Trios Tournament 2008

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Trios Tournament Night 1

Tonight eights teams will go to war. Twenty four soldiers will step onto the field of battle. They will fight for fame, fortune, honor, and the right to call themselves the best team in the world. Blood will be lost, bodies will be broken, and dreams will be shattered. This is the Trios Tournament 2008 and these men are ready for a fight.

Round One Block A


Match 1: Team WCC (Chris Jericho, Austin Aries, and John Morrison) vs. The New Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart, Petey Williams, and Shelton Benjamin)
The New Hart Foundation makes their way to the ring first. Representing them are Teddy Hart, Shelton Benjamin and Petey Williams. The three men do not get a warm reception as they head down the ramp and climb into the ring. Chants of “Canada sucks†echo throughout the arena, as all three men taunt the fans from the top turnbuckle. As the music stops, a countdown suddenly appears on the titantron. The crowd count along, from 7 to 0, before the pyro shoots across the stage. As the mist clears the WCC champ Chris Jericho appears, with his back to the crowd. Austin Aries and John Morrison stand on either side, holding their title belts aloft for all to see. These three are the best WCC has to offer and will be looking to do their federation proud tonight. They all head down the ramp, Jericho leading them to the ring. They climb up onto the apron and salute the crowd, before climbing inside. It seems WCC are the crowd’s favorites here tonight. Likely more out of their hatred for the Hart Foundation and less based on their own appeal. The ref calls both teams to the centre of the ring and explains the rules before calling for the bell. It will be Shelton Benjamin and Austin Aries to start us off tonight. Both men circle the ring, before Benjamin goes in for the leg takedown. He drops Aries, before bridging in a waistlock. Aries tries to free himself, but Benjamin taunts him with a series of disrespectful slaps across the head before releasing him. The former ROH champ is not pleased as he stares down the two-time Intercontinental champion with a snarling face. He suddenly rushes towards Shelton looking for a clothesline. But Benjamin easily counters with a hip toss, before placing Aries into a reverse chin lock. Aries struggles to fight back to his feet, as Benjamin tries to exert more pressure. The former TNA star finally breaks the hold, as he drops to his knees with a modified jawbreaker. He quickly makes the tag to Morrison who capitalizes on Benjamin’s distractedness. Morrison hits Shelton with a solid right hand to the jaw, before forcing him into the corner. The Shaman of Sexy hits him with a flurry of right hands, before trying the Irish whip. But Shelton counters sending Morrison crashing into the corner. Benjamin rushes towards the former ECW champ looking for the Shelton Splash. But this time Morrison counters with a double boot to the face. Benjamin stumbles back, before struggling to his feet. Meanwhile The Guru of Greatness springboards off the middle turnbuckle, before coming back with an incredible Roundhouse kick to the side of Benjamin’s head. The former amateur wrestler drops to the mat like a stone, as Morrison goes for the cover. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Petey makes the save to keep his team in this Trios Tournament.

Morrison scowls at Williams as he exit’s the ring, before lifting Shelton back to his feet. He hit’s the former WWE tag champ with a boot to the midsection, before signaling it’s time for the Corkscrew Neckbreaker. But as he tries to hit the move, Benjamin springs to life. He counters out of the neckbreaker, before lifting Morrison into the air and slamming him back down with an amazing T-Bone Suplex. The crowd begins to really get into the match, as both men are left laid out in the middle of the ring. Shelton can’t even make the cover, as he begins to crawl towards his corner. Morrison does the same, as the crowd urges both men on. Both make it to their corners simultaneously, with Benjamin tagging in Teddy Hart, as Morrison tags in Jericho. Y2J rushes towards Hart looking to get the jump on him. But Hart uses his incredible agility to springboard off the ropes and drops the WCC champ with a tremendous dropkick. Jericho is down in the middle of the ring, as Teddy takes advantage. He rushes off the ropes, before hitting the champ with a flipping leg drop, much to the delight of the crowd. He tries a quick pin, but Jericho kicks out almost immediately. Hart maintains control as he lifts the first Undisputed champ to his feet and locks in the double underhook. Teddy signals it’s time for the flip piledriver, but Jericho struggles out into a full nelson. The champ tries to hit the facebuster on Teddy but he’s just too quick. Hart counters out of the full nelson, before dropkicking Jericho in the back of the head. Y2J is sent crashing head first into the turnbuckle, before stumbling back out. Hart decides to go high risk, as he rushes up the turnbuckle. But Jericho doesn’t give him the chance, as he shoves him off the top turnbuckle. Hart lands face first onto the guard rail, before collapsing onto the floor. The ref begins the 10 count, as Petey Williams goes to check on Teddy. The Canadian Destroyer begrudgingly pushes him back into the ring, despite his obvious injury. Jericho quickly takes advantage as he lifts the young Canadian to his feet. He slaps Hart hard across the face, before Irish whipping him hard into the corner. As Teddy stumbles back out, Y2J plants him with a facebuster, before rushing off the ropes. He springboards back with a Moonsault and connects for the Lionsault. This is surely it as the champ hooks the legs. 1, 2, 2 ¾, but Hart kicks out to the amazement of the entire arena. Jericho is furious with the ref and is close to losing it. But Morrison calms him down from the apron. The self proclaimed King of the World lifts Hart back up to his feet and signals it’s time for a Powerbomb. He lifts the cruiserweight up onto his shoulders and prepares to drive him onto the mat. But Teddy tries to counter into a huracanrana. But Jericho counters again, stepping over and into the Walls of Jericho.

The champ tries to exert pressure on Hart’s back but Teddy doesn’t allow him to lock in the hold fully. He struggles to turn over, before hitting the champ with a pair of boots to the face. Hart scrambles to his corner and makes the desperation tag to Petey, as Jericho clutches his face. Williams explodes into the ring and unleashes a series of right hands to the face of Jericho, before trying the Irish whip. Y2J easily reverses it and tries the overhead belly to back. But Petey puts the brakes on and signals it’s time for the Canadian Destroyer. But Jericho realizes what’s happening and counters by lifting Petey up onto his shoulders. The champ tries to slam the Canadian down with a high angle spinebuster. But Williams continues to fight, as Jericho falls back against the ropes. Petey frees himself and lands on the apron, as Jericho turns around. The champ tries to hit him with a shot of his own. But the former X-Division champ blocks the shot, before jumping over the ropes and hitting Jericho with a double-knee facebuster. Jericho stumbles back. The last shot has clearly busted him open. Meanwhile Petey gets back on his feet and sets up Jericho for the Canadian Destroyer. Y2J is helpless as Petey prepares to finish him off. But before he can do it, Aries rushes in and drops him with a devastating left handed lariat. William’s team-mates don’t take kindly to that and rush into the ring. Benjamin spears Williams to the ground as Hart knocks a slow to the draw Morrison down onto the outside. The highflying Hart leaps up and over and takes the Guru of Greatness and himself out of the match with an insane Shooting Star Press. Aries and Benjamin roll themselves out of the ring and down onto the floor. The former ROH champ lands on top on the outside and quickly takes advantage. He viciously rakes the eyes of Shelton, as the crowd look on in disgust. Meanwhile inside the ring, Williams and Jericho get back on their feet. The champ is still a little dazed and confused, as Petey goes for the inside cradle. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, but Y2J kicks out. As they both get back on their feet, Jericho hit’s the former Team Canada captain with a solid boot to the midsection, before trying the Codebreaker. But as he tries to plant him, Petey counters into a front slam. Williams tries the roll through pin with bridge. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but the champ has the waistlock and powers him back up to his feet.

Jericho turns him around and lifts him up onto his shoulders for a Powerbomb. But Williams again fights out, landing on his feet. He hit’s a boot to the midsection, before signaling it’s time for the Canadian Destroyer. This time Jericho is helpless, as the WNG star plants the champ with a devastating Flip Piledriver. The crowd is on their feet, as Williams prepares to go for the pin. But before he can even move, Aries comes flying off the top rope and connects with an incredible 450 Splash. The crowd is on their feet, as Aries struggles to his feet. Nobody saw him coming. Nobody even knows where he came from. The WCC X-Division champ tosses a seemingly unconscious Jericho on top of Petey, as the ref makes the count. Aries holds off Benjamin. 1, 2, 3. The winners of this match. Team WCC. Team World Carnage Championship makes it through by the skin of their teeth. The New Hart Foundation had it won, until an insane move from Austin Aries saved the day. Can they be so fortunate twice in a row, as they meet the winners of the Destroyers and Merchants of Destruction match in the second round. We’ll find out later tonight.

The Merchants of Destruction walk to the ring first. Marcus Cor Von grabs a mic before getting in.

Cor Von: Destroyers! You have no right to call yourselves by that name. We are the true group that brings destruction to the Serengeti. We bring more power to the table than any other team. You indy nobodies better get ready to feel the Poooooooooooooooooooounce period.

“Gimme Back My Bullets†hits and the Destroyers walk down the entrance ramp. Jay Briscoe has a microphone.

Jay: Boys; it’s time to Man Up!

Briscoe drops the microphone and the Destroyers charge into the ring. They begin to exchange punches with the Merchants. Rhino, Lashley, and Cor Von begin to get the better of the Briscoes and Matt Cross, but the Destroyers get a burst of energy and begin to fight back. The referee steps in the calms things down enough to get both teams into their respective corners. He rings the bell.


Match 2: The Destroyers (Mark and Jay Briscoe and Matt Cross) vs. the Merchants of Destruction (Rhino, Lashley, and Marcus Cor Von)
Starting in the ring for the Destroyers is Mark Briscoe while Rhino starts for the Merchants of Destruction. These two brawlers square off in the middle of the ring and begin to exchange right hands. Mark gets the advantage by using multiple palm thrusts to the throat on Rhino. Briscoe goes to bounce off the ropes, but Cor Von nails him in the back with a kick. Mark turns to face Cor Von, but that distraction allows Rhino to surprise Briscoe with a facebuster. Rhino tags in Lashley and Lashley goes right to work on Mark by locking in an armbreaker. Mark gets out of the hold and hits an enzugiri on Lashley. Briscoe gets a burst of energy and runs at the ropes. Mark springboards and hits a cutter on Lashley. Mark goes to make the tag, but Cor Von gets into the ring and drags him into the M.O.D.’s corner. Lashley gets up and drops an elbow on Briscoe. Lashley tags in Cor Von, who gets into the ring and begins to stomp repeatedly on Mark. The “Alpha Male†brings Briscoe to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Mark bounces back and Cor Von takes him out of his boots with a pounce. The force from the pounce knocks Mark into the Destroyers corner. Mark makes the hot-tag to his brother Jay. Jay gets into the ring and delivers a big boot to the face of Cor Von. Briscoe goes up to the top rope and waits for Cor Von to get to his feet. When Marcus stands up he is taken right back down with a huracanrana by Jay. Jay hits a leg drop on Cor Von before tagging in Matt Cross. Cross gets Cor Von to his feet and whips him into the corner. Cross gets onto the ring apron and then hits a slingshot swinging DDT on Cor Von. Cross goes for the pin, but Lashley gets in the ring and breaks it up at 2.

From out of nowhere Mark hits a cross body on Lashley. Cross uses a knee drop on Marcus while Mark picks up Lashley and hits a brainbuster on him. Mark stands up and he is caught with a gore from Rhino. Jay hits a missile dropkick from the top rope on Rhino. This match has broken down and the ref cannot regain control. Cor Von has Cross in the corner and is laying in the punches on him. Cor Von whips Cross into the ropes. On Cross’ bounce back he is hit with the Pounce by Cor Von. Then before he can even hit the mat Rhino turns Cross inside out with a gore. Cor Von goes for the pin, but Jay is able to break it up with a senton to Marcus. Rhino attacks Jay from behind with some clubbing forearms to the back. Jay kicks Rhino in the gut, hooks the arms, and hits the J-Driller. Jay is almost hit with a Pounce by Cor Von, but he is able to dodge it at the last second. Cor Von rams himself into the ring post. He grabs his shoulder in pain before turning around to face Jay. Jay kicks him right in the shoulder with a big boot. Mark is on the top rope. Jay kicks Cor Von the stomach before getting him in the double underhook. Mark jumps off the top turnbuckle and drives Cor Von’s feet down. Cor Von’s head is planted into the mat with the Spike J-Driller. Jay sets up Cor Von on the mat while Cross goes to the top rope. M-dogg 20 hits the Death from Above, a corkscrew 450 splash. Cross goes for the pin. Lashley tires to break it up, but the Briscoe’s keep him out of the ring. Just as the ref is about the count 3 Cor Von gets his arm up. Rhino gets to his feet just as Mark Briscoe gets into the ring. Mark uses repeated strikes to the throat on Rhino before knocking him to the mat with a superkick. On the outside Lashley picks up Jay and throws him into the third row of fans. Lashley turns around and Mark Briscoe goes to the top rope. He jumps off and hits a Shooting star press on the standing Lashley. Back in the ring Cross is back on the top rope. He hits the 450 splash on Cor Von for the second time. M-dogg 20 goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The Destroyers go on to face Team WCC.

The BLK OUT makes their way to the ring. Homicide grabs a mic.

Homicide: Me and the rest of the BLK OUT are ready to bring the straight up thug life to the Trios Tournament. We gotta take out some ultraviolent nobodies from CZW to move on one step closer to the finals. Team CZW you wanna bring the hardcore to this match we’ll just take our game to the next level.

Team CZW walks onto the entrance ramp and towards the ring.

Zandig: Will you shut the fuck up! Someone ring the bell.


Match 3: BLK Out 2.0 (Ruckus, Sabian, and Homicide) Vs. Team CZW (Nick Gage, Nick Mondo, and John Zandig)
Both teams are actually competitors in CZW but BLK OUT has loyalties in many federations. Nick Gage and Ruckus will start this one for the team. Gage and Homicide gets a brief handshake before Ruckus hits a toe kick then locks in a side headlock. He starts wrenching it to get pressure and Gage battles out of it and sends him across the ring with an Irish whip. Nick gage bends over for a Back body Drop but Ruckus rolls over him and grabs his waist from behind. Ruckus tries to lift him for a German suplex but Gage hooks his leg behind his to stop the move. Gage hits elbows to the back of the temple to break the hold and he sends him into his team’s corner, Gage reaches out and tag Nick Mondo as he grabs the head of Ruckus and pulls him away from the corner. Gage lifts Homicide for a suplex but throws him forward into a gordbuster; Nick Mondo catches him in midair and hits a running powerslam! Great move and ability by team CZW. Mondo kicks Ruckus on the ground a few times before reaching out to tag Zandig, the founder of CZW gets in the ring and him and Mondo lifts Ruckus to hit a successful double suplex. Zandig tries a pin but only a 2 count. Zandig gets to his feet and leaps into the air to hit a legdrop across the throat! John Zandig grabs Homicide and pulls him to his corner and tag in Nick Gage. The current CZW champion and CZW founder hits a double DDT, driving him headfirst into the mat almost breaking some bones. Zandig and Gage both get to their feet and Zandig hits anther Legdrop and Gage hits a back senton! Gage tries a pin but only a 2 count before Sabian gets in the ring and breaks the hold. Sabian in forced to the outside back to his corner by the Ref as Nick Gage grabs Ruckus and sets his head between his legs. Gage lifts him by the waist as he drives him down with a solid powerbomb! Gage hooks his leg for a pin but again Sabian breaks the hold up then gets sent back to his corner. Gage makes a tag to Nick Mondo and tells him to go up on the corner. Gage grabs Ruckus and lifts him into straight up on his head and Nick Mondo jumps to spike the piledriver! Gage runs at the corner of BLK OUT and knocks both men off the apron for Nick Mondo to get an uninterrupted pin. 1….2… Kickout!

Ruckus kicked out despite the brutal punishment in this match. Nick gage leaves the ring following the ref instructions to get to his corner. Nick Mondo calls for an Ending at his picks up Ruckus and sets him head first into a corner, Nick gets up him and lifts him into an electric chair, the assault driver! Mondo grabs his arms and tries to get the iconoclasm but Ruckus runs threw for a victory roll! 1…2… Kickout! Ruckus tries to roll toward his corner but Mondo grabs his leg. Ruckus jumps up to hit an Enzugiri Kick! Ruckus dives toward his corner but no one is in it! Mondo gets back and charges Ruckus but the former CZW champions rolls past him, turns around quickly and hits a dropkick knocking Mondo in the corner. Mondo rebounds and Ruckus goes between his legs and reaches out toward his corner and makes a tag to Homicide! Homicide springboards up on the rope and hit a flying clothesline on Mondo! Homicide grabs Mondo as he gets back up and delivers an implant DDT! Homicide tries a quick pin but only a quick two count before Mondo forces his way out of it. Nick Gag tries to force his way into the ring but the ref stops him and Zandig. Homicide lifts Mondo to his feet and sends him into the BLK OUT corner. He makes a tag to Sabian before hitting a toekick making Mondo bend over holding his gut. Sabian grabs the ropes and jumps on top before spring boarding and hitting a double stomp to the back sending Mondo crashing in the floor! Double impact move, the stomp the back and the collision with the floor afterwards. Sabian tries a pin on Mondo but Gage is in to break it up. The ref forces him to the outside trying to keep order in the match. Sabian quickly gets to his feet and picks up Mondo. Black Jesus Sabian grabs the arm of Mondo and sends him into his team’s corner. Sabian makes a tag to Homicide. Homicide goes to the top ropes and waits for Sabian to pulls Mondo away from the corner to flip forward taking down Nick Mondo! He hooks the leg on the flip for a quick pin. 1…2... Kick out.

