The point of Tough Enough can be summed up in three words:
"Ratings, old boy!"
And that goes back to wrestling having an audience that will tune in weekly to whatever gets put on the show. Most of us are in that group, by the way. We'll tune in to whatever wrestling show we can find, even if it's crap (I'm looking at you, TNA....I've watched a ton of crap with a TNA logo in the corner over the long's TNA been around again?) because we love watching wrestling. This means many of us (and we don't need a roll call of all the people who will claim they don't do this...we're not the majority of wrestling fans) tune in to Raw, Smackdown, Lucha Underground, TNA, ROH, NJPW, and whatever's available on the WWN from the indy scene. We're also the guys who pay for the WWE Network, so....
As for them signing the guys (and gals...don't PC me, bro) who didn't win, I've always thought that they get these 15 people together and see who they think have a shot to make it in the company. I figure most of the people that show up on the final cast will get signed at some point. So, I'm okay with ZZ and Amanda being signed. I also fully expect that Patrick, Mada, Tanner, Gigi, Chelsea, and maybe a couple of the others will get signed before it's all said and done.