TNA's Roster, Your Thoughts?

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Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Many TNA fans have different views on the direction TNA should be taking with their roster. Do you guys think that TNA should just be happy with the superstars they have, who have a lot to give to the business and just need TV time.

Or do you think that TNA should recruit some other superstars that are already big names in other promotions much like they did with Kurt Angle and Christian Cage? If you believe they need to recruit new stars then who would you like to see come over to TNA?

I find myself in between because I do believe TNA's roster is very entertaining and great in the ring yet I would also like to see some familiar great talent come over like RVD and Jericho. I think Rob Van Dam would fit in perfectly with the X Division. Also I consider Jericho to be a total package: great on the mic and great in the ring.

I DO think that TNA needs to continue their talent search. BUT they need to make better decisions on who are they going to bring into the company. Perfect examples of this:

Dustin Rhodes. Unfortunately we will always know Dustin as Goldust. Nothing he does in TNA can change this. He tried changing gimmicks many times in WWE and they all failed. I saw the promo he cut on last thursdays impact; It was horrible. Although reports say that he will try to be as close to goldust as possible, i don't believe that. I think there is little they can do without bringing on the wrath of WWE's legal department.

Voodoo Queen: Just because VKM has Voodoo in their name doesnt mean they need a white lady doing some Blue belly dance and blowing dust on people. I am sure she is an excellent wrestler but unless she actually does something other than escort VKM to the ring, she is just a waste of money.

Ricky Banderas: I have personally never been a fan of his. His gimmicks are weak and usually deal with mocking or mimicking his rivals gimmicks. He feuded with La Parka in AAA by simply dressing up like la parka. Now he is feuding with Cibernetico (cybernetic) after calling himself la muerte ciibernetico ( the cybernetic death) and now calls himself el messia (the messiah). His wrestling is also just average, he does not wrestle in the lucha style, does no hardcore or high risk maneuvers. He is now the top heel in AAA only because cibernetico is the top face.

I'd like to ask those who oppose of TNA getting in more talent. If TNA brought in relative unknowns from the indies instead of former wwe or wcw talent. Would you still complain?
Jun 10, 2007
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I believe TNA needs to start up a deal with ROH again and start using their wrestlers instead of recruiting former WWE guys. I dont care about Dustin Rhodes, A-Train, or Matt Morgan. TNA just needs to focus on the talent that they have and maybe get some new talent from ROH


I think the roster is comparable to Smackdown or ECW already. What they need to do is stop concentrating on bringing in wrestlers and actually use the current crop they have. And I'm still waiting for Sharkboy to get fired, I can't stand him.
Jul 12, 2007
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I was a bigger fan of TNA's roster a year or two ago than now actually. I liked guys like Amazing Red, and D-Ray 3000 and the Naturals. It provided a good alterntive to WWE style of wrestling. Now it seems they have more focus on bringing in WWE talent to the heavyweight division which I'm not really a fan of. They should push their own, younger talent more than they do now.