Homicide taps his arm calling for the West Brooklyn lariat and motions for Mondo to get to his feet. Mondo fights off his weariness piece by piece has he gets to one knee and Homicide runs at the ropes, uses them to gain momentum and fires back with the lariat! Mondo ducks under it and grabs Homicide for a roll up! 1…2…3! Sabian and Ruckus are in the ring in an instant and are on Mondo. Gage and Zandig are in just seconds later and they tear apart the team and drag them off for separate battle, BLK OUT is too good for a team battle. Nick Gage grabs the throat of Ruckus and tries a chokebreaker but as he goes up Ruckus gets off and gets behind him. Zandig and Sabian trade shots but Zandig ahs more muscle and knocks him into the corner. Zandig tries to take advantage and Sabian hits a low dropkick sending him in face first into the second turnbuckle! Ruckus tries a to get up for a reverse rana but Gage battles out before he can get up and grabs his throat again! Gage brings him into the air and hits the chokebreaker! Ruckus bounds around the ring holding his back in pain before falling to the floor. Homicide runs at Mondo and nails the west Brooklyn lariat the second time around! Mondo is out cold and Homicide goes for Gage, Nick gage reaches into his pocket and pulls out brass knuckles and knocking out Ruckus and then connects with a shot to Sabian! Zandig grabs Sabian and delivers the Mother F’N Bomb! Nick Gage pulls Mondo to his feet and points at Homicide, Mondo picks up Homicide and loads him on his shoulder in the electric chair position. Mondo grabs his arms and sends him crashing to the ground with the assault driver! Nick Gage, Nick Mondo, and John Zandig raise their arms in victory has the defeated team BLK OUT 2.0 to advance in the trio’s tournament.

An earlier recorded promo with the Christian Coalition plays.

Christian: Wow, we have a challenge in the first round don’t we. I’m mean look at this line up; Apu, Curry Man, and Tommy Chong. Wait, I think I might have gotten their names wrong. Tomko, did I?

Tomko: No.

Christian: That’s what I thought.

AJ: Last Line, we’re going to ship you right back to WNG right where you belong. You’re used to dealing with no names from the indies, now you’re in the big leagues.

Christian: Last Line, this is going to be your last match as a team. We're taking this entire tourney because that's how we roll.


Match 4: Christian Coalition (Tomko, AJ Styles, and Christian Cage) vs. WNG’s Last Line (Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, and Rob Van Dam)
Christian Cage’s music hits and the Instant Classic makes his way to the ring. The TNA tag champs flank him on either side. Tomko the Problem Solver and the Phenomenal AJ Styles strut to the ring as the crowd boo them relentlessly. But none of them take any notice as they all climb into the ring and await their challengers for this evening. Suddenly the sound of sirens blare across the arena, before mist descends across the entrance way. Three superstars suddenly burst through the mist. They are WNG’s Last Line. Rob Van Dam, Christopher Daniels and Sonjay Dutt. All three are cheered unanimously as they head down the ramp and climb into the ring. Sonjay and Daniels salute the fans from the top turnbuckles as Van Dam gets the entire arena as the chant “RVDâ€. As they settle down, the ref calls for the bell to start this first round contest. It will be AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels of all people to start us off tonight. These two have a checkered past, at one time being both best friends and worst enemies. Both men lock up immediately with AJ gaining the early advantage. He places the Fallen Angel in a side headlock as Cage encourages him from ringside. Daniels tries to counter, lifting the Phenomenal One up for a backdrop. But AJ counters into rolling snapmare, before hitting a dropkick to the back of the head. Styles taunts the fans as they begin to get behind Daniels. AJ lifts the Fallen Angel to his feet, before forcing him back into the corner and making the tag to Christian. The Instant Classic climbs into the ring and begins to work over the Fallen Angel. He unleashes a barrage of right hands, before Irish whipping Daniels hard into the far corner. Cage rushes after him, connecting with a powerful running elbow to the face. He quickly places Daniels in an inverted DDT, looking for the Reverse DDT. But as he tries to land it, the former X-Division champ counters into a vertical suplex. Daniels scrambles to make the tag as Cage tries to stop him. But the Fallen Angel makes it to his corner and gets the tag to Sonjay Dutt. The Playa from the Himalaya leaps over the ropes, before taking down Cage with a flying head scissors. The Instant Classic is thrown halfway across the ring, as Dutt gets back on his feet. Christian is barely up to one knee as Dutt comes rushing across the ring and connects with a powerful Shining Wizard. The WNG star tries the cover, but Tomko puts a stop to it before the ref can even reach 1.

Sonjay glances at the monster, before dragging Cage back into the middle of the ring. Dutt has the crowd on their feet as he heads up to the top turnbuckle and prepares to hit the Hindu Press. But his showboating doesn’t pay off, as the Instant Classic hits him with a right hand. Dutt lands split-legged on the turnbuckle, causing the entire crowd to cringe in unison. Christian takes full advantage of this precarious position, as he climbs up onto the middle turnbuckle and Superplexes the X-Division star from top. The impact shakes the entire ring, as Sonjay crashes back first onto the canvas. Cage is the first one to his feet as he makes the tag to an eager Tomko. The Man Mountain climbs over the rope, before lifting Dutt up like a small child. Sonjay tries to fight back, but Tomko is too strong as he drops the WNG star with a horrific clothesline. The 6ft 6†behemoth goes for the pin but Dutt gets the shoulder up to stay in this match. Tomko is quickly back on the attack as he lifts Sonjay up by the throat. The TNA tag champion powers him up easily. But before he can hit the Choke Toss, Dutt fights back with a series of wild shots. One luckily strikes the big man’s eye, causing him to lose his grip. As Sonjay drops to the mat, he rolls straight to his corner and make the desperation tag to RVD. The crowd goes insane, as Van Dam leaps up onto the top turnbuckle. As Tomko turns around, the former ECW champion launches from the top, connecting with a superb flying side kick to the face. The big man is finally off his feet, as Van Dam gets back on his. He rushes off the ropes before hitting the Rolling Thunder. Van Dam goes for the cover as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, but Tomko powers him off. RVD is control as he lifts Tomko back to his feet. But the TNA star rakes the eyes to free himself, before tagging in AJ Styles. The Phenomenal One springboards from the apron to take down Van Dam with an incredible flying forearm. Styles decides not to go for the cover, instead choosing to lift Van Dam back up to his feet. He sets him into position for the Styles Clash but RVD quickly fights out. He goes for the spin kick followed by the leg sweep. But Styles avoids both, before dropping him with the Pele Kick. AJ goes for the pin as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Van Dam gets the shoulder up in the nick of time.

Styles is in total control as he tosses RVD to the mat disrespectfully and tags in Captain Charisma. Cage goes straight up to the top and prepares to launch with the Frog Splash. He taunts Van Dam, before leaping from the top. But RVD rolls out of the way, as Cage crash and burns face first into the mat. As the Instant Classic tries to get back to his feet, Van Dam rushes towards him and hit’s the Oklahoma Roll. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 3. RVD rolls out of the ring as Cage goes insane. Daniels, Dutt and Van Dam have just won the match. Christian grabs the ref by the collar and screams in his face. He demands the ref restart the match but the referee is too scared to even give him an answer. As the ref cowers in fear, Cage finally snaps, decking him with a powerful right hand to the face. The ref is left nearly out cold on the mat, as Cage orders AJ to get a couple of chairs. Meanwhile the Instant Classic picks the 150lb ref up and slams him down face first into the mat for the Unprettier. Tomko tosses the unconscious ref on top of the first chair, as AJ hands the second one to Christian. As the Instant Classic prepares to hit the Con-chair-toe, security rushes to aid the referee. But Tomko and Styles prevent them from getting inside. Security pleads desperately with Christian and at one point it seems like he has calmed down. But the Instant Classic just uses this to gain momentum before delivering a horrific chair shot to the back of the referee’s head. The crowd is in shock as Cage finally tosses the chair aside. What has just happened here is unforgivable. What does this mean for Christian and co. in the future? He may have just gotten himself blacklisted from every federation known to man for that stunt. Regardless of the aftermath, the result stands. WNG’s Last Line advance to the second round where they’ll take on Team CZW later in the night.

Block A Semi-Finals

During the intermission Chris Jericho talked to the fans.

Jericho: This Trios Tournament is WCC! We are going to take every challenge we get and prove that WCC is the best company going today. Aries, Morrison, and I are not some of; we are THE best wrestlers in the world today. The other teams don’t have a shot at beating us. WNG, POI; you may have helped create this tourney, but you will never... EVER win this.


Match 1: Team WCC (Chris Jericho, Austin Aries and John Morrison) Vs. The Destroyers (Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe, Matt Cross)
WCC victorious over the Hart foundation and the Destroyers won against The Merchants of Destruction. Both ready to go on ahead to the next round and willing to give it all here at the Trios Tournament! Chris Jericho is to start for WCC and Matt Cross aka M-Dogg 20 for the Destroyers. Jericho asks for a test of strength but Matt Cross waves it off, he isn’t going to risk it. Cross jumps for a low dropkick to the knee but Jericho makes a jump up and Cross missed. Matt and Chris get back up and are staring into each others eyes. Jericho this time feints a right hand and kicks the back of the leg of Cross, he returns with a chop across the chest of Jericho. Chris rakes the eyes of Matt then goes down and pulls his legs out from under him, Jericho keeps a hold of his legs and tries to turn him over for the walls but Cross fights out and reaches the ropes before it is locked in. Jericho releases it due to the ref’s orders but hits a kick to the back of Cross and pulls him back into the center of the ring. Jericho runs at the ropes and comes back, he stops short of the normal back splash and kicks the head of Cross to throw him off. Jericho jumps and delivers his back senton! Chris tries an early pin but Cross kicks out. Chris knew it wasn’t enough o finish this he is part of the game slowly wearing him out by forcing his 200 plus frame off him. Chris makes a tag to Austin who jumps into the ring and waits for Jericho to get Cross to his feet and runs to deliver a boot straight to the face! Austin picks up to a sitting position and hits a strong kick to the back! Austin swings his foot and hits another kick to the back and Cross rolls on his stomach to try and relieve some of the pain. Aries doesn’t waste momentum and gets down on his level to lock in a scissors armbar! Cross’s arm is bent in an ugly position as Aries has the intent of breaking his arm if it wins this match. Matt reaches with his free arm toward the ropes but he is too far away. Matt raises his arm tap and Jay Briscoe gets in the ring and hits a low running dropkick to Austin to force the break. Austin holds his face in pain but gets to his feet quickly. The ref forces Jay out within seconds and Austin makes a tag to Morrison as he holds on to his face, might be a broken nose or jaw. Morrison jumps in the ring, up the top ropes and hits split-legged corkscrew press! Morrison tries to get the pin but only a 2 count before Mark Briscoe this time makes the save. Morrison yells at the ref to remove Mark who does it immediately and Morrison makes another quick tap this time to Austin Aries. Aries gets in the ring and picks up Matt Cross he sends him into a corner and runs at him connecting with a full on clothesline in the corner. Aries holds Matt in place and hits him with a ridiculously powerful chop that knocks him to the ground. Aries pulls Cross back up and hits a second knife edge chop! Knife edge seems to fit as there is blood starting to show from a cut on the chest of Cross. Aries hits a third chop of the match and knocks Cross to the ground. Aries pulls him from the corner and tries to get a pin. Only 2 ½ before Cross gets the shoulder up with his own accord.

Aries lifts Cross to his feet and makes a tag to Jericho. Chris gets in the ring and holds Cross in place for Aries to lands more of his wicked chops further busting up the chest of Cross. Aries stops for a second then licks his arm and fires a powerful chop but Cross rolls out of the way and the move hits Jericho! Chris recoils in his corner holding his chest and Austin tries to tell him it was an accident! Jericho tags Morrison and leaves the ring to walk up the ramp. He is leaving his team! Cross makes it to his corner and makes a tag to Jay Briscoe. Austin goes to the outside and tries to talk to Jericho but Y2J isn’t having any of it as he is long gone. Now it is a 2 on 3 match even if the 3 has a man down he can come back. As the ref gets the others out of the ring John secretly removes the padding of a turnbuckle in his team’s corner. Morrison and Jay meet in the ring and Morrison gets a go behind to get behind Jay with a waist lock. Eh tries to get him into the air with a German suplex but Jay hits an elbow to the head then grabs his arm and wrings in back into an arm wrench. He pulls Morrison in close and hits a European uppercut in the shoulder and Morrison hits the ground holding his shoulder. Jay Briscoe like shark-sensing blood of near by prey takes full advantage and starts attacking that left arm and shoulder region. Jay grabs his arm and throws it down on the mat with full impact. He doesn’t stop there as he picks up the arm and goes around into a leg drop on the shoulder! Morrison goes over to the bottom rope and tries to rest his arm away from Jay but the Briscoe grabs his leg and pulls him into the middle of the ring and delivers an elbow drop again to the should, left arm! Jay goes over to his corner and makes a tag to Mark and the audience hears him the Left arm. Jay picks John off the ground and gets another arm wrench on him furthering harming the limb of the body. Mark Briscoe runs and hits a strong dropkick to the arm! Mark grabs Morrison to stop him from rolling around clutching his arm and makes a pin. Only a 2 count before the ability to kick out. Mark pulls Morrison to his feet and locks his arm behind him and lifts him off the ground for a scoop slam landing on his arm! Mark goes over and tags in Jay Briscoe, quick tags to defeat Morrison; only one man needs to be defeated in a tag team match. Jay jumps to the top rope and waits for Mark to gets John off the ground and swings his arm back to drop an elbow on the shoulder! Mark and Jay aren’t done yet; they each grab the former ECW champion and send him shoulder first into the steel post! They pull him out and throw him again shoulder first into the steel post! Jay tries a pin as Mark leaves the ring and Austin Aries gets in the ring to break the pin up. Austin leaves the ring before the ref gets a chance to and Mark grabs the arm of John Morrison and hooks his legs over it to get in an armbar! Morrison is writhing in pain and raises his arm to tap after only a few seconds of the move and Austin climbs into the ring. The ref gets in his way and tries to get him in the ring and his partner is tapping out with his soul to get the hold to end and prevent permanent damage. Mark breaks his hold wondering why the hell the ref didn’t call for the win. Jay Briscoe’s gets in the ring and knocks Austin off the apron onto the guardrail below. Jay and Mark gets on one side of Morrison and both lock in armbars! Morrison is screaming and trying everything in his power to end this pain but with arms tied he can’t tap out!

Jay and Mark finally stop the torture and Jay leaves the ring due to ref instruction. Mark officially makes a tag to Jay and instructs him to get ready. Jay stays on the apron as Mark grabs Morrison and lifts him into an electric chair! Jay jumps on the ropes and goes forward with the wicked lariat but Morrison rolls under into a victory roll pin! Quick two count as the ROH MVP kicks out! Morrison hits an Eye rack on Jay and pulls Mark in, he grabs his head and tries to hit his corkscrew neckbreaker but his arm can’t handle the work and he pushes mark away holding his injured arm. Austin Aries gets back into the ring and attacks Jay Briscoe before he can recover from the eye rack of Morrison. Aries and jay trade clenched stiff shots between each other until Aries can get the advantage with an European uppercut! Jay struggles back and Aries gets beside him to hit a forward fall Russian legsweep! Mark Briscoe grabs Mark from behind into a chicken wing half nelson and drops him back with a suplex! Morrison head hits the amt hard and Mark wastes no time picking him up for a fireman carry, he tries to sends him for the cut-throat driver but Aries is there with the save in the form of one of his chops! Mark drops Morrison and clenches his fists to like his brother trade stiff fists to and from Austin Aries. Mark hits a cheap kick to the skin and runs hitting a springboard missile dropkick! Matt Cross gets in his corner exhausted and watches them fight it out, he tries to get in the ring but opts better to stay out as Austin falls down and gets up quickly to see Jay Briscoe kicks him in the gut and hit the J-Driller! Jay tries to go to his partner for an assist but the ref finally gets the authority back in him and stops him in his tracks. Mark struggles to regain his composure from his shots from Aries then turns back to Morrison. He lifts him off the ground and John sends his arm up to hit a low blow! Mark falls to his knees trying to regain his breath and John Morrison hooks his neck and hits the corkscrew neckbreaker! John doesn’t go for a pin! He holds him arm in pain, think he landed on it wrong. Jay shoves the ref aside and goes after the former tag team specialist. Morrison grabs Mark by his legs and sends his head first into the expose steel of earlier! John tries to rise to his feet but collapse again holding that arm. Morrison gets close to the ropes and uses them with a lot of leverage to pull him to his feet. Matt Cross sees his chance to finally take a role in this match once again and gets on the top ropes as John Morrison gets to his feet. Morrison turns around and Matt Cross jumps for a forward moonsault as known as the shooting star, he grabs his head and drives it down to complete the death star! Matt Cross, Morrison, Aries, both Briscoe’s are all down in the ring and this match is till going on.

The titan tron goes back and the cybernetic countdown goes as the lights in the arena dim down. 8…7…6…5….4…3…2… Fireworks scale the sides of the tron and Jericho goes through the curtain and the crowd goes insane as the WCC superstar runs back to the ring. He jumps on the apron and almost jumps over the ropes and he strains to make a tag with the downed John Morrison but he gets it and Jericho bounds in the ring. Chris runs at the ropes, jumps onto the second rope and jumps backwards into a low moonsault! The Lionsault on the Jay Briscoe! Chris hooks his legs as the ref makes the three count! Chris Jericho rises to his feet and poses to the crowd as his team in declared the winners! Jericho goes to the edge of the ring and asks for a mic.

Chris Jericho: Let’s get one thing straight, I will NEVER!
Crowd: EVER!
Jericho: NEVER!
Crowd: Ever!
Jericho: EVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR betray World Carnage Championship!


