Pop Tatari said:John Cena has never won this he deserves it, it will be a great underdog momenttunga:
RiotRaven said:Don't say this! They're watching *hides*
Well could be worse they could make Khali win :nogusta:
Somethingcool57 said:I don't know some days I think I would rather watch him chop people then watch Cena try to pretend he can wrestle.
RiotRaven said:Well against the right opponent Cena can do well. I.E CM Punk match for a title shot at WM this year.
Other times you can just tell he's not trying, the problem with Khali is he's either booked to job poorly or in Squash matches which is boring since he's not exactly athletic in the ring.
Somethingcool57 said:I just miss the guys like Beniot and Jericho, no matter who they worked with they always had a great match. Even if it was a jobbing effort they always made themselves and their oppent look great.
RiotRaven said:We have Ziggler for that nowadays, it's a shame the wrestlers that sell well, lose alot of their matches.
Somethingcool57 said:True he does seem to put on a good match most days. His with Jericho have been decent to watch. Though I still miss seeing a lot of high flying action was just amazing to watch what some of those guys could do.
Somethingcool57 said:I would love to see a Tourny when they bring back the Cruiser Weight Title. All those guys high flying, could also be a way to give Rey a grand send off as he was one of the folks that made that division on WCW.
RiotRaven said:Yeah, Sin Cara is great when paired with people like Cesaro it makes him enjoyable to watch. Ziggler is also amazing due to his selling prowess, I always wondered why the ones that sell so well don't become champions? surely it would make matches better to see.
Pyro said:Was gonna say the same thing. Cruiser weight division would work so well in wwe.