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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First off Sting and Angle need to go, Dustin Rhodes I don't know about yet, I'll decide later, but Cage, Morgan, Test, Sabu, they can all come in and stay in TNA, reason for this is even though Christian Cage was in WWE for so long, he was never get a shot as a singles main eventer, TNA gave him that shot, so I consider him a TNA guy, not a WWE guy, Test, Sabu, and Morgan were never WWE guys, never really pushed. Angle and Sting were made by other companies and shouldn't be the main focus of this company, the Steiners I don't have too much problem with, as I don't see Ric Steiner staying in too long, and Scott's not in the main event scene....I agree with Flair for the Gold, that I miss guys like Amazing Red, D-Ray 3000 and the naturals, but I'm not going to bash their current roster. TNA has done well with some home grown talent, definitely in Abyss who has improved a lot, Ron Killings did a lot before leaving the company, and Cage as I mentioned earlier, has grown since coming in. Daniels and I like the roster in TNA, I just hope two hours can be landed, they make profit, get more people on tv, get back to the wrestling style show, bring in a mid-card title, and continue to put on good shows....
Jul 12, 2007
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First off Sting and Angle need to go, Dustin Rhodes I don't know about yet, I'll decide later, but Cage, Morgan, Test, Sabu, they can all come in and stay in TNA, reason for this is even though Christian Cage was in WWE for so long, he was never get a shot as a singles main eventer, TNA gave him that shot, so I consider him a TNA guy, not a WWE guy, Test, Sabu, and Morgan were never WWE guys, never really pushed. Angle and Sting were made by other companies and shouldn't be the main focus of this company, the Steiners I don't have too much problem with, as I don't see Ric Steiner staying in too long, and Scott's not in the main event scene....I agree with Flair for the Gold, that I miss guys like Amazing Red, D-Ray 3000 and the naturals, but I'm not going to bash their current roster. TNA has done well with some home grown talent, definitely in Abyss who has improved a lot, Ron Killings did a lot before leaving the company, and Cage as I mentioned earlier, has grown since coming in. Daniels and I like the roster in TNA, I just hope two hours can be landed, they make profit, get more people on tv, get back to the wrestling style show, bring in a mid-card title, and continue to put on good shows....

Nice post. For the record, I don't hate TNA's current roster. I like Christian, Joe's very good, and Abyss IMO is the best big man in the buisness today (at least mainstream). What my beef is with the roster is how they bring in absolutely useless guys like the Damaja and Basham, VKM, etc. What I meant is that I enjoyed how they focused on the X-Division a little more in past years, and the different style of action that WWE displays.


I think TNA has a decent roster but also need to focus more on their own Talent (IE; Styles, Abyss, Roode, Daniels etc.) and focus less on wrestlers made by other companies (IE: Angle, Sting, VKM) I also consider Cage a TNA guy. In the WWE we was basically going to be A Mid-Carder for life, Edge was to be the monster heel of the two with Christan staying as a IC/US title mainstay (that could add credibility to both titles but thats beyond the point). Plus, I think they should filter out useless talent (IE: Shark Boy, Serotonin, Kevin Nash, Basham/Damaja etc.)

All in All they have a good enough roster, just not pushed proberly and I dont see why anybody other then Jericho would make a good fit in TNA, RVD first off couldn't use that name so he would have to build up a new gimmick, Sabu already had a sint in TNA and really wasn't to much Over, Test isn't needed since Hoyt is basically a clone of him and Matt M-M-Morgan is just talentless IMO.


Aug 7, 2007
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Houston, TX
Old talent is still old

I actually like the idea of bringing in some WWE "rejects" but not everyone needs to be there. TNA needs to realise they are different than the WWE. If they stick to there "niche" and not try to use old WWE talent to compete they will be so much better off in the long run.

I was, and still am, very happy with the aquisition of Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. That is about where I draw the line. Matt Morgan was about the only one i would consider bring in.

Is Monty Brown still under WWE contract? why not bring him back. he was a main eventer in TNA.

I think that bringing in Pacman Jones will just be like A.J. Pierzenski. They are just bringing him in to get some mainstream attention and wont pan out in the long run. (i.e. denis rodman, karl malone, david arquette, steve-o, and others)

RVD would be awesome though, he would bring some extra excitement to the X-Division for sure.

I dont think TNA is ready to actually go head to head with the WWE, although the WWE's ratings are down too and it is pretty stale and lame for sure. There isnt alot of shocking things to get people attention anymore.


RVD in TNA is a bad idea, I am not gonna lie a Styles/RVD Ultimate X Match would possibly make me nut but him in TNA would overshadow the TNA original talent like Skipper, Williams, Senshi etc.


Aug 7, 2007
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Houston, TX
If they put him over like Angle, yes he will. but if they bring him in and let him put over skipper and others without making himself into an unbeatable champion(cena,angle), then he will be an excellent addition even for the short term.


Jul 21, 2007
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id love to see rvd in tna he could gwt over in the x-diveison be a fresh nwa champion

rikishi and atrian shouldnt come in tna should sign people like jimmy rave japanese guys bring puma back have sharkboy re christiend into a new character