Match 2: Team CZW (Nick Gage, Zandig, and Nick Mondo) vs. WNG’s Last Line (Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, and Rob Van Dam)
Team CZW makes their way to the ring first. The grungy music deafens the crowd, as all three men step out onto the stage. They salute the fans as they cheer them all the way down the ramp and into the ring. Zandig, Gage and Mondo climb to the top turnbuckles and rile up the crowd, before this second round match. As they warm up in the ring, sirens suddenly sound across the arena. Pyro explodes across the stage as Van Dam, Daniels and Dutt appear at the top of the stage. WNG’s Last Line of course defeated Christian’s Coalition last night to advance here. The three men head straight to the ring as the referee calls for the bell. It will be RVD and Nick Gage to begin this match. Both men circle the ring before locking up. Van Dam tries a quick kick to the side of the leg, but Gage sidesteps it. Both men finally lock up, as Gage gains the advantage. The CZW star places Van Dam in a hammerlock, before lifting him up for a backdrop. But Mr. Monday Night back flips and lands on his feet. As Nick turns around, RVD hits him with a spinning back kick that sends him reeling back into his corner. Zandig makes the tag in as Gage steps out, clearly disappointed at being bested by RVD. Zandig rushes straight at the former WWE star looking for a clothesline. But Van Dam ducks it easily, before sweeping his legs from under him. The WNG star rushes off the ropes, before performing a handstand into a standing Moonsault. But Van Dam doesn’t realize Zandig is back on his feet as he goes for the Moonsault. The CZW founder catches him in midair, before he can go for the Moonsault. He powers RVD up into the air, before slamming him down with a Full Nelson slam. Zandig goes for the early cover but only gets a 1, before RVD kicks out. But the 6-time CZW champion shows no mercy as he lifts Van Dam to his feet. He forces the hardcore legend into the corner, before unleashing a series of wild punches to the face and gut. The ref forces the break at 5, much to the chagrin of Zandig. He follows the ref’s orders, Irish whipping Van Dam into the far corner. The CZW founder quickly follows through with a running shoulder tackle, squashing Van Dam into the corner. Zandig is in total control here as he drags RVD to the corner and makes the tag to Mondo. Mondo is quickly on the offensive as he lays in a series of tight fisted shots to the face of the former ECW star. The ref warns him about the closed fists but he pays no attention. He finally stops after 10 and drags RVD into the middle of the ring. He lifts him up, before slamming him down for a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Mondo rushes off the ropes, but Dutt catches him with a boot to the back of the head. Nick is furious and swings a misguided right hand at Sonjay. But the Playa from the Himalaya avoids the blow, before hanging him up on the rope. As the CZW star stumbles back into the middle of the ring, Van Dam drops him with a powerful spin kick to the face. RVD uses his last ounce of strength to make the much needed tag to Daniels. The Fallen Angel works Mondo over with round the clock stomps, before hitting a standing leg drop. He goes for the quick pin but Mondo quickly gets the shoulder up at 1.

Daniels lifts him back to his feet and powers him up for a vertical suplex. The Fallen Angel allows the blood to rush to his head, before slamming him down hard onto the canvas. Daniels doesn’t go for the cover, instead choosing to head up to the corner. As quick as a flash, he springboards off the middle turnbuckle and up onto the top, before leaping back for the BME. But Mondo rolls out of the way as he flies through the air. But somehow Daniels lands on his feet, showing that agility that made him the main-eventer he is today. But Mondo uses the harsh landing to capitalize. He hits him with a boot to the midsection, before planting him with a DDT. Both men are down in the corner, as the ref looks on. He’s unable to invoke the 10 as one team must advance in this quarter-final match. Mondo is the first to stir as he crawls towards his corner. Daniels quickly does the same, inching his way closer to his corner. Both make the tag simultaneously, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Mondo tags Gage as Daniels tags in Dutt. Sonjay tries to get the jump on Gage as rushes towards him. But the CZW star takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press before laying in a series of savage right hands. Gage picks him up and hits him with a powerful shot to the side of the head, sending the original Playa from the Himalaya reeling against the ropes. The hardcore superstar grabs Sonjay, before Irish whipping him off the ropes. Nick goes for the clothesline, but Dutt ducks underneath. He comes off the rope again, this time he tries to take Gage over with the flying head scissors. But as he tries to take Gage over, the hardcore superstar counters into a Spinning Electric chair drop, smashing Sonjay face first into the mat. Nick goes for the cover, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Van Dam breaks up the cover to keep his team in this tournament. Gage is quickly back on his feet as he climbs on top of Dutt. The CZW superstar lays in repeated right hands to the face of Sonjay, only stopping at the threat of disqualification. He drags a busted open Dutt to his corner, before making the tag to Zandig. The CZW founder climbs into the ring and unleashes a series of knife edge chops to the chest of Sonjay, before Irish whipping him towards the corner. But Zandig doesn’t send him to the far corner, instead slamming him face first into the near corner. The WNG star stumbles out of the corner, clearly dazed and confused as Zandig lifts him up onto his shoulders. The Playa from the Himalaya is powerless to fight back, as Zandig swings him around, before slamming him onto the mat for a neckbreaker. He goes for the cover, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ¾, but Sonjay somehow gets the shoulder up. The CZW founder is in disbelief as the ref assures him it was only 2.

Zandig doesn’t waste much time as he lifts up the X-Division star with ease. He taunts Dutt, before Irish whipping him off the ropes. As Sonjay comes back, Zandig powers him up with a gorilla press. But Dutt struggles out, before landing behind him. Zandig tries to swing a wild right hand at Sonjay. But the WNG star ducks underneath, before hitting a dropkick to the knee. The Team CZW captain drops to one knee, before Sonjay hits him with a dropkick to the face. Dutt uses the last of his energy to make the much needed tag to Van Dam. RVD jumps the ropes, before tumbling across the ring and hitting the Rolling Thunder on Zandig. RVD tries the cover but Zandig powers out at 1. The former ECW champ lifts the big man to his feet, before trying the Irish whip into the corner. But the CZW star easily overpowers him. Zandig sprints towards RVD looking for the Big Boot in the corner. But RVD uses his superior speed to roll out of the way. Zandig crashes into the turnbuckle, hanging himself up on the ropes in the process. Van Dam takes full advantage as he hit’s a couple of shoulder tackles, followed by a back flips into a running shoulder tackle. The Last Line captain is in total control as he salutes the fans with his trademark “RVD†taunt. Gage and Mondo take exception to RVD’s showboating and rush into the ring to put a stop to it. Gage drops him from behind with a powerful forearm as both men begin to stomp all over him. But Daniels joins the fray and quickly turns the tide. The Fallen Angel grabs Mondo by the head, before tossing him straight over the top and out onto the floor. Meanwhile Gage grabs Dutt by the throat and goes the Chokebreaker. But as he powers the WNG star up, Sonjay counters with the go behind, before rushing him against the ropes. Nick hangs on as Sonjay tumbles back into the middle of the ring. But as he turns to face Dutt, Daniels hits him with a running calf kick that sends him tumbling over the top rope and out onto the floor. Zandig is in trouble, as Daniels lifts him to his feet and hit’s the Last Rites in the centre of the ring. All three men head to a corner, as the ref tries to gain some order in this match. Daniels is the first, as he springboards off the middle rope onto the top, before hitting an incredible B.M.E. Sonjay then launches halfway across the ring, before connecting with an amazing Hindu Press (Phoenix Splash). And finally Van Dam leaps halfway across the ring, turning in midair before crashing down onto the sternum of Zandig. He struggles to make the cover, as Daniels and Dutt take out Gage and Mondo with tandem suicide dives. 1, 2, 3. The ref calls for the bell and this epic match is over. WNG’s Last Line is victorious and advances to the semi-finals where they will face off against Team WCC. Dutt, Daniels and Van Dam stand triumphant in the ring. They have been a surprise package in this tournament, given their inexperience as a unit but after this victory they are sure to be among the favorites to pick up the coveted trophy tomorrow night.

Thank You for coming to the first night of action of Trios Tournament 2008. Please leave any feedback that you may have. Be sure to come back the next two nights for even more of this insane trios wrestling.​


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Thank you for coming to the show. Please tell us what you think. Drop a review or two. All reviews will be repped and returned. Thanks for reading.

Trios Tournament Night 2

Round One Block B

“We are the Champions†hits and the Kings of Wrestling saunter out to the ring. Taylor tries to make friends with a five year old before threatening to punch him in the face. Hero and Claudio laugh at the fat people in the crowd. Hero grabs a microphone and the three men enter the ring.

Hero: The Kings of Wrestling are here, you may now all worship us. *crowd boos* Don’t you people know who we are. I’m guessing that you do, but I think you should be told once again. Here is the big man from Europe “Double C†Claudio Castagnoli! Next to me on my left is “Sext Chucky T†Chuck Taylor. Now I am the “Young Knockout Kid†Chris Hero. Long live the Kings!

The Kings try to start up a “Long live the Kings†chant, but it doesn’t work. Team NOAH’s music hits and they walk to the ring.


Match 1: Team NOAH (KENTA, Morishima, and Marufuji) vs. the Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Chuck Taylor)
Team NOAH has KENTA start the match against The KoW’s Claudio Castagnoli. While Claudio is discussing strategy with Hero, KENTA tries to take his head off with a spin kick. Claudio ducks the kick and goes for clothesline on KENTA. KENTA catches the arm and locks in an armbreaker. Claudio gets KENTA to release the hold after some elbows to the face. Claudio whips KENTA into the ropes. KENTA bounces back, is picked up by Claudio, and is dropped on the mat with a scoop slam. Claudio uses an elbow drop on KENTA before going to tag in Chris Hero. As KENTA is standing up Hero kicks him in the gut. Hero brings KENTA to his feet before going for a German suplex. KENTA fights out of the move, gets the go behind, and hits a German Suplex. KENTA holds onto Hero and bridges for a pin. Hero kicks out at 2. KENTA gets Hero to his knees and then nearly caves in his chest with repeated kicks. KENTA tags in Marufuji who takes down Hero with a clothesline. Marufuji springboards off of the ropes and hits an Asai moonsault on Hero. Marufuji goes for the pin, but Chuck Taylor is able to break it up with a stomp to the head of Marufuji. Taylor drags Hero in to the KoW’s corner before tagging himself in. Taylor challenges Marufuji to a test of strength with a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Taylor pokes Marufuji in the eye. Taylor taunts Marufuji and then hits a facebuster on him. Taylor bounces off the ropes and is taken down with a drop toe hold by Marufuji. Marufuji brings Chuck to his feet, whips him into the corner, gets onto the ring apron, and hits a slingshot dropkick. Taylor rolls to the outside and screams at a small child scaring it. While Taylor was distracted with this Marufuji went to the top turnbuckle. Taylor turns around and he is taken down with a head scissors by Marufuji.

Hero begins to yell at Marufuji, but Marufuji kicks his legs out from under him, causing Hero’s face to slam into the ring. Marufuji grabs Taylor by the hair and tries to get him back in the ring. Taylor headbuts him in the stomach and them flips him back first onto the floor with a back body drop. Claudio sticks his boot out and Taylor slams Marufuji’s head into it. Taylor rolls Marufuji into the ring before getting himself into it. Chuck stomps on him repeatedly until he tags in Claudio. Castagnoli locks in the European Headlock. Marufuji manages to get to the ropes to have the hold broken. Claudio goes for the European Uppercut, but Marufuji ducks it and hits a superkick. Instead of going for the pin, the tired Marufuji goes to make a tag. As he is about to crawl into his corner Marufuji is dragged away from Team NOAH by Chris Hero. Morishima has had enough of the KoW. Shima gets into the ring and takes Hero out of his boots with a huge clothesline. Then Morishima picks up Claudio and plants him into the mat with a backdrop driver. Taylor goes up to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Morishima. While he is still down Taylor uses a knee drop to the forehead on Shima. Morishima fights his way to his feet with right hands to Taylor. Morishima grabs Taylor around the waist and slams him onto the mat with a German suplex. The ref is able to get Shima back into Team NOAH’s corner after destroying the Kings of Wrestling. Marufuji officially tags in Morishima, who immediately goes for the pin on the legal man; Claudio. Castagnoli gets the shoulder up at the count of two. The dazed Kings of Wrestling return to their corner while the 320 pound Shima stands on the chest of Claudio. Morishima grabs Claudio by the hair and lifts him to his feet. Castagnoli gets a burst of energy and hits Shima with a spinning European uppercut. Morishima is still standing so Claudio hits a second spinning European uppercut. Claudio has Shima on the ropes, but he still won’t go down. Claudio climbs up to the top rope, goes for a suicide dive, and hits another European uppercut. Morishima finally goes down. Castagnoli goes for the pin, but Morishima is still able to the shoulder up at 2.

Claudio tags in Chris Hero, who gets ready to deliver a yakuza kick to Shima. When Morishima stands up Hero runs at him and tries to boot him in the face. Shima catches the boot, but he is hit with an enzugiri from Hero. Hero gets up, bounces off the ropes, and hits a double foot stomp to the chest of Morishima. Then while still standing on his chest Hero jumps and hits a back senton on Morishima. Hero grabs Morishima by the head and locks in the cravate. Shima grabs the ropes to break up the hold, but Chuck Taylor kicks his hand off of the ropes before the ref can notice. Morishima begins to try to get to Team NOAH’s corner. Shima is about to tag in Marufuji, but Hero drags him away at the last minute. Marufuji is able to get a blind tag on Shima without Hero noticing. Marufuji gets into the ring and begins to stalk Hero. The ref tells Hero to release the cravate and that Marufuji was tagged in. Hero turns around and he is taken out of his boots with a superkick by Marufuji. Marufuji goes for the pin, but Taylor breaks up the pin at 2. The ref begins to argue with Taylor. As this is happening Marufuji surprises Taylor with a springboard dropkick. Taylor rolls out of the ring and Marufuji tags in KENTA. Marufuji picks up Hero and gets him in an electric chair while KENTA goes to the top rope. KENTA signals for the Busaiku Knee Kick. Claudio gets into the ring to stop this. Morishima takes out Castagnoli with a boot to the face. KENTA dives off of the top turnbuckle and hits the Avalanche Busaiku Knee Kick on Hero, driving his knee into Hero’s face. KENTA goes for the pin and Taylor breaks it up again. Marufuji superkicks Taylor, knocking him out. KENTA goes for the pin again and this time he gets the 3 count. Team NOAH beats the Kings of Wrestling and move on to face the winner of Team WNG vs. Team TNA later tonight.

Team TNA’s music hits and they walk to the ring. Shelley grabs a mic.

Shelley: You know this takes me back. A couple years ago I was on the Team TNA in Chikara’s King of Trios. The entire time I was wrestling on that show I kept thinking, some of this stuff that we’re doing would blow the TNA fans minds, but then I remembered, we only get four minute matches there. WCC, WNG, POI; I’d like to thank you guys for giving Team TNA a shot to showcase our talent.


Match 2: Team WNG (Drake Younger, Gregory Helms, and Cloudy) vs. Team TNA (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Jay Lethal)
WNG sends Drake Younger, almost the WNG champion at Winter Warfare, Cloudy, former WNG tag team champion, and Gregory Helms, current WNG underground champion. TNA has the Motor city machine guns, a team known all threw out the world and the Indy scene, and Jay Lethal their current X-Division champion. Helms and Sabin start this match out and start to circle each other, measuring, searching for any sign to an opening. Helms and Sabin meet in the middle of the ring for an elbow tie-up then both struggle for power until finally helms can break free but Sabin backs away to prevent damage. They circle each other a few more times before meeting for another elbow tie up and this time once Helms gets a little advantage uses it to hit a knee to the gut to stunned the X-division pioneer. He grabs the arm of Sabin and sends him into the corner of team WNG, Gregory runs and hits a clothesline in the corner with nowhere to go Sabin gets crushed. Helms makes a tag to Drake Younger then grabs the head of Sabin to keep him in place for Drake to hit a free kick to the gut while he still is allowed the team advantage before the ref sends Helms out of the ring. Drake pulls Sabin to full height and then slaps him across the chest with a strong knife-edge chop knocking him down. Sabin tries to get to his feet but Drake sends him back down it a scoop slam. He tries a pin but only a tow count before he can kick out. Drake grabs Sabina and sends him back into his team’s corner and makes a tag to the man called the one hit wonder, Cloudy. Cloudy jumps into the ring, joins Drake in stomping Sabin in the corner until he is down and the ref forces Drake out of the ring. Cloudy grabs the ropes and jumps up to swing down and drive his knees into the upper chest and head of Sabin! He pulls him away and then back off to hit a standing moonsault! Cloudy hooks the keg of Chris and tries for a pin but only a 2 count again. Cloudy leaves Sabin and climbs to the top of the ring after the Kick out and then dives backwards for a moonsault! He hits it perfectly but doesn’t’ pin him. Cloudy makes a tag to Gregory Helms. Helms goes to the top and dives hitting a frog splash! He grabs the leg of Sabin for another team WNG pin but again only a 2 count.

Gregory Helms looks upset but doesn’t fret too much, this match is just starting. Helms moves closer to the head and locks in a triangle choke hold on Chris Sabin to keep him on the ground. Sabin tries to kick and force his way to the ropes but he is too far out. Alex Shelley reaches out and tries to tag him out but he is too far out of reach, Shelley goes down to reach out from under the middle rope and Sabin kicks toward his direction and Shelley tags his boot! The ref indicate as tag as Shelley gets in the ring quickly and breaks the hold with a legdrop to the neck of Helms. Alex picks up by his head quickly to send him into the corner with a powerful Irish whip. Shelley runs at him and hits a back elbow smash! Helms falls forward but Shelley catches him and sets him back into the corner. He climbs up to the second rope to deliver closed fists over and over pummeling, the ref gets his count up to 4 before Shelley stops punching him and grabs him to fall back and hit a monkey flip! Shelley gets back to his feet relatively quickly and waits for Helms as well, Shelley using his speed like all men in this match except Younger are known for. Helms uses an empty corner to help pull himself to his feet, Alex runs at him again but Helms drops down to his a drop toe hold and send him headfirst into the second turnbuckle. Helms gets behind him and grabs his hair to slam his face into the corner again and again before. The ref tries to pulls him off but Helms shoves him away and slams his head again into that second turnbuckle before getting to his feet and makes a tag to Cloudy again. The one hit wonder runs at Shelley and delivers two knees to the back of the neck of Shelley in the second turnbuckle. Cloudy pulls him out of the corner and bends him over. Cloudy jumps and hits the leg hook, sunset flip powerbomb! The Yoshitonic! Call it the code red, code redneck or yoshitonic it is still painful. 1…2… Kick out!

