Dolph'sZiggler said:
They are bad in the ring, and unbearable on the mic. I would rather they dive off a cliff than have watch them on my tv
Notice that ever since Bruce Pritchard took over, these asshats have been nowhere to be seen? Goes to show that when a woman in the faction has more talent than the rest of them combined, it's a complete fail.
Agreed. It's amazing that while this show has been so good recently, it's so hard to look past the Garett Bischoff push, this unbeararable Eric Young/ODB crap, Joker Sting being a jackass, Robbie E being, well, Robbie E, and now these assclowns. There are so many bad things about this show right now, you almost forget Storm/Roode/Styles/Aries/Bully etc.
Not just that, but since part of the faction is going after the Tag Titles and the other part the KO's belt, are they going to be re-introduced together with a promo segment? Are they going to introduce Bischoff as GM and have this be his way to piss us off?
Kill me now.