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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Taker vs Orton, it brought back some memories from their feud a couple of years ago. Good to see Batista's interference in the match. Big Show & Angle vs Umaga & Jericho was a good one to read too

WM - N/A

BP - The Opening VIP Lounge really got things over with the current feud between HBK getting attacked.

WP - N/A

AC - Great show, it really got the feuds over, and I like what's happening with HBK, and I really am interested in the Taker and Batista feud too, they should put out some good matches in the future.


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Week 4

The TNW opening video airs.


The fans goes nuts as the cameras search through the hot Houston, Texas crowd.

Generic Music hits throughout the arena and Michael comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

In-Ring Segment

Michael enters the ring and takes a microphone. He stares in the crowd as his music continues to play through the arena. Huge amount of pyro goes on the rampway with a banner coming down saying, "Respect The General Manager!" Michael smirks.

Michael: Alright, alright cut the music, I want to make this fast because quite frankly, MVP was right last week, Texas is a sewage hole filled with nothing more than fat out of shape people. You people should envy me. I mean look at my body.

Michael proceeds to pull up his shirt to reveal a ripped chest and stomach.

Michael: But lets get to the point shall we! I'm here to make just one announcement. Alright two, but regarding one match. And it's the Randy Orton vs Edge match. Now, ...

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes out to a huge amount of heat from the crowd. Michael smirks as he sees Orton come down to the ring.

Michael: What do you want, Randy?

Randy Orton: I'm just out here to hear your announcement in person. You see, last week Edge speared me, for the fourth straight week. Now I'm at my limit, Mike. So I'm out here to hear the announcement in person!

Michael: Fine by me. The first announcement. Is that your match, Randy, with Edge at Uncensored, is now a Last Man Standing Match!

*Fans cheer*

Randy Orton: Mike, that's the best decision you can make for my match. Because the things I plan on doing to Edge at Uncensored, aren't legal in a regular grudge match.

Michael: Oh, but Randy. It gets so much more better. That Last Man Standing match will open up the PPV, it will be the first match on the card, but for one reason and one reason only. See, you're going to need to rest up because later in that same night, you will be in another match. FOR THE TNW CHAMPIONSHIP! The MVP vs Mr. Kennedy match is now triple threat. With Edge being added, or you, Randy.

Randy Orton: So you're telling me in one night, I can beat Edge to within an inch of his life, and then become the TNW Champion that exact same night.

Michael: Damn rig...

Edge's music hits and he comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Michael: Hey! Hey, do you know just who the hell I am!

Edge: Let me guess, a nobody. Beat it, shrimp. This doesn't concern you.

Michael: Excuse me. Excuse me! Just who the hell do you think you are, Edge. I am the general manager of this show. And I don't know if you were watching my interview last week, but I stated I am trained to be a wrestler. I am 6'4", 249 pounds. Edge, you respect me, or I will beat the respect you should show me in to you.

Randy Orton: Alright, enough! Listen, Edge. This isn't between you and Mike it's between you and me. Now just what the hell do you want, why are you out here.

Edge: Well, I'm just here to tell you one little thing. This Sunday, at Uncensored. I'm going to beat you in our Last Man Standing Match. And I'm going to beat you with the sixth straight spear.

Randy Orton: You obviously don't ...

Edge cuts Randy Orton off with another spear! 5 in a row!

Michael: You guys just gave me a great idea. Tonight, the main event is going to be a 4 on 4 tag team match. It's going to be Randy Orton, Umaga, Chris Jericho and Batista! vs Edge, Big Show, Kurt Angle ...and...THE UNDERTAKER!!!

*Fans cheer wildly*

Edge raises his eyebrows is disbelief as Michael walks out of the ring. The cameras fade to commercial.


Later Tonight:

4 on 4
Randy Orton, Umaga, Chris Jericho & Batista vs Edge, Big Show, Kurt Angle & The Undertaker

Backstage we find Randy Orton with Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham: Folks, please welcome my guest at this time, the legend killer, Randy Orton! Randy Orton, just moments after that huge announcement, what are your thoughts?

Randy Orton: I love it. First, last man standing. I can do anything and everything to Edge in that very ring in six days, and no one can stop me. I will prove to everyone just why I am the legend killer and the career killer. I will end Edge's career in six days. And then regarding the title stipulation. That's another good thing. Because I can do two things in one night. End Edge's career, and then take the TNW Championship home, with me.

Todd Grisham: Randy, do you feel you're at a disadvantage? You've been speared five times in a row by Edge now.

Randy Orton: Does it look like I feel I am at a disadvantage. Edge speared me five times, boo hoo, nothing will take away from the fact that Edge knows I am better than he is, thus the reason he spears me week after week after week. He won't admit it to you, but he knows I am better than he is. And he's proving that by trying to get an advantage over me with all those spears. Tonight in that 4 on 4 match. It'll be different. Because I will get the win for my team courtesy of the R...K...O!

Randy Orton walks off the scene as the cameras fade to the ring.

Kofi Kingston's music hits and he comes out to a good pop from the audience. He slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

John Morrison's music hits and he comes out to a good amount of heat from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Two great athletic young men in this match, it should be a great one!

Kofi Kingston vs John Morrison


Kofi Kingston and John Morrison stare at each other from their respective corners. Both men circle the ring and meet in the middle of the ring to lock up. John Morrison knees Kofi Kingston in the gut. John Morrison throws Kofi Kingston shoulder first in the steel ring post. John Morrison dropkicks the tail bone of Kingston. John Morrison rolls out to the apron and kicks Kingston in the ribcage. Kofi Kingston falls off the apron and lands hard on the floor. John Morrison climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Kofi Kingston. Kofi Kingston gets to his feet and turns to John Morrison on the top turnbuckle. John Morrison leaps up high in the air and connects on Kofi Kingston with a high elevated crossbody on the floor. John Morrison gets to his feet to a round of applause from the audience. John Morrison picks Kofi Kingston up to his feet and throws him in the ring. John Morrison follows and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Kofi Kingston kicks out! John Morrison picks Kingston up to his feet and pushes Kingston against the ropes. John Morrison irish whips Kingston and Morrison attempts a back body drop but Kingston lands on his feet. John Morrison turns to Kingston and receives a huge superkick just under the chin of Morrison. Kingston grabs the legs of Morrison and rolls him up. 1...2...Morrison kicks out! Both men get to their feet but Morrison hits Kingston in the side of the head with a huge kick. Morrison drops to his knees and smiles. From nowhere Kofi Kingston rolls John Morrison up in a cradle. 1...2...Morrison kicks out! Kofi Kingston gets to his feet as does Morrison. Morrison turns to Kingston and Kingston hits him with a dropkick. Kingston quickly goes for the cover once more. 1...2...Morrison kicks out!