Shelley with what has to be the last of his force to kick out of the move. Cloudy looks frustrated his finish can’t beat half of Motor city’s best. Cloudy looks around for what to do next and finally makes a tag to Drake Younger who is in the ring quickly and covers Shelley hooking his leg, more weight might be the problem I guess. 1…2… Kick out again! Drake picks Shelley off the ground and grabs one arm and turns around to hooks the second one, he turns around and lifts Shelley off the ground to delivers Drake’s Landing (Vertabreaker)! Drake grabs his leg and makes the pin. Only a 2 count before Sabin and Lethal are in the ring to break it up. The ref quickly forces back to the outside to keep order in this match. Drake makes a tag to Gregory helms and yells at him to finish it. Helms picks up Shelley from the ground and hooks both his arms, spins around and flips him for his Vertabreaker! Shelley manages to lean over and land on his feet he lifts Helms up and drops him with the vertabreaker instead! Shelley stops moving after the move wasted the last ditch effort he had that should have gone towards a tag. Helms tries to get to his feet but stumbles back down and holds his neck in pain. Helms starts to pull himself to his corner and makes a tag to Cloudy before rolling to the outside to rest. Cloudy is in the ring and makes a pin on Shelley hoping to have him down for. 1…2… Kick out! Cloudy picks up Shelley and places his head between his head, eh motions for a destroyer. He bends over and grabs the waist of Alex and tries to flip him but Shelley sends him for a back body instead. Shelley gets to his full height and falls back down in the direction of his team. Lethal gets a piece of him for the ref to call it a tag and Lethal in the ring in second and grabs Cloudy to deliver the lethal combination! Jay tries a pin but only a 2 count as the youngster kicks out of it. Lethal gets back on his feet and picks up Cloudy, he makes a tag to his partner Chris Sabin. Chris grabs Cloudy from the front; Lethal backs away from the two but runs forward to hit a dropkick to the back to spike the reverse STO by Sabin.

1….2… Drake gets in the ring to breakup the count. He tries to attack Sabin but Lethal intercepts him with a shining wizard! Mocking Hems still on the outside in pain. Drake goes down but Sabin lifts him into the air on his shoulder to deliver the cradle shock! Sabin has his leg for a pin but Drake isn’t the legal man. Sabin makes a tag to his partner Shelley and now all of team TNA is in the ring but not for long as Jay Lethal leaves the ring for the air as he climbs to the turnbuckle and waits. Chris Sabin grabs the head of Cloudy and sets him up between his legs; Sabin lifts him into the air and gets him over Shelley. Sabin drives him down while Shelley jumps up to deliver the double knee to the back! Cloudy is motionless in the ring as Jay Lethal is about to dive for the elbow but opts for a different target has he flying to the outside taking out both Younger and Helms! In the ring Shelley makes the pin and get the victory! Team TNA advances in the trio’s tournament and might have injured WNG’s Best.


Match 3: The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, and Vampiro) vs. Team Ring of Honor (Nigel McGuinness, Roderick Strong, and Delirious)
Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black and Vampiro make their way to the ring first, accompanied by the lovely and ever present Lacey. All four receive a mixed reaction, as the head down the ramp and climb into the ring. Jacobs has a mic in hand, as he prepares to address this hot crowd here tonight.

JIMMY JACOBS: “Loosen the oppressive shackles of society my children and free your minds to the word of the Prophets. We do not wish to change your mind. We simply wish to open it to the world that you now live inâ€.

TYLER BLACK: “Remember the days when you could walk down a street and not fear for your life. Remember when you were a child and innocence lived within your heart. Well those days are gone. We now live in a society where wars are started for no reason. Were corporations control the entire country and greedy fat cats control your destinyâ€.

JIMMY JACOBS: “All we’re offering is the choice. Open your mind to…â€

Nigel McGuinness’ music suddenly hits on the titantron, as the crowd go insane. Delirious and Roderick Strong stand either side of him, as he clutches a mic in his left hand.

NIGEL McGUINNESS: “Wheh, wheh, wheh. So your mommy didn’t hug you enough or your dear old daddy didn’t get you that red bicycle for your birthday. Boo-freaking-hoo! This is wrestling not group therapy. Deal with your screwed up head in your own time. Or preferably allow me and my associates to even your inner pain with a little outer pain. Come on boysâ€.

McGuinness, Strong and Delirious rush to the ring, as the Age of the Fall flee to the outside. Jacobs calls on the ref to keep Team ROH away as he climbs back up onto the apron and finally into the ring. The ref runs through the rules quickly, before calling for the bell. It will be Vampiro and Delirious to kick us off here tonight. This should be interesting. Both men meet in the middle of the ring and go right at it. Vampiro sends Delirious reeling with a powerful right hand. But the ROH mainstay just smiles, before rushing at the big man. Delirious hit’s the former WCW star with a flurry of right hands, before trying the Irish whip. Vampiro easily counters, sending Delirious crashing back into the turnbuckle. The Canadian star rushes towards 190lber, squashing him with a flying body splash. He grabs Delirious by the throat, before lying in a barrage of right hands that wear him down to a seated position. The ref tries to force the break but the 255lber doesn’t allow it, as he begins to stomp a mud hole in Delirious. The ref gives him the 5 count and Vampiro just makes it. The former WSX champion lifts Delirious to his feet, before sending him rushing off the ropes. The ROH star tries to come at Vampiro with a cross body. But the 255lber catches him with ease. Vampiro powers him up onto his shoulders, before driving him down hard onto the mat for an incredible Sit-out Powerbomb. Vampiro goes for the pin, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Delirious somehow gets the shoulder up. Vampiro hit’s the masked madman with a stomp to the face, before making the tag to Jacobs, as Delirious tries to just get to his feet.

Jimmy takes full advantage, placing his boot across Delirious’ throat and proceeding to choke the lift out of him. The ref counts to 4, before Jacobs releases him. But the ROH tag champ quickly goes back on the offensive, as he lifts an exhausted Delirious to his feet. He slaps him across the face, before rushing off the ropes. But as he comes back, Delirious takes him down with a leaping lariat. Both men are down as the crowd begin to get behind Team ROH. Delirious crawls towards his corner, as Jacobs tries to stop him. Jimmy grabs his leg, but Delirious fights back with a stiff kick to the face that sends him reeling back. Delirious makes the desperation tag to Roderick Strong. Strong rushes into the ring, as Jacobs tries to cut him off. He ducks underneath a clothesline attempt by Jimmy, before lifting him up and powering down for a backbreaker. He quickly knocks Vampiro and Tyler off the apron with a pair of left hands, before returning his focus to Jacobs. The WSX star is in real trouble, as the Master of the Backbreaker lifts him to his feet. Jacobs tries to fight back with a series of right hands, but Strong is too powerful. He lifts the cruiserweight up onto his shoulders, before driving him down hard onto his knee for a devastating Powerbreaker. Strong hooks the legs, as the ref counts it. 1, 2, but Black makes the save to keep his team in this match. Roderick quickly lifts Jacobs to his feet and locks in the double underhook. But as he tries to power Jimmy up, Black hits him with a chop block. Both men drop the mat, as they begin to crawl towards their respective corners. Jacobs and Strong tag their partners simultaneously. Tyler Black and Nigel McGuinness explode into the ring. McGuinness tries a clothesline, but Black ducks underneath before hitting him with a standing enziguri. The Englishman stumbles back against the ropes as Tyler places him in a side headlock. Nigel forces himself out as he shoots Black off the ropes. McGuinness tries to power him up for a side slam. But the ROH tag champ counters into a crucifix pin. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Nigel powers out at the last moment.

As McGuinness tries to get back on his feet, Black hits him with a powerful kick to the back of the head. He lifts the ROH champ to his feet, before signaling it’s time for the Small Package Driver. Tyler locks him place and lifts him up into the air. But the Englishman fights out with a series of shots to the head, before landing behind him. McGuinness rushes Black against the ropes, before trying the victory roll. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but this time Black powers out in the nick of time. The back and forth has clearly tired both men, as they struggle to get back to a vertical base. Nigel is up first and hits Black with a left handed strike, before getting one back in kind. The two exchange shots, each trying to top the last. As they reach the fifth round of this, Tyler ducks the shot, before unleashing a wicked right hand that sends the Englishman reeling. But McGuinness drops between the ropes, before surging back towards Black looking for a Lariat. But somehow the AOTF member sidesteps the shot, before trying a schoolboy roll-up. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ¾, but Delirious and Strong break up the pin. Vampiro and Jimmy Jacobs rush into the ring to join the action as the ref begins to lose control. Strong and Piro exchange rights and lefts, brawling all the way out onto the floor. Meanwhile Delirious gains the advantage over Jacobs and tosses him over the top to the outside. Jimmy struggles to his feet on the floor, as Delirious climbs up onto the top rope. The crowd are on their feet as Delirious leaps off the top towards the AOTF leader. But as he prepares to land, Jacobs picks up the nearby title belt, before smashing it into Delirious’ face. The masked maniac drops to the floor unconscious as Lacey cheers on her man.

Meanwhile inside the ring, Black has gained the upper hand and lifts McGuinness to his feet. He hits him with a boot to the midsection, before trying the Irish whip. But Nigel counters sending the tag champ crashing up and onto the top turnbuckle. Tyler is left hanging in a precarious situation as the Englishman draws near. Black seems to be on dream street as he barely hangs onto the ropes for balance. McGuinness struggles to the corner, before turning Black around. He repositions him before signaling it’s time for the Tower of London (Rope Hung Cutter). But as he prepares to finish the young star off, Jacobs sneaks in behind him and hits him with a Yakuza kick that seems to scramble his brains. Black prepares to climb down but Jimmy insists he stays up there as he pulls McGuinness back up to his feet. Jacobs summons all his strength as he powers the 220lber onto his shoulders. Meanwhile Black grabs him by the head, before swinging the Englishman around. Jacobs and Black smash the ROH champ face first into the mat with an incredible Electric Chair/Sit-out Facebuster. The crowd go insane, as Black hooks the legs. The ref makes the count as Strong desperately tries to fight off Vampiro. 1...2...3. The winners of this match. The Age of the Fall. Despite their actions outside of the ring, the crowd truly respect their performance here tonight and applaud Jacobs, Black and Vampiro. Piro lays out Strong as he loses his concentration with a low blow, before joining his team mates inside the ring. Lacey stands in the middle as all four hold up their arms in victory. They advance to the second round where they’ll face the winner of Match 8 between Team POI and Team WWE. Will they be up to the task? We’ll find out later as we enter the second round.


Match 4: Team POI (CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Super Dragon) vs. Team WWE (Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and Triple H)
Team WWE is in the ring already when Team POI walks onto the entrance ramp.

Samoa Joe: For those of you who don’t know POI and WWE went to war. It was a brutal one. Both sides lost battles, but in the end POI came out on top. This is a rematch from a six man war. You had all your little WWE buddies to back you up and you won. How about we see how you’ll do on your own in a real rematch. Not just a six man tag, a Six Man War! Please say yes to this match because Team POI’s gonna kill you.

John Cena: That’s fine, we’ll still win. If you want some, come get-

Super Dragon rushes the ring and begins to exchange right hands with Cena. Michaels slingshots himself over the top rope and takes down Punk and Joe with a cross body. Joe gets up first, brings Michaels to his feet, and whips him into the guard rail. Punk hits a running knee lift on Michaels, knocking him into the front row. In the ring Super Dragon is stuck in the corner while Cena and HHH stomp a hole in him. Joe gets into the ring with a chair. He cracks HHH in the back with it. Cena turns to face Joe and Joe just flattens him with a chair shot. In the crowd Michaels back body drops Punk onto a small stack of chairs. Punk grabs his back in pain before picking up a fans drink and throwing it into the face of Michaels, blinding him. Punk throws something else into the face of Michaels, this time being a chair. Back in the ring Dragon is chopping away at the chest of Cena. Dragon whips Cena into the corner across the ring. Cena crashes into the corner hard, but Dragon elbows him in the chest harder. Meanwhile this is going on HHH has Joe set up for the pedigree. Joe blocks the move with a back body drop. Dragon charges at Joe and Joe lifts him up for a slam. This sets up for a senton from Dragon onto HHH. Cena surprises Joe with a backbreaker. Cena drops an elbow on Joe before bouncing off the ropes. On his bounce back Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Joe rolls out of the way, making Cena punch the ring.

HHH has rolled to the outside while Dragon is at the top turnbuckle. HHH gets his sledgehammer out from under the ring. When HHH turns around Dragon goes for a flying cross body. Triple H drives the hammer into the stomach of Dragon in midair. Super Dragon is in obvious pain on the outside. In the crowd Shawn Michaels is at the top of a ladder while CM Punk is lying on a table. Michaels goes for the elbow drop, but at the last minute Punk rolls off of the table. HBK crashes through the table at full speed. Punk slowly stands up, showing fatigue and begins to make his way back to the ring. In the ring Triple H has busted open Joe with a shot to the skull with the hammer. Cena has brought the steel steps into the ring and has placed Joe’s hand on it. HHH is going to try to break Joe’s had with the hammer. Just as Triple H is about to bring the hammer down Punk gets into the ring and cracks him in the back of the head with a chair. Cena charges at Punk, but he too is hit in the head with the chair. Punk picks up the busted open Cena and gets him in a fireman’s carry. Triple H gets up and kicks Punk in the gut, causing him to release Cena. HHH sets Punk up for the pedigree and hits it. Triple H goes for the pin. Dragon gets back into the ring and breaks up the pin with a double foot stomp at the count of 2. Triple H gets up and kicks Dragon in the already injured stomach. Dragon fights back with a headbut to HHH. Joe goes to the outside and brings a table into the ring. As Joe tries to get back into the ring Cena stomps on him. Triple H uses a hard right hand on Dragon and Dragon returns with a stiff forearm to the face. Cena whips Joe into the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline on his bounce back. Shawn Michaels has started to make his way back to the ring after his fall through the table. Michaels goes under the ring a pulls out a garbage can before getting into the ring. Michaels slams the can into the head of Joe, allowing Cena to pick up Joe and hit the FU.

HHH and Super Dragon have brawled to the outside. HHH slams the skull of Dragon into the announce table. Dragon staggers back and picks up the hammer for the ring bell. Dragon drives the hammer into the head of Triple H, busting him open. Back in the ring Cena set up the table the Joe brought in. Michaels whips Joe into the ropes, grabs him, and gives him a spine buster through the table. HBK goes for the pin, but it is broken up at the count of 2 by Punk. Punk and Michaels get to their feet, exchanging punches the entire time. Cena tries to attack Punk from behind and at the exact same moment HBK goes for a superkick. Punk ducks the kick, causing Michaels to hit Cena, knocking him out. Michaels goes for the superkick again and this time he hits Punk. Both Cena and Punk are down from Sweet Chin Music. While this has been happening HHH has Super Dragon on top of the announce table, set up for the pedigree. Super Dragon gets out of the hold, kicks HHH in the gut, sets him up, and hits a piledriver through the table. Back in the ring Michaels goes for the pin. Somehow Punk is able to get the shoulder up at 2. HBK gets up and stomps on Punk before going to the top rope. Joe gets up, leaps in the air, and hits an enzugiri on Michaels. Joe stands up, grabs Michaels, sets him up, and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe goes for the pin, but it is broken up by Cena. Dragon sets up a table on the outside before getting onto the ring apron. Joe whips Cena into the ropes. On his bounce back Cena is hit with a facebuster by Joe. Joe gives Cena to Super Dragon. Dragon gets Cena in the torture rack before driving Cena through the table on the floor with the Psycho Driver. Super Dragon rolls Cena into the ring before being attacked from behind with a chair by HHH. Joe bounces off the ropes, dives through the ropes on the other side of the ring, and takes out Triple H with a suicide dive. Punk pins Cena and gets the 3 count. After this epic brawl will Team POI still have enough energy to face the Age of the Fall later in the night?

Block B Semi-Finals


Match 3: Team NOAH (KENTA, Morishima, and Marufuji) vs. Team TNA (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Jay Lethal)
Team TNA got here by beating some of WNG’s best while Team NOAH had to deal with the Kings of Wrestling. Morishima stars off against Jay Lethal. Morishima outweighs Lethal by 130 pounds. Lethal bounces off the ropes and Morishima tries to grab him. Lethal slides through his legs and uses his speed to his advantage. Jay springboards off the ropes and hits an enzugiri to the face. Shima staggers back a little, but does not go down. Lethal bounces off the ropes again, this time dropkicking Shima in the knee. Morishima falls to his knees and is caught with a forearm by Jay. Lethal makes his way up to the top rope before attempting a cross body. Shima catches Jay in mid air. Morishima is about to throw Jay out of the ring, but Shelley gets into the ring and clips Shima’s leg out from under him. Lethal goes for the pin, but Morishima powers out of the pin at 2. Lethal makes it to his feet, as does Shima. Jay turns around and he is taken out of his boots with a clothesline by Morishima. Shima stands on the chest of Lethal, squeezing the life out of him. Morishima tags in KENTA, who looks ready to fight. Lethal makes it to his knees and KENTA attacks him with repeated kicks. KENTA is relentless in this match. KENTA brings Lethal to his feet and he is surprised with a kick to the gut. Jay hits a DDT on KENTA. Both men lay on the canvas until Lethal begins to make his way into Team TNA’s corner. Lethal is about to tag in Sabin, but KENTA cuts him off with a Yakuza kick. Even though he is hit with the kick Lethal still manages to make the tag to Sabin. Sabin springboards off the top rope and takes down KENTA with a huracanrana. Sabin stands up and gives KENTA an enzuigiri. Chris grabs KENTA and hits a bridging German suplex. The ref starts the count and KENTA kicks out at 2.

