. Part time backstage interviewer, part time professional wrestler, currently however allowing herself to manage Triple A for reasons explained in Additional Information.
Tag Team Name: Triple A (The All American Athletes)
Tag Team Partner: James Carpenter & Andrei Evans
Tag Team Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Tag Team Entrance Details:
Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps plays over the PA System as The All American Athletes make their entrance dressed in red white and blue shimmering hoodies and wrestling attire. They psyche themselves up on the ramp before giving one another a high five as they make their way to the ring. Right behind them is the provocative Katie King, who enjoys the critical acclaim of the fans as well. They high five as many fans as they can down to the ring, before finally entering while they pump their fists getting the crowd ready for an exciting tag team contest.
Double Team Finishing Move: Crash N' Burn (Powerbomb & Jumping Reverse Bulldog)
Faction Name: Triple A
Faction Members: James Carpenter, Andrei Evans & Katie King
Faction Entrance Music: Gasoline by Porcelain And The Tramps
Additional Information:
Katie King is already an acclaimed backstage interviewer turned wrestler. She's excited fans from all over with her eccentric and unpredictable style of fighting. However, upon seeing two hot young prospects purely by chance upon her down time in places like Chicago and Memphis, she saw MMA performances by James Carpenter and incredible football games with Andrei Evans being an MVP of his collegiate team. Originally approaching both of them separately as an independent scout trying to offer them lucrative professional wrestling contract, their team came about by complete accident. Katie King watched over them under the tutelage of "The Quintastic One" James McCain's wrestling academy, and saw that they meshed extremely well as opponents. So she presented the idea of them possibly teaming up together, and they hit it off without a hitch. By knowing each others movesets so well through numerous times facing off against each other, they were able to develop unique and exciting offensive tag moves against their opponents, and "Razzy D" knew she had hot prospects on her hands. So upon negotiating a deal with the big time revival of Impact Wrestling Federation, she has submitted her two home grown boys into the big leagues. Although currently serving as a manager roll, Katie King CAN accept bookings as a professional wrestler for IWF. But a contract has yet to be inked out between the two parties at this time.
NOTE: I don't know the specific rules on playing multiple characters. So I am submitting this tag team application. If it turns out Katie King is also desired as a professional wrestler then you are free to PM me and I will expand upon this contract with the necessary entrance, moves and other information.
Physical Descriptions:
Since I've been playing for almost a month with IWF now, I figure nows a good time to elaborate on what everyone in my "stable" looks like on average. That way it'll help your visual presentations of my characters beyodn just a picture base.
James Carpenter:
Caucasian Male. Short, light brown hair. Blue eyes, high definition build. As in, very well cut muscle structure from his days as an MMA fighter. Stiff legs, friendly face, usually wears wrestling trunks that are black and gold, red white and blue, white and red or blue & silver. Out of ring attire usually consists of casual blue jeans, white, black or brown t-shirts/sweaters, and sometimes black shades. But not as often as Andrei.
Andrei Evans:
African American Male, but on the lighter side of the shade. Brown eyes. Kind of lanky. Looks more on the thin side of being fit. Although muscle definition is there, he's more likely viewed as skinny. Hence why his speedy/high flying type of style. He's got sharp elbows that make his Sliding D all the more dangerous. Otherwise he wears long pants to the ring that are either purple, blue, red or black to the ring. He also has either matching or contrasting elbow pads, gloves or wrist bands that are one of the aforementioned colors. Outside of the ring he's all about the designer threads, logos, chains, jeans or baggy pants. Street clothes & sneakers.
"Razzle Dazzle" Katie King:
Caucasian Female. Wears contacts in her eyes so her eye color is often subjective to what she's wearing. Same with her hair color. But it's most commonly presented in lime green. Otherwise she wears the normal "raver girl" type of attire. Either wrist bands or several multi colored bracelets with black cut off gloves. T-Shirts either in black, orange, purple, blue, red, green or pink. "Trip" pants with the metallic loops and chains attached to pockets and pant legs. Sometimes wears neon rainbow tassles on the belt loop, and black combat boots with similar metal chains and loops. She's well built, although not particularly muscular. Think more of a Lita sized body pre-horrible boob job.
Since I know Katie King is a complicated girl to imagine, here's a few pictures of various "scene girls" who would fit the bill for picture bases but arn't just quite "right" for me to describe her 100%. Mostly due to facial piercings. She has none.