Kingston shoots up to his feet right away and picks Morrison up. Kingston takes Morrison to the corner and rams him face first in the top turnbuckle. Kingston drives his knee in the back of Morrison while in the corner. The referee starts to count. 1...2...3...4...Kingston gets his knee off the back. Kingston turns Morrison's back to the corner and hits him with a European uppercut. Kingston bounces off the second rope and hits a dropkick in to the chest of Morrison. Morrison falls to his knees and rolls to the outside. Morrison crawls to the barricade and uses it to help him reach his feet. Morrison turns to Kingston in the ring. Kofi Kingston leaps over the top rope and lands on the apron. Kingston bounces off the second rope and connects to the chest of Morrison with a springboard! The fans start to chant "Holy shit! Holy shit!" Kingston reaches his feet and raises up on arm as he holds his ribs with the other. Kofi Kingston picks John Morrison up to his feet and rams him kidney first in the apron. Morrison screams in pain as he holds his back. Kingston throws Morrison in the ring. Kingston climbs up to the apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Kingston waits for John Morrison to reach his feet. After a couple of seconds, Morrison reaches his feet and turns to Kingston in the corner. Kingston leaps off the top turnbuckle for a flying clothesline but Morrison moves out of the way and Kingston crashes on the mat. John Morrison runs to Kingston and picks him up to his feet. John Morrison hits Kingston with a swinging neckbreaker. John Morrison hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: John Morrison

After the match John Morrison gets to his feet as he stares at the fallen Kofi Kingston. John Morrison walks to the ropes and takes a microphone.

John Morrison: Hey Punk! I hope you were watching this match! Because this, Punk, will be you in 6 days at Uncensored! Because there is no stopping the shaman of sexy from beating you CM Punk.

John Morrison drops the microphone and heads to the outside of the ring and up the rampway.

Backstage we find MVP through the hallways looking furious. He finds Michael's office. He barges in and finds Michael with former WWE diva Candice Michelle.

Michael: Can I help you?

MVP: Yeah, but first get your goochie out of here this is between you and me.

Candice leaves the office and closes the door.

Michael: Alright, what do you want?

MVP: This is regarding your "announcement" earlier tonight! Are you freaking mad! What do Edge or Randy Orton have anything to do with the TNW Championship, huh? It's ridiculous! They don't deserve to be in that match. Listen, Mike. It's between Kennedy and me. Orton and Edge have nothing to do with the championship, you know it, I know it, Kennedy knows it and even Edge and Orton know it! I demand you take back that added stipulation right now or I swear Michael there will be hell to pay!

Michael: I'm sorry, MVP. I gave the fans what they wanted, something I usually wouldn't do, and now it's final. MVP, Uncensored is in 6 days, 6 days. Look at it like this. They have to open up the pay-per-view, in a Last Man Standing match! You have to know that the winner of that match won't be 100% by the end of the pay-per-view...

MVP: You just don't get it do you, playa. This isn't about that man, this whole title situation is between Mr. Kennedy and I, and hell even Mark Henry, and now you're just going to add Randy Orton or Edge in. You made a mistake, Michael. A huge one!

Michael: MVP, are you basically saying you have doubts of winning the match now that it will have to be triple threat?

MVP: MVP doesn't have doubt. MVP is a winner. MVP is better than Randy Orton. MVP is better than Edge. MVP is especially better than Mr. Kennedy. And Michael, you can guarantee that no matter who wins at Uncensored whether it be Edge or Randy Orton, you can guarantee I will win the TNW Championship. And no one is stopping me. Ballin'!!!

MVP walks out as Michael stands there nodding.

Mick Foley: Well folks, up next is Jesse & Festus vs Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins!


Backstage we find Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder knocked out unconscious. Trainers and EMTs are attending to them. Edge shows up and looks worried.

Edge: What the hell happened!

Trainer: We don't know.

Edge: You have a brain, use it you idiot! What the hell happened!

Trainer: We don't know!

In the background Cryme Tyme is there and are smiling. They're laughing while Edge strokes back his hair with a worried look on his face.

Joey Styles: Well it seems we won't be getting to see that tag team match now.

Mick Foley: I was looking forward to it, Joey. It's not fair. I think Cryme Tyme is trying to get Jesse and Festus NOT get in the ring so they have a bit of rust.

Joey Styles: That would be the only logical reason.

Backstage we find Mark Henry getting ready for the 6 man tag team match later tonight. The door slams and he looks up to find Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: You ready?

Mark Henry: Am I ready? What do you think Mr. Kennedy. I am the man who took out Shawn Michaels! I am the worlds strongest man. And I'm the silverback! So you don't ask me if I'm ready. I ask you. Are you ready, Mr. Kennedy?

Mr. Kennedy: I'm ready. Now lets go.

Mr. Kennedy and Mark Henry walk out of the locker room. The 6 man tag match is next!


Backstage we find Batista with Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham: Hello people, I'm Todd Grisham and my guest at this time is the Animal, Batista! Batista in six days you face off with the deadman in No Holds Barred, what are your thoughts?

Batista: Todd, you're one lucky man doing this job. Listen, I've stood in that ring during Undertaker's entrance and it's intimidating as hell to all of his opponents... except me. And in six days at Uncensored, I face the deadman in No Holds Barred. No rules, no nothing. I can't tell you who's going to win or what, but I can tell you this, the animal will be unleashed!

Batista walks off the scene as the cameras fade to the ring.

'Can You Dig It' plays and Booker T walks from the curtain to a nice pop from the crowd.

'No More Words' plays and both Hardyz enter the arena to a rockstar reaction from the audience. They enter the ring with Booker T.

Joey Styles: That looks like a great team right there. But can they overcome the power of Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy and MVP.

Mick Foley: Well lets not forget, Joey. MVP and Mr. Kennedy are in a match in 6 days at Uncensored. You have to wonder if that will play in factor in just a few moments.

Mark Henry's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos from the audience. Mark Henry enters the ring not intimidated by numbers.

Joey Styles: This freak of nature, Mark Henry is not scared of numbers. He can take Booker T, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy on by himself if he wants to.

'I'm Comin' plays and MVP enters the arena to a monster amount of heat from the audience.

'Turn Up The Trouble' plays and Mr. Kennedy walks from the curtain to a mixed reaction from the audience.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Booker T, Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy vs Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy & MVP (Christian Cage & Elijah Burke)


Booker T will start the match out for his team. MVP and Kennedy argue over who will start. Mark Henry yells at them and says he'll start. MVP gets on the apron as Henry enters the ring. Henry stares a hole through Booker T. Booker T runs at Mark Henry and Henry hits Booker with a clothesline. Mark Henry picks Booker T up to his feet and strongly irish whips him in to the corner. Booker T bounces out of the corner and back at Mark Henry. Mark Henry picks Booker T up over his head and military presses him in the middle of the ring. Booker T lands hard on his stomach and Mark Henry hits a splash on the back. Mark Henry turns Booker T over on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Booker T kicks out. Mark Henry picks Booker T up to his feet and starts to club Booker T in the chest. Mark Henry pushes Booker against the ropes and irish whips him. Booker T bounces back and Mark Henry hits Booker T with a huge samoan drop. Mark Henry picks Booker T up to his feet and throws Booker T in to his own corner. Mark Henry yells at Booker T to tag in someone. Booker T tags in Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy jumps to the top turnbuckle and hits Mark Henry in the chest with a missile dropkick. Jeff Hardy goes down and Henry doens't budge. Jeff gets to his feet and kicks Mark Henry in the gut. Jeff Hardy starts to lay rights and lefts to the body and face of Mark Henry to no effect. Mark Henry pushes Jeff Hardy off. Jeff Hardy bounces off the ropes and Mark Henry hits him with a powerslam. Mark Henry hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy jumps in and breaks it up. Mark Henry picks Matt Hardy up to his feet and punches him to the outside of the ring. Mark Henry turns to Jeff Hardy but Jeff Hardy dropkicks the knee of Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy runs off the ropes and hits Mark Henry with a low dropkick. Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and dropkicks Mr. Kennedy off the apron and face first in the announce table. Jeff Hardy walks back to Mark Henry but MVP pulls Jeff Hardy's hair to bring him down to the mat. Mark Henry crawls to his corner and tags in MVP.