Sabin brings KENTA to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. KENTA bounces back, Sabin leapfrogs over him, KENTA springboards off the ropes, and he hits a heel kick. KENTA whips Sabin into the ropes. Sabin bounces back and he is taken down with a scoop powerslam. KENTA stomps on the midsection of Sabin before going to tag in Marufuji. Marufuji gets into the ring and brings Sabin to his feet. Sabin pokes Marufuji in the eye and then hits an enzugiri. Sabin tags in Shelley, who goes to work on Marufuji with a kick to the ribs. Shelley goes for a superkick on Marufuji, but Marufuji ducks it and kicks Shelley in the side of the head. Marufuji springboards off the ropes and hits an Asai Moonsault on Shelley. Marufuji brings Shelley to his feet and sets up for the Shiranui. Shelley gets out of it and hits a STO on Marufuji. Shelley goes for a pin, but Marufuji kicks out at 2. Shelley brings Marufuji to his feet and signals for the Shiranui. Marufuji, the innovator of the Shiranui slips out of the move and hits a superkick on Shelley. Marufuji goes to his corner and tags in Morishima. Shima runs at the disoriented Shelley, grabs him, and hits the backdrop driver. Shima goes for the pin and Lethal gets into the ring. Before he can break up the pin Lethal is hit with the Busaiku Knee Kick from KENTA. Morishima gets the 3 count on Shelley. Team NOAH moves onto B Block finals.


Match 4: Team POI (CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Super Dragon) Vs The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, and Vampiro)
Both here tonight and looking to advance in the tournament to the semi final round of this incredible event we have been having. Team POI has the more experience of the competitors, but don’t count out Age of the Fall. Vampiro and CM Punk have volunteered to start this match. Punk advances and tries to get a lockup with Vampiro but the fiend hits strong punch into the jaw of Punk. He backs off for a second holding his jaw then slaps Vampiro across the face, Vampiro throws another hard punch to the jaw but Punk gets his arm in place to block the shot and hits a second solid slap to the face of the former WSX champion. Everyone in this match has held world championship gold at one time or another in the different companies that the wrestling world is proud to have. Vampiro backs into a corner and stares into the eyes of his opponents both in the ring and on the apron. He lifts himself out of the corner and runs forward spears Punk! He stays on top and starts lying in the closed fists repeatedly over and over again! The ref tries to get him to break it but Vampiro shoves him away and continues pummeling closed fists into Punk! The ref waves at the time keeper and calls this match over!

Announcer: The referee has declared this match the victory of team POI!
*Black and Jacobs enter the ring; both look confused and furious until Jacobs slaps Vampiro.
???: Hold it right there!
*A man in a sharp dressed suit with officials on the side walks onto the ramp*
Organizer: This is my tournament and there are no free passes! Restart this match! This time no DQ!
*The time keep rings the bell as instructed by the ref and this match continues but Jacobs and Black shove Vampiro in their corner and Jacobs will wrestle this one*

Punk tags out of the match to Super Dragon looking pissed, as he leaves the ring to join his partner he shouts at Vampiro this isn’t over. Super Dragon and Jacobs circle and this time get a clean lockup; Super Dragon uses his minor power advantage and pushes Jacobs back into the corner. The second eh breaks the move he kicks Jacobs in the gut. He grabs his arm and sends him into the corner across the ring with an Irish Whip. Dragon runs at Jimmy and hits a rolling kick into the corner onto Jacobs! Jacobs stumbles out of the corner and Dragon gets up behind him, hooks hit waist and hits a German suplex! Jacobs head hits the bottom padding of the turnbuckle whips his neck back violently! Dragon tries a quick pin but Jacobs has his foot under the rope. Dragon gets back to his feet and grabs the arm of Jimmy to pull him out of the corner. Dragon goes under the ropes and climbs to the top ropes, Jacobs unmoving since the German into the corner and doesn’t change as Super Dragon jumps for a flying back senton! Dragon turns around quickly and makes a pin, only a 2 count as Black makes the save! Black hits a viscous running kick to the head of Dragon before grabbing the arm of his partner and pulls him over to his team’s corner for Vampiro to make the tag. Dragon tries to reach for a tag to CM Punk but Vampiro cuts him off short by grabbing him from behind to toss him into a German suplex! Dragon lands on his feet and stalks Vampiro, as the AAA legend gets up, Dragon runs at swings his arm for a knockout lariat! However it was scouted as Vampiro side steps, hooks the arm and drives him down with an arm drag takedown, Vampiro repositions himself and locks in a reverse armbar before Dragon can regain momentum! Super Dragon has the whereabouts to reach the ropes with his free to break the hold. Vampiro get sup quickly and kicks at the head of Dragon, Dragon moves his arms up to shield his head and Vampiro pulls one free to lock in another reverse armbar. Super Dragon again grasps the ropes with his other arm but Vampiro won’t break his hold this time, the ref won’t call a submission but he can’t disqualify Vampiro either.

CM Punk won’t stand for it as he enters the ring and breaks the hold up. Vampiro gets up and shoves Punk away, Punk tries to go back at him but the ref retains order in this match. Vampiro stomps on the head of Dragon again and pulls him toward his corner to make a tag to Tyler Black. Dragon struggles to get up but Black hits a strong kick to the head knocking him down. Black picks the former CZW world champion and places him in position for a powerbomb, he lifts him into the air and runs forward to drive his body down! Black hooks his leg to try a pin but dragon manages to get the shoulder up with help from Samoa Joe. Dragon tries to get toward his corner for a tag but Tyler grabs his foot and pulls him away, Dragon pulls up to stand on one foot and swings his boot for an enzuigiri kick but Tyler has it scouted as he ducks under it. The former IWA-MS champion pushes Dragon away and waits for him to turn around and deliver a big boot knocking him down! Tyler gets on top with a quick pin. 1….2…. Punk this time saves his team. The ref quickly gets punk out of the way as Tyler Black pulls Super Dragon back into the center of the ring. The Current ROH champion aligns himself beside Super Dragon hits a standing shooting star press! Tyler doesn’t go for the pin instead goes to a tag to Jimmy Jacobs. Tyler picks Super Dragon off the amt and lifts him into the air for a powerbomb and carefully backs into his team’s corner for Jacobs to grab the head. As Black drives the body of Super Dragon down for the powerbomb, Jimmy Jacobs hits the Shiranui call the contra code! Jacobs holds his neck a little and tries a pin. 1…2…. Punk breaks the count keeping team POI in this one. Age of the Fall keeping both Joe and Punk isolated from Dragon. Super Dragon lays motionless in the ring as Jimmy Jacobs looks around the ring for a way to finish off Dragon, Jacobs gets close to Super Dragon and tires to lock in The End Time, Dragon grabs him and rolls threw for a pin. 1….2… Kick out.

Dragon reaches toward his corner for a tag but he is way too far away. Jimmy picks up Dragon and pulls him toward his corner to make a tag to Black but Vampiro slaps himself in and starts hitting strong shots to Super Dragon. Dragon falls to his knee and Vampiro lifts him off the ground to hit him with the Nail in the Coffin! Dragon slides off the back and hits a low blow on Vampiro before collapsing on the floor. Pure desperation on his partner and the crowd is trying to get Dragon back in this to reach his partner. Vampiro stumbles and has problems breathing from the assault on his manhood. Vampiro eventually gets up again before Dragon picks the PWG owner up and sends him at the ropes, as he comes back Vampiro jumps and spins for a spinning leg lariat takedown! Super Dragon ducks under and falls down to his knees. Vampiro gets up holding his knees; back landing is what we can assume. Vampiro hits more shots on Dragon trying to regain his initiative, Vampiro lifts Dragon up and sends him across the ring again and jumps faster and closer for the spinning lag lariat! Super Dragon holds onto the ropes and Vampiro falls and hits the floor hard! Vampiro tries to get back to his feet and Super Dragon drives home a thunderous lariat to Vampiro knocking both men down and out! Dragon pulls himself to one knee then falls back on the mat exhausted from this match while both his partners are completely fresh. Vampiro rolls toward his corner and makes a tag to Black. Tyler enters the ring quickly and stomps on Dragon but he manages to still get to his feet. Black hits a toe kick and lift shim into the air for the running powerbomb. As Tyler tries to run Dragon slides off the back, Tyler turns back at him and Super Dragon lands a second bone-snapping lariat! Both men again hit the floor, Dragon drags himself to his corner and is almost there when Black makes a tag to Jacobs who runs ahead and tires to attack Dragon from behind but the veteran and true legend of the business side steps him and Jacob runs it tow outstretched forearms of Punk and Joe as Dragon falls in his corner to make a tag to Joe. Joe jumps in the ring and trips Jimmy Jacobs to quickly hit a kick to the chest knocking him on the mat, Joe runs at the ropes, makes a blind tag to Punk and then hits a back splash! Joe gets back on his feet and hits a knee drop on the head of Jacobs as Punk hits a frog splash! Punk tries a pin but Jacobs kicks out at a 2 count.

Joe runs at the AOTF’s corner and knocks Vampiro off to the ground and kicks Tyler Black off the apron to join him. CM Punk lifts Jacobs off the ground and hits the butterfly suplex into backbreaker, called Welcome to Chicago on the indy scene. He tries a pin but only a 2 count as Jimmy kicks out. Joe and Punk exchange an idea and Joe picks up Jimmy and sets him on the top rope. Punk grabs him from one side and Joe Grabs him from the other and the two pull him up and out for a two man muscle buster! Joe quickly gets to his feet and tries to dive to the outside and take out the AOTF’s last chance but Tyler Black shoves Vampiro out of the way and sends a chair into the skull of Joe! Vampiro get in the ring and breaks up the 2 count! Vampiro lifts Punk and the two men stare off like at the beginning of this match. Punk tries more opened handed slaps but Vampiro blocks each and every one of them. Vampiro fires off right hands and this time Punk blocks them all. Vampiro and Punk both go clenched fist shots at each other under they bust each other up and they still continue, the crowd is chanting slugfest as each one shot hits home only to receive another shot. Punk manages to get a second consecutive shot on Vampiro. Super Dragon grabs Vampiro from behind and lifts him up in the torture rack position and hits the Psycho Driver! Black slides back into the ring but before he can get up Super Dragon hits a double stomp to the back! Dragon locks his legs and hits the curb stomp on Black As well while Punk lifts Jacobs off the mat and sets him fireman style on his shoulders. Punk throws him forward and hits the GTS! Go To Sleep! Jacobs is sleeping as Punk hooks both legs to get the three count! Punk and Dragon go the outside of the ring and lift Joe to his feet as the ref joins them in raising their arms high into the air, Team POI advances to the B Block final round where they have a chance to win it all.

Tomorrow night in the final night of the tournament it will be the Block A and B finals and the grand final match plus some added special attraction matches. Who will walk out with the trophy?


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
to write this tournament took a hell of a lot of effort. I had worked with madden before in a cross promotional event with his vision of Age of the Fall. i been wanting to work with Comic for a while but he wrote his shows months in a advance and mine are almost always last minute up til midnight postings, literally.

When we all took hiatus from our companies for a rest before a new season we got together and decicde a tri-branded event. ended up a little bigger then tri-branded. Took weeks of work, Madden went MIA for a while and myself and comic took over the rest of the work.

The main event fell on my hands and that was some piece of work. My longest match ever to date then and now. Deciding who won the thing vexed me for a while. Asked several people outright, generally polled other people and in the end flipped a freaking coin lol.

The first two of three forums we put it on get little response what so ever. Pissed us off to hell. Created a lame youtube video for it too lol and that barely has a 100 hits. Love the reaction we have here. Love it. can't exress words for it really.

thanks for bothering to read it
thanks for dropping reviews (rep)
thank you, now read the rest of the damn show and write a freaking reveiw!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI

3 = Trios
T = Tournament
08 = 2008

Trios Tournament Night 3

Only the best of the best make it this far. Now the field has been cut down to 4 teams and 12 men. These men will put on some of the greatest matches ever seen. Every wrestler dreams of a night like tonight. They all crave the chance to say that they are the best. Tonight one team will get that chance.

Block A Finals


Team WCC (Chris Jericho, Austin Aries, and John Morrison) vs. WNG’s Last Line (Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, and Rob Van Dam)
Both teams stand inside the ring, preparing for this semi-final encounter. This is the big one. Team WCC looks a little nervous here. Jericho abandoned them last time during the match and while he did come back to make the save and win the match, it’s unclear if he can really be trusted. The Last Line on the other hand look calm and collected. Despite their inexperience as a unit, they have performed extraordinarily well and will be looking to cause a further upset tonight against WCC’s finest. The ref calls for the bell as these two teams stare one another down. It’s possibly the most even contest (size wise) of this tournament and let’s hope it makes for an exciting match. It’s going to be John Morrison and RVD to start us off here. They tie up early, as Van Dam gets the go behind. Morrison tries a back elbow, but Rob ducks underneath, before dropping him with a leg takedown. He tries a jumping leg drop, but the Guru of Greatness avoids the attempt. Morrison rushes off the ropes and hits him with a flipping neck whip as the crowd applauds both men. The Shaman of Sexy hits RVD with a knee to the back, before placing him in a reverse chinlock. The crowd begins to get behind RVD, as he begins to fight out of the chinlock. The ECW original struggles back to his feet, before hitting Morrison with several elbows to the gut. As the Guru of Greatness releases the hold, Van Dam rushes off the ropes. Morrison leapfrogs over, as RVD goes underneath. As he comes back the Shaman of Sexy tries to go under, but Van Dam performs a cartwheel into a standing Moonsault, landing perfectly across the back. Rob turns him over and makes the cover, but the ref can only reach 1, before Morrison gets the shoulder up.

Van Dam quickly makes the tag to Sonjay, as they hold control of this match. The two men lift Morrison to his feet, before double Irish whipping him into the corner. Van Dam rushes towards him first, hitting him with a shoulder tackle. He performs an impressive back flip, before hitting a second shoulder tackle. As he does so, Sonjay rushes behind him before running up RVD’s back and connecting with an amazing Shining Wizard to the face of the Guru of Greatness. Morrison stumbles out of the corner, as Dutt takes him over with a huracanrana. The Playa from the Himalaya scrambles to make the cover, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, but John gets the shoulder up. Sonjay converts the kick out into a side headlock and begins to wear Morrison down. But the Shaman of Sexy begins to fight back, eventually getting to a vertical base. Morrison fights back with a series of side elbows, before rushing off the ropes. Dutt goes under, as Morrison rushes off the opposite rope. But as he comes back, Sonjay tries to leap frog over. But the Guru of Greatness puts the brakes on, catching him with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a standing enziguri to the side of the head. Morrison rushes to make the much needed tag, as Dutt stumbles back across the ring. Aries gets the tag and immediately jumps the ropes, before hitting Sonjay with a barrage of knife edge chops. He forces the former TNA star into the corner and begins to lay in repeated knees to the midsection. The ref calls for the break at 5 and Austin complies. But he’s quickly back on the offensive as he Irish whips Dutt hard into the opposite corner. The former ROH champ rushes towards him looking for a clothesline. But Sonjay pulls himself out of the way at the last second. As Aries stumbles back, Dutt hits him with a pair of boots to the face, using the ropes for leverage. Austin stumbles back away from the turnbuckle, as Sonjay heads up top. He performs an amazing Moonsault Crossbody. But Aries counters, back stepping the attempt and allowing him to land hard across his knees. Dutt clutches his midsection, as Aries turns him over and goes for the cover. The ref counts it. 1, 2, but Sonjay gets the shoulder up to stay in this match.

The WCC star lifts Dutt to his feet, before forcing him into his corner and making the tag to Jericho. Aries holds him back as Y2J hits him with a powerful knife edge chop. The WCC champ forces him against the ropes, before laying in a couple more harsh chops. Jericho Irish whips Dutt off the ropes and tries to take him down with a clothesline. But Sonjay ducks underneath, before springboarding off the ropes. Sonjay lands on Jericho’s shoulders and tries to take him down with a flying head scissors. But the former WWE star shows amazing strength to catch him on his shoulders. Y2J powers him back up, before slamming him back down for a devastating Powerbomb. The WCC champ doesn’t release his legs, as he steps over and locks in the Walls of Jericho. As he locks it in, RVD rushes in to put a stop to the hold, hitting the champ with a boot to the back of the head. As Van Dam exit’s the ring, Aries rushes across and nails him with a clothesline to the back of the head. This sets everyone off, as Daniels and Morrison rush to join the fray. The Fallen Angel grabs Aries and hits him with a shot to the face. But Morrison hits him with shot to the back of the head, before tossing him to the outside. The Shaman of Sexy follows him out, as Aries and RVD exchange right hands. Van Dam gets the better of him, taking him down with a leg sweep. As he drops Aries, he rushes off the ropes and tries the Rolling Thunder. But Austin gets his knees up at the last second. As Van Dam crashes down onto the knees, the former ROH champ climbs out onto the apron. He leaps over the top and performs an incredible Corkscrew body splash down onto Van Dam as the crowd begins to really get into this semi-final match. Aries helps Y2J to his feet, before both men pick up Sonjay. The Playa from the Himalaya is on dream street as Jericho hits him with a dropkick to the back of the head, sending him stumbling against the ropes. Austin comes from behind and springboards off his back over the top rope, hanging Dutt up with a neck snap on the ropes. The snap sends Sonjay back into Jericho, who hits him with a boot to the midsection. Aries rolls back into the ring and places Dutt into position for a forward Russian Leg Sweep. As he drives Sonjay face first into the mat, Jericho grabs Dutt by the head and hit’s the Codebreaker. Sonjay is drive face first into the knees of the WCC world champ an incredible Forward Russian Leg Sweep/Codebreaker. Jericho hooks the legs, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Daniels puts it all on the line and springboards off the apron to make the save.

