I'm personally telling the dumb trolls to stop watching. I wish you'd understand that it's just those people, not people who dislike wrestling I like. Those people I want to find wrestling they do like.
Telling this troll to watch a soap opera is not telling you to watch a soap opera. You're not this troll (again, I hope)
There were some comments that were pointed directly at me in the prior conversation but yes, I understand if you are talking to a troll you’re just talking to the troll. I get you.
I would still in my personal preferences, wish that when trolls, dicks or assholes are being told the fuck off there was a reasoning that didn’t include people that weren’t in their camps just so there wouldn’t even be a minor confusion but that’s just on me. You’re good.
Yeah, last line though I agree with 100%. I actually said that in the prior conversation. No problem telling people to stop watching the wrestling they don’t like and watch the wrestling they do like.
Anyways, let’s get back to TNA so sky doesn’t kill us lol