MVP gets in the ring and starts to stomp on the shoulder and chest of Jeff Hardy. MVP picks Jeff Hardy up to his feet and hits Hardy with a European uppercut. MVP irish whips Jeff Hardy and hits him with a huge clothesline. MVP runs off the ropes and hits an elbow drop on the chest of Jeff Hardy. MVP goes for the cover. 1...2...Booker T comes in and breaks it up. Booker T picks MVP up to his feet and hits him with a chop to the chest. Mr. Kennedy runs in the ring and tackles Booker T down to the ground. Booker T rolls to the outside. Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and hits Mr. Kennedy with a hurricanrana. MVP runs at Jeff Hardy and knees him in the side of the head. Jeff Hardy falls flat on his face. MVP drives his knee in the back of Jeff Hardy and applies a chinlock. Jeff Hardy screams in pain as MVP applies pressure. The fans start to clap on with Matt Hardy and Booker T to get Jeff back in it. Jeff Hardy uses the momentum and slowly gets to a vertical base. Jeff Hardy elbows MVP in the gut once. And then twice. Jeff Hardy goes to run off the ropes but MVP pulls the hair of Hardy taking him down.

Suddenly the match is interupted with a video package of Shawn Michaels. And it says One Month the show.... stops!

MVP gets distracted. Jeff Hardy rolls MVP up. 1...2...Mark Henry gets in the ring and breaks it up. MVP quickly crawls to his corner and tags in Mr. Kennedy who didn't want to get tagged in. Mr. Kennedy was shaking his head saying he won't go in. Mark Henry screams at Kennedy and Kennedy jumps in the ring. Kennedy turns to Jeff Hardy and Jeff Hardy unleashes with huge rights to Mr. Kennedy. Jeff Hardy irish whips Mr. Kennedy off the ropes and hits a lariat on him. Jeff Hardy runs to the corner and dropkicks MVP down to the floor. Jeff Hardy dropkicks Mark Henry in the knee and knocks him face first in the apron. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top turnbuckle. Mark Henry quickly recovers and pushes Jeff Hardy off the top turnbuckle and on to the announce table. The table doesn't break but Jeff goes flying in to Joey Styles and Mick Foley's lap! MVP gets to his feet on the outside and walks to Jeff Hardy. MVP pulls Jeff Hardy off the commentators laps and throws him face first in the announce table. MVP steps in front of Jeff Hardy and pushes him back first in the steel steps. MVP and Mark Henry share a laugh. Mark Henry picks the carcas of Jeff Hardy up and throws him in the ring. Mr. Kennedy immediately hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...Jeff Hardy kicks out. Mr. Kennedy picks Jeff Hardy up to his feet and irish whips him in to his corner. Jeff Hardy tags in Matt Hardy and Mr. Kennedy doesn't realize this. Mr. Kennedy runs at Jeff in the corner but Jeff moves and Kennedy drives his shoulder in the steel ring post. Matt Hardy immediately jumps over the top rope and rolls Kennedy up. 1...2...Kennedy kicks out. Kennedy gets to his feet and Matt Hardy slaps the taste out of his mouth. Matt Hardy kicks Kennedy in the gut and hits Kennedy with a DDT. Matt Hardy turns Kennedy on to his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Kennedy gets his boot on the bottom rope. Jeff Hardy leaps over the top rope and hits a leg drop on the leg that was on the rope. Kennedy screams in pain as he holds his knee. Matt Hardy picks Kennedy up to his feet and holds him in twist of fate position. Mr. Kennedy picks Matt Hardy up on his shoulder and carries him to his corner. Mr. Kennedy tags in MVP. MVP enters the ring and kicks Matt Hardy in the gut.

Mr. Kennedy exits and MVP takes Matt Hardy to the middle of the ring. MVP goes for a right hand but Matt blocks it. Matt goes for a clothesline but MVP ducks and hits Matt Hardy with a back suplex. MVP goes for the cover. 1...2...Matt Hardy kicks out! MVP gets to his feet and trash talks Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy sits up slowly holding his gut. MVP slaps Hardy in the head and then picks him up to his feet. MVP knees Matt Hardy in the gut and takes Matt Hardy to the corner. MVP drives his shoulder repeatedly in the gut of Matt Hardy in to the corner. MVP strongly irish whips Matt Hardy in to the opposite corner. Matt Hardy bounces out of the corner to MVP and MVP connects with a belly to belly suplex on Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy slowly rolls to his corner and tags in Booker T. Booker T enters the ring and hits MVP in the chin with a solid right hand. Mr. Kennedy runs in the ring and Booker T hits him in the jaw with a calf kick. Mark Henry runs it and attempts a clothesline on Booker T but Booker T ducks and hits Mark Henry under the chin with a superkick. MVP gets to his feet and runs at Booker T. Booker T picks MVP up and hits him with a spinebuster. Mr. Kennedy gets to his feet with help of the ropes. Mark Henry gets to his feet and finds Booker T standing in front of Mr. Kennedy. Mark Henry runs at Booker T for a clothesline but Booker T moves and Mark Henry clotheslines Mr. Kennedy over the top rope and to the outside. Mark Henry turns to Booker T and Booker T hits Mark Henry with another superkick over the top rope and to the outside. MVP knocks both Hardyz off the apron. Booker T turns to MVP. Booker T kicks MVP in the gut and runs off the ropes. Booker T attempts the scissors kick but MVP moves. Booker T turns to MVP and MVP kicks him in the gut. MVP sets Booker T up for the playmaker and hits it. MVP hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winners: MVP, Mark Henry & Mr. Kennedy

MVP celebrates in the ring by himself. Mr. Kennedy walks around the ring and nods as he walks up the rampway to the back. Mark Henry stares from the announce table. Mark Henry goes to the announce table and picks up the extra headset and tells the announcers.

Mark Henry: These two men, have no clue, what's coming to them at Uncensored! It's going to be huge! Hahaha!

Mark Henry gets off the headset and walks around the ring, up the rampway and to the back.


Backstage we find Edge in his locker room and in his ring gear with his cell phone on.

Edge: Yeah.

The person on the cell phone talks.

Edge: Babe, listen. I can guarantee I will win the last man standing, and I know then I will win the TNW Championship. I have a back-up plan. Don't worry about it. I'm bringing the gold home.

The person speaks.

Edge: I love you too. I'll see you this Sunday, alright. Bye.

Edge hangs up the phone and looks in the ceiling with a big smile on his face.

Joey Styles: Who the hell was he talking to?

Mick Foley: I have no clue but it seems like he has a plan, and a good one.

'Ain't No Stoppin' Me' hits and Shelton Benjamin walks through the curtain to a chorus of boos from the audience.

Shelton Benjamin takes a microphone.

Shelton Benjamin: Now last week, I issued an open challenge to anyone in the TNW roster. And now's the time for that someone to step up and take on the gold standard. But let me send them a message. They ain't no stoppin' me, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

'This Fire Burns' plays and CM Punk enters the arena to a massive pop from the audience. CM Punk enters the ring and takes a microphone.

CM Punk: Listen, I know you're going to say you beat me last week and I don't deserve to be out here. But I do. Because the only reason I lost was John Morrison. And you, Shelton Benjamin. I will be "stoppin" you, tonight, my friend.