Aries tries to pick him up and toss him out again. But Daniels fights back with a jawbreaker, before dropping him with a spinning heel kick. As Jericho gets back on his feet, the Fallen Angel is waiting for him. Daniels hits him with a boot to the midsection, before placing him in the double underhook. He tries to power Jericho up for the Angel’s Wings, but Y2J counters with the go behind. The WCC champ tries to drop him with the Sleeper Slam. But this time Daniels counters into an inverted facelock. Before Jericho knows what hit him, Daniels plants him with the Last Rites. The ref finally forces the former X-Division champ out of the ring, as Sonjay struggles to make the cover. Dutt can only barely get an arm across, as the ref turns to make the pin. 1, 2, 2 ¾, but Morrison pulls the ref to the outside to keep his team in this match. Daniels climbs to the top turnbuckle, before leaping from the top. The Fallen Angel lands on both Morrison and the ref, taking all three out of the match temporarily. Meanwhile Aries climbs back inside the ring and tries to lift Dutt to his feet. But the former TNA star counters with a sit-out jawbreaker. The shot sends the former ROH champ reeling back into a waiting RVD. Van Dam hits him with a boot to the midsection, before powering him up into the air and slamming him face first into the canvas with a Double underhook facebuster. Aries rolls to the outside as Van Dam and Dutt lift a dazed and confused Jericho to his feet. They double Irish whip him off the ropes, before RVD hits him with a boot to the midsection. Dutt runs off the adjacent rope before taking him over with a swinging neckbreaker. But he holds him in place, as RVD springboards off the nearby ropes and hits him with a flying sidekick. As he does so, Dutt plants him with a Hangman’s neckbreaker, before trying the cover. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Y2J somehow gets the shoulder up to stay in this match.

Dutt is in disbelief but doesn’t lose his concentration as he lifts Jericho to his feet. He tells Van Dam to go up top, as he sets up Jericho for the Shiranui. But as the WCC champ springs to life, shoving him into RVD on the turnbuckle. The Whole F’N Show loses his balance and crashes down to the outside, as Dutt stumbles back away from the corner. Jericho rolls him up into the Walls of Jericho and begins to work the lower back. Y2J sits lower and lower into Sonjay’s back, increasing the pressure exponentially. The Playa from the Himalaya tries everything to escape, even managing to crawl all the way to the ropes. But Jericho just pulls him back into the centre of the ring. After almost two minutes in the hold, Dutt taps out. Y2J finally lets him go, but to his horror the ref still hasn’t got back into the ring. The champ rolls to the outside and picks up the ref, before rolling him into the ring. The referee is still on dream street, as Jericho tries to climb back into the ring. But Daniels drags him off the apron, before hitting him with a powerful European uppercut. As Jericho is sent reeling back, the Fallen Angel shoves face first into the ring post. The champion drops to the floor, as Daniels stands over him. The ROH original picks the champion up and rolls him back inside, before following suit. He lays Jericho perpendicular to the corner, before heading to the turnbuckle. It’s clear what he’s got in mind, as he springboards off the middle turnbuckle up onto the top. But Aries catches him in mid-air with a ferocious clothesline, dropping him instantly. Austin struggles to the top turnbuckle himself and prepares to hit the 450 Splash on Daniels. But as he stands on the top turnbuckle, Sonjay shows his agility, rushing up the ropes and taking him over with an incredible Frankensteiner. The crowd begins to chant; “THIS IS AWESOMEâ€, as all four men are left down and out inside the ring. But as Sonjay begins to get to his feet, Morrison re-enters the fray.

The Shaman of Sexy climbs into the ring and hits Dutt with a shot to the back, before Irish whipping him off the ropes. The former ECW champion tries a back elbow, but Sonjay ducks underneath, before hand springing back off the ropes and trying a flying elbow. But Morrison shows incredible agility of his own, catching him with a flying enziguri in midair to drop the Indian superstar to the mat. He quickly lifts Dutt to his feet, before signaling it’s time for the Corkscrew Neckbreaker. No one can help the Playa from the Himalaya, as Morrison plants him on the canvas with the neckbreaker. He drags a semi-conscious Jericho on top of Dutt, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ¾, but Sonjay kicks out. The crowd chant for Dutt, as Morrison looks on 100% confused. He is furious as he lifts Sonjay back to his feet and sets him up for a second Corkscrew Neckbreaker. But RVD puts a stop to it, with a diving side kick from the top rope. The kick sends Morrison reeling back into the corner, as Van Dam follows through with a cartwheel into a back flip elbow. RVD quickly hits him with a running facebuster, before climbing back up to the top turnbuckle. He gives the crowd a little “R…V…D…†action, before leaping halfway across the ring and connecting with an amazing Five Star Frog Splash. The impact sends Van Dam bouncing back up off the canvas and clearly takes its toll on the Whole F’N Show. As RVD gets back on his feet, Aries appears behind him and hits him with a dropkick to the knee. As Van Dam’s knee crumbles, Aries rushes off the ropes and connects with a sickening boot to the face that sends the former ECW champion tumbling to the outside. Austin helps Jericho to his feet, not realizing that Daniels is standing right behind him. As he turns around the Fallen Angel hits him with a boot to the midsection, before locking him in the double underhook. He tries to lift Aries up for the Angel’s Wings, but the former ROH champ counters into a crucifix. But Aries doesn’t try to take him down for the pin; instead deciding to show strength beyond his size and power him down for a devastating Crucifix Bomb. The former X-Division champ rolls to the outside, as Aries gets back on his feet. He helps Jericho up too, before lifting an exhausted Sonjay up to a vertical base.

Austin sets up Sonjay for the Forward Russian Leg Sweep again. But the Playa from the Himalaya fights back with a series of elbows, before Jericho tries to hit him with a right hand. But Sonjay hits him with a boot to the face, before shoving Aries into the WCC champ. As both men collide, Jericho loses it and begins to shove Aries. The former ROH champ tries to calm Y2J down, but Jericho isn’t listening and nails him with a powerful slap across the face. All hell soon breaks loose as Aries tackles Jericho to the mat and the two men begin to brawl furiously. the champ finally gains the advantage, nailing his partner with a low blow, before tossing him to the outside. But the champ has forgotten about Sonjay, who rushes behind him and goes for the roll-up. The ref makes the count. 1, 2, 2 ½, but Y2J kicks out. As both men get to their feet, Jericho tries to hit the Codebreaker. But Dutt counters, slamming him down for a modified spinebuster, before trying the pin with bridge. The ref counts it. 1, 2, but Y2J powers out, holding the waistlock as he gets to his feet. The WCC champ turns him around and goes for the backslide. But Sonjay shows some of that amazing agility, as he flips out of the pin and goes for the inside cradle. But both men’s shoulders are on the mat, as the ref makes the count. 1, 2, 3. The ref calls for the bell, but what is his decision. The referee calls the ring announcer over and whispers something in his ear.

RING ANNOUNCER: “As both men’s shoulders were on the mat at the time, the referee has decreed that this semi-final match is a draw. Therefore…â€

Suddenly the Organizers music hits and they both step out onto the stage with a mic in hand.

ORGANISER: “Look there isn’t a chance in hell we’re allowing the winner of the second semi-final to win this tournament, without facing someone in the finalâ€.

ORGANISER 2: “Therefore it will now be. Team WCC vs. WNG’s Last Line vs. the winner of the second semi-final in a three corners 9-man tag matchâ€.

The crowd are on their feet at the prospect of this groundbreaking match. Three of the best teams in the world today face off in what is sure to be a MOTY candidate.

Block B Finals


Team NOAH (KENTA, Morishima, and Marufuji) vs. Team POI (CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Super Dragon)
The bell rings and Samoa Joe and Morishima start the match. They meet in the middle of the ring and Joe uses a palm strike to the head on Morishima. Shima grabs Joe and uses a headbut on him. Joe kicks Morishima in the leg. Morishima uses a forearm to the face on Joe. Joe uses four kicks to the legs in a row on Shima before Morishima hits another forearm to the face. This has turned into a who can stay standing the longest contest. Shima hits a lariat on Joe, who then backs into the corner. Morishima goes for a splash in the corner, but Joe moves out of the way. Shima turns around and he is hit with a superkick from Joe. Morishima falls back onto the ropes. Joe grabs Shima and takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Morishima uses his momentum to roll into NOAH’s corner to tag in Marufuji while Joe tags in Punk. Marufuji runs at Punk and goes for a lariat. Punk ducks it and goes for a backhand punch. Marufuji ducks it and hits an enzuigiri. Marufuji grabs Punk and whips him into the corner. Marufuji gets onto the ring apron and goes for a dropkick. Punk moves out of the way, causing Marufuji to crash and burn. Punk goes to the top rope and hits a split legged moonsault on Marufuji. Punk goes for the pin, but Marufuji gets his foot on the rope. Punk brings Marufuji to his feet and goes for a vertical suplex. Marufuji counters the suplex with a stunner. Marufuji brings Punk to his feet and hits a German suplex. Marufuji holds the bridge for a pin, but Punk kicks out at 2. Marufuji stands up and stalks Punk as he tries to get to his feet. Punk finally stands up and Marufuji goes for the superkick. Punk ducks the kick, kicks Marufuji in the gut, sets him up and hits a double underhook backbreaker onto his knee on Marufuji. Punk grabs Marufuji and locks in a surfboard with a chinlock, causing even more pressure on the back and neck. Marufuji reaches the rope causing Punk to break the hold. Punk stands up and picks up Marufuji. Punk gets Marufuji in a fireman’s carry and calls for the Go to Sleep. Marufuji slips out of the carry. Punk turns around and he is blasted with a superkick from Marufuji. Marufuji goes for the pin, but Super Dragon breaks it up at 2.

Dragon drags Punk into Team POI’s corner before tagging himself in. Dragon gets into the ring and uses a roaring elbow on Marufuji. Dragon tries to whip Marufuji into the corner, but it is reversed. Marufuji goes for the dropkick and connects this time. Marufuji brings Super Dragon to his feet. Dragon surprises Marufuji with a lariat that almost takes him out of his boots. Dragon goes for the pin, but Marufuji kicks out at 2. Dragon puts Marufuji in the standing reverse Indian death lock, setting up for the Curb Stomp. KENTA gets into the ring and hits an enzuigiri on Dragon to save his tag partner. KENTA returns to the ring apron while Marufuji tries to get to Team NOAH’s corner. Dragon stops him with a double foot stomp to the back. Dragon brings Marufuji to his feet and places him in the corner. Dragon goes for the wheel kick, but Marufuji moves out of the way. Marufuji dives into Team NOAH’s corner and tags in KENTA. Dragon gets to his feet and he is hit with a Yakuza kick to the face by KENTA. KENTA brings Dragon to his feet, whips him into the ropes, grabs him on his bounce back, and hits a powerslam. KENTA goes for the pin, but Dragon kicks out at 2. KENTA gets Dragon standing before whipping him into the ropes again. KENTA goes for a headscissors, but Dragon catches him and powerbombs him into the top turnbuckle. Dragon drags KENTA to the middle of the ring before hitting a standing senton on him. Dragon goes for the pin, but KENTA kicks out at 2.

Dragon gets up and tags Samoa Joe into the match. KENTA gets to his feet and catches Joe with a roundhouse kick to the head. Joe falls back into the ropes, but then charges at KENTA, picks him up and hits an exploder suplex. Joe bounces off the ropes and drops a knee on the downed KENTA. Joe stands up and goes for a standing senton. KENTA gets his knees up, driving them into the back of Joe. KENTA stands up and gets Joe to a seated position. KENTA begins to kick away at the back of Joe. KENTA brings Joe to his feet, picks him up, and drops him to the mat with a Death Valley driver. KENTA tags in Morishima. Shima gets in the ring, picks up Joe, and hits the backdrop driver. Marufuji gets onto the top rope and hits a shooting star press on Joe. Morishima goes for the pin, but it is broken up by Super Dragon. Shima tries to get to his feet, but he is hit with an axe kick from Dragon. Super Dragon bounces off the ropes and hits a double foot stomp onto the head of Morishima. With Shima on the mat this gives an opening to Dragon to hit a standing senton. Marufuji gets into the ring and goes for an Asai Moonsault on Dragon, but Dragon catches him and hits a piledriver. KENTA gets into the ring, grabs Dragon, and hits a German suplex. The two legal men in the match have rolled to the outside of the ring after the beating that they have received. Punk slingshots himself into the ring and hits a dropkick on KENTA. Punk gets KENTA to his feet. KENTA kicks Punk in the gut, lifts him up, and drives him into the turnbuckles with a powerbomb. Dragon comes from behind KENTA, gets him in a torture rack, and hits a Psycho Driver. Dragon falls to the mat exhausted. All six men in the match are down on the mat or the floor. Joe begins to stir and enters the ring, as does Morishima. They square off in the middle of the ring and begin to exchange punches. Joe gains the advantage and then takes down Shima with a kick to the side of the head. Joe goes for the pin, but Morishima kicks out at 2.

The ref has finally regained order and has forced Punk, Dragon, KENTA, and Marufuji into their corners. Joe gets Shima to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Morishima bounces back and big lariat on Joe. Joe falls to the mat and Shima hits a seated senton on him. Morishima pins Joe, but Joe kicks out at 2. Shima goes to Team NOAH’s corner and tags in KENTA. Joe begins to get to his feet. KENTA springboards off the ropes and tries to hit a tornado DDT on Joe. Joe catches him and hits a northern lights suplex. Joe tries to crawl into Team POI’s corner, but KENTA cuts him off and hits a neckbreaker. KENTA drags Joe into the middle of the ring and locks in a cloverleaf. Joe claws at the mat trying to get to the ropes. The referee holds back Super Dragon who tries to get in the ring to break up the hold. While the referee is distracted Joe gets to the ropes. The referee finally notices that Joe got to the ropes and forces KENTA to break the hold, but it already looks as though the damage has been done. KENTA stomps on the legs of Joe before dropping a knee onto the left leg of Joe. KENTA brings Joe to his feet. Joe gets a burst of energy, gets the go behind, lifts up KENTA and hits an X-plex. Joe falls into team POI’s corner and tags in CM Punk.

Punk comes in like a bat out of hell. KENTA gets to his knees and he is hit with a Shining Wizard by Punk. Morishima gets into the ring and takes the steam out of Punk with a huge forearm strike to the face. With the distraction by Morishima, KENTA gets into Team NOAH’s corner and tags in Marufuji. Super Dragon gets into the ring, grabs KENTA, and throws him out of the ring. Joe goes to the floor and waits for KENTA to get to his feet. KENTA stands up and he is superkicked into the crowd by Joe. Back in the ring Super Dragon looks for KENTA to get back to his feet, springs off the ropes, dives over the ropes into the crowd, and hits a Topé con Hilo on KENTA. In the ring Marufuji hits a superkick on Punk. CM Punk appears to be out cold, but before Marufuji can go for the pin Morishima tells him that he wants in on the match. Marufuji tags Shima into the match with some reservation. Morishima tries to lift up Punk, but instead he is drawn into an inside cradle. Shima kicks out of it at 2. Before Morishima can stand up Punk grabs him and locks in the Anaconda Vice. Morishima struggles to get out of the hold, but he begins to fade. Marufuji gets into the ring to break up the hold, but Joe tackles him out of the ring before he can do anything. Shima refuses to give up as he tries to reach the ropes, but before he can, he passes out. The referee calls for the bell and names Team POI the winners. Team POI moves onto the finals to face Team WCC and WNG’s Last Line. Who will win this huge match?

The Organizer walks to the ring.

Organizer: Thank you to all of you who came out to see the show. We only had three matches planned, but we’ve got a little something extra here for you. I have ten men in the back ready to fight it out all for your enjoyment. These ten men will compete in a battle royal. There will be no DQ’s, no holds barred, and no rules except throw out your opponent to beat them. Please enjoy the rest of the show.

Ten man Battle Royal

Gregory Helms vs. Tyler Black vs. John Cena vs. Nick Mondo vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Alex Shelley vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Chris Hero vs. Teddy Hart vs. Rhyno
In this match two men will start out and every two minutes another man will come to the ring. To be eliminated you must be thrown over the top rope. When it comes down to the final two a pinfall will decide the winner.

The match starts off with Tyler Black and Nigel McGuinness in the ring. They lock up and Nigel powers Black into the corner. Nigel breaks the collar and elbow tie up and dumps Tyler over the top rope. Black’s feet almost touch the floor, but he pulls himself onto the ring apron. Nigel celebrates, thinking that he eliminated Black. McGuinness turns around; Black springboards into the ring and hits a spin kick to the face. Nigel staggers back and he is hit with repeated kicks to the knees by Tyler. McGuinness fights back by going for a lariat. Black ducks it and hits a dropkick to the back. The buzzer sounds and Rhyno comes to the ring. The Merchants of Destruction member still looks pissed off about losing in the first round. He grabs Black and drives punch after punch into Black’s face. Rhyno whips Black into the corner and begins to focus on McGuinness. Rhyno puts the boots to the gut of Nigel. He lifts Nigel to his feet and plants him into the mat with a spinebuster. Rhyno gets in a mounted position on McGuinness and pummels him with hard forearms to the face. Tyler Black charges at Rhyno and hits big boot to the face. The buzzer sounds and Gregory Helms runs into the ring. As Rhyno tries to stand up he is hit with a Shining Wizard by Helms. Nigel tries to get up and Helms hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Helms faces Black and hits a stiff superkick. Helms has just taken down all three other men in the ring. Helms gets Rhyno to his feet and brings him towards the ropes. Helms gets Rhyno in a cravate and tries to use a variation of a snapmare to throw him out of the ring. Rhyno fights back with elbows to the gut.

