Guys.. i can see it now.
"Hey dady...whats a contract?" Baby Cena asked
"Well son.. A contract is a sheet of paper which has alot of words on it that once signed you must follow to the letter and accomplish and your punished if you dont do any of it.
Speaking of which here is a contract for you! its called the -You Exist and Your My Son- contract! and it states the following rules!
1: No pooping, unless i give you permission.
2: No crying, unless your mom is here to take care of it for me.
3: No eating or drinking unless you have a good looking suit on. My children must always look as Dank as me.
4: I require various froms of praise every hour on the hour, it helps me look pretty.
5: You may only browse the internet so long as your looking up pictures of me, mainly because i know you wont be able to see those, its a long story.
1946724: Always tell vince how great i am, keeps my manipulation game strong.
1946725: Never say the words CM Punk or Roman Reigns...for reasons...
And thats it, failiure to comply with these rules will result in you getting kicked to the streets, or sued for all the money you have." John Cena said
"But dady, whats money?" Baby Cena asked
"Its what you owe me." John Cena said.