Shelton Benjamin's Open Challenge
CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin


CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin stare at each other from their respective corners. The two men circle the ring as CM Punk twists his wrists. The two men meet in the center of the ring and tie up. CM Punk takes Benjamin down in a headlock and then a headlock takeover. Shelton Benjamin locks on a head scissors on Punk. Punk kicks out of it. Both men reach their feet and Benjamin hits CM Punk with a huge superkick. Punk falls to the mat hard and rolls to the outside of the ring and lands on his knees. CM Punk holds his chin as he gets to his feet on the outside. CM Punk turns to Benjamin in the ring. Shelton Benjamin runs off the ropes and hits a sommersault over the top rope and on to CM Punk. The fans start to chant "Holy shit! Holy shit!" Shelton Benjamin gets to his feet and tells the fans to shut up to tons of heat from the fans. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up to his feet and throws him back first in the steel ring steps. Shelton Benjamin rolls in and out of the ring to break up the count. Shelton picks CM Punk up to his feet and goes behind him. Shelton Benjamin hits CM Punk with a back suplex on the top of the barricade. CM Punk flips in to the audience and on to fans laps. Shelton Benjamin pulls CM Punk's hair to get him to his feet. Shelton Benjamin lays a huge right hand to the jaw of CM Punk. CM Punk retaliates with a back elbow to the chin. CM Punk jumps up to the top of the barricade. CM Punk looks for an axe-handle but Benjamin moves and Punk lands on the apron like spiderman. Shelton turns to Punk and Punk jumps off the second rope and hits Benjamin with a springboard moonsault on the floor. The fans again chant "Holy shit! Holy shit!" as Punk gets up to his feet. CM Punk picks Benjamin up and throws him in the ring. Punk follows and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Benjamin counters in to a pin fall of his own. 1...2...CM Punk kicks out.

Both men get to their feet. CM Punk runs off the ropes and hits Benjamin with a crossbody and immediately hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...Benjamin kicks out! CM Punk gets to his feet and strokes his hair behind his head. CM Punk picks Benjamin up to his feet and kicks him in the gut. CM Punk holds on to the back of Benjamin's head and starts to knee Benjamin in the face repeatedly. CM Punk backs away and kicks Shelton Benjamin in the shoulder. Benjamin falls over on his back and rolls to the corner. CM Punk marches over to Benjamin in the corner but Benjamin from nowhere hits CM Punk with a superkick. Benjamin falls over on the body of CM Punk for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk holds on to the bottom rope to break it up. Shelton Benjamin gets on his knees and shakes his head in disbelief. Shelton Benjamin picks CM Punk up to his feet and pushes him against the ropes. Shelton Benjamin starts to lay huge rights to CM Punk. Shelton Benjamin irish whips CM Punk and Shelton hits CM Punk with a bone crushing spinebuster. Shelton Benjamin hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Punk gets the shoulder up. Shelton Benjamin is in shock. Shelton Benjamin burst to his feet and kicks the chest of CM Punk. Shelton Benjamin goes on the apron and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Shelton Benjamin waits for CM Punk. CM Punk gets to his feet and turns to Benjamin. Benjamin jumps off the top turnbuckle and hits CM Punk with a huge flying clothesline. Punk falls on his back in the middle of the ring. Shelton Benjamin quickly hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk kicks out!

John Morrison's music hits and he comes out distracting CM Punk. CM Punk walks to the ropes and asks why he's doing this! John Morrison tells CM Punk to turn around and he does. Shelton Benjamin runs at CM Punk and hits him with the paydirt. Shelton Benjamin hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin rolls to the outside as he raises his hand. John Morrison holds up his hand and points at him the winner. CM Punk holds his ribs as he stares at Morrison and Benjamin up the rampway.

Backstage we find Chris Jericho with Todd Grisham.

Todd Grisham: Hello people, I'm Todd Grisham and my guest at this time is Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho in just a matter of moments who head in to a huge 4 on 4 tag team match and then in six days you head in to a huge match with Kurt Angle, and if Kurt Angle loses he's fired from TNW, what are your thoughts on those two things?

Chris Jericho: My thoughts? First the four on four tag team match. Tonight I will prove to everyone in the world just why I know I can beat Kurt Angle, I'll be the one getting the pin fall for my team tonight, and I'll be getting it over Kurt Angle. And at Uncensored, I will humiliate, and embarress the walking disaster in TNW that is Kurt Angle and I will get him fired from TNW. Now if you excuse me, I have to go my match is next.


The Uncensored promo airs.

Joey Styles: Well, ladies and gentlemen, Uncensored is just six days away, and Mick, boy what a pay-per-view this is shaping up to be.

Mick Foley: It's looking great. I'm really looking forward to Batista vs Undertaker, Kennedy vs MVP plus that extra competitor, and also Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle, you know what, I'm looking forward to the whole pay-per-view. Look at the card. It's simply amazing.

Mark Henry Special Guest Enforcer
TNW Champion Match

MVP vs Mr. Kennedy vs ???

No Holds Barred
The Undertaker vs Batista

If Kurt Angle Loses, He's Fired From TNW
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho

Last Man Standing Match
Winner Gets Added To TNW Championship Match

Randy Orton vs Edge

If John Morrison Loses He Must Reveal Why He Attacked CM Punk
No Disqualifiation Rules Apply Only To John Morrison

CM Punk vs John Morrison

Battle Of The Titans
Big Show vs Umaga

World Tag Team Titles
Cryme Tyme (c) vs Jesse & Festus​

Joey Styles: That does look like one awesome pay-per-view! I can't wait until this Sunday!

Mick Foley: Up next is the 4 on 4 tag team match. I bet Edge doesn't like which team he's apart of. He's teaming up with Big Show, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker. Three men Edge has his differences with and hates!

Joey Styles: We'll find out how they can co-exist up next!


'Virtual Voodoo' plays and Umaga walks out of the curtain to a mixed reaction from the audience. Umaga yells random stuff while getting in to the ring.

Joey Styles: A monster that will be facing another monster at Uncensored in six days.

Mick Foley: And that other monster is none other then the real monster in my opinion, Big Show!

'Break The Walls Down' hits and Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring to the most heat of the night from the audience. Chris Jericho just ignored it and walked down with a huge smile on his face.

'I Walk Alone' plays and Batista comes out to a very mixed reaction from the audience. Batista gets in the ring with his partners. Superstars he doesn't want to team with.

Mick Foley: Obviously, Batista doesn't want to team up with Umaga, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho just like Edge doesn't want to team up with his partners.

'Burn In My Light' plays and Randy Orton walks out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Randy Orton walks down confidently like he wasn't playing around either.

Joey Styles: Randy Orton looks very confident and very focused tonight.

The lights dim and the gong tolls and 'The Darkest Side' plays as The Deadman walks from the curtain and slowly makes his way down to the ring to get in to his opponents head.

'Crank It Up' plays and Big Show walks out to a good pop from the audience. Big Show comes out with all smiles and slaps some hands on his way to the ring. Big Show enters the ring with one of his four partners, Undertaker. Umaga paces back and fourth on the outside as he stares at Big Show.

Mick Foley: Joey, Umaga is pacing back and fourth in front of us like a caged animal.

Joey Styles: Lets just hope we don't attract his attention.

'You Think You Know Me' is heard and Edge walks out to a tremendous amount of heat from the audience. Edge stares in the ring at his opponents and then focuses on Randy Orton as he walks down to the ring.

There was a long silence in anticipation of Kurt Angle as this could be his last wrestling match on television.

'Medal' plays and Kurt Angle walks out to a roof shattering pop from the audience. Kurt Angle walks out in near tears as he slaps some fans hands.