The buzzer sounds and John Cena rushes to the ring. Cena kicks Helm in the gut and picks him up in a fireman’s carry. Helms struggles to get out of it, but he can’t. Cena FU’s Gregory out of the ring and to the floor, eliminating him. Before Cena has a chance to celebrate Rhyno tries to dump him out of the ring. John manages to stay in the ring, but he is slammed to the mat with a belly to belly suplex by Rhyno. On the other side of the ring Nigel and Black exchange punches. Nigel grabs the arm of Black and gets him in a hammerlock. The buzzer sounds and Teddy Hart gets into the ring just as McGuinness drives Black’s head into the mat with a hammerlock DDT. Hart surprises Nigel by grabbing him and hitting a cradle DDT. While this is going on Cena and Rhyno are trading hard punches. Neither man is backing down. After about ten punches from each man they start to get a little wobbly on their feet. Cena charges at Rhyno and takes him off his feet with a powerful shoulder block. Teddy Hart charges across the ring at Cena and hits a dropkick to the face. The buzzer sounds and Nick Mondo walks to the ring dragging a garbage can full of weapons with him. He chucks all the weapons into the ring while the wrestlers pick up the plunder. Mondo gets in and drives the garbage can into Teddy Hart’s skull. Then he hits Rhyno with the can. Cena picks up a kendo stick and breaks it across the back of Sick Nick. Mondo drops to the mat. Black charges across the ring and hits a standing shooting star press on Mondo. Tyler gets to his feet and Cena tries to his him with the remaining half of the kendo stick. Black ducks it, causing Cena to nail Teddy Hart in the face.

The buzzer sounds and Alex Shelley runs into the ring. Shelley picks up the out on his feet Teddy Hart and hits the Air Raid Crash onto the dented garbage can. Alex gets up and brings Hart to his feet before throwing him out of the ring. Cena gets hit with an enzuigiri by Tyler Black. Black gets to his feet and he gets face to face with Shelley. Suddenly they are hit with a double jawbreaker lariat by Nigel McGuinness. Nigel turns around and he hits Cena with a European uppercut. Nigel turns around and he is hit with a double foot stomp to the head by Nick Mondo. The buzzer sounds and Chris Hero walks to the ring. He walks around the outside for awhile and surveys the contents of it. Hero keeps walking around until he hops over the guard rail and goes into the crowd. Chris finds an empty chair and sits down. Back in the ring Nigel is on the ring apron and he is trading punches with Nick Mondo who is trying to push him off. Nigel hits a stiff lariat on Mondo, grabs him, and drags him out of the ring and to the floor, eliminating him. Rhyno comes from out of nowhere and GORES!!!!!!!! McGuinness off the ring apron and to the floor, eliminating him as well. The buzzer sounds and Jay Briscoe runs into the crowd and sprints toward Chris Hero. Hero sees this and runs for his life. The two men run around the arena until Hero hops the guard rail and dives into the ring. Rhyno attempts to gore Hero, but Hero dodges it. Rhyno turns to face Hero and he is hit with a roaring elbow to the face, knocking him out of the ring and to the floor. Rhyno has just been eliminated.

On the other side of the ring Ales Shelley grabs John Cena and hits the Shellshock, a swinging STO. Shelley gets up and hits a standing senton on Cena. Hero gets in on the fun and hits a standing senton of his own on Cena. Shelley gets to his feet and Black kicks him in the gut. Tyler picks him up and hits God’s Last Gift. Black picks up Alex and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor, eliminating him. Jay Briscoe comes out of nowhere, picks up Black, and hits a Jay Driller. To protect himself from elimination Black rolls out of the ring. On the other side of the ring Cena lifts up Hero and hits the FU. John brings Chris to his feet and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Hero holds onto the ropes as if they’ll save his life. Briscoe grabs Hero and helps Cena throw him out of the ring. Chris Hero has been eliminated. At this point in the match all of the weapons have been thrown knocked out of the ring. Black grabs a chair from the outside and brings it into the ring. He drives the chair into Cena’s gut and then slams it over his back. Black cracks the chair over Briscoe’s head before throwing it to the mat. Tyler picks up Jay and hits God’s Last Gift onto the chair! Black brings Briscoe to his feet and throws him out of the ring, eliminating him.

It’s come down to John Cena and Tyler Black. Both men are tired. Cena charges at Black and hits a Thesz Press and follows up with a barrage of punches. Cena gets up and waits for Tyler to stand up. Tyler gets to his feet and Cena picks him up for a FU. Black manages to slip out of it, pick up Cena in a fireman’s carry of his own, and hits a spinning fireman’s carry facebuster. Black stands up and takes a risk by going to the top rope. Tyler jumps off and hits the Phoenix Splash on Cena. Black goes for the pin, but Cena somehow gets the shoulder up at 2. Tyler is in disbelief. He stands up and waits for Cena. John struggles to get to his feet. Black grabs Cena, but Cena surprises him be lifting him up into a fireman’s carry and hitting the FU. John Cena goes for the pin, but Tyler Black gets the shoulder up at 2 and 7/8ths. Cena can’t believe that he didn’t win. He goes to the outside. John looks under the ring and pulls a table out before sliding it into the ring. He sets it up and brings Black to his feet. Black gets a burst of energy, leaps into the air, and hits a stiff enzuigiri to the side of the head on Cena. Tyler grabs Cena and gets them both onto the table. Black picks up Cena and hits the GOD’S LAST GIFT THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!!! Tyler Black reaches an arm over Cena and goes for the pin. Black gets the 3 count and wins the match. The crowd is on their feet for both of these men’s efforts.


A man comes through the crowd and enters the ring. It’s Trent Acid!

Trent Acid: Hello losers? Welcome to another night of the Trios Tournament 2008. And as you could tell I am left off the card. Jackasses running the show are scared of me. So instead of complaining about I do something about it like. Like say step into the ring like I have done, grab a microphone like just did, rant for a minutes, as I am now. And demand a mother-fucking match! I don’t care who, I don’t care how, I want a match right here right now and no amount of force will make the international star leave until he gets what he wants so whoever the hell is running this, please get out here and give me what the hell I want.

Organizer 1: Want a match Acid? What about hardcore match?

Trent Acid: Stipulation kind of meaningless without an opponent. Need to pay attention to the smaller details dumbass.

Organizer 1: Always opening your damn mouth before even bothering to look behind you

*Homicide hits a lariat knocking down Trent Acid*

Homicide pulls Acid to his feet, locks his arm for an Irish whip, Acid bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick! Acid tries to get out of the ring but the Latino star pulls him in the center of the ring to perform a half legged Boston crab! Working the leg to take out the yakuza kick and maybe the Acid Bomb. Trent reaches the ropes but Homicide doesn’t let go of the move and the ref can’t make him either. Looking for a way to stop it Acid grabs the ropes and dives threw to the floor below. Homicide, in the ring, stands up, grabs the side of the top rope, and vaults over for a plancha dive on Trent Acid! He tries an early pin but Acid kicks out at two. The 187 looks under the ring and starts to pull out the hardware. Ladders, tables, barbed wire, kendo sticks, chairs, trash cans, loads of florescent bulbs, tacks, and salt as well. He sets much of the artillery on the ring apron but keeps the Kendo stick in hand to crack it in half across a stumbling Acid’s skull! He takes the fragmented piece and pulls Trent in close to rake it close he forehead slowly agonizingly cutting him off with wood splinters. The leader of LAX lets up on his attack long enough to send Acid into the ring and continue the match.

Trent tries to stand on his feet and mount an offense but Homicide does a chop block to the leg making him buckle and hit the mat. Homicide goes over to his arsenal and picks up a chair. Trent tries to stand on his feet but is very wobbly. Homicide swings the chair at the leg forcing Acid back down to his knees. He pulls the chair back for another swing; Acid gets on his feet and dropkicks the chair back into Homicide. Both men hit the floor Homicide pulls back to a corner while Acid holds his knees in agony from the attempt. The hardcore specialist gets back on his feet wipes blood from his face and stomps at the knee of Acid! He goes to the apron to pick up a trash can. Acid reaches to grab the chair and as Homicide turns his attention slams it into the back of his head! Trent Acid grabs Homicide and hits a piledriver on the chair! He tries to a pin but Homicide kicks out at two. The international superstar gets on his feet favoring his knee while he goes over to the weapons display on the apron and shoves them all to the outside of the ring. Acid grabs Homicide and pulls him in close to yell right in his face “This is wrestling, not mindless cockfighting!†Homicide is dragged to his feet and sent into an Irish whip in a corner. Acid charges him and jumps into a cross body splash. Homicide takes the shot square on the chest and double over in the corner. Acid steps up on the second ropes, turns to face the ring and jumps into a second rope spinning neckbreaker! He rolls homicide on his back for a pin but still only gets the two count.

As the former CZW tag team champion gets to his feet, stilling favoring the knee from the earlier assault, he looks around the ring for a way to deal more damage to his opponent and end this match quickly. He switches decision as he pulls Homicide by the foot to the center of the ring, rolls him on his stomach and locks in the Acid lock! A Full Nelson applies from the Camel Clutch position. Homicide tries to get out of the hold but Trent’s weight and position prevents any rope breaks. Acid wrenches back and Homicide starts to wane in strength until the ref has to drop the arm and maybe end the match. He lifts it and drops it once, checks for movement, then lift it a second drop for second drop. He calls out two as he lifts it a third time and drops it! Homicide keeps his arm in the air but just barely as he tries to fight back and break free of the Acid lock. Trent sits down lower on the back and continues to pull back violently. Homicide losing his second wind starts to wade from glory and the ref looks trouble, attempts the dropping of the arm routine again. Again he drops it once, twice, but again Homicide digs deep to keep it in the air. Acid pulls Homicide to his feet still holding the move and hits a full nelson slam! He tries a pin but Homicide still hasn’t had enough yet. The star stomps around the ring and starts to yell at the ref looking for a reason, an excuse as to why the match never ended. Homicide tries to stand up, but falls on his knees and Acid goes over and lifts him to his feet and tries an Irish whip but Homicide stops short and pulls Acid over to his a step up shining wizard!

Homicide rolls to the outside of the ring and rest against the barricade as Acid shakes off the cobwebs from the kicks before trying to go outside and follow him. Homicide stumbles around the ring reaches the discarded weapons and starts to look for something as use. Trent Acid runs at Homicide and goes for the yakuza kick! Homicide ducks to the side and swings a kendo stick at the knee of Acid! Trent hits the ground clutching the knee and yelling in agony! Homicide drops the stick and gets to work setting up a table. After seconds to allow the dizziness to fade Homicide grabs a ladder and sets it standing up 5 feet from the table. Trent Acid tries to stand up but the second he puts weight on the bad knee falls back to the ground. Homicide pulls his fallen opponents over the ladder, sets Acid with his back to the ladder. He grabs a chain, wraps it around Acid throat, and climbs up the other side takes Acid with him. At the top they are back to back but Homicide turns and places his head in the small of Acid back as he locks the arms underneath him and lifts Trent Acid up off the ladder and hits DA COP KILLA through a table! Homicide and Acid are done. The ref looks at both men, neither man responsive to anyone’s calls. The ref calls for the bell!

Announcer: The ref has declared that due to both remaining unresponsive. This match has been declared a draw!

During intermission we got a word from each of the teams in the finals. The shot cuts to Team WCC.

Jericho: Right now is the moment that the past two nights have been leading up to. Three teams will steps into that ring. We’ll fight our hearts out and leave everything in the ring. At the end of the night the United States, North America, the Earth, the Solar System, the entire universe will never evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver be the same, again! That is because Trios Tournament is WCC.

The shot cuts to WNG’s Last Line.

Rob Van Dam: When this tournament started, we knew that we’d be in the finals. We told our boss at WNG that they didn’t have to send any other team into the tourney; we were all that they needed.

Christopher Daniels: At first I thought about bringing my Church of Daniels into this tournament, but then I realized that I have a better team here. We are a unit that works well together. We kept WNG alive during the war with the Indy Selection. POI and WCC don’t stand a chance.

The shot cuts to team POI.

Samoa Joe: We get one chance. One shot to prove that POI is the best thing going today. WCC, WNG; you may have helped make this possible, but there’s no way in hell that you’re taking home the trophy. That is coming with us.

CM Punk: At one time or another I’ve pinned every member of both teams that we’re facing tonight. This match will finally cement the fact that just like straightedge; POI means we’re better than you.

Grand Finals
9 man, 3 corner war elimination tag team match.
Team WCC: Chris Jericho, Austin Aries, and John Morrison
WNG's Last Line: Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, and Rob Van Dam
Team POI: CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Super Dragon


The Trios Tournament 2008 comes to the final match where we will decide the on team that is the best 3 man team in all of wrestling. Stars from all walks of life and styles of wrestling meet and we are down to the three PWR franchise teams. The World Carnage Championship brings Chris Jericho, Austin Aries, and John Morrison. The Point of Impact has CM Punk, Samoa Joe and Super Dragon. WNG has brought 3 of its Last Line of Defense fraction in Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels and Rob Van Dam. This will be brutal, amazing, and truly a sight to see. 9 man three-corner war. Simple enough. 3 men start one from each team while their partners are on the outside. Tags must be made to your own team. One member of your team gets pinned your team is out and then it is down to the final two. RVD, Punk, and Jericho decide to be the starting three in this match.

All three look around at their surroundings still safe in their own corners before walking forward and hesitantly lock in a three-man knuckle lock. Jericho gets the lead but quickly loses it when Punk and RVD double take him and hit a wrist clutch overhead suplex! RVD and Punk get back on their feet in and get into a standard Greco roman knuckle lock that gets broken up quickly when Jericho hits a dropkick to the back of Punk sending both men to the floor. Before they can get up Chris hits a back senton crushing both men into each other again in an awkward position. When Punk and RVD get rid of the haze they quickly get up and Punk tries to clean himself. RVD hits a spinning heel kick as he is distract but turns around and hits nailed with a picture perfect dropkick from Jericho sending RVD in his team’s corner. Chris lifts Punk to his feet and whips him at RVD and they collide again in a gay looking position in the corner. Chris Tag in Aries who grabs the back of Punk and hits a double knee back breaker! Jericho quickly after hits a monkey Flip to RVD who lands on his feet just long enough to receive an Austin Aries Super kick! Austin tries a pin on RVD but gets only a two count. He goes to pin Punk but the Straight edge superstar makes a tag to Samoa Joe while holding his back in agony. Joe quick gets in the ring and charges a shoulder Tackle knocking Aries to the ground. Joe takes off at the ropes, steps over Austin and keeps going, Austin gets to his feet and tries to hip toss Joe but the Samoan floats over and hits a high kick to the chest of Austin knocking him to the ground! RVD back on his feet hits the rolling thunder on the downed Austin Aries. As he gets up Joe hits a stiff chop knocking him down the ground again. Joe lines both men up in seated position to nails them both with a stiff kick to the back! RVD rolls in pain to his corner as Austin gets planted with another hard kick to the back leaving a giant red welt in its place. Sonjay Dutt gets in the ring after a tag from RVD. Joe turns around and gets dropkick by Dutt knocking him on the ground. Dutt hits a kick to the chest of Aries slamming him into the mat. Sonjay backs up a step then hit a standing shooting star press! Dutt hooks the leg, 1…2… Joe kicks the face of Dutt breaking the pin up.

Joe grabs Dutt and tries to Irish whip him but Dutt holds onto the arm and sends another dropkick this time to the knee making Joe eat canvas. Dutt gets up on his face the same time as Joe and they get into a headlock exchange, Joe powers out and sends Sonjay toward the ropes , Dutt holds on and stops short of the lariat by Joe. The Samoan charges at Dutt but the playa from the Himalayas moves out of the way, Austin Aries gets on all fours into front of Joe and Dutt uses him as a stepping stool to hits a flying lariat sending himself and Samoa Joe to the outside! Austin gets on his feet and smiles to himself, seeing his opponents sprawled on the floor barely moving. He goes to his corner and leans against it talking strategy with his partners, taking his time and letting his opponents come to him. Dutt gets to his feet first and grabs the head of Joe and sends him into the ring. Austin Aries snaps into action and hits a baseball slide to the side of Joe sending him back outside into Dutt, Aries pulls up speed and dives threw the ropes! Suicide dive taking out both opponents! Super Dragon and Punk start to get in the ring that sparks RVD, Daniels, Morrison, and Jericho to all do the same as well. The 6 men get into a brawl the ref can’t break up despite all attempts. Dragon and Punk get a minor advantage but Austin Aries on the outside sweeps their legs and pulls them out. Austin doesn’t stay as he jumps into the ring dragging Dutt with him. IN the ring He goes for the cover but can only get a 2 count at Dutt kicks out.

The brawl starts to wind down as the ref along with several officials force the stars back to their corners or risk getting their teams DQ’ed. Aries tags in John Morrison who goes for his own cover but only gets a 2 count before Dutt kicks out again. John drags Dutt toward the corner and scales the top where he drops down for a split-legged twisting corkscrew moonsault! Morrison grabs a leg and makes the cover. 1…2… Cm Punk gets in the ring and breaks the count up then quickly gets back in his corner. Morrison picks Dutt up and sends him into his team’s corner where Jericho gets the tag and quickly gets in to help Morrison lift Sonjay into the air and hits a double team facebuster! Jericho rolls Dutt on his back and runs at the ropes to hit the lionsault! Chris doesn’t go for the pin instead pulls him close to the corner and tags Austin Aries. The starr climbs the top rope and flips into the 450 splash! Jericho and Morrison rushes RVD and Daniels as they try to get into the ring but can’t stop Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and Super Dragon who all break the count. Joe picks up Aries, attempts an Irish whip but gets reversed. Austin Aries rushes him but Samoa Joe grabs him for the ST Joe! Joe goes to his team’s corner and finally makes a tag to Super Dragon. Dragon gets in the ring as Aries gets to his feet. The owner of PWG grabs Aries from behind and hits a bridging dragon suplex! 1…2… Daniels breaks the count then returns to his team’s corner.

