So here's what I think went down
I can't find it atm, but Swole gave her thoughts about her experience in aew, which she's entitled to. I saw the tweet Fightful put out (and im usually a big fightful guy) and it pretty much verbatim said "swole explains that lack of diversity and structure led to her leaving aew" whic his super fucking loaded if u read the entire article and click baity as fuck. now what i imagine ensued is a bunch of twitter dorks running their gums with fake outrage about racism in bad faith. since this has been a go to troll narrative for a bit, TK stupidly took the bait and responded. and end it with an uppercut. which just undermines his entire point and makes him look like a huge dick. I agree that he should have ignored it. If swole wants to believe it didnt work out due to lack of diversity, she's allowed. tk also allowed to think swole wrestling sucks. i just wouldnt have aired that shit out in public because ya this is what happens.