Mick Foley: You can feel the emotion radiating off Kurt Angle as this could be his last TNW television match.

Main Event
4 on 4 Tag Team Match
Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Umaga & Batista vs Edge, Kurt Angle, Big Show & The Undertaker


Kurt Angle and Batista will start it out. Chris Jericho mocks Kurt Angle on the apron by pretending to wipe his tears. Kurt Angle focuses on Chris Jericho and just walks by Batista to get in Jericho's face. Kurt Angle slaps Chris Jericho. Kurt Angle turns to Batista and starts to unload with huge right hands to the jaw to a huge amount of pops from the audience. Kurt Angle chops Batista and then pushes him against the ropes. Kurt Angle irish whips Batista and hits him with a huge clothesline. Kurt Angle starts to unleash with huge stomps to the chest of Batista. Chris Jericho runs in the ring. Kurt Angle catches Chris Jericho and hits Jericho with a overhead belly to belly suplex. Kurt Angle focuses back on Batista and picks him up to his feet. Kurt Angle hits Batista with a European uppercut. Kurt Angle kicks Batista in the gut and hits a northern lights suplex. Kurt Angle goes for the cover. 1...2...Jericho kicks the back of Angle to break it up. Big Show gets on leg over the top rope and Jericho runs to the outside. Kurt Angle gets to his feet and starts to drive his forearm in the face of Batista. Kurt Angle drags Batista to his corner and tags in Big Show. Big Show enters the ring and picks Batista up to his feet. Big Show picks Batista up and hits a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits Batista with a huge leg drop. Big Show quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Batista kicks out! Big Show picks Batista up to his feet and pushes him against the ropes. Big Show connects on the chest of Batista with a huge chest slap. Batista drops to his knees and crawls to this corner. Batista tags in Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho shakes his head and pleads to Big Show. Big Show grabs Chris Jericho by the head and flips him over the top rope and in to the ring. Umaga runs at Big Show along the apron and gets punches in the jaw for it. Big Show picks Jericho up to his feet but Jericho dropkicks the knee of Show from nowhere. Chris Jericho runs off the ropes and back at Big Show. Big Show catches Chris Jericho by the throat and hits him with a thunderous chokeslam. Big Show goes for the cover. 1...2...Randy Orton jumps in to break it up. Randy Orton quickly rolls to the outside of the ring. Batista and Umaga get back on the apron as Orton climbs the steel steps and gets back on the apron. Big Show picks Chris Jericho up to his feet but Jericho kicks Big Show in the gut. Chris Jericho tags in Randy Orton.

Randy Orton climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Big Show. Big Show turns to Orton and Orton leaps off for the crossbody but Big Show catches him across his chest. Big Show walks to the corner and Undertaker tags himself in. Undertaker punches the back of Randy Orton and Big Show throws him to the middle of the ring. The Undertaker bounces off the ropes and hits Randy Orton with a huge leg drop. The Undertaker picks Randy Orton up to his feet and strongly irish whips Orton in to the corner. Randy Orton bounces out of the corner and back at Undertaker and Undertaker hits Randy Orton with a huge back body drop. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and connects on the chest of Orton with a huge elbow drop. The Undertaker hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Randy Orton kicks out! The Undertaker picks Orton up to his feet and elbows him in the face. Orton backs in to the wrong corner and realizes it. Big Show holds on Orton's chest of keep him there. The Undertaker starts to unleash with huge rights to the gut of Orton. The Undertaker tags in Edge and Edge enters the match. Edge kicks Orton in the gut. Edge brings Randy Orton out of the corner and sets him up for the suplex. Edge picks Orton up and keeps him in the air. Orton counters and lands on his feet in front of Edge. Randy Orton counters and hits Edge with a snap suplex. Orton gets to his feet and hits a knee drop to the chest of Edge. Orton drives his forearm in the face for the cover. 1...2...Edge kicks out! Edge rolls to his corner and tags in Kurt Angle to a thunderous pop. Randy Orton backs away and crawls to his corner to tag in Umaga. Umaga runs in the ring and attempts a clothesline but Kurt Angle counteres and ends up behind Umaga. Kurt Angle hits Umaga with a german suplex. Kurt Angle quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...Umaga throws Kurt Angle up. Umaga gets to his feet and Kurt Angle kicks Umaga in the gut. Kurt Angle goes behind Umaga and attempts the Angle slam but Umaga lands on his feet. Batista tags himself in. Kurt Angle walks to his corner holding his back and tags in Undertaker.

Undertaker runs in the ring and goes for Batista. The two men exchange huge right hands. Batista pushes Undertaker to the ropes. Batista tags in Chris Jericho. Edge tags himself in. Batista clotheslines Undertaker over the top rope. Batista goes to the outside and takes Undertaker up the rampway and throws him face first in the set. Batista throws Undertaker to the backstage area and Batista follows. Chris Jericho runs in the ring. Edge spears Randy Orton off the apron and in to the barricade. Edge turns to Jericho and Jericho hits Edge with an enziguri. Chris Jericho turns Edge over on his back and goes for the cover. 1...2...Edge kicks out! Chris Jericho picks Edge up to his feet and tucks Edge's head between his legs. Chris Jericho attempts a piledriver but Edge keeps his feet on the mat. Edge hits Jericho with a back body drop. Edge drops to his knees and arms. Randy Orton runs in the ring and hits Edge with the kick of death. Randy Orton goes to the outside and pulls Edge out as well. Orton picks Edge up on his shoulder and carries him to the back. Randy keeps saying while doing this, "I'll make you pay you son of a b*tch!" Big Show enters the ring with Chris Jericho. Umaga runs in the ring and tackles Big Show to the outside of the ring. Umaga and Big Show brawl on the outside of the ring. Big Show spears Umaga through the barricade!

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!

Kurt Angle enters the ring with Chris Jericho. The two men stare down each other. Chris Jericho mocks Kurt Angle pretending to wipe tears. Kurt Angle just stares at Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho slowly gets closer to Kurt Angle and then Angle unloads with huge rights and lefts to Jericho to a thunderous pop from the audience. Kurt Angle hits Chris Jericho with a belly to belly suplex. Kurt Angle gets up and screams. Kurt Angle pulls down his straps and waits for Jericho. Jericho gets up and Kurt Angle hits Chris Jericho with an Angle slam. Kurt Angle gets to his feet and screams again. Kurt Angle goes after the leg and locks on an ankle lock! Kurt Angle continues to apply pressure. Chris Jericho spins out of it and locks on a wall of Jericho on Kurt Angle. Chris Jericho sits on the back of Kurt Angle and applies more pressure. Kurt Angle screams in pain as he struggles. The fans chant "Angle! Angle! Angle! Angle!" After several minute of excruciating match, Kurt Angle is forced to tap out!

Winners: Chris Jericho, Umaga, Randy Orton & Batista

Chris Jericho lets go and has a huge smile on his face as he made Kurt Angle tap out! Kurt Angle rolls to the outside of the ring and holds his back. Chris Jericho takes a microphone.

Chris Jericho: Kurt Angle! I will end your career in six days at Uncensored!

Chris Jericho celebrates the victory as he celebrates on the second turnbuckle. The cameras fade with highlights of the night.


TNW Championship Match - Mark Henry Special Guest Enforcer
MVP vs Mr. Kennedy vs Last Man Standing Winner

Big Show vs Umaga

Last Man Standing Match
Edge vs Randy Orton

If Kurt Angle Loses He's Fired
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho

CM Punk vs John Morrison

No Holds Barred
The Undertaker vs Batista

TNW Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme (c) vs Jesse & Festus


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
BM: 4 on 4 Tag Team Match
WM: None
BP: Edge/Orton.Michael Opening promo
WP: Hawkins/Ryder Attack
Rating: 8.0
Comments: Pretty solid matches and the promos were descriptive. Here are my predictions for Uncensored...

TNW Championship Match - Mark Henry Special Guest Enforcer

MVP vs Mr. Kennedy vs Orton (W/ Intereference from Henry)

Big Show vs Umaga (DQ)

Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Randy Orton

If Kurt Angle Loses He's Fired
Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho

CM Punk vs John Morrison

No Holds Barred
The Undertaker vs Batista

TNW Tag Team Championship Match
Cryme Tyme vs Jesse & Festus


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada


The cameras search through the crowd and the fans go absolutely nuts. The cameras then turn to the announcers.

Joey Styles: Welcome folks, to Uncensored. We are here in Madison Square Garden in New York and this is a very hot crowd for a very hot night tonight.

Mick Foley: Oh, you're right about that, Joey. Tonight will be a phenomanal night, I can guarantee it! This pay-per-view card is absolutely perfect. Punk vs Morrison. Show vs Umaga. 'Taker vs Batista. Edge vs Orton. It just goes on and it's fantastic. I can't wait.

Joey Styles: Well right now it's the Last Man Standing match to determine who will be the third man in the TNW Championship match to make it a triple threat match.

'You think you know me' plays followed by Edge's music and Edge comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Edge comes down with a cocky smile on his face.

Mick Foley: Well, remember six days ago on TNW, Joey. Edge had a conversation with someone on the phone about a supposed plan he has for tonight.

'Burn In My Light' plays and Randy Orton walks through the curtain to a huge amount of heat from the audience. Randy Orton walks down with a cocky smile as well.

Joey Styles: Both these men look extra confident tonight, Mick. I can't wait to see the outcome of this match.

Mick Foley: No matter what the outcome. They would've worked hard for the victory.

Last Man Standing Match
Winner gets in TNW Championship Match Later Tonight
Edge vs Randy Orton


Edge and Randy Orton stare at each other from opposite corners. The two men circle the ring. They meet in the middle of the ring and lock up. Orton powers Edge to the corner and both men fall through the middle rope and to the outside. Both men fall on the floor and get away from each other. Randy Orton gets to his feet as does Edge. Randy Orton hits Edge with a perfectly executed dropkick on the floor. Randy Orton tells the referee to count. 1.....2.....3.....Edge reaches his feet. Randy Orton goes after Edge and starts to lay rights to the head. Edge pushes Orton off and in to the announce table. Randy Orton runs at Edge but Edge sticks up his boot and hits Orton with a big boot. Orton falls hard to the floor and Edge tells the referee to count. 1.....2.....3.....4...Randy Orton gets to his feet. Edge takes Orton by the head and throws him face first in the steel ring steps. Edge picks Orton's head up again and throws Orton face first in the steel steps again! Randy Orton staggers and falls against the barricade. Edge kicks the back of Orton and starts to rake the eyes. Edge walks to the ring and pulls the skirt up to find a weapon. Edge finds a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. Edge pulls it out to "awe" from the fans and stares at it. Edge looks at Randy. Edge winds up and hits Randy Orton in the back with the barbed wire steel chair. Randy Orton screams in pain as he falls to the ground holding his back. Orton's face is in total shock from the pain. Edge picks Randy Orton up to his feet and places him against the barricade. Edge picks up the barbed wire steel chair and stares at it once more. Edge proceeds to hit Orton but Orton moves away from the barricade and Edge hits the chair on the barricade. Edge turns to Orton and receives a dropkick from Orton on the floor. Randy Orton picks Edge up to his feet and stares at him in the eyes. Randy Orton jumps up for the RKO but Edge pushes Orton off and on to the steel chair wrapped in barbed wire! Edge tells the referee to count. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7..Randy Orton reaches a vertical base.

Edge takes the steel steps hits Orton right in the face with them. Orton falls back on the apron and Edge pushes him in to the ring. Edge takes the steel steps and throws them in to the ring. Before entering the ring, Edge lifts the skirt up again to find more weapons. Edge throws in a trash can and a trash can lid. A baseball bat. A 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. A table. A ladder and a regular steel chair. Edge throws everything in the ring except the table as he sets it up on the outside. Edge rolls in the ring and gets a trash can to the head from Randy Orton who got to his feet. Edge falls hard to the mat and Orton tells the referee to count. 1...2...3...4...5...Edge uses the ropes to get him up to his feet. Randy Orton takes the trash can lid and hits Edge across the face. Edge falls to his knees. Randy Orton picks Edge up to his feet and puts him against the ropes. Randy Orton picks up the baseball bat. Randy Orton winds up and hits Edge right in the gut with it. Edge falls on his stomach and starts to bleed out the mouth. Randy Orton tells the referee to start counting. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... Edge starts to get on his knees and arms and Randy tells the referee to stop. Randy Orton backs up and stalks Edge's every move. Randy Orton runs at Edge and attempts the kick of death but Edge moves his head and Orton kicks the ropes. Edge gets to his feet and kicks Orton in the gut. Edge hits Orton with a DDT on the steel chair. Both men are down. The referee starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Both men reach their feet at the same count. Randy Orton reveals his face and is bloodied from the head. Edge picks up the 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire and grinds it across Orton's face. Orton screams in pain as Edge is remorseless and unstoppable. Edge finally lets go and throws Orton on the second rope. Edge goes on the apron and surveys his work. Edge runs along the apron and hits Orton with a boot to the side of the head. Edge looks behind him and finds the table he set up. Edge enters the ring again.

Edge picks Randy Orton up to his feet and takes the steel chair. Edge proceeds to hit Randy in the face but Orton moves and Edge hits the ropes. Edge drops the chair and turns around to Randy Orton. Randy Orton plants Edge with a huge RKO! Finally, Orton gains the upper hand! Orton gets a huge round of applause for the RKO and tells the referee to count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Edge gets his feet! Orton can't believe and goes on the apron to climb to the top turnbuckle. Edge turns to Orton and Orton leaps off the top rope but Edge moves and Orton crashes gut first on the steel ring steps that were put in the ring by Edge. Orton squirms all over the ring holding his gut as the referee starts to count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Orton gets to his feet! Edge is in shock. Randy Orton motions to Edge to bring it on and the fans pop. Edge marches to Orton but Orton from nowhere low blows Edge. Edge holds his groin in pain. Randy Orton throws Edge to the outside of the ring and on to the floor. Randy Orton follows to the outside and clears the Spanish announce table. Randy Orton unwires a monitor and waits for Edge. Edge reaches his feet and Orton clocks Edge in the face with the monitor. Edge falls face first on the floor. Randy Orton tells the referee to count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Edge gets to his feet somehow! Randy Orton has an angry look on his face and starts to lay huge right hands on the bloodied Edge now. Randy Orton throws Edge over the Spanish announce table and in to the commentators laps. Randy Orton walks up the announce table and uses the hair of Edge to bring him up with him. Randy Orton stares in to Edge's eyes and talks trash to Edge. Edge from nowhere knees Orton in the gut and tucks Orton's head between his legs. Edge tries to pick Orton up for a piledriver but can't do it. Edge finally uses all his strength and has Orton in position. Orton struggles it and gets his feet on the announce table again. Orton spins out of it and hits Edge with a huge RKO on the announce table that doesn't break. Both men are down as the referee starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...Both men reach their feet at 9 and a half. Both men have crimson masks on. Edge gives a solid right to the head of Orton. Orton retaliates with a rake to the eyes. Orton grabs Edge by the tights and head and throws him shoulder first in the steel ring post. Orton then throws Edge in the ring and goes in himself.