Dutt tries to drag himself to his team’s corner and get a fresh WNG superstar in but Super Dragon grabs his leg and pulls him away. Dragon grabs Dutt by the head and locks in a dragon clutch! Daniels grabs the shirt of the ref and pulls him away as Sonjay starts to tap out. Dragon lets go and pulls the ref back to hits stiff right hand knocking Daniels off the corner. RVD grabs the ropes and jumps up to hit a kick over the top rope to the side of Dragon’s head in retaliation. Dutt holds his head in pain as RVD tries to get the tag but he is out of arm’s reach, RVD thinks outside the box and puts his long leg out threw the ropes and kicks the side of Dutt and the ref calls it a tag as he whole F’N Show gets in the ring. Dragon stunned gets on his feet to get a spinning heel kick fro RVD to the temple! Aries grabs RVD from behind and goes for a German suplex! RVD rolls through and lands squarely on his feet. Austin get up and RVD tries an enzuigiri kick but Aries grabs one leg and ducks the second, RVD tries his signature back kick but Aries ducks that too and dropkicks the chest of RVD knocking him to the ground. Dragon grabs Aries from behind and hits the second bridging dragon suplex! 1…2 … RVD breaks the count and lifts both men to their feet and tries a double Irish whip, Dragon and Austin over power him and send him gut first into the corner! Austin tells Dragon to go first who obliges and hit koppou kick! RVD falls down but Austin catches him and hits knife edge chop! The crowd rings out Wooo! as Austin and Super Dragon both tie off with a minor squabble over the better chops. RVD finally fights back chop at both men in turn but doesn’t have enough force in them as Dragon knee lifts into his gut and with the help of Austin hits double DDT! Dragon gets back on his feet last and turns right into an Austin Aries superkick! He tries to get a pin but Dragon gets the shoulder up on 2 and when he tries RVD, Daniels breaks this one up.

Aries lifts Dragon to his feet and pulls him toward his corner to tag in Chris Jericho. Y2J jumps into the ring and grabs Dragons legs and quickly turns him over into the walls of Jericho! Dragon is in agony as he writhes in pain trying to grab the ropes but they remain out of his reach. CM Punk legally enters the ring and breaks the hold up when he tries to leave the ring, RVD hits a high axe kick to the face sending him stumbling. Daniels gets in the ring and grabs CM Punk from behind to hit the last rites! Samoa Joe tries to gets in the ring and even the odds and does so with two lariats to RVD and Christopher Daniels! Joe moves to intercept Y2J and force his hold free when John Morrison springboards into the ring and hits a spin kick knocking Joe back down! Joe, dazed, gets on his knees as Austin Aries this time enters the ring and delivers a menacing kick to the face! Before Joe can fall to the mat Austin grabs his head and lifts him high into the air and drops him on his head with the Brain Buster! Jericho lets go of the submission and drags Dragon to the center of the ring and lines him and his two partners in a triangle as RVD scales on corner, Sonjay Dutt another and Daniels near a third. RVD leaps in pump style in mid air to hit the 5 star frog splash on Samoa Joe! Sonjay Dutt leaps high up and rotates backward then downward for a corkscrew 450 splash called the Hindusault to Super Dragon! Chris hops up to the second ropes, then the three, then flips backwards for the BME on CM Punk! Morrison, Jericho, and Aries each grabs team WNG and throw them the outside and pin the fallen team POI. The ref looks frustrated but counts all three pins, 1…2…3!

The crowd is in shock as the heavy favorite into the match as been ganged up by 6 men to be what seems like eliminated. The ref is about to signal the victory when he spots Joe’s arm underneath the bottom rope! The ref calls it off declaring team POI is still in the match as Joe is the legal man. Team WCC fails to notice the change and start to celebrate as RVD from WNG slides in the ring and hooks Jericho from behind with a roll up! 1…2… Kickout! Chris kicks out and gets up to receive a toe kick from RVD into a sunset flip! Dutt back in the ring jackknifes over RVD to a bridge pin on Jericho! Both men have Jericho down as the ref counts, Morrison and Aries tries to break the pin but Punk and dragon stop Morrison grabbing a leg each and Chris Daniels springboard lariats Aries just in time for the 1……2…..3!

Chris Jericho has been pinned legally by two members of WNG with a sunset flip/bridge combo pin! Morrison and Aries look infuriated! They start to shout at each other forgetting about the other 6 men in the ring starting to get to their feet as Jericho leaves for the backstage area in complete shock. The two continue to argue and when they turn to break it off they bump into their former opponents. Daniels hits the Angels Wings on John Morrison! CM Punk lifts Austin Aries up on his shoulder into the fireman carry then tells him to Go To Sleep! RVD leaps to the top ropes and sails with another 5 star frog splash to the shaman of sexy! Super Dragon turns Austin Aries over and steps on the calves of Aries, then lifts up the head to slam it down with a thunderous curb stomp! They quickly shove the men to the outside. And then their were 6, three on three tag match for the right to it all. Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and Super Dragon vs. RVD, Christopher Daniels, and Sonjay Dutt. As all six exhausted men survey each other RVD extends his hand and shakes with each opponents, his partners and the other team soon follow suit in an unspoken agreement to fight the code of honor. Joe, Punk, Dutt, and Van Dam retire to the corner leaving Christopher Daniels to battle this out with Super Dragon. Dragon rushes a lariat at Chris but Daniels ducks the arm and lifts him for a spinning powerbomb! Daniels goes for the pin but only gets a two count as the indy superstar kicks out. Dragon gets back to his feet with Daniels connects with an enzuigiri to the side of the head! Dragon stumbles into the reverse STO by Daniels! Chris stays on the ground and loops his leg and arms into the Koji clutch! Dragon tries to get a rope break but gets nowhere as Daniels wrenches back breaking his concentration. Dragon again tries for the ropes but can’t get anywhere from the center of the ring he raises his arm up to tap out! CM Punk tries to enter the ring and the ref moves to intercept him missing the tap out. Dragon continues to tap out wanting the pain to end and finally Daniels breaks his hold to send Punk to the outside with a dropkick over the top rope. The fallen angle gets to his feet and grabs the mask of Dragon and lifts him to his feet and sends him into WNG’s corner. Sonjay Dutt tag his partner’s hand and jumps into the ring and leads Dragon toward the center of the ring. He hooks his head and flips into a standing sitout Shiranui! Dutt tries a pin but Samoa Joe breaks the pin and returns to his corner. Dutt leaves Dragon on the ground to hit a running shooting star press! Dutt hooks the leg and only gets a 2 count before Punk breaks this one up. Sonjay Dutt looks upset but double stomps the chest of Dragon before going to the corner and climb to the top calling for the Hindusault! Samoa Joe gets in the ring and charges at the two opponents on the ring apron knocking them to the floor below as Punk runs across the apron and scales the same corner as Sonjay Dutt. Joe hits a high kick to the back of Dutt stunning him. Punk hooks both his arms above him and jumps into the Pepsi plunge! Dutt is out cold as Punk drags the arm of Dragon across his body. The ref refuses to make the 3 count!

CM Punk gets in the face of the ref and yell for him to make the count and the ref tells Punk to follow the rules or he won’t do it. Final Punk grabs the ref and hits an urangi into the anaconda vice! The ref quickly taps out but Punk doesn’t let go until he passes out. Joe stares at Punk’s actions then shoves him. Punk shoves back and the two men start to get in an argument! Daniels and RVD get back in the ring one on either side of Punk and Joe. The two stop arguing long enough to nail a pair of lariats on the unsuspecting foes before getting back in each other faces over the use of rules in the match. A Ref runs to ringside and slides in to finally make the count of Dragon and Dutt but gets as far as 1 before Joe pulls Dragon off. Punk shoves go away then drags his fallen partner back across Dutt the ref gets a 2 count before Joe pulls Dragon back off! Punk shoves Joe away and takes the pin for himself! 1….2… Dutt gets the shoulder up! Dutt finally manages to Kickout by himself. Punk lifts Dutt to his feet and Irish whips him in the corner where he falls to bottom. Punk lifts him up and sets him up on the top and motions for Joe to hits the muscle buster. Joe goes over as Punk backs away. Punk and Joe focus on Dutt and fail to notice until too late that Daniels and RVD are back on their feet! Daniels grabs Punk and hits the last rites as RVD jumps on the back of Joe and hits a reverse rana sending him head first to the mat! Joe tries to get back on his feet and Christopher Daniels lands the Angles Wings! Daniels turns Joe on his back and motions for Sonjay to fly! Dutt dazed and confused attempts the Hindusault again! Dutt misses and lands painfully on his gut! Daniels looks at RVD and Van Dam nods before reaches a corner and pulls himself to the top with one leap and turns around. RVD this time takes the dive with the five star frog splash! It connects perfectly on Samoa Joe as RVD hooks the leg and gets the count! 1…..2…Punk rolls over in time to break the count up!

The Fallen Angel quickly kicks the gut of Punk and lifts him to his feet. Daniels tries to get the double underhook facebuster called the Angles Wings once again in the match but as he tries to lift Punk into air the straight edge star fights back to his feet and reverses the position for a wrist clutch northern lights suplex! Daniels gets planted neck first and rolls to the side as RVD runs at the ropes and jumps on the second one to springboard back and hits a clothesline! RVD gets back on his feet in record time before running at the ropes and rolling on the ground before jumps into the air for rolling thunder! Punk gets out of the way and RVD hits the mat holding his back from built up agony. CM Punk grabs RVD from behind to spin him frontward and toes kicks him to set up and deliver a move known in the indy scene as ‘Welcome to Chicago’ (Double underhook backbreaker)! RVD clutches his back in agony and rolls to the floor! Punk moves toward Dutt and lifts him to his feet then onto his shoulder in the fireman’s carry! Punk throws him forward and brings the knee up for the GTS but Dutt lands on his feet and as Punk regains balances hits a cutter! Punk planted face first on the floor as all men are out cold. Dutt manages to regain equilibrium enough to roll Punk over and gets the pin count. 1…2… ! Super Dragon grabs the leg of the ref from the outside and pulls him out as he slides in. Dutt tries to gain his balance from what has to be a concussion and manages to swing a lariat at the opponent but Dragon gets under it and lifts Dutt up into a backbreaker rack then sends him downward with the Psycho Driver! Dutt goes limp but Dragon isn’t down as he goes around to the back and steps on the calves of Dutt and grabs his arms to pull him up into a modified surfboard but doesn’t hold it long as he hits his innovation the curb stomp! Dragon rolls Dutt over and sticks his knee on the chest of Dutt as the ref makes the final count, 1…2…3!

Announcer: Winners of this Match, the newest and the first Internet Wrestling Communities Trios Champions. Team POI of Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and Super Dragon!

Super Dragon lifts both his partners to their feet from floor and gets them in the ring to have the ref raise their hands high into the air marking them the true winners. The ref leaves for a moment as Dutt, Van Dam, and Daniels each mount up enough energy to stand before the winners and shake their hands. Team POI each grabs a WNG arm and raise it into the air as the audience goes insane with a standing ovation for the 6 men in a 5 star match. WNG’s last line breaks formation and grabs the trophy from the ref’s hand and they each place a hand on it as they hand it over to team POI before leaving them to their moment to burn bright in the spotlight at the Trios Tournament 2008.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Trios Tourney Night 1 Review

Team WCC vs Hart Foundation - I really like the team of Jericho, Morrison & Aries, I'd kill to see them as a team in real life. Hart Foundation seems a little weird, with only one true Hart. They probably would no sell jumping on a grenade. This was a pretty good match, I liked how everyone got some offense in. I'm surprised that you had blood in the very first match of that tournament. The ending was pretty weird though, it did come from out of thin air.

Cor Von promo - It seemed awkward to me, and you could've included Lashley and Rhyno in there. "Bathturd"

Destroyers vs MOD - Eh, I didn't really like this match. Things were way too spotty, and too much was going on. I was surprised that there wasn't that much dominance from the MOD. Surprising win by the Briscoes & Cross there in the match.

Homicide promo - I think that it's ironic that you had Homicide trashing CZW when his two teammates are their big draws.

BLKOUT vs Team CZW - I was kinda disappointed by this, because it didn't get really hardcore considering who was participating in the match. This still was good though, it felt more organized than the last match. some of the phrasing seemed awkward in the middle, but it was a good match there.

Christian promo - Christian mocking his opponents was great, and it made the promo for me. It was short, but it made me laugh, which was good.

Christian & Friends vs WNG's Last Line - this was going OK, but it really didn't stand out with what you had going in this match. It was decent, but I was expecting more beasting from team Christian. The ending was pretty intriguing, I want to see what's going to happen with Christian's Coalition.

Jericho - Nice cockiness, but Aries & Morrison are good enough talkers to have their own lines in the promo too.

Team WCC vs Destroyers - nice way to run a quick storyline with Jericho leaving in the middle of the match. This was great, you had some good back and forth action, and there was lots of good drama there. The return of Jericho at the end was well timed, and having him clean house for the win was well done. I don't know why you had him leave in the first place if he was "Never, Ever, Never, Ever" was going to betray WCC

Team CZW vs WNG's Last Line - This was pretty good, but there were some matches on the card that were better than this. I was expecting hardcore again, but I was treated again for another standard match. Good stuff here, but I think that there was going to be more excitement.

The Verdict - Good first night of action here. Most of the matches were good, and there were some upsets that I wasn't really expecting. Next couple of nights in the tournament should be good, but I'm expecting more on the promo side.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Night 1

Hart Foundation vs. Team WCC - This is a great first match. Lots of finishers and near falls here that really made the match great.

Destroyers vs. M.O.D. _ I really liked this match tbh, so much chaos inside the ring and a surprise win from the Destroyers here. Good to see this team wins.

BLK OUT 2.0 vs. CZW - I think the only thing that lacks here is seeing Ruckus running around the ring, lol... This is also a good match but I think HFH is right as it really didn't get hardcore, I don't know the other guys but by just looking at their bloody pictures, it seems that they are one hell of a hardcore wrestlers.

Christian Coalition vs. WNG's Last Line - a good match here with a totally crazy ending. I wonder what will happen next for the Coalition? Will it be Christian Coalition vs. 150 lbs. referee and the two Securities :shifty: lol, just kidding.

Team WCC vs. Destroyer- Another great match, lol... at Jericho here as he really made some heat on this match by returning back and pulling out the victory. I wonder if they win again after what Jericho did to his partners.

Team CZW vs. WNG's Last Line- This match is good as well but it really didn't get me interested, idk, but I think I need to watch some vids of Gage, Zandig and Nick Mondo lol...

Overall: Night 1 is truly an enjoyable read, lots of great matches and some started some storylines. I think the best match in this night is Team WCC vs. Hart Foundation and Christian Coalition vs. WNG's Last Line. I'll try to review the other matches when I able to find some time.

CT Styles

Final Night

Best Match: The Main Event always had something going on and was an exciting read. It was damn long but still a good read. I'm not that familiar Super Dragon and Austin Aries but the quality of the match made that not matter.

Worst Match: None really, they were all quality matches.

Best Promo: Promos weren't really a prominent part of the show and none I would really consider a promo. To me; there weren't really any.

Worst Promo: Read above.

Additional Comments: This was a very impressive tournament thread and a great way to showcase how good you are at writing. It was very enjoyable and it has even helped spark the idea for a BTB edition. Good work.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
All and any reviews for the Tournament would be appreciated. If you have to read one show, make it the last night.

Trios Tournament 2008: The Aftermath

The Trios Tournament was a huge sucess. All who viewed it went insane for it. But what happened to the BTB's that put this together...

Comicgeekelly's POI kept going strong. The tournament gave them a boost, allowing them to stay in business.

Czwrestler's WNG sadly came to a close. Right now a rebirth of the company is in the works.

Madden's WCC also came to a close. Madden's personal life would no longer allow him the time to run a wrestling business. All of his shows can be found here.

Trios Tournament 2008: The Credits

Night 1

Team WCC vs. The New Hart Foundation
Written by Madden

Cor Von promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Merchants of Destruction vs. The Destroyers
Written by Comicgeekelly

Homicide promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

BLK OUT 2.0 vs. Team CZW
Written by Czwrestler

Christian Coalition promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Christian Coalition vs. WNG’s Last Line
Written by Madden

Jericho promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Team WCC Vs. The Destroyers
Written by Czwrestler

Jericho promo
Written by Czwrestler

CZW vs. WNG’s Last Line
Written by Madden

Night 2

Chris Hero promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Kings of Wrestling vs. Team NOAH
Written by Comicgeekelly

Alex Shelley promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

WNG vs. Team TNA
Written by Czwrestler

Age of the Fall vs. Team ROH
Written by Madden

Jimmy Jacobs/Tyler Black/Nigel McGuinness promo
Written by Madden

Team POI vs. Team WWE
Written by Comicgeekelly

Samoa Joe/John Cena promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Team NOAH vs. Team TNA
Written by Comicgeekelly

Team POI vs. Age of the Fall
Written by Czwrestler

Night 3

Team WCC vs. WNG's Last Line
Written by Madden

After Match promo
Written by Madden

Team NOAH vs. Team POI
Written by Comicgeekelly

Organizer promo
Written by Comicgeekelly

Ten Man Battle Royal
Written by Comicgeekelly

Trent Acid promo
Written by Czwrestler

Trent Acid vs. Homicide
Written by Czwrestler

Team promos
Written by Comicgeekelly

Team WCC vs WNG's Last Line vs Team POI
Written by Czwrestler

Team Graphics
Made by Czwrestler

Matchup Graphics
Made by Comicgeekelly

3T08 Logo
Made by Madden​


May 26, 2008
Reaction score
reviews still very much welcomed here and WILL receive rep from myself and Comic