- Jericho
- Miz
- Barrett
- Regal
- Cody
Cena & Rock are good but I think way overrated to be admired for what my list can offer
Cody is a great heel on the mic and you can't predict anything he will say like you can with cena & rock
Jericho you can predict some stuff like the whole best in the world at what I do and do you understand what I am saying to you right now...but I think the way he returned and trolled everybody gets my vote
Miz definitely one of the best mic workers to grace WWE including the attitude era!
Barrett and Regal just for the whole English accents and they CAN deliver a good mic segment!
- Miz
- Barrett
- Regal
- Cody
Cena & Rock are good but I think way overrated to be admired for what my list can offer
Cody is a great heel on the mic and you can't predict anything he will say like you can with cena & rock
Jericho you can predict some stuff like the whole best in the world at what I do and do you understand what I am saying to you right now...but I think the way he returned and trolled everybody gets my vote
Miz definitely one of the best mic workers to grace WWE including the attitude era!
Barrett and Regal just for the whole English accents and they CAN deliver a good mic segment!