Orton gets to his feet and picks Edge up. Edge shoots up and thumbs Orton in the eye. Edge kicks Orton in the gut and picks him up for a suplex. Edge walks around with Orton up in the air and puts him on the apron. Edge starts to punch Orton in the gut repeatedly. Orton knees Edge in the head and then pokes him in the eye. Orton remains on the apron to catch his breathe as Edge backs up to the ropes. Edge looks at Orton on the apron and then finds the table. Edge runs off the ropes and spears Orton off the apron and both men go crashing through the table on the outside. The referee goes to the outside and checks on both men and starts the count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!

Winner: Double Countout - No Contest

Both men still aren't moving. Edge starts to move his legs and then uses the barricade to get to his feet as he gets an applause for it. Referees help Edge to the back. More trainers come down and help Orton up to his feet as the fans applaud Orton as well. Both men make there way to the back with help of the trainers.

Promo plugging John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin on TNW this week airs. It's John Cena's return match since The Beginning.

Backstag we find Randy Orton and Edge being helped by the trainers to the trainers room. Edge lays on one bed and Orton lays on the other. Michael walks in and looks at both men. They are bloodied and brutalized and not in any condition to wrestle in the main event which they probably won't be doing.

Michael: Fellas, great match out there. That was just an amazing opener. But guess what. It's not over yet for you two guys. Trainers, I want you to stitch these two men up to stop the bleeding because they will be taking part in the main event. Both will. The main event is now a fatal four way match. MVP vs Mr. Kennedy vs Edge vs Randy Orton with Mark Henry special guest enforcer. This is going to be fun to see! Edge, Randy, good luck tonight.

Michael walks out of the trainers room and finds MVP and Mr. Kennedy charging at him from different directions.

MVP and Mr. Kennedy yell at the same time. They stop and do it again.

Michael: Guys! Guys! One at a time? MVP you first.

MVP: OK. What the hell was that! You specifically stated that they have to win to be added in to the TNW Championship match, and they didn't win it was a freaking draw! And now you add both to the match!? You're kidding! Why!?

Mr. Kennedy: Yeah, it's bullcrap!

Michael: I'm just doing what's right for business. I'm doing what'll be best and if you can't accept that, then too bad, this is my show not your show. What I say goes, whether you like it, or not! Now excuse me.

Michael walks by both men as MVP and Mr. Kennedy stare at each other.

Joey Styles: Obviously, Mr. Kennedy and MVP aren't to happy with the decision of Michael.

Mick Foley: I personally love it. I mean, c'mon. Fatal Four Way for the championship. I see MVP and Mr. Kennedy taking advantage of the injuries Orton and Edge may have suffered during that match. They literally went all out in that match.

Joey Styles: Well, folks. Up next is the real battle of the titans, Big Show vs Umaga. Lets take a look at how this thing between them all got started.

A video package of the Big Show vs Umaga feud airs.

'Virtual Voodoo' plays and Umaga makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos from the hot New York crowd tonight.

'Crank It Up' plays and Big Show walks out to a good pop from the audience. Big Show slaps some hands on his way to the ring.

Joey Styles: This is truly going to be a battle of the titans match.

Mick Foley: For sure, the best giant will win this match!

Battle Of The Titans
Big Show vs Umaga


Big Show and Umaga stare at each other from the opposite sides of the ring. Big Show and Umaga circle the ring and don't take their eyes of each other. They meet in the middle of the ring and lock up. Umaga powers Big Show to the corner but Big Show powers Umaga out of the corner and takes Umaga to the opposite corner. Umaga and Big Show even strength and remain in the middle of the ring. Big Show throws Umaga to the ropes to break up the lock up. Umaga gets to his feet and stares at Big Show. Umaga screams. Big Show runs at Umaga but Umaga runs behind Big Show and clubs him in the back. Big Show goes to the corner and Umaga starts to choke Big Show in the cover. The referee starts to count. 1...2...3...4...Umaga lets go and stalks the referee to the outside. Umaga turns back to Big Show and drives his shoulder in the gut of Big Show repeatedly. Umaga stops and stares in to Big Show's eyes. Umaga slaps Big Shwo on the chest and Show screams as he holds his chest. Umaga follows Big Show to the other corner but Big Show gives Umaga a headbutt with knocks Umaga down to the mat. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits Umaga with an elbow drop. Big Show hooks the leg for the cover. 1...Umaga kicks out! Big Show nods and picks Umaga up to his feet. Big Show pushes Umaga against the ropes and irish whips Umaga. Umaga bounces off the ropes and runs back at Big Show who sets up for a clothesline but Umaga ducks and continues to run off the ropes. Big Show turns to Umaga and Umaga hits Big Show with a huge spinning heel kick. Umaga sits up and goes for the cover. 1...2...Big Show kicks out! Umaga picks Big Show up to his feet and drives his thumb in the throat of Big Show choking him out. Big Show fights to stay in the match as the fans start to clap. Big Show gets to a vertical base and elbows Umaga in the face. Umaga lets go and walks to the ropes holding his face. Umaga runs at Big Show and Big Show hits Umaga with a huge big boot. Big Show picks Umaga up to his feet and picks him up on his shoulder. Big Show locks on a bearhug and Umaga starts to reel in pain. Umaga pulls his head back a bit and looks at Big Show. Umaga hits Big Show with a headbutt and then another to break the hold. Umaga runs off the ropes and hits Big Show with a crossbody. Umaga remains on the fallen Big Show for the cover. 1...2...Big Show kicks out!

Umaga picks Big Show up to his feet but Big Show pushes Umaga off where Umaga bounces off the ropes and back at Big Show and Big Show hits Umaga with a thunderous spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Big Show hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...Umaga gets the shoulder up. Big Show gets to his feet and stares at Umaga who is still on the mat. Big Show runs off the ropes and hits Umaga with a huge clothesline. Big Show quickly goes for the cover. 1...2..Umaga again kicks out! Big Show picks Umaga up and chokes him. Big Show backs Umaga in to the corner and still chokes him in frustration. The referee starts a count. 1...2...3...4...Big Show releases the choke and Umaga walks out of the corner to the ropes. Big Show runs at Umaga and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the outside. Umaga backs in to the announce table from the power of Show. Umaga stares at Big Show who remains the ring and kicks the steel steps in anger. Umaga rolls in the ring and shoots to his feet and tackles Big Show down to the mat. Umaga shoots to his feet as does Umaga. Big Show turns to Umaga and gets hit under the chin with a superkick. Big Show falls in the corner and sits there for a rest as he looks groggy and dizzy. Umaga observes the work and walks over to the opposite corner. Umaga stares at Big Show and spreads out his arms screaming. Umaga uses the ropes to leap up and uses that momentum to run out of the corner and runs at Big Show for the samoan hip attack but Big Show moves out of the way. Umaga backs in to the corner hard and bounces out holding his back. Umaga turns to Big Show and Big Show gets a firm grasp of the neck of Umaga. Big Show picks Umaga up in the air and plants him on the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. Big Show hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: Big Show

Big Show gets off Umaga and stares at his work. Big Show shakes his head as he steps over the top rope, jumps off the apron and heads to the back looking over his shoulder back in to the ring once more to find Umaga not moving still.

