This was so hype when we didn't know.... oh wait we already knew Tessa was a racist then
I hope this will be the last time that I will address this because there’s just no point in just constantly going round and round on stuff like this, but I love how the Internet is so confident to throw such a strong label on someone based on only one account from 10 years ago from secondhand stories from people that clearly already have a grudge against Tessa and no other history or pattern that would support this one incident to show a consistency to accurately make said judgement.
Bully, mean girl, bitch, unprofessional, etc. These names are all far more evidenced accusations that I’m fine if people wanna label her as any of these things, but we have no real concrete evidence to support that she’s a diehard racist.
The only person that was affected by whatever happened with Tessa and Japan over a decade ago has made up with her and they’ve both taken pictures letting it go and that’s the only person Tessa needed to prove anything to so that’s where I’m going to leave it and I’m gonna continue to go about my way.