Backstage we find Todd Grisham with Kurt Angle.

Todd Grisham: Hello everybody, what a night we've had so far, unfortunately, it maybe the last night in TNW for this man, and this man is Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle, emotions running high tonight for you and your family, and even the fans in the audience, what's it like knowing that there's a possible chance your career could end tonight?

Kurt Angle: You know, Todd. It hurts. I just got in TNW about five weeks ago and my time here can already be finished tonight. And I love TNW. I've been in WWE, ECW and TNA, and none of them compare to how TNW is. It's the perfect home for me. And tonight it can all be taken away from me like that... But it won't! The wrestling machine comes back tonight better than ever! Jericho! I'm not hurt! This past week on TNW you got lucky making me tap out, you got oh so lucky but tonight, you'll be the one tapping out to my ankle lock when I beat your ass in the middle of that very ring! Kurt Angle, get ready son. Because I'm not playing around anymore. Your ass is mine in that ring tonight. I will make you tap out in front of all these people that have filled Madison Square Garden tonight, and my career will continue!

Kurt Angle remains standing beside Todd as the cameras fade to black.

A video package of the John Morrison/CM Punk feud airs.

'Ain't No Make Believe' plays and John Morrison etners the arena to a chorus of boos from the audience.

'This Fire Burns' plays and CM Punk walks from the curtain to a huge pop from the fans.

If John Morrison Loses, He Must Reveal Why He Attacked CM Punk
No Disqualification Rules apply only to John Morrison
CM Punk vs John Morrison


John Morrison and CM Punk walk out of their respective corners and start to circle the ring. Morrison taunts Punk with his 'X' across this chest. CM Punk walks to Morrison and gets in his face. The two men exchange words and then Morrison goes for a right but CM Punk blocks it and lays a huge rights to John Morrison. CM Punk starts to give stiff kicks to the hamstring of Morrison and then gives one huge one which flips Morrison backwards. Morrison holds on to his ribs as he rolls to the outside of the ring. John Morrison sneakingly lifts up the skirt and pulls a hammer out from under the ring. CM Punk goes to the outside and grabs Morrison by the hair. CM Punk walks Morrison to the barricade but Morrison hits CM Punk in the gut with the hammer. CM Punk falls to his knees and tries to catch his breathe. John Morrison takes the hammer and hits it over the back of CM Punk. CM Punk falls flat on his chest on the floor as he screams in pain. John Morrison rolls to the inside of the ring and back out to break up the count. John Morrison pulls a toolbox out from under the ring and opens it up. Morrison finds tons of tools and pulls out a screwdriver. John Morrison reveals CM Punk's face as he was hiding it on the floor and John Morrison starts to ram the screwdriver in the head of CM Punk. CM Punk screams in pain as he tries to get out of it. CM Punk elbows the knee of John Morrison and Morrison is forced to let go. John Morrison drops the screwdriver and walks to the barricade to shake off his knee. John Morrison marches back at CM Punk but from nowhere Punk hits Morrison under the chin with a huge superkick! Both men fall on the floor, tired and groggy. CM Punk slowly uses the steel steps to help him to his feet. The count is at 8 and both men reach their feet and jump back in to the ring. CM Punk gets to his feet and waits for John Morrison. John Morrison gets to his feet and CM Punk goes for a front kick to the chest but John Morrison ducks and hits CM Punk with a running bulldog. John Morrison quickly turns CM Punk over on his back and hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...CM Punk kicks out! John Morrison quickly rolls to the outside of the ring and takes a steel chair from the timekeeper table. John Morrison throws it in to the ring. John Morrison puts one knee on the apron but then shakes his head. John Morrison picks the skirt up and pulls out a table to a huge pop from the fans. John Morrison throws the table in the ring and then brings himself up in the ring.

John Morrison attends to the table and picks up both its legs. CM Punk regains balance and starts to kick Morrison in the back of his leg. CM Punk runs off the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Morrison but Morrison ducks and Punk continues to run off the ropes. John Morrison jumps up and hits CM Punk in the chest and face with a front kick which knocks Punk down to the mat and hard. John Morrison crawls to the steel chair and picks it up. John Morrison holds it over his head and connects with the arm of CM Punk hard. CM Punk turns over on his stomach and screams in pain. John Morrison holds the chair over his chest and jumps on the back of CM Punk. CM Punk gets his face crushed in the mat and Morrison smirks as he sits over the back of CM Punk. John Morrison drives his knee in the upperback of CM Punk and locks on a chinlock. Quickly, CM Punk squirms out of it and regains his balance to get to his feet. John Morrison runs at Punk but Punk hits Morrison in the side of the head with a huge straight kick. John Morrison falls to his knees and holds on to his ear. CM Punk runs off the ropes and hits John Morrison with a running knee to the chin. John Morrison falls back and CM Punk hooks both legs for the cover. 1...2... Morrison kicks out! John Morrison gets to his feet as does CM Punk. John Morrison turns to CM Punk and goes for a right hand but Punk blocks it and hits John Morrison with a hamstring kick. CM Punk knees John Morrison in the gut and hits him with a T-Bone suplex. CM Punk puts his arm over the chest of John Morrison but Morrison kicks out immediately before any count is made. John Morrison gets up to his feet and hits a single legged calf kick to the chin of CM Punk. CM Punk falls on the back of his head. John Morrison walks to the table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. John Morrison picks up the steel chair and rams the top of the chair in the gut of CM Punk. John Morrison throws the chair to the outside and smirks. John Morrison goes to the outside and pulls out a 20ft. ladder from under the ring and slides it in the ring slowly and carefully.

John Morrison crawls in the ring and picks up the ladder. John Morrison opens it up in the corner and straightens it out. John Morrison picks CM Punk up and throws him face first in the ladder. John Morrison climbs up the ladder and to the top. CM Punk looks up and flips John Morrison off as he starts to climb up. CM Punk reaches the top and the two men start to exchange huge right hands. John Morrison shoves CM Punk but CM Punk holds on to the top so he can't fall to the outside. CM Punk lifts up his leg and catches Morrison in the face. Morrison teeters but holds on tightly. John Morrison slaps the chest of Punk and Punk screams as he holds his chest. John Morrison grabs a hold of CM Punk's head and tries to go for the swinging neckbreaker but CM Punk doesn't budge. John Morrison starts to lay huge right hands to CM Punk. John Morrison goes for a kick but CM Punk grabs a hold of the leg and then picks John Morrison up on his shoulders on the top of the ladder. CM Punk looks in to the crowd and the fans are going nuts. CM Punk throws John Morrison off his shoulders and John Morrison falls face first on the top of the ladder and then falls back through the table in the middle of the ring and the fans are going absolutely nuts. CM Punk jumps off the ladder and hits a splash on John Morrison. CM Punk hooks the leg for the cover. 1...2...3!

Winner: CM Punk

CM Punk rolls off the body of John Morrison and to the outside. CM Punk gets his hand raised by the referee. CM Punk has a huge smile on his face as he looks back to the ring and finds John Morrison still down and out. CM Punk walks behind the curtain.

End Of Part 1:

Still to come:

Cryme Tyme vs Jesse & Festus - TNW Tag Team Championships
The Undertaker vs Batista - No Holds Barred

Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho - If Angle Loses, He's Fired From TNW
Mr. Kennedy vs MVP vs Randy Orton vs Edge - TNW Championship - Mark Henry Special